Tunnel-Ventilation 2018-01 en E1833 Web

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Tunnel Fans

Tunnel Ventilation
Business Area Tunnel Fans
Trust Systemair

Trust the leaders for air diffusion and

air movement

Systemair’s story is a story of innovation, intuition

and breakthrough technologies. It is also a story of
the women and men that have made them
possible, of their lives spent for a goal that is not
just of the company. As, if there is a value that is
shared by all the professionals of Systemair, it is the
one to believe that a better technology can provide
a better life for all. The sensibility towards the
environment and the constant search for production
and logistics solutions of high energy efficiency are
just few aspects of this value: a value that anyone
working together with Systemair’s professionals can
feel. It is the trust of who knows of working with
women and men part of an important company
with an important ideal.

2  systemair
Quality has always counted
If Systemair has achieved the ISO 9001 and ISO 14001
certifications it is not only due to institutional duty: the
search for constant improvement of quality is an absolute
must that leads every decision making and production
process. The choice of the suppliers, the definition of
methods, the selection of production sites, the search for
the most suitable technology and material so to satisfy
every goal, are inside the DNA of the international reality
that has never forgotten the key values of its founder and
of the men and women that have made it important. It is
for such confidence that Systemair offers as standard a
three year warranty on all its fan models.

Testing centre for axial fans

The axial fan technology testing centre is based in the
production site of Windischbuch, Germany. The strive for
continuous improvement of the fans led to need of a state
of the art testing facility that now allows measurement of
fan performances according to the ISO 13350, AMCA
210-99, DIN ISO 5801 and DIN 24163 standards. Jet fans
and large axial fans of volume flows up and exceeding
500.000m3/h can be tested, with customers as welcomed
witnesses, for the measurement of key values as: volume
flow, thrust (for jet fans), vibration levels, noise levels,
absorbed currents, rotation speed.

Where ideas become solutions:

the new research and development centre
Inside one of the largest and modern test laboratories
of Europe, fully AMCA (Air Movement and Control
Association International, Inc) and ISO qualified, the
researchers of the Systemair R&D Centre measure
volume flow levels, sound levels, efficiencies and all
other important characteristics of fans, air terminals,
heat recovery systems, and air curtains. Tests, results,
and measurements, become products and solutions,
benchmarks for the air diffusion and air movement

  systemair  3
Systemair M.R.T. Division
Systemair, world-wide leader for the Matthews & Yates assets. a specific knowledge of the
manufacturing and The MRT (Metro Road and Train) peculiarities of these applications,
commercialization of air diffusion division was created with the follows each project with
components and fans, based in more purpose of following actively this competence and care.
than 50 countries and comprising particular market so to supply
5200 specialists, definitely enters ventilation systems for underground MRT division is to be the sole
the field of infrastructure ventilation applications as, metros, road, train referent for the companies that work
thanks to the acquisition of the and hydraulic tunnels. The staff, with in underground projects. Our

4  systemair
proposal is global as Systemair can safety of the users, is the key
supply ventilation systems from the element and a correctly sized
very start of the project during ventilation system is the most
tunnel construction and follow the suitable means to control the smoke
supply of the final ventilation and heat produced by the fire and to
systems needed to control internal save lives. Knowing the project from
air quality and fire safety measures. the early stage (construction), we
Moreover, understanding the are able to propose the most correct
Tunnel Drilling Ventilation
importance of such works and the products for ambient comfort and
Page 6
need of safety required, we provide smoke control in case of fire. As a
unique solutions to our customers. partner, our staff will follow you
In close cooperation with them, we through the different steps of the
design, according to the enforced project, being available for supervi-
standards and laws, the most sion during installation, start-up and
suitable ventilation system, not control of the supplied products
solely relying on standardized performances (aeraulic and acous-
previous solutions. We will provide tic), up till the final commissioning in
our experience and tools for helping respect of the tender documents.
you during design, control and Road Tunnel Ventilation
optimization, supervising installation Systemair invests in research and Page 10
and verifying together the function- development programs and owns
ality of the ventilation system. Each one of the largest and modern
new contract is an incentive to testing labs in Europe where
provide you a tailor-made solution. innovations have allowed the design
of premium quality products, each
For tunnel in construction we are singularly tested and dedicated to
able to provide the most suitable this field in conformance with the
products for each single need most recent international standards.
following a sizing of the systems The MRT Division shares Systemair’s
Metro and Rail Ventilation
according to the enforced laws. vision: satisfying the customer,
Page 20
Each peculiarity connected with the anticipating his needs supporting
ventilation system will be discussed him along the process of making
and cleared so to provide a solution each single project an opportunity
just for you. An example being the for mutual benefit and growth.
particular care we take in sizing
sound attenuation systems, optimiz- Due to the constant work and
ing each solution according to the competence of its specialists
specific needs of each installation. Systemair can once more define
itself as a leading air distribution and
For the definitive ventilation movement group. Service
systems, we offer consultants, Page 25
construction companies and me- Trust Systemair.
chanical contractors, our compe-
tence and support for designing the
proper ventilation system for each
single project. In case of fire, the

