The Structure of Existence

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The Structure of Existence

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Table of Contents
The Structure of Existence.............................................................................. 4
Introduction.............................................................................................. 4
Where the reader is familiarized with the background, nature, and origins of
this book................................................................................................... 4
Formidability test................................................................................... 4
Difficulty................................................................................................ 4
Self evident........................................................................................... 5
No Math................................................................................................ 5
Science................................................................................................. 5
Read in order......................................................................................... 6
No histories........................................................................................... 6
The universe as a wave.............................................................................. 7
Big bang................................................................................................ 7
An opposite reality................................................................................ 10
Divisions.............................................................................................. 11
Local density fluctuation........................................................................ 12
Particles are waves............................................................................... 14
Waves are surfaces.............................................................................. 14
Particles are surfaces............................................................................ 15
Waves on a wire................................................................................... 15
A wave is a wave is a wave................................................................... 16
Properties of waves.............................................................................. 16
Standing waves.................................................................................... 17
Resonance........................................................................................... 18
Standing wave resonance..................................................................... 20
A standing wave is an entity.................................................................. 20
Interacting waveforms are all that there is............................................. 21
Process omnipresence.............................................................................. 23
A fish is unaware of water..................................................................... 23
Facets of the whole.............................................................................. 24
The seamless universe.......................................................................... 24
Being................................................................................................... 25
Congruous imagery.............................................................................. 25
Irrelevance of scale.............................................................................. 26
A closing Hindu quote........................................................................... 26
Models and abstractness........................................................................... 27
No one model...................................................................................... 27

All rights reserved Dan Echegoyen 11/3/2003

The Structure of Existence

Objects have facets.............................................................................. 29
The medium is the message.................................................................. 29
Each part is a whole............................................................................. 30
Abstract generality............................................................................... 30
Learning.............................................................................................. 31
Dreams................................................................................................ 32
Awareness........................................................................................... 33
Opposites............................................................................................ 34
Summary............................................................................................. 36
The abstractness of unity.......................................................................... 37
Indivisibility.......................................................................................... 37
Cause.................................................................................................. 37
Disunity............................................................................................... 38
Koans.................................................................................................. 39
Godel.................................................................................................. 39
Flatland contradiction........................................................................... 40
Self-contradiction................................................................................. 40
Distinction............................................................................................ 42
Description ......................................................................................... 43
Representation..................................................................................... 43
Tangentiality............................................................................................ 47
Indirectness......................................................................................... 47
Enlightenment...................................................................................... 48
Tangent............................................................................................... 48
X and Y coordinates.............................................................................. 50
Planks constant................................................................................... 51
Three from four................................................................................... 51
Convergence........................................................................................ 54
Tiling the plane.................................................................................... 62
Circumference...................................................................................... 65
A Point................................................................................................ 69
Self similar patterns.................................................................................. 71
Self reference....................................................................................... 71
Reflection............................................................................................ 71
Projection............................................................................................ 75
Fractals............................................................................................... 76
Feynman diagrams................................................................................... 76
Interference patterns............................................................................ 76
Placeholding ....................................................................................... 78
Reproduction....................................................................................... 79
Summary............................................................................................. 79
Local and global....................................................................................... 82
Perspective.......................................................................................... 82
Wave expansion................................................................................... 82
Cone, sphere and cylinder..................................................................... 84
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The Structure of Existence

Conic sections...................................................................................... 86
Ant Colony........................................................................................... 87
Slime mold........................................................................................... 88
A model of the universe............................................................................ 89
Gravity................................................................................................ 89
Black holes........................................................................................... 89
Quantum reality and relativity............................................................... 91
Schrodingers cat.................................................................................. 91
I and not-I............................................................................................... 93
Experience........................................................................................... 93
Perspective.......................................................................................... 93
Many answers...................................................................................... 94
Self modification................................................................................... 94
Both and neither.................................................................................. 94
Self reflection....................................................................................... 94
Group process...................................................................................... 97
Rules of being.......................................................................................... 98
Topology............................................................................................. 98
Change in change................................................................................. 98
Similar and different............................................................................. 98
Action..................................................................................................... 99
Recap.................................................................................................. 99
Nodes.................................................................................................. 99
A constant......................................................................................... 100
Cycles of being....................................................................................... 102
Recap................................................................................................ 102
Expansion.......................................................................................... 102
Having............................................................................................... 102
Actions of existence............................................................................ 102
Relations............................................................................................ 105
Unity..................................................................................................... 106
Recap................................................................................................ 106
Numerical relationships....................................................................... 106
Many answers.................................................................................... 106
Duality................................................................................................... 107
Heaven and Earth............................................................................... 107
Alignment.......................................................................................... 107
Both and neither................................................................................. 107
Branching of Objectivity and Subjectivity.............................................. 107
Trinity.................................................................................................... 108
Quaternity............................................................................................. 109
Phive..................................................................................................... 110

All rights reserved Dan Echegoyen 11/3/2003

The Structure of Existence

The Structure of Existence

Dan Echegoyen
Echegoyen at
3176 N. Mtn. View
San Bernardino CA 92405
(909) 204-0201

Where the reader is familiarized with the background,
nature, and origins of this book.
Formidability test
Understanding the structure of existence can seem an impossible task until the
understanding of that structure is achieved. The transition to such
understanding cannot be forced. There is no logical path or deductive process to
this higher perspective of reality. Glimpses of this higher perspective can,
however, be induced indirectly.
This enlightened understanding does not come directly. All truths are
commingled and conventional logic alone simply does not complete the job.
Apparent contradictions abound. Zen truths of illusion are real, direct
explanation is impossible. The deeper the truth, the more indirectly that truth
must be shown.
Very little in this book is new, but familiar models on the nature of reality are
seen anew from a higher perspective. The language already exists to describe
the nature of things. A deeper understanding of reality comes from seeing the
subtler embedded message in the words and images that describe things. Each
precept is part of a greater idea that unfolds gradually. Comprehensive reexamination of understood concepts from this higher perspective leads to new
Although explicit model descriptions are necessarily of one topic at a time, the
implicit information addresses all topics at once.
Early chapters will introduce topics that will later receive more attention. As the
foundation of ideas is built, new courses will return and build on the old, with
All rights reserved Dan Echegoyen 11/3/2003

The Structure of Existence

topics oriented to bolster each other. The structure is not the bricks, but the
Every idea is worked with care, though necessarily imperfectly. A word may
have many meanings. Semantic parallels are intentional and meaningful.
Assimilate each idea fully on its own. Disparate ideas will eventually merge.
Self evident
This work is no invention. It is a discovery and observation of what is, and
integrates conflicting ideas in every area of understanding. Once understood, it
speaks for itself on relevance and scope.
Although formal scientific models (along with other kinds of models) will be used
extensively, this book is not an attempt to prove anything. Scientific models are
helpful because of their consistent and definitive nature and imagery, but the
sole intent of this book to help the reader to perceive a higher perspective of
reality. This perception requires not proofs, but internally consistent images of
relationships to gain understanding on the deeper workings of reality.
This integrated understanding includes non-linear considerations and is only
understood all at once. This understanding is not achieved directly by any one
line of reasoning. It is induced indirectly.
No Math
The interaction matrix of existence is a dynamic structure, like an engine. Just
as equations are not needed for a practical understanding of the internal
combustion engine, there will be almost no explicit mathematical equations in
this explanation of the nature of things. Examples of topology and geometry,
however, are integral to model imagery and will be used for extended dynamic
modeling. Equations will be rare, but most models will have a mathematical
basis for the imagery described.
Science and mathematics are wonderful. The truths that are found through
quantification form a most reliable base for the extended examination of reality.
Science and math have succeeded tremendously well in the objectification of
reality. They are valid and robust, self-consistent and meaningful. I grew up
with science, gravitating to the hard sciences with their abstract models and
In this Pulitzer winner, Douglas Hofstader pointed out the structural similarities
and parallels of interpretation in different systems such as mathematics, art and
music. He made his point so well that I started to see many connections he had
not even mentioned.

All rights reserved Dan Echegoyen 11/3/2003

The Structure of Existence

Objectivity has its limits. A complete picture of the universe must also include
subjective reality. This dual reality includes facts that seem to contradict each
other. Things exist that cannot be proven, and the non-linear implications
challenge understanding. Objective science itself points to the fact that science
is incomplete. Still there is rationality in the conflict. The new perspective
presented here resolves and integrates even the seemingly contradictory facts of
reality. Logic shows the linear extension of reality. A lateral extension also
exists that is contrary to (but not contradictory to) linear extension.
Read in order
This work contains many different kinds of understandings, ideas, and truths.
They have all been used in a higher self-consistent paradigm on the nature of
A model on one level may be used to parallel a model on a very different level.
The intent is not to prove a point, but to show a way to see the nature of the
parallels and relationships of the holistic structure that allows different things to
both be viewed as somehow similar. This new perspective on reality came
quickly, but is so vast that new insights and connections happened daily for
years. They still continue to this day.
The task of organizing the ideas of this new understanding was slow and
resistant. A linear presentation of inherently non-linear information is a distinctly
abstract interpretation of this understanding. The intent of making this work
meaningful requires that it be read in the order presented. Ideas are introduced
at their proper time. This book is a lattice of inference with a broad base of
ideas and abstruse spans of continuity. Everything is relevant. There are few
wasted words. The information is densely packed.
Repetitions of a theme are to introduce new lines of thought from common
foundational information. The readers progress through these ideas should
create mental echoes to points made earlier. Each specific observation is an
additional perspective of the whole.
No histories
There will be few attributions. This work is of general knowledge, seen again
from new perspectives for a grander view of things.
Experiencing this higher reality can only be accomplished by indirect means. The
various imageries of reality can show a silhouette of the higher reality when the
models are properly positioned. Linear extension and lateral extension together
create a higher reality that is truly both and neither of the lower descriptives.

All rights reserved Dan Echegoyen 11/3/2003

The Structure of Existence

The universe as a wave

All the entities of existence participate in this universe by interacting in a way
that makes them both particles and waves. These opposing views are both
correct, but incomplete. Anything may be described either by its wave-like
attributes or its particle-like attributes.
All things can be seen as waves. All waves have fundamental similarities. All
things can be seen as particles. All particles aslo have fundamental similarities.
All things share unifying wave-like and particle-like properties and are
comparable to all other things, no matter the case. Models of the nature of
individual things are partial models of the collective nature of all things, and are
all comparable to each other.
Big bang
The universe began with the big bang, a commencement of the process of
being. The scientific term for the big bang is a local density fluctuation, a
technical name for a unit wave pulse. Everything imaginable or unimaginable is
a single unit quantum wave pulse, a resonant group of wave pulses, or a
harmonic fraction of a wave pulse. One is the same as another. A significant
connection between one wave or particle and another is the scale of the two,
relative to each other. The outcome of wave amd particle interactions depends
upon the scale of one relative to another.
The medium is the message. To understand the wave is to understand the
surface that the wave travels on, for, as this chapter will show, wave and surface
are the same.
A quantum pulse is a wave, and a quantum pulse is also a particle. Everything in
existence is both a wave and a particle on all its levels and scales of being. Each
thing expresses the wave/particle duality. The wave/particle duality also holds
up on the macroscopic scale. Lifeforms exist in quanta, and have both wave
properties and particle properties. Although everything is actually both a wave
and a particle, things are always observed as either one or the other. The type
of observation determines the type of characteristics observed. If one looks for
the particle, one finds a particle. If one looks for the wave, one finds a wave.
There are then two different perspectives on the nature of a thing. Anything can
be seen as a particle or a wave, but to ignore either aspect is to give an
incomplete description. All locally consistent descriptions of reality are
incomplete descriptions of the whole of reality.
Consider the properties of an entity as a wave. As a wave passes any point,
some density change (like pressure density) will occur. The density, or pressure,
of a medium will fluctuate commonly in the fashion of a sine wave.
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The Structure of Existence

The points on the surface that carries the wave go through a change during the
transmission of the wave. The surface moves through the wave just as much as
the wave moves through the surface. Motion along with the wave is motion
across the surface. The waves general motion is linear. The propagation of
energy within the wave is circular (or lateral).
Any bang can and does create a local density fluctuation wave front, a place of
constant change. This wave is seen in any ripple on the water caused by the
bang of a tossed in rock. The straight nature of a wave travels straight out the
radials from the source point of the wave. The circular nature of the wave
processes the wave laterally across the direction of motion.

Everything appears as a particle or a wavepulse. Every ripple on the water, the

entire universe, and everything physical and non-physical in between can be
seen as either a wave or a particle. A wave continues to exist by its effective
propagation, and a particle continues to exist by its inertial persistence. Every
wavefront is a quantized local density fluctuation for all other wavefront
fluctuations to interfere and interact with. Each wavefront can have other
smaller wavefronts on it. A lesser wavefront can be part of a greater wavefront
where it can interact interdependently with other lesser wavefronts. Groups of
smaller particles can interact together to make larger individual particles. The
universe, a ripple on a pond, and every entity in between are all abstractly the
same in their structures and processes.
As an expanding wavefront, the pond ripple is just as much a universe as the
expanding big bang universe in which we exist. The difference between the
wavefront circular ripple of everyday experience and the Big Bang wave front of
being is that the external expanding everyday water ripple is outside of us and
apart from us, while the Big Bang wavefront is inside of us and a part of us. To
exist in the pond surface universe, an entity must travel along with that ripple.
For us to continue to be, we must continue to propagate along within the
universal wavefront, at rest in the local here and now.
In mathematics a function is plotted as change, graphed by holding one variable
still and observing the changes in another variable. Changing the variable that is
held still changes the image to that of the other plotted changing variables
This is like the difference between keeping still with the water, or keeping still
with a wave that travels across the water by surfing so as to keep still on the

All rights reserved Dan Echegoyen 11/3/2003

The Structure of Existence

face of the wave. These are two different views of stillness. We exist by moving
along with and keeping still with the dynamic yet unchanging Big Bang
wavefront of being.
As two waves cross each other, an entity can propagate across both of the
waves simultaneously by going at a diagonal to both.

Such an entitys progress could be influenced alternately by the two waves that it

What is a perpendicular frame of reference from one perspective can be a

parallel frame of reference from another perspective. As example, consider the
opposing edges of a rotated tetrahedron.

What is along a direction of motion from one perspective is across that same
direction of motion from another perspective. There is stillness relative the body
of water, and stillness relative to a wave upon the surface. These are just
differing perspectives of the same thing. Each perspective is a particular local
view of reality, like space and time each being a local perspective of the greater
field of space-time.
Although we perceive space and time as separate, existence actually occurs in
space and time together. Existence processes through both space and time
simultaneously. We objectively experience one axis of time and three axes of
space. Every action or event of existence occurs at a particular time and place.
Space-time is a continuum of potential being, expressing the unification of two
opposing perspectives of potential change; change in time and change in space.

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The Structure of Existence

Within the space-time continuum exist mass and energy, which are known to be
different forms of the same thing. Mass and energy are the complementaries of
a dichotomy, either one or the other.
Our universe is that of a dichotomy within a continuum. The universe is
composed of various combinations of one or the other expressed in both and
neither as a diagonal simultaneously of both, until squared to one dimension by
observation and measurement. Differing quantities of space-time can be seen as
differing quantities of space and time. Differing ratios of space to time yield
various masses and energies at differing angles of slope. Whole number ratios
are all real numbers, and all such rational slopes can cross any point in the

A line that intersects a ninety-degree grid-point can be reflected directly back in

the direction from which it came. When the slope for a whole number ratio is
projected on a Cartesian grid, then the rays implied by such slopes, reflected
within the first square, will always eventually be reflected back to the origin. Any
rational slope through a point is both a projection to that point and a reflection
from that point. Reflection and projection are the actions of a wave interacting
with a surface in the rational continuum.

An opposite reality
To stretch the mind, consider the following. It is commonly agreed that the
universe is expanding. That is a valid perspective, but there is another. Rarely
entertained is the notion that instead of space-time expanding, mass and energy
are contracting. Consider a finite circle. From outside of the circle, space
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The Structure of Existence

expands out towards infinity, and the finite circle quickly becomes point-like in
comparison. From inside the finite circle, space may be subdivided ever more
finely as it approaches the center of the circle that now becomes, by comparison,
infinitely far from the edge of the circle. The finite circle itself can be seen as
infinitely small or large relative to external expansion or internal contraction.
Although expansion of space-time seems more reasonable than contraction of
mass/energy, the dynamic relationships inherent in these two perspectives of
change are equivalent. Local measurement and mathematics can hold mass and
energy still to measure space and time, or hold space-time as fixed to measure
mass and energy. Both views are valid in expressing a single process of change.
Contrary perspectives can model complementary images of the same reality.
All of existence was originally a single thing. That one thing became divided.
The differentiation of the parts is either along or across the extension of
dimension implied by the division. This image can be seen in the lines of force
within a magnet. Iron filings are attracted to both poles of the magnet, and will
align themselves to reach along the lines of force. Objects that do not conduct
electricity and are repelled by both poles of a magnet will align themselves
across the same magnetic lines of force. These are two contrary perspectives of
one division.

The kind of divisions of the whole depends upon the number of divisions of the
whole. Quality is related to quantity. Every entity is in itself a whole with
divisions. Every division is in itself a whole. Two-dimensional divisions have twodimensional interactions, like along and across. Three-dimensional divisions have
three dimensional interactions, etc. (A dimension is an axis of potential or actual
Every member of any divided set (both of two or all three of three) each can
itself be divided by any number, again showing the kind of division based upon
the number of parts in the division. This is a fractal relationship between the
entities of existence.
Even though objective separations between all things now appear to exist, a
subjective connection exists between all things as well. Although all things are
separate, all things are also connected in this abstract relationship between
quantity and quality.
Quantum reality is expressed mathematically in both matrix mechanics and wave
mechanics. Matrix mechanics is a system of mathematical expression similar to
that of equations except that changing the sequence of operations can yield
differing results. In matrix mechanics, AB does not equal BA. The direction of
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The Structure of Existence

the process has meaning in the outcome of the process. A time space slope of
two to one is different from a space-time slope of one to two. Wave mechanics
is another mathematical system expressing orderly process, and a great triumph
of quantum mechanics was to prove that these two different systems expressed
the same relationships. The matrix of structural being in a particle is equivalent
to the wave of process being in an energy pulse. The structures and flows of
being in the divisions of all things are different ways of seeing the same thing.
Waves and particles are the same as each other.
Local density fluctuation
A local density fluctuation is a common sight. It is a ripple in a pond where a
stone is tossed in. It is also the spherical shock wave from a bomb blast. The
waves themselves occur on the surface of a higher dimensional field of
expression and are of a lower dimension than the field that carries them. As
example, the pond ripple is an expanding circular one-dimensional line on a twodimensional surface, and the expanding bomb blast is a spherical twodimensional surface moving through the three-dimensional surface (field) of the
air. This is a simplified description of the objective process.
Such a wave pulse object has both a linear and a circular direction of motion.
One-dimensional flows, like time, can be expressed as continuous change in
slope (like the radius of trigonometry), or in linear demarcation (like the X or Y
dimension). These two directions of motion correspond to the two kinds of
inertia, linear and rotational (or angular).

In describing this expanding wave pulse, the linear motion is projected straight
outward through the field and away from the relatively motionless source. The
circular dimension curves back around onto itself, supporting the perpendicular
dynamics of wave precession.
As example, the water ripple, moving straight out from the origin, sends that
surface stretching up away from its stable energy position between water and air
(increasing the density of the fluid below), then dips down below the stable level
of the surface (decreasing in the density of the fluid below). The density
fluctuates across every wave point on that surface. The wave moves out along
the surface in one direction expressing linear momentum, and around across the

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The Structure of Existence

surface in two directions back and forth (up and down), expressing angular

This wave, propagating in a straight line past a point, moves none of the fluid
along with the wave, but moves all of the supporting fluid below the wave (and
supported fluid above) through a full circle during the passage of the wave.

