06-English-Allah's Azaab On The Last Ummah
06-English-Allah's Azaab On The Last Ummah
06-English-Allah's Azaab On The Last Ummah
Do you then, accept and obey Allah's Quraan to thank Allah alone?--- No! Not at all!
So, today the people of the last ummah run away from Allah's Holy Quraan who created
them and their children, and gives all of them to eat.
And don't you know, sure you don't, then know, that running away from Allah's Quraan is
an "Open Shirk"?
So, people of the last ummah are doing this "Open Shirk".
Allah's Book of Advice is there, but they don't care, they are not ready to take The
Isn't this a fact? Isn't this an undeniable fact which a liar knows deep into his hearts? How
can he deny this fact which is very much there deep into his heart that he runs away from
his Creator and Sustainer's Quraan? How can he reject himself? How can he reject what
his heart is whispering into his ears that he doesn't want to come to his Creator's Quraan.
Today, the people of the last ummah, deep down in their hearts know that they never like
to come to Allah's Quraan.
Look around you, this show is on.
Even a person who thinks that he invites others to Islaam, his heart is empty of The
Knowledge of The Holy Quraan. To learn Islaam, he invites them to allama-written books
or allaama's lectures. He never calls them to Allah's Quraan.
The people of the last ummah have rejected Allah's Quraan. And rejecting means, not to
come to The Quraan, not to get its Knowledge, so eventually unable to obey It. So, the
people of the last ummah don't like to come to Allah's Quraan, only because they don't
want to follow Allah's Quraan.
"We have revealed this Blessed Reminder. Will you then reject it?"
(Al Anbiyaa-50)
Yes, an overwhelming and heavy majority of the last ummah has rejected Allah's Blessed
So, whom do they follow now? They follow their own dirty nufs (desires).
Whether it's a matter of Deen or Dunya, they follow what their dirty nufs tells them. Their
dirty nufs is their rubb.
"O Prophet(S), have you seen a person who has taken his desire (nufs) as his god?
Then would you be responsible for him. Or do you think that most of them hear
(Advice) or use their intellect (in Advice).They are not except like the cattle. But
they are even farther astray from The Path."
Yes, if people of the last ummah are not obeying Allah's Quraan, then sure they are
obeying their dirty nufs (hawa). And one who obeys his own dirty nufs, now he will obey
allaamas and peshwas.
"They have taken their ulamaa as their rubb beside Allah" (At-Tauba-31)
What the allaamas say is their deen. Their favorite allaamas books are their quraan, that
they read instead of Allah's Supreme Quraan.
"We have made this Quraan easy-to-understand to take advice. (Then) Is there
anyone to take the advice?"
(Al Qamur-17) "
No, sorry, the people of the last ummah are not at all ready to take Advice from Allah's
Quraan. They take advice from their dirty nufs and ghairullah.
The people of the last ummah are openly disobeying Allah's Quraan and doing
Then why the people of the last ummah shout when Allah has put them into His azaab
because they reject The Quraan?
Then why the people of the last ummah shout when the kuffaar crush them under their
Then why the people of the last ummah shout when they are being humiliated at the
hands of the kuffaar?
Then why the people of the last ummah shout when the jews, hindus, christians and open
kuffaar destroy them?
Then why the people of the last ummah shout and protest when they have corrupt rulers
and dishonest officers in their countries?
Then why the people of the last ummah shout and agitate when they don't have peace,
love and prosperity in their countries?
People of Pakistan are having loadshedding (power failure), dearness, chaos, suicidal
attacks, and hate for each other in the country. Don't they know that they are rejecting
Allah's Quraan by running away from It?
Their corrupt political leaders, misled religious political parties and liar ulamas are all
Allah's azaab.
In fact the shirk-doers of the people of Pakistan don't deserve a single moment of
electricity, a single drop of water and a single cubic meter of gas because they don't thank
Allah alone who gives them all of these bounties and even more than that.
The last ummah is arrogant, stubborn and ignorant.
They are jahileen! They are liars! They are criminals! They are renegades!
Look at the people of Palestine, Kashmir, Iraq and Afghanistan. Why are they not
succeeding in their war against the kuffaar?