  systemair  5
Tunnel Drilling Ventilation
Ventilation during tunnel construction is needed so to provide the external
air required to dilute the pollutants produced by the machines used during
the different stages of the manufacturing granting the working squads a
safe environment.

6  systemair
Systemair is able to provide the necessary technical Systemair’s Key Distinctive Elements
support for designing the proper ventilation system using
Fans manufactured using sturdy cases, hot dip galvanized
the enforced international laws and recommendations as
after manufacturing with spun flanges for high rigidity and
the Italian D.P.R. 20-3-56, the Swiss SIA 196 and the
premium structural strength for long lifetime service in
French AFTES and supplying the resulting products.
severe conditions.
Systemair’s proposal is not only centered on its axial fan
Systemair Products technology but comprises all required ancillaries and
Axial fans manufactured in single stage or in multi-stage components so to provide the most suitable solution for
units realized by coupling one or more contra-rotating fans each single project. According to the agreed configurations
so to deliver large air volumes with high pressure heads and design results, Systemair can propose: mounting
(over 5000 Pa). skids, frequency converters, sound attenuators, flexible
The adjustable pitch angle configuration and variable ducts and tailor-made components so to provide
impeller solidity offers a wide performance range and customers the complete ventilation system taking care of
maximum flexibility to match precisely individual airflow its global functionality.
and noise requirements, while considering energy
efficiency, allowing for successive re-use of the fans for
new projects.

  systemair  7
Silenced drilling application in urban context Drilling application with flexible duct assembly Deduster installation on TBM
(Tunnel Boring Machine)

Sound Attenuators Flexible Ducts Frequency Converters

Sound emissions can be greatly The Easy Joint flexible ducts, manu- Delivered to be either installed inside
reduced by adopting the correct factured in smeared polyester PVC electric cabinets or as stand-alone
solutions as adding cylindrical silencers fabric, are available from 500 mm to units in IP54 protection class, all
to the fan or by realizing uniquely 3000 mm diameter. Ducts are pre-programmed before delivery and
designed splitter silencers, particularly manufactured in stretches of length with control panels as standard.
useful in urban environment where between 1 m and 150 m and of
sound impact is becoming ever so different weights up to 850 g/m2
important. chosen based on the maximum Design
Both are manufactured in heavy duty pressure level it will be subject in Systemair’s proposal includes the
construction with significant steel exercise. The innovative junction design of the proper ventilation
sheets thicknesses to grant sturdiness system allows easy installation while system basing calculations on the
and lifetime. All acoustic silencers are maintaining intact the sturdiness and enforced international laws and
designed for the real life situation reliability. Ducts can be supplied in recommendations as the Italian D.P.R.
requirement and are manufactured to anti-static and self-extinguishing 20-3-56, the Swiss SIA 196 and the
allow direct mounting of the flexible material for tunnels in which certified French AFTES.
ducts or to connection pieces. anti-explosion products are required.

8  systemair
Urban context fan assembly Deduster system Installation inside tunnel during construction