The linear motion of the wave is straight. The lateral motion of the wave is
circular. Any mini wave upon that expanding pond wave must also have straight
and circular properties. Since we (all things) exist on the wavefront of the
universal here and now, we all possess linear and circular aspects on all levels of
A function that plots circular motion against straight-line motion is the sine curve.
Trigonometry has no scale. The nature of waves interactions is not determined
by size, but by one waves size and resonant complexity relative to another
wave. No matter the size of the wave, its complexity, or the number of
dimensions in the wave, any wave is still similar to all other waves. All waves
carry energy and follow similar structures of interaction and processes of
exchange. All particles contain the properties of mass, inertia, and spin.
In this deeply abstract sense, all things have a fundamental similarity to all other
things. No one model describes the whole of existence any more than one facet
of a crystal describes the whole gem. Each model describes only a facet of
existence indirectly and only tangentially the whole.
Just as similar facets may describe similar crystals, similar numbers of dimensions
in various models may be abstractly paralleled for symbolically similar

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The Structure of Existence

perspectives of the divided whole. All dualities can be compared as parallel to all
other dualities, etc. Through this qualitative symbolism, a higher reality may be
Particles are waves
In the completely abstract subjective mutually connected way that all waves
(things) are the alike, everything is the same as everything else. Each thing
abstractly and indirectly reflects the unity in all things. Particles and waves seem
to be opposites, yet we know them to be the same stuff. When energy is
bundled up in the confines of a particle, it exchanges its linear momentum for a
circular or angular momentum. Whether straight or curved, the dichotomous
entities of mass and energy exist as either one or the other in the space-time
continuum of both and neither.
Particles are equivalent to waves. The double slit experiments of physics reveal
wavelike interference patterns even in objects normally thought of as particles
like electrons and protons. Real particles can be observed really being waves.
Waves are also particles. Energy is ultimately the same as matter. A wave may
describe probabilities of location along its length, but what is located is a particle
point. Even complementaries like figure and ground are really the same. Only
the perspective changes. The perception can be of figure or ground.

From one perspective, particles interact through wave exchanges. From another
perspective, waves interact through particle exchanges. The breeze waves in the
flag just as the flag waves in the breeze. Particles and waves exist through
exchanges with each other. Particles exchange waves, and waves exchange
Waves are surfaces
Normally, a surface and a wave would not be thought of as the same thing, yet
they are. The surface that carries the wave is everywhere static and still, while
the wave that moves upon a surface is moving and dynamic, first one place,
then another, yet one can be seen to be the same as the other.
As example that a wave is a surface, imagine a craft that can surf along on
ocean waves. It is possible to see the ocean wave act like a surface while the
solid craft acts like a wave. The craft may interact with the wave in the same
ways that a light wave can interact with the surface of a pane of glass. The craft
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The Structure of Existence

might pass over the wave like a light wave passing through a pane of glass. The
craft might be reflected back from the wave like a photon reflected off the pane
of glass. The craft could even be absorbed into the wave and carried along with
the wave like a light particle being absorbed by, and thereby warming the pane
of glass. By existing in the pane of glass, the energy of the photon becomes a
part of the energy of the pane of glass, changing the whole by that much while
being a part of the whole.
The same actions could be paralleled with a ball rolling over a ridge. The ball
could roll back to the starting side of the ridge, the ball could roll over and past
the ridge, or the ball could just come to rest on top of the ridge. The rolling
energy of a ball resting on top of the hill has been transformed into potential
energy of a rolling ball absorbed by the now larger ridge.
The lateral, all at once surface is the same as the linear moving wave.
Particles are surfaces
This is common and straightforward. Individual air particles gathered in large
numbers conduct themselves as a single three-dimensional surface (a field) that
carries sound waves. All particles carry waves and thus are surfaces. Every
particle is a point-like part of a dimensional field that can carry a wave.
A surface is also a particle. A wave surface gives resistance to entry or passage
through the surface. There is a tendency for an oncoming wave to reflect
floating objects back away from its progress. The spherical bomb blast surface
gives a powerful resistance as it passes each observer. Waves, surfaces, and
particles are all just different ways of seeing the same thing.
Waves on a wire
A single taught wire can hold any wave. A perfect wire could hold all wave
images. Objective models displayed in many dimensions may break out and
show each separate dimension of complexity more clearly, but a single onedimensional wire can hold all the information.
The number of dimensions used to model a point is meaningful in its ability to
represent different kinds of changes separately along each dimensional axis, but
the total process can be performed on a one-dimensional surface. The number
of divisions of the whole shows the kind of divisions of the whole. The kind of
description sought determines the number of dimensions perceived. Unity,
duality, trinity, etc., each describes a different aspect of reality. The number of
divisions speaks to the nature of the divisions and the resulting array of its
members. This insight comes not by contrasting the differences between parts
in a model, but by comparing abstract parallels between differing models of
similar numeric aspects.

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The Structure of Existence

A wave is a wave is a wave
There are many different kinds of waves. There are sound waves and sonar
waves, shock waves and solitons, square waves and sine waves, water waves
and waves of probability. There are electromagnetic waves and gravity waves,
standing waves and waves of change. Each wave (which is also an object) has
its own individual properties and is some way different from every other wave,
even of its own kind. This valid perspective is counterbalanced by the equally
valid perspective that all these different waves have a unifying similarity to each
other. Waves (all things) are different from each other, and contrarily, waves
are all similar to each other as well. The difference is one of perspective in the
Properties of waves
As just shown, an actively being entity can be seen to be the wave itself,
a surface that carries a wave, or an object particle that interacts with a wave or
another particle. Waves as particles acting as surfaces carry other waves and
interact with other particles, all co-mutually. Each wave pulse may be a particle
here or a surface there, and may be either one depending upon the perspective.
While the linear propagating motion in the expansion of a wave appears flat and
straight, the concurrent lateral particle motion is circular. Energy not expressed
along one dimension will be expressed along another dimension.
An object's size, rigidity, and transparency relative to the size, energy and
wavelength of a passing wave determines whether the interaction will be one of
transmission, reflection, refraction, absorption, emission, or whatever. One way
or another, all objects interact with all others. The electromagnetic and
gravitational forces in each atom interact with the electromagnetic and
gravitational forces in all other atoms in its visible universe. Distant interactions
are interminably weak (infrequent) but real. Interactions are exchanges of
energy and information. Interactions include the collapse of potentiality into
actuality and the directions of the collapse. The action binds energy and
All interactions have a two-directional component. In electronics, the flow of
negative charges that move in one direction is much the same as a flow of
positive charges that move in the other direction. Just a point going from A to B
exchanges the point in one direction and not-the-point in the other direction.
Information is an exchange of states from before to after in an observer/
observed event.
Energy and information exchanges within quarks create atoms. Exchanges
within atoms create molecules. Exchange within molecular genes creates life.
Each level is a lath in the lattice of potentiality. The actions of a wave on one
level are abstractly parallel to the actions of a wave on any other level.
All waves contain a linear objective component and a lateral subjective
component. These are the external physical component and the internal nonphysical component. All waves contribute to the ultimate expression of the
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The Structure of Existence

totality of being. A wave model can be divided any number of ways. Each submodel resonates to the whole. Each specific division and parallel illustrates a
particular perspective of the pattern of reality that is found uniformly in all
Objectivity sees the varying quantities related to distinct events, and
subjectivity sees similar unifying qualities in all entities and events.
Objectively, every event of being is different from every other event. Each event
occurs in either a different time from all others, or a different place from all
others, or both. If two things happen at the same place at the same time, then
they are two parts of the same event. Although every event is objectively
different from all others, a particular set of different events may collectively be
part of a single greater event of being.
Subjectively, every event of being is similar to all others. The sheer fact that one
event can be compared to another implies some perspective from which a
common ground of similarity exists. The adage that conjures dissimilarity is one
of apples and oranges, yet both are fruit.
Objectivity is found in the changing differences between things, Subjectivity is
found among the unchanging similarities between things.
All events, things, structures, and processes are the same in the totally abstract.
All patterns, from sub-nuclear interactions to structures of consciousness
abstractly follow the same relationships of being.
Standing waves
The process of existing or being reinforces the actions that allow for continued
being, creating a positive feedback loop in existence. As the structural flows and
forces of reality interplay, this feedback process supports the growth of
structures and flows of interaction that themselves are self-reinforcing. This
makes recurring self-reinforcing interactions more likely. The process of being
proceeds along and across a continuum of self-reinforcing vibrational ratios
within the differing structural dimensions of exchange.
Resonant structures that can successfully create more extensive structures will
continue to propagate even higher levels of interaction. Existence is a
cosmological survival of the fittest. To persist through space and time, resonant
feedback structures and processes interact (interfere) with all other entitys
similarly resonant feedback structures. Patterns of inflow and outflow may
harmonize or be in disharmony. They are both and neither until resonant
reflection points are created by observational exchange. Memory is a similar
resonant structure.
A self-reinforcing structure (made up of lesser self-reinforcing structures) is an
object that interacts internally with the parts of its group-self and externally as a
part of larger groups. Each part of an integrated structure supports the other
parts of that structure. When a structure is self-supporting, it stands alone. A
self-supporting wave entity stands alone. Every entity is a self-supporting
standing wave.
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The Structure of Existence

The agents of consciousness follow the same natural self-reinforcing flows and
structures of similarity and difference found in all of creation.
A standing wave is often thought of as being of a particular wavelength and of
being reflected back and forth in a straight line between two reflectively
surfaces. Actually, the reflectors (which can become transparent and projective)
are part of the standing wave group that is the self-reinforcing resonant entity.
A standing wave is finite in size. (There are a finite number of wave iterations
standing between the reflectors) A standing wave can be reflected
and/or projected straight back and forth or reflected and/or projected around in
a circle from the point of projection and reflection back again to that point. Onedimensional projective repetition gives the extension of a number line. Twodimensional projective extensions create a Cartesian coordinate grid.
The standing waves opaque endpoints (that would hold a wave in one segment
of a line or one square of a grid) can instead become transparent and allow the
standing wave to traverse the number line or grid, either parallel to one axis or
at a diagonal to more than one axis.

A standing wave can also be thought of as a circular wave, curving back on itself
and being projected through a transparent surface at the same point on each

All entities are standing waves that resonate against all other standing wave
entities and continuously feed back actions creating the continuing exchanges of
existence. As particles and waves each interact through the other, self and notself both emit and absorb waves and particles. Resonant groups of standing
waves can create a single higher standing wave. Syntropic forces can crystallize
energy resonances into higher beings through all dimensions. Higher structures
exist exactly as the lower structures that comprise it, but from a differing
There are differing perspectives of stillness and motion. A standing wave can
appear to vibrate in one place, or to move along at the speed of the wave in
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The Structure of Existence

either apparent direction of its motion. Reinforced standing waves occur only at
whole number harmonic divisions of the wavespace. Whether the wavespace is
reflected or projected is a matter of perspective.

A standing waves surface can be of a multitude of different single frequency

standing waves upon it. At one extreme is a wave frequency so high that each
wavelength becomes vanishingly small and the amplitude barely deviates from
The wave appears to coincide with the unwaving surface that carries the wave.
An intermediate example of wavelength is a single wave filling the entire

This one-to-one ratio of wave to wavespace is the simplest of harmonic of

exchanges. As a single full circle representation of the wave process, this
demonstrates single spin exchange physics. Other ratios of wave to wavespace
depict half spin exchanges or two spin exchanges. Any segment of a wholenumber ratio wave can exist on the same quantity of surface.
The other extreme of wave to wavespace is such a small fraction of a wave that
no deviation from zero amplitude can be seen, and no harmonic gleaned.
An infinitely high frequency wave and infinitely low frequency wave both appear
to coincide with the flat surface that carries the wave. Harmonic resonance
occurs between the extremes of no change and nothing but change, which are
the same as each other. These objective and subjective extremes exemplify the
opposites to a single unity of both and neither both and neither.

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The Structure of Existence

Standing wave resonance
Standing waves have regular beats. They can appear as reflecting back and
forth on a flat surface, or as going round and round on a curved surface. Waves
that resonate at harmonic divisions of the wavespace will be reinforced to
continue resonating. Resonant energy exchanges occur at harmonic divisions
between interacting waves. The effect is strongest at the simplest ratios. The
effect is subtler in the more complex ratios between waves. The resonant
exchanges within a conscious mind are subtle indeed.
Waves of energy move on a surface capable of transmitting that energy to other
places. On a piano, if the low C is held down gently, making no sound, and the
middle C is struck and released, sympathetic vibrations travel along the surfaces
of the air and the piano holding and having the wave. The low C will gain some
of that energy and make the pianos low C sound the middle C note because of
the simple 2:1 ratio between its natural rate of vibration and the source
frequency. This resonant exchange would not occur of low D were held down
while the middle C was struck. Standing waves occur in natural whole number
(real) divisions of the whole.
A standing wave can accumulate great amounts of energy from the events in
which it interacts. The original Tacoma Narrows Bridge was dubbed Galloping
Gertie when it caught a continuing gentle crosswind of just the right speed and
the whole suspension span acquired a twisting resonance along its length until it
collapsed from structural distress. In simpler structures, objective energy and
information is dominant over subjective energy, but in the human mind,
subjective energy and information dominates the objective exchangethat is if
we imperfectly see the unity as containing a duality to observe.
A standing wave is an entity
Energy exchange is by way of harmonic resonance between and within the I and
the Not-I. Everything exists as wave. Each part or division of a thing exists as
an entity on its own. The only requirement for the separate existence of an
entity is the distinctions of the newly discerned entity by its observable parts and
actions. Each part in the collection of parts of any entity is a system of
relationship structures and feedback processes each with their own sub-systems
of structures and processes, which are subjectively similar to the processes of
the higher structure.
As above, so below.
A more complex system will support a more complex mix of interactions. Life is
more complex than non-life. More complex life has more complex interactions
than simple life. In man, emitted energy bundles (like words and phrases) have
objective and subjective components, as do all energy and information packets
of communication. At the level of conscious beings interactions, the subjective
effect of the words (the meaning) can be much greater than the objective effect
(the sound waves).

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The Structure of Existence

A standing wave will feed back to itself the outcome of its own processes. Any
wave feedback that terminates the wave process will not be carried forward.
Waves that persist will carry a patterned tendency to persist. The characteristic
of a wave to persist is the tendency to continue to create new change. These
persisting waveforms are the entities of existence.
Interacting waveforms are all that there is.
Clumpings of wave groups are as varied as from galaxies to gnats to gluons, or
from matter to emotions, but the variety belies the unified actions of the process
of existence. The act of participation in existence as an entity is the action of
being a standing wave on the surface that contains all waves. The feedback of
persistence in an entity is toward increasing the amount of being or action along
the various dimensions. Each interaction dimension has its relationship to the
other dimensions, whether it is at a parallel or perpendicular, a diagonal, or a
function of some curvature. Each being interacts with all others in their process
of interaction. Being means change. To continue to be means to continue to
change. More being means more change.
This drive toward increase in change and being creates ever more complex
interactions. Objectivity and subjectivity, each in opposition to the other, feed
back to the other increasing potentials for exchange. More potential interaction
means more potential information. The objective increase in information means
more objective information, or more truth. The subjective increase in
information means more subjective information, or more beauty.
Objective and subjective processes are towards more objective and subjective
propagation or growth. These conditions are observed by the entities that these
enhancements extended implications create. We are created by the universe,
and the universe is created by us. Also, we create the universe, and the
universe creates us. Both and neither both and neither.

It is not so much that the universe has intention toward the creation and
observation of truth and beauty, but that the conditions of existence provide
contrary linear and lateral extensions for propagation. We created observers
define the pre-existing extensions by our own perception of their meanings. The
game, the action, of existence is to create more truth and beauty. These are the
yin and yang of subjective quality.

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The Structure of Existence

Truth and beauty exist in separate realms, yet they are found in each other.
Even so, there are times and places where truth seems ugly and beauty is a
deception. Truth and beauty are subjective. Position and momentum are
objective, the yin and yang of objective quantification.
Opposing facts can both be true, depending upon the perspective. The view of a
diagonal hypotenuse, when seen from a distance along the X-axis appears to
give the diagonal a value of Y. Viewing the same diagonal from a distance along
the Y-axis appears to give that same diagonal a value of X. Both views are
correct, depending upon the point of view. Only from a higher perspective is the
apparent contradiction resolved. The diagonal is both and neither X and Y.

Belief, the objective upshot of subjective reality is required for truth. Knowledge,
the subjective measure of objective reality, is required for factuality. Feelings, an
emotional resolution of experience and reality are required. What is important is
not just what the facts are, but also how they are related to each other.
Relationships exist as cases of agreement and disagreement. The world is seen
in cases of similarity and difference. Everything is compared to everything else.
In some ways everything is the same as everything else, (along the objectively
unchanging subjective axis), and in other ways (along the subjectively
unchanging objective axis) everything is different from everything else. All
things are both the same and different from all other things.
The organization of forces and objects needed for life to exist are inherently
parallel in structure to the organizations that create all levels of existence. It is
through their similarities and differences that forces of attraction and repulsion
are expressed on different levels.

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The Structure of Existence

Process omnipresence
A fish is unaware of water
We pay little attention to the air we breathe. It is just there. We are too busy
looking at trees to see the forest. It is just there. We are too preoccupied
dealing with the parts of reality to become aware of the whole of it. We are so
close to our reality that we lose our detached external objectivity relative to
things, and just become a part of it. It is just there.
Atoms emit and absorb photons that propagate in a self-perpetuating Electromagnetic induction field that potentially fills all of space. The photon emitted by
one atom may be absorbed by another atom at any distance. At the speed of a
photon, Rest mass would be infinite. The photon has no rest mass and exists
only in motion. A photon has no stillness in space and instead is still with
respect to time. From the photons point of view, no time passes during the
exchange, and everything is all at one time. To a photon, all things are
immediately connected to all other things.
Every individual entitys existence must have context. A particle alone in a
universe would have no motion or inertia. An entity exists by the relationship
between itself and the rest of the universe. The existence of every entity
proceeds through being harmoniously resonantly reflective and projective. The
existence of an entity is in the I and the not I both reflecting and projecting
upon their mutual opposites as real.
Every particle has the potential ability to have exchanges of photons at any
distance and occupies virtually all of space. Each particle in the universe is as
completely a part of each of us as our own bodies are. Propagation of a photon
is across a constructive interference pattern between two atoms infinite energy
shells. All atoms interfere with all other atoms gravitationally and electromagnetically. The interference potential between all things binds all things
together. All things are one. Still we perceive separation.
In this mortal existence, we are not directly aware of our connection to the
whole of all things. The entities of concurrent local existence exist directly as
themselves and indirectly as the universe around them. Positive and negative
feedback create resonant structures, each perspective through the other. Each
entitys existence is in its interactions with itself and the universe. Each entity
has its own level of attention that it pays to the universe, and the collection of all
other things as a single entity has its level of attention it pays to the entity. We
do not see our connection as part of the whole. Our attention is on ourselves
and not ourselves. We seem disconnected from the nameless whole, and are
only aware of our connection with the parts. We have all disconnected from
ourselves and become lost in a book, a play, or a movie. The greatest
athleticism occurs when a player forgets the self, and becomes the game.
Disconnecting from the whole world is natural. Being disconnected from the
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The Structure of Existence

unity is the method by which we create and gain a local perspective to interact
from. The disconnection continues and changes in every part of our experience
and in each particular focus. Our personal experience of self is a particular
disconnected highly reflective perspective of the whole through all its parts.
Even as we remain ourselves, unchanging, our awareness is constantly changing
focus, topic, and level. Whatever our attention is on, in reflecting upon it we
become that object or idea, and it, to a degree, becomes us. To interact with
another entity is to reflect upon a duplicate image of that other entity, both
objectively and subjectively.
The structures and processes in our bodies have their own individual actions, and
the work of them individually is to achieve their own particular goals. Successes
at achieving these goals are synergistic wins on that level of the game of being,
allowing greater being. In this sense, we are the things we do. When the
members win, the team wins. Higher games exist as games about other games.
Everything is a game. The goal is persistence, survival. Consistently winning
lower games allows striving for wins at higher games. We even make games
more difficult intentionally, just to be challenged by the game, and make the
game new again. Thus we create ever-greater levels of tension and release,
dissonance and resolve. Whether a game is seen to be a game in its own right
or a sub-game to some higher game is just a matter of perspective. Abstractly,
all games operate by the same set of rules. Winning at the game of existence is
gaining an opportunity to continue to exist. The universe that exists is the one
that contains entities to observe and be observed by that universe.
Facets of the whole
If reality were described in terms that might describe a crystal, the best attempt
would be in terms that describe the facets of that crystal. The description of
each facet might be quite detailed, but what is more important than the features
is knowing that the image is only an indirect description of the higher
dimensional reality.
The seamless universe
The universe of all things is an indescribable seamless whole without feature or
division. The more direct the explanation of the universe, the more indirect the
description. The only thing that can be said about the unity is that nothing can
be said about it, ironically saying something about the unity.
The unity is without parts, but when parts of the divided whole are observed,
both the quantities and the qualities of the parts are relevant to an indirect
perspective of the whole. Quality and quantity are complementary objective and
subjective parts of the information that indirectly describes a seamless unity.

