Quickstart Trainer Guide

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For use with the PTU Community Adventure Book or just

to get a quick start

Compatible with PTU 1.04

Welcome to the Quickstart Trainer Guide!

This is your friendly neighborhood Arcran here! Welcome to the Quickstart Trainer Guide! Like it
says on the tin, these Trainers are primarily for quick use for novice players although that's
hardly the extent of their useage. All are solid in their mechanics enough to be a throwaway
adventure character or to be used as a GM. They are fairly low level, but thats to be expected
as a low level trainer.
This book is obviously made for use in conjunction with the Pokemon Tabletop United system. If
you somehow found this before the system I'd like to know how. The books for the system can
all be found on this forum. If you already know the system, great! It's currently made in
conjunction with 1.04 and will be updated as the system is. It contains eight different trainers all
with different specialties and focuses as well as three potential starter Pokemon for each Trainer.
I'd like to thank chocographs who made the cover drawing. The deviantArt may be found at
http://chocographs.deviantart.com/. If your art is in this book and you don't want it to be feel
free to PM me at any time! My account name is Arcran on the forums linked above and I'll be
happy to remove the piece. Uncredited artwork is original stuff by Ken Sugimori. You know, the
guy that does all the Pokemon artwork?
And, of course, thanks to the various people who helped make this possible! The PTU Developer
team is an obvious one. Thanks for putting together this amazing system that lets us make silly
things like this! Also thanks to The Black Glove for putting together the Community Adventure
Book to make this a thing!
Below are the explanations for each Trainer and their Pokemon as well as the best ways to use
them. In the Appendices there are character sheets for each and every Trainer and Pokemon for
when you need their actual stats.
Also, this was often made on late nights and, frankly, has eight trainers and twenty-four
Pokemon statted. It's more than likely that I've made typos, errors and the like within the book;
please, please, please point these out to me! You'll go in the Credits and also help to make this
book better!
And without further ado either scroll down to our first trainer or use the handy bookmarks on the
side to quickly jump to something specific!

Table of Contents
Cole Battlem The Dedicated Trainer ................................................................................. 1
Alice "KARATE CHOP" Akame The Muscle Girl .................................................................... 5
Sir Dominic of Snarlmans The Rich Trainer ....................................................................... 9
Rita Meins The Reluctant Psychic ................................................................................... 13
Douglas Fir The Boy Genius .......................................................................................... 17
Paula Jean The Fashionable Coordinator ......................................................................... 21
Caleb "Cap" Turing The Pokeball King ............................................................................ 25
Thea Doctran The Almost Nurse .................................................................................... 29
Trainer Sheets ............................................................................................................... 33
Pokemon Sheets ............................................................................................................ 50
Credits .......................................................................................................................... 75

Cole Battlem The Dedicated Trainer

Pokemon Trainers come in all shapes and sizes. Some are naturally good.
Some are smart. Some are neither and have to work hard to accomplish
That's what Cole Battlem is. He was always a lazy student in school,
dozing off and hardly paying attention. He's managed to fail the last three
consecutive quizzes about the Pokemon Type Chart and can hardly tell
the difference between a Wurmple and a Weedle. He enjoys day dreaming
far more than school and often finds himself lost in one of his many
fantasies. Instead of memorizing what Psychic is weak against he begins
to construct these scenarios of how he could be the ultimate trainer. He's
battled the top Trainers in the region dozens of time. Sure, he might not
know their teams or their specialties but he has their voices down
perfectly. He has one simple dream: to be the best there ever was. That's
why he quit school and left to become a Trainer, ignoring what his
parents wanted him to do. He'd beat all the Gyms, trounce the
supposedly "Elite" Trainers in the region and come back home with a
jacket full of badges and a camera crew following him and show
everybody that he isn't as dumb as they think. With his Pokemon, his
loyal companions, he'll set forth and change the world.
Art by KAZECoyote at http://kazecoyote.deviantart.com/

Character Sheet Explained

Attributes and Background
Cole is a Trainer that is physically skilled and has a huge presence but is a bit slow, hence the
negative Mind. He is average so Just an Average Guy fits. Command helps with Ace Trainer.

Group Trainer is an Edge that is basically essential to Cole being able to function as an Ace
Trainer. He needs to Train a large number of Pokemon and that allows that. Ranking up Charm
and Intuition provides useful Skills as well as opening future advancement paths.

Inspired Training was chosen for Cole because it is both a prerequisite for becoming an Ace
Trainer and it fits his character the best. Ace Trainer was an obvious choice for a Trainer
centered around training. Finally, Training Techniques is best taken early to maximize the
benefit. As long as Cole manages to Train his Pokemon every day they will be a very potent

Cole has fairly standard items. Potions help to keep his team up and running while Antidotes are
a good counter for Poison, the most common early Status. Pokeballs are obviously so he may
acquire more Pokemon while his various travel gear is to help him in the wilderness.

Cole is a very passive Trainer. In a battle he rarely does anything except for rare circumstances,
simply commanding his Pokemon and letting them do the work. Fortunately, with Inspired
Training and Ace Trainer he can provide his Pokemon potent buffs. As stated above it is
absolutely essential that Cole gets his Training time in with his Pokemon. All three of Cole's
features require Training to be put onto his team. Inspired Training may be used as a Standard
Action so even without some Training his Pokemon can still have a small buff.
Cole has no Features that use AP which means that his AP pool is basically useless. That means
that the best use for Cole's AP is using it to boost the AC of Moves that have to hit. Because AP
replenishes at the end of every scene you can essentially boost four attacks per fight (one AP is
lost due to Ace Trainer) in relative safety.

Cole will obviously need to spend Edges to rank up Skills required for Classes which for him
means Command and whatever Skills his other classes require. As for Stats you'll want to focus
HP and Speed to maximize survivability and Orders, respectively.
Leader: After You basically allows Pokemon to use your Initiative at the cost of a Standard
Action. If Cole is fast this is an excellent Edge for non-League battles.
Instinctive Aptitude: If Cole gains more Intuition being able to boost AC by two is huge.
Order Features, Affirmation, Command Versatility, and Training Features: All of these Features
are very solid options for an Ace Trainer that specializes in combat and allows Cole to make use
of his Standard Action but should generally be put at a lower priority than new classes or
Trainings. Cole will get an additional Training feature from Elite Trainer; unless you find that the
two you have aren't enough just stick with them.
Ace Trainer: It's heavily suggested that Cole progresses further down the Ace Trainer tree. All of
the feats are extremely powerful although Signature Technique does require specific Moves to
truly be potent.
Mentor: Cole already has the prerequisites for Mentor. The whole class really contributes to how
Cole can enhance his Pokemon and make them better over time. Currently he'd enter with the
Intuition and Charm routes which will allow him to eventually change Pokemon's Natures and
Evolve them sooner than normal.
Cheerleader: If you want Cole to take a more active role in combat he also has the prerequisites
for this class. With the various cheers and other Standard Action Feats Cheerleader provides
Cole can take a very active role in buffing his Pokemon and supporting the team.

Spuds Explanation
Spuds is on his way to becoming a superb Status Pokemon.
Bulbasaur's movepool is ripe with nasty Status Moves; by
Level 13 he'll have Leech Seed, Poison Powder and Sleep
Powder. This build is built around the use of Status as well as
a little bit of Support. To be a good Status Pokemon you need
to go first, hence why the Speed of this Bulbasaur is so high as
well as the Jolly Nature. Why Jolly though, you might ask.
Until Bulbasaur is a higher level Special Attack doesn't do
much for it and, even then, it has extremely solid Physical
options. Bulbasaur's basic strategy will be to quickly get Leech
Seed or Poison Powder onto a foe and simply wear them down
with Tackle and, when they get it, Vine Whip.
However, until Level 7 Bulbasaur is stuck with using Tackle. To make the best of that use Ace
Trainer to boost Spuds' Attack to deal a bit more damage. Soon enough you'll be at Level 7 and
later 9 when you'll pick up Vine Whip which should all but replace Tackle.
When advancing you'll want to keep your Bulbasaur speedy and fairly bulky. That means
investing in HP, Defenses, and Speed. That will make him the most effective Status Pokemon.
Most of his best Moves come from Level Up although there are some potent TM and Tutor Moves
that can help to round out the build such as Toxic and Knock Off. When choosing future Abilities
nearly all of them are good although most require Sun support. Finally, when choosing Edges,
Advanced Mobility is huge. Many others, such as Accuracy Training, will depend on your Moves
but Advanced Mobility and maybe a few Skill Improvements are crucial.

Tiamat Explanation
Tiamat's stats make her a strong, fast, Physical attacker. The
Adamant Nature was chosen to put Special Attack on the
same level as other stats in the Base Relation so Tiamat
could essentially ignore it an focus on Attack. Attack and
Speed were invested in rather heavily to maximize upon this
skillset. Some were put into Special Defense in order to raise
HP to 7 while the last was put in Defense. To maximize these
stats, use Ace Trainer on Attack or Speed. Flame Body was
chosen over Rattled due simply to the fact that it has a far
more common Trigger which makes it more useful early on.
In combat Tiamat has a fairly basic strategy. She should rarely use Growl due to her relative
frailty. What Tiamat should be doing most often in battle is simply using Scratch. If Inspired
Training is changed to Agility Training Tiamat goes up to a blazing 6 Overland which will allow
her to make good use of Pass and perhaps occasionally hit multiple foes with a single attack!
Although Pass is always four spaces additional Overland makes is much easier to ensure that are
always able to use those four spaces of movement. Fire-Type Struggle Attacks should be used
only when Tiamat has a Type Advantage or the target would Resist the Normal-Typed Scratch.

As Tiamat advances she gets few Level-Up Moves to advance her prowess. Smokescreen, while
not offensive, can provide come much needed Evasion for allies. Dragon Rage can provide
consistent damage but will rarely do more than a strong Scratch. To supplement the Physical
Movepool Cole should likely invest in some TMs. Flame Charge is a solid option that provides
damage output while also boosting Tiamat's skills as a sweeper. Fire Punch is a great Move
further down the line but is rather difficult to obtain. Power-Up Punch is another very solid
option that provides coverage, damage, and strengthens Tiamat.

Leonardo Explanation
Leonardo's stats were made to be tanky. With high HP, 11
Defense and 10 Special Defense few attacks will hit him hard.
For Leonardo I decided to go with Special Attack over Physical
as Bubble is an early Special Move. In addition, Squirtle gets
Fountain meaning that he may make Special Water Type
Struggle Attacks. If you want, shifting a point from Special
Attack to Defense would allow Leonardo to get a bit more out
of Defense when it is Trained as the +1 Combat Stage bonus
would go from +2 to +3 bringing him up to a total of 15. In
most cases Train Defense because many low-level Pokemon
are limited to only Physical Attacks. The single point in Speed
is also for Evasion, specifically for Status Moves. Shell Armor was picked over Overcoat because
it comes up more often but both are excellent Abilities and both should be taken at some point.
Leonardo should always be in the middle of combat drawing fire. Until he gets Bubble use
Special Struggle Attacks. When he does get it, use Bubble. Later Withdraw can provide a tool to
stall but needs additional Moves to really be excellent.
For Moves, many of Squirtle's best are sadly Egg Moves. In TMs I'd suggest getting Toxic or
Tutoring Iron Defense to provide a Move to use in conjunction with Withdraw. Scald and Ice
Beam are two TMs that are essential to Leonardo having a good offense at some point and
should both be bought. Finally, Double Team can provide a cheap and easy way to squeeze just
a bit more survivability in this build.

Alice "KARATE CHOP" Akame The Muscle Girl

As the daughter of the great wrestler Russ "SEISMIC TOSS" Akame
everybody had very high expectations for Alice. Everybody in the Akame
family has a title based off a Pokemon Move and Alice was dubbed
"CIRCLE THROW" due to Russ's wishes for her to become a great wrestler.
She had to become a muscle bound monster just like her father.
Unfortunately, as she learned various martial arts she learned that she
preferred to use actual technique over bigger and bigger muscles.
Outraged by his daughter's betrayal Russ gave his daughter a Pokemon
then kicked her out into the world, stripping her of her past title of
Since that day Alice's life has been one giant training montage. She
practices her karate moves all day, every day, in the hopes that if she can
perfect her technique her father will appreciate her skills and recognize
her as a martial artist. She's won all the local tournaments quite handily
but the competition is getting too easy. She needs to roam free, see the
world! Find greater and grander competitions! Become the greatest Martial
Artist in the world!

Art by pokesafari at http://pokesafari.deviantart.com/

Character Sheet Explained

Attribute and Background Explanation
The Attributes for KARATE CHOP were a fairly easy choice. In both her mental and social skills
she's fairly average. She's not especially good in either department but she is a highly trained
Martial Artist, hence the 5 Body. As explained in her profile, Alice is a very strong combatant and
highly trained but rough around the Edges. This comes through in her not being especially
charming and hardly being able to lie her way out of a paper bag. Athletics and Combat were
chosen because they are fitting as well as the prerequisites for her Classes.

Edge Explanation and Useage

Combat Training and Basic Martial Arts were both required Edges for Alice's classes but,
fortunately, they are worthwhile. Combat Training is a free six stat points and, being Static,
doesn't need to be used. Basic Martial Arts grants Rock Smash which should rarely, if ever, be
used over Karate Chop. Finally, Basic Acrobatics allows Alice to increase her Overland as well as
possibly opening up some great Edges further down the line.

Feature Explanation and Useage

Inner Focus Martial Artist was a fairly obvious choice for Alice. For a technique based fighter
most of the Abilities fit but Inner Focus most closely resembled Karate which is the main point of
this character. Fortunately, Inner Focus is a deadly specialization as it can create some of the
most insane Critical Hit chances of a character. Focus Energy and Karate Chop were chosen for
exactly that; a Move that boosts Critical Hit range and a Move with an already extended range
pair up very well. Finally, Soldier was chosen because it has the biggest "training" motif of any

class. It also is an awesome dip class as the opening feat is very solid. Progressing further down
the class can also provide Alice some options in combat that aren't Karate Chopping opponents
in half. Ah, who are we kidding? You'll keep doing that anyways.

Item Explanation and Useage

Alice's Items are fairly straightforward. Potion, Antidote, and Pokeballs are chosen for the same
reason as Cole and have the same uses. She has more because it is very likely that she'll end up
injuring herself in combat and will need to patch herself up as well. The Bandages and Enriched
Water are there to increase her recovery as well as that of her Pokemon. Finally, in her
Accessory Slot, we have a Fighting Type Booster. That's +5 Damage to every Move she knows!
I'd suggest fluffing it as something, such as wrist wraps or something of the like otherwise you
have a very effective, very boring item.

Alice is a very simple, uncomplicated Trainer. In a League Battle she sits back and commands
her Pokemon with little actual input. However, in an Open Battle? Such as in the wilderness or
fighting the goons of Team Rocket? She really gets to step up to the plate.
Alice should start every fight with Focus Energy unless she absolutely has to try to drop a target.
With Focus Energy and Karate Chop Alice is going to get a Critical Hit on 14-20 which is a
whopping 35% chance. Alice should generally just jump between targets using Karate Chop.
Rock Smash is strictly inferior to Karate Chop although if you are fighting a foe with a huge
amount of Defense it may be worth it for the Defense drop. May. If it's a Tuesday. In March.
With snow on the ground.
Alice also should make sure that she is always making use of Soldier. Generally Alice will want to
put the boost into Attack for +3 Damage although if you find yourself being constantly outsped
you might want to drop it in Speed.

Alice will need to invest in Combat to continue to gain Martial Artist and Soldier features. In
addition, investing in Athletics and Acrobatics will help Alice to gain Overland and open up some
good Edges.
Practiced Movements, Survivalist, Athletic Prowess: All of these grant good Moves and, if you
have the prerequisites, should be taken.
Nimble Movement: A great Edge if you end up in a lot of large-scale combat.
Type Expertise: STAB on all your Fighting Moves? Take this.
Attack of Opportunity, Blur, Dive, Multi-Tasking: All of these are great Features! Three also use
Acrobatics, giving you a very good reason to boost that skill.
Walk it Off: As a combat Trainer Alice will get Injuries. This can help keep her combat ready.
Martial Artist: Obviously, as a Martial Artist, you'll want to continue taking Martial Training. Low
Kick and Brick Break make good Rank 2 Moves while Close Combat and Superpower make
dangerous but powerful Rank 3 choices. You'll want Martial Achievement as soon as possible to

maximize your Critical chance as well as Smite. Sparring Partner is optional but a very solid feat.
If you want to take Marital Artist again Technician can help to amplify your Karate Chops.
Soldier: If you plan on using Combat Maneuvers (which you should, they're good), take
everything. Even if you don't plan on taking them, Basic Training, PokeSoldier and Enhanced
Training are all excellent choices.

Crane Explanation
In this corner we have Crane, the big bruiser! While slow, Crane has a
ton of HP and Attack. He just runs in and smacks things while getting
smacked. He does have 2 Speed Investment just to snag him a single
Speed Evasion to make him a little bit harder to hit. Guts was chosen
simply because Poison is so common early in the game and a +2 to
Attack boosts Crane's already high Attack all the way to 21 allowing him
to deal obscene damage.
In a fight Crane should try to snag a Focus Energy boost if at all possible.
Early in the game Critical Hits are absolutely devastating, making the
increased range huge. Generally your plan of attack will be to spam
Tackle, at least until he gets Arm Thrust which should be used as much as Frequency allows.
Sand-Attack is a very situational Move but if you find yourself up against a single enemy that is
causing you trouble using Sand Attack to Blind it can swing the battle in your favor very quickly.
As you progress Crane's ability to shut down opponents with Whirlwind and Fake Out will make
him a force on the battlefield.
As you advance Crane will likely want to focus on HP and Attack. Power-Up Punch would be a
very good investment as it is with nearly all Physical Pokemon. Bulldoze is a hidden gem,
providing a reliable Burst Move with solid damage. Faade mixes well with Guts while Smack
Down can provide a deadly way to deal with Flying Type Pokemon. Finally, all the Punch Moves
are worth a look at the very least. As for Edges, Advanced Mobility as always and likely
Capability Training for Power. Sumo Stance, while a thematic Ability, should probably play
second fiddle to Thick Fat unless you find Push Moves becoming very common.

Rafiki Explanation
Can you say future mixed sweeper? Right now there are four points
in Attack, Special Attack, and Speed, putting us two away from
qualifying for the Mixed Sweeper Edge when Rafiki hits Level 10 as
well as giving two Speed Evasion. The rest went into HP because
Rafiki needs a little bulk investment. Celebrate is an outstanding
Ability and was chosen for its ability to allow Rafiki more mobility on
the field. Down the line all of Chimchar's Abilities are excellent
although Iron Fist is good for some extra oomph.
In combat, Rafiki has a simple role: use whatever Move does more
damage. Fighting a Geodude? Throw out some Special Moves.
Fighting a Blissey? Well, you've got some great Physical ones as well.
When Rafiki reaches Level 7 he'll learn Ember, allowing him both a
potent Pass Move and a Ranged one. Up until that point use

Firestarter Struggle attacks for your Fire Type needs. Rafiki should always use his high mobility
and versatile attacks to quickly subdue opponents. Generally, you'll want to use Ember for pure
damage although Scratch may be more useful for the ability to hit multiple foes.
When progressing nearly any Special or Physical Move that grants Rafiki STAB is a great
investment. There are a few stand-out Moves though; Acrobatics, Dig, and Power-Up Punch can
be excellent TMs while Thunderpunch and Vacuum Wave are almost required as Tutor Moves. As
far as Edges, focus on Advanced Mobility and take as much of Mixed Sweeper as possible.

Sarah Explanation
Sarah plays a very similar role as Crane just with a few extra tricks.
Very high bulk allows Sarah to take hits in combat constantly while
dishing out the hurt with Vine Whip. The stat investment reflects
that, boosting HP and the Defenses while also gaining some hitting
power. Battle Armor was chosen because it comes up more often
early although Bulletproof is a huge Ability and should be acquired
ASAP. Other than that, Bodyguard is awesome as is Discipline.
In combat Sarah's strategy revolves around Vine Whip. Just Whip
everything. Whip so much that the party accuses your Chespin of
being a dominatrix. It's your best source of Damage and it's
Ranged. When it's Resited, go ahead and toss out a Tackle.
Seriously, Vine Whip. When you gain a few levels Rollout and Pin
Missle are excellent for coverage while Leech Seed provides a way
for Sarah to stay concious longer.
When advancing Sarah has the pleasure of a very powerful Physical Movepool through Level Up.
The standard TMs such as Bulldoze and Power-Up Punch are huge and Dig is almost always a
good option. Powerful Rock TMs are huge and Poison Jab can let you kill those damn Faires while
Substitute can grant you a powerful shield. Unfortunately, because Gen VI has no Tutors there is
very little help there! I'm sure you can talk your GM into Tutoring Thunderpunch though. The
standard Edges should apply here.

Sir Dominic of Snarlmans The Rich Trainer

Pokemon Trainers today are such riffraff. Most are common peasants
that set out to try to join the great noble houses. Fortunately, Dominic is
no such common peasant and actually understands the niceties and
honor that is such a part of being a true Pokemon Trainer.
After years of yelling at servants and other people below his stature
Dominic has grown tired living a life of luxury. He has decided to set out
into the world and show why commoners do not deal with a Trainer from
one of the most noble of houses the Snarlmans. His goals is quite
simple; set out into the world, gain all the Badges, defeat the most Elite
Trainers in the region then return home to a life of luxury.
His father gave him a 50,000 stipend to set out into the region then
basically left him. Dominic has been at it alone since then, partly by
choice partly because few can put up with him. He's arrogant,
condescending and frankly just rude. Even if defeated he'll just launch
into a tirade about how his opponent is a fool. Fortunately for him he is
a rather skilled duelist or else more than a few Trainers would likely
have a few words to say to him.

Art by BlueGhosty at http://blueghosty.deviantart.com/

Note: Dominic uses the Game of Throhs splatbook. You should make sure that is allowed
before playing him. If it isn't, just change out Weapon Specialist stuff.

Character Sheet Explanation

Attribute and Background Explanation
Dominic is very combat oriented which is why a large Body is a nice boon. However, he isn't all
body all the time and has some good social skills and instincts hence the Spirit. His background
was chosen because he is fairly ordinary and to help maximize his low Skill build.

Edge Explanation and Useage

Dominic has very simple Edges. Basic Skills in Combat allows him to take Weapon of Choice
which both makes him more effective in combat and opens up Weapon Specialist. Intimidating
Presence grants Leer and opens Roughneck. Leer should only be used with Roughneck to
maximize overall efficiency. Dominic's Edges mostly serve to aid him in combat.

Feature Explanation and Useage

Dominic's Features continue to establish him as a support combatant. Roughneck is there due to
the huge support potential. Dealing some damage while still debuffing opponents with Leer?
Great ability to have in a fight. Stare Down just adds to the already broad uses of Roughneck,
granting two excellent Moves. Finally, Weapon Specialist makes it much harder to remove
Dominic's weapon from his grasp while also granting him access to a very potent Features later
down the line. The two classes were paired for two reasons: one, it fits a duelist rather well, and
two, Roughneck triggers on Struggle Attacks and Weapon Specialist makes Struggle Attacks hit
just a bit harder.

Item Explanation and Useage

Fairly standard items for Dominic. Potions for healing, Antidotes for Poison, Pokeballs for
capturing, and Bandages for resting. The only really unique item is the Dueling Sword. A 3,000
investment, this weapon helps Dominic to Struggle a bit harder.

Dominic has a very simple role in a fight: use Struggle Attacks and Roughneck to attack enemies
while also debuffing them. Generally Mean Look should be used on the biggest baddest enemy of
the lot. As it's only Scene, that's all the use Dominic will get. Scary Face is very useful against
faster foes to help Dominic to stay ahead in Initiative but Leer is almost universally useful for
making your next hit do just a bit more damage.
Fortunately, Dominic is a fairly speedy Trainer so he can hit first and hit quickly. While he
doesn't have a huge amount of bulk he has enough to keep him in the fight for just a bit longer
than the average joe, allowing him to debuff a few more enemies. When Dominic runs out of AP,
a very likely occurrence, he should either continue to Struggle or perhaps just use Leer and
Scary Face if the party is up against a singularly large, dangerous Pokemon.
Even in a regular fight Dominic will want to focus on the biggest threat. Weakening already weak
Pokemon is a bit of a waste as the party can easily deal with them. By focusing his fire on the
biggest threat Dominic can set it up for a quick takedown. Hopefully he has the bulk to go a few
rounds with it. If not, the Big Bad is at least easier to kill.

Dominic should continue to rank up Combat and Intimidate for maximum use of his main
classes. Ranking up Acrobatics and Athletics can also help him greatly in the long run while Skills
like Guile can open up new progression pathways.
General Features: Because Roughneck triggers on a Struggle Attack things that give us more are
amazing. Attack of Opportunity is probably the best of these, granting a free Struggle Attack but
Multi-Tasking, Blur, and Dive should be taken if possible.
Most Combat Edges: Most Combat Edges are worth taking for Dominic if he meets the
prerequisites but there are two stand-out ones: Way of the Blade and Combat Training. Both
should be taken when possible.
Roughneck: Dominic's next Feature should probably be spent on taking Rough Customer with
Intimidate for more survivability. Nasty Business and Fearsome Display are great feats for your
Pokemon, rounding out this class. Take most of it.
Weapon Specialist: The whole class is good again. For Weapon Training some standout
Maneuvers that improve Struggle Attacks are Rapid Assault and Counter Strike. As for Talents, I
prefer Harrier for support and Rising Blood or Wind Stance for staying alive.
Rogue: A great third class for Dominic, Rogue grants more Skills, access to amazing Abilities and
a host of nasty Status Moves. If Dominic does take this class, leave at least a few Move-granting
Combat Edges for when he takes this class.


Soldier: The best class for straight Struggle Attacks this class can let Dominic add Combat
Maneuvers to his list of harassing strategies while also increasing his damage. Always worth it.

Tyrell Explanation and Advancement

The way Tyrell's stats are currently allow him to hit hard with both
Physical and Special Moves although he'll have to wait until Level 6
for his first Special Move. It will pay off in the long run as Treecko has
a very solid Movepool. Enough was put into Speed to snag 10 Speed
Evasion while the rest was put into giving Tyrell a built of bulk to
keep him alive and kicking. Unburden was chosen because, with the
correct Held Item, it's a very potent Ability. Give Tyrell a Grass Gem
or a Berry of some sort and prepare for a very fast, very dangerous
In combat Tyrell is limited to Pound currently. However, once he picks up Absorb that should all
but replace Pound. While Absorb is Grass meaning it has some limitations offensively as long as
it wouldn't be hitting for Not Very Effective just go for it. The extra HP will keep Tyrell alive while
still whittling down your opponent. As he progresses Quick Attack will aid against faster foes
while Pursuit is a deadly Move to keep your foes in line.
As Tyrell advances down the road try to pick him up a couple strong Special Moves. Energy Ball,
Dragon Pulse, Leaf Storm and any of the Absorb type Moves are a great addition while Swift
could be a very potent asset in a large scale fight. Physically, it's almost a crime to not have Leaf
Blade on Treecko but, as his best Special Moves are Grass, it may be redundant. Moves to look
at are Thunderpunch, Acrobatics (Unburden benefits!) and perhaps X-Scissor for some odd
coverage. It may be worth keeping Pursuit over time due to it being a very solid Move at any
stage. For Edges you'll likely want to choose Mixed Sweeper and then the standard ones. As for
Abilities, I'd personally skip Leaf Guard but the others are all excellent.

Arryn Explanation and Advancement

Until Level 15, little Arryn is stuck with Special Attack limiting his Defense. It isn't huge until he
evolves, but it's there. Once Arryn evolves the disparity affects more stats and he'll likely want
to pick a single Attack. I'd suggest Physical as it meshes with Dominic best and has the better
supporting Abilities. If you want to go Special, swap Adamant to Modest and you can best
Special from the start of the game! Flash Fire was chosen as the starting Ability because Klutz is
a bit situational and an Immunity is never something to sneeze at.
Arryn has a very simple strategy: fast and hard. With 6 Overland and a high
Attack and Speed Arryn is very maneuverable and can make full use of his
speed with Scratch's Pass Keyword. He can easily dart around the field,
injuring opponents, sometimes multiple at a time. Until Arrynn is a bit
higher level he'll have to rely on Scratch although Focus Energy, learned at
7, should be used as a quick buff. Ember will be fairly weak coming off
minimal Special Attack and should only be used in case of a Type Advantage
and perhaps not even then.
As Arryn advances it's very important to get him Physical Moves. At 16 he'll
have access to Double Kick and Peck, giving him wide coverage and two

potent Moves. Down the line any Fire or Fighting Physical Moves are worth learning with many
late Level Up Moves such as Blaze Kick, Brave Bird and Sky Uppercut being some of the best
options. Aside from TMs such as Power-Up Punch or Tutor Moves like Fire Punch Hone Claws,
Swords Dance, or Bounce could all pay great dividends. When it comes to Abilities get Speed
Boost and Moxie. The rest aren't nearly as important. As for Edges, Attack Conflict is a huge
one. Make sure to take it as soon as you reach Level 15 to free up your Base Stat Relation.
Other than that, standard Edges apply.

Tully Explanation and Advancement

In the handhelds Swampert is best known for its role as a
dangerous Physical tank. Why the would I make this Tully Special?
The answer is simply because Mudkip is much easier to use as a
Special Pokemon than as a Physical one. He gets a great host of
Special Moves that allow a very easy way to take down opponents.
Tully is built tankily because that's the default pathway for a
Mudkip. They have great Defensive stats and a few tricks to keep
them alive. Dry Skin was chosen over Damp because Damp comes
up so rarely and Dry Skin can provide some easy recovery for this
little Mudkip.
At the start Tully will have to rely entirely on Special Fountain Struggle Attacks. Fortunately, at 6
he gains Mud Slap which, while weak, can provide a potent debuff and limit the potential of
Tully's opponents heavily. One Tully learns Water Gun he really hits his stride. Bide is a really
risky Move to use but has a huge payoff when used correctly. Against a group of weaker foes it
can be truly devastating.
As Tully advances he gets many of his strongest Special Moves from Level Up such as Muddy
Water. Support Moves such as Protect and Endeavor may be useful to help Tully keep alive. Rain
Dance is an excellent choice due to healing Tully and boosting his attacks while Moves such as
Ice Beam and Sludge Wave can provide deadly coverage. Earth Power is also worth a look if Mud
Shot isn't cutting it for you anymore. When choosing Abilities Mud Dweller is a bit redundant as
Dry Skin already provides Immunity and the Types are already Resisted if you are evolved so
you'll likely want to skip it. The standard Edges such as Advanced Mobility and Accuracy Training
if required are suggested.


Rita Meins The Reluctant Psychic

Psychics are nothing new in the Pokemon world. Trainers and Pokemon with the
mental gift are something that's positively abundant now. The only thing that
sets Rita apart from the storm is that she doesn't want her powers. Who wants
to know what other people are thinking all the time? The answer is nobody
(well, except the NSA).
Rita has trouble explaining it. She knows that she has complete control over her
powers. She knows that she can choose when and where to read a mind.
Simply put, Rita has no self-control. She's in a bit of a paradoxical situation;
she hates knowing what people think about her but, at the same time, can't
help but try to find out. Perhaps if Rita wasn't quite so sensitive that wouldn't
be an issue but, unfortunately, she is. She's angrily stormed out, leaving behind
her friends more times than she can count. She left home years ago and still
has yet to find a place to fit in.
That's her goal. Between knowing what people think and people knowing you
can read their minds it's hard to establish any real trust. Rita either needs to
find somebody whose mind she cannot read or somebody who doesn't care if
their mind is read.
Art by Rocket Haruka at http://rocketharuka.deviantart.com/

Character Sheet Explanation

Attribute and Background Explanation
Rita's Attributes help to create a smart Trainer that can make full use of her Mind based Focus
checks to read minds. The single point in Spirit is to help her when she occasionally needs to
make use of the various other Spirit Skills. The Background ranks up Focus and Perception, two
important Skills for a Psychic gossip and decreases Combat and Charm due to her being
vulnerable and immature both physically and emotionally.

Edge Explanation and Useage

Two of Rita's Edges are simply prerequisites for Telepath. Fortunately, Elemental Connection lets
Rita to better communicate with Psychic Pokemon which she will likely tend to use fairly often.
Iron Mind makes Focus a Mind Skill, allowing Rita to focus on that department more than Spirit.
Finally, Basic Psionics gives Rita a way to defend herself and hit fairly hard on the battlefield.
Confusion, while not the strongest Move, is better than nothing!

Feature Explanation and Useage

All of Rita's Features went into making her an excellent Telepath. The basic feature lets her gain
the ability to read minds at any time which can be a huge help in any situation. Gaining the
Moves Amnesia and Calm Mind can help to make Rita a more solid Specially Defensive Trainer or
make it so she can hit like a train with Confusion. Both should be used to that effect. Finally,
Telepathic Awareness with Gentle Vibe allows Rita to remove harmful effects from allies that are
nearby giving her a way to clear away the Confusion from all those annoying Zubat!

Item Explanation and Useage

Rita has very standard items that have the same uses as every time. She also has quite a bit of
cash: feel free to spend it on something to help you out! A Psychic Booster could prove very
useful or even just greater quantities of the basic supplies.

Rita has a much larger role out of combat than she does in it. Right now she is able to read
minds, something that is a huge benefit in damn near any situation. Rita should almost always
be spending the 2 AP to be able to read minds for the scene. It's simply too useful a Capability
to not be using whenever possible.
In combat her role is much simpler. If Rita isn't doing anything, buff with Calm Mind and
Amnesia. It can't hurt and helps to keep Rita ready to jump in with super-powered Confusions if
the situation ever demands it. Rita isn't particularly tough so staying back and blasting with
Confusion is a very solid strategy. Finally, if allies are suffering from Volatile Status Effects or
have negative Combat Stages Gentle Vibe can help to clear them. It can even be used
offensively to remove Combat Stages from enemies at the same time!

Rita's main focus with Edges should be to keep her Focus and Perception up whenever possible.
There aren't that many Edges that help with Rita's particular skillset so ranking up other Skills
like Intuition could really help. Finally, a Focus Skill Stunt for Telepathy could make it much
harder for people to resist having their minds read.
Psionic Sight and Type Expertise: Both of these Features can contribute to Rita's build. Psionic
Sight can allow her to hunt down other Psychics and play detective while Type Expertise can
power up all her Psychic Moves.
Telepath: Telepath can allow Rita to pick up two amazing Status Moves as well as three
awesome utility feats with a wide range of uses. Definitely worth picking up.
Telekinetic: As a Telepath Rita already possess the proper qualifications to become a Telekinetic.
Telekinetic would let Rita take a more active support role in combat as well as allowing her to
shut down opponents quite handily. If you want Rita to take a more active role in combat this
class is great.
Clairvoyant: My personal favorite of the Psychic classes, Rita also possess the necessary skills to
become a Clairvoyant. Like all Psychics it mixes utility with combat potential in a way to make a
very effective class. Clairvoyant is also a fun GM toy, allowing the GM to use you as the vessel
for plot information.
Warper: Rita will need to invest in some Guile if she wishes to take this class but it would be
very potent in her hands. Warper is an all support class but does it all very well. Rita would be
able to control the battlefield as well as put her Defenses to work defending for allies with Ally
Switch or saving herself damage. Reality Bender is also one of the most useful features and
along makes this class worth it.
Type Ace (Psychic): Psionic Sponge is so fun when you're a Psychic Trainer. Your Pokemon
essentially gain access to all your Moves! Madness Network and Force of Will also allow some

neat synergy between you and your Psychic Pokemon. This is the most effective way for Rita to
buff her Pokemon and is well worth taking.

Quacksalot Explanation and Advancement

All of Rita's Pokemon are Special focused and Quacksalot begins that trend.
Quacksalot's stats are for that of a tank that can still throw out some
powerful Moves later down the line. For now Quacksalot has to rely on
Telekinetic Struggle Attacks. With his high HP, enough Speed to constantly
go first as well as a high Special Attack to back up whatever attacks
Quacksalot may have. Cloud Nine was chosen over damp because Damp is a
bit of a situational Ability. Weather can factor in fairly heavily into large
battles meaning that Cloud Nine can be the perfect Ability to make sure the
enemy doesn't get any benefits from it.
In combat, at least at this point, Quacksalot has to rely quite heavily on his Telekinetic Struggle
Attacks. Telekinetic allows Quacksalot to make use of his Special Attack stat while aloso hitting
from range. Once Quacksalot his Level 8 he can make use of Water Gun and soon after can
make use of Moves like Disable and Confusion. Of Quacksalot's current Moves, Water Sport
should be used when fighting Fire Type Pokemon to help the party stay alive.
Further down the line Quacksalot will want to focus on acquiring more Special Moves. Surf will
be a great Move option further down the line while Signal Beam is almost always useful and can
provide additional coverage against Grass Types. The standard array of Edges would be a good
choice although TK Mastery is a good investment. At 20 you'll likely want to choose Migraine for
some additional power until you hit 30 and getting Wave Rider.

Shira Explanation and Advancement

While Quacksalot is more of a general tank, Shira is much stronger
against Special Pokemon although she is not quite as powerful. Shira
does have the unfortunate Base Relation of her high Special Defense
which slightly throws things off but still allows a quick and Specially
offensive Pokemon. Shira also has the Competitive Ability which
basically ensures that any Pokemon that waste their time debuffing
Shira. Shira also has the Telekinetic and Telepathic Capabilities which,
in addition to providing some cool options outside of combat, also
means that Shira will always have a decent Ranged Special Attacks.
In combat, Shira will want to make full use of Confusion. At Range 6 Shira can stay outside the
movement range of some early Pokemon. In combat Shira will essentially use Confusion from
the maximum distance possible so as to minimize her own risk while also keeping foes harassed.
Between the consistent damage of a DB 7 attack and the occasional Confusion Shira can most
definitely keep her enemies in check. As Shira advances she will acquire some strong debuffing
Moves and will likely have to rely fairly heavily on Confusion until she learns Psybeam at Level
16. Fortunately, due to Shira having a relatively high speed she can make very good use of
debuffing attacks if that is the route you intend to take.


Shira requires a bit of help while leveling up, mostly in diversifying her Movepool. Although she
gets a host of great Moves like Psyshock, Heal Block and Telekinesis, Shira is desperately in
need of non-Psychic attacks. Shadow Ball and Signal Beam are crucial in covering weaknesses
while Status Moves such as Thunder Wave can held to round out the build. TK Mastery and Far
Reading are almost essential Edges for general use while the other, standard Edges apply.
Finally, when choosing Abilities, Cute Tears may be the better choice at 20 simply to provide
additional harassment that Telepathy really can't deliver.

Haruka Explanation and Advancement

The best part about Generation VI starters is how early they get a Move of
their Type. Fortunately, that makes it much easier for Haruka to be a Special
Attacker at the start. And that's exactly the role she'll take in a battle.
Haruka is a fast and powerful Special Attacker with some points in HP and a
few points in Defenses to give Haruka a little extra bulk and keep her alive.
Haruka has Omen, which is a hugely useful Ability. Haruka should always
use it against the most dangerous enemy in the battle to make it much
harder for them to hit the rest of your team, providing both extra protection
for you and the rest of your team.
Hurka is a bit of a harrier in battle. Ember is a decently ranged attack. Range 4 isn't extremely
far but both Ember and Omen share it. Haruka should simply remain at Range 4 as much as
possible, spamming Ember and using Omen strategically. Unfortunately, Haruka is stuck with
Ember as his only Special Attack until Level 17 except for TMs.
For advancement, Haruka should take Advanced Mobility to make it easier to act as a harrier.
Further down the line Far Reading can be a hugely useful Edge when Haruka gets Telepathy.
When it comes to TMs, Psyshock is extremely useful for helping Haruka hit a Specially Defensive
Pokemon. Flamethrower is a great Move due to its frequency while Grass Knot and Solar Beam
are great coverage Moves. Haruka has no good options in Tutor Moves and will have to rely on
Level Up and TM. Finally, all of Haruka's Abilities are awesome. I prefer Magician but Fox Fire is
a great semi-buffing Move.


Douglas Fir The Boy Genius

While there are many Pokemon Trainers, few try to really comprehend
what Pokemon are. Why does a Charmander die if its tail goes out? How
do Blastoise create seemingly endless quantities of water? Few study these
and fewer still find answers.
That's what Douglas hopes to do someday. Ever since a young age he's
been fascinated by Pokemon. Not by battling them, or training them, or
even breeding them but studying how Pokemon accomplish seemingly
supernatural things scientifically. It extends to humans too: how does a
Psychic read minds, how does a so-called Elementalist shoot flames? While
many are content with "they just do," not Douglas. He has to know why.
The chemical reactions that cause it.
Douglas's entire personality is dominated by his relentless pursuit of this
knowledge. He's highly analytical and tries to learn as much as he can
from any situation. While he is physically frail and not quite the strongest
in a Pokemon battle Douglas believes that with enough study and
dedication he can unlock the hidden potential of Pokemon. He seems to
always be working, whether it be reading a thick book or doing a test to
try to understand how something works in a Pokemon.

Character Sheet Explanation

Art by zerudez at http://zerudez.deviantart.com/

Attribute and Background Explanation

Douglas is smart. Really smart. Smart enough to have 5 Mind. There is a very, very low chance
that Douglas will fail any basic Education checks. Between Breadth of Knowledge and his
Background every Education Skill is at Novice! Unfortunately, all that time studying makes it
hard to keep your body in shape so Douglas is a bit lacking in that regard. Douglas's stats were
chosen for a non-combatant Trainer to allow him to stay alive and dodge attacks.

Edge Explanation and Useage

First off, Basic Skills (Intuition) is to invest in a useful skill as well as open up Mentor for
Douglas. Instruction makes Douglas even more of a know-it-all than he already is, allowing him
to make sure the party just about always succeeds on Education checks. Finally, Medic Training
gives Douglas an actual role in combat to help support his team by quickly applying Medicine
without allies having to give up their turns!

Feature Explanation and Useage

Douglas's Features help him to be a better genius. Researcher was used on Breadth of
Knowledge to bring every Education Skill up to Novice while Let Me Help You With That
essentially allows him to be the parties Education Skill by taking over rolls that they mess up on.
Finally, Mentor is a huge feat in helping Douglas to enhance his own Pokemon by granting
almost all of his Pokemon a whole host of new Moves much earlier than normal.


Item Explanation and Useage

Once again, many of the items are just basic. The X-Items are so Douglas may give his allies a
huge buff in combat if needed. The Collection Jar is just in case Douglas needs to occasional
sample. Finally, due to Medic Training, Douglas can apply his Items to others without any
penalties. Pretty cool, right?

Douglas is the party intelligence. He travels with the group to help ensure that the group is
always very well informed. In combat he's rather passive although through Medic Training he
makes an excellent impromptu Medic using items and other gear.
Most of Douglas's powers are completely static but that's all right. With Douglas around the
party will always be very well informed and Mentor lets Douglas have his Pokemon be just a bit
stronger than everybody else's due to a much better movepool.

Douglas should focus on advancing Pokemon and General Education as well as Intuition to make
the best use of Researcher and Mentor.
Edges: There aren't too many more standout Edges for Douglas. Most of his Edges will likely go
towards keeping his Education Skills high. However, Breeder, Instinctive Aptitude, and Pokemon
Connoisseur are all worth keeping an eye out for.
Researcher: Continuing down the Researcher line is something that Douglas should definitely do.
Live and Learn and Echoes of the Future are both excellent Features for Douglas that will allow
him to control his die rolls just a bit better. Other than that I would suggest Pokemon
Psychology to grant Douglas a better way of identifying, communicating with and customizing
Pokemon. You may want to take Researcher more than once. If so, just take whatever works for
your current situation.
Mentor: As a Pokemon Education and Intuition Mentor Douglas can change the Nature and
Ability of Pokemon. This is a huge skill when it comes to customizing a team and gives Douglas a
huge edge. Random things caught with mediocre Natures can easily be changed to make a more
potent and powerful Pokemon. The rest of the class is amazing; just finish it off.
Medic: If Douglas doesn't mind essentially wasting a Feature on First Aid he can become a very
potent Medic. The class not only helps him to keep his allies alive but he can actually even buff
them while he patches them up!
Scientist: Scientist is a hugely versatile class with so many different avenues. Douglas can use it
to gain some harassing options in combat, be able to make potent medicines or even make his
own Pokemon! All it takes to enter is a single Edge that makes a fairly useful Item. Not a bad
choice by any means.
Engineer: If you don't mind dipping into Do Porygon Dream of Mareep? Engineer can provide a
solid host of possible abilities. Engineer allows some of the most versatile options out of any
class. Whether the Pokebots are made for support, simple tasks or combat they can always be a
useful part of a Trainer's arsenal.

Number 152 Explanation and Advancement

Chikorita is one of the very few Grass Pokemon that is capable of acting
as a tank and the stats chosen reflect that really well. Although 152's
Attacks are a bit lower than they could be 152 has a large amount of bulk
and can take hits for a long amount of time. As 152 advances further
down the line 152 learns a wide range of healing and offensive Status
Moves that can allow 152 to continue to act in a very powerful support
faction. Aroma Veil was chosen as it allows 152 to keep his team from
suffering from some of the more annoying Status Effects.
In combat 152 is forced to take a bit of a secondary role. Typically 152 is supposed to spam
Tackle and try to use her low Attack to take down some opponents and generally annoy the
enemy. Once 152 reaches Level 6 and learns Razor Leaf she can attack from Range, spamming
a solid STAB Ranged Attack. At 9 she'll learn Poison Powder allowing her to act as a very
powerful Status Pokemon by simply spamming an EoT Poison Powder.
152 should focus on acquiring some useful Attacks down the line for strategy. Powerful tanking
Moves like Synthesis, Reflect, and Light Screen are all Level-Up for Chikorita but more potent
offensive Moves such as Toxic, Energy Ball, or Double Team can all provide very useful Moves.
Once Chikorita evolves she should likely lean either Specially or Physically and use an offensive
Move or two of that category. The standard Edges are the best for 152. Finally, Healer is
probably the best Advanced Ability for this role while the 3rd Ability can be whatever you want.

Number 155 Explanation and Advancement

155 should act as a Specially offensive Pokemon, clearly an original concept
in this book. Because of Cyndaquil's unfortunate BSR means that until
Attack Conflict can be taken on Evolution 155 needs to invest some in
Attack to keep other stats high. However, 155 can be a Physical Sweeper or
even Mixed; it has the stats and Movepool with a small Nature change is
can work. Run Away was chosen as Stuck and Trapped are awful Status
Conditions and Immunity to them is huge.
Cyndaquil is forced to use Struggle Attacks for Special attacks until Level 10 when it acquires
Ember. Firestarter allows some offensive capabilities. It forces 155 to get in close in battle
however when Ember is learned 155 can strike from Range. At 6 155 can use Smokescreen to
strategically shut down the field while actual TMs will need to be used for additional coverage.
If 155 remains Special most of 155's Fire Attacks are worth learning while Swift is also a great
Move. As for TMs, Solar Beam is a great attack. When Special some Status Moves are a great
choice to round out the movepool with Sunny Day being a great choice. If Physical, there is a
large number of Moves. The various Edges are the typical ones, while for Abilities Celebrate is a
great choice as upon Evolution it becomes Heat Mirage which is a hugely useful Ability.


Number 158 Explanation and Advancement

158 is going to grow up to be a very powerful Physical attacker. 158
is a bit slow but is massively tanky and has a huge offensive stat.
With a future Movepool full of offensive threats 158 gets to choose a
wide range of future options. Hyper Cutter provides a complete
immunity to any enemy blocking 158's ability to continue to wreck
face with powerful Physical attacks and is a bit more commonly used
than Frisk as Intimidate is so common.
In combat 158 has a simple role. 158 can hit hard with his Fountain Struggle Attacks if he needs
Water coverage but Scratch will generally provide a much higher damage output and Pass can
be used to hit multiple Pokemon. Once 158 hits 8 Rage can provide a small damage output while
also making sure that if 158 is hit he becomes a bit more deadly. As time continues to pass Bite
and Ice Fang can provide coverage as well as a high Flinching chance.
While advancing many of 158's best Physical Moves are learned through Level-Up. Slash, Aqua
Tail, Superpower, and Ice Fang are all very powerful Moves. I'd suggest keeping Bite over
Crunch if you invest in Speed although if 158 remains slow Flinch is far less useful. When it
comes to TMs there is a massive list of useful Moves, Waterfall is one of the best Physical Water
Moves. Aerial Ace is very useful while Shadow Claw and Dragon Claw can provide coverage.
When it comes to Abilities, Strong Jaw can provide more power for Ice Fang and Bite/Crunch
although Sheer Force can boost most of 158's Moves. So many cause Flinch but as 158 is slow
Flinch is essentially useless, making Sheer Force essentially free damage and boosts Waterfall to
DB 12 at EoT frequency. Finally, the typical Edges are the best choices, as always.


Paula Jean The Fashionable Coordinator

Why is it that so many Trainer trudge off into the wilderness with
such unfashionable clothes? Red hats are so last year, doesn't
everybody know that? And these girls! Belly shirts and short shorts?
What ever happened to some modesty and a nice skirt? No wonder
society is falling apart!
Fortunately, Paula Jean is at the pinnacle of fashion. And what is the
highest fashion of them all? Pokemon Contests! Paula, as a future
fashion star, clearly has to make sure that she can win any contest
that comes her way. Unfortunately growing up in a small town makes
it pretty hard to actually find Contests. For that Paula has to travel
the world!
Unfortunately, that involves Pokemon battling. A dirty, disgusting
sport. She can't possibly have her little babies battling other
Pokemon; it might mess up their fur! Or scales, or whatever they're
made of! Because of this Paula needs to find people that can help her
travel between cities without her darling Pokemon getting hurt. That
is, until she can afford a private jet.
Art by Keichan411 at http://keichan411.deviantart.com/

Note: Paula is a character that is very Contest-centric. While she would fit in just fine in a
game without them her character will be severly lacking in its capabilities. Make sure your
GM is doing contests if you want to play Paula!

Character Sheet Explanation

Attribute and Background Explanation
Paula uses a wide range of Skills with a wide range of Attributes due to her specific specialties.
In a Contest Paula could be asked to use a wide range of Skills and as such requires a host of
Skills. The only Contest she doesn't quite excel at is Cool Contests as her Command is fairly
regular but her Background and Attributes ensure a solid base in the others. Basic Combat Stats
to keep her alive were chosen.

Edge Explanation and Useage

Paula took Edges to help her the most in Contests. Grace, in addition to being a prerequisite for
her classes, allows Paula to give her Pokemon more Poffins which makes them better at
Contests. Boosting Pokemon Education was used simply for Grooming which can, again, grant a
solid buff in a Contest to help Paula win.

Feature Explanation and Useage

Paula's main Feature is Fashionista. Unfortunately, the entry feat isn't incredibly useful to her at
the moment but somewhere down the line Paula could really benefit from holding two
Accessories particularly ones that can help her with Skill Checks in her Contest stat. She may

want actually defensive items to help out as well in combat situations. Stylish Makeover is really
the crux of Paula's build. With it she can make herself Stylish, allowing her to better succeed in
Contests! Finally, Coordinator makes sure that the dice are a little kinder to Paula in a Contest
and removes some of the luck.

Item Explanation and Useage

Paula has the standard items for the standard uses but also has a few more fun toys. Her Poffins
are there to be used to help make her Pokemon just a bit better in their relevant Contest Stat.
The Poffin type purchased should depend entirely on what Starter you choose. The same holds
true for the Contest Accessory. Finally, the Grooming Kit is for Groomer.

As a Contest Trainer so much of Paula's build revolves around that. The first few things are basic
but important. The first is to use Groomer all the time. Even if you're not doing a Contest
making your Pokemon more Loyal is never a bad thing. Fashionista is the most central part of
Paula's build. She should use it to make herself Stylish and raise the relevant Contest Stat;
Charm for Cute, Guile for Smart, Intimidate for Tough, Intuition for Beauty and (heaven forbid)
Command for Cool. At this point it will have no effect because all the Skills except for Command
are at their maximum rank so there are no additional die rolled but once Level 2 hits it can keep
all her Skills as high as possible. Always match the Contest Stat as that provides the greatest
benefit. Finally, use Coordinator to try to fix any horrendous Appeal rolls although be cautionary
about it: you only get to use it once. Also, when you have money, invest in Fancy Clothes as
they can be a huge boon in a Contest.
In combat all Paula can really contribute is Coordinator to help make sure her Pokemon never hit
for minimal damage. Use your AP to boost AC rolls and such. Paula is basically forced to rely on
standard combat tactics. However, out of combat she is an excellent party face and excels in any
and all social interactions.

Paula will likely spend almost all of her Edges keeping the various "Contest Skills" as high as
possible. She'll need them for the Skill Checks in the Introduction stage and should keep them
as high as possible.
Instinctive Aptitude: I really like this Edge. If Paula has an Edge to spare this is really a great
one to go for.
Charmer, Confidence Artist, Intimidating Presence, Leader: These Move granting Edges can help
Paula contribute in combat and are great for the second Edge on multi-Edge levels.
Coordinator: Coordinator is essentially the go-to Class for Contests and for a good reason.
Whether through a custom Move made with Innovation or preparing for an abnormal Contest
with Flexible Preparation Coordinator is a great class. It also can help Paula compete in combat.
Fashionista: There are so many good things about Fashinista. First off, it can give Paula Moves
to use which can help to give her an active role. Fashion Companion can make Contests a breeze
by allowing Paula to give both a Contest Accessory and Contest Fashion. Parfumier can save you
some money by letting you make Contest Fashion items on the spot. The other feats are more
Combat oriented and may be skipped but are still very useful.

Style Expert: Not only are these some of the best Contest classes in the game but they're also
all around excellent. While a full writeup on each would take a lot of space, Paula may just want
to take two of these classes to round out her build depending on what Contests she specializes
in which will really depend on the Pokemon she catches.

Beck Explanation and Advancement

All of Paula's Pokemon are primarily Contest Pokemon and secondary
battles. That makes the magic number for Beck's stats 10 as that is
the increment of Contest Stats die. In Beck's case, Speed and Special
Attack correlate with Cute and Beauty, stats that correlate with a
huge number of Status Moves and some of the more useful Electric
Attacks. They also are some of Beck's best offensive options although
switching Beck to Physical may be easier as Electric has a host of
Cool Moves. Static was chosen over Cute Charm because, frankly, it
is a better Ability with a trigger that is about twice as common.
Beck should try to focus on Cute Contests; he has two Moves with that Keyword and a very high
Cute stat between his Speed, Poffin, and Cute Accessory. In those contests simply alternating
between Charm and Tail Whip, while not a very aggressive strategy, can provide Beck with a
high amount of Voltage and act as consistent Appeal income. In combat, Beck should stay at
range and spam Thundershock, avoiding the battle if at all possible.
When it comes to Advancement, the first thing to consider is Poffins. Beck will need to focus
rather heavily on acquiring more Poffins. With Flexible Preparation it is a bit more, well, flexible
where Beck places these points but Cute or Beauty would likely be the best. When it comes to
Moves, Charge Beam and Electro Ball are both hugely useful Electric Attacks that are Beauty. If
you don't Evolve Beck until 18 (which I suggest) Nasty Plot is a Cute Move with some great
battle potential. When building Beck it's important to try to pick up useful Contest Moves while
still keeping combat potential. The standard Edges and Accuracy Training for Charge Beam is
likely the best setup. Finally, Cute Charm or Sprint are all great advancement choices when it
comes to Abilities.

Kate Explanation and Advancement

Much like Beck, Kate's stats are used to try to max out her Contest
potential. With a high enough Speed and Defense to make use of her
Moves of those Contest Types. Kate isn't the best of direct battlers due
to her focus on Contests and Contest stats but can provide a large
amount of support in a battle. Kate, between her extensive Movepool,
current Contest stats, and Cute Accessory is clearly best in a Cute
Contest as she has three separate Moves of that type. Cute Charm was
chosen as Normalize isn't that beneficial to this build.
In a Contest (which, again, preferably Cute), Kate wants to mostly alternate between Tail Whip
and Growl to rack up Appeal and Voltage. If Kate desperately needs Appeal and has the Voltage
to spare, Fake Out can provide a huge boost at the end of a Contest. The same can be said of
Foresight, with the +3d6 providing more than a balance to the loss of a Cute Move bonus. In a
battle, Kate will always want to use Fake Out to essentially acquire a free turn for her and her

team. Kate isn't particularly strong offensively but can deal some damage with Tackle although
her time may be better off using Growl and Tail Whip. As Kate advances she'll get some better
Status Moves in Attract and Sing, both of which are Cute Moves.
When Kate advances down the line she'll want to invest in more Poffins for whatever Contest
stat she finds the most useful. She'll primarily be a Physical Attacker but it may be better to
simply focus on Status Attacks such as Toxic and Swagger. Fake Out, however, should be kept;
it's basically free damage! When choosing TMs and Tutor Moves Kate should choose ones that
will advance her Contest stats which should be everything but Beauty. Return is a solid choice in
that regard. The standard Edges are of course the best while for Abilities all of Kate's Advanced
are amazing as is Conqueror.

Anne Explanation and Advancement

Finally we come to Anne who, yet again, is a primarily Cute Pokemon. With her
high Speed and extensive Movepool Anne not only is a powerful battler but also a
very potent Contest Pokemon. Her two Cute Moves are fairly high risk but her
Poffins and Accessory help to mitigate that risk. Anne's stats provide a large
range of Contest stats in Cool, Smart and Cute, all of which are useful due to her
Moves. This allows Anne at least some potential in all three Types although Cute
is still quite clearly her specialty. Cute Charm was chosen as the Ability as it
allows Anne to provide a little payback against enemies.
In a Contest Anne needs to be a bit strategic in her Move use. Splash can essentially be
spammed as Anne has no real way to get Voltage. Defense Curl is when Anne has to be a bit
tricky. When an opponent has a large amount of Appeal or is at Center Stage Anne can use
Defense Curl to ensure her opponents get punished by those extra dice. Foresight is a fairly
weak Move until Anne gets a way to earn Voltage. In combat, Anne will essentially just want to
spam STAB Pounds on her opponents.
When advancing Anne, again, Poffins are key. She does need some way to earn Voltage in
Contests which Attract provides very well in addition to being a useful Status Move. Anne will
also want to pick up an Attack or two in addition to Status Moves to help ensure full coverage
and more Combat potential. Don't ignore Anne's natural Movepool either; Jump Kick and other
such Moves are also very potent Contest and Battle Moves. The standard Edges are, yet again,
some of the best while Vigor is perhaps the best choice for an Advanced Ability.


Caleb "Cap" Turing The Pokeball King

Training Pokemon is all well and good but Cap knows where
the real skill is. Any idiot can find a Pokemon and teach them
to fight; that takes no skill at all! No, what takes real skill,
real finesse is to catch the damn things because if there's one
thing that Cap has learned throughout the years it's that
Pokemon don't like to be caught. That's why they fight, that's
why they run. And that's why Cap never lets them escape.
Cap is a little arrogant because of his supposed skill at
catching Pokemon. Well, a little would be an understatement.
He's very arrogant because of his supposed skill at catching
Pokemon. And, to be fair, he does have quite a bit of skill.
Just not quite as much as he'd have you believe.
His arrogance makes him a little hard to deal with. He'll argue
adamantly about something even if he is clearly wrong just to
make a point. He takes unnecessary risks and puts himself
and his team in danger simply to show off. He's nice enough if
you can put up with his fault but, to be frank, it takes a
special sort of person to do that. Fortunately, he is very
relaxed and tends to not stress over things too much so as
long as he doesn't open his mouth he's great to have around.

Art by mariot4747 at

Character Sheet Explanation

Attribute and Background Explanation
Caleb needs to be both smart and fit to take full advantage of his Capture Specialist role. His
background helps to establish his Skills to take Capture Specialist while his dedications fit his
character very well.

Edge Explanation and Useage

Basic Skills (Perception) gives Caleb a very useful Skill as well as allowing him to take Capture
Specialist. Basic Balls and Apricorn Balls both save Caleb a ton of money in the long run; in fact,
Caleb made all his initial Pokeballs with Basic Balls. Apricorn Balls may come later but is still very
useful when he has a chance to use it.

Feature Explanation and Useage

Capture Specialist is really the only option when a Trainer wants to be good at, well, capturing.
With the Capture Techniques from the initial Feature Caleb took Curve Ball and Tools of the
Trade. This makes it easier for him to hit with Pokeballs as well as letting him deal some
damage! The second set of Techniques Caleb took Devitalizing Throw to punish Pokemon that
break free and Capture Skills to boost up Athletics for some extra throwing distance. Poke Ball
Repair, while useful, is risky to use at the moment as Caleb will rarely make the required check.

You may want to keep your scraps until 15 is a bit more routine, also known as when Caleb hits
Adept Technology Education.

Item Explanation and Useage

Again, standard items to start. However, Caleb has also purchased a Poke Ball Toolbox for use
with Basic Balls, Apricorn Balls, and Poke Ball Repair. He even used it to build his own Pokeballs,
hence why they are so cheap. Finally, the Weighted Net provides Caleb an easy way to debilitate
a Pokemon and make them an easier capture.

Caleb will mostly be trying to capture Wild Pokemon in combat. In a regular battle he's nothing
special and neither are his Pokemon but against Wilds he's king. Caleb will, of course, need to
weaken his opponent first, usually with his Pokemon. Fortunately, Curve Ball provides some
wiggle room as he can throw down some damage with it to knock the Pokemon into the next HP
range. Devitalizing Throw makes it painful for Pokemon who escape your capture attempt while
simply throwing the net can provide a quick debuff.
With Caleb's Skills he works very well scouting ahead and looking for potential Pokemon to
capture. While he's nothing special in a regular Pokemon battle he is excellent at catching.
Also, when you release your Pokemon always use Curve Ball with it. It's just too good to pass

Caleb will likely want to rank up Athletics for its Throwing Range buff as well as Stealth,
Perception, Survival, and Technology Education to help with catching Pokemon.
Combat and Weapon of Choice: Curve Ball is a Struggle Attack. Combat helps Struggle Attacks
and Weapon of Choice (Pokeball) would make those stronger. Fairly obvious combo.
Green Thumb: If Caleb gets into using a large number of Apricorn Balls this Edge can let him cut
down on his overhead quite a bit.
Throwing Mastery: If you have a 100% dead level, take this. It's nice but generally not really
with the Feature.
Capture Specialist: This class is the single best thing for Caleb. Honestly, just max it out. Take
everything. Get False Swipe ASAP and just take all of this.
Jailbreaker: While this is from Do Porygon Dream of Mareep? this class is perfect for what Caleb
wants to do. The specialized Pokeballs can make capturing Pokemon much easier and the
various add-ons can help Caleb to contribute in a whole new way.
Juggler: Taking this class would require Quick Switch but that's hardly a tax. This class is
excellent for a Trainer hoping to maximize their ability to use their Pokemon quickly and in a
variety of ways. While it doesn't help Caleb to catch more Pokemon, Bounce Shot can be a great
trick to hit two opponents with Curve Ball while all the other feats contribute to a very fast,
active team.


Researcher: Researcher has more than a few tricks to provide Caleb, particularly through the
Gadgeteer and Botany trees. Both provide useful Status Moves, assuming you have the
Pokemon for it. Botany can also help you grow Berries which, if Caleb is growing his own
Apricorns can be very useful.

Nam Explanation and Strategy

Sandshrew is a fairly simple, uncomplicated Pokemon. It digs, it fights,
it takes hits. Nam is a tanky Pokemon with just enough Speed to
provide that crucial Speed Evasion. The rest goes into filling out that
tanky attacker niche. Nam's movepool, while nothing special is
extremely effective for this role and Capabilities help Nam to fight
smarter, not harder. As for Abilities, Pickup was chosen for its huge
potential early on in the game for acquiring otherwise expensive and
difficult to get gear. Choosing it early is the best way to maximize the
effectiveness of the Ability.
In combat, Nam is actually capable of kiting due to its Burrow. Few Pokemon will have the ability
to follow Nam underground, providing a mostly silent way to sneak up on a foe or a safe way to
cross a battlefield. While hardly an acceptable strategy in a fast fight, Nam can actually make
good use essentially popping in and out of the ground, using either Poison Sting to strike from
Range or Scratch for the extra power. Poison Sting is a great tool for Nam as it can help him to
stall opponents while making it easier for Cap to, well, catch them.
When advancing Nam take close note of the extensive natural Movepool. Rollout, Rapid Spin,
and Fury Cutter are all hugely useful Moves that can provide an edge in both coverage and
damage. It may be worth it to spend the TM on Dig for Nam simply to get him such a potent and
useful Move earlier. Almost any Physical TM is a good choice while Toxic can, again, provide a
useful stalling Moves. Advanced Mobility is great for both Burrow and Overland Seismometer can
make Nam a very effective scout. As for Abilities, Quick Curl and Dig Away give Nam two
essentially free Moves while also providing huge defensive potential.

Hoke Explanation and Advancement

Hoothoot is a bit of an odd duck early on. It has a higher Special Attack
but no real Moves to back it up. Because of this until it Evolves into
Noctowl it may be a good choice to invest a bit into Attack to try to give
Hoke an option. Upon evolution focus exclusively on Special Attack and
ignore Attack but, until then, compromises must be made. Nave was
chosen to allow Hoke to be a truly fast Pokemon while Keen Eye was
chosen due to being both an incredibly useful Ability and helping to
make sure that as few factors as possible decide if Hoke hits with
At this point in combat Hoke will be primarily dealing damage with STAB Tackle although that is
hardly his real role in combat. Hoke has Hypnosis which, in addition to having a painfully high
AC, can essentially remove a Pokemon from the battle for some time while making them easy
prey for Cap to do his thing. Once Hoke learns Peck it may become a better option than Tackle,
while once Hoke learns Uproar it should essentially take over although it must be used with care

or enemies will instantly wake up from Sleep. When Hoke learns truly Ranged Moves make sure
to make full use of his Sky Speed to avoid enemies on the ground.
While advancing Hoke some TMs must be purchased. While it learns some excellent Special
Moves they all come a bit later than would be prudent to use them. Psychic and Shadow Ball are
both great options while Dream Eater can be used in conjunction with Hypnosis for a devastating
Move combo. When choosing Edges Accuracy Training for Hypnosis is a must while the standard
Advanced Mobility and the like are great. Finally, take Tinted Lens no matter what while
Perception can prove to be a useful Ability.

Brook Explanation and Avancement

Finally we have Brook the Spinarak. Brook, like Cap's other
Pokemon, is fast and can hit hard enough in combat to make a
dent. Brook can provide Status Effects through his vast movepool.
Sadly, Brook has to wait for some time for his most deadly Status
Moves but still has quite a few options early on. Insomnia is the
only choice for an Ability early and while it is not the best choice it
will have to do in this situation.
Brook will primarily use the enhanced movement provided by Threaded to zip around the field,
using Poison Sting to harry opponents and hopefully Poison them. However, Scary Face and
String Shot can also be used to great effect over the course of multiple turns to slowly but surely
lower Pokemon to that magic -6 Combat Stages so they may be Stuck. Brook gains a strong
option in Constrict which, if Brook becomes a good Grappler, can allow for slow but steady kills.
Brook continues to gain useful Moves as he advances, almost all of which are Physical and allow
for a more deadly combatant.
Brook receives a huge host of useful Moves through Level-Up although it takes more than a bit
of time. Spider Web at 29 is one of his best Moves, allowing a Melee opponent to essentially be
removed from the battle while also making them far easier to capture. When looking at TMs,
most would just be temporary Moves until Brook learns a suitable replacement. For example, XScissor would likely be replaced by Pin Missile. Shadow Sneak and Sucker Punch should both
likely remain on Brook's Ability list due to the Priority and Interrupt Keywords. Brook can use the
Precise Threadings Edge to great effect and, if Cap goes Bug Ace, can create a dangerous
Ranged Grappling Move. The other typical Edges are still generally the best choice while boosting
Combat can make Brook a more effective Grappler. Finally, Brook should take either Sniper or
Silk Threads with a leaning towards Silk Threads to provide additional support in capturing
Pokemon and an extra Move.


Thea Doctran The Almost Nurse

At a glance, Thea had everything she needed to become a brilliant Nurse Joy. If
she died her hair a little it would be pink. She was slim and fit with an almost
identical figure to the recommended one. In addition, she had a brilliant medical
mind. She understood medicine better than anybody else in her young medical
class and could apply Potions as well as a real Nurse Joy.
Unfortunately, she had one shortcoming. Well, not as much a shortcoming as
simply something that the Pokemon Center Institute did not like to see. Thea
was very curious and experimented constantly with her equipment to make it
just a little bit better. It was nothing malicious but when she was caught trying
to modify the Center Healing Machine to accommodate X-Items she was kicked
out without a second thought.
Her dreams of becoming a Nurse Joy shattered, Thea began to wander from
town to town. She'd tag along with groups of Trainers and help keep their teams
healthy and strong as well as providing combat drugs to give their Pokemon a
little boost. She wasn't a Trainer herself but was still popular among these small
teams. After some time traveling Thea has finally gotten her own Pokemon from
a kind Pokemon Breeder she traveled with for some time. Now that she has her
own Pokemon she intends to begin her own Pokemon journey.
Art by zerudez at http://zerudez.deviantart.com/

Character Sheet Explanation

Attribute and Background Explanation
Thea is a smart Trainer and her main Skill, Medicine Education, runs off it. However, she's not
completely inept in a social setting and has a bit of personality so a point in Spirit helps to show
that. The only Skill she needs is Medicine Education, hence Just an Average Gal.

Edge Explanation and Useage

Thea makes use of all her Skills in different ways. Repel Crafter is both a prerequisite and a
method to help keep Pokemon from attacking her party. An ounce of prevention and all that.
Medic Training allows her to easily heal allies without the normal penalties and, finally her Skill
Stunt makes her much more effective at healing allies.

Feature Explanation and Useage

First Aid is our first feature and is basically a feat tax. Medic is superior in just about every way
and should generally be used over it in any situation whether it be fixing a Status Effect or
healing. Taking Scientist and Restorative Science allows Thea to make healing items on the
cheap for her own use or to give to her friends, allowing her more consistent healing.

Item Explanation and Useage

Thea has the standard items plus some. At least one Restorative Item for each Status (except
Freeze which rarely comes up) and a large quantity of Potions. Thea heals people and these

extra Items let her even when she's out of AP. The Chemistry and First Aid Kits are required for
crafting things and are basically an essential investment. Finally, the Repel can either be used to
avoid wilds or to force an enemy to waste an action.

Thea is the party medic and her role in a fight reflects that. She runs around patching up her
teammates while trying to avoid dying herself. Fortunately, she has HP and is fast so it's a fairly
easy role to fill. Thea will generally want to use Potions for a small heal while First Aid should be
reserved for healing a Status Effect or a large HP heal. It's a careful juggling act of AP and Thea
should generally only heal when it's a game changer due simply to Injuries and the like.
Thea can also provide some assistance with her Repels as it forces enemies to run away for a
turn, robbing them an action and likely making them move back if they hope to continue to
attack. Other than that her role is fairly standard. Unlike nearly every other Trainer in this book
Thea should not spend AP on adding to rolls as she will need all of it for Medic uses.

The only skill Thea needs to boost is Medicine Education although boosting Athletics and
Acrobatics can increase her Overland and help unlock some fun options.
Athletic Prowess: I know what you're thinking. Why would I want this on a Medic? Well, the first
turn of a fight Thea will rarely have to heal. By using Agility Thea can increase her Overland as
well as helping to push her up Initiative to be able to heal ASAP.
Medic: Thea is primarily a healer so Medic can be a great class to help emphasize that. Every
feat in this class is excellent and any Feature can be an excellent investment for the next level.
Healer's Touch fits the best with the rest of her build as Thea crafts items but all the Features
help greatly.
Scientist: As a Scientist Thea mostly crafts Restorative and X-Items. For her Research and
Development Ranks I suggest Chemical X, Medical Innovations, and Fusion Science in that
order. This will allow Thea to create potent Restorative Items that also grants Combat Stages.
Thea may wish to go through the class again to pick up some more Talents although those will
be up to you.
Medium: While it is a detour from Thea's current Skills, Medium would allow her to heal allies
with her Ability as well as learning powerful Moves that can keep her allies alive and kicking with
much more HP.


Kah Explanation and Advancement

Kah is an interesting Pokemon as it can go Physical or Special with equal
success or simply go Mixed. In this case I suggest going slightly Mixed
before choosing at Level 15 (evolution) or simply going Mixed. There are
arguments either way; Coil creates a powerful Physical Pokemon as do
Moves like Leaf Blade and Slam while Contrary and Leaf Storm is such a
simple and powerful combination of Moves. Kah, however, is a slightly
tankier Pokemon and his stats will reflect that. Instinct is the chosen
Ability as, especially early on, +2 Evasion can be a huge help in keeping
Kah from being hit.
In combat, Kah has a simple role at first; Tackle and Tackle and Tackle. Upon learning Vine Whip
Kah gains a great option in a Ranged Physical Move. Wrap at 10 makes Kah a potent Grappler
and can be used by either a Physical or a Special Set to almost perfectly equal effect. It isn't
until 16 that Kah actually gains potential as a Special Attacker but Leaf Tornado is a hugely
useful Move that, if used well, can essentially be a Friendly Move. Kah has a very diverse
Movepool as he Moves down the line that can allow him to become a slower, tankier Pokemon or
become a lighting bruiser.
As Kah advances the Move choices really depend on if he goes Special or Physical or Mixed. As
stated earlier, all have their own perks although I prefer Special due to the Leaf Storm Contrary
combination. Useful Moves to look at include Tutoring Bind for even greater Grapple potential
while Gastro Acid can remove a huge perk from an opponent with little work. When choosing
Edges boosting Combat is great for Grappling while the other standard Moves and Accuracy
Training will likely be needed. If you go Mixed, don't forget Mixed Sweeper! For Abilities, grab
Contrary and, unless you plan on Sun support, skip Chlorphyll and choose between Intimidate
and Courage.

Babu Explanation and Advancement

Babu is an extremely tanky, extrmely powerful Pokemon. People seem to
underestimate Tepig due to, well, looking ridiculous as it evolves further
down the line. What people don'tsee is how easy it is to create an
offensive tank especially with the excellent Moves and Abilities that Tepig
provides. With 54 HP and 15 Attack Babu can hit opponenets again and
again and again until they beat their enemies into the dirt. Gluttony was
chosen as Babu already Resists those two Types and the ability to eat a
Berry multiple times a battle is often underestimated and, with a Chef,
can create a potent healing or buffing capability. It also allows cheaper
out-of-combat healing through Food items.
Babu has no tricks, no crazy plans; he simply spams Tackle and Fire Struggle Attacks (whichever
is more effective) until his enemy is unconscious. As he advances he gains more powerful Moves
to help him remove enemies but Babu should always be in the middle of the battle throwing out
powerful Attacks and taking hits. His strategy may change slightly as he learns new Moves but
the basic principle will remain the same.


When advancing Babu it's important to get some coverage. While powerful Fire-Type Moves like
Arm Thrust and Heat Crash can help a great deal some additional coverage is huge. Moves like
Thunderpunch to help shore up some Weaknesses are absolutely necessary while Stone Edge
can provide a nice Recoil-free alternative to Head Smash. That, however, is not suggested as
Babu can gain Reckless, meaning that stacking on Take Down, Flare Blitz, Wild Charge, and
Head Smash can make him a very, very deadly opponent. Some of these are obviously TMs and,
coupled with Earthquake and Power Up Punch can make Babu a deadly opponent with large
amounts of coverage. When choosing Edges focus on Advanced Mobility and Accuracy Training
for the various high AC Moves. Basic Ranged Attacks is also a great investment to make it a bit
harder to completely shut down this wrecking ball. Finally, Bodyguard is an excellent Ability that
can allow Babu to keep his allies safe while Reckless can boost his damage through the roof.

Raksha Explanation and Advancement

The final Pokemon in this book, Raksha is very similar to Babu albeit she is a
bit faster and has a few different options. However, the two are still
essentially the same; both are high HP, high Attack bruisers that know how
to deal heavy damage. Raksha is a bit more limited than Babu simply
because she gains powerful Physical Moves later but that's what TMs are for!
Inner Focus was chosen both because Flinch is far more common in PTU than
the handhelds with many Features and Abilities granting a free Flinch but
also because it is the single most deadly Status Effect in my opinion for
changing the tide of a battle.
In combat, Raksha is very basic: Tackle and Water Struggle Attacks. It isn't until 13 that Raksha
really gains some other options with Focus Energy providing a quick buffing option to the
Oshawott. As Raksha advances she gains some great Moves like Fury Cutter, Revenge, and Aqua
Jet in the 20s but until then is slightly high and dry. Razor Shell at 17 is a hugely useful Move,
providing a DB 9 EoT Move that has a 50% chance of lowering Defense. Raksha will likely want
to stack up on Pass Moves to help get in and out of combat but will essentially have the role of a
somewhat-speedy tank.
When it comes to Moves, many good Level Up ones have already been touched upon. While
Oshawott has a wide range of options, Aerial Ace is one of my favorite suggestions for a Physical
Move not only for the Flying coverage but also because it never misses. Other Moves should be
used to fill holes in Raksha's Movelist and, as she evolves, the various Tail Moves can create
great options and coverage. As for Abilities, Parry is a must and is one of the strongest Abilities
present in the game. Then it's a toss-up between Shell Armor and Hyper Cutter with some
benefit going to Shell Armor simply because Critical Hits are the worst. The regular Edges and
Accuracy Training on Razor Shell apply.


Trainer Sheets
The following section contains (obviously) the Trainers in the book. They're all Level 1 and were
built with 5,000 in starting assets. Aside from Dominic they're all built only with the core
rulebook so they should all be completely legal! Dominic has a Class and an Edge from Game of
Throhs although it can easily be replaced with something else to allow him in games that ban
Game of Throhs. Also, Skill Edges aren't listed because if they were you'd run out of room in the
Edge box so damn quickly. They are, however, listed on the second page of the sheet.
Also, these Trainers are young simply because that's the Pokemon canon. Feel free to make
them older to fit your game!
Cole Battlem ......................................................................................................... 34
Alice "KARATE CHOP" Akame................................................................................... 36
Sir Dominic of Snarlmans........................................................................................ 38
Rita Meins ............................................................................................................. 40
Douglas Fir ........................................................................................................... 42
Paula Jean ............................................................................................................ 44
Caleb "Cap" Turing ................................................................................................. 46
Thea Doctran ........................................................................................................ 48

I've been unable to find the original artist. If you are the original artist let me know and I'll credit you!


Cole Battlem



Alice "KARATE CHOP" Akame



Sir Dominic of Snarlmans



Rita Meins



Douglas Fir



Paula Jean



Caleb "Cap" Turing



Thea Doctran



Pokemon Sheets
Below are all the Pokemon sheets. All of them have been built at Level 5 because this book is
made for use with the Pokemon Tabletop Community Adventure Book which just so happens to
start at 5. For a regular game I'd suggest bumping the level up to 10.
Spuds................................................................................................................... 51
Tiamat ................................................................................................................. 52
Leonardo .............................................................................................................. 53
Crane ................................................................................................................... 54
Rafiki ................................................................................................................... 55
Sarah ................................................................................................................... 56
Tyrell ................................................................................................................... 57
Arryn ................................................................................................................... 58
Tully .................................................................................................................... 59
Quacksalot ............................................................................................................ 60
Shira .................................................................................................................... 61
Haruka ................................................................................................................. 62
Number 152 .......................................................................................................... 63
Number 155 .......................................................................................................... 64
Number 158 .......................................................................................................... 65
Beck .................................................................................................................... 66
Kate ..................................................................................................................... 67
Anne .................................................................................................................... 68
Nam ..................................................................................................................... 69
Hoke .................................................................................................................... 70
Brook ................................................................................................................... 71
Kah ...................................................................................................................... 72
Babu .................................................................................................................... 73
Raksha ................................................................................................................. 74

Art by syunrii at http://syunrii.deviantart.com/


























Number 152


Number 155


Number 158




















Pokmon is a trademark of Nintendo and does not sponsor, authorize or endorse
Pokmon: Tabletop United. Pokmon: Tabletop United is a free use fan distribution by
fans, for fans of both tabletop RPG's and Pokmon.
A big thanks to the PTU Developer Team for creating this system and allowing us to do
so many things with it! Also a big thanks to The Black Glove for doing a wonderful job
with the Community Adventure Book!
Sources of Images:
- Thanks to Ceika of Giant in the Playground for my Charizard Avatar.
- All art was shamelessly stolen from the internet. If your art is present in Kanto and you would
like it removed, please contact Arcran at [email protected]. Everybody who's art is present
has received credit by their artwork.
Special Thanks to
KujiUn for suggesting that I put the Trainer and Pokemon sheets at the end!
Castfromhp for telling me that nobody wants to read 10 pages of stuff per Trainer!
And an extra special thanks to the Team Rocket crew of Espirit15, IrnBruAddict,
hustlertwo, MesiDoomstalker, Eshkigal, CosmicOccurence, and KujiUn for always
providing feedback, inspiration, help, and just generally putting up with me.
Original game Copyright () Nintendo. Copyright Nintendo/Game Freak, 1996-2012.


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