airSTRIKE Bulletin 4 WWW - - Uk

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Defend the right to strike

Repeal the anti-trade union laws

Socialist Party bulletin for BA workers and trade union activists

n the decision of one 1906 which made unions liable for
unelected judge and at the commercial damages following the [email protected]
behest of British Airways effect of any strikes they organised.

bosses, cabin crew’s first strike ballot
was ruled illegal. It is a testament to But the anti-union laws can be
the determination of cabin crew and overcome. Last year, construction
the legitimacy of their demands that workers at the Lindsey Oil Refinery


despite this set-back a second ballot organised mass walkouts at their
returned a vote of 80% in favour of site, followed by walkouts at over forty
strike action, with the strike days last construction sites across the country
week solid and well-supported. in support of them. This action was
in defence of trade union terms,
But BA cabin crew aren’t the only conditions and rates of pay and
workers to have obstacles thrown against the exploitation of migrant
in the way of defending jobs and workers in a ‘race to the bottom’. In
conditions by the courts. Workers at the face of solidly supported action,
Milford Haven port in Wales had their the anti-trade union laws were subs out of disgust at the likes

photo Paul Mattson

action in defence of pensions blocked exposed as the paper tiger that they of Brown and Adonis. This is a
earlier on this year. Members of the are. discussion that needs to take place
RMT on London Underground had across the trade union movement. Cabin crew called Walsh’s bluff by
a ballot blocked on similar grounds The response of the bosses Rather than funding a party that delivering effective action that has
to cabin crew last year. Worse than everywhere to the present recession continues to side with the employer hit the company hard. So much so
this, members of the Prison Officers has been universal: “Make the and join in with kicking working that BA management have fired off
Association don’t even have the legal workers pay”. In the private sector people, those funds could be used warnings to the press complaining
right to take strike action, whatever millions face an uncertain future to back socialist and trade union that their public statements are not
the desire of their members! whilst the bankers and the rest of the candidates. In the coming election, treated as gospel truth. Coming from
boss class continue to rake in their only the Trade Unionist and Socialist a management team that has only
The anti-trade union laws which bonuses and inflated salaries. The Coalition stands for the complete recently been hit with massive fines
have been used against cabin crew bosses demand all this while they repeal of all anti-trade union laws. for price fixing these declarations
and other workers were put in place load the dice against any attempt that they are whiter than white will
by the Thatcher government in the from working people to fight back. But whilst these laws still stand, they have been met with a hollow laugh.
1980s, but have been kept and This position has been fully endorsed will continue to be used to block