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The Structure of Existence

The universe and all things in it proceed through existence according to the
subjective and objective processes of being. Being is the action that occurs
continuously, maintaining an active feedback loop of persistence. Being is the
action of persisting. We live in a universe of action and interaction. The only
constant is change. By continuing to change, an entity continues to exist.
The nature of reality may only be expressed indirectly. Even though surface
appearances may show only objective differences between things, indirectly, the
abstract similarities in different things may become apparent.
Rene Descartes, one of the greatest thinkers of all time, made major
contributions in both the objective and subjective study of reality. He developed
the Cartesian coordinate system, providing a framework for quantifying physical
measurement. Descartes also said cogito, ergo sum (I think, therefor I am),
providing a framework for qualifying the subjective existence of consciousness.
He believed that the universe, although experienced subjectively, could be
described in physical terms. In his eyes, the purpose of science and
measurement is to gain verifiable understanding on the patterns of reality that
reflect the subjective nature of mankind. To Descartes, studying the physical
was the means to the end of understanding the non-physical. He was convinced
that all things are related to each other. Since then, science has become an end
in its own right, no longer a means to an even higher end. The narrowed view
of science now broadens again through the many models of objective reality to
show that subjective reality is an equally necessary part of the accurate depiction
of this universe.
Congruous imagery
Every part of everything is related to all the parts of all other things. Just as
partial models reflect indirectly upon the whole, so do the ways that the models
are created. Our senses interpret the constantly changing feedback of reality
into comparable distinctions. We reason, evaluate, feel and decide, all through
the higher order feat of reflecting on how each experience is similar to and
simultaneously different from all other experiences. Any interaction event
represents itself in terms of similarities and differences to other interaction
Any directly described relationship of being or action can be seen as a metaphor
for a relationship that is not directly describable. Common parallels of
description may be seen for very different actions.
As example, consider a heart with blood being pumped in and out over and over
with each passing heartbeat. This image parallels a city with freeway arteries
allowing cars to come in and out of the city, over and over with each passing
day. This analogy runs well. The city is like the heart. Freeways are like
arteries and veins, streets are like capillaries, and houses are like individual cells.
Even though the two systems are quite different, there are definite similarities.

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The Structure of Existence

This concrete example proves nothing directly. It is merely an image of the
parallels that occur everywhere in existence.
Another analogy of similar concrete structures on different scales is astronomical.
Saturn with its moons and rings directly parallels the Sun with its planets and

Concrete objectivity shows individual distinctions. Abstract subjectivity shows

general similarities. Objectivity is found in the perpendicular, where one line
crosses the other. Subjectivity is found in the parallel, where the two lines do
not cross. Everything is both objective and subjective. Parallels exist in the
most concrete of examples, and differences exist in the most abstract of cases.
Irrelevance of scale
The size of an entity does not matter in the abstract similarities of the process of
existence. From the smallest scale to the largest, the universal subjective rules
of existence are unchanging. The template for the common actions of existence
remains the same. As above, so below. The differences in attributes lie only in
the particulars of each individual case of existence, and how that case of
existence differs from all other cases.
A closing Hindu quote
The whole universe, from Brahma down to a blade of grass is one form or
another of Him

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The Structure of Existence

Models and abstractness

This chapter examines perspectives and relationships that show a connectedness
between the parts and the whole. These models are not parts of a proof, but
examples of a method of perception.
No one model
Reality cannot be described directly by any one model, but is seen in how
different models are similar, indirectly. Objective models are comparable to
subjective models, with a difference.
By using a proportional array, objective concepts are seen to be modeled by

The same proportional array shows how subjective concepts are modeled by

Quantitative relationships use objective equations, and qualitative relationships

use subjective relations. They can both be represented by a proportional array
that separates each element of interest from the others. This array is the division
of the unity into four parts, seen in two dimensions. Each new overlay of
concrete existence adds new information for further parallel correlations of
subjective existence. The better understood each model is, and the greater the
number of parallel correlations made between models, the clearer an actual
indirect perspective of the whole of all things becomes. By aligning several
contrasting patterns out of the vast array of existent models, a higher
perspective may be perceived.
Einsteins famous equation relates the four components of the physical universe;
mass, energy, space, and time. Einsteins said that in cases where the atoms
emitting and absorbing photons are at rest relative to each other, E=mc2. E is
energy, m is mass, and c is the speed of light. All motions (including that of
light) are expressed in a rate of distance per time. Distance is the onedimensional expression of space. (Area would be the two-dimensional
expression of space.)
The equation E=mc2, in this form, does not show the proportional array it
naturally contains. Simple algebra will suffice to restate the equation as the
parts of a proportional array.
Divide both sides of the equation by m and the result is E/m=c. The c
representing the speed of light (which is squared) can be rewritten as (s/t) ,
which is equivalent to s/t, so the equation now reads E/m=s/t.

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The Structure of Existence

The proportional array is now evident. Energy is to mass as space squared is to
time squared. It is also evident from this array that energy is to space squared
as mass is to time squared.
The relationship between the four components of the physical universe can be
seen to parallel the relationship between the four components of formal linear
logic; the A, E, I, and O propositions.
These four propositions are assertions about a relationship between things and
there is a relationship between the four different kinds of assertions and the
possibility of each to exist in the case of the others.
The A proposition is All A is B
The E proposition is No A is B
The I proposition is Some A is B
The O proposition is Some A is not B
These propositions can be visualized topologically.

The relationship between the possible truth of one formal proposition in

relationship to the possible truth of another formal proposition parallels the
possible case of one kind of physical existence for an entity in the presence of
another kind of physical existence for that same entity. The array of formal
propositions in logic parallels the array of physical components of objective

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The Structure of Existence

Each term of reality is defined by the others, and is a term used to define the
others. This array is a difinative study on the relationships between matter,
energy, space, and time.
Objects have facets
A difinative study will encompass all the parts that make up that whole. Each
part is a term in the display of relationships within tht whole. Each term of a
definative set describes a facet of that object. Facets are not only abstractly
descriptive of models, but are objectively descriptive of physical objects as well.
Atoms accumulate into groups by bonding and linking to other atoms in regular
geometric patterns. The patterns involved create defined ends and edges to the
real physical extensions of the object. Even the attributes of sub-atomic particles
are arrayed as polyhedrons when their measurable properties are quantitatively
extended along the three mutually perpendicular axes of the Cartesian
coordinate system. Facets bound the extension of space used for an objects
A facetss boundaries are the edges of the polyhedron where the facets of
the object intersect. The area of the facet is functionally proportional (as with
the cube/ square law) to the volume of the object, and is inversely proportional
to the number of facets of a polygon with a constant amount of surface area.
An object may have only a few facets and be some simple polyhedron, or the
object may be full of many tiny facets that are so smoothly angled as to
resemble a perfect sphere. Infinitely many small flat facets on a polyhedron
make it indistinguishable from the smooth curved surface of a sphere, yet always
the object is a polyhedron with facets.
In any regular polyhedron, every facet is perpendicular to the objects center and
will reflect that center point back to itself. As the number of facets grows toward
infinity, the object nears spherical perfection, having every point on the sphere
reflect the center point back to itself.
Objective facets (surfaces) and subjective facets (surfaces) both reflect and
project waves.
The medium is the message
The whole can be divided into any number of parts. Parts are indirect
descriptions of the whole. Since each model is a qualitative representation of

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The Structure of Existence

some quantitative aspect of the whole, each model is a useful representative for
a description based on the common feature of the number of facets in the
object. The overlay of model upon model allows differences and distinctions
between models to be filtered out, leaving bare the generalized abstract base.
That which cannot be described directly can be indirectly seen in the abstract
parallels of reality. Detailed lists of parallel models for different numbered
divisions are in later chapters.
Each part is a whole
Each part is, in its own way, a whole with parts. Each whole is, in a way, a part
of a greater whole. Each thing is connected to all other things. Each of us is in
the universe and the universe is in each of us in a two-way relationship with a
two-way flow of objectivity and subjectivity across and through each other.
Whether any particular entity is seen as part of a whole, or as a whole in its own
right, is only a matter of perspective or context. As example, a heart is one part
of the circulatory system, but as a whole, the heart has its own parts like valves
and chambers.
Abstract generality
Generality relates to abstractness just as specificity relates to concreteness. As
example, imagine describing a transport device by its parts. In the abstract, the
parts are not specified, just as a transport device is not specific, but rather
Such a list of parts might include such vague descriptives as power source,
support structure, amenities, and modes of operation.
If the transport devices parts are given more specifically, the examples become
more concrete. The transport device includes among its parts such things as
radial tires, an internal combustion engine, automatic transmission, bucket seats,
and stereo cassette player. The transport device is a car. This more concrete
description is still somewhat vague. A more concrete description of the car
might yield a specific model and year. An even more concrete description would
include all the embellishments that describe an individual vehicle.
Each new level of objective information creates a more concrete specific
description of reality. Even more concretely, one could describe a specific car at
a specific time or place. Concrete objectivity is the explicit.
In the totally concrete objective, everything is different from everything else.
Every concrete event is specific and separate from all other events. Objectively
every moment changes the world. As the saying goes, You cant step in the
same river twice.
Abstractness is the vague and subtle world of the indirect, the implicit. To be
grouped only by a common feature is to be abstracted. In the totally abstract,
no specifics are available at all because all things are abstractly part of the one

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The Structure of Existence

indescribable unity. In the totally abstract subjective, everything is part of the
same thing that everything else is.
While objectively, all things are changing constantly, subjectively, everything is
the same as it has ever been. As participating entities in the existence of all
things, we can view other entities and be viewed by other entities in the abstract
and in the concrete. Our surface facets of interaction reflect and project
similarities and differences both at the same time. Everything is related to
everything else by their similarities and differences. Both dimensions are needed
to create and describe the field. All items have their specific resonant similarities
and resonant differences as well. Mutual reflective resonances interfere both
concretely and abstractly.
Awareness is of the similarities and differences of perceived events. An event is
registered in the abstract as similar (or parallel) to other events. The same
event is registered in the concrete as different from (or perpendicular) to other
events. These two views are in opposition to each other, and expected conflicts
of agreement between the two views are reconciled to differing ways of seeing
(perspectives of) the same thing. This is the holographic record of the past that
events and patterns of events resonate against into conscious awareness and
memory. Experience occurs on a lattice of similarities and differences and is on
the diagonal of both together and of neither one alone. Non-linear systems do
not require a condition to be either/or, and instead can be somewhat so and
somewhat not-so.
When we observe some new event, we notice that in some ways it is similar to
other events of experience. We also notice that in other ways this event is
different from the previous events of our experience. By aligning the similarities
and difference, we describe and relate things to create meaningful expressions
like analogy, simile and metaphor. Our language uses many different parallels of
These distinctions are used tp describe how one thing is related to another. In
each case, some level of similarity is expressed. In language, words are just
sounds, which are auditory parallels of ideas that we have and know about.
It is our ability to create these parallel comparisons in a world of many
differences, (and differentiations in a world of similarities) that makes the
universe comprehensible.
Our experience of each moment is in similarities and differences as compared to
what we already know and feel. A current event will resonate against the
memory of past events. Each current event is observed in the context of the
reflected resonances relative to past events already experienced and the
projected resolutions likely to occur in the future, from the observers point of
An event follows a path through time and space, as the flow of energy and the
information of mass, from the beginning of its occurrence to the end of its
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The Structure of Existence

occurrence. In this perspective of our universe we experience one timeline and
three perpendicular spacelines for the past events to reflect against and resonate
with. Deeper representations are illustrated as higher dimensional perspectives.
Reflected patterns in memory will resonate positive or negative reinforcement
depending upon the feedback from previous outcomes.
Knowing the history of past paths and comparing them to new paths, similar
beginnings can project similar future outcomes or resolutions. Subjectively, all
outcomes are possible. Objectively, some outcomes are just more probable than
Objectve equations and subjective relations can both be expressed as
proportional arrays. Equations link physically oriented entities and events and
quantitatively express an objective perspective of reality. Relations link nonphysical entities and events and qualitatively express a subjective perspective of
reality. Our level of self-awareness is attributable to the extreme resolution of
our projections into the future and the depth and subtlety of our ability to detect
resonances to the pattern of reflections of the past.
Thought is along a line of reasoning, or many. Awareness of an event is the
taking of a position, (a perspective), that includes the knowledge and belief that
certain futures to occur are more probable than others. Choosing actions to alter
the probabilities of events is a process of consciousness. Points of resonance
where the actions in one dimension can influence the actions in another can be
graphed in space on harmonizing, interfering grids. Events are described as
patterns of resonance and patterns of patterns.
The process of consciousness propagates through resonance points of being.
Exchange is two-directional. That which occurs moves in one direction along the
grid. What does not occur travels along the grid in the opposing direction.
Consciousness creates order in the subjective direction, and therefor, it creates
disorder in the objective direction. Order and disorder are subject to a point of
view. From different perspectives, order and disorder can each be the other.
That which changes is the arrangement within ordered groups.
Sub-atomic particles are described by their ordered groups of properties.
Exchanged particles are themselves properties of higher ordered groupings of
properties. An exchange of properties is an exchange of one order for another
order. Similar particles may decay and give up their properties into differing
groupings of particles. Similar events may have differing possible outcomes.
The outcome of one possibility is the non-outcome of all the other possible
Patterns of emitted decay (into one event or another) are paralleled on the level
of human consciousness interactions. As events occur and are registered into
consciousness, other events of non-occurrence are also registered into
consciousness. This is like the weaving of a tapestry creating an opposing weave
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The Structure of Existence

in the threads yet to be incorporated into the work. The weaving work cannot
continue unless the future threads are unwoven regularly. In this same manner,
dreams allow consciousness to unweave the events and non-events in the future
threads of awareness. These dreams may be processed in images that are
similar to and/or different from experienced events.

Deductive reasoning goes from the general cause to the specific effect.
Deduction determines the various reasonable effects concurrent with a set of
causal facts, and is an objective perspective. As example, we know that running
heats the body and makes one sweat. Also, running consumes oxygen, leaving
the body starved for air. Now, if a running person covers a distance of two miles
in less than nine minutes, we can predict that the runner will be hot, sweaty and
breathing hard, even if the race is unseen. This process is of logical linear
reasoning that projects inevitable effects from accepted premises. This is formal
Inductive reasoning goes indirectly from the specific effects to the general cause.
Induction looks for the most common causes for a concurrent set of facts and is
subjective. (When an African hears hoofbeats, the thought is less likely of
horses than of zebras.) As example, One enters a stadium to see people dressed
for running and standing on the track beyond the finish line. They are bent
over, breathing hard, and sweating profusely. Inductive reasoning concludes
this to be the end of a race where the participants were running at a furious
pace. This is lateral, non-linear reasoning and reflects a probable cause for the
case at hand.
Our level of consciousness is a function of our ability to compare similarities
between different things, and contrast differences in similar things.
Consciousness reflects upon current events and resonates the relevant harmonics
significant to events of the past. We analyze for patterns, and project a realistic
probable perspective of futures events. Our brains are designed to make sense
of conflicting information. In fact, the two hemispheres of the brain view things
in two different ways and presume a conflict. One half of the brain compares
different events of the past and present for similarities that might have some
common cause, while the other hemisphere contrasts similar events of the past
and present for differences that might create some expected effect. These are
the two reasoning systems: induction and deduction.
Linear deductive thought is direct problem solving. It is A to B, and as such,
finite. Deductive reasoning works only as well as the considered propositions
agree with reality.
Lateral inductive thought is indirect feeling about the problem. There are
innumerable paths of thought around a problem, and as such is infinite.
Inductive reasoning (deciding how one state was brought on by another) accepts

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The Structure of Existence

all cases as possible, and judges in the moment as to which process is most
The similarities and differences in all things are unending. No two things are any
more similar than different, nor more different than similar. As example, one
cannot say that men are more similar to women than different from them, or
more different than the same. Men and women, like all paired object of
comparison, are both incomparably similar to and different from each other.
One can say that object A is more like object B than it is like object C, but the
manner of comparison must be expressed. As example, compare a 200-pound
rock, an ant, and a man. The man is more similar to the rock than the ant if one
is comparing mass, but a man is more similar to an ant than a 200-pound rock if
one is comparing complexities of feedback systems.
With sub-atomic particles, the manner of comparison equates to the properties of
the particles. Similar times and spaces are as valid a basis of comparison as
similar masses and energies.
Opposites exist in all things. The yin and yang each have the others opposite at
its center. One would not experience darkness, except for the existence of light.
A push in one direction is a pull from the other direction. For one person to have
more than another, the other must have less. For good to exist, evil must also
exist. Good and evil, God and devil, perspectives of opposition are universal.
The simplest extension of space is a one-dimensional representation, (a taught
wire representing a line), that involved two opposing forces for the extension of
space to exist. One force is the tension that pulls the two endpoints of the wire
apart, the force of expansion. The other force is the tension that holds the wire
together, the force of contraction. Each force has its own positive or negative
resonances, depending on the feedback response of the other.
Surfaces are stable places between levels of opposing forces, whether the stable
surface is found in the layer between fluids of different densities, isometric lines
of force, or in the harmonic geometric node set of a taught vibrating wire. Push
and pull together define extension into space. The tension between two forces
creates the surface for waves to travel through space on. Two tensions feed
back to each other, together creating surfaces of vibrational stability and a place
for constant change. Each entity supports opposing tensions to hold standing
waves. When opposing forces are out of balance, disease occurs. As example,
growth and no growth are at odds with each other. If no growth is unduly
dominated by growth, cancer can result. If growth is unduly dominated by no
growth, a vital organ might fail.
What exists in the one-dimensional universe is the line, which is between two
points. The two endpoints of a line are opposite each other. Any choice of
motion along the line is one way or the other. There are two directions for
potential flow. Every point on a line is at a unique and complementary set of
distances from the opposing end points. Each point on the line exists in two
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The Structure of Existence

ways. A point exists both as a potential non-moving nodal surface point fixed
harmonically between two endpoints and a point also exists as a part of the
transitional wave moving across the surface of tensions, (position and
As a standing wave vibrates on a wire, oscillating on a motionless surface. A
wave moving resonantly along the vibrating surface will eventually also be
reflected back in a standing wave manner and so also be a surface.
Wave projections and reflections move through each other across every point on
the line. The motion of the line is the sum of all the waves on the line. Each
point on the line boasts a unique position, making the points on the line all part
of a single complete set of points having uniqueness as their common feature.
Each person is an individual, unique unto that single self. In some way, each of
us is special and like no other. But since everyone is special, no one is special.
We are inescapably similar, bound by our common differentness. We are all
different in the same way.
For good to be possible in life, bad must also be possible. Both must exist for
either to exist.
Agreement and disagreement both exist in all compared things. No two things
can be in complete agreement or disagreement. If they both register complete
disagreement with the other, then on that disagreement they agree. If two
entities were in complete agreement, they would have to be in the exact same
place and time, and there would be only one entity, not two.
An entity exists by its interactions with the rest of the universe, with the not-self.
To interact with the universe, an entity creates a model of the universe inside of
itself. Entities exist by interacting as the self and by being the image that is not
the self.
For an entity to be what it is, it must also be not what it is. Two contradictory
assertions that come from this are; This is this, and this is not this. These
statements are icons of similarity and difference. Being and not-being are
integrated onto the consciousness of each entity.
Expanded, these two contradictory expressions are stated more fully. This is this
and this is only this. This is the deductive linear perspective. Freud cautioned in
his dream therapy that sometimes a cigar is just a cigar, and not necessarily
representative of something else in contrast to a cigar.
This is not this, but all things like this. This is the inductive lateral perspective.
Magritte spoke of this in his painting of a pipe with painted words asserting it (in
French) not to be a pipe. Instead, the painting is representative of things that
are comparable or similar to a pipe.
The first statement is exclusive, projective, objective, and left brained. The
second statement is inclusive, reflective, subjective, and right brained.
Consciousness integrates linear and lateral opposites to diagonally represent both
and neither.

