Volkschel Labor Union Vs BLR
Volkschel Labor Union Vs BLR
Volkschel Labor Union Vs BLR
Petition for certiorari to review the Resolutions dated January 25, 1977 and March 14, 1977 of the
Bureau of Labor Relations.
On April 25, 1977, however, a Supplemental Petition was filed seeking the issuance of—
should continue paying their dues to ALUMETAL in the concept of agency fees. 1
was inconsistent with the dispositive finding that petitioner’s disaffiliation from ALUMETAL was Liberty Cotton Mills Workers Union v. Liberty Cotton Mills, 66 SCRA 512; People’s Industrial & Commercial Employees
and Workers Organization (FFW) v. People’s Industrial & Commercial Corporation, 112 SCRA 440.
valid. ALUMETAL, on the other hand, assailed the Resolution in question asserting that the
disaffiliation should have been declared contrary to law. 48
On January 25, 1977, respondent Bureau, through its Acting Director, Francisco L. Estrella,
REVERSED the Med-Arbiter’s Resolution, and declared that the Bureau recognized “the continued
affiliation of Volkschel Labor Union with the Associated Labor Union for Metal Workers.” 2 Volkschel Labor Union vs. Bureau of Labor Relations
Petitioner appealed the Acting Director’s Resolution to the Secretary of Labor (now Minister of Petitioner contends that the disaffiliation was not due to any opportunist motives on its part. Rather
Labor and Employment) who, treating the appeal as a Motion for Reconsideration, referred the same it was prompted by the federation’s deliberate and habitual dereliction of duties as mother federation
back to respondent Bureau, On March 14, 1977, the Bureau denied the appeal for lack of merit. towards petitioner union. Employees’ grievances were allegedly left unattended to by respondent
Hence, the instant petition. federation to the detriment of the employees’ rights and interests.
Meanwhile, on April 4, 1977, on motion of ALUMETAL, the then Acting Secretary of Labor, In reversing the Med-Arbiter’s resolution, respondent Bureau declared: the Department of Labor
Amado Gat Inciong, issued a writ of execution commanding the Sheriff of the National Labor is set on a task to restructure the labor movement to the end that the workers will unite themselves
Relations Commission “to enforce and execute the order along industry lines. Carried to its complete fruition, only one union for every industry will remain
________________ to bargain collectively for the workers. The clear policy therefore even now is to conjoin workers and
worker groups, not to dismember them. This policy is commendable. However, we must not lose sight
1 Annex “A”, Pages 2-3. of the constitutional mandate of protecting labor and the workers’ right to self-organization. In the
Annex “C”, Page 3.
implementation and interpretation of the provisions of the Labor Code and its implementing
47 regulations, the workingman’s welfare should be the primordial and paramount consideration. In
VOL. 137, JUNE 19, 1985 47 the case at bar, it would go against the spirit of the labor law to restrict petitioner’s right to self-
organization due to the existence of the CBA. We agree with the Med-Arbiter’s opinion that “A
Volkschel Labor Union vs. Bureau of Labor Relations disaffiliation does not disturb the enforceability and administration of a collective agreement; it does
of January 25, 1977, which has become final and executory. Pursuant thereto, the NLRC Sheriff
not occasion a change of administrators of the contract nor even an amendment of the provisions
enforced and implemented the Order of January 25, 1977, as a result of which respondent companies thereof.” But nowhere in the record does it appear that the contract entered into by the petitioner
turned over and handed to respondent federation the union dues and other assessments in and ALUMETAL prohibits the withdrawal of the former from the latter.
accordance with the check-off provision of the CBA.
This now brings us to the second issue. Under Section 3, Artide I, of the CBA, the obligation of One who petitions the courts for an early union election cannot afterwards be heard to claim,
the respondent companies to deduct and remit dues to ALUMETAL is conditioned on the individual after an election was actually held wherein the other party’s ticket won, except for one slot, that said
check-off authorization of petitioner’s members. In other words, ALUMETAL is entitled to receive election is null and void because of a policy of the Ministry of Labor that the term of union officers
the dues from respondent companies as long as petitioner union is affiliated with it and respondent should be three years and not less. (San Miguel Corporation Employees’ Union vs. Noriel, 103 SCRA
companies are authorized by their 185.)
5 Annex “C”, Page 2.
6 Annex “A”, Page 2.
VOL. 137, JUNE 19, 1985 49
Volkschel Labor Union vs. Bureau of Labor Relations
employees (members of petitioner union) to deduct union dues. Without said affiliation, the employer
has no link to the mother union. The obligation of an employee to pay union dues is coterminous with
his affiliation or membership. “The employees’ check-off authorization, even if declared irrevocable,
is good only as long as they remain members of the union concerned.” A contract between an 7
employer and the parent organization as bargaining agent for the employees is terminated by the
disaffiliation of the local of which the employees are members. Respondent companies therefore were
wrong in continuing the check-off in favor of respondent federation since they were duly notified of
the disaffiliation and of petitioner’s members having already rescinded their check-off authorization.
With the view we take on those two issues, we find no necessity in dwelling further on the last
issue. Suffice it to state that respondent federation is not entitled to union dues payments from
petitioner’s members. “A local union which has validly withdrawn from its affiliation with the parent
association and which continues to represent the employees of an employer is entitled to the check-
off dues under a collective bargaining contract.”9
WHEREFORE, the Resolutions of the Bureau of Labor Relations of January 25, 1977 and March
14, 1977 are REVERSED and SET ASIDE. Respondent ALUMETAL is ordered to return to
petitioner union all the union dues enforced and collected through the NLRC Sheriff by virtue of the
writ of execution dated April 4, 1977 issued by respondent Bureau.
No costs.
Makasiar, Aquino, Concepcion, Jr., Abad Santos and Escolin, JJ., concur.
Espiritu vs. Court of Appeals
Resolution reversed and set aside.
Notes.—The purpose of a certification election is to give employees true representation in their
collective bargaining with an employer. (Confederation of Citizens Labor Union vs. Noriel, 116 SCRA
Local union and local members have the right to disaffiliate from federation in the absence of a
provision in the federation’s by laws prohibiting disaffiliation. (People’s Industrial and Commercial
Employees’ Workers Organization vs. People’s Industrial and Commercial Corporation, 112 SCRA