Sustainability and Transportation Indicators and Assessment Methodologies

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Background Paper for Plenary Session 4
At the
Biannual Conference and Exhibit of the Clean Air Initiative for Latin American Cities:
Sustainable Transport: Linkages to Mitigate Climate Change and Improve Air Quality
25-27 July, 2006
So Paulo, Brazil

Christopher Zegras
Assistant Professor of Transportation and Urban Planning
Department of Urban Studies and Planning
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Massachusetts Avenue, Room 10-403
Cambridge, MA 02139
Tel: 617 452 2433
Fax: 617 258 8081
[email protected]


Measuring any concept such as sustainability or sustainable development requires, first, an
operational definition. An operational definition should provide specific guidance on how the
concept will be measured (Meier and Brudney, 2002). For example, an operational definition for
meeting air quality standards for fine particulate matter (PM2.5) is: Areas will be in compliance
with the annual PM2.5 standard when the 3-year average of the annual arithmetic mean PM2.5
concentrations is less than or equal to 15 g/m3. In this case, the operational definition
establishes how the concept, air quality compliance (for fine particulates), will be measured.
Mean PM2.5 concentrations serve as an indicator of compliance with air quality standards.
Regarding sustainable development, probably the most oft-cited definition comes from
the Brundtland Report: to ensure that [development] meets the needs of the present without
compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Rather than an
operational definition of sustainability the Brundtland definition offers more a general statement
of principles. The economists perspective offers one tractable approach to arrive at an
operational definition of the sustainability concept. If we simply define sustainability as the
capability to maintain the capacity to provide non-declining well-being over time (Neumayer,
2003), then we can utilize the economists perspective of maintaining the value of total capital,
including human, natural, social, and manufactured capital. By the mid-1990s, the World Bank
which was already claiming that it would only fund projects that were sustainable in economic,
environmental, and social terms (Serageldin, 1996, p. 2 [emphasis in original]) and, ostensibly,
was defining sustainable development as a process by which current generations pass on as much,
or more, capital per capita to future generations, with capital being defined as human-made,
natural, social, and human (Serageldin, 1996). This definitional approach still clearly suffers from
measurement challenges including, but not limited to, issues of how to measure the social capital
stock. Note, also, there are still two competing both non-falsifiable positions relating to the
substitutability of capital: weak sustainability (natural capital can be substituted by other forms
of capital) and strong sustainability (rejecting such substitutability) (e.g., Neumayer 2003).
This discussion is more than pedantic when we enter into sector-specific efforts to measure
sustainability. Difficult questions can be raised as to whether there is any real value in attempting
to analyze a sectors sustainability. Beyond attempting to analyze or assess urban
sustainability, can we further attempt to look at transport sustainability, or more narrowly urban
transport sustainability, or more narrowly still, urban passenger transport sustainability?