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The Structure of Existence

Linear thought is one axis of understanding. Objective reasoning is required to
create objective models, but one who is to firmly grounded in objectivity sees
only the trees and misses the forest. Restated, one can mistake the examples
for the pattern.
Lateral thought is the other axis of understanding. Subjective reasoning is
used to give meaning to the patterns, but subjectivity alone fails to justify the
meta-pattern by using only objective verifiable examples for comparison.
An integrated perspective sees the examples as the pattern, and not the pattern.
The higher truth is not one or the other; it is both and neither. Whether two
lines are parallel or perpendicular, (whether the lines cross or not) is dependent
upon perspective. The two lines can exist in more than two dimensions. The
simplest three-dimensional structure is the tetrahedron. From different
perspectives, opposing edges of a tetrahedron can be seen as either parallel or
perpendicular. From differing perspectives, a particular set of opposing edges
can be seen to cross or not cross.

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The Structure of Existence

The abstractness of unity

This chapter focuses on the challenges involved in directly experiencing unity.
All that exists is the whole of all things. This is the universe of existence. All
things have the potential to exist. Everything is possible; some things are just
more likely than other. What varies is the probability of that existence to
manifest. Possibility is lateral. Probability is linear. We (all things) exist here
and now only probably. If causality were broken and the past were altered, the
current present would never have existed at all. Everything that has ever
happened (and not happened) in the entire universe has led to the present
moment being exactly as it is. All things are a part of the whole.
Divisions of the whole may appear to be opposites, or complements, but the
whole is not the divisions. The whole is without distinction and can only be
described as indescribable, a description nonetheless. Thus the highest
description of the universe is silence.
The universe, originally all one thing in one place at one time, maintains forever
a connectedness in all its parts as that one thing. This is an acausal connectionone without cause. There is no first thing causing any second thing. No part
comes first or second. There is no linear sequential connection. Instead, the
connection is lateral. Time, as a continuous now, laterally passes through all
entities at the same time, like a circular water ripple passes through the corner
points of a surrounding polygon, or like a spherical expanding wave passing
through all the points of the surrounding polyhedron- all at one time.

The points on the polygon that the circular line passes through all at the same
time are acausally connected. The passage of the line through acausally
connected points happens all at the same time.
Causal connection across a polygon is seen in two expanding polygons expanding
through each other from beginning to the end of the process of expansive

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The Structure of Existence

A plane passing through a three dimensional crystal shows a three-dimensional

static as a directional two-dimensional process. Action in three dimensions (the
directional flow of time) is similarly viewable as passing a three-dimensional
plane across a four-dimensional static crystal.

From the point of unity, all things happen at once and all of time and space is an
unmoving higher-dimensional crystal. Through the geodesics of this fourdimensional crystal passes a three-dimensional plane of dynamic action.
In a two-dimensional universe, the axis of time and the axis of space may be
seen as separate dimensions for the diagonal process of both at once as twodimensional space-time. On the diagonal, passage through space also means
passage through time.
A photon passes through space but does not pass through time.
On the higher crystal of unity, all points are but one point, and what is
happening to any one thing is happening to all other things at the same time.
We all exist in one higher dimensional place, experiencing the same acausal
connection of a single moment. All things exist simply in the here and now. All
things started out together, and are still together. There is no division. In this
universe of action, all entities are doing the same thing. In this universe, all
things exist through a common set of actions necessary for persistence, the
objective and subjective propagation through space and time.
Our everyday experience is of disunity and does not directly reflect the abstract
unity of existence. Our discrete experiences process a linear flow through time.
One basic division of the whole of all things into parts is the dynamic division of
before and after. This is another perspective of cause and effect, the subject
acting on the object, the interaction of the observer and the observed. Each
event observed (physically recorded) is similar to, and different from, other
events observed.
The observer is not separate from the observed. Each one changes the
other during the mutual act of observation. In unity, the concept of distinction,
as in similar or different, does not exist. There is no exchange; there are no
things. The distinction of differentiation does not exist. In this place things

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The Structure of Existence

that are different are also not different. This is a contradictory notion and is
beyond linear objective reasoning. In unity there are no objects or subjects.
There is no cause or effect, and no flow of time or position in space. There just
Non-linear abstract thinking is perhaps best seen in koans. The classic koan is
What is the sound of one hand clapping? Such koans have no linear logical
answer. The purpose of a koan is to circumvent the linear avenue of thought.
This leaves lateral non-linear thinking, an all at once arrival at a conclusion. The
connection is induced, not deduced. A Zen Master would say that this
understanding comes not from words or things, and cannot be described. The
imagery of the unity is described as indescribable.
Kurt Godel, a 20th century mathematician proved something so earthshaking to
the world of mathematics that it rivals any scientific revolution for loss of
foundation and a need for a new perspective. His work was in non-linear
Godel proved that any finite mathematical system capable of meaningful process
would be unable to prove all of the mathematical statements of that system to
be true or false. Such unprovable statements can also be expressed in spoken
language. (Another system of meaningful process) As example, such a
statement in English would be This statement is false. This self-contradictory
statement possesses neither truth nor falseness. If the statement is true, then it
is false. If the statement is false, then it is true. The statement just is.
The variety of these unprovable statements is unending, and their formulation
can be quite intricate and insightful. What makes these statements so important
is their implications in the description of formal systems. These unprovable
statements are self-contradictory. The paradox of self-contradiction has been
known for millennia. Some mathematicians have explored it, most have ignored
it, but Godels work is definitive.
Mathematics and linear objectivity are nothing if not self-consistent. Paradox
and self-contradiction have no place in linear reasoning. One counts on getting
the same answer to the same equation every time the numbers are calculated.
An electron always has the same charge.
Besides self-consistency, the other expectation of mathematics was selfcompleteness; the potential resolution of the truth or falseness of any statement
presented. This completeness is what Godel destroyed.
What Godel actually proved was: Any finite self-consistent system of
representation must be incomplete.

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The Structure of Existence

What Godel did not state, but what follows logically (and linearly) from this
proven fact is that: Any finite system of representation that is complete
must be self-inconsistent.
A complete description of the universe, in any language, must be selfcontradictory.
Flatland contradiction
Edwin Abbott envisioned a universe of two dimensions with ensuing
dimensional limitations. These Flatland creatures are aware of only two
dimensions and not three as we are. These two dimensional creatures have no
awareness of a third dimension running perpendicular to Flatlands twodimensional world, as we are unaware of a fourth dimension running
perpendicular to the three dimensions that we experience.
Flatlanders would know only the two-dimensional X, Y coordinate system. If a
Flatlander were to become enlightened of the existence of this third dimension,
the description would be in two-dimensional terms. A partial description of this
theoretical Z-axis, a third dimension would place it at 90 degrees to the X-axis.
To Flatlanders, this would seem to be a description of the only other axis, the Yaxis. The enlightened Flatlanders further attempt to describe this third
dimension would also fix the new axis at 90 degrees to the Y-axis. To the
unenlightened Flatlander, these two depictions obviously contradict each other.
Perpendicular to X is Y. Perpendicular to Y is X. To a two-dimensional being,
the Z-axis exists only as a contradictory reality and cannot be experienced
directly. It is a meta-experience of contradictories in agreement. A similar
logical limitation exists in our own three-dimensional quest for a higher
dimensional perspective on reality.
Our universe is one of self-contradiction, and not. The convolutions of a
non-linear self-contradictory system include agreeing and not agreeing with
Quantification and measurement describe objective reality, but leave
subjectivity unaddressed. The complete set of rules for existence, despite
apparent self-contradiction, includes both the objective and the subjective in all
their opposing manifestations. Since objectivity and subjectivity innately
contradict each other, the expression of both in a single self-contradictory being
provides a point of perspective where contradictory facts can both be locally
correct. (A photon is correctly, if narrowly, described as a particle and also
correctly described as a wave. A higher description of a photon sees it as both
and neither a particle and a wave.) It is from a higher perspective that
contradictories can be in agreement. Contradictory statements like this is this
and this is not this (or this equals this and this does not equal this) can both

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The Structure of Existence

accurately describe contradictory aspects of the lower three-dimensional
universe, which in four dimensions would not be contradictory.
From differing perspectives, what is parallel from one perspective can be
perpendicular from another perspective. Valid opposing statements of a lower
perspectives contradictory viewpoints can be compared using a mathematical
notation for ease of expression. To simplify the assertion this is this and not
this is this (or this is not this), the expressions A and ~A will also be used.
The following expressions of contradictory assertions about assertions show the
expanded relationship between two contradictory statements. To see the
relationship as one way or the other is to have a perspective. To see both
opposing perspectives as the same as well as different is to take a higher more
global perspective.
(A), (~A)
This is this, this is not this
(Linear deduction), (Lateral induction)
((A)=(~A)), ((A)~=(~A))
This is this equals this is not this, This is this does not equal This is not
(((A)=(~A))=((A)~=(~A))) , (((A)=(`A))~=((A)~=(~A)))
This is this equals this is not this equals This is this does not equal This is
not this,
This is this equals this is not this does not equal This is this does not equal
This is not this
The self-contradictory nature of reality is evident on all levels of being. Mutually
exclusive statements are just differing perspectives on the same reality. How
one looks at a thing is just as important as any intrinsic properties a thing may
have. The observer effects the observed. The orientation of a tetrahedron to
the observer provides the kind of symmetry an opposing pair of edges might

Perspective also decides the kind of symmetry exhibited by a planes passage

across the tetrahedron, whether triangular, square, or hexagonal.

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The Structure of Existence

The observation of the properties of an entity (or event) can be of the whole
entity or of the parts of the entity.
The view of a part or set of parts of an entity is a view of a divided thing
with distinct describable attributes observed. This is a self-consistent local
The view of an entity as a whole is of the entity as an undivided undescribed
self-contradictory single thing. This is the perspective of the unity of a thing,
and is self-contradictory global perspective.
In this image, each end is internally consistent, but as a whole, its parts are
inconsistent with each other.

The change from a perspective of the unity (or the whole) to a

perspective of the parts and differentiation is the change that allows for
distinctions to be observed. This is a transition from a global perspective to a
local perspective - not of the whole, but of the parts.
Locality is seen in the physical closeness that allows increasingly minute
distinctions to be made from increasingly narrow observations, that is; less of
sweep resonates around the circle. To observe locally is to perceive the flat
facets of a polyhedron, to be too close to see the smooth curved surface of a
A global perspective takes in the whole, at the expense of being aware of
the details of the parts. A local perspective focuses on the parts, making a
global view impossible. The transition from a global view to a local view allows
the parts of the whole to be seen. These parts themselves are seen as wholes
that can be approached even more closely for an even more local, less global
There is a relationship between local-global interactions at different scales, and
the energy level in the system. It turns out that a thimble of liquid helium, near
absolute zero, when placed on a turntable, does not spin slowly first, then faster,
but instead spins first not at all, then all at once. At extreme low temperatures,
angular momentum is quantized in the entire thimble of liquid, and angular
momentum is more global. It also turns out that the winds of Neptune travel
much faster than on any of the warmer planets. Again low energy is the cause
of such global motion. Where atmospheres are warmer, there is more
turbulence, which causes local distortions. This local action prevents the
swiftness of the global wind motions on the colder planet.

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The Structure of Existence

The differentiations and distinctions of the local parts indirectly describe
the global unity. Different sets of distinctions describe different kinds of parts,
but the patterns found when comparing one set of parts to another set of parts
shows the abstract parallels for the indirect understanding of the common unity.
These abstract parallels are seen in structures of correspondence and relational
arrays like tables of correspondence, geodesics, and mathematics.


The described parts of the whole are like the described facets of a crystal.
They are tangential to the central object, and are only indirectly representative
of the whole. A crystals facets reflect some objective waves back out to interact
with the outer world, and the same facets also reflect some subjective waves
from the object back to itself.
The surface that is the facet is the interface between the outside and the
inside of an entity. Facets are bordering structures for the whole of threedimensional space, just as lines are the boundaries of two-dimensional space.
Surface facets reflect and project objective and the subjective projections,
reflections, absorptions, and emissions. Just as polygons reflect around inside a
circle, creating differing reflecting reinforcing circular resonant structures, the
facets of a solid are reflecting reinforcing two-dimensional structures of resonant
symmetry within a sphere.
The universe is expanding. Waves can expand as they propagate. If the
surface and the wave both expand at the same rate, the resonant symmetry
between them remains constant. If the wave expands faster than the surface,
each wave will transition the origin of other waves and two waves are grouped
as one. If the surface expands faster than the waves, overlaps dissociate and
associations decay. Between integration and disintegration lies the structures of

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The Structure of Existence

In this passage of waves through each other, interferences, (both positive and
negative) come into being and mark the expanding node points in space that
show the geometry of the changing yet unchanging relationship between waves.

In an expanding universe, a standing wave moves its reflective facets into

new space. This motion creates a continuously changing matrix of before and
after relationships as the facets continue to pass through new and greater
amounts of space. Expanding objects interfere with each other as they pass
through each other.

Wave motion contains linear and circular aspects. An object expanding

away from a point displays linear motion out from the center.

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The Structure of Existence

The circular or angular motion around the point is called spin, and goes
around the center.
If spin is included with the outward expansion, the cumulative path of the
objects expansion through space will allow a potentially reflecting facet from an
earlier time to become parallel to an adjacent facet of the crystal at a later time.
This is a spiral expansion.

The rates of expansion and spin create specific distances and frequencies
between earlier and later parallel reflecting facet positions. Different distances
between an expanding crystals reflecting surfaces allow specific wavelengths to
feed back and resonate harmonically with the parts of itself over time. Differing
spin rates permit differing rates of propagation to be timed into self-reflective
Past wave pattern engrams can remain in existence and resonate against
new wave patterns, creating interference pattern projections that predict and
support the probabilities of future outcomes.
We compare and contrast the patterns projected. Similarities and
differences lie within the particular local patterns focused on for comparison.
Imagine a triangle, a two dimensional crystal. There are three points.
There are also three lines. There are three axes of symmetry, two different
ways. These two ways to show symmetry both divide the object into three equal
parts. The triangle is either three lines, each with two end points, or three
points, each between two lines.

Another symmetry found in a triangle (or other polygon) is its direction of

spin, or chiraltry. This is either clockwise or counterclockwise. There is also the
symmetry of before and after (or inside and outside) found in expansion.
In the symmetry of lines with endpoints, the interaction is along the line
and across between the endpoints, which do not move. Points along the line are
all potential nodes, which in turn are potential surfaces for projection or
reflection. The node points do not move in the direction of the wave or its
energies. The node points are the surfaces that the waves move upon and
across. Node points on a standing wave are points across and through which
energy travels during an exchange. Although node points do not move along
the line, they do change actualized location on the line with changing harmonic

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The Structure of Existence

divisions of the line. The various energy resonances of opposition in standing
wave harmonics can change the tensions and divisions of the surface.

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The Structure of Existence

In the sense that all things are perpendicular to the unity, they are similarly
parallel to each other.
All attempted descriptions of the model of existence are tangential yet
parallel to the higher description of the meta-model. All that exists is the
universe of all things. This is a logically contradictory concept. Any universe
that contains all things must contain all things that are not in the universe of all
things, for they too are things.
All experience is of the universe, in all its forms, experiencing itself
through being dynamically interactive with the rest of its universe self. Each
entity experiences being as both itself directly, and as not-itself indirectly. The
universes experiences of the self and the not-self are through its interactions
and relationships, every part with every other.
The part(s) of the universe that is (are) the self is (are) in all things and
interact(s) with the part(s) of the universe that is (are) not the self and is (are)
also in all things. All things are both the self of the universe and the not-self of
the universe, depending upon the perspective of that thing. All interactions are
of the universe experiencing existence as itself and as not itself. The separate
experience(s) of the entities of existence is (are) both direct and indirect forms
of self-experience.
Every entity exists as both a particle and a wave. The higher perspective sees
existence as both and neither the particle and the wave.
Not only is this universe one of both and neither, it is actually both and
neither both and neither particle and wave.
Objective and subjective dimensions both have the tendency to persist and
expand. Each separate dimension has an interest in its own benefit and
increase. Objectively, energy flows downhill in entropy during an exchange.
Subjective information flows uphill during an exchange. Objective and subjective
flows are in opposite directions, and the flow of exchange is each through the
On one level, increase or benefit to one group may reduce or reverse
benefit to the other group. On another level, benefit or loss is shared by all
members of the group. These distinctions create the basis for cooperation and
competition. The dynamics of persistence are of hierarchical feedback from level
to level as precipitated into existence. The game is to persist and propagate. All
paths are explored.
The opposition of cooperative and competitive intents in an exchange
system can create tensions of expansion or contraction. There is plenty of space
for expansion and contraction. An attractive exchange moves objects together,
and repulsive exchange moves objects apart.
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The Structure of Existence

A new and higher level of response to the competitive drives of
persistence is to see how there is a way to benefit the self by benefiting others
that are the not self. This is a conceptual inclusion or grouping of disparate
things into a greater group. This action of inclusion integrates the members of a
group as a higher-level entity. Enlightened self-interest occurs when members of
a group see how helping the other members is an indirect way of helping the
self. This mutual altruism promotes the survival of a group as a higher entity.
Contrarily, the mere creation of a new group creates another division of
the unity. Another collection of things that are not in the self-created group now
exists. The existence of another group of separated things, not the self, is
created when any grouped thing is created.
To the extent that entities are in the same group, they collectively benefit
by cooperation. To the extent that entities are in different groups, they
separately benefit by competition. Entities work toward the same purpose as
some other entities, and against the purpose of other entities.
In the genetics of humanity, two similar chromosomes create a woman, and two
different chromosomes create a man. The nurturing female nature of humanity
is exhibited in cooperative similarity, and the aggressive male nature of humanity
is exhibited in competitive difference.
An entity can exist in groups that are at cross-purposes with each other.
To do this, the entity is not directly aligned with either group directly, but is at a
diagonal to both groups. All things are both objective and subjective and so are
on a diagonal to the field of both and neither. Higher levels of tangential selfcontradiction lead to increasingly subtle and indirect expressions of reality.
Buddhists say that enlightenment cannot be sought or found directly. It
comes not from words or learning, and is not an outcome of logical thought.
Enlightenment cannot be described directly.
Since enlightenment can be experienced, and since that enlightenment
cannot be experienced through direct description, all that is left are indirect
means, which are not at all to the point.
When getting to a point, or attempting to, one follows a line of thought or
a physical line. A line that is not to the point will, by default, miss the point.
Such a line can only indicate the point attempting to be made indirectly.
On an indirect line there is a point that is perpendicular to the point
attempting to be made. The indirect point actually made is where the point to
be made is reflected back from the indirect line. The closest point on the indirect
line is where it is at a tangent to the circle that exists around the point at that
distance. An indirect point on a line may be tangential to many circles

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The Structure of Existence

surrounding many points that can be made, and one indirect line by itself is not
specific about which point is intended indirectly.

The line of thought reflects upon some point. From the perspective of the
point that might actually be implied, a reflection from a line can come from any

All models of reality are tangential to the unity and therefor can be seen as
abstractly parallel to each other from a higher perspective. The direct and the
indirect are perpendicular to each other from the lower perspective. Indirect lines
are tangential to the point not directly made. Two related indirect lines miss the
point less vaguely than one line.

The hypotenuse line of a right triangle (as on an X, Y graph) will always

have a point upon it that is tangential to the origin.

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The Structure of Existence

X and Y coordinates
A wave in a two-dimensional field (a flat surface) has two axes, X and Y.
The two components are one wave.

The hypotenuse of Pythagorus is the mirror image of the unit circle length of
Trigonometry. Both are indirect expressions of the two original axes, both and

No matter what the angle of the unit circle around the point, the radial
line always points away from the center.
No matter what angle the hypotenuse, there is always a point on the line
that reflects the center back to itself.

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The Structure of Existence

The hypotenuse is a constant value (one, like the unit circle) for a
contrasting pair of perpendicular dimensions to share a functional relationship.
The total squared areas of the two perpendiculars are constant across all angles.