extended over the last thirteen years by all of the establishment parties – working-class people defending trike action has resumed union organisation among cabin The solid nature of the first three
of a Labour government. including New Labour, despite the jobs, conditions and services. today as BA management crew. This grave situation requires days action along with the obvious
£3million UNITE has just put into Although workers won’t take action have shown they are more an equally full mobilisation from all up welling of public support for
Unless the whole trade union their election fund. against these laws lightly, sections interested in spinning to the media workers at British Airways to beat the pickets have acted to isolate
movement faces up to what is required of the working class have proved than sitting down with cabin crew. off this attack on cabin crew which management to a certain extent, with
then the unions face the danger Many BASSA members are already in struggle that they can be defied This dispute is shaping up to be a is really an attack on all unionised Walsh disappearing completely from
of being put back in legal terms to organising to withhold the Labour and victories can be scored in spite titanic battle between BA and the workers at the company. public view except to occasionally
the infamous Taff Vale judgment of Party contribution from their union of them. As employers continue to union. Rather than working to find pop up on YouTube with dubious
use the economic crisis as a cover a deal acceptable to all parties Today’s action follows hot on the claims that all was well. Clearly
for attacking us, more workers may Walsh instead is mobilising the full heels of three days of successful these assurances fell on deaf ears
Get involved I’d like to join the Socialist Party F well have to overcome anti-trade resourses of the company to smash industrial action earlier in the week. as 95 academics in industrial
I’d like more information about the Socialist Party F union laws. When they are defied, relations have published an open
Subscribe to the Socialist 12 issues £9 F 6 months £18 F the practical support of the wider What is airSTRIKE? letter putting the blame for the strike
1 year £36 F please make cheques payable to Socialist Publications Ltd trade union movement will be vital airSTRIKE is a blog which was set up by Socialist Party members who are squarely on Mr. Walsh’s shoulders.
in making sure that further victories trade union activists in UNITE and other unions which organise at British The accusations stung Mr. Walsh so
Name..................................................................................................... Airways. It was set up to promote the issues affecting workers at BA,
are scored – just as the support heavily he emerged from his bunker
Address.................................................................................................. of trade unionists nationally and attempt to cut across some of the slanderous comments made about BA in Waterside to appear on the BBC
......................................................................Post Code........................ internationally has been an important workers by the establishment press and offer a forumn for discussion about on Thursday. Crucially the three days
Email..................................................................................................... what tactics are needed to move forward and win disputes at BA.
factor in cabin crews’ solid action. Please visit the blog and join in the discussion at airstrikes.wordpress. of action have spread disruption into
Telephone.............................................................................................. com. the rest of the week. Cabin crew
Send to: PO Box 24697, London E11 1YD, For more information about There will be updates and reports added to the blog direct from the picket will start action in a much stronger
the Trade Unionists & Socialist lines this weekend, so make sure you check it out. position than last Saturday.
email [email protected] or ring 0208 988 8777 Coalition visit continued inside...
T his
...continued from front
has prompted
management to escalate the
BA clearly on a union busting drive
all workers at BA no matter what
Cabin Crew speak out
dispute by withdrawing discount their pay scale have a common "I make no apology for the fact that we are better paid than Ryanair and Easyjet. That's because
travel for staff in a blatant attempt interest in ensuring cabin crew are we have a strong unionised workforce and yes, we have for many years been able to win decent
to intimidate strikers back to work. not defeated, otherwise no union terms and conditions for our workers. But saying all that this has never been about pay, even
Far from being “open for talks” contract at the company will be though we have taken a pay cut. It is about a race to the bottom."
it seems that management are safe. Willie Walsh has declared
digging in for a protracted dispute. total war on cabin crew, now is the
It may be possible that on the time for trade unionists at BA to “This is nothing to do with the recession. It started four years ago and BA are now using recession
back of the disruption caused by a answer him in kind. as an excuse. Willie Walsh has made so many errors. BA is taking the scabs and giving them the
further four days of strike action BA minimum health and aviation safety training. They got half of what we get and they are without
will come to it’s senses and offer If the dispute continues to drag on the experience we've built up. I would not be confident to work in those conditions."
to open meaningful negotiations. with no sign of resolution then the
However in the absence of any leadership of cabin crew branches
positive movement thoughts will should consider inviting all union “Gordon Brown has said he wants the votes of women with young families. Well lots of them work
inevitably turn to what action to reps at the company to a meeting already be disrupted which would for BA. And as for David Cameron, he asked for support for those crossing the picket line. I've
take following on from these four to discuss how best to defend trade act as a double blow to BA’s never been involved in anything like this before but now I won't read the newspapers that told lies
days of strikes. As one BASSA rep union rights from the onslaught of management. It is understandable about us and I can't vote for any of the parties."
commented when it was put to her management. A clear statement that cabin crew may be wary of
that Willie Walsh was digging for a from such a meeting calling for inflaming public opinion by taking “The papers are talking a lot about the 'perks' of the job. BA went all round Europe recruiting peo-
fight, “We’re digging in as well!” the company to cease its drive action so soon after Easter. ple with language skills. Cheap and free travel is an important part of the package for them. It is
to break the union and get back However the public support shown vital for them to be able to visit family and friends. Now they're taking this away."
No one who has visited picket lines to the negotiating table or face to the pickets last week shows that
in the past week would doubt for a a 24 hour warning strike would hostility to cabin crew is not as
moment the determination of cabin send a powerful message to BA universal as the right wing media “It's been really heartening to get together like this with all your colleagues. The support has
crew to fight Walsh’s impositions management. The last thing Willie have portrayed. It is therefore been great, horns are going all the time. The fire brigade beeped us. I believe the public support is
to the finish. However given the Walsh wants to see is this dispute incumbent on the national Unite there. We went to the Unite meeting at Sandown and that was a fantastic experience - everyone
seriousness of the attacks on the spreading to other parts of the leadership to step up the media together, about 1,500 of us. This is my first time on strike. I really didn't want to but I believe in
very principle of union organisation company. Some in the press have campaign to put cabin crew’s case what we're fighting for."
at the company it is vital that cabin speculated that BA’s competitors to the public. This can be done
crew are not left to face this attack would love to see further strike by taking out advertisements in For full interviews see
alone. action at the company. The reality national newspapers explaining
is that all company bosses fear to the public that cabin crew are
Air Strike is aware that there has the sight of workers standing acting to defend the safety and
not always been total agreement up for themselves and realise it service of passengers.
between trade unionists at BA could inspire their own workforce
over how best to defend the to organise. The prospect of a full Up and down the country workers
interests of their members. This is blown industrial dispute would are facing concerted attacks from
natural in a company as large as mean political and business employers and the government
BA. But now that management is pressure would be brought to
bear on BA management to
all in the name of dealing with an
economic crisis that workers had National Shop Stewards
end the dispute quickly. It is co- no part in creating. The cabin crew
ordinated industrial action that have shown that employees do
For justice in the workplace, workers rights,
solidarity and equality - trade union freedom
will have the most powerful effect not have to accept management

Conference 2010
on BA management rather than diktats. A concerted response of
appeals to “reasonable” members trade unionists standing in support
of the board or the investment of each other can beat off these
community. attacks.
Saturday 26th June 11am, South Camden Community School, London NW1 1RG
Looking beyond BA itself there is •Mobilise all BA workers to
also the possibility of teaming up •defend trade union rights BA Cabin Crew, civil servants, rail workers... Trade unionists are voting for, and taking, action
to defend their rights, conditions and pay against the onslaught from the bosses and the
with other groups of workers taking •Call a mass meeting of all government. The attacks have already begun even before the general election. But whoever
industrial action. The RMT has •BA trade union reps to discuss forms the next government, workers will face a further onslaught on jobs, pay and conditions.
announced four days of national •extending the action Come to the 2010 conference of the Shop Stewards Network to discuss with other trade
strike action starting on Tuesday unionists about how we can work together and support each other in the struggles that working
6th April. Co-ordinated action •Unite to step up media people will face over the coming year.
during these four days would have •campaign in support of strike
the added advantage that transport
For more details and to register email [email protected],
into Heathrow and Gatwick would •For a 24 hour warning strike phone 020 8522 1156 or visit
•across the company against
•union busting

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