Guided Inquiry Lesson Plan-Vocabulary Unit/Class/Grade:: Receding Toward Vanishing Point)

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Guided Inquiry Lesson Plan-Vocabulary

Grade 9, Art
Prof.VA:Cr3- Refine and complete artistic work; Artists grow and become accomplished in art
forms through persistence and practice.
Language Supports:
 Magic Squares activity (will help visually pair vocabulary words with definitions)
 Worksheet to create logographic cues for vocabulary words (Ex: Term-Horizon Line and
illustration of a horizon line)
 Teacher demonstration (Teacher will model drawings related to vocabulary terms. Ex:
will draw a cube in 1-point perspective and label which lines are parallel and which are
receding toward vanishing point)
Materials Needed:
 Rulers
 Drawing paper
 Colored pencils, pastels or markers
 Logographic worksheet
 Magic Squares worksheet
Objective(s): Possible Challenges /Misconceptions:
 Students will learn new vocabulary as  If students have trouble with controlled
it pertains to 1-point perspective. straight lines, offer supports (rulers,
 Students will learn how to use 1-point larger paper)
perspective in drawing.
Formative Assessment:
 Students will demonstrate grasp of new vocabulary through successful completion of
Magic Squares activity and logographic cues worksheet.
 Students demonstrate proficiency in 1-point perspective drawing through the completion
of bedroom drawing, and inclusion of at least 3 objects drawn in perspective.
 Teacher observes, guides, and offers feedback as students work to evaluate
comprehension and redirect if needed.
Opening: Teacher Actions Student Actions
Activate prior knowledge and Teacher opens discussion by asking Student comes up to draw 3-D
student interest- teacher presents an students if anyone can draw a 3-D shape on whiteboard.
interesting situation, phenomenon, shape.
or dilemma that helps students
connect to the content Teacher further activates curiosity Student volunteers to draw on
by asking who can draw 3-D letters. whiteboard for the class.

Teacher checks prior knowledge by Students discuss thoughts on 3-

asking what makes these 3- dimensionality.
Introduction: Teacher introduces the element of Students engage in class discussion.
Getting students ready - teacher 1-point perspective in drawing.
introduces the task and makes sure
students understand what they are Teacher introduces and explains Class goes through vocabulary
trying to accomplish, but not how relevant Tier 2 and Tier 3 words one by one.
they are to do it vocabulary (horizon line, vanishing
point, receding, converging,
foreground, etc.)

Teacher models a drawing of an Students collaborate with their

object in 2-D versus 3-D using 1- tables to draw basic shapes in 1-
point perspective. point perspective.

Teacher hands out worksheets for Magic Squares worksheet- Students

students to practice vocabulary. match terms with definitions from
other column.
Logographic Cues- Students are
given a vocabulary list and draw
visual aids for each term.

Body of lesson: Teacher introduces Vincent Van Students sketch preliminary

Students working on content - Gogh’s “Bedroom in Arles” drawing using 1-point perspective.
teacher observes students, monitors painting and explains students will
their progress, and provides recreate their own version.
clarification as necessary
Teacher explains that students must Students label new vocabulary
include at least 3 objects using terms in their sketch to demonstrate
accurate 1-point perspective, and their accurate use. (Vanishing point,
label elements in their sketch. horizon line, parallel lines,
foreground, etc.)
Teacher assesses comprehension Students work independently on
and offers guidance to students as their drawings, and can discuss and
they work independently. share ideas with groups.

Teacher provides materials for Students use medium of choice to

students to create final version of complete final drawing.

Closure: Teacher sets up exhibit of final Students hang their final drawings.
Wrapping Up - teacher facilitates drawings in classroom. Drawings should demonstrate
group discussion, helps students proper use of 1-point perspective.
share their work/progress, helps
students make connections, and Teacher models critique and Students offer feedback and discuss
ensures that big ideas are brought instructs students to use new what worked well in drawings and
forward vocabulary when critiquing the any challenges they faced.

Teacher will discuss how 1-point Students reflect on the value of

perspective skills can be applied to perspective and persistence in
more advanced techniques and developing skills.
Guiding Principles
o Students must be given opportunities to grapple with the content
o Students are actively engaged in the construction of knowledge
o Vocabulary and notation are introduced in context and as needed

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