Planks constant
Space and time are linked components of the continuum of the universe.
They can be seen as similar to (and different from) each other. They can also be
seen as a single higher dimensional meta-object of space-time.
The hypotenuse of X and Y is a meta-object for both X and Y separately
and is thus both consistent and contradictory with itself from the perspectives of
X and Y. A fixed length hypotenuse of space-time is the fundamental unit of
measure for the opposing forces linear and lateral, (or angular) propagation, and
is called Planks constant after its discoverer, Maxwell Plank.
With the hypotenuse length remaining constant, the values for X and Y
may vary. As X grows longer and closer to the length of the hypotenuse, Y
grows shorter.
Heisenberg showed that in complementary sets of information, X and Y,
knowledge of the two kinds of information (like position and momentum) are
mutually exclusive. The kind of knowledge available is based on whether the
hypotenuse is more nearly parallel with X or Y. The greater the certainty of
having one kind of information, the greater the certainty of a having a lack of
the other kind of information. A hypotenuse yields two opposing perspectives on
reality from one ambiguous tangent.
Three from four
One hypotenuse traverses one quadrant of the X, Y graph. Left / right
symmetry and top / bottom symmetry provide three more hypotenuses
surrounding the graph origin with an infinite set of parallelograms of fixed length
diagonal hypotenuses, one side for each quadrant of the graph. Two sets of
reflecting parallel lines exist regardless of the quantities in the relationship.

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The Structure of Existence

In trigonometry, the unit radius line of the circle changes direction around the
origin. The reflective hypotenuse for each potential radial has its center
collocated with the center of that radius line. The center of the hypotenuse
moves in the same direction as the center of the radial, but the angular changes
of the two lines are in opposite directions.
As the center of the trigonometric pair (the radius and hypotenuse) moves
around in a circle in one direction, The reflection back to the center from the
hypotenuse line moves around the center in the opposite direction. While one
perspective shows a constant angular motion in one direction, the reflection of
the center (from the hypotenuse) moves around the circle in the opposite
direction through each of the four quadrants.

The natural motion of the fixed length hypotenuse though a full four
quadrant circle traces out a hypocycloid.

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The Structure of Existence

The co-located midpoint of the hypocycloid hypotenuse and the unit circle
radius both trace a circle with a radius of half the length of the original unit. The
area inside the inner circle is one quarter of the total area, leaving three quarters
of the area on the outside of the inner circle.
The relationship of X, Y space across two dimensions, (across and along),
creates the basis for a third dimension, around. The range of a new dimension
is all of the perspectives from the original lower domain. A circle needs a twodimensional field to exist in.
There is the unit circle, and collocated within the unit circle is the midpoint of
coexistence circle halfway out from the center. The inner circle can have a
tangent to it. When the inner diameter is half the outer diameter, the tangent
line reflects around inside of the outer circle exactly three times making exactly
three tangents around the origin.
The area of the outer ring half of the unit circle is three fourths of the total
internal area. Three fourths of the area is in the outer ring. This tangent
reflects around within the circle three times creating a three dimensional radial
division of space.

The ratio of straight space to curved space in angular divisions of the circle
depends on the number of harmonic divisions created around the circle.

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The Structure of Existence

The repetitive flow around a point is a feedback system for resonant
propagation. In these flat examples, the circular two-dimensional motion can be
seen as moving through one axis of time and one axis of space. One view of our
four dimensions sees a similar repetitive motion through one axis of time but
three axes of space.
A triangle inscribed in a circle, itself describes an inner circle at half the
radius of the outer circle. One quarter of the outer circles total area is found in
the inner circle.
A square inscribed within a circle has its own inner circle with half the area
of the outer circle. If another square is inscribed, and then another inner circle,
the second inner circle of the square has the same area as a single inscribed
circle from an inscribed triangle.

Halving the area of circle twice with a square is equivalent to halving the
length of the hypotenuse once with a triangle.
As shown above, self-reflection from the center origin of a graph occurs
with each of the four hypotenuses at any slope around a point. Every
perpendicular line pair rational position on the grid acts as a direct reflector for
every radial from that point.

Self-reflection within a grid square occurs from four directions from any
position within the square. The four 90 degree corners are natural direct

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The Structure of Existence

Exterior reflection of space and interior reflection of space are different

perspectives of the same geometry of linear process.

Divisions of the whole circle other than four 90-degree radials can also mark out
equal angles of radial sweep around a point. 60, 90, and 120-degree rotations
allow unit length extensions into space to continue self-similar patterning on the

Any number of radials around a point can divide the circle. The orientations and
extensions of dimension in being, in space-time, are at a stable balance when
opposing forces receive equal uniform resistance.

The more radials around a point, the less the angle of sweep exists around a
circle between radial lines. The occupation of space can occur with any polygon.

The number of corners in a polygon is same as the number of sides of that

polygon. Since the number of sides of a polygon is always the same as the
number of corners of that same polygon, every polygon is its own dual. That is,

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The Structure of Existence

every polygon can be rotated half way out of phase with itself and have a one to
one correspondence between sides and corners of the two positions of the
polygon. Two regular identical polygons, rotated out of phase with each other,
can be of a relative size that their edge lines will cross. Each polygon has its
edgelines lines crossing the lines of the (by its perspective, out of phase) other

Every point in space has an infinite number of radials through it. Every point in
space also has an infinite number of circles surrounding the point.

All expressions of space are perpendicular to all expressions of time. Every point
on the tangent line (where the circle and radial meet) is at a given distance
from, and at a given angle to the central point. At specific ratios of uniform
lengths and angles, a plane is covered with three self-perpetuating, resonant,
geometric organizations of space and time. These arraingements are seen as
the triangle, square, and hexagon. The intersections for each of these repeating
patterns of extension into space are motionless node points. Flat planar space
can be seen as a grid with uniform divisions or patterns of potential running
across it.
Three dimensions of space are more complicated than two dimensions. A
three dimensional dual has the number of corners of one polyhedron matching
the number of facets of the other polyhedron. The cube and the octahedron are
duals of each other. Only the tetrahedron is its own dual.
There are at least four ways to describe the point location of an object in twodimensional space; the Cartesian X, Y two-distance coordinate system, the two
radial coordinate system, the single radial-distance coordinate system, and the
three-distance coordinate system, where the intersection of only two circles
would leave uncertainty.

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The Structure of Existence

Lines can be reflected and projected by other lines. Radial lines come
from a point. Lines are of reflections and projections from one point to another.
Tangent lines miss the point. Tangent lines reflect and project relative to
the circles radius around a point. A radial line from one perspective can be a
tangent line from another perspective.

Memory traces are enduring wave interference patterns of projections and

reflections whose resonant vibrations have caused recognition in consciousness.
Pattern recognition is being able to resonate against past patterns to compare
for such things as harmonic tensions, stress relationships, and classes of
resolution, seeking the higher pattern.
The resonance traces can be seen in the infinite set of tangents of the circular
expansion from a point. The resonant echo can be seen in a particular radials
set of tangents in a particular reflective or projective pattern, or it can be seen
going around or through divergent radial lines. The resonant pattern can be
simple or complex.

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The Structure of Existence

This trace is a sequence of points patterning specific times and spaces. Pattern
sequences from one point to another can occur along an infinite number of paths
through an infinite number of points, but the most direct route is the
renormalized general description. From one point on an X, Y graph to another,
motion can be in either direction.
A line can be a tangent to a circle around a point or a radial away from a point.
The tangent line is perpendicular to the radial line, and one is the same as the
other. Angular motion of the tangent line is the same as linear motion away
from the radial point. Slope change in the tangent line is only a consideration
when the origin of the tangent line is local.
Sequential motion of a point strictly in a radial direction will have tangent lines to
that point that are all parallel to each other, never crossing, with a given linear
quantity between any pair of points on the line of motion. Motion of a line
strictly around a single point will have radial lines that all meet at a single point,
with a given angular quantity between any two lines.

No line is just a tangent or just a radial. Every line is both a tangent and a
radial. Perspective allows a line to be seen as one or the other.

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The Structure of Existence

All flows are not just X or Y, but X and Y. The line of flow will be at some
diagonal slope to the X, Y coordinate system.

A two to one slope has a waves line of travel going twice as far along one axis
as the other axis while the line moves but the slope is still. This straight-line flow
of slope can be in flat space or in curved space. Curved space comes back
around to repeat a flow across the same space. If the curvature is just X or just
Y, the resulting objects are cylinders. If both X and Y curve around to allow
angular flow along both axes, the resulting shape is a torus.

If the line of flow along a curved space appears to be nearly exclusively along
one axis, it can be seen to curve back around and be parallel to itself on its next
cycle, and the next. The line itself is always at some diagonal, but may appear
to move almost exclusively along one dimension. If the cycle is observed for
may similar passes of adjacent parallel lines along one dimension, a timed point
along that cycle will show fixed a set of points at the same place in the cycle to
all describe a single line nearly lateral to the original flow. The marked repetition
of an explicit linear line of thought along one direction of motion will yield a
lateral line of implicit inference in the across that same direction of motion. A
true perpendicular to the rotating spiral is a spiral in the other direction around
the closed surface. The closer one direction gets to being completely across the
flow in one direction, the closer the perpendicular gets to being completely along
that same direction of flow.

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The Structure of Existence

This same lateral direction of patterned flow exists even when the linear slope
across the grid is greater and the lateral line is less obvious. Every rational
harmonic of X and Y has a related lateral structure existing along with and
against the objective structure.
When a straight line passes across the plane, the repeating change in
quantities of X and Y define the slope ratio for that rational pattern. There exists
within the parts of the ratio, dimensional extensions where a standing wave
might develop. Such a repeating pattern of X and Y is an object. A given slope
is of a particular object. The more subtle the ratio between X and Y the more
complex the object created. A two-dimensional pattern may appear to repeat
over and over on a flat surface, or the two-dimensional surface can be reflected
back to the origin within a single grid square.

Passage of a line across a two dimensional geometric figure is analogous to

passing a plane across a three-dimensional geometric figure, as is the passage of
a three-dimensional surface through four-dimensional object. Exchanges are
along the geodesics between node points, whether in some sequence, or all at

The facets on a high order polyhedron (one that looks like a sphere) when
viewed locally appear to be a grid on a flat surface. Exchanges across the high
order polyhedrons surface then appear to be motion from node points to node
points on the grid. Quantum exchanges along node points can be between
individual nodes or groups of nodes that are collectively a single node, or groups
of groups of nodes, etc
Geometry is the study of angles and distances on surfaces. Topology is the
study of the curvature of surfaces. The relationship between geometry and
topology is that a topological object, like a sphere, is a high order geodesic and a
geometric object, like a cube, is a low order geodesic shape. Both sphere and
tetrahedron possess qualities of topology and geometry. The different
attributes, though the same, have differing influences on differing scales.

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The Structure of Existence

A wave traveling on the surface of a topological object is via the geometric node
points of the geodesic surface. Both actions are that of a lower-dimensional
surface passing across a higher-dimensional object.

When viewed from a global perspective, a high order polyhedron surface is

curved. When viewed from a local perspective, the surface is flat.

An expanding ripple can be on a curved or flat surface. The perpendicular

sine wave travels along the radial lines of the origin point. The circles sine wave
expands away from the center. Globally far from the center, a local radial
section across the front of the wave will be flat and perpendicular to the
direction of travel.
The sine wave itself is time invariant. That is, the image of the wave looks
the same forward or backwards. What is not time invariant is the wavefronts
curvature across the local part of a full circle. One direction is positive, The other
is negative. No matter how little curvature there is, the curvature is in the
direction of the original point, the direction of probable cause. The other side of
the wave of passage is the direction of probable effect.

If the wave, starting at a point, travels completely across the polyhedron, the
energy of that wave will meet again on the other side of the polyhedron at a
point. This processes is time invariant. Sub microscopically, it happens
continuously. Quantum particles are completely time invariant. In the
macroscopic world, however, a wave will lose or transfer its energy before
reaching the other side of the geodesic, and time-flow cause and effect becomes

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The Structure of Existence

Tiling the plane
Only three regular polygons will tile the local flat surface without gap or
overlap. These are the triangle, the square and the hexagon. A flat tiling
around a single point will use three hexagons, four squares, or six triangles.

With these three polygons, points at the corners of the tiles define the planes
nodal geodesic surface. Intersecting planes describe edges. Edges describe
boundaries. The new points in the tiling infer new points of resonance for more
tiling of the plane. From each extension of a tile, more tiling extensions of space
can be described. Waves travel along a surface through its potential divisions of
that surface. The potential node points pass energy as slope exchange in both
directions at once. Old to new, and new to old; the tile node points are
terminals of harmonic exchange.
To gain curvature on the tiled surface, affecting the topology through
geometry, the number of polygons around a point can be reduced. Four squares
around a point are flat, but three squares around a point make the corner of a

Angling and reducing the number of facets around a point can create objects
that are (in the simplest regular form) the five platonic solids.
The lines connecting corner points on the polyhedron carry wave exchanges
around the object in three dimensions instead of two. More dimensions allow for
more complicated exchanges. The shape of the polyhedron shows the wave sets
it will carry.
The cube and octahedron are a pair of expressions for one symmetry of space.
They are each platonic solids and duals of each other. Polyhedron pairs that are
duals of each other have the corners of one object radially collocated spatially
with the facets of the other object.

The cube has eight corners and six facets, while the octahedron has six
corners and eight facets. Both objects have twelve edge lines. An edge line on
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The Structure of Existence

one object matches perpendicularly to a corresponding edge line of its dual
object. Duals have all the edges on one object each perpendicular to a
corresponding edge on the other object.
The other platonic dual set is the dodecahedron and icosohedron pair, with
facet counts of twelve and twenty each, respectively. They both have thirty
opposing edge lines.
The fifth and simplest platonic solid is the tetrahedron. This is a four-sided
figure with four corners. The tetrahedron is the only solid that is its own dual. A
tetrahedron has six edge lines to interact with another tetrahedron.
On a tetrahedron there are six paths of exchange between four points of
reflection and projection.
Each corner point has three lines going from it to the three other points.
Each facet centerpoint is surrounded by three lines that go around the facets
and are tangent to the center of the facet and tangent to the center of the
When two same sized tetrahedrons are placed out of phase with the other, all
six lines of exchange on each tetrahedron cross all lines of six lines of exchange
on the other tetrahedron. No matter the orientation of one tetrahedron to the
other, the two sets of six lines can always cross and touch. The point where two
edge lines cross and touch each other are the node points of stillness for both

The tetrahedron structure depicts the tensions of a three dimensional standing

wave object. The lines of the tetrahedrons can resonate harmonically. Still node
points on one line can change location along that line and influence still node
points on the dual line that crosses it through indirect mutual reflective feedback.
Harmonic progression nodes in the lines on each tetrahedron indirectly
influence the other tetrahedrons harmonic progression nodes, and as the
crossing nodes move, so does the spatial orientation of one tetrahedron to the
other. This is the dynamics of the four-dimensional crystal.

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The Structure of Existence

Observed properties of a tetrahedron are quite instructive. The closest packing
of spheres is in a tetrahedral array. A tetrahedron is the simplest and most
stable three dimensional object. Two opposing tetrahedrons form the
crossmembers of a cube, which has six single surface reflectors, twelve two
surface reflectors, and eight three surface reflectors.

A tetrahedron shows the symmetries that tile the plane: From one
perspective, perpendicular to two opposing edges, a tetrahedron has the
silhouette of a square. From another perspective, perpendicular to a facet, a
tetrahedron has the silhouette of a triangle. Crossing diagonals on the facets of
a cube are made of two crossing tetrahedrons, and the diagonal silhouette of the
cube as a whole is a hexagon when seen perpendicular to any of the cubes four
three dimensional opposing corner diagonals.

The passage of a plane through a geodesic plots not just the parts, but also the
perspective of organization. For that pattern to exist, its parts must each have
an exchange in sequence discovered by the passing planes perspective.
Exchanges between the parts can be seen from different perspectives.
A plane, passing through a tetrahedron perpendicular to its square perspective,
maintains a constant length perimeter as the ratio of height and width exchange
quantities. A plane passing through a tetrahedron perpendicular to its triangular
perspective maintains a constant ratio of area to height as the volume changes.
These are different resonance structures in the tetrahedron.

Four spheres pack into a tetrahedron. By the two symmetrical ways to pass a
plane across the tetrahedron of spheres, four is counted two plus two, and also

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The Structure of Existence

counted as one plus three. The exchange arrangement goes in both directions
from both perspectives.
The tetrahedron can grow in the number of spheres needed for its creation. The
next higher order tetrahedron has three spheres in a row along the edges.
There are three layers to pass through, two different ways. That is three plus
four plus three, or one plus three plus six.

From the perpendicular perspective, this higher order tetrahedron makes

exchanges from three spheres in a line to a two by two arrangement, and then
to three spheres in line at ninety degrees to the first line. The six new spheres
needed for this tetrahedron exist in two different symmetries. One additional
sphere occurs between each of the two opposing perpendicular lines of spheres,
and the other four spheres form the square of equal perimeter interface between
the two perpendiculars lines of spheres. The primary addition was two plus two.
The next level of addition goes three plus four plus three.
From the triangular perspective, the old tetrahedron makes exchanges from one
to three and back. The new tetrahedron goes from one sphere to three spheres
to six spheres. All six new spheres occur in one plane together, and have their
own internal perpendicular planar symmetry of one plus two plus three.
Triangular three-dimensional addition is one plus three plus six.

Every point in space is surrounded by an infinite set of circles, radials, and
tangents to circles. Every radial has an infinite number of perpendiculars from as
infinite number of directions.

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The Structure of Existence

A point in space may have two circles expand out away from it starting at
different times. There may be, then, an outer circle and an inner circle that both
expand away from the center. This expanding set of circles will be called a circle
Within a circle pair, a line that is tangent to the inner circle will be a secant or
chord line to the outer circle.

If the inner circle diameter is near zero, the length of the inner circle tangent
line that is a chord to the outer circle approaches the diameter of just the outer

If the center circle expands relative to a fixed outer circle, the chord between
the two circles grows shorter. As the inner circle approaches the outer circle, the
tangent approaches zero.

Now, if these two circles both expand at a rate that leaves a constant length
tangent chord between them, then the area between the two circles remains
constant. The area between any pair of concentric circles is a function of the
tangent chord length between those two circles.

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The Structure of Existence

This fixed length tangent of a circle pair is the fixed length hypotenuse unit of
quantum measurement. We see the universe as expanding. We see both
circles as expanding. If the tangent length stays the same between the circles
then the area between the circles stays the same. What we see is a fixed length
tangent, the basic quantum of measurement and exchange. A fixed twodimensional area also represents this fixed one-dimensional length. The area
that is the square of the hypotenuse remains constant and equal to the sum of
the squares of the X and Y quantities that describe that hypotenuse, and pi is
the factor of rotational extension around a point. This relationship between
length and area aids in understanding the relationship between rolled up
membrane surfaces and unit length strings in superstring theories.
What changes, along with ratio of radii to chord lengths, during the expansion of
a circle pair, is the number of tangents that reflect around the circle. At specific
ratios of radial length to tangent length the reflections around a point are
reinforced by whole number harmonics. This allows for a set of circularly
reflected standing waves.

A disk rolling on a surface remains upright, holding a resistance to the force of

gravity to lower the disks center of gravity. If the disk is spun backwards to the
direction of motion across the surface, the disk remains upright as the frictional
forces of rotational deceleration and linear deceleration compete. When the
frictional forces equalize, either the direction of spin in the wheel will have
changed or the direction of travel across the floor will have changed. On a
spinning turntable surface, a disk spun backwards will reverse both its direction
of spin and direction of travel continuously around the spinning center of this
surface, with a circle as the limit of the disks travel. Different size disks have
different size patterns around a similar sized limit circle for a given speed of
rotation around the center of rotation.

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The Structure of Existence

Entities are standing waves with any and all number of divisions of the whole.
Entities different numbers of divisions resonate against each other by one facet
from each of the two entities being a single composite pulse that is some fraction
of one entity and some other fraction of the other entity. The ratios of one to
the other can vary vastly. Changing the ratio between interacting circle-pairs
changes the resonance of the interactions between them.

Common resonance structures for standing waves include the circle diameter,
inscribed triangle, square, pentagon, pentagram; all self-reinforcing inscribed
patterns. All regular polygonal structural lines of flow can be reflected around by
the outer circle back onto itself, as long as the inner circle does not interfere. As
the circle-pair expand, first the simplest geometries are blocked, then higher
resonances. At great expansions, only the highest resonances endure. A wave
traveling around inside the outer circle interferes with itself for feedback and
All possible ratios of radius to tangent occur in the fixed area of an expanding
circle pair. When the inner circle starts at zero radius, the internal fixed area of
the circle pair is the same as the area of the whole outer circle. The tangent
between the circle pair is then equal to the diameter of a single circle with the
same radius. The tangent equals one and the outer radius equals one half. The
inner radius is zero. The ratio of radii to tangent is one half to one for the outer
circle, and zero to one for the inner circle.