Is Allah happy with them or is Allah angry at them?
Do they know the answer? Oh, how would they know the answer? Because they are
ignorant of Allah's Quraan.
Allah says. And what Allah says, is The Authority:
"Then if there comes to you A Guidance from Me, then whoever follows My
Guidance, he will not astray, nor fall into misery (in this world and The Hereafter).
And whoever turns away from My Remembrance (Quraan), indeed then for him is
a life of hardship (downfall, azaab and humiliation in this world), and We shall
gather him on the The Judgement Day blind." (Tahaa-123,124)
So the people of the last ummah in Palestine, Kashmir, Iraq and Afghanistan and all over
the muslim world, are going through a life of hardship (azaab and humiliation at the
hands of the kuffaar).
The last ummah is running away from their Creator and Sustainer's Safe, Holy, Dignified
and Supreme Quraan. And this is an open shirk. And don't forget, the shirk-doers
(munafiqoon) of the ummah are worse than the kuffaar before Allah. Allah punishes the
shirk-doers at the hands of the kuffaar. The shirk-doers are not allowed to rule over the
kuffaar. They are the renegades. Who will deny it? Who will deny what he sees with his
open eyes, yet he is not ready to take lesson.
"O mankind, there has indeed come to you the messenger (Muhammad) with The
Truth from your Lord. So believe, (that is) better for you."
"And follow the best of what has been sent down to you from your Lord, before
there comes upon you the punishment suddenly, while you do not perceive."
So the shirk-doers of the last ummah are already going thru the punishment that has come
upon them. The cruelty and injustice from America, Izrael, India and Europe are different
shapes of Allah's azaab on this ummah. Who can stop Allah's azzab, except Allah
Himself.---"And for you other than Allah, there is not any protector, not a
Do the people in Palestine, Kashmir, Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan and the last ummah
know, do they know one fact?
Oh, how would they know, when they are completely ignorant of "The Book" that tells
people the "facts" behind every matter.
And the fact is, why the last ummah is not gaining upper hand against the kuffaar in
Palestine, Kashmir, Iraq, Afghanistan and else where in the world. See what Allah is
saying. And what Allah is saying is The Truth, else is lie.
"If Allah helps you ( o people of the last ummah), then no one (from the kuffaar)
can overcome you.
And if He leaves you (because of your rejection of The Book of Hidayah), then who
is there, who can help you after Him? And in Allah, let the momineen put their
trust." (Aal-e-Imraan-160)
Think with a thinking heart, the people of the last ummah are fighting against the kuffaar
in Palestine, Kashmir, Iraq and Afghanistan. Why are they losing? What is the reason of
their clean defeat against the kuffaar? Why are they being humiliated?
Read Allah's Quraan, The Revealed Book of The Truth, and you will come to know that
Allah's Favour and Rahmah is always with the true momineen, and on the kuffaar is
Allah's curse.
So, if the people of the last ummah in the occupied Palestine, Kashmir, Iraq and
Afghanistan are true momineen and they have Allah's Favour and Rahmah with them, and
the kuffaar they are fighting, sure have Allah's curse on them-----then why are the true
momineen losing ground, and why are the cursed kuffaar crushing them under their feet
and humiliating them???
Kuffaar are always cursed, but do the people of the last ummah today have Allah's
Rahmah and Favour with them?---No! Not at all!---Not at all!
Read more that will open your eyes, and maybe open your heart for Allah's Quraan, The
Only Truth in the universe.
"And do not become weak, nor grieve, and you shall gain the upper hand if you are
momineen." (Al-e-Imraan--139)
Did you see? Allah's Quraan is the easiest Book on the face of the earth. You read it and
understand it. No need of any tafseer or human teacher.
So, Allah's decision is that in a war, momineen will gain the upper hand over the kuffaar.
Allah always helps His momineen, and when Allah's Help and Favour is there, momineen
will never be defeated, they will win whatsoever.
So, why is the last ummah not gaining the upper hand against the kuffaar? Are they
Allah's momineen? Is Allah's Help and Favour with them? --- No, they have lost Allah's
Help and Favour. There must be something missing then.