Systemair is able to provide procedures, and pre-assembling of especially when silica or asbestos is
the fan units and ancillaries so to present in the rock that is being
for all ventilation systems
allow direct connection to the other treated.
design the proper material plant components.
and support during: con- For mechanical drilling of tunnels,
ceptual design, installation Dust filters: Deduster dedusters are used to reduce the
and commissioning. Systemair has increased its product amount of dust, frequently unhealthy
range with the introduction of the for the working squads, created by
newly designed DS deduster. The DS the construction operations. In this
dedusters, are designed so to be able case the DS will be supplied on skids
Quality and Reliability
to reduce the dust content in the air for ease of movement so to follow
All products are CE certified and in demanding applications found the construction progress.
production and commercialization are during all underground construction The DS deduster can also be used
performed under ISO 9001 and ISO projects, being them hydraulic, rail or when TBMs (Tunnel Boring Machine)
14001 certifications. Our quality road tunnels, and during tunnel are used for the construction of long
system allows us to improve our refurbishing. The filter efficiencies are tunnels. In this application the
products and our customer extremely high reaching 99.9% for deduster is used to capture the dust
satisfaction. Reliability is guaranteed particle sizes between 0.2 e 2 that rises from the conveyor belt that
by severe quality control procedures microns for dust concentration up to brings the drilled material towards
without shipping any fan without 2500 mg/m3. All particles of greater the TBMs end. Due to the limited
having first performed running tests sizes are completely stopped and space available, the deduster needs
so to verify its functionality treated. to be tailor-made so to reduce to a
Deduster systems are ever more minimum the hindrance to workers
Service needed by health organization and optimize installation.
The long term experience and
professionalism of our engineers
allow to support each customer along
the projects phases, following the
initial design stage, up to supporting
him to the commissioning of the
plant; assisting him with key ele-
ments for this particular market as:
pre-programming of the frequency
converters, detailed installation

  systemair  9
Road Tunnel Ventilation
New road tunnels will be required for the foreseeable future due to the
following main reasons:

• Density of the population increasing worldwide Systemair, as market leader for tunnel ventilation systems,
• Economic growth of developing countries is able to provide technical expertise for the design of the
• Increase in prosperity leading to: ventilation systems, supply state of the art products and
- Increased vehicle ownership support staff for the installation, commissioning and
- Increased movement of goods by road (HGV) running of the delivered systems.
- Need to decrease journey times (goods/private)

10  systemair
Design of Road Tunnel safety as: “PIARC” – Permanent International Association
of Roads Congress, “WTC” – World Tunnel Congress,
Ventilation System “WHO” – World Health Organization and National
Guidelines – ANAS In Italy, CETU in France, RABT in
Design ventilation rates are based upon providing a Germany, etc.
sufficient supply of air to dilute the pollutant emissions
from vehicles (Carbon Monoxide, Nitrogen Oxides, and
particulate matter) and tunnel wear (dust), for the period
of time in which the users of the tunnel may be exposed.
The control of the effects of fire is also extremely
important in tunnels. The ventilation system needs to be
sized so to provide sufficient velocity and direction for
controlling the spread of smoke in the event of a fire.

Systemair uses the latest prescriptions and

recommendations coming from the official international
bodies setting the standards for air quality and tunnel

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Road Tunnel Ventilation Systems
The choice of the type of ventilation system for a road tunnel depends on different key
elements such as: length, unidirectional or bidirectional traffic, gradient, cross-section,
peak traffic flow rates, fire size, etc.

Longitudinal ventilation

Longitudinal ventilation is The same is accomplished for fire

accomplished by using jet fans that, smoke propagation control. Normally
by accelerating a small part of the air used for unidirectional tunnels with
present in the tunnel, through an relatively short lengths (< 3 km).
exchange of momentum, are able to
induce, on the overall air inside the
tunnel, a movement in the willed

Systemair Product Key Distinctive Elements

Jet Tunnel Fans from 500 mm to 1600 Cases with augmented thicknesses for
mm for thrusts up to 2100 N and EN premium structural strength and
12101-3 heat and smoke removal long-lifetime service in severe
certification up to 400 °C for 120 min. conditions. All elements have been
operation. Fan development has been accurately designed as: the motor-
verified structurally with finite external terminal box connection, the
element analysis and performance predisposition for fixing of vibration Possibility of supply of ancillaries such as:
tests follow ISO 13350 standard. sensors and alignment switches, and vibration transducers, support frames,
dis-alignment switches
the support frames designed for ease
and reduction of installation times.

Extra size terminal box for ease of installation

and cabling

12  systemair
Jet fan AJ1000TR Jet fan AJ1120TR

Semi-transversal Ventilation

Semi-transversal ventilation uses air running direction so to extract the

ducts to introduce inside the tunnel smoke flow rate and grant safe
set flow rates of fresh air so to environment to the tunnel users.
accomplish the dilution of the Normally used for bi-directional
pollutants. In case of fire, the fans tunnels with need of augmented
need to be able to reverse their safety.

