Micro-Teaching Lesson Plan With Miss. Kaoutar - 2

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Date :

Trainees :
Level/class :
Unit/Theme :
Lesson/Skills :
Textbook :
Timing :
Materials :
By the end of this lesson students should be able to:
- A
- A
- A
- A
- A
Stages/Timin Lesson procedures
- T asks Ss to tell him about what they like to do
in their free time (activities and hobbies) and
writes some answers on the BB.
Teaching first item (SHOPPING):
T. shows Ss a series of pictures and asks them guiding
questions (wh-questions).
- T. elicits their answers and writes some
important key words that are related to the
item to be taught on the blackboard.
- T. gives a definition of the item and
writes it on the BB. (the activity of buying
things from shops) and provides some
Ex. Ahmed is going shopping this afternoon.
Ex. My father does our weekly shopping for
Teaching the second item (to stroll):
T. tries to elicit the meaning of the verb via gestures
and imitation, and then gives them its definition (to
walk in a slow relaxed manner, especially for
Ex. People were strolling along the beach.

Teaching third item ( to pick up):

T. provides Ss with the definition of the item (to lift

something using your hands) then gives them a
synonym (to lift) and antonym (to drop) to clarify its
Ex. He picked up the phone and dialed the
N.B/ Ss are requested to copy down definitions
and examples on their notebooks.

EX. T. projects, using data show, a series of

different pictures pertaining to different domains
and for Ss to show understanding; they have to
pinpoint the exact pictures that relate to


Mode of

EX. T. gives out handouts (or projected
PowerPoint slides) to Ss to fill in the blanks with
the right verbs (with verbs that relate to walking,
to deduce that Ss have grasped the meaning of
the verb (stroll); ex. walk; run; wander; tiptoe;
stroll. Given that they have already learnt the
meaning of those verbs.
- EX. T. asks a student to come to the BB and
shows him some flashcards with some verbs
(pick up; drop; dribble; etc) and asks him to
mime them, and other Ss have to guess the
- T. asks Ss to work in pairs to produce a short
paragraph using the previously learnt
vocabulary (shopping, stroll and pick up).
- T. moves around checking and providing help
when necessary.
- After finishing the task, T. asks a few Ss to read
their paragraphs.


- For next class, Ss are required to come up with a list of verbs, nouns and adjectives that
are related to the theme of shopping.
- If time allows, they can use each word in a sentence, or try to write a paragraph using all
the words they came up with.

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