And that is Allah's Quraan that is missing.
"O mankind, there has indeed come to you the messenger (Muhammad) with The
Truth from your Lord. So believe, (that is) better for you." (Al-Nisaa-170)
Yes, believing, accepting truly from the core of the heart and obeying The Holy Quraan,
is better for the last ummah and the whole mankind.
"And follow the best of what has been sent down to you from your Lord, before
there comes upon you the punishment suddenly, while you do not perceive." (Al-
Nobody can stop Allah's azaab. And as such the very little piece of azaab (Black Water,
drone attacks, suicidal attacks, load shedding, dearness, Pakistanis hate each others on the
ground of language, sect, province, etc.), which is already there in Pakistan, who could
stop it? Who will stop it?
Those dead souls whom the shirk-doers of the last ummah call other than Allah, why
don't they come and stop this azaab?
Load shedding, dearness, chaos, scuidal attacks and hate between the people.
Show, how can you stop it. Who stopped the Indian army in Dacca in 1971?
The last ummah has shamelessly rejected Allah's Quraan, they don't read and get The
Knowledge, they don't make It their "Aqeeda" and "Amaal".
And rejection of The Quraan is "Open Shirk". And the shirk-doers always form sects
(firqa), salafee, wahabi, deobandi, brelwi, sunni, hanafi, ahle sunnat wal jama'ut, and so
See, how the sect-followers are shamelessly disobeying Allah's Commandments:
"And hold firmly, to The Rope of Allah (The Quraan only) and do not become
divided (into sects)."
"Do not be like those who became divided (into sects) and disputed after all
evidence of The Truth
had come to them. For, they have incurred a tremendous suffering."
Dividing into sects and calling oneself with a sect name (salafee, wahabi, brelwi, sunni) is
a clear and shameless rejection and disobedience of Allah's Commandments in The Safe,
Holy, Dignified and Supreme Quraan.
All the sect-lovers are the munifiqoon and shirk-doers because they have taken their
favorite allaamas as their rubb, and they follow what they say, without verifying them on
Allah's Quraan. The sectarian allaamas written-books are the quraan of the sect-lovers.
Every sectarian allaama has made his followers his slaves. What he tells his slaves, he
demands them to follow that, and the "jahileen" follow that. These dajjal and jadooger
allaamas stop people from Allah's Quraan. Allah sends curse on such allaamas.
"Indeed, those (scholars) who conceal what We have sent down of clear proofs and
The Guidance, after what We had made it clear for the people in the Scripture.
They are those cursed by Allah and cursed by those who curse." (Al-Buqrah-159)
Every sect (salafee, wahabi, deobandi, brelwi, sunni, hanafi, ahle sunnat wal jama'ut, and
so on) think that they are on Hidayah and are The Blessed Group. If it is really so, then
the sect that claims to be on Hidayah, why is that group not the Super Power of the world,
the way Blessed Sahaba(R) were. Why all of them are being crushed under the feet of the
kuffaar? Why are they being humiliated?
Kuffaar are cursed. The cursed kuffaar are crushing the last ummah under their feet. Is the
last ummah Blessed? No, the ones who are being punished and humiliated at the hands of
the cursed kuffaar, are more cursed than those who are crushing them. Because they are
the shirk-doers and munifiqoon.
And shirk-doers of any ummah have always been put into azzab at the hands of the open
kuffaar. Allah has never allowed the shirk-doers of the ummah to rule over the kuffaar of
the world.
Understood?---Read Allah's Quraan, your will understand more and then weep.
In spite of going thru Allah's azaab, the people of Pakistan are showing their arrogance
and ignorance. They are still doing shirk. All the sects, all of them are rejecting Allah's
Quraan and not at all ready to return back. Rather they are angry when invited to Allah's
So, wait o people of Pakistan!---You will sure get what you deserve.
Half of the Pakistan is gone, half on the waiting list.
Still the people of Pakistan are not at all ready to ask forgiveness from their Lord. What
do they think of themselves? Who is going to save them when Allah will throw them into
His azaab???