  systemair  13
Road Tunnel Ventilation Systems

Transversal Ventilation
Transversal ventilation uses separate costs involved (large ventilation
air ducts to introduce inside the rooms and large cross-sections to
tunnel set flow rates of fresh air and allow ducting).
extract the flue air from the tunnel. Normally used for long bi-directional
The system grants the greatest tunnels with high traffic levels and
safety and efficiency to the tunnel high percentage of heavy good
users but is also the most expensive vehicles transit.
solution due to the high civil work

Systemair Product
Large axial fans, both unidirectional
or truly reversible for both running
direction. Volume flows up to
150 m3/s and 5000 Pa of pressure
using contra-rotating fans in series.
EN 12101-3 heat and smoke removal
certification up to 400 °C for 120 min.
Axial fan AXR2000 Motor and external lubrication details

Extra sized external terminal box

14  systemair
Sturdy tube casing construction Silencer installation example Multileaf damper installation

Key Distinctive Elements Sound Attenuators Multileaf Dampers

Tube casings, realized in hot-dip Sound emissions can be greatly Being their use to intercept the
galvanized steel after manufacturing, reduced by adopting the correct ventilation room fans or for the
for premium structural strength and solutions as adding cylindrical extracting the flue air and smoke from
long-lifetime service in severe silencers to the fan or by realizing the tunnel, multi-leaf dampers are
conditions. Motors include copper uniquely designed splitter silencers, often a key element for a fully
lubricators for motor bearing re- particularly useful to reduce sound functional ventilation system. The
greasing and are supplied for impact when intake or exhaust shafts dampers offered are all realized for
VSD control with A/C heaters and are used. the greatest reliability having been
temperature sensors. Both are manufactured in heavy duty subject to fatigue tests to simulate
Fan development has been verified construction with significant steel years of operation inside tunnels.
structurally with finite element sheets thicknesses to grant sturdi- Sizes are not an issue as, by coupling
analysis and performance tests ness and lifetime. different modules together, virtually
follow ISO 5801, DIN 24163, All acoustic silencers are designed for any dimension can be easily realized
AMCA 210-99 standards. the real life situation requirement and and manufactured. Dampers can be
Extra size terminal box for ease of are manufactured to allow direct provided with fully electric actuators
installation and cabling with mounting inside the allocated spaces. or with pneumatic and fail-safe return
IP65 protection class. Splitter baffles can be mounted on modules, granting great flexibility of
Possibility of supply of ancillaries rail systems so to allow the possibility choice to suit any need or request.
such as: vibration transducers, of easy cleaning procedures. All Stainless steel can be employed for
inertia base frames and antivibration materials used are classified as A1 for the manufacturing of all of the
mounts, transition pieces and fire behavior according to ISO EN damper components and heat covers
diffuser, air interception dampers, 13501-1 standard. to protect the actuators from the high
extract dampers, acoustic silencers, temperature involved with fire
control systems, static frequency scenarios can be supplied if needed.
converters (inverters), etc. Air leakage tests, blade deflection and
pressure drop tests can be organized
at need as well as the possibility of
supplying BS 476 part 20 compliant

  systemair  15
Road Tunnel Ventilation Systems
Electro-precipitator tunnel filter systems

Environmental pollution is becoming Tunnel air is forced by large axial fans

a key element to take in due to pass through an ionizing filter
consideration when planning new section, where dust particles are
road infrastructures in densely negatively charged before flowing
populated areas. Citizen sensibility to through a magnetic repulsive field.
air quality, stirred up by medias, has The charged dust particles are, thus,
greatly increased in the last years, pushed against a mechanic filter
forcing public and private media where they’re captured. The
organizations to take in consideration cleaned air is then released in the
means to limit air pollution, in environment. Filter collector detail
particular, small dust particulate such The whole system is self-cleaning
as PM10 and PM2.5. and fully automated so to limit men
We are able to provide a new involvement.
concept of electro-precipitator filter
system to be installed in road

Ionizer detail

PSP ionizer blades - 14kV Hight voltage plates - 6kV Filter media

Charged dust particles Hight voltage plates - 6kV

Purified air Ionizer Collector Filter cell Purified air

Protective grid Grounded Grounded Grounded

electrodes collector plates grid

16  systemair
Solid model for FEM analysis FEM vertical loads FEM axial loads

Systemair can provide assistance and realize design
calculations based on PIARC, CETU and international

