Assignment 1 Draft

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Assignment One

Observation One
Background Information: Pokmon Sapphire takes place on a fictional land called the Hoenn
region. The protagonist of this game can be either a boy or a girl, the player gets to decide. You
also get to name your player, but throughout the observation, I will refer to this character as May
(female) or you. For those who may not be familiar with the franchise, Pokmon are basically
creatures that populate a fictional world in which humans happen to live in as well. The actual
brand of Pokmon usually refers to the video games but there is also a poplar trading card game
and an anime. Pokmon can be trained and cared for. In this game, there are 135 new Pokmon
which adds to the 250 Pokmon of the previous generations. There are 17 different types of
Pokmon like fire, ice, electric, etc. Each type has its strengths and weaknesses.

Commented [DF1]: You don't have to provide those

terms for each observation individually. The huge amount of
info you provided seems working properly, at least in the
first few pages. You may need to consider truncate some of
the low importance terms you defined. (YS)

Figured World: a world (group, dimension, location, etc.) that depends on specific rules and
conventions for appropriate behavior. Example: a volleyball field

Commented [DF3]: You should space out your sections. It

would be easier to read. You already have the different
sections italicized or in bold . now you just have to space it
out so the readers eyes could just flow through the paper.

In this world, if you make eye contact with another Pokmon trainer, you two must engage in
battle. However, its more like if a trainer wants to battle and happens to see you, you have no
choice but to battle. After your first battle with a trainer, you can be the one who chooses to
battle them any time as long as they are up for it. You cant run away from trainer battles.
Whoever loses the Pokmon battle has to pay the winner. If you happen to lose, you are out of
Pokmon and will be transported to a Pokmon Center where you can heal your team. You can
be approached by wild Pokmon as well. You can flee from a wild Pokmon unless they have an
ability that prevents you from doing so. When in battle, you have to knock out the opposing
Pokmon. During battle, you are allowed to use items to aid your Pokmon such as berries,
heals, and potions. If you wish to catch a wild Pokmon, you need a poke ball. You can keep up
to six Pokmon with you at a time but you can put any extra Pokmon in a PC at the Pokmon
center. This is done automatically when your party is full. You can also switch up your party
with Pokmon in the PC. Pokmon can only know four moves at a time. You can choose what
moves to keep and what moves to forget. Certain Pokmon can learn certain moves, it usually
depends on their type and level. The highest level a Pokmon can reach is 100. On another note,
it is perfectly normal to walk into peoples homes and talk to them.
Actors: People or characters who play significant roles within a figured world. Example:
volleyball players
May/Brendan: This is the protagonist and your character within the game. Their goal is collect as
many Pokmon as possible, assemble a team of strong Pokmon, stop an earth-threatening
organization, and become a Pokmon champion.
Professor Birch: This is the Pokmon professor of the Hoenn region. He wishes to uncover the
many secrets of Pokmon in the world. He also wants your help as he asks you to collect as
many Pokmon as you can so that more information can be discovered.

Commented [DF2]: Great job on the background info. Its

extremely detailed and elaborate. Now the reader can get a
better understanding of what the idea(s) are.

Commented [DF4]: You should explain why you cannot

run from the trainers battles? What are the consequences?
What if the battle comes to a tie... then what?

Commented [DF5]: This Item, much like the Poke Center,

is a repetitive item. It would be smart to describe how
pokeballs work and the evolution of them. Try to describe
everything in more detail, the repetitive items or items of
importance. (BJ)

The Friend/Rival (May or Brendan, it will be opposite of your gender): The friend in this game is
after the same goal as you. But instead of being a rival, they encourage you on your journey. You
will occasionally have to fight them but it is only to prove how strong you have gotten.
Mom: Your mom is excited yet very sad that you will already be leaving her to pursue your
Pokmon journey. She stays at home and will heal your Pokmon if you come back and visit her,
but she will immediately encourage you to keep on moving.
Dad: Although not formally introduced yet, your dad is the gym leader of Petalburg City. It is
hinted that you will eventually face him.
Wally: Another friend/rival. He is quite frail and sickly but is still determined to venture in the
Pokmon world.
Artifacts: Physical items or feelings/emotions that are significant in some way to actors or
communities of practice. Example: a volleyball
Pokeballs: These items are what allow you to capture wild Pokmon. They hold Pokmon inside.
The care and curiosity towards Pokmon: A majority of characters will usually feel a positive
feeling towards Pokmon such as affection and love. But there is so much to be learned about
which creates curiosity.
Potions: These are used to heal a Pokmons health. There are different types of potions
(example: super and full restore) that heal a certain amount of health points.
PokeDex: This is a tool that will log data on Pokmon that you encounter and catch. Catching
Pokmon will add information to the PokeDex.
Running shoes: Enable the running function. Press B and hold while moving.
Berries: The fruit of the Pokmon world; every berry has a different effect on the Pokmon that
eats it. Some can heal health or even a status. You can plant berries in a dirt patch after you
picked the ones already there.
Badges: A token of reward and proof from defeating a gym leader. There are eight badges that
are each given by their corresponding gym leaders. Every gym badge even has certain effects
like allowing you to control Pokmon of certain levels and being able to use certain moves.
A trainers determination: Its as though every trainer wants to be the best there is. Every trainer
tries their hardest in battles against one another in order to prove their Pokmons and their own
Great Ball: A type of PokeBall that has a higher catch rate than a regular PokeBall.
TM: Technical Machine, or TM for short, is an item that will teach Pokmon a move. This is
handy because there may be a move that a Pokmon cant learn on its own. TMs in this game
can only be used once, so use it wisely!