"And certainly, We seized them (the liars) with punishment, but they did not
humble themselves to their Lord, nor did they supplicate with submission." (Al-
In spite of the azaab, the people of Pakistan are in, they are not ready to humble
themselves to their Lord. What do they think of themselves?
Arrogant! Stubborn! Jahileen! Liars! Renegades!
The liars of the last ummah in Pakistan are very much busy in accumulating their carnal
desires. They have forgotten The Judgement Day.
"Indeed, these (disbelievers) love the quickly attainable (world), and ignore The
Heavy Day." (Al-Dahr-27)
Who ignores The Heavy Day (Qiyamah)? Yes, the one who is the lover of this quickly
attainable world (wealth, fame, honor, comfort). This is exactly what the last ummah in
Pakistan and elsewhere in the world today, is doing. Then they sure have ignored The
Heavy Day which is bound to happen.
"Nay, but you love the worldly life. And leave the Hereafter." (Al-Qiyamah-20,21)
Who leaves the Hereafter? The one who loves the worldly life (wealth, fame, honor,
comfort). So, in what the last ummah today is busy? Peep into the hearts. They also love
the worldy life. No matter what sect or group they belong to. Namazee or benamazee,
strict purdah or baypurdah, woman veiled or unveiled, every heart is filled up to the brim
with love of this temporary life. All hearts and minds arte empty of The Light of The
As a matter of fact, the liars of the last ummah today are very much like deaf-and-dumb,
when invited to The Quraan. They give a strange look to the "caller to The Quraan".
Some of them are silent, some are unmoved, some are careless, some are angry, and some
are puzzled. The "call to The Quraan" is so strange and puzzling to them as if some one is
asking them to eat a stone. Of course, if you ask someone to eat a stone, he will be
puzzled and say, is stone something to be eaten? Same way, the people of the last ummah
today are at their wits end when they are invited to The Quraan. Their behaviour starts
saying, "Quraan has no business with us". "Should we be concerned about The Quraan?",
"Hey, Quraan is very difficult, you will be misled if you read it without a teacher.", "Hey,
Quraan was for the Sahaba(R), for us is Shafa'ut."
Why do they keep a safe distance from The Quraan? Only because they are the seeker of
the garbage world (fame, honor, wealth, comfort).
"Indeed, these (disbelievers) love the quickly attainable (world), and ignore The
Heavy Day." (Al-Dahr-27)
Okay, then---
"Eat and enjoy for a few days, indeed, you are criminals. Destruction that Day to
the deniers." (Al-Mursalat-46,47)
"That (end you have reached at last) is because you took the verses of Allah in
ridicule (and ignored them), and the life of the world deceived you.
So that Day, they shall not be taken out from it (Fire), nor can they make amends."
Why today the people of the last ummah have ignored Allah's Ayaat? Because they love
the ending life of this garbage world and think that they will win shafa'ut for themselves
on The Judgement Day. Oh the love of this unfaithful world has deceived them.
"There will soon be the time when those who disbelieve will wish if they were
muslims (submitter to Allah's Quraan). Leave them to eat and enjoy, and let false
hope (shafa'ut) distract them. Soon they will come to know (it is shafa'ut or amaal).
" (Al-Hijr-2,3)
So, wait o people of Pakistan!---You will sure get what you deserve.
"And follow the best of what has been sent down to you from your Lord, before
there comes upon you the punishment suddenly, while you do not perceive." (Al-
Yes, indeed, the only way for the last ummah to save themselves from Allah's azaab is to
return to Allah's Quraan only. And in The Light of The Supreme Quraan to the sahih
ahadith which can be proved to be true on The Revealed Authority.
Every sect (salafee, wahabi, brelwi, sunni, deobandi, tablighee jama'ut, tasawwuf, etc.)
claim that they are on The Right Path. This is just their false claim. Lie, dajjaliat,
deception. How can all the sects be on Islaam (Quraan), when they differ from each
How can a sect call people to Islaam (Quraan) when they themselves are not on Islaam
(Quraan) (The proof is that all of them are being crushed under the feet of the kuffaar.
They are the shirk-doers.). Sectarian allaamas and their followers will obviously call
people to their sects, not to Islaam (Quraan) because they are on sects (haram,shirk, kufr).