Tunnel At uo Uv Fire Obstruction Losses (Δpfire)
Riva Downhill 122.91 m2 3.066m/s 377 m3/s
The scope of the study is to size the longitudinal mechanical ventilation system for the Riva and Camlik tunnels Riva Uphill 122.91 m2 3.038m/s 373 m3/s In an emergency scenario the effects of the fire must be accounted for, one effect is the
blockage caused by the fire, this can be calculated by the following formula:-
following the indication received after the meeting in your office in Istanbul. Camlik Uphill 122.91 m2 2.609m/s 321 m3/s
Camlik Downhill 122.91 m2 2.639m/s 324 m3/s
Tunnel Data
Riva Downhill Riva Uphill Camlik Uphill Camlik Downhill
Length [m] 684 714 740 628
INFLUECE OVER PRESSURE LOSSES Where the following formula from CETU methodology is used to calculate ξexp:-
Slope -0.7% +0.6% +1.69% -1.74%
The pressure losses depend quadratically to the air speed and, thus, to the temperature. The dynamic
Cross-section area [m2] 122.91 122.91 122.91 122.91
pressure of the air is:
Perimeter [m] 45.34 45.34 45.34 45.34
Hydraulic diameter [m] 10.84 10.84 10.84 10.84

Height of the tunnel [m] 8.4 8.4 8.4 8.4 •
1 1M
⋅ ρ ⋅u2 = ⋅u with M = ρ ⋅ u ⋅ At
The ventilation system will be so sized to be able to guarantee an air velocity over the critical velocity in all the 2 2 At
cross-section of the tunnel in accordance to the indication of NFPA502.

Critical velocity calculation

Where the massic flow is assumed constant in static conditions. Smoke Buoyancy Effects (Δpbuoy)
The simultaneous solution of the following equations, by iteration, determines the critical velocity.
The critical velocity, Vc, is the minimum steady-state velocity of the ventilation air moving toward a fire that is TUNNEL FRICTION PRESSURE LOSS The buoyancy of the rising smoke plume will give some assistance to the ventilation
necessary to prevent backlayering. The following formula is used to determine the friction pressure loss. system, this can be expressed by the following formula:-
Tf is smoke/air temperature inside the cross-section immediately after the fire.
 l  ρ 0 ⋅ u 02 T
 gHQ  ∆p g =  λ ⋅  ⋅ 2 ⋅ T (Pa)
Vc = K 1 K g    Dh  0
   Q 
 ρC p AT f 
Tf =   +T where:
 ρC AV 
 p c 
∆pg = pressure loss in a tunnel section of ‘l’ length (Pa)
Vc = critical velocity [m/sec]
λ = friction loss coefficient (0.025)
K1 = 0.606 (Froude number factor, Fr −1/3) l = length of tunnel (m)
Dh = hydraulic tunnel diameter (m) CHIMNEY EFFECT
Kg = grade factor (see Figure D.1 in annex E of NFPA 502 ed.2014) The chimney effect can be positive or negative depending on the position and direction of the air and
g = acceleration caused by gravity [m/s2] T0 = Wall temperature (assumed equal to ambient temperature) (K)
ventilation system. The formula for the chimney effect is
H = height of duct or tunnel at the fire site [m] 8.4m for this tunnels
Q = heat fire is adding directly to air at the fire site [kW] 2/3 of the firepower ∆pe.c. = −(ρ 0 − ρ ) ⋅ g ⋅ d ⋅ l
ρ = average density of the approach (upstream) air [kg/m3] 1.2 The following formula is used to calculate the inlet pressure loss where:
Cp = specific heat of air [kJ/kg K] 1009
A = area perpendicular to the flow [m2] 122.91 ρ 0 ⋅ u 02 g : gravity acceleration 9,81 m/s2
Tf = average temperature of the fire site gases [K]
∆p i = α ⋅ ⋅ (Pa)
2 d : slope of the tunnel (positive or negative)
T = temperature of the approach air [K] 291 (18°C)
where: For an uphill tube the chimney effect is positive and acting in favor of the ventilation system.
After the fire the temperature will reduce due to heat exchange with the tunnel wall and ambient air. α = localized pressure loss coefficient ( 0.5 ) For a downhill tube the chimney effect is negative and acting against the ventilation system.
So to be able to analyze the temperature reduction convective and radiant heat coefficients Φc e Φrad as
detailed in the PIARC procedure are used. OUTLET PRESSURE LOSS
The following formula is used to calculate the outlet pressure loss : METEOROLOGICAL EFFECT
The design is based on PIARC 2007 calculation procedure and assume the following conditions: The wind speed is set to be 3m/s equating to a ∆Pmeteo=6.48Pa counterpressure.
Tunnel Thermic Fire Power Critical Velocity Tf(K/°C)* ρ 0 ⋅ u 02 T
∆p e = ⋅ (Pa)
Riva Downhill 200 MW 3.074m/s 582 / 309 2 T0 PRESSURE DROP DUE TO THE VEHICLES
Riva Uphill 200 MW 3.038m/s 586 / 313 The Congested vehicle inside the tunnel cause a resistance for the moving air. It is considered with the
Camlik Uphill 100 MW 2.609m/s 463 / 190 PRESSURE LOSS DUE TO THE FIRE following equation:
Camlik Downhill 100 MW 2.639m/s 461 / 188 Several studies have determined that the fire has a negative effect over the tunnel’s fluidodynamics due to the
*for a complete explanation of calculation please check PIARC 05.16.B.2006 pag. 263-267 turbulence and acceleration produced by the combustion. The effect can calculated as sum of the Fire (cw ⋅ A)veh ρ 0 ⋅ u 02
Obstruction Losses (∆pfire) and the Smoke Buoyancy Effects (∆pbuoy). ∆p veh = n ⋅ ⋅ (Pa)
Analyzing the trend of the fire along the tunnel, it is possible to verify the minimum temperature class required AT 2
to the fans. Where n is the number of Congested vehicles and (cw ⋅ A)veh its resistance surface.
The trends, calculated with the PIAR formula, are shown in the below graphics.
The formula have to be applied for each type of vehicle.
For this application has been considered:

