Lopa Ccps Reference
Lopa Ccps Reference
Lopa Ccps Reference
with the data. (For instance, it would be inappropriate to apply OREDA data
developed by the petroleum industry for North Sea off-shore oil rigs directly
to chemical operations in Kansas.) These assumptions should be documented
so that future data selections are made consistently.
The LOPA method also assumes that the failure rate is constant. This is
not always true, since equipment failure rates are typically higher when the
equipment is new ("infant mortality") and when it ages ("old age"). However, for most equipment the longest period of operation involves a constant
failure rate. For the purposes of LOPA, a constant failure rate is adequate.
Failure Rates in LOPA
Typically, for LOPA, a company should lump discrete initiating event frequencies into a representative set of initiating event categories. This improves
the consistency of risk estimates across an organization. Typical initiating
event frequencies used by LOPA analysts in the chemical industry are shown
in Table 5.1.
For control system failures, the overall loop failure rate typically includes
failure of any of several components (transmitter, air supply, DCS, valve,
sensor, etc.) and can include other factors such as improper set points, miscalibration, operation on manual or off-cascade.
Time at Risk
For systems/ operations that are not continuously operated (loading/
unloading, batch processes, etc.) failure rate data must be adjusted to reflect
the 'time at risk' for the component or operation under consideration. Since
Initiating Event
from Literature
(per year)
Example of a
Value Chosen by
a Company for
(per year)
10-s to 10-1
10-s to 10-6
1 x 10-s
1 )( 10-3
1 )( 10-3
1 )( 10-2
10-3 to 10-4
1 x 10-4
1 )( 10-2
Lightning strike
1 )( 10-3
10-2 to 10-4
1 )( 10-2
1 to 10-2
10-1 to 10-2
1 to 10-2
1 to 10-2
1 x 10-1
1 to 10-1
10-1 to 10-2
1 x 10-1
1 )( 10-2
10-3to10-4 per
1x10-3 per
1x10-2 per
(IEC, 2001)
Regulator failure
Note: Individual companies should choose their own values, consistent with the degree of conse~a
tism of the company's risk tolerance criteria. Failure rates can also be greatly affected by preventive
maintenance (PM) routines .
can be credited as IPLs with a high level of confidence and will significantly
reduce the frequency of events with potentially major consequences. However, there may be other, less serious consequences (such as a fire in dike,
blast damage to some equipment) that should be analyzed in other scenarios.
Fireproofin~ is ~ means-~ reduc~g the rate of heat input to equipment
(e.g., when cons1denng the SIZlng basis for relief valves, for preventing a boilTABLE 6.3
Examples of Passive JPLs
This Book
Literature and
(For screening)
1 x 10-2 - 1 Xl()-3
1 x 10-2
Will reduce the frequency of large
Drainage System consequences (widespread spill)
of a tank overfill/rupture/spill/
1 x 10-2
1 x 10-2 - 1 x 1()-3
1 x 10-2
1 x 10-2
1 x 10-1 -1 x 10-6
1 x 10-2
ing liquid, expanding vapor explosion (BLEVE), or for preventing an exothermic runaway reaction due to external heat input). This could mitigate the size
of a release or provide additional time to respond to the situation by
depressurizing the system, fire fighting, etc. If fireproofing is considered as
an IPL it must be shown to be effective in preventing the consequence (a
BLEVE, etc.) or provide sufficient time for other action. It should also meet
the requirements that the fireproofing remain intact when exposed directly to
a fire and that it will not be displaced by the impact of a jet of water from a
monitor or hose.
Other passive IPLs, such as flame or detonation arrestors, while employing simple physical principles, are susceptible to fouling, plugging, corrosion, unexpected conditions, potential maintenance mistakes, etc. These must
be considered when assigning a PFD to such devices.
Passive IPLs, such as dikes or blast walls, where the equipment design
prevents the consequence can have low PFD values for LOPA purposes, but
care must be taken to assess accurately the PFD to be applied.
In some companies, process design features (such as special materials
and inspection) are considered as IPLs if they can prevent the consequence
from occurring. This approach allows an organization to evaluate risk differences between plants that are designed using different equipment standards.
With this approach inherently safer process design features also have
assigned PFDs requiring appropriate inspection and maintenance (auditing)
to ensure that process changes do not change the PFD.
In many companies, the approach taken is that inherently safer design
features eliminate scenarios rather than mitigate the consequences of a scenario. For example, if equipment is designed to withstand an internal deflagration then all the scenarios that lead to a rupture of a vessel due to an
internal explosion have thereby been eliminated. Using this approach, process design is not considered to be an IPL as there are no scenarios or consequences to be considered and, therefore, no IPL is required. However,
appropriate inspection and maintenance (auditing) is required to insure that
process changes do not change the effectiveness of the inherently safer design
feature. This issue is discussed further in the following example.
Example 6.5
Consider a system where a pump feeds material to a vessel that has a
design pressure greater than the shut-off head of the pump. Some companies might view the rupture of a vessel due to overpressure from a
deadheaded feed pump as a feasible scenario. They would then count the
inherently safer design feature that the design pressure of the vessel
exceeds the deadheaded pump pressure as an IPL. Some LOPA analysts give
such an IPL a PFD range of 1 x 10-2 to 1 x 1Q-4; these PFDs recognize the
possibility that there maybe errors in fabrication and maintenance and that
corrosion could reduce the rupture pressure of the vessel. Additionally the
Examples of/PLs
Literature and
PFD Used in
This Book
(For screening)
Relief valve
1 x 10- -1 x 10..s
1 x 10-2
Rupture disc
1 )( 10-1 -1 x 10-5
1 x 10-2
Basic Process
1 x 10-1
See !EC 61508 (!EC, 1998) and !EC 61511(IEC,2001) for life cycle requirements and additional discussion
==:1 )(
10-1 -<1x10-2
==:1 )( 10-3-<1x10-4
Multiple sensors
Multiple channel logic processor
Multiple final elements
Note. Multiple 1ncludes l out of 2 (1oo2) and 2 out of 3 (2oo3) voting schemes
"Mu.ltiple" indicates that multiple components may or may not be required depending upon the
arc~1tecture of t?e system, the components selected and the degree of fault tolerance required to
achieve the required overall PFD and to minimize unnecessary trips caused by failure of individual
components (see IEC 61511 (IEC, 2001) for guidance and requirements).
process industry into categories called Safety Integrity Levels (SILs). These
are defined as:
SIL 1 PFD 2: 1 x 10-1 to <1 x 10-2 [!EC 61511 (!EC, 2001)]. These SIFs are
normally implemented with a single sensor, a single SIS logic
solver and a single final control element.
SIL 2 PFD 2: 1 x 10-2 to <1 x 10-3 These SIFs are typically fully redundant
from the sensor through the SIS logic solver to the final control element.
SIL 3 PFD 2: 1 x 10-3 to <1 x 10-4 These S!Fs are typically fully redundant
from sensor through the SIS logic solver to the final control element and require careful design and frequent proof tests to
achieve low PFD figures. Many companies find that they have a
limited number of SIL 3 S!Fs due to the high cost normally associated with this architecture.
SIL 4 PFD 2: 1 x 10-4 to <1 x 10-5 These S!Fs are included in the !EC 61508
and 61511 standards, but such S!Fs are difficult to design and
maintain and are not used in LOPA.
Draft ISA TR84.0.02 (ISA, 2001) provides guidance to calculate the PFD
for a SIF design or SIF installation.
has ruptured can lead to more complex scenarios. With a relief valve, the
material passes from the vessel through the valve, either directly to the atmosphere or to some form of mitigation system (vent stack, flare, quench tank,
scrubber, etc.) before passing to the atmosphere. The pressure vessel codes
require that relief valves protecting a vessel or system are designed for all
anticipated scenarios (fire, loss of cooling, control valve failure, loss of cooling water, etc.) and do not impose any other requirements. Titis implies that
the relief valve is the only IPL needed for overpressure protection.
The LOPA team or analyst should evaluate the appropriate value for a
relief valve PFD for each service. In particular, relief valves in fouling, corrosive, or two-phase flow, or where freezing of material in the relief header may
occur, can experience conditions that would result in the expected flow not
being achieved. These potential service problems may be overcome by using
nitrogen purges, rupture discs under the valve, heat tracing, installing parallel relief valves to allow on-line inspection and maintenance, and using
DIERS methods for sizing devices for two-phase flow cases as shown in the
CCPS Pressure Relief book (CCPS, 1998b). The characteristics of each system
must be carefully considered when deciding the PFD value claimed for each
service. As human action interacts with relief valve installation and maintenance (designing, installing, testing, use of block valves, etc.) and is known"to
result in error, the effective PFD in a LOPA analysis for these devices is usually higher than might otherwise be anticipated.
Relief systems are intended to provide protection against overpressure,
but the relief flow is eventually sent to the atmosphere. Titis may result in
additional scenarios (e.g., toxic cloud, flammable cloud, environmental
release) depending on the material, the types of control, and environmental
protection systems (flares, scrubbers, etc.). The LOPA analyst must determine the frequency of the consequence of the new scenario with the relief
device IPL operating as intended and determine if other IPLs may be needed
to meet the risk tolerance criteria (see Chapter 8). The risk of overpressure
may be tolerable, but the frequency of environmental release from the relief
valve may be higher than desired.
Additional scenarios could involve leakage of the relief valve or the failure of the relief valve to close after a demand.
Human IPLs
Human IPLs involve the reliance on operators, or other staff, to tak~ action to
prevent an undesired consequence, in response to al~ or follm.vmg a r?utine check of the system. The effectiveness of humans m i:ierf?rmmg ~ou~e
and emergency tasks has been the subject of several publications (G_mdelznes
for Preventing Human Error in Process Safety; ~CPS 1994b, ru:1d Swam 19831.
Overall, human performance is usually considered less re.hab~e than engineering controls and great care should be taken when cons1dermg the e!~ec
tiveness of human action as an IPL (see Table 6.5). However, not crediting
human actions under well-defined conditions is too conservative. The general requirements for crediting human action as an IPL are the same as those
discussed in Section 6.3, but are often described in different terms. Human
action should have the following characteristics:
The indication for action required by the operator must be detectable.
The indication must always be:
~available for the operator,
~ clear to the operator even under emergency conditions,
~ simple and straightforward to understand.
. .
The time available to take the action must be adequate. Titis mcludes
the time necessary to decide that action is require~ and the tim~ necessary to take the action. The longer the time available for action, the
Literature and
(For screening)
This Book
Human action
with 10 minutes
response time.
1 )( 10-1
Human response
to BPCS indication or alarm
with 40 minutes
response time
1 )( 10-1
1 )( 10-1
Human action
with 40 minutes
response time
1 x 10-1 -1 )( 10-2
(>1 x 101
allowed by !EC)
1 )( 10-1
*Based on Inherently Safer Chemical Processes: A Life Cycle Appn;ac~ (CCPS 1.996b), Handbook of Human
Reliability Analysis with Emphasis. on Nuclear Power Plant Applications (Swa1n 1983).