As the circle pair expands, the radii of the two circles successively become
larger than the tangent chord length. With enough time, the radii become so
large that the unit length of the tangent becomes virtually zero in relation to

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The Structure of Existence

either radii. The difference in length between the two radii has shrunk to
virtually zero. The radii to tangent ratios become nearly infinite.

Local closeness of a tangent to the center of the circle is in relationship to the

swept angle of that single segment around the point. The greater the tangent
length in relation to the radius length, the closer the tangent line is to the center,
and the fewer tangents it takes to go around the point.
Everything is a wave. The wave circle can be seen as an expanding surface
pulse flowing away from a point. This circular wave that is the outer circle can
reflect back into the circle. Even though the wave is circular, the paths of
expansion on the wave are all straight. The flows of the inner wave go in
straight-line reflections around the inside of the outer circle. Any point inside the
outer circle provides a starting point for a circular wave to find straight geometric
reinforcement at any angle. Wave starting points near the edge of the outer
circle only allow for iterations around the circle that do not cross.

The simplest two-dimensional geodesic is the triangle. Next simplest is the

square. Two circle inscriptions of the square are the same as one inscription of
the circle in a triangle.

A Point
All lines of discourse on the nature of things are at a tangent to the true
point of unitys singularity and will miss the mark. In Olde Englands archery, to

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The Structure of Existence

miss the mark is to sin. The first circle was sin one, and the next circle was sin
two, etc.
The vocabulary of King James colors modern terminology for wrongdoing.
Biblically we all fall short of the aim of being a squarely centered reflection of
God. To face self-reflection directly as the godly unity is beyond mortal abilities,
as we exist on the diagonal and experience God only indirectly. Some people
find it difficult just to meet the reflective gaze of another person squarely.
We are made in the image of God, abstractly, but so are all things.
No matter how precise a description of the unity is attempted, it will
fail to hit the mark exactly. Even the closest imagery is at a tangent to
the truth and will, by its nature, miss the point....
And this great truth of the certainty of any description of reality to
miss the point, itself completely misses the point.

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The Structure of Existence

Self similar patterns

Everything is abstractly the same as everything else. Self-similarity has many
forms and is seen in all things. This chapter is an overview of many of the
mechanisms of self-similarity in our universe of existence.
Self reference
The point of the previous chapters description of missing the point having
missed the point is that being is a self-referential action. Godels proof of
unprovability is of equations that are self-referential and contradictory. A selfcontradictory being, as surreal and ambiguous as that seems, creates a feedback
image of itself by objectively being indirectly subjective and subjectively being
indirectly objective. Actions and reactions are conducted ion a common field of
indirect play, each axis through the other.
This continuously reflected feedback pattern, on every level, leads to
common kinds of distinctions and differentiations through harmonic dynamics
and a drive for truth and beauty. These are the goals of the forces of objectivity
and subjectivity.
Another way of seeing self-similar patterning is by simple reflection. The
reflected image is the same as the original object image of the self, only
different. Two-dimensional reflections of an image are all different from the
original object in the same way. The direction of spin (a quality also known as
chiraltry or handedness) in a reflection is opposite to the spin in the projected
object being reflected.

Each reflected image has the same quantity of information as the object
of reflection, but the quality of the information has reversed. The images are
different yet the same. A reflected image of an object usually appears to be
located in a virtually projected place; not where the actual self is, but on the
other side of the reflecting surface, where it appears with a reversal of
The surface of a flat reflector gives an undistorted image of self-reflection.
The image of the self is on the other side of the reflecting surface from the self,
and at equal and opposite distance from the surface of reflection. The
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The Structure of Existence

cumulative point of direct self-reflection on the surface is perpendicular to the
reflecting surface.
A curved reflecting surface will make the reflected image of the self seem
closer and smaller or farther and larger, depending upon whether the curvature
of the surface is convex or concave to the object of reflection.

If instead of central selfs eyes looking out at larger or smaller reflections, the
self were the smallest eye, then the central eye that was the self before is now a
concave reflection. This relationship of size, distance, and curvature exists from
level to level regardless of which perspective is that of the self. The greater is
the same as the lesser.
A two-dimensional reflector has a two perpendicular dimensions to curve
through, X and Y. The two axes may be flat or may curve independently into
the third dimension either toward or away from the object being reflected. The
two axes can each curve in separate and opposite directions. The flat surface is
one example of the class of reflectors that places the virtual image on the other
side of the reflector from the object.

There are three possible positions for the reflected image of the self,
depending on the class of curvature observed in the reflectors surface. The flat
reflector is an open or hyperbolically curved (like a saddle) reflecting surface. In
a reflector that is hyperbolic, the observer sees the image of the self on the
other side of the reflector, in at least one dimension. The closed reflector (like a
circle) is an elliptical curve, and the reflected image is focused inside the same
ellipse (or circle) as the object being reflected.

Between the two broad classes of curvature, (hyperbolic and elliptical),

lies the fine line of parabolic curvature, where the image focuses at infinity in
both directions.

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The Structure of Existence

(There is another entire way of describing the properties elliptical, hyperbolic,
and parabolic. Here, though, the distinction is whether the two axes both curve
in the same direction, different directions, or have at least one dimension
remaining uncurved.)

A reflecting surface can have any number of dimensions. When a surface curves
away from the observer with one axis and toward the observer with the other
axis, the curvature of the two-dimensional surface is hyperbolic. Euclidean
surfaces are flat and open in at least one dimension. A surface curved the same
way in both dimensions is closed elliptically.
When the observer is very close to any reflective curved surface, the image is so
nearly flat that its reflection appears to be off of a Euclidean surface. The
apparent amount of curvature can change with distance. Increasing curvature
indicates greater distance from the reflector. Local surfaces are flat while more
distant global surfaces are curved, either towards the hyperbolic, or the elliptical.

If the reflecting surface curves away from the self, then ones reflection
will seem, from any distance, to appear smaller and smaller as the surfaces
curvature increases. Although the reflected image looks farther away (is smaller)
on such a convex surface, the reflected image will actually focus closer to the
reflecting surface as its curvature away from the reflected object increases. A
curved surface might also curve toward the self being reflected, making the
concave reflection look larger and causing the image to focus farther and farther
away with increasing curvature. As long as the image of the self appears to be
on the other side of the surface, this concave reflector is in the same class of
reflectors (relative to an observer) as the flat and convex curved reflectors.

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The Structure of Existence

The flat reflection, all convex reflections, and cases of reflective curvature toward
the self that still leaves the reflection on the other side of the reflecting surface
are all open reflectors of the self being reflected.

Any whole dimensional surface (not a fractal dimension) is flat, smooth

and open if seen from close enough. As distances from reflective surface
increase, making the image reflect off a more global surface, increasing orders of
curvature become apparent. Curvature is a feature of globality. Locality, or the
local perspective, is flat.
As the curvature of the reflector towards the self continues to increase and the
image continues to grow larger and focus farther away, eventually the receding
lines of focus will not converge at any distance beyond the reflector. When the
lines of reflection all become parallel, the image is resolved only infinitely far
away. In this case of reflection, the image is at infinite resolution in both
directions at once and is just as much on one side of the reflector as the other

This is a parabolic reflector and is neither an open reflector nor a

closed reflector. This curve is the division between open and closed curves.
The third class of curvature is elliptical. In this class of curvature,
an objects image of reflection is formed not on the other side of the reflector,
but on the same side as the object being reflected.

This reflecting surface curves back on itself into a closed loop called
an ellipse. Inside the ellipse are both the object being reflected and the image
of its reflection. Planets orbit the sun in an ellipse, with the sun at one focal
point, and no object at the reflection point. A special case of the ellipse is the
circle, which alone has the object and the focus of reflection in the same spot in
space at the center of the reflecting circle.
These three types of curves; Hyperbolic, parabolic, and elliptical,
are the kinds of curves that can occur when a plane is passed through a cone.

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The Structure of Existence

A surface that reflects an image of the self might also allow the real
image of the self to be projected through to the other side of that surface.

This transmissibility of a surface allows for variations in the pattern

sequence of projections and reflections of the wave that resonates and reflects
into the set of surfaces that make up the past history of an entity. Moments of
experience are sequenced by time and space pattern characteristics. Additional
surfaces of reality are created by each new moment as it occurs.

The sequence of reflections and projections may reveal complex interference

patterns to resonate possible and probable futures. A real image that is a
reflection on one side of the surface is a projection on the other side of the
The surface reflecting an image might also be the surface
projecting an image. A surface can do both at once. Confusions can occur. We
have all looked into a mirror from an angle and thought it to be a window. In
such a mixed-use medium, it can at times be difficult or even impossible to tell
whether an image is a projection or a reflection.
An excellent example of this effect is at the Haunted House ride at
Disneyland. There is a ballroom where the ride-goer looks down onto
mechanical men waltzing around without partners. Ghostly images of dancing
women then appear in the arms of the dancing men. The effect is seamless.

In actuality, the suddenly appearing ghosts are below the ridegoer, on the same side of a large glass surface as the ride-goer. The ghosts are
reflected on the large glass surface that the mechanical dancing men were seen
through. The men are projected to the observer and the ghosts are reflected to
the observer. The reflected images of the ghosts seem co-located with the
projected image of the men when a light is shined on the ghosts making them
visible and reflecting their image up and back to seemingly merge with the men.
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The Structure of Existence

Projections and reflections are both equally real. Each can influence the other
indirectly. Reflections and projections generate a being and are generated by a
Fractals are self-similar structures of infinitely fine detail. A fractal
pattern looks self-similar at different scales of magnification. Magnification of a
part of a fractal does not materially change the amount of relative detail in the
fractal image. An example of a regular fractal is the Koch curve.

The triangular image of the Koch curve shows finer and finer detail
as one looks closer and closer. In a fractal, scale is irrelevant.
Fractals dimensions exist between whole number dimensions like a
one-dimensional line or a two-dimensional plane. Instead Fractals exist in
2.45536 dimensions, or whatever portion of dimension is defined by the initial
parameters and particular equation of feedback that defines that fractal
A fractal image is self-referential in that it uses its own value on
one scale to compute the value for its modified image on a closer scale.
Feynman diagrams
Feynman diagrams show the explicit observed relationship between interacting
particles. They also show the unobserved, infinitely complex self-similar potential
internal matrix of relationships that are implicit in any observed relationship
between particles. The infinite complex of unobserved interactions that equate
to the simple observed interaction are of the same type, but at a shorter scale of
Interference patterns
When two or more waves interfere, opposing constructive and destructive
conditions can form a standing wave higher order interference pattern. Place
two flat combs together and the interference pattern will be straight lines
because the combs teeth are straight. A pattern can even interfere with its own
projected shadow or reflection.
An interference wave pattern is formed from two or more similar patterns
on another scale and orientation., and is similar to the lesser resonant structures
An interference pattern contains properties of scale larger than any of the
contributors, singly.

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The Structure of Existence

Harmonic resonance patterns depend on similar magnitudes or scales of

curvature for interfering interactions to occur.
A common example of an interference pattern in seen when traveling along
freeways. Overcrossings for pedestrians are fenced on both sides. Both fences
have a similar pattern. When two fence patterns are viewed, one through
another, a higher order interference pattern is formed. The interference pattern
is larger than the pattern of a single fences pattern alone, but the interference
pattern is the same shape as the pattern in each of the two similar fences. If
the pattern in the fence is of round holes in a hexagonal array, then, the larger
interference pattern of both fences together will be of round holes in a
hexagonal array.
An interference pattern is the same shape as its constituents, but on a
different level. The figure and ground relationship of the interference pattern
can be reversed from the figure and ground image of the separate fences.
When two fixed patterns are superimposed on the same plane, then the
interference pattern is as fixed in space as the contributing patterns.
If there is a third dimension of expression in the interference pattern (if
there is a perpendicular space between the patterns), then the interference
pattern is not fixed In space relative to the fixed original patterns.
When an observer passes by the separated fences that make up the
interference pattern, that observer will see the positions of the fences (relative to
the observer) to change, just like the positions of every object the observer
passes by. But as the observer moves by the fences, the interference pattern
may be seen by the observer to move in a direction independent of the
motionless fences. The interference pattern may move in the same direction as
the observer, in the opposite direction as the observer, and can even display two
different interference patterns moving in opposite directions at different speeds
through the unmoving fences. .
Stillness or motion for these two levels of being relative to an observer
makes two frames of reference. There is stillness or motion relative to the
pattern, or relative to the interference pattern. These are two opposing
perspectives of stillness and motion.
Resonance of one structure with and against another structure creates a similar
structure on another level. The composite structure occupies a given amount of
space in a similar number of dimensions. There is a ratio between the low and
the high, cause and effect, the parts and the whole, the matrix of existence.
This ratio is the diagonal slope which is altered in two different ways. First, two
contributors can be brought closer together to change the ratio between them

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The Structure of Existence

and the combined whole. The other method of changing the ratio is by
changing the rotational orientation between the contributors. This also changes
the ratio between the greater and the lesser structures. The two ways to make
change are by changing distance and by changing orientation. Change is
straight or curved.
The interference pattern found in any repeated pattern is strongest when
the two patterns are of the same apparent size. When the patterns become out
of scale with each other, the interference pattern changed resonances
A hologram is an interference pattern. Moving the point of view across the
holographic plate can be seen as viewing an image at the same time from
different places, or viewing an image at different times from the same place.
In our numbering system, there are symbols that stand for amounts, (1,
2, 3, 4...) These symbols may be arranged in an incremental order according to
gradations in amount, a numerical sequence. Placeholding was developed to
represent new levels of magnitude of the same relative quantities. We use the
number ten as the base for our numbering system, but placeholding will exhibit
a self-similar pattern in any base. A coloration method of notation allows for
hierarchical self-similarity to be seen on different levels of magnitude for any
bases placeholding of a numeric sequence.
Each base has a different pattern seen in its placeholding. Within each
base, a new order of magnitude shows the same pattern, only on another scale.
As in fractal structures, we see similar patterns at different levels of order. As
the number of terms grow, so do the number of possible states. As a static
image, this structure displays exclusively linear and lateral components. A
dynamic system would include both components and be on the diagonal.

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The Structure of Existence

Life reproducing life is an example of self-similar patterning. Each new
generation is the same as the old one, yet different. As a dynamic structure, life
flows on the diagonal, with levels of stillness and columns of motion interacting
to create the rational slope of change. Any life flow that fails to propagate
through change like its predecessors will go out of existence. New life recreates
the potential for new changes that keeps life continuing to exist. Simpler life
reproduces simpler relations. The more complex the relationship for compared
potential states, the greater the range of options between the entities of
Even non-life objects continuously reproduce themselves at lower levels of
similar kinds of action. The atomic particles themselves recreate their own
opportunities and conditions for continued existence. Mass creates the space for
the mass to exist in.
The abstract process of existence is one of continuing self-reproduction,
or continued propagation as a wave. It is the process of allowing of a continued
being by continuing to be.
Exchange and feedback are parts of awareness, being, and consciousness.
Each entity operates in a relationship with all entities, including itself.
There are four types of relation between the self and the not-self. The
self and the not-self can each interact with the other directly and indirectly. The

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The Structure of Existence

four paths of exchange are; Self to self, self to not-self, not-self to self, and notself to not-self. The objective axis and the subjective axis each have a self and a
not-self as their parts

A newborn child is not aware of the self and the not-self, there is just
being. Everything is a part of the experience, which is being. Soon the infant
has learned many new things and compares each new thing to those things that
have been previously learned. Each new thing is compared to all other things in
a process of pattern recognition. Each new thing learned is similar to things
learned in some way or ways, and different from things learned in some other
way or ways. This every increasing ability to make distinctions gives the child an
awareness of the self and the not-self. The grouping of things as similar to self
and not similar to self is analogous to grouping them as similar to each other
and different from each other, or parallel and perpendicular.
Contradictory perspectives are processed diagonally as both and neither both
and neither. Objective and subjective awareness creates a potential slope of
opposing tensions and flows.
Time and space flow through each other with regularity of repetition.
There are two beats to keep, a time axis beat, and a space axis beat. The
diagonal flow of reality goes through both axes. A change in slope changes the
ratio of the two beats on the lines perpendicular passage across the X and Y
The objective feedback of the world is the physical universe, including the body.
This is a description of the outside of the self. Subjective feedback of the world
is the non-physical universe, the spirit. This is a description of the inside of the

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The Structure of Existence

self. The first division of the unity is into two: the physical and the non-physical,
the objective and the subjective.
The one way to see duality is to see that duality may be seen in either of
two ways: either as a single thing seen from two different perspectives, or as a
single perspective of two different things. The observer and the observed are
not truly separate.
The objective universe and the subjective universe are interwoven. The
forces of objectivity and subjectivity work together and apart to follow the
dictates of persistence. Each contains the other, always.
Eschers work on self-similar contradictory imagery is unmatched.
A diagonal can have a right hand twist from one perspective and a left
hand twist from another perspective

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The Structure of Existence

Local and global

This chapter will examine scale and grouping, the whole relating to the part, and
the unchanging rules of existence.
A local view is to and from a particular point that views back locally. A
global view is to and from all points, which also look back globally. When very
close to the surface of an object, it appears flat. The local view of a wavefront,
(even a circular one), is one of no curvature. Local flat observations can be
made at any scale with an appropriate observer or probe that can get close
enough in size or wavelength (frequency) to observe (interact) locally in
harmonic resonance with the observed wave.
The Earth is flat or round, depending on a local or global perspective.
Space is flat or curved, depending on perspective.
One can be too close to a topic to be objective about it. A more
removed global perspective objectifies and diminishes individual objects of
projection and reflection, and their influences. Local objects strongly locally
reflect each other, and suffer reduced amounts of direct reflection as more
distance between them and a more global perspective is achieved. For a more
global focus, the individuals are all considered parts of a single group. The more
global the perspective, the more curvature and a contradiction of perspectives is
resolved and embraced. With all local images minimized, a higher global
structure emerges as a reinforced interference pattern in the same image as its
abstract origins. This higher global pattern and others like it will interfere
together on a higher local level and become part of some even greater pattern.
Wave expansion
The depth and range of an entitys resonant structures abilities to interact
and be locally or globally co-observed may become unendingly subtle and
complex, but their simplicity is finite. Most objects are complex composite
interference pattern objects and are made out of somewhat less complex
composite objects.
Each interference pattern object is composed of lower interference pattern
objects, themselves interfering to create the higher being. Layer upon layer of
lower complexity becomes and supports higher complexity.
After factoring out the interference patterns down through each level of
existence, the remaining patterns are simple propagation objects with no
interactions or overlap of waveform to create a higher-level interference object.
There are three simple propagation waveforms. They can be illustrated
by two-dimensional or three-dimensional models. All three shapes depict an
aspect of change and represent different traits of a wave and of being. Their
structure is the shape of their different propagations.

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The Structure of Existence

In these propagations, the waves continuously actively maintain their
specific shape. There is an actual force holding these waves in specific shapes.
Waves that hold their shape as they propagate are called autocatalytic
The first of these autocatalytic waveforms is that of the expanding sphere
or circle, propagating directly out away from a central point in every direction.

This is seen in three dimensions as the shock wave of an explosion in the

air or in two dimensions as a ripple on the surface of a pond. This wave
fluctuation comes from a single pulse origin. Continuous pulses from a relatively
still point creates an unending set of concentric wave circles surrounding that
point. The wave pulse travels out and away from the origin in all directions at
the natural speed of a wave in that particular medium and environment.
The second waveform is the propagating cone. The source of this wave is
a point that continuously moves faster than the wave it creates.

This waveform itself propagates diagonally, perpendicular to its conic

surface. The shock wave cone seen in two dimensions is the V-wake of a
speedboat. In three dimensions, this cone is seen in the sonic boom of an
aircraft traveling faster than sound.
The third autocatalytic waveform in three dimensions is the torus or smoke ring.
The torus is generated by a single pulse in a single direction.