  systemair  17
Road Tunnel Ventilation Systems

Quality Service
Fan product range is certified according to EN 12101-3 for Systemair supports you in every step of the project
smoke and heat removal up to 400 °C for 120 min., and following you onsite granting supervision during
has been verified structurally with finite element analysis. installation, start-up, commissioning and running period.
Performance tests follow ISO 5801, DIN 24163,
AMCA 210-99 and ISO 13350 standards. Systemair is able to provide for all ventilation system
design the proper material and support during:
conceptual design, installation and commissioning.

EN 13350 jet fan testing rig Jet fan arrangement Assembly line

18  systemair
  systemair  19
Metro and Rail Ventilation
The increase of population in urban areas causes a significant increment
of traffic and pollution.
To solve this problem, without hindering economic growth, people have
used underground transport systems to decongest cities. Subways and
underground rail systems allow rapid transit times while transporting a
large number of users.

20  systemair
The increase of population in urban designed so to prevent smoke to
areas causes a significant increment reach people fleeing the metro or
of traffic and pollution. To solve this rail system while avoiding the fatal
problem, without hindering consequences.
economic growth, people have used Understanding the importance of
underground transport systems to such plants, the MRT division of
decongest cities. Subways and Systemair has gained in-depth
underground rail systems allow rapid knowledge of the needs and
transit times while transporting a requirements for such mechanical
large number of users. ventilation systems and can provide Truly reversibile AXR 2000- 300kW
As known, closed underground a valuable support to designers and
environments tend to keep more mechanical contractors to determine
constant temperature conditions the most suitable solutions for their
than outdoor environments. This is particular need.
mainly due to the lack of natural Systemair products are chosen so to
ventilation and air exchange. In optimize the ventilation systems and
metros, though, the influx of a large calculation results can be provided
number of people and the presence for, as example, system pressure
of moving trains, generates a drops, or acoustic sound levels
reduction of oxygen levels and an towards the platform or towards the
increase in heat and pollutant ambient, so to confirm product
Details of installation of jet fans in rail tunnel
production. Mechanical ventilation is, selections.
then, required to allow the
necessary air exchange and grant
users of the underground train The MRT division of Systemair
systems safe and comfortable follows customers through all the
conditions. project’s phases: starting from
verifying the ventilation system’s
characteristics up to the final testing
Ventilation systems have a second and commissioning, when needed.
and even more important purpose,
that is to grant safety in case of fire
Unidirectional AXC 2000 – 160 kW
emergency. It is possible that for
different reasons, a fire can start in
stations or inside rail tunnels with
potential serious risks for the users
of a mass rapid transit. Smoke
produced by the fire is the main
enemy to fight off as it causes a
reduction in visibility and is
extremely noxious and deadly if
breathed. Mechanical ventilation is