Of course, many of the problems that people today associate with threats to the
sustainability of modern transportation air pollution, traffic safety, sprawling urban
development patterns, automobile dependence, etc. have been recognized for 50 years or more
(CARB, 2004; Pushkarev and Zupan, 1977; Weaver, 1965). The word sustainable transportation
as understood in the post-Limits to Growth context emerges in the immediate wake of the
Brundtland report, with Replogles (1987) paper at the 1988 Annual Meeting of the
Transportation Research Board on sustainable transportation strategies for the developing
world, explicitly making the link between transportation, basic human needs, and environmental
effects. Since then, we have seen an ever-increasing number of efforts searching to define, design,
and measure sustainable transport (e.g., UN DSD, 1992; OECD, 1996; World Bank, 1996;
WBCSD, 2001; Kennedy et al, 2005; Goldman & Gorham, 2006; etc.). Today one would be hardpressed to find a transportation research project, conference, or increasingly even business
propaganda that, in one form or another, did not include the word sustainable. But, while many
of us now use the word almost reflexively, what does it really mean: lower emissions? of local or
global pollutants? Lower congestion? Higher accessibility? Fewer accidents? Decreased spending
on transport costs? Does it mean all of these? Some of these? A combination of these, and if so,
in what doses? How can we know we are being sustainable and, then, what can we do about it?
A great degree of complementarity (e.g., nearly all comprehensive efforts refer in one
form or another to the so-called Three-Es economy, environment, equity) tends to exist
among the wide-ranging sustainable transport explorations/efforts. But, actual definitions tend to
vary and few if any, operational definitions are proposed. The OECD (2002), for example,
specifically defines a sustainable transport system based on fulfillment of WHO guidelines for air
pollution, noise levels, acidification, and eutrophication, as well as general international goals
related to climate change and stratospheric ozone depletion. Schippers (1996) proposal, that
transportation is sustainable when the beneficiaries pay their full social costs, including those
paid by future generations offers, theoretically, an operational definition (and fully in-line with
the full cost school of transportation analysis, particularly en vogue in the 1990s), yet the
challenges to implementing such a measurement approach are more than daunting.
2.1. Sustainable To Whom and For Whom?
A main challenge to operationalizing sustainable transport comes from the fact that we are
dealing with resource constraints over multiple time horizons with uncertain impacts;
furthermore, we want to ensure that future generations have the same benefits from transportation
as we do; while also ensuring some fair distribution of benefits today. Asking for some trade-off
in inter-generational equity becomes particularly challenging in the developing countries, where

sustainability literally is a day-by-day reality for millions of people living on less than one
dollar a day makes it difficult to concern oneself with possible effects tomorrow.
Figure 1. Stylized Representation of a Persons Values Today as they Relate to
Transportation and Sustainability and the Role of A Theoretical Discount Rate
"Worried About Tomorrow"

"Worried About the Future"

Relative Value to Today's User

"Worried About Today"

(death and

Time loss

Short-Term Impacts



cost of land


Medium-Term Impacts



"Permanent" Greenhouse
Land Loss

Long-Term Impacts

Source: Zegras, 2005.

Figure 1 provides a stylized representation of the concerns that a hypothetical person

today faces, and how much she values those concerns based on her own sense of time
importance (i.e., discount rate) and the approximate time-frame of potential impacts. Note that the
time-frame of impacts generally correlate with uncertainties for example, we are, typically,
more certain about the acute effects of local air pollution (short term) than we are about the
possible effects of climate change (long term). We also might expect (as from basic economic
theory) a relation between discount rate (i.e., how much we value the future) and wealth; but, this
may not always be the case. To current users (or contemporaries affected by current system use)
the threats to immediate sustainability are short term effects; i.e., the main threats to sustainability
are those that impact our immediate existence, e.g., accidents that kill or maim us, pollution that
can make us acutely ill, loss of time that might make us late for work, etc.. We do not necessarily
make rational trade-offs among these threats do we put ourselves and/or others at risk of death
or injury (or illness) so we are not late for work? and these tradeoffs are both internal (related to
our own sustainability) and external (impacts on others sustainability).

2.2. System Boundaries

In talking about sustainable transportation, we tend to inevitably, for practical purposes
impose relatively artificial system boundaries: for example, bounding transport from the broader
economic/social system, isolating urban/metropolitan transportation from the larger transportation
system, and often even isolating the person-transport system from the freight transport system.
There boundaries carry several relevant implications, such as: overlooking the fact that
transportation enables other potentially unsustainable activities (e.g., shopping at malls, eating
strawberries in wintertime) and land use changes (e.g, urban fringe development); not accounting
for possibly stable average travel budgets (i.e., share of time/income spent on travel; e.g., Schafer,
2000), which might imply shorter urban trips being replaced by longer inter-urban travel;
isolation of person and freight system interactions (including, e.g., home delivery of goods); etc.
2.3. Sustainable Transportation Indicators
The use of indicators in transportation is not, of course, new. We use levels of service (LOS) to
measure roadway system performance, internal and economic rates of return (IRR, ERR) to
estimate investment effectiveness, etc. Indicators in transportation from a critical component of
what Meyer and Miller (2001) call performance-based transportation planning (see Figure 2).
Figure 2. The Role of Indicators in the Transportation Planning Process