The smoke ring travels slower than the natural speed of a wave in its
medium. It is also seen in two dimensions as the twin vortices of an oarstroke
on the surface of the water.
The difference between two dimensions and three in all these examples is
one additional axis of rotation perpendicular to the direction of motion.
While the sphere and the cone expand over time, the torus does not. Instead,
the torus propagates only along one dimension. While the waveform of the
expanding sphere (expressing position) and cone (expressing momentum) will
eventually pass across and transition all observers, the torus, exhibiting both
angular and linear momentum, expresses a direct exchange from one point to

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The Structure of Existence

Cone, sphere and cylinder
Each of these three autocatalytic waveforms may be seen as a dynamic
wave in motion, or as a static object. When a plane is passed though each
waveform as a static three-dimensional object, a lower-dimensional section is
Passage of a plane through a sphere creates only an expanding and then
contracting circle in any case.

Plane passage through the cone and torus are more complex.
A plane will intersect a cone in an ellipse, as long as the plane crosses the
rotational centerline of the cone and does not become parallel to the edge of the

Any cone, no matter how narrow or wide, can be sectioned congruent to

any describable ellipse, no matter how elongated or round the ellipse may be.
An ellipse is a closed curve within which there exists two points such that, from
all points on the ellipse, both internal points can see only the reflection of the
other point.

If the plane is perpendicular to the centerline of the cone, the section

describes a special case of the ellipse, the circle. In this case, the two points of
mutually observed reflection in an ellipse become one point.

If the sectioning plane does become parallel to the edge of the cone, then
the curve described is the parabola. Of the two reflecting points, one is now
infinitely far away from the closed side of the curve, and the open ends of the
curved line eventually approach straight and parallel to each other at infinity.

If the sectioning plane cuts the cone at an angle beyond the parallel of
the cones edge, then the two open ends of the sectioning curve will be straight
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The Structure of Existence

but diverging at infinity. This is the hyperbola. Here the point of focus is not
resolved even at infinity, but is only inferred abstractly as a virtual image on the
other side of the reflector.

These three possible ways to section a cone correspond to the three

classes of reflector. In the ellipse, the focus of a reflection is within the same
closed loop as the object. In the parabola, the focus of the object is at infinity
(in both directions). The hyperbola shows the local reflection of an object to be
focused on the other side of the reflector.
The three conic sections also define the three types of paths of motion
that may occur for two objects moving with respect each other in space, where
one relates gravitationally to the other either elliptically, parabolically, or
The waveform of the torus needs conceptual clarification. Space can be
seen as curved or flat. If one were to look into a strong enough instantaneous
telescope, one would see the back of ones head. A torus is the curved version
of the flat expression that is a cylinder. What is a cylinder in a flat space can be
a torus in a curved space.

There are two axes that a flat surface can curve through, X and Y.
Either axis alone leaves the surface flat if it is unchanged. For a surface to be
closed, both axes must be curved.

A surface closed along one axis and flat along the other axis is a
cylinder. The torus, curving along two axes at once, is a surface closed in two
different directions.
In sectioning a cylinder with a plane, only an ellipse or a circle can
be described, depending on the angle of the sectioning plane.

The eccentricity of this ellipse is limited to the length of the

cylinder, relative to its radius.

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The Structure of Existence

It is more than interesting that the cone, sphere, and cylinder have
an integral volumetric relationship. The volume of a cone with a height on one
and a base diameter of one plus the volume of a sphere with a diameter of one
equals the volume of a cylinder with a height of one and a diameter of one. If
the cone has a volume of one, then the sphere has a volume of two, and the
cylinder has a volume of three. 1+2=3

If all the common factors are reduced out of the equations for their
volumes, the basic relationship between the height and radius of these solids is
exposed. H=2R

Conic sections
A fuller description of conic sections needs additional comment. For the
sections of a cone that are the ellipse and the parabola, nothing more is needed,
but the hyperbola includes another cone for a full description. In a sectioning
plane that is angled beyond parallel to the edge of the cone, the plane will
intersect a second cone that is inverted, relative to the first cone and extends up,
tip down, from above the first cone. The two cones meet at their points.

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The Structure of Existence

A hyperbolic section will cut through both cones, but the curved
intersection of the conic and a plane (nearest the apex) may be closer to the
mutual apex in one cone than in the other cone.

Both sections are more curved when closer to the apex, and more nearly
straight when away from the apex. As the curved closer part of the section
reaches the apex, the section curve can only appear to be two diverging straight
lines going directly away from the apex point.

When the intersecting plane actually crosses the apex of the cones, the
three varieties of curve define either an elliptical (or circular) point, a parabolic
pair of straight lines running down the edge of one cone infinitely close together
and up the other cone similarly, or a hyperbolic pair of lines diverging from the
apex of each cone in opposite directions and at similar angles.
When the section of a cone is visibly away from the apex, the view is a
local one of the curvature of the section. When the sectioning plane is infinitely
close to the apex of the cone, the view is then one of a more distant global
perspective. The sectioning plane being close to the apex is the same as an
observer being far from the apex. Local and global differentiates between two
straight lines moving away from a point and two curved lines that tangent the
point. One thing can be seen as two different things, and two different things
can be seen as the same thing.
Ant Colony
Existence as a single thing on one scale does not preclude existence as
part of a greater whole on a more global scale.
An ant is an animal by all counts, doing ant-like activities. A more global
view sees the ant as just a part of a larger entity, the ant colony. On this larger
scale, the ant is just a part of a greater living entity that exists independently of
the existence of any particular ant member. The goals of the ant colony are
similar yet different from the goals of any individual ant.
Gaia, a name for the living mother Earth, is seen this way. We current
living species are only a temporary part of the greater global creature.

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The Structure of Existence

Slime mold
A slime mold is a single celled creature, much like an ameba. The slime
mold culture shows a complete transition in its member cells from individuality to
all cells becoming assimilated parts of a single greater whole.
A culture of slime mold cells will grow and divide in a normal single celled
manner at first. Then a transformation begins. At some point, the entire culture
of cells will begin a pulsation. This pulse starts in the center and pulses outward
to the edge of the culture, moving the cells themselves toward the outer edge
and into a ring. This pulsing continues, and then starts to pulse around in a
circle through the ring of slime mold cells, around and around over and over. As
the pulse circles the ring of cells, a beginning edge and a trailing edge of the
pulse become defined. Now the circling pulse has a beginning and an end. The
circling pulse then slows and stops. The culture of mono-cellular individuals has
now self-organized to the point that they behave as a single multi-celled
creature. The beginning and the end of the ring of cells are the head and tail of
a new higher creature. It just uncurls itself from a circular position and moves
off in an inchworm style, looking for its greener pastures. Finding a good
location, the slime mold changes again, this time stretching way up as a lifeless
stalk with a spore sac at its top, ready to propagate again.

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The Structure of Existence

A model of the universe

An excellent model of gravity is that of a spherical weight rolling on a flat
stretched rubber sheet. The model is a three-dimensional model of a
gravitational process that actually happens in four dimensions. The weight of the
sphere distorts the rubber surface, curving (creating areas of acceleration upon)
the two dimensional elastic surface. Smaller objects rolling along and creating
their own little distortions are curved in their paths of distortion by the larger
objects distortion. These paths can be seen as straight lines in curved space, or
curved lines in flat space.
This elastic surface model can be extended from a flat local part of space
to a global curved whole wavepulse surface.
Stretched elastic sheets and autocatalytic waveforms both hold their
shapes forcefully, just as space maintains its shape. Existence is persisting
patterns in patterns in wave pulses. The surface of the smoke ring, which is an
actual universe, is neither the smoky inside, nor the non-smoky outside, but is
instead the surface that divides the inside from the outside. A smoke ring is a
small simple wavepulse. The universe is a big complex wavepulse. The smoke
ring is a small simple universe. The dynamic smoke ring torus, although of lower
dimensions, is a real universe nonetheless.
As the torus propagates in a straight line, any given area of the dynamic
surface is moving in a circular fashion. The torus as a whole is moving in a
straight line, but every individual point on the surface is moving in a circle.
Einstein showed that gravity is indistinguishable from acceleration. Acceleration
(which is gravity) may be linear or angular. In the torus, angular (circular)
acceleration expresses gravity in the positive feedback and locally cumulative
mass distortions of the dynamic surface of propagation.
One view of the force of gravity is of masses moving in straight line through
curved space. Another way of seeing the force of gravity is as an attractive
exchange of graviton particles in flat space. The view that incorporates both
these perspectives is that of an interference pattern between sub-light speed
objects moving on an elastically distorted surface with the interference patterns
interactive nodes of mutually reflective diagonal exchange expanding at the
speed of light. The converging lines of space in one gravitational object interfere
with the converging lines of space in another gravitational object.
Black holes
The two dimensional universe of the torus is finite and unbounded.
Though the actual elastic surface area has a quantitative limit, a linear motion

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The Structure of Existence

upon that curved surface will not ever be hampered. Any rational slope can be
mapped out on a torus. Our own expanding universe is also finite and
unbounded. The wave propagation forms of the cone and sphere each have
their own versions of finiteness, boundedness and curvature.
The surface tension of the torus, cone, and sphere are unified in their
propagation, even though each kind of shape is experiencing its own kind of
accelerations. The relationship between the opposing tensions holds the surface
zero energy surface in its particular shape.
Eventually, some portion of the toruss surface becomes slightly pushed
outward by accruing wave fluctuation distortions of the field. All objects (waves)
create gravity and are drawn together. As the local spot on the propagating
torus gathers more mass/energy and bulges out, that spot tends to gather even
more mass/energy in a process of positive feedback. More mass attracts even
more mass.
The accruing mass and gravity at that spot in the torus eventually
overcomes the tension force of the surface to hold the torus together, and the
field collapses. When this happens, the smoke ring bulge stops spinning around
the original torus and shoots out in a straight line a new smaller smoke ring,
straight along in front of the generating torus smoke ring, still connected to the
first by a fine line of smoke surface. This string is the connection between one
universe and another. This second smoke ring is a black hole to the first smoke
ring, and is a new universe. In the new universe, the directions of X and Y have
reversed. The smoke ring demonstration can easily be performed. It is best to
make big slow smoke rings in a room with very still air. The toruss black hole is
not created until most of the energy of the original smoke ring is lost and the
smoke ring is moving quite slowly, barely moving.
The torus is the basic shape of exchange. The dynamic torus is found in
every energy exchange. The torus is found in the photon exchange, with its
perpendicular oscillating electric and magnetic fields. The torus is found in
tornadoes and hurricanes, in neuron impulses, everything. Matter is the process
of the torus in along three mutually perpendicular axes. While the sphere of
potentiality expands outward as a probability wave going in all directions, the
torus is the collapse into the actuality of a single direction. The cone depicts
where along the diagonal a measure could be taken, and when.
This light cone, and its hyperbolic reflection, expand at their opposing bases as
slope and time increase. This process goes from a line to a plane.
In this ordinary universe, there is freedom of motion for masses and
energies in space. Motion (momentum) is through three axes of space. Flow
through time, however is restricted to a single linear dimension with three
locations (position) ; past, present, and future. There is freedom in motion
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The Structure of Existence

through space, and no freedom in motion through time, objectively. Space is on
the outside, and each entity moves through space. Time is on the inside, and
time moves through each entity.
In a black hole, matters are reversed. Inside a black hole, time and
space mathematically switch places. Instead of an entity being locked in a linear
motion through time, in a black hole, travel through time is possible. Past,
present, and future are all available axes of motion. Motion through space,
however, is restricted to a linear one dimension as the point of the singularity
moves through the three axes of ordinary space. All times are available to be at
along that line of travel. All points on a line are potential nodes.
Quantum reality and relativity
Quantum reality and relativity are opposing views, either local or global,
of the same thing.
When quantum reality describes a single unit exchange particle, like a
torus, relativity describes both the curvature of the space-time that the torus
propagates through and the curvature of the surface that is the torus itself.
When relativity describes the curvature of space, quantum reality
describes both the nature of objects propagating through space-time and the
unity of space-time as a single propagating entity.
Schrodingers cat
On all levels and to all degrees, all things interact with all others. Each
entity exists by its own ability to perform the actions needed for it to continue to
exist. During this activity of experiencing our common reality, each entity is at
the cause of some events and at the effect of other events. In this interactive
process each entity is an observer and is observed. Entities include such things
as people, cats, bacteria and air molecules.
Nothing is realized (made real) until it is observed. That is where the
change in reality occurs, in the observer. As people, the continued life or death
of Schrodingers cat is not real to us until we observe it. Until then, there are
just probabilities of outcomes. In quantum mechanics, an event does not
happen until it is observed. Without observation, there is no existence.
It is the case, however, that we, as people, are not the only level of
existing things capable of observation and interaction. The cat in the box
observes the world and can thus be affected by the potentially activated poison
in the box with the cat. The bacteria in the box with the cat also observe the
world. If, in their world, the bacteria observe the cat to no longer fight off their
invasion, bacterial growth and cat decay are inevitable. Although the cat is some
percentage alive and some percentage dead to us, to the bacteria, (and the cat),
the matter is settled.
Air molecules will observe and interact with a rotting cat/ growing
bacteria amalgam, dispersing concentrations of vapors. If we could only observe

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The Structure of Existence

directly with our eyes, we would never know if the cat still lives. With no
information, there is no change within the observer. A human observer, using
only the eyes, might never actually see the cat as living or dead in a light proof
box, but the smell would eventually be a dead giveaway. We observe with all
our being, and so do all things.
In this way the world progresses even when we are not observing it.
We can gain information with all observations. The world is always observing
itself on all levels. Our observations include observing the other entities that
observe each other and each of us in their interactions of the world.
The feedback process of the projections and reflections of awareness is
toward making a difference and resolving conflict to harmonic resolution. These
are the basic crossed-purpose processes of objectivity and subjectivity.
These two processes are parts of one thing in every action of existence.
Together they create a higher level to have distinctions made of, or be seen in a
particular way. A new perspective of truth and beauty, that ultimately is two
different views of the same thing.
Objective and subjective models can both be displayed by proportional arrays to
illustrate the similarity of traits found in all facets of reality.
The forces extant in this universe can also be aligned in an array corresponding
to the four components of the physical universe. This alignment starts with a
reexamination of the nature of the forces of existence.
At higher temperatures and earlier times, before the spontaneous symmetry
breaking occurred, the forces were unified. In the cooler broken symmetry of
now, forces are more distinct. The forces to reexamine include the strong
nuclear force, the color force, the weak force, gravity, quintescence, and
electromagnetism. All these forces can be grouped in a manner that allows them
to exactly parallel the physical components of the universe.
The weak force is taken out of the group altogether; it is the only force that is
not conserved. The weak force comes into existence and goes out of existence.
The function of the weak force is to bring higher groupings of entities into
existence and take them out of existence.
The strong force and the color force are the same single force, either inside or
outside the proton or neutron.
Gravity and quintessence are different aspects of the same phenomenon, either
local or global. While the global torus exerts energy to keep a field flat, an
indirect effect is a local accumulation of energy to flow across the field.
And there is electromagnetism. As temperatures cool, unified forces separate.
Electromagnetism can be separated into the electric force and the magnetic
The forces that parallel mass, energy, space, and time, are; gravity, the strong
force, electricity and magnetism.

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The Structure of Existence

I and not-I
This chapter deals with different views of the same thing.
We each experience the world alone in our own personal universe of the
internal I and the external not-I. All of ones personal experience of self, and
ones personal experience of the not-self are together one duality perspective of
all things. This experience is part of the universe of experience of all things.
Each entity experiences one part of the totality of all experience. Self and notself both occur in, by, with, and for that higher level of mutual reality we all
share, the common reality of both and neither .
All things exist in terms of the self, the not self, and both and neither
both and neither. These paths of existence are static perspectives on a dynamic
merging of the three into one interaction terminal. This can be seen with the
subjective right brain as the same as me, the objective left brain as the same as
not me, and the integration of the two different views by the corpus callosum
into both perspectives of the same thing. Awareness processes similarities and
Being is an active process that integrates opposing internal and external flows of
imagery, each feeding back to the other. Doing is the action of controlling
motion and stillness. Having growth is completing the cycle or moving on to the
next node in an expanding pattern.
To see things as different and similar at the same time is to see how
contradictories can actually be in agreement; a significant step towards an
enlightened perspective.
The hypotenuse is a representation of both X and Y. In one way, the
hypotenuse is the same length as the X value, and in another way, the
hypotenuse is the same length as the Y value.
It is obvious that locally, the hypotenuse is neither parallel nor the same length
as either the X axis or the Y axis.
The place from which to view the length of the X axis (and one view of
the hypotenuse) is from some great distance along the Y axis. By extending the
distance along the Y axis that the X value and the hypotenuse are viewed from,
the X value and hypotenuse can reasonably be seen to be the same length and
parallel to each other.
From a point an infinite distance along the Y axis, there is no angular
difference between the hypotenuse and the X dimensional value, so they seem
to be the same length.

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The Structure of Existence

Also, at this infinite distance, the greater distance to the far end of the
hypotenuse does not seem farther than the closer end of the hypotenuse or any
point along the X axis. It is the same distance to the points along the X axis as it
is to the points along the hypotenuse.
From infinitely far away, the hypotenuse and the X axis appear to be the
same length as each other and parallel to each other. The same process holds
for viewing the Y axis from a distance along the X axis. An infinite depth of field
is created. From two opposing infinite perspectives, the hypotenuse, at all
slopes, is parallel to and the same length as both X and Y.
Many answers
There can actually be many different right answers to the same question.
If a juggler does one trick in one hand, and simultaneously does another trick In
the other hand, the juggler can be said to be doing one, two, or three tricks.
One trick is two things at once, two tricks is one in each hand, and three tricks is
two tricks and both of them at once. Perceptions are not right or wrong, they
are similar or different.
Self modification
Our continuing drive to exist includes modifying ourselves to continue to
exist. We perform the changes that alter things so that we may persist, and we
perform the changes that keep things the same so that we may persist. Doing
one is the same as doing the other, and not.
As new and different changes to seek persistence are attempted,
differing results will reinforce the changes or not. New changes do things that
have not been done before. Reinforced new changes are kept and become
entrenched. Entrenched changes do the same things repeatedly to support an
ever more enhanced persistence. An enhanced stable base of change supports
yet a higher subtler level of even newer changes to be tested.
Changing change is the same as unchanging change. Motion and
stillness are relative to each other.
Both and neither
All that exists is the universe of all things. All of experience is of the
unity indirectly. This experience is of the self, the not-self, and both and neither.
On the abstract plane of unity, concepts of me and not-me vanish. We are still
all part of the same thing. Parts of me are not me. (I am not my body.) Parts
of not-me are me. (My family is a part of me.)
Self reflection
The slope of the hypotenuse passes at a diagonal through the X,Y grid.
Where this line can be seen as a rational fraction that passes through a specific

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The Structure of Existence

number of units of distance X for each specific number units of distance Y, then
the slope can also be seen to be reflected within a single rectangular unit of XY
eventually back to the origin. Reflecting around within a geodesic is similar to
projecting across a similar flat grid.
In our three dimensional view of the world, locally observed objects surfaces
often reflect waves directly back to an observer object, but as distance grows, so
do the misses to direct reflection. A truly global perspective has a real but
extremely remote chance of a mutual reflective gaze.
Direct self-reflection with the point of higher dimensional unity is not a linear
possibility. We focus our attention on one thing at a time. To reflect on the
higher reality, we would have to see ourselves reflected in all things at once.
Indirect self-reflection is the nature of experiential existence. It is the
perpendicular tangent to a slope that indirectly represents the direct reflection to
the point of unity. Indirect self-reflection can be an explicit perpendicular to a
slope line between two separated points, or implicit, from the self, reflected back
to the self. One is the same as the other. As simple ratios of indirect selfreflection are established, subtler ratios of slope become the new levels of
reality. These higher harmonics of self-reflection are the subtler levels of being.
Through opposing structural tension (along the grid of nodes) and
harmonic resonance, each level of an expanding wave entity participates in
mutual process of cause and effect with all other entities.
Reflective and projective exchanges are the interactions of reality.
These interactions, all real, can be objective or subjective. Two people who
reflect each others gaze well can connect in a very real but subjective way.
Each entity is a wave and a surface of projections and reflections,
absorptions and emissions, pushes and pulls. Some exchanges can be created,
blocked, focused or intensified by specific materials and configurations. This
would include the forces of electricity and magnetism.
Other exchanges (like gravity) are transparent to any interruption and
act directly, each entity to every other entity. The gravitational exchanges of
each particle are its interference interactions with every other particle. The fields
of each particle are reach virtually infinitely far reaching into space and are
virtually infinitely weak at those near infinite distances, but real.
In three dimensions, the forces of exchanged for electricity, magnetism,
and gravity all decrease or increase as the inverse of the square of the distance
between each set of reflecting objects. This relationship can also be seen in the
view of the self in a flat reflector. The size of a reflected image grows as the
inverse of the square of the distance between the object and its reflection. Each
gravitationally reflecting object forms a flat reflecting surface directly to every
other gravitationally reflective object. Every object sees itself in every other
object. A three dimensional flat reflector is created by three flat mutually
perpendicular planes.
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The Structure of Existence