  systemair  21
Metro and Rail Ventilation

Systemair Products Systemair’s Key Distinctive Elements

The core elements of the ventilation Fans manufactured using sturdy cases, tests follow ISO 5801, DIN 24163,
system are the axial fans that are all hot dip galvanized after manufacturing AMCA 210-99 standards.
certified according to the latest with spun flanges for high rigidity and Systemair’s proposal is not only
standards and in continuous premium structural strength for long centered on its axial fan technology
development so to obtain the highest lifetime service in severe conditions. but comprises all required ancillaries
quality standards. The impellers are all statically and and components so to provide a fully
The range includes unidirectional and dynamically balanced according to ISO functional ventilation system.
truly reversible fans for volume flow 1940 standard and all rotating parts According to the agreed
up to 150 m3/s and high pressure are subject to X-ray inspection configurations and design results the
levels. The possibility of varying the according to ASTM E155 procedures Systemair’s scope of supply can
number of blades and hub size allows so to exclude any faults in the include: vibration transducers, inertia
to define each fan to the specific castings. base frames and antivibration mounts,
duty requirement while optimizing Zyglo testing is also possible as option. transition pieces and diffusers, air
power consumption and energy Fans have been certified for smoke interception dampers, by-pass
efficiency. and heat removal according to ISO dampers, acoustic silencers, control
12101-3 and development has been systems, frequency static converters
verified structurally with finite (inverters), etc.
element analysis while performance

22  systemair
Special movable silencer for Metro application Fan interception damper Ventilation for technical rooms

Sound Attenuators Multi-leaf Dampers dampers.

Sound emissions are particularly Being their use to intercept the Ventilation Systems
important in urban environment. The ventilation room fans or for allowing for Technical Rooms
silencers offered by Systemair are by-pass ventilation in the rail and As market leader in air distribution
optimized and designed specifically metro tunnels, multi-leaf dampers are elements, Systemair is able to
for each project granting the maxi- often a key element for a fully complete its scope of supply including
mum efficiency both acoustic and functional ventilation system. The the components of for ventilation of
aeraulic. Silencers are manufactured dampers offered are all realized for the technical rooms. This includes, transit
in heavy duty construction with greatest reliability having been subject grills, fire dampers, inline fans and
significant steel sheets thicknesses to to fatigue tests to simulate years of extractors, and all other elements that
grant sturdiness and lifetime. All operation inside metro and rail tunnels allow Systemair to be a sole referent
acoustic attenuators are designed to with operation guaranteed for pressure to allow metro and train ventilation
allow direct mounting inside the levels up to 6 kPa (special executions systems come to life.
allocated spaces and splitter baffles for pressure over 11 kPa can be
can be mounted on rail systems so to offered if needed). Often bypass
allow the possibility of easy cleaning dampers are asked to have large
procedures. All materials used are cross-section areas due to the large air
classified as A1 for fire behavior flows in transit. This is not an issue as,
according to ISO EN 13501-1 by coupling different modules together,
standard. Acoustic calculations can be virtually any dimension can be easily
supplied for granting approval from realized and manufactured. Dampers
final users and works supervisors of can be provided with fully electric
the chosen materials. actuators or with pneumatic and
fail-safe return modules, granting great
flexibility of choice to suit any need or
request. Stainless steel can be
employed for the manufacturing of all
of the damper components and heat
covers to protect the actuators from
the high temperature involved with fire
scenarios can be supplied if needed. Air
leakage tests, blade deflection and
pressure drop tests can be organized at
need as well as the possibility of
supplying BS 476 part 20 compliant

EI 120S Fire Damper

  systemair  23
Metro and Rail Ventilation

Design Quality
Systemair can provide assistance and support so to Fan product range is certified according to EN 12101-3 for
confirm the required products and perform calculations for smoke and heat removal up to 400 °C for 120 min., and
the validation of the system’s pressure drops and for the has been verified structurally with finite element analysis.
correct sizing of the sound attenuators. Performance tests follow ISO 5801, DIN 24163, AMCA
Due to the know-how gained by onsite experiences, 210-99 and ISO 13350 standards.
Systemair’s engineers, can provide assistance and
suggestions so to determine the most proper installation

Nome progetto:Saronno malpensa Cliente:

