Modelsolarpolicy 2015
Modelsolarpolicy 2015
Modelsolarpolicy 2015
Date: xx/xx/201x
In order to reduce the dependence on fossil fuel based generation, it is essential to explore all possible
alternative sources of generation. Under these circumstances, the generation based on renewable
energy resources as well as adopting energy efficiency measures to fulfil the electricity requirement
shall play a significant role in meeting our future demands of electricity.
To achieve a sustainable development route that provides for advancement in economic as well as
environmental objectives, the Government of ---------------------- is determined and taking necessary
steps to encourage the generation based on renewable energy resources. The State has an average
solar insolation of about ------------ kWh/m2/day which the State intends to harness to support the
energy requirements of the State.
Due to the decline in the upfront capital cost, the cost of generation of solar power generation plant
has become competitive with many conventional power generation technologies. It is also witnessed
that the consumer tariff in various segments have achieved parity with the cost of generation of
electricity generated from solar power plants and consequently, the decentralised mode for generation
of electricity has increasingly accepted by all set of stakeholders. Further with the technological
advancement, solar energy applications have widely accepted in off-grid mode of electricity
generation as well as in thermal applications.
Accordingly, the Government progresses to introduce this policy to harness the incident solar
insolation on the State and to realise the potential benefit to the environment by deploying of solar
2. Objectives
The State Government introduces the Policy with the objective to optimally utilize the available solar
resources incident over the State and support Government in achieving targets envisaged for
deployment of solar energy.
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4. Operative Period
1. The policy shall come into effect from -------------------------- and shall remain valid, until
superseded or modified by another Policy, till ----------------------.
2. The Government may undertake review of this Policy at regular time intervals and modify,
amend the provisions of the Policy as and when required with a view of any technological
advancement and/or to remove difficulties.
5. Eligible Entities
Any person which shall include any company or body corporate or association or body of individuals,
whether incorporated or not, or artificial juridical person shall be eligible to set up plant and receive
benefits under this policy.
6. Minimum Target
The State shall strive to achieve the objectives of the policy and aim at implementing minimum
targets, elaborated below, within the Operative Period,
Solar Photovoltaic Power
Solar Thermal Power
Rooftop Solar Power
Decentralized & Off Grid
Solar Power Plants
FY 16
FY 17
FY 18
FY 19
FY 20
*The minimum size of the plant at single location shall be determined by the Nodal Agency.
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suitable provisions for the allotment of capacity to the project developers and shall organize
competitive bidding for the selection of project developers. The Electricity Regulatory Commission
while formulating the regulatory framework shall include necessary provisions to adopt the tariff
discovered in the competitive bidding process, if the discovered tariff is lower than or equal to the
specified feed-in tariff following regulatory process.
The Electricity Regulatory Commission shall announce separate feed-in tariff applicable for utility
scale solar photovoltaic power plants and utility scale solar thermal power plants, after considering the
State specific parameters. The feed-in tariff shall act as a ceiling limit in the competitive bidding
process organized by the Nodal Agency.
Segment III: Development Solar Power Plants for Sale of Electricity to any Person other than
the Distribution Licensee
The State shall promote development of solar power plant for sale of electricity to any Person other
than the Distribution Licensee. The Nodal Agency shall extend its support for implementation of solar
power plants under this segment.
The Electricity Regulatory Commission shall announce suitable provisions for the development of the
plants under this category.
Segment IV: Development Solar Power Plants under Renewable Energy Certificate Mechanism
The State Government shall promote the development of solar power plants under the renewable
energy certificate mechanism specified by the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission. The Nodal
Agency shall extend its support for the accreditation of the power plant and recommending its
registration with the Central Agency in a time bound manner. In carrying out its role, the Nodal
Agency shall be guided by any directions given to it by the Electricity Regulatory Commission for the
implementation of the framework, from time to time.
Segment V: Development Solar Parks
The Nodal Agency shall undertake assessment of non-productive Government land and submit its
report to the State Government for the development of Solar Parks on such land. While formulating
the framework for the development of Solar Park, the Nodal Agency shall undertake public
consultation and accordingly specify provisions. The Electricity Regulatory Commission shall
develop suitable framework to ensure successful development of Solar Parks in the State.
In addition, the Nodal Agency shall also support the prospective power plant developers for the
development of plants in the Parks. The Nodal Agency shall charge nominal fee, after approval by the
Segment VI: Development Solar Power Plants on Canals
The State shall promote development of Solar Power Plants on the Canal Top and on the banks of
canal, after undertaking its technical feasibility. In addition, the Nodal Agency shall coordinate with
the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy for implementation of its scheme announced from time to
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Segment VII: Development Solar Power Plants under any other scheme of Central or State
The State shall promote development of Solar Power Plants under any other scheme announced by the
Central Government or the State Government, from time to time.
8. Implementation Plan for Rooftop Solar Photovoltaic Power Plants Connected with
Electricity System
The State shall encourage implementation of the minimum target specified for rooftop solar
photovoltaic power plants, connected with electricity system, under below mentioned segments,
Segment I: Generation and Sale of Electricity to the Distribution Licensee of the State
In order to reap the benefits and to enable obligated entities complying with the solar purchase
obligation targets specified by the Electricity Regulatory Commission, the State would encourage
deploying rooftop solar photovoltaic power plant for generation and sale of electricity to the
Distribution Licensee of the State. The Nodal Agency shall formulate suitable approach, after due
public consultation process and organize a competitive bidding for allotment of the capacities to the
suitable eligible entities.
The Electricity Regulatory Commission shall announce separate feed-in tariff applicable to rooftop
solar photovoltaic power plants, after considering the State specific parameters. The feed-in tariff
shall act as a ceiling limit in the competitive bidding process organized by the Nodal Agency.
Segment II: Generation and Sale of Electricity to a Person other than Distribution Licensee
The State shall promote implementation of solar power plant and sale of electricity generated to a
Person other than the Distribution Licensee. The Nodal Agency shall extend its support for
implementation of solar power plants under this segment.
The Electricity Regulatory Commission shall announce suitable provisions for the development of the
plants under this category.
Segment III: Generation, Captive Consumption and injection of surplus Electricity under Net
Energy Metering Mechanism
The State shall promote development of rooftop solar photovoltaic power plants implemented by any
Person for meeting its own electricity requirements and injecting surplus electricity into the
distribution system.
A suitable framework for the implementation of net energy metering mechanism shall be specified by
the Electricity Regulatory Commission for the development of plants to promote captive consumption
of electricity.
The State shall encourage implementation of grid interactive rooftop solar photovoltaic power plants
as under,
Government/Public Institutions
i) The State Government shall promote deployment of rooftop solar photovoltaic power plants for
captive/self-consumption on the offices of the government organisations, government owned or
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aided hospitals, research institutions, educational institutions, hostels & training institutions,
libraries, rest houses, holiday homes, inspection houses etc.
ii) All the aforementioned institutions shall implement grid interactive rooftop solar photovoltaic
power plant and generate & consume some percentage of their annual electricity consumption
from such plant.
Private Institutions
i) The State Government shall promote deployment of rooftop solar photovoltaic power plants on
the premises of residential buildings/colonies/townships, societies, hotels, private guest houses,
private transit hostels, private students hostels, marriage houses, commercial establishments,
cinema & theatres, private hospitals, private ware-houses, industries etc. All the aforementioned
institutions shall be encouraged to implement rooftop solar photovoltaic power plant, of suitable
capacity, on the roof of their premises/area, generate the electricity for sale to the distribution
licensee or for their self-consumption.
The State Government shall encourage the local urban bodies for making suitable amendments in the
existing building bye-laws to encourage rooftop solar photovoltaic power plants.
10. Incentives
The following incentives shall be available to the solar plant implemented by the eligible entities, as
applicable, during the Operative Period of the policy,
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the grid for its own use, shall be as per the directions of Electricity Regulatory Commission.
The Electricity Regulatory Commission shall consider for exemption of payment of Banking
Charges for a suitable term.
I) Height of the module structure
The height of the module structure carrying rooftop solar panels, in addition to the building
height, shall not be counted towards total height of the building as permitted by building bye
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Amendment Regulations, 2010 and Central Electricity Authority (Installation and Operation of
Meters) Amendment Regulations, 2014, as applicable.
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- Chairman
- Member
- Member
- Member
- Member
- Member
- Member
- Member
- Member
Member Secretary
The Chairman of the Committee is empowered to co-opt subject matter expert/s, if required. The
Committee shall be authorized to deliberate and decide on aspects related to implementation of this
policy on its own motion or on the written representations by the Stakeholder.
The Empowered Committee shall therefore provide their recommendations on,
a. Approval of the project(s) with capacities more than 50 MW at single location
b. Resolving key bottlenecks in implementation of solar power plants
c. Deliberating on aspects to create fund for the development of grid connected rooftop solar
photovoltaic power plants
d. Issues regarding facilitation of framework for interconnection with the network of distribution
e. Resolve any other Inter departmental issue that arise from time to time
f. Any other relevant aspect
Principal Secretary
(Government of ----------------)
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