Goals &


Help define

link with



Requirements for

Used by

Source: Adapted from Meyer and Miller, 2001.

d with

Aid in comparison

In such a planning approach, indicators, quite logically, tie closely to project evaluation criteria
As we would expect, in the face of the boundary discussion above, indicators will vary depending
on the spatial and temporal scale of the analysis and on the ultimate goals, although common
indicators can often apply to several different goals and/or scales of analysis.
Figure 3. The Information Hierarchy through the Sustainable Indicator Prism

e.g., Sustainable Development

e.g., Index of Sustainable
Economic Welfare
e.g., Motorization Rate
e.g., Vehicle Fleet Size

Source: Zegras et al, 2004.

It might be useful to situate performance-based transportation planning, sustainable

transportation, and the role of indicators within the hierarchy of the Sustainable Indicator Prism
(Figure 3). The top of the pyramid represents the goals and objectives, with the performance
measures (indicators of varying degrees of specificity), building from raw data at the pyramids
base towards composite indices which converge towards the goals at the top. Examples of
sustainable transportation indicator efforts can be found at each level in the implied hierarchy,
including: corridor-level discrete indicators (e.g., Zietsman & Rilett, 2002); intra- and inter-city
comparative efforts (Lautso & Toivanen, 2000; see Table 1); urban-level intermodal comparisons
(Kennedy, 2002); macro-level global comparative efforts (WBCSD, 2001); among many others
(see, e.g., Lee et al [2003], Jeon & Amekudzi [2005] for reviews). Most of the efforts tend
towards the lower end of the Prism, i.e., multi-indicator efforts, although Zietsman and Rilett

(2002) derive a corridor-level index (using multi-attribute utility theory [MAUT] and including
travel time, travel rate, LOS, local pollutant emissions, noise levels, and fuel consumption); Black
(2000) attempts to derive an international-comparative index (based on fossil fuel dependence, air
emissions impacts, traffic accidents, and congestion effects); Yevdokimov (2004) proposes to a
national-level index using the Genuine Progress Indicator (GPI); and several efforts aim to apply
the ecological footprint approach (e.g., Barrett & Scott, 2003).


Table 1. Indicators Used in the SPARTACUS project.


Air Pollution

Consumption of




By Type

Transport emissions of greenhouse gases, acidifying

gases, organic compounds; Consumption of mineral oil
Land coverage, Consumption of construction materials

Exposure to particulate matter (PM), nitrogen dioxide

(NO2), carbon monoxide (CO); Exposure to noise; Traffic
deaths; Traffic injuries
Justice of exposure to PM, NO2, CO; Justice of exposure
to noise, Segregation
Total time spent in traffic; Level of service of public
transport and slow modes; Vitality of city center;
Accessibility to the center; Accessibility to services
Transport user benefits; Transport resource cost savings;
Transport operator revenues; Investment financing cost;
External cost savings
Total net benefits (sum of costs/benefits by type);
Economic Indicator (total net benefits per capita)

Source: Lautso and Toivanen, 2000

2.4. Sustainable Transport: A Proposed Operational Definition & Metric

The numerous efforts towards defining and measuring sustainable transport efforts consistent
with performance-based transportation planning, which itself reflects a move towards more
comprehensive multi-dimensional transportation planning are pushing us in the right direction.
Yet, we still lack a satisfying operational definition of sustainable transport, which is a basic
fundamental requirement to measuring any concept (even one as elusive as this one). Towards
this end, elsewhere (Zegras, 2005) I derive an operational definition of sustainable transport as:
maintaining the capability to provide non-declining accessibility in time.
This definition is consistent with the capital approach to measuring sustainable
development (e.g., Neumayer, 2003). Increasing accessibility that is, the potential to engage in
activities/opportunities increases human capital; contributing positively to sustainable