Riferimento:Pozzo1 Data: 15/03/2009
Portata massima del ventilatore [m³/s]:83,3

Dati dell'impianto concentrate distribuite

elemento dell'impianto o tratta D a b L qv Dh S v pd k pf conc v * Dh ε Re f pf mur
[m] [m] [m] [m] [m³/s] [m] [m²] [m/s] [Pa] [Pa] [µm] [Pa]
ingresso galleria (tutti in aspirazione) 500,00 8,719 76,640 6,52 25,5 0,60 15,3
perdita in galleria senza treno (tutti in aspirazione) 570 500,00 8,719 76,640 6,52 25,5 56,9 3.000,0 3.777.019 0,015 25,3
restrigimento dovuto al treno 500,00 5,458 60,664 8,24 40,8 0,25 10,2
perdita in galleria con treno (tutti in aspirazione) 230 500,00 5,458 60,664 8,24 40,8 45,0 3.000,0 2.986.955 0,017 29,2
allargamento 500,00 5,458 60,664 8,24 40,8 0,15 6,1
ingresso da galleria 5,770 2,350 166,67 3,340 13,560 12,29 90,6 0,60 54,4
curva 90° 5,770 2,350 166,67 3,340 13,560 12,29 90,6 1,20 108,8
Ingresso ventilatore con boccaglio e rete 2,000 83,33 2,000 3,14 26,53 422,2 0,20 84,4
serranda 2,200 2,200 83,33 2,200 4,84 17,22 177,9 59,3
serranda uscita 2,200 2,200 83,33 2,200 4,84 17,22 177,9 1,00 177,9
silenziatore 166,67 200,0
curva 90° 4,980 3,750 166,67 4,278 18,68 8,92 47,8 1,20 57,3
uscita griglia 4,980 3,750 166,67 4,278 18,68 8,92 47,8 1,50 71,7

caduta di pressione totale impianto: 900,0 totale cadute di pressione parziali: 845,4 54,6

D: diametro condotto S: superficie trasversale condotto v * Dh: prodotto tra la velocità e il diametro equivalentein un tratto
a: altezza condotto rettangolare v: velocità dell'aria nel tratto dritto o nell'elemento (v = qv / S) ε: rugosità equivalente
b: larghezza condotto rettangolare pd: pressione dinamica nel tratto o nell'elemento (pd = 1/2 ρ v2); ρ = 1,2kg/m³ a 20 °C e 100 kPa ε / Dh: rapporto tra la rugosità equivalente e il diametro idraulico
L: lunghezza tratto dritto k: fattore funzione della geometria dell'elemento localizzato f: coefficiente di attrito
qv: portata d'aria nel tratto o nell'elemento pf conc:caduta di pressione dovuta ad un elemento localizzato (pf conc = k pd) pf : caduta di pressione in tratti dritti di canale (pf = ((f * L) / Dh) * pd)
Dh: diametro idraulico ( Dh = 4 Superficie / Perimetro) gf: gradiente di pressione
misure da rilievi
pressione totale con coefficiente sicurezza 15% 1035 Pa dimensione griglia -7 putrelle
treno fermo nella sezione

08/03/2016 pozzo1 sa.xls

24  systemair

Competent engineers at your service Onsite supervision during installation

The long-term experience and profes- Correct installation is as vital as Start-up and commissioning is often
sionalism of its engineers allow correct designing, thus Systemair is the next critical phase that needs to
Systemair to be not just a supplier but particularly attentive and provides be completed for the turn-over of
a partner for its customers. The goal competent service for supervising the responsibility of the systems. With
for Systemair is to be a provider of installation phase of the supplied the same dedication provided for the
solutions and this involves being an equipments. The active supervision, earlier steps, Systemair’s professio-
active part in definition, installation, in addition to the I&O manuals nals will support customers so to
and commissioning of the systems provided for each component, allow allow the equipments to work and
delivered. the critical phase of installation to run run as smoothly as possible, granting
Understanding the importance that as smoothly as possible, with prompt the possibility of having live measure-
the delivered components have for support in case of any unexpected ments of electrical and aeraulic data.
the well-being and safety of the situation that could arise. Pre-pro- As important as a pre-sales, after-
tunnel users, Systemair’s professio- gramming of frequency converters, sales service is a key element for
nals lay their knowledge and compe- the detail in the definition of the Systemair’s success.
tence in the hands of the designers ancillaries and duct components, and
and planners so to actively cooperate confidence in the products, lead to a
to define the most reliable and cost time-saving and efficient installation
efficient equipments. phase.

Onsite volume flow measurement Onsite programming of frequency

during commissioning converters

  systemair  25
Systemair around the globe
A way to show the customer not
only our presence around the world
but also give them a sense of our
effective distribution network

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Systemair · January 2018 · E1833

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