Third Quarter Lesson 6 4th Commandment - Session 2 WebQuest and Discussion 4th and Filial Piety

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Lesson 5: We Respect our

Parents and Elders

(Fourth Commandment)
Session 2 - Third Quarter: SY 2015-2016


Rev. CLE book (pp. 120-127) for Quiz 1 on 4th

commandment: Sched on Cycle 2

6C - Day 2

6E - Day 5

6F - Day 2

6H - Day 5

6J - Day 2

To Do

iPad / Padlet Activity: MVA 4th


Reading from the Bible: Exodus and


Discussion on the 4th commandment

Connection of filial piety and 4th

commandment (Di Zi Gui)

Short Review
What did we do
last meeting?

Making Connections
The Ancestor Veneration
is a very special way of
showing our love and
appreciation to our loved
ones (ancestors) who has
shown love for us also. In
so many different ways,
they have helped us
reach what we are now.

Making Connections
This is one of the
important values that
we can learn from the
4th commandment - to
love, obey, respect,
appreciate our
parents, elders, and

PADLET ACTIVITY on the 4th Commandment




Groups 1-3

Groups 4-6

Groups 7-9/10

Visit google classroom account for a copy of

Webquest #3 for the fourth commandment.




Word of God: Light unto Our Path

"Honor your father and
your mother, that your
days may be long
upon the land which
the Lord your God is
giving you" (Exodus:

Word of God: Light unto Our Path

"Children, obey
your parents in
the Lord, for this
is right.

On the Fourth
The Fourth Commandment calls us to show
respect, gratitude, obedience, and
assistance to our parents and those who are
in authority. The Fourth Commandment calls
us to understand the importance of our

The Fourth Commandment calls us to treat

others as part of our family.

Di Zi Gui and the 4th


The Fourth Commandment calls us to

show respect, gratitude, obedience,
and assistance to our parents and
those who are in authority.

Di Zi Gui and the 4th

The Di Zi Gui summarizes these
values into what Chinese tradition
calls as filial piety.
Filial piety is one of the most basic and
significant traditional Chinese values.
It is about showing respect towards
parents to the best of ones abilities.

A line from Di Zi Gui

Listen respectfully when
parents instruct.
Acknowledge our
mistakes when they

When my parents instruct me, I will listen

respectfully. When my parents scold me, I
will obey and accept their scolding.

What does this line mean?

What values related to the 4th commandment
does it remind us to do?
Are you able to follow or live what this line is
teaching you?

A line from Di Zi Gui

In summary
The fourth commandment reminds us to love, obey,
and respect our parents because God has given them
to us. They take care of us and provide for our needs.

Some of the lines in Di Zi Gui reminds us of

the importance of filial piety.
Filial piety summarizes the Christian values
that we are called to follow and live.

Lesson 5: We Respect our

Parents and Elders
(Fourth Commandment)
Session 2 - Third Quarter: SY 2015-2016

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