Wailmer Pail: Shaped like the Pokmon, Wailmer, this pail is used to help your Berries grow
faster once youve planted them.
Literacy Practices: Forms of communication between communities of practices or outsiders. Can
be done in a variety of ways. Example: body language or eye contact.
Talking face-to-face: A majority of any communication this game will be done via talking to one
another in real life and time.
Eye Contact: Making eye contact with another trainer will mean that you two must battle. Its a
strange rule but it always comes in play when you first battle a trainer.
NPC advice: NPCs generally give advice, specifically in the beginning of the game.
Trainer Challenges: A trainer who challenges you to a battle will generally make themselves
sound like the bigger person and try to intimidate you.
Communities of Practice: a group of people who share the same interest and goal and learn
together to achieve that goal of their interest. Example: a team of girls who want to play
Family: Mom, Norman, & May. This small family builds on encouragement and belief in one
another. Your parents want you to explore the world of Pokmon but they want you to be safe as
well. They know that you will grow up and learn on your own.
Researchers: Birch, May, & Brendan. This trio is determined to study Pokmon and learn what
most have yet to know. With their Pokedex and their Pokmon teams, discovering the secrets of
Pokmon is a breeze.
Newbies: May, Brendan, & Wally. These three are new to the world of Pokmon and will
eventually become masters. They each embark on their own journey and challenge each other
along the way.
Gym Leaders: Norman and Roxanne have been revealed at this point, but there are six other
leaders. The gym leaders are the most skilled Pokmon trainers in their towns. They are highly
admired. These leaders determine your strength and defeating all eight will qualify you to
challenge the Pokmon League of the Elite Four.
Domain: the area of interest in which a community commits to. Example: being good at
volleyball or working as a team.
Pokmon: With Pokmon, every practice of every community is achievable. By collecting
Pokmon, more can be learned about the world. By training Pokmon, the possibility of being a
Pokmon master is greater than when you first began our journey. Through Pokmon, people
learn what you are capable of. Your Pokmon reflect your journey and knowledge. This is
because your Pokmon will become stronger as your progress in the game. You will also learn
about your Pokmon and use your knowledge to face those who oppose you.

Commented [DF6]: I believe you already said this in the

first observation. You may want to reorganized the way you
have this laid out. Have all of one section together and
another together.

Practices of the Communities: the actions of a community which gives this community experience
and knowledge of a domain of interest. Example: playing volleyball.
Catching Pokmon: In order to get information about Pokmon, you must capture Pokmon.
When a new Pokmon is caught, information on it will be added to your PokeDex. The more
Pokmon you catch, the more information you will have to share with Birch.
Training Pokmon: The only way to make progress is to train and level up your Pokmon. By
training and leveling up Pokmon, your team will be stronger and ready to fight stronger
opponents that were once impossible to face.
Exploring the world: Through exploring, you will not only find new areas, but new Pokmon. As
said before, more Pokmon means more secrets uncovered.
Collecting badges: Defeating gym leaders is important but whats really important is earning
their badges so that you can show your experience to other trainers and qualify to challenge the
Elite Four.
You are greeted by a friendly professor by the name of Birch. He tells you that you are in the
world of Pokmon which is filled with creatures called Pokmon. He tells you that Pokmon can
be seen as playmates, helpers, and even fighters against other Pokmon. Pokmon apparently
have countless secrets to them which is what Birch is trying to uncover as a professor. Birch then
asks for your gender and your name. Once you have chosen these, Birch will reveal that you will
be moving into Littleroot Town, where he happens to research Pokmon in his lab. Birch then
sends you out into the world of Pokmon and advises you to stop by his lab once youve settled
in at home.
You find yourself in the back of a moving truck. The truck will open and you will jump out just
in front of your new home. Your mother will come from the house and welcome you home.
Once inside your new home, you can see some Pokmon called Machokes helping you and your
mom move in. Your mother tells you that you have a room to yourself and that you should set up
the clock that your father bought for you. Setting up the clock is more important than you think
because certain Pokmon are available at certain times. Once in your room, you will find that it
is ready for you to live in. Youve got a bed, a TV, a PC, and the clock from your father is
hanging on the wall. After setting up the clock, your mother will come in and share that the
Machokes have finished unpacking. Once downstairs, your mother will be watching the TV and
invite you over because your father happens to be on.
Note: In this game, your father is a gym leader of the Petalburg gym, so you only get to see him
a few times and you even have to battle him eventually.
Once you reach the television, the news report on Petalburg City has already ended. While your
mom is upset, she shares that Professor Birch happens to live next door and that you should
introduce yourself to him. Once outside the house, you can see that Littleroot town consists of

Commented [DF7]: When introducing pokemon, as you

will do repeatedly. Describe each pokemon, like its
elements and types of attacks, it would help grab the
attention of your reader. (BJ)

Commented [DF8]: I do remember you have described

him previously in the actor section. It is good to remind the
reader with info in a long writing, but don't you think doing
this will make the writing even longer? Also I appreciate
your consistency on the detail throughout the whole
writing. (YS)

your home, Birchs lab and his home. If you go next door to Birchs, his wife will greet you and
share that she and Birch have a son (or daughter if your character is a boy) that is about your age.
The son, Brendan, happens to be upstairs and preparing for his own Pokmon journey. When you
greet Brendan, he tells you how he wishes to befriend all the Pokmon of the world. He also
hopes that you and he will be able to become friends. Apparently, Brendan is supposed to be
helping his father with research, so he heads out.
Once you leave Brendans house, you would have to go north where you will find a little boy in
blue. Once you try to pass him, hell tell you that he heard someone shouting for help.
Proceeding upwards, you will see Birch being chased by a Pokmon called Poochyena. He asks
that you defeat the Poochyena by using a Pokmon from a pokeball in his bag. There are three
pokeballs, each with a different Pokmon inside. The Pokmon are Treecko(Grass),
Torchic(Fire), and Mudkip(Water). Once you have picked a Pokmon, it will be used in your
battle against Poochyena. There are a few things to note in the battle screen.

You will see that your chosen Pokmon starts at level 5 (Lv: 5) while the wild Poochyena is only
level 2. Next to the name of each Pokmon is a gender symbol. Typically, your starter Pokmon
is most likely to be a boy. There are occasionally Pokmon who have no gender or can only be
one gender. Under the name of each Pokmon, there is a green bar. The green bar represents the
Pokmons health. Once the health goes down halfway, it will turn yellow. When health is
below 25%, it will turn red. Under your own Pokmons health bar there are a pair of numbers
(example: 19/19). Because the Pokmon is on your team, there is a number for you to keep track
of how much health your own Pokmon has. If your Pokmon takes damage, the left number will
go down (example: 10/19). There is a green dialogue box that will narrate the battle. To the right
of the box, is a white box with the actions Fight, Bag, Pokmon, and Run. Fight will
be chosen if you want to or need to fight against your opponent. Bag will be chosen if you
want to use an item from your bag, like a potion to heal your Pokmon in-battle. Pokmon will
be chosen if you want to switch the Pokmon that is currently out and in battle. Run will be

chosen if you want to run from the battle, but there are some situations when you cannot
(example, during a trainer battle).
The first battle of the game is a teaching method of the two types of moves: Special and
Physical. Physical attacks, like Pound or Scratch, will do damage to the opponents health bar.
Special attacks, like Growl or Leer, will do damage to the opponents stats like Defense and
After youve beaten the Poochyena, your starter Pokmon will gain experience points, this will
happen after every battle you win. The battle screen will change to the travel screen where Birch
will thank you for saving him. He takes you to his lab and comments on your battling skills by
comparing you to your father. He even gives you the Pokmon that you used against Poochyena
as a reward.
Note: After catching new Pokmon, you have the option to give it a nickname.
Birch advises you to meet up with Brendan on Route 103 so that he can teach you more about
being a Pokmon trainer. This is when you finally are able to explore outside of Littleroot.
Heading north, you will reach Route 101 and may run into someone who will tell you that
Pokmon can be found in tall grass.
Note: Tall grass is very distinct from regular ground you walk on. Tall grass will be darker and
look like bushes. It will also move while you walk through it.
There is also another boy who will tell you that you can heal your Pokmon at the Pokmon
Center. When walking through Route 101 to Route 103, you may run into Pokmon. However,
you wont be able to catch any until you get pokeballs.
Note: Every area around the world has different Pokmon. For example, through Route 101 to
Route 103, you will mostly run into Poochyena, Zigzagoon, and Wurmple.
Oldale town is just above Route 101. In every town, there are NPCs (non-playable character)
that will give you advice, make small talk, or even give you items. In this town, you learn
through NPCs that PokeMarts are where you can buy items like potions and pokeballs.

Commented [DF9]: I have seen a lot of "Note" so far and

they are quiet helpful in most cases. But in my opinion there
are too many of them. You can merge some of them into
the observation. You can try to think as someone who have
no knowledge on that game and give suggestion only when
they about to have a question. (YS)

Note: Pokmon Centers have a bright red roof and the initials P.C. on the side. PokeMarts have a
bright blue roof and MART on the side. There is one of each in every town.
Keep going north and you eventually run into Brendan who happens to be logging what
Pokmon can be found in Route 103. He challenges you to a Pokmon battle! When in battle
with Brendan, you will see that his Pokmon may be stronger than yours due to the type. The
Pokmon that you first choose in this game will determine what Brendan chooses. For example,
if you choose Torchic (fire), Brendan will choose Mudkip (water) because Water is strong
against Fire.
Note: Strength in Pokmon usually depends on both type and level. Example: A level 100 fire
Pokmon can easily defeat a level 3 water Pokmon.

Commented [DF10]: Once again, you should italicize

these sections. The way you have this assignment laid out is
kind of hard to follows. Have all related sections together,
perhaps this will help organize everything.

After defeating Brendan, he will have you follow him back to Birchs lab.
Once at Birchs, he gives you the PokeDex. Brendan also gives you a gift: five pokeballs. With
that, you are now able to embark on your Pokmon journey, but not before you say goodbye to
mom. Once you exit the lab and proceed north, your mom stops you and gives you a pair of
Running Shoes. She has a hard time with her farewells but tells you to visit any time.
You can now start your quest by travelling through Route 102 and into Petalburg City where you
will finally meet your dad. Route 102 is west from Oldale Town. In this Route, there will be wild
Pokmon and a handful of trainers ready to challenge you. You will also be able to pick your
first batch of Berries.

Commented [DF11]: Highlight the time jumps for your

observations. My eyes keep running into paragraph after
paragraph unaware of the time changes, it can be a little
confusing. (BJ)

Once youve reached Petalburg City, you will have to meet up with your dad, Norman, before
you can continue your journey. Norman is in the Petalburg Gym just up north. He notices your
Pokmon and realizes that youre on your way to be a Pokmon trainer. Suddenly, a boy comes
in and interrupts. His name is Wally, he will be living in Verdanturf Town with his relatives and
he wants to catch a Pokmon to keep him company. But, like yourself, Wally is new to the world
of Pokmon and isnt sure how to catch one of his own. So, Norman suggests that you side with
Wally to help him catch his first Pokmon. Wally will take you to Route 102 where he will
encounter a Ralts. Through this, the game will teach you how Pokmon capturing is done.
Basically, it is best to weaken the wild Pokmon until their health bar has turn yellow or even
red. After youve weakened the wild Pokmon enough, you can try throwing a pokeball from
your bag to catch it. Wally manages to capture the Ralts and you are both brought back to the
Petalburg Gym to report to Norman. Wally is grateful for your help and returns to his mother,
leaving you with your father. Norman advises you to Rustboro City to face gym leader Roxanne.
He also tells you that you must face other gym leaders and collect their badges. Norman is too
strong to face right now, plus he is the fifth gym leader, so you wont be able to challenge him so
Note: there is a specific order that you will need to face the gym leaders. This will be obvious
through their levels and locations. NPCs will usually hint on who will be next to challenge.
Once this talk with your father is over, you can now continue your journey by travelling west
from Petalburg.
You will eventually end up in Route 104 where you may be challenged by trainers and wild
Pokmon. You will need to go north and into Petalburg Woods. The Petalburg Woods entrance
will be seen as a clearing from countless pine trees. Going through the woods will eventually
bring you to Rustboro City where you can challenge the first gym leader, Roxanne.
The Petalburg Woods will give you a sense of suspense as it is darker than most areas and has an
ominous tone of music. This is most likely because Bug-type Pokmon can be found here.

Commented [DF12]: Seems like this note is a good case

which you can merge it to the end of previous observation
directly. I guess if you think it is important, you may bold it,
italicize it or underline it. (YS)

Proceeding through the woods, you will eventually come across a man who is looking for a
Pokmon named Shroomish. The conversation is cut short when a man in a blue bandana appears
from north. Apparently the man looking for a Shroomish is a Devon researcher who is in
possession of important documents. The Devon researcher asks for you to protect him from the
strange man. This second stranger is a member of Team Aqua and you will have to beat him in a
Pokmon match.
After defeating the Team Aqua Grunt, the Devon researcher rewards you a Great ball.
Apparently the Team Aqua Grunt is headed towards Rustboro as you are. The Devon researcher
quickly heads up there as a crisis is afoot. Keep roaming through the woods and you will end up
on the north part of Route 104.
If you speak to the NPC to left of the exit of Petalburg Woods, he will give you a TM for the
move Bullet Seed. If you keep left and enter the flower shop upwards, you can learn more about
Berries and get the Wailmer Pail from a nice lady. Keep right and youll find a bridge, along
with some Pokmon trainers, that will bring you to Rustboro City.

Observation Two
Background Information: At this point of the observation, our protagonist will already have
beaten seven out of the eight gym leaders. But we cannot forget one of the most important parts
of Pokmon Sapphire Version. In this game, the antagonist group, Team Aqua, is trying to
capture the legendary Pokmon, Kyogre, in order to achieve their goal of flooding the world with
water. In order to stop this from happening, May will have to take on the heads of Team Aqua
and capture Kyogre.

May/Brendan: This is the protagonist and your character within the game. Their goal is to collect
as many Pokmon as possible, assemble a team of strong Pokmon, stop an earth-threatening
organization, and become a Pokmon champion.
Shelly: She is one of the admins of Team Aqua. She wants the seas to expand just as much as the
Archie: The head of Team Aqua. He has somehow convinced this group that the world must be
covered in water in order for Water Pokmon to live happily alongside humans.
Maxie: The head of Team Magma. Leads his group to work against Team Aqua and avoid a
massive flood storm.

Steven Stone: Son of the president of Devon Corporation. He collects rare stones and uses Steeltype Pokmon in battle. He serves as a supporter on your journey as you get involved in a great
commotion that determines the fate of the world.
HMs: Hidden Machines or HMs are moves that can be taught to Pokmon. HMs differ from
TMs because HMs are unlimited and can be used outside of battle. HMs will also require a
certain gym badge to be obtained in order to be used. Example: In order to use the HM move
Dive, you need to beat the seventh gym leaders Tate and Liza. Dive would be able to be used to
dive into the ocean depths.
Red Orb: The ancient item used to summon the legendary Pokmon, Groudon. However, Team
Aqua mistook this orb to be the one to summon Kyogre.
Blue Orb: The ancient item used to summon the legendary Pokmon, Kyogre. It is given to the
player by an old woman on Mt. Pyre after Archie steals the Red Orb.
Literacy Practices:
Cellphones: Used between members of Team Aqua to keep in touch and give updates of the
Communities of Practice:
Team Aqua: Grunts, Shelly, Archie. They seek to cover the world in water for the good of
Pokmon and humans.
Team Magma: Grunts, Maxie, etc. The rival group of Team Aqua, they are working to prevent
Team Aquas plan from being enacted. Their true goal is unknown in this game.
Pokmon: With Pokmon, every practice of every community is achievable. By collecting
Pokmon, more can be learned about the world. By training Pokmon, the possibility of being a
Pokmon master is greater than when you first began our journey. Through Pokmon, people
learn what you are capable of. Your Pokmon reflect your journey and knowledge. This is
because your Pokmon will become stronger as your progress in the game. You will also learn
about your Pokmon and use your knowledge to face those who oppose you.
Legendary Pokmon: By manipulating the power of legendary Pokmon, such as Kyogre, people
can easily get what they want. However, this can quickly backfire to cause more trouble than
Practices of the Communities:
Disruption: Team Aqua has a twisted goal of capturing Kyogre, the legendary sea Pokmon, in
order to flood the earth with water. Its their belief that is it the only hope for a true bond
between Pokmon and humans. They do this through a series of illegal acts such as theft.

Commented [DF13]: I suggest you can merge HM with

TM, Red Orb with Blue Orb. Since they are closely related,
merging them may help reader have better understanding
on both while reduce the overall length of this writing. This
may applied to other definition previous or after this case.

Pokmon Battles: Through Pokmon battles, these actors not only prove their strength but work
to get what they want.
Travel: The player travels through caves and seas. Not only does the player, but Team Aqua does
well in order to complete their