"Do not be like those who became divided (into sects) and disputed after all
evidence of The Truth
had come to them. For, they have incurred a tremendous suffering."
And as such people have already tried sects and as a result of this shirk (sects), they are
surrounded by Allah's Wrath and Azaab, now they should return and try Islaam, because
Allah likes Islaam for His obedient and humble slaves.
And Allah hates sects.
"Indeed, Islam is the only Right Deen (way of life) in the sight of Allah." (Aal-e-
O people of the last ummah in Pakistan and around the world! Allah likes Islaam as Deen
(way of life) for you. What do you like as deen for yourself?
Do you bow your heads before Allah's Decision, or do you raise your heads against
Allah's Decision?
Alas! The last ummah is shamelessly following its dirty nufs and going against Allah's
Decision (Islaam).
Do the ummah fear Allah?--- Oh, no!
Do the ummah know----- no, they don't.
Then let them know----- that a momin fears Allah.
Now tell, do the ummah fear Allah?--- No, not at all.
Then, are they momineen?
So all the sectarians (of the last ummah) seek sects as deen, other than Islaam, and they
will be among the losers in the Hereafter. And those of the last ummah who will be
among the losers in the Hereafter, will be put into Allah's azaab even in the life of this
world. They will face defeat, downfall and humiliation at the hands of open kuffaar. They
are the shirk-doers. And remember shirk-doers are not allowed to rule over the kuffaar. A
shirk-doer is a renegade, and a renegade is worse than the enemy.
"Why will Allah put those people on Hidayah who did Kufr after their Imaan."
Yes, why will Allah put those people on Hidayah who do open "Kufr" after their "Imaan",
by doing open kufr of The Holy Quraan and forming sects.
O people of the last ummah! Remember, no sect of the last ummah is a Blessed One. If
anyone of them had been on The Right Path (Quraan only), they would have been given
clean political superiority over other sects (of the last ummah so as to take them to The
Right Path) and they would have been made the super power of the world.
The ummah will face defeat, downfall and humiliation at the hands of the kuffaar only
when they start doing shirk.
O people of Pakistan! O people of the last ummah! Come back to your Creator and
Sustainer's Safe, Holy, Dignified and Supreme Quraan.
With Allah's Safe, Holy, Dignified and Supreme Quraan in your hearts, you, the last
ummah, will also become safe (from hellfire), holy (for the paradise), dignified in this
world and the Hereafter, supreme (the super power of the world). Doesn't this go right
into the hearts???
And if people of Pakistan and people of the last ummah, don't return to Allah's Quraan:
"And follow the best of what has been sent down to you from your Lord, before
there comes upon you the punishment suddenly, while you do not perceive." (Al-
"Then if there comes to you A Guidance from Me, then whoever follows My
Guidance, he will not astray, nor fall into misery (in this world and The Hereafter).
And whoever turns away from My Remembrance (Quraan), indeed then for him is
a life of hardship (downfall, azaab and humiliation in this world), and We shall
gather him on the The Judgement Day blind." (Tahaa-123,124)
And in spite of these Clear Ayaah of Allah, if the ummah still keeps on rejecting Allah's
Quraan and remains on their shirk, then they shall see their bad end in this world and the
kuffaar will be given the control of what land and resources they have. Look around you,
isn't this what is happening to the last ummah today?
Look at the end of the shirk-doer Mughals in India (1857), Allah took away from them
and gave all to the British.
East Pakistan (1971) was given to India (kuffaar).
Palestine was given to Israel. Kashmir remains in the hands of hindus (kuffaar). Iraq and
Afghanistan were given to kuffaar.
Who is doing all this?-----America?--Izrael?---Europe?---India?
No!--- A loud and clear "No"!
Indeed, Allah The Almighty, The Most Merciful!
This is Allah's wrath and torment on the shirk-doers (sect-followers) of the last ummah.
"How many were the gardens and fountains and cornfields and grand palaces that
they left behind, and how many means of luxury and comfort, which they used to
enjoy! This was their end, and We made others to inherit those things. Then neither
did the heaven weep on them nor the earth, and they were not given the least
respite." (AdDukhan-25-29)
And the punishment for the kuffaar and the shirk-doers (munafiqoon) of the ummah will
not only end in this world:
"Surely We will throw into the Fire those (the kuffaar and the rejectors of the last
ummah) who have rejected Our Revelations; as often as their skins shall be
consumed, We will replace them by other skins so that they may taste the torment in
full, for Allah is All-Powerful and All-Wise to enforce His decrees." (Al-Nisaa-56)
Make your mind clear, that "the kuffaar" are criminals, liars and transgressors.
Sahaba (R) were truthful people because they followed Allah's Quraan (The Truth), so
they were made the super power of their time.
But when a heavy majority of the last ummah started doing open shirk by rejecting
Allah's Quraan and divided themselves into sects, they became munafiqoon.
And munafiqoon are worse than the kuffaar in the sight of Allah, and in this world and in
the Hereafter they will be given worse punishment than the kuffaar. Because the kuffaar
don't have Allah's Quraan, whereas "the shirk-doers=sect-followers=munafiqoon" of the
last ummah have their Allah's Quraan with them, and they claim that they have Imaan in
It, yet they reject The Quraan and disobey its teachings.
Then Allah put the shirk-doers of the last ummah into His azaab by giving the cursed
kuffaar superiority over them. Allah never allowed the shirk-doers of any ummah to rule
over the kuffaar. And because today the people of the last ummah are moaning under the
superiority of the kuffaar, it means they have become the rejectors of The Quraan and
doing shirk.
Understood?--- Read The Creator's Quraan to confirm it. It's an open challenge to
What do they think of themselves? They are lower in rank than a humble ant.
Ants will not be thrown into hellfire, but the shirk-doers will be, forever.
Because the humble ants don't disobey their Creator, but the shirk-doers of the last
ummah disobey their Creator by rejecting The Quraan.
Shame on you, o people of the last ummah!
Sheme on you. You are stone.
Read and weep (if you are not liars), o people of the last ummah!
"We have revealed this Blessed Reminder. Will you then reject it?" (Al Anbiyaa-50)
Yes, the people of the last ummah have shamelessly rejected Allah's Blessed Reminder.
They don't need The Blessed Reminder. For them, their fav allaamas are enough. They
learn deen from their allaama-written quraan. Isn't this a fact? How can one deny what he
does himself?
"We have made this Quraan easy-to-understand to take advice. (Then) Is there
anyone to take the advice?" (Al Qamur-17) "
No, today the people of the last ummah don't need The Advice. And they are happy at
The dajjaal allaamas and jadooger peshwas say, "Quraan is difficult to understand". They
are lost who say Allah's Quraan is difficult. How will they take Advice when for them
Allah's easy Quraan is difficult?
"(This Quraan) is in fact, A Reminder for you (O Prophet) and for your ummah;
and (very soon) you all (ummah) will be questioned" (Al Zukhruf-44)
Is our answer ready?---No!---Don't we fear?---Oh, No!
Then wait a little! Allah's azaab is coming fast, for the Quraan-rejectors of the last
ummah, in this world and also in The Hereafter. Don't worry, this is what you have
earned with your own hands.
"These people (the disbelievers) used to say, "If only we also had A Book of Advice,
that the former people had, then surely we would have been sincere slaves of
Allah." But (when that Book af Advice (The Quraan) came to them) they
disbelieved in It, then soon they shall know." (Al-Saaffaat-167-170)
"And whatever of misfortune (Black Water, drone attacks, suicidal attacks, load
shedding, dearness, muslims hate each others on the
ground of language, sect, province, etc.) befalls you, it is because of what your hands
have earned (because you have turned away from
Allah's Book of Commandments and disobeying It).
And Allah forgives much (if you the so-called muslims ask His forgiveness and
return to His Quraan).
-------And (if you the muslims do not return to Allah's Holy Quraan, then remember
that) you cannot escape (from Allah, means His azaab in the
shape of Black water, drone attacks, suicidal attacks, etc, that Allah has brought on
you because of your disobedience) in the earth.
And for you other than Allah there is not any Protector, not a Helper (to save you
from Black water, drone attacks, suicidal attacks etc)."