Attraction and resistance follow cube / square laws and limits the scalability of
specific structures, which is why there are no twenty foot tall people or neutron
stars over a given mass.
Three dimensional space is not delineated by the three axes of space,
X,Y, and Z. Space is divided by the planes that are perpendicular to those three
axes. Space is occupied by three pairs of planes limiting space in three
dimensions. This shape is the cube. The opposing diagonals of these parallel
sets of three perpendiculars are a pair of tetrahedrons.
A three dimensional point of reflection (where three mutually
perpendicular planes intersect) directly reflect all objects in three dimensions,
back to each object of reflection. This point of reflection in space integrates
three two-dimensional reflectors into one three-dimensional reflector. The
reflected image in the three dimensional reflector is seen as if having been
passed through a single point at the intersection of the three planes and
projected onto a plane equidistant beyond the reflector. The difference between
a three-dimensional direct reflectors image and a one-dimensional flat direct
reflectors image is that the three dimensional reflection is rotated 180 degrees
around the axis of direct reflection. This is the same relationship between object
and image as is found in a pinhole camera.
Whether an object sees its own reflection inverted or not depends upon the kind
of reflector. Different reflectors (objects) give different kinds of reflections at
different ranges and perspectives of symmetry. Reflective surfaces are grouped
by curvature, topology, and by the number of dimensions involved.
A wave pulse can be an expanding sphere that is hollow in the inside.
Whether the hollow is virtually all or none of the spheres volume, the wave, (or
mass), of the sphere interacts gravitationally with other spherical objects / waves
as if all the individual mass points of each spherical object were located at a
point of omnidirectionally direct reflection at the center of that sphere. The
cumulative effect of the forces of the individual members in a group sphere is
gravitationally equivalent to the same amount of mass all at a single point in the
center of the objects. As a massive wave sphere expands toward an observer,
the gravitational attraction to that observer remains constant and unchanged.
The reflected image of the observer, however, seen on such an expanding
sphere would increase from virtually nothing at a point sized sphere to complete
flat local reflection where the sphere touches the object.
Once an expanding sphere has surrounded another sphere, the
gravitational force between the two bodies falls to zero. Any increase in the
force of gravity, caused by a greater closeness to one part of the larger spheres
mass, is offset by a greater amount of mass therefor remaining on the other side
of the internal object. The magnified image of the self is reflected back inside
the sphere. Direct reflection happens one of two ways. Either the internal
object is offset from the center, or it is centered. If it is centered, there is a
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The Structure of Existence

direct reflection in every direction. If the object is offset, there will be two
images, opposing in direction and orientation along the axis of the center and
the object.
Other forces in our universe do not follow the inverse square of the
distance laws. The strong nuclear force is much stronger than other forces at
very close distances and much weaker at greater distances. The strong force
falls off at the 7th power, not the 2nd power like gravity, electricity and
magnetism. The strong force is virtually zero at just a few nuclear diameters of
distance. This can also be explained in terms of self-reflection. This enormous
change in attraction over distance will not change with only three flat
dimensions. Instead of using flat reflectors, however, curved reflectors can be
used. Imagine the smooth curved surfaces of two spherical nucleons. As they
approach each other, the two curved surfaces that face each other can get so
close together that, when and where they touch, the curvature of the surface is
virtually flat and the strong force is fully reflected back and forth.
At this very close local distance, little image reduction occurs between
reflections and the full strength of the reflective interaction is felt. As the two
nucleons move apart, curvature becomes apparent. The size of the reflected
image on the spherical reflectors falls off quickly as the objects get just a few
diameters apart and a reflectively diminished global curved perspective is
acquired. At large distances, only the most infinitesimal virtually image is
reflected, and the strong force would be negligible. This fall off effect can be
increased to greater powers of magnitude by multiple reflection iterations back
and forth between curved reflectors.
The number of dimensions on the reflecting surface changes the rate of
reflective fall off. The reason sounds can carry so well on the surface of a body
of water is that the sound energy falls off more slowly when it expands smoothly
across two dimensions instead of out into three dimensions.
Group process
All objects are physically linked by the interactions of their mutually
reflected images and interactive exchanges. Different combinations of reflections
and projections give an array of cumulative attractions and repulsions. Global
opposing forces may effectively cancel each other out, leaving a locally neutral
interaction for particular force combinations. The process of being the I and
not I as interactors, group within group, level after level, layer upon layer, is the
self supporting process of existence.

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The Structure of Existence

Rules of being
All causes and effects feed back in a continuing resonant reflection of the
harmonic progressions of existence. As form follows function, structure follows
process. A particular group of structures coincides with a particular group of
processes or actions Each action or entity could again be divided onto groups.
Groupings of such abstractions of entities can be sorted topologically. The
actions of an entity place that entity into a group of things with some particular
dynamic feature. All the members of that group are doing some common action.
To be so grouped by that action is to be topologically placed into that group. An
entity comes into existence and goes out of existence. Existence, the process
of being, is a common process for all things grouped as existing.
Change in change
New things are created or brought into existence by an entity making
changes in other things that already are going through many changes to be
what they already are before they are changed again. All entities continue to
make the changes that continue to contribute to their remaining in existence.
Being is change. Change is inevitable in existence. Change is constant.
There is changing change and there is unchanging change. Once a new
unstable changing change has established itself into a pattern of change, it
becomes stable and changes to an unchanging change. An entity will
continuously require new new changes that themselves will get old and
established. This need for continuing newness itself changes from a new need
to an old need being needed anew. So changing change in change becomes
unchanging change in change. Even an entity that had been changing and then
stops changing, changes.
Every level of changing change can be metaed to another level of
unchanging change. With the needs of change to go ever further, a continuing
metaing of meta change makes the whole cycle virtually endless. Change and
no change simply exist together in harmonious contradiction; motion and
stillness, yin and yang.
Similar and different
Each thing changes like all other things change, and all things change,
each in their own way. The whole is all those changes and not those changes.
Change is existence, existence is change. The question is whether the
perspective is one of similarities that are different or differences that are the
same, or both and neither.

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The Structure of Existence

All that exists is waves in action, a wavefront of change where there is
exchange. Change is in incriments of objective change along the wave and
subjective change across the wave. Each direction of change (quantitivly and
qualitativly) indirctly influences the other. Smaller wavefronts may become
unified into a larger more complex wavefront with properties contained and not
contained in the smaller waves alone; a coherent supposition, where a higher
level of indirct influences may resonate and persist. Each wave, whether
standing or moving, large or small, is still a wave and is abstractly the same as
all other waves. The rules of existence are the same on all levels. As above, so
below. In the two-dimensional division of existence, the two perpendicular axes
of reality, (objective and subjective), together create a diagonal unified
expression that is neither yet both X and Y. The actions of existence all
propagate a continuing possibility for further action and thus are the same, yet
each wave front culminates in a separate and distinct event in space-time and
thus each wave is different.
A one dimensional surface, (a wire), can hold the waves of any number
of dimensions. The wire has two unmoving endpoint nodes and a geodesic of
node points between the ends. Node points on the wire do not move as a
standing wave passes across the wire. Standing waves on the line have a
wavelength that is an integral division of the distance between the nodes. The
wave oscillating on the line may absorb and emit energy . Resonant energy
exchanges may be transmitted as change in amplitude or frequency. A change
in amplitude or frequency can each be exchanged for the other. As the
frequency of a segments waving increases, new nodes of stillness and motion
come into existence between the endpoint nodes. All nodes in a line segment
are evenly divided between the endpoints of the line. The ratio of distances
from a node to its two endpoints is always a rational fraction. Wavelength,
frequency, and nodal spacings are in the realm of harmonic rationalities and
resonant energy exchanges within an entity. While the node points do not
move, they do change angular orientation back and forth. Midway between any
two node points is a part of the line that moves but does not change its angle.
Between these extremes lies a continuum of exchange between the concepts of
distance and angle.
The numbers of geodesics in a polygon or a polyhedron represent the
number of combinations between a given number of reflective endpoints. One
endpoint holds no describable geodesic lines. Two endpoints hold one geodesic.
Three endpoints will support three geodesics. Four endpoints will have six

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The Structure of Existence

geodesics, etc. The number of potential lines of interaction is the descriptive for
that geodesic.
The geodesics in a polygon can be arrayed perpendicularly around a
point in a circle. In such a circle, the first and last endpoint overlap as all the
segments overlap. With three geodesic segments, the circular representation is
a triangle.
Because each geodesic segments overlaps the next, circular flow in one
direction goes continuously downhill in an Escheresque spiral. This direction is
seen as objective entropy. The opposing direction is then seen as subjective
Many geodesics may share a common endpoint. Geodesics represent
potential exchange pairs. The lines are paths of exchange between endpoints.
More dimensions mean more potential symmetries and paths of exchange.
Two-dimensionality limits higher order geodesics to representation as
high order polygons. A third dimension allows four geodesic points to all interact
directly in three dimensions without overlap as a four sided polyhedron, a
A tetrahedron can be described as either; four co-mutually reflective
endpoints, six geodesics, each connected to two endpoints directly and
connected to the other two other endpoints indirectly, or four planes with
mutually non-parallel intersections. A tetrahedron is also one set of diagonals for
a cube. The geodesic lines of a polyhedron can be seen as straight or curved.
A constant
As the surface of space-time carries projected and reflected waves to
interfere and interact, the surface processes the masses and energies of the
universe through each other. New things are created, simultaneously changing
and not changing the materials, like knitting yarn into a sweater or reorganizing
atoms into a new molecule. The physical state of existence is a harmonic
extension of all realized probabilities to date. This resonance state is a dynamic
The present moment is the culmination to date of a complex harmonic
chord progression with a correspondingly complex system of nodes and
geodesics. The actualization of exchange, (the actual change in being), is
between and among motionless changing node points that the waves generate.
Nodes come into existence and go out of existence as the energies of persistence
propagate. Interference patterns are geodesically related to their subpatterns.
There are nodes of stable intervals set at established positions along the
line. There are also nodes that transition across stable established nodes. From
whichever level is defined as still, theire is a higher level that moves upon its
progenitors. The motion of an object is relative to the other objects on that same

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The Structure of Existence

level. The goal of creating, exchanging and absorbing harmonic tensions is to
create a beautiful and logical progression of events. All points in space are
potential node points. Constant motion of the time axis changes the angle of the
constant length hypotenuse of self-contradictory extensions which exists
between node points,
An entity is described in terms of stillness and motion, change and no change,
similarity and difference, parallel and perpendicular. These are the things that
change in an entity and that are themselves subject to change. Change occurs
in intervals from one node to another. Intervals and cycles overlap and interact.
These intervals are described differently from different perspectives and
levels of interaction. Scale is meaningless in the abstract perspective, all
interactions are abstractly the same. The interval of comparative change has no
single quantitative description or measure. This quantity I call ECHEGOYENS
CONSTANT, the interval from one point to another, and not.

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The Structure of Existence

Cycles of being
Being is existing is surviving is continuing to continue. An entity
continues to exist by the continued existence of its parts and the continued
standing wave resonant exchange feedback among those parts. Each part itself
persists by its own parts also persisting. External feedback and internal feedback
both are needed for persistence. Feedback is against a reflected changeable
resonance state between interacting outputs and inputs.
The spherical bomb blast explosion creates an actual universe. The
wave front expands uniformly until the entropy drag of molecular observations
(exchanges) reduces and consumes the existence and observability of the wave.
Other smaller waves may exist and expand across the larger wave surface. In
an expanding wave universe, only an expanding wave entity will persist.
Expansion is motion into more space. Different wave groups, each in their own
hierarchy of interaction, interfere constructively or destructively in the process of
cooperation and competition. Each wave group feeds back reflections and
projections to other wave groups seeking resonant support. This cosmic natural
selection determines the persistence of groups that will persist and expand.
Even among expanding survivors there is gain and loss. To gain is to
have greater expansion and have more space. The process of being is to have
more expansion. More having means more being.
Actions of existence
The specific divisions of a two-dimensional field can be viewed in many
ways; Left and right, X and Y, yin and yang, information and energy, position
and momentum, distance and angle, etc. One tremendously powerful division of
duality is into the objective and the subjective. This parallels the external and
the internal, the physical and the non-physical. Objectivity and subjectivity
together describe a definitive two-dimensional division of the whole of reality.
Each axis, both objective and subjective, is a partial contributing factor
to the diagonal flow of the meta-wave that is both and neither. Each
contributing axis is one of the actions of that particular division (and axis) of the
whole. Even though the two are part of the same thing, they are different from
each other.
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The Structure of Existence

When the diagonal of change is broken down into explicit X,Y values,
the actions along each dimension bear the characteristics of that dimension.
There are objective actions and subjective actions that correspond to the
objective dimensions and subjective dimensions both in the diagonal. All twodivisional examinations of reality can be aligned to all other two-divisional
examinations. A dualistic parallel will always exist between any pair of twodimensional model concepts. There is always some meaningful way to align
them. The symbolic array of such paralleled concepts is a table of
objective subjective
deductive inductive
masculine feminine
outside inside
Left-brain right-brain
direct indirect
explicit implicit
There are also tables of correspondence for three-dimensional divisions
of the whole, four-dimensional divisions, etc.
Each process of existence, both objective and subjective, can itself be
divided again into further objective and subjective components, just as all
members of all numbers of divisions of the whole can be further subdivided. Any
division is an entity. Any entity can be described by its two-dimensional
features, its three-dimensional features, or any number of divisions into which it
is broken down. Any specific feature in any subdivision of an entity is itself an
entity that can again be sub-divided by any kind of division or feature. This is a
property found in regular fractals, where each part looks like the whole at any
The division of the whole into three parts introduces the actions of
existence. There are three objective actions and three subjective actions.
The three objective actions of existence are being, doing, and having.
These actions are detailed in various religions, and can be seen in English
grammar. The part of speech describing action is the verb. There are three
kinds of verbs that parallel the three kinds of objective actions. There are being
verbs; am, are, is, was, were, be, being, been. There are doing verbs; hit, run,
throw, etc. There are having verbs; have, having, has, had.
The three subjective actions of existence are feeling, knowing, and
communicating. These non-physical actions of the entity have analogous
representation in studies of the brain. The right brain is the feeling, lateral,
emotional side. The left side of the brain is the knowing, linear rational side.
Conflict resolution between the two sides of the brain is expressed through the
corpus callosum communicating a diagonal resolution between two opposing
All rights reserved Dan Echegoyen 11/3/2003


The Structure of Existence

A triangle with mutually overlapping endpoints can have a continuing
circular downhill flow from one perspective and a continuing circular uphill flow
from the other perspective. The objective actions of existence and the
subjective actions of existence flow, two sets of three things as one, in opposite
directions around the triangle of indirect higher action.
The A.T.P. molecule, vital to the creation of work energy in living bodies is
triangular and spins like a top continuously around the molecules central axis,
doing the work of entropy and syntropy
Having in an expanding universe is the expanding of a wave. What is
on the inside of the expanding circle is what is had by the wave as a whole.
Two expanding waves are needed for overlap, interference, and interaction.
Two expanding interfering waves cooperate as part of the same thing and
compete as things that are different from each other. They are both the same
and different. They push and they pull in dynamic tension.
Expansion means having. For one wave to have another wave, the one
wave must surround the other wave. The actions of being, doing, and having
can all be represented topologically by the various aspects of wave expansion
and overlap.
Being is seen in the topological relationship afforded groups in formal
logic; All A is B, Some A is B, Some A is not B, and No A is B.
These logical grouping allow rational analysis to prove or dispute an
assertion from facts and inferences.
Doing is seen in the interference transitional exchange of one wave
going from being inside another wave to being outside of that same wave.
Having is seen as one wave simply being around another wave. One
wave has the other.
Being, doing, and having are all different perspectives of the same
process. These three actions are different yet the same. They are a natural
process of expansion and interactions with interferences.
The three objective actions of existence and the three subjective actions
of existence flow through each other in opposing directions, (linear and lateral)
and interfere with each other, creating the here and now. The higher level
interference pattern of the two contributor waves is similar in shape to the
contributors themselves, and so are all patterns, high and low. We are all made
All rights reserved Dan Echegoyen 11/3/2003


The Structure of Existence

in the same image, the abstract pattern of the creation, which builds upon itself
in ever greater iterations of interacting interference patterns.
These two abstract sets of three actions conform to the two concrete
sets of three axes for action In our universe. These are the three axes of space;
X, Y, and Z, and the three axes of time; past, present, and future. Extension
and propagation through space and time are the physical manifestations of the
three dimensional process(es) of action and being.
In the parallels of all things being similar and different, tables of
correspondence align things that seem different so that the similarities may be
seen. Concrete examples of everyday existence vary extensively, but abstract
comparisons always show common parallels. When such parallels are
quantitative, the array is a proportion and equations are produced. When such
parallels are qualitative, relations are produced. Relations and equations both fit
into arrays of correspondence. Subjective arrays are just as valid as objective
arrays, but qualitative instead of quantitative.

All rights reserved Dan Echegoyen 11/3/2003


The Structure of Existence

Our local perspective of global unity (or any higher level meta-system),
will be tangential, indirect, and self-contradictory.
Godel proved that any finite consistent system is incomplete, and it
therefor follows that any finite complete system must be inconsistent, meaning
Numerical relationships
The only thing that can be said about the unity is that nothing can be
said about it, but that is saying something about it. It is a self-contradictory
something, but still something.
Observations of the unity are of the parts and only indirectly reflect upon
the whole. A description of the whole of anything is a description of the parts of
that thing.
The simplest division for descriptive observations is a division of the
whole into two parts. This could be the objective and the subjective, the left and
the right brain, etc. This divided pair is linked by the relationship between them.
The relationship between X and Y is itself a third division with distinct separate
links to each of the other two parts. A fourth division would be the common link
between itself and the first three parts, etc. Unity has no links.
Many answers
Great philosophers have long debated whether the universe is correctly
described as one thing (great unity), or two things (great duality). Both answers
are correct., Higher numbers of division are also applicable to the nature of
things. Just because one answer is right doesnt mean another answer is wrong,
just different.

All rights reserved Dan Echegoyen 11/3/2003


The Structure of Existence

Heaven and Earth
The Judeo-Christian bible opens with an enlightened symbolic description of
In the Beginning, God created the Heavens and the Earth. The Earth
was without form, and void; and darkness was on the surface of the
deep. And the face of God moved upon the surface of the waters. The
heavens are the subjective reality (the kingdom of heaven is within you),
and the Earth is the objective reality. The formless objective universe (the
Earth) was void of interaction. The surface of interaction was only stillness.
Gods face upon the waters surface allowed for self-reflection, and Gods motion
upon the surface of the water created waves of interaction.
Duality is easily the most commonly understood and agreed upon metaphysical
distinction, and is quite well represented with meaningful examples. Dualistic
pairs match their two parts easily to one specific side of division or the other.
Some pairs obviously complement each other, but there may be confusion as to
which side each member belongs, be it the objective or subjective. Often,
members of such pairs can be seen as properly belonging to one side or the
other depending upon the particular perspective taken. What is more important
is that the alignments can be seen at all. As Einstein said, The most
incomprehensible thing about the world is that it is so comprehensible.
Both and neither
Wave/particle duality is quite telling. When experiments are performed on an
electron, the test will detect either a particle or a wave, depending on what is
being looked for. If a particle is being looked for, a particle is found. If a wave
is being looked for, a wave is found. The electron, and every other entity, is
both and neither a wave and a particle. When observed, the entity is either one
or the other. When unobserved a particle is both and neither.
Branching of Objectivity and Subjectivity
When an entity is divided into its subjective and objective components, each of
the two parts may still be divided into further objective and subjective parts. As
example, speech may be divided into objective words and subjective meaning of
the words.

All rights reserved Dan Echegoyen 11/3/2003


The Structure of Existence

the nature of three

All rights reserved Dan Echegoyen 11/3/2003


The Structure of Existence

Nature of four

All rights reserved Dan Echegoyen 11/3/2003


The Structure of Existence

Nature of five

All rights reserved Dan Echegoyen 11/3/2003


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