development. In this way, we explicitly recognize transportations fundamental role in human

development, much in line with Sens (2002) definition of sustainable development as
enhancing human freedoms on a sustainable basis. Transportation, along with (and often in
combination with) other factors, enables accessibility (Table 2).
Table 2. Accessibility: Influencing Factors
Effect on Accessibility (all else equal)
Improved with more links, faster, cheaper, higher
quality service
Spatial distribution of opportunities
Improved if proximity of opportunities is increased
Individual (personal/firm) characteristics Improved with physical, mental, economic ability to
take advantage of opportunities
Quality of opportunities
Improved with more, or better, opportunities within
same distance/time


Improved with more links, faster, cheaper, higher

quality service

At the same time, however, by increasing accessibility, transportation depletes other

sources of capital: natural (e.g., of fuels, lands, air, etc.), social (e.g., institutional and
bureaucratic resources), and man-made (e.g., infrastructures and vehicles). Accessibility provides
well being (utility) to current generations, but sustainability requires that it do so without
damaging the possibilities for future generations to derive, at least, the same well-being.
Transportation increases accessibility (e.g., human capital), yet also decreases other capital
stocks. Following Dalys (2002) suggestion that sustainable development might more fruitfully
be defined as more utility per unit of throughput (p. 48); we can think of sustainable
transportation in exactly the same way: providing more utility, as measured by accessibility, per
unit of throughput, as measured by mobility. The rate at which mobility provided by the
transportation system depletes other sources of capital depends on the distance traveled, and
vehicle technologies, weights, occupancies, time of day of travel, etc. A highly fuel efficient
vehicle drains fewer natural stocks, for example; an electric mode (e.g., Metro) may consume
less of the (local) airshed stock; etc. If we were able to magically transform the existing vehicle
fleet to one based on carbon neutral fuels, than the relevant capital stock drain would be
reduced, making mobility more sustainable (of course, other capital stock depletion would
continue). All else equal, capital depletion increases with vehicle size/weight and use. This does
not mean that we want to reduce total mobility; rather, it means that want less total mobility
consumption per accessibility derived sustainable transport is efficient accessibility.


The above offers a basic theoretical backdrop to the idea of sustainable transport, what we mean
by it, how we might measure it, and where such measurement efforts fit into performancebased transportation planning. This last section identifies some of the key issues related to
putting these ideas into practice, including: development of meaningful indicators, techniques
for assessing possible interventions, differences and similarities of techniques for examining
various sustainability dimensions, establishing appropriate baselines for developing
counterfactuals, and implications for technical capabilities and decision-making.
3.1. Valid and Reliable Indicators for Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E)
When it comes to identifying and using indicators, there are at least two key issues to consider:
validity and reliability. Validity refers to the accuracy with which the indicator measures the
concept of interest does accessibility and mobility throughput, for example, validly represent
sustainable transport? Do we measure sustainable transport by more traditional indicators (since
they are more readily available), such as travel time and LOS, and thus fall into the trap of
defining the concept of interest based on what we can measure? Ultimately, finding valid
measurements remains an art (Meier & Brudney, 2002). Indicator reliability, on the other hand,
tells us whether repeated measures of an unchanged phenomenon using the same indicator will
give us the same value (i.e. it is not affected by anything other than actual changes in what is
measured). This can be influenced by our own subjectivity, if our judgment influences the
indicator value (e.g., good transportation quality) and imprecision, which can be influenced, for
example, by sample size (e.g., when estimating travel demand). The role of valid and reliable
indicators for M&E can be seen in Figure 2.
If we accept the idea that sustainable transportation is efficient accessibility, then a
fundamental question arises: how do we measure accessibility? Despite some 50 years of history,
calculating truly meaningful accessibility measures remains a challenge in practice. The most
rigorous accessibility measures those which capture the essence of the concept are, naturally,
complicated to implement (data- and computationally-intensive). However, the simpler measures,
such as the infrastructure-based measures (travel times/speeds, etc.) are biased fundamentally
towards mobility (a capital drain), not accessibility, per se (Table 3). Examples of deriving
rigorous accessibility measures for informing transportation decision-making include: Minken et
al (2003) in several European cities; Geurs and van Wee (2004), in the Netherlands; Hunt (2003)
in Edmonton, Canada; and Martnez and Araya (2000) in Santiago de Chile.

Measure Type



Table 3. Basic Categorization of Accessibility Measures

Suitability for Measuring
Sustainable Transport
Travel speeds by different modes; operating Weak - only reflect level of
costs; congestion levels
throughput, no explicit landuse component
Okay/Good - normally
Distance measures (e.g., cumulative
derived for some spatially
opportunities); potential measures (e.g,
aggregated unit; can represent
gravity-based measures); balancing factor
measures (i.e., from the doubly constrained stratified population segments
spatial interaction model)
Space-time prisms
Good - measured at the
individual level, according to
temporal constraints
Random utility-based measures (i.e., from
Good - based on
discrete choice models or the doubly
microeconomic benefit
constrained entropy model)
(utility) for individuals or
stratified population segments

Source: Extended from Geurs and van Wee, 2004.

If accessibility is the ultimate benefit we derive from the transport system (actually, the land usetransport system), sustainability makes us ask: at what cost or what rate of capital drain? How
efficient is our accessibility provision? Some of the costs (infrastructure, vehicles, fares, etc.)
are fairly straightforward they are expenditures that deplete our public and private financial
capital stocks. The other capital drains of, e.g., natural stocks (airsheds, watersheds, etc.), can
be estimated with varying degrees of reliability. But, out indicators, ultimately, need to return to a
common denominator: accessibility, and its efficiency. For example, the key indicator for
transportations carbon efficiency should not be carbon/km traveled; rather, it should be carbon
per accessibility-derived (or, at its simplest, per trip).
3.2. Transportation Analysis: the State of the Art
If we can derive valid and reliable indicators of sustainable transport, can we predict with
adequate confidence the impacts of interventions? Influencing factors in any relevant analysis
of sustainable transport include:
Scale (e.g. metropolitan, intrametropolitan, neighborhood, site-specific);
Scope (e.g. air quality, energy consumption, housing);
Timeframe (e.g. short, medium, long-term).
In rigor, the sustainability concept should cover all scales and scopes over the long-term; the very
word implies a long-term view (i.e., can accessibility be sustained for present and future
generations?). In practical terms, however, we obviously cannot consider all impacts, at all
scales, for eternity. And, in many cases, e.g. a fuel switch or vehicle technology transfer, the

scale, scope and timeframe are basically determined by the technology. The requisite analysis, in
such a case is also fairly straightforward (note, however, that lack of empirical evidence can still
pose a major challenge; Browne et al (2005), for example, show the wide variation in estimates
for hybrid bus fuel consumption rates).
With larger-scale interventions, involving broader transportation system changes, the
analyses inevitably grow in complexity. Such analyses have been the bread and butter of
transportation analysts for at least half a century. Today, the state of the art in transportation-land
use analysis includes simulation models of the integrated decision processes related to land
development, household/firm location choice, household vehicle choice decisions, and
household/individual and firm activities, and finally household/individual and firm travel
activities. With these models, transportation interventions can be analyzed (i.e., alternatives
analysis) and, ultimately, assessment of benefits and costs made. In practice, there are several
difficulties. The state-of-the-art remains fairly distant from the state-of-the-practice; meaning that
the great majority of places use fairly straightforward analytical models (if any), most of these
models virtually ignore commercial/freight transportation, few integrated land use-transportation
analyses are carried out and, finally, the evaluation procedures (to assess the benefits and costs of
alternatives) are not fully capable of analyzing the broad range of relevant impacts. In addition,
and perhaps most importantly, the impact of these techniques (whether state-of-the-art, or not) on
implementation (i.e., decisions made and acted upon) remains fairly case-by-case and, inevitably,
strongly influenced by the political process.
In practice, an interesting question arises regarding the potential to standardize relevant
analytical procedures. In short, can we? It is not clear the degree to which procedures can be
standardized, as the scale of the analytical effort should be matched to the scale of the problem
context (setting) and problem(s). We can see several challenges to effective application of
appropriate techniques: lack of information/data (on passenger/freight transportation behaviors);
and lack of technical capacities, time and resources to carry out the requisite analyses. However,
one could imagine a matrix providing guidelines for the type of analysis, depending on, for
example, the scale, scope, timeframe dimensions outlined above.
At a bare minimum, any relevant analysis should be required to explicitly identify the
analytical boundaries (i.e., Section 2.2), and possible effects on impacts of interest.
3.3. Accessibility and the State of the Art
In practice, it appears that few authorities use accessibility as a performance metric for
transportation systems. Bhat et al (2000) found limited examples of practical use by government
agencies of accessibility as transportation performance measures. The UK Governments

Guidance on the Methodology for Multi-Modal Studies (GOMMMS), issued in 2000, includes 3
categories within its accessibility category. The relevant recommendations suggest qualitative
assessment criteria for these categories, considering (rightly or wrongly) that cost benefit analysis
takes into account most aspects of accessibility (UK CFIT, 2004, p. 37).
Hunt (2003) reports on a quasi nested logit model (trip generation-destination choicetime period choice-mode choice-route choice) for the city of Edmonton in which the composite
utility (a measure of accessibility, derived from discrete choice models) fed up to the trip
destination choice provides the measure of aggregate mobility benefits; he demonstrates this
model for estimating GHG emissions reductions and the associated negative effects (decreased
utility) implied. Martnez and Araya (2000) directly link utility-based accessibility measures to
the doubly constrained entropy model (i.e., spatial interaction model); this model is, reportedly,
operational in the Santiago de Chile context.
For a variety of theoretically and practically appealing reasons (truly adherent to the
accessibility-as-benefit for sustainable transportation approach), the future lies in activitybased analyses. Activity-based analyses can allow assessment of travel re-investment and/or reallocation (i.e., induced travel, or longer-trips compensating shorter trips). Operational examples
exist; for example, Dong et al (2005) using the Portland, OR (USA) case estimate an activitybased (as opposed to trip-based) accessibility measure. Despite their theoretical attraction, the
activity-based measures are data hungry and computationally complex.
3.4. Key Methodological Similarities and Differences in Evaluating GHG reductions
and Co-benefits
Many may argue that GHG emissions are the fundamental concern for sustainable transport.
Whether that is truly the case depends, at least in part, on ones perspective (Figure 1).
Fortunately, measuring transport GHG reductions should be entirely compatible with measuring
many other transportation (so-called) co-benefits. After all, fuel consumption, directly related to
GHG emissions is historically a key aspect of traditional transportation evaluation techniques.
But, the similarity depends on the co-benefit of analysis; for example, if available
methodological tools are capable of producing fuel consumption estimates, then local pollutant
estimates should also be derivable. Pollutant emissions estimates have more influencing variables
(cold starts, stops/starts, fuel quality, emissions controls technologies, etc.) and, furthermore, the
need to translate pollutant estimates into ambient concentrations (and ultimately, effects on
health) complicates matters. This remains an area of considerable research activity (e.g.,
incremental v/s. revolutionary improvements to the USEPA Mobile model). While local air
quality analysis has the challenge of the downstream estimation (from the tailpipe to the airshed


concentration), GHG emissions face the upstream problem (from source through to end-use
consumption) although we often ignore the latter.
In terms of additional co-benefits (e.g., accidents) within a broader sustainability
framework, these may not always be relevant (e.g., in the case of a basic fuel switch); however, as
the intervention becomes more wide-ranging (e.g., new public transportation infrastructure), the
complexity of analyzing the effects increases. This increased complexity will generally be
reflected in all sustainability dimensions (even fuel consumption calculations will become more
complicated as travel demand and network modeling must be carried out properly). When we
attempt to look at accessibility, distribution of accessibility, the challenges become greater
although, again, a unified and sophisticated forecasting tool (i.e., an integrated land use and
transportation model) should be able to provide the necessary information (accuracy of
predictions of various effects will likely vary). The EU PROSPECTS project (see Minken et al,
2002) should offer some useful guidance on the possibilities.
3.5. Project Counterfactuals and Relevant Assumptions
In the end, when estimating the impacts of particular interventions, we face the challenge of
establishing the baseline. What would have happened without the project. At some broad level,
far into the future, we might be able to use basic mode shares as indicators of potential future. For
example, will Limas non-motorized mode share (in, lets say, 2025) look more like the U.S. or
Germany? What types of policies will influence that outcome (urban development policies,
vehicle and fuel pricing policies, public transport policies, infrastructure investment policies,
etc.)? The current rate of change for example, reported 70% annual growth in Beijings motor
vehicle fleet and concomitant wholesale restructuring of the urban fabric will greatly influence
our willingness to accept the assumption of, e.g., no change in OD patterns.
In terms of the impacts of ambitious proposed schemes (such as large-scale infrastructure
interventions), we must recognize that such projects will likely induce subsequent real estate
investment changes and, quite possible, future additional transportation investments. One project
can redefine an entire citys trajectory (a no return departure from the baseline) and carry major
residuals (social, economic, environmental); it is very difficult assess ex ante all these effects and
their subsequent impacts on GHGs, accessibility, equity, etc. Standard assessment techniques will
not likely suffice either.
3.6. Final Words on Tools, Techniques, Capabilities
Ultimately, we know that no model of the complex land use-transport system can accurately
predict what will happen over a 25 year period. Models can really only be used to predict the


range of possible futures and the impacts that policies today may have on the future; estimates
have been shown to vary significantly depending on the modelling approach used (e.g., Hunt, et
al., 2001). Error compounding in the modeling process can result in errors larger than the
differences between performance of the alternatives (Wachs, 1998). One problem is we dont
really know, in an ex-post sense, how good our predictive capabilities are; ex-post assessments
tend to relate to, for example, an apparent propensity to over-predict public transport ridership or
other demand forecasts and costs (Pickrell, 1992; Skamris & Flyvberg, 1997).
Ex-post assessment of the accuracy of these models is rarely carried out, in part because
of the difficulty in assessing a models effectiveness for predicting a future that almost always
differs from the future that actually plays out (e.g., due to differences in projected vs. actual
economic/demographic growth rates, fuel prices, implementation of different projects or policies
than expected, etc.). In Santiago de Chile, transportation model (ESTRAUS, considered the state
of the art, in practice) runs in 1990-91 were used to evaluate a proposed new Metro Line, the
model over-estimated morning peak loads by 15 to 20% upon line opening in 1997; this overestimation can be at least partially attributed to the fact that the original model runs had been
based on (1) higher relative Metro fares than those actually charged at the time of modeling and
(2) feeder bus services at the southern terminal that were never implemented (de Cea, et al, 2003).
None of this is meant to discredit the need for analysis. We will always be better off with
better analytical tools, and the data-gathering, analysis and understanding, exploration, and
learning and new insights that will almost certainly come with them. And, in many cases,
analytical tools will at least be able to tell us the directionality, if not the exact size of the change
in many of the indicators of interest. But, when we are concerned with precise estimates
particularly of, e.g., GHG emissions for the purpose of financing a project based on a future flow
of carbon revenues then the question of how to account for the inevitable uncertainty arises.
Will the investor force improved ex-ante analysis (screening white elephants)? Can we monitor
year-by-year effects (via, e.g., stratified surveys) in conditions where almost everything else is
also changing? Should the international community cut transport some slack in terms of the
rigor of the required estimates due to its (possibly) crucial role in sustainability? If so, how do we
define and measure the broader sustainability?
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