Chronology of A Cover-Up
Chronology of A Cover-Up
Chronology of A Cover-Up
1961 - Despite the defense by the Cardinal Primate of Mexico and his own
Archbishop, Pio Lopez, Father Fuentes is dismissed as Postulator of the Cause
for Beatification of Jacinta and Francisco on the basis of the anonymous
Coimbra report.
1965 - 1981
1965 - Father Alonso becomes the Archivist of Fatima. He is a theologian in his
own right. He publicly states his agreement with the anonymous report against
Father Fuentes.
November 15, 1966 - New revisions in Canon Law permit anyone in the
Church to speak publicly about the Fatima apparitions without the necessity of
an imprimatur. However, Sister Lucy remains silenced, forbidden to speak on
Fatima without direct Vatican permission.
1967 - Sister Lucy's Memoirs are published in which she reveals Our Lady's
1929 request for the Consecration of Russia. A huge public campaign begins
with the collection of thousands of signatures asking the Pope to consecrate
May 13, 1967 - According to one Fatima expert, Sister Lucy pleads with Pope
Paul VI to release the Third Secret, but he refuses.
1975 - After 10 years' study, Father Alonso reverses himself about Father
Fuentes and declares that the 1957 interview was valid and an authentic report
of Sister Lucy's views.
1980 - In three years, the public campaign for the Consecration of Russia
results in over 3 million signatures being received at the Vatican.
December 12, 1981 - Father Alonso dies, leaving behind a 14-volume work on
Fatima. All 14 volumes remain unpublished to this day due to an ecclesiastical
ban. However, in articles published before his death, Father Alonso states his
belief that the Third Secret refers to dangers to the Faith and the guilt of the
May 13, 1982 - The Pope consecrates the world at Fatima.
May 19, 1982 - The Holy Father, explaining why he did not specifically
consecrate Russia, declares he had "tried to do everything possible in the
concrete circumstances."
July/August 1982 - The Blue Army's Soul Magazine publishes an alleged
interview with Sister Lucy in which she supposedly claims that the Consecration
of Russia has been accomplished by the Pope.
March 25, 1984 - The Holy Father at Rome before 250,000 people again
consecrates the world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary: The Pope departs from
his prepared text and acknowledges that Our Lady of Fatima is still awaiting the
Consecration of Russia.
March 26, 1984 - The Pope's own newspaper, L'Osservatore Romano, reports
the exact words used by the Pope during the Consecration of the world
ceremony. Departing from his 3-month-old prepared text the Pope asks Our
Lady of Fatima to "enlighten especially the peoples, whose consecration and
entrusting you are awaiting from us."
March 27, 1984 - As reported in the Italian Catholic Bishops'
newspaper Avvenire, the Holy Father, four hours after consecrating the world,
prays at St. Peter's asking Our Lady to bless "those peoples for whom You
Yourself are awaiting our act of consecration and entrusting."
1984 - Fatima expert, Father Messias publicly insists that the Consecration still
has NOT been done (Note: He will consistently maintain this position until spring
November 1984 - Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger (who has read the Third Fatima
Secret) acknowledges in an interview published with his explicit permission,
in Jesus magazine that the Third Secret referred to dangers to the Faith, thus
confirming Father Alonso's thesis.
1985 - 1988
June 1985 - The Ratzinger Report, a book based on the 1984 interview, is
published with all particularly pertinent references to the Third Secret
mysteriously deleted.
September 1985 - In a published interview with friends of the Spanish Blue
Army, Sister Lucy affirms that the Consecration of Russia still has NOT been
done because once again Russia was not the clear object of the consecration
and the bishops did not fully participate.
1985 - Cardinal Gagnon in an interview with Father Caillon acknowledges the
Consecration of Russia has NOT been done.
1986 - Maria do Fetal publicly quotes Sister Lucy (her cousin) as saying that
the Consecration of Russia still has NOT been done. (Note: She will consistently
maintain this position until July 1989).
1986 - 1987 - Father Paul Leonard writes (June 1986) The Plot to Silence Our
Lady and its April, 1987 sequel The (USA) Blue Army Leadership Has Followed a
Deliberate Policy of Falsifying the Fatima Message to clearly expose the bogus
1982 Soul Magazine interview and the USA Blue Army's subsequent
disinformation about the Consecration requested by Our Lady.
July 20, 1987 - Interviewed quickly outside her convent while voting, Sister
Lucy confirms to journalist Enrico Romero that the Consecration of Russia has
NOT been done.
October 25, 1987 - In an audience with 12 Catholic leaders, Cardinal Mayer
publicly acknowledges that the Consecration has NOT been done according to
Our Lady's specific request.
November 26, 1987 - In a private meeting, Cardinal Stickler confirms that the
Consecration has NOT been done because the Pope lacks the support of the
bishops. "They do not obey him." says Cardinal Stickler.
1988 - Cardinal Gagnon attacks Father Gruner for publishing the Caillon report.
Gagnon admits speaking to Father Caillon, does not deny the truth of his report,
but says it was not meant for publication.
1989 - Present
1989 - More than 350 Roman Catholic bishops respond to a letter from Father
Gruner and confirm their willingness to Consecrate Russia with the Pope as
requested by Our Lady at Fatima.
of this request have a duty to help. Help now before we all perish. Your moral
support and your petitions are more necessary than ever as time is getting very
Please help. You must do your part. "Remember Faith without works is dead."
(James 2:20)