Rezoning The Pruitt-Igoe Site in Regards To National Geospatial Agency Site

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File No.


City of St. Louis Planning Commission


Don Roe, Director


Submittal of Resolution for Recommendation of Zoning District Map Amendment By

Petition (Rezoning) -- City Block 6485 (2300 Cass Ave. & 2311-2431 Carr St.) and
City Block 6484 (1420 N. 24th St.) Pruitt-Igoe site


October 30, 2015

Submittal: Proposed amendment of the Zoning
District Map by petition for Planning Commission
review and recommendation.
Site: The 34.6-acre Rezoning Area (commonly
known as the Pruitt-Igoe site) consists of two
vacant parcels at 2300 Cass Ave. & 2311-2431
Carr St. and an electric substation at 1420 N. 24th
St. located on the southeast corner of N. Jefferson
and Cass Aves. in the Carr Square neighborhood.
Proposal: The amendment proposes change of the
zoning from the D Multiple-Family Dwelling
District and dual D Multiple-Family Dwelling
District /G Local Commercial & Office District
to the G Local Commercial & Office District.
Petitioner: The Land Clearance for Redevelopment Authority (LCRA), which owns the two main parcels.
Land Use: The Pruitt-Igoe petitioner/land owner expects redevelopment of the Rezoning Area site to require
consolidation of the 3 parcels which are zoned D District and D District/G District into a single parcel that
would be dual zoned without rezoning. The proposed development project involves subdivision of the site and
construction of an urgent care hospital and future expansion of professional offices and an extended stay hotel.
The rezoning to G District 1) eliminates dual zoning on the site and 2) allows the proposed development project
in compliance with the provisions of the Zoning Code.
Support Letter: Alderwoman Tammika Hubbard (5th Ward) submitted a letter of support for the rezoning.

Recommended Action
That the Planning Commission finds the petition for the proposed Zoning District Map amendment for the three
parcels of the Pruitt-Igoe site located in City Block 6485 (2300 Cass Ave. & 2311-2431 Carr St.) and City Block
6484 (1420 N. 24th St.) to be in conformity with the Citys Strategic Land Use Plan and the adopted A Plan for
the Neighborhoods of the 5th Ward, and recommends approval to the Citys Board of Aldermen.

1.0 Background
Plans Approved by the Commission
At its February 4, 2015 meeting, the
Planning Commission approved three
resolutions related to the proposed
National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency.
1) Amendment #12 of the Strategic Land
Use Plan (SLUP) of the St. Louis
Comprehensive Plan,
2) Amendment #2 of A Plan for the
Neighborhoods of the 5th Ward (an
adopted Neighborhood Plan) and
3) the Chapter 99 Blighting Study and
Redevelopment Plan for Cass Ave.,
Jefferson Ave./Parnell St. Montgomery
St., N. 22nd St. Redevelopment Area
(Ordinance 69977).
The Plan Amendments and Chapter 99
Plan deal with the very large Chapter 99
Redevelopment Area which includes the
NGA site (north of Cass Ave.) and the
Pruitt-Igoe site (South of Cass Ave.).
SLUP Amendment #12 changes proposed
land use for the larger area to
Opportunity Area (OA) similar to the
Pruitt-Igoe site. The Fifth Ward Plan
Amendment #2 changes the Proposed
Land Use to Mixed Use for the larger
area that includes the Pruitt-Igoe site.
Following the plans proposal for mixed-uses on the Pruitt-Igoe site, it is time to rezone the Pruitt-Igoe site to
promote and allow proposed mixed-uses. In February, PDA Staff discussed possible rezoning to the H Area
Commercial District. Since that time, the City decided to not include any of the Pruitt-Igoe site as part of the
NGA site. With NGAs desire that no tall buildings be constructed across form the NGA site, the Zoning
Administrator and PDA Staff are recommending rezoning to G District which has a height limit of 3 stories or
50 feet, rather than rezoning to H District which would have allowed buildings up to 8 stories or 100 feet.
Environmental factors on the Pruitt-Igoe site have resulted in LCRA not including residential development as part
of the mixed-use development. The Missouri Department of Natural Resources has determined that the site meets
risk levels acceptable for non-residential (i.e. commercial and industrial) use of the property with no remediation
required. This site does not pose any unacceptable risks to human health or the environment, assuming that
appropriate land uses are ensured. An environmental covenant provides 1) no domestic use of groundwater, 2)
non-residential use and 3) soil management plan. The Certificate of Completion is contingent upon maintenance
of the agreed-upon Activity and Use Limitations (AULs) now and in the future.

Pruitt-Igoe Site (Rezoning Area)

The Pruitt-Igoe housing project consisted of thirty-three (33) eleven-story apartment buildings constructed in
1954 and demolished in 1972 on a 57.1-acre site in the western portion of the DeSoto-Carr Neighborhood
generally bound by Jefferson Ave. (west) Cass Ave. (north), N. 20th St. (east) and Carr Ave. (south). In 1995 the
St. Louis School Board constructed two schools (Gateway Middle School and Gateway Michael School) on the
22.5 acre southern portion of the Pruitt-Igoe housing site. For the purposes of this resolution the remaining 34.6
acre former housing site located north of the two Gateway Schools will be called the Pruitt-Igoe site.
The Pruitt-Igoe site is located on the southeast corner of the intersection of N. Jefferson Ave. and Cass Ave. in the
Carr Square neighborhood. The 34.6 acre Rezoning Area occupies the entire Pruitt-Igoe site which consists of the
three parcels at 2300 Cass Ave., 2311-2431 Carr St. and 1420 N. 24th St. Legal descriptions of the three parcels
are included with the Rezoning Petition. The Rezoning Area is currently zoned dual D Multiple-Family
Dwelling District/G Local Commercial and Office District (LCRA parcels at 2300 Cass Ave. & 2311-2431
Carr St.) and D Multiple-Family Dwelling District (Ameren parcel at 1420 N. 24th St.). (see Exhibit A).

Rezoning Petition
The amendment proposes changing the zoning for the parcels from the D Multiple-Family Dwelling District
and dual D Multiple-Family Dwelling District/G Local Commercial and Office District to the G Local
Commercial and Office District. Existing land uses adjacent to the Rezoning Area include a variety of residential,
commercial, industrial and institutional uses, as well as vacant lots. (see Exhibit A) Building conditions
adjacent to the Rezoning Area vary from sound to dilapidated with a significant percentage of vacant buildings.
In its petition LCRA states its grounds for petition is consolidation of all parcels to G District. (see Exhibit B)
LCRA, as the land owner and petitioner, with the support of Ameren via an affidavit encourages consolidation of
the entire Pruitt-Igoe site into a large development site.

LCRA Plans for the Pruitt-Igoe Site

Russell Holliday, the petitioner and LCRA project manager for both the NGA Site and adjacent Pruitt-Igoe site,
has worked in recent months with Civitas, a planning and real estate services consulting firm, to propose Design
Guidelines for the Pruitt-Igoe Plan Study Site (see Exhibit C). The design guidelines details LCRAs plans for
the Pruitt-Igoe site via maps, site plans, streetscapes and building renderings. The goal is to address the
architectural character and guide development of a dense, urban environment on the Pruitt-Igoe site including the
form and massing of buildings, as well as streetscape layout and design.
LCRA plans encourage the future development of professional offices, retail, hospitality, restaurants, hospital and
an extended stay hotel on subdivided sites. Consolidation of parcels with different zoning districts is not
permitted. The rezoning of the three parcels to the G Local Commercial and Office District prior to
consolidation would allow for the proposed development project to be in compliance with the provisions of the
Zoning Code, while eliminating the present dual zoning.
Three (3) sections are proposed on the Pruitt-Igoe site with the extension of Thomas St. eastward through the site.
The northern section (Lots A, B, C, D & E) are mixed uses, 2-4 stories of office, ground level retail restaurants
and hospitality, in support of the NGA site fronting on Cass Ave. The southern section (Lots F, G, H, I & J) is the
HealthWorks Village concept, comprising the NSR Urgent Care Hospital (Lot F & G) and nearby medical
supporting uses of medical offices, pharmacy, fitness and specialty treatment centers. Land for Ameren to relocate
their substation is shown along the southern boundary in line with existing feeder lines. (see Exhibit C)
The Cass Ave., Jefferson Ave./Parnell St., Montgomery St., N. 22nd St. Redevelopment Area Blighting Study and
Redevelopment Plan requires LCRA written recommendations on all building, conditional use and sign permits.

Potential developer, Northside Regeneration LLC, is proposing to construct the Northside Urgent Care Hospital
on a site fronting on Jefferson Ave. that is dual zoned D Multiple-Family Dwelling District/G Local
Commercial and Office District. The proposed hospital plans to treat and stabilize patients who have traumatic
injuries and transfer them to a nearby hospital. The approximately 13,110-square foot building will be a 3-bed
urgent care facility that is open 24 hours a day.

Zoning Administrator & Aldermanic Letters

The Zoning Administrator recommends the subject areas in City Blocks 6484 (2311-2431 Carr Street) & 6485
(1420 N.24th Street & 2300 Cass Street), be rezoned from the current classifications of D Multiple-Family
Dwelling District and G Local Commercial & Office District to the G Local Commercial & Office District.
Given that the subject properties in City Blocks 6484 and 6485 are currently vacant and underutilized; that the
proposed use would bring new institutional and commercial opportunities to the immediate area; that by rezoning
subject property would bring it into conformity for its intended future use; and that good zoning practices work
toward the elimination of improper zoning designations, there is a basis established that a less restrictive zoning
classification would be appropriate and would enhance the general welfare of the City. (see Exhibit D)
Alderwoman Tammika Hubbard (5th Ward) submitted a letter of support for the rezoning. (see Exhibit E)
Photos of the rezoning site and adjacent areas are included in Exhibit F.

PDA staff has reviewed the proposed
Petition for Zoning Amendment for the
Pruitt-Igoe sites three (3) parcels located at
2300 Cass Ave., 2311-2431 Carr St. & 1420
N. 24th St. in C.B. 6484 and 6485 of the Carr
Square Neighborhood. The Citys Strategic
Land Use Plan (SLUP) designates the Area as
an Opportunity Area (OA).
Key underutilized locations where the use of
the land is in transition. Location and site
characteristics of these areas offer particular
challenges/opportunities that could be
advantageous to a range of development
activity. This designation is flexible and
specific development proposals will be
entertained as they present themselves.

The OA designation accurately reflects

the existing character of the Pruitt-Igoe
site, as well as provides needed flexibility
for proposed development projects and
proposed land uses. Thus, the proposed
rezoning is in conformity with the Citys
Strategic Land Use Plan.

A Plan for the Neighborhoods of the 5th Ward (an adopted neighborhood plan) in its Carr Square Focus
Area deals with the Pruitt-Igoe site. The plan lists Existing Land Use as vacant land & buildings and
the Proposed Land Use as mixed-use. The proposed rezoning to G District is in conformity with the
5th Ward Plans mixed-use land use.
PDA staff recommends approval of the rezoning to the G Local Commercial and Office District. This
recommendation is based on the proposed rezonings fulfillment of the Chapter 99 Blighting Study and
Redevelopment Plan (approved in February 2015) and conformance with the Citys Strategic Land Use
Plan and adopted Neighborhood Plan.

2.1 Public Input

The Board of Aldermens Housing, Urban Development and Zoning (HUDZ) Committee will conduct a
public hearing as part of the legislative process.

2.2 Previous Commission Action

At its February 4, 2015 meeting, the Planning Commission approved Amendment #12 of the Strategic Land
Use Plan (SLUP) of the St. Louis Comprehensive Plan which changed the SLUP Category for the project
area which includes the Pruitt-Igoe site to that of Opportunity Area.
At its February 4, 2015 meeting, the Planning Commission approved Amendment #2 of A Plan for the
Neighborhoods of the 5th Ward which changed the Proposed Land Use for the project area which includes
the Pruitt-Igoe site to that of Mixed Use.
At its February 4, 2015 meeting, the Planning Commission approved the Chapter 99 Blighting Study and
Redevelopment Plan for Cass Ave., Jefferson Ave./Parnell St. Montgomery St., N. 22 nd St. Redevelopment
Area which includes the Pruitt- Igoe site.

2.3 Requested Action

Section 26.92.010 of the City of St. Louis Revised Code requires that any amendment or change in the
boundaries or regulations of the Zoning Code shall be initiated by motion of the Planning Commission or
by the filing of a petition with the Zoning Administrator by the owner or owners of the property within the
City of St. Louis Ordinance #64687, Section 8, Sub-Paragraph 1 states that the Planning Commission shall
be the official planning agency for the City. It shall also be the zoning commission for the City and perform
all functions required by applicable state law to be performed by a municipal zoning commission.
City of St. Louis Ordinance #64687, Section 8, Sub-Paragraph 4 states that the Planning Commission shall
recommend changes in the zoning ordinances and zoning district maps to the Board of Aldermen. No
ordinance changing the zoning ordinances and zoning district maps shall be adopted over the negative
recommendation of the Planning Commission, unless approved by a majority vote of all members of the
Board of Aldermen.


Requested Recommendation
That the Planning Commission finds the petition for the proposed Zoning District Map amendment for three
parcels located in City Block 6485 (2300 Cass Ave. & 2311-2431 Carr St.) & City Block 6484 (1420 N. 24th St.)
to be in conformity with the Citys Strategic Land Use Plans Opportunity Area and A Plan for the
Neighborhoods of the 5th Wards mixed land use, and recommends approval to the Citys Board of Aldermen.


The petition for the amendment of the Zoning District Map (to the G Local Commercial and
Office District) for three parcels (known as 2300 Cass Ave. & 2311-2431 Carr St. in City Block
6485 and 1420 N. 24th St. in City Block 6484 is hereby found to be in conformity with the
Citys Strategic Land Use Plan and adopted neighborhood plan.


The petition for the amendment of the Zoning District Map (to the G Local Commercial and
Office District) for three parcels (known as 2300 Cass Ave. & 2311-2431 Carr St. in City Block
6485 and 1420 N. 24th St. in City Block 6484 is hereby recommended for approval.


The Director of the Planning and Urban Design Agency is hereby directed to notify the Citys
Board of Aldermen of this recommendation.

Rezoning Map

Rezoning Petition

Pruitt-Igoe Site Plan Study

North Side - Architectural Design

Cass &Jefferson Street Design

Jefferson Streetscape Design

Cass & 23rd Intersection Streetscape Design

North Side N. 23rd Streetscape Design

North Side N. 23rd Streetscape Design


Exhibit E

Exhibit F
Photos of Pruitt-Igoe Site

1) Corner of Jefferson Ave and Cass Ave.

2) East Corner of Pruitt Igoe Site

Photos of Pruitt-Igoe Site

3) Northeast Corner of Site & St. Stanislaus Kostka Polish Catholic Church, 1413 N. 20th St

4) Southwest Corner of Pruitt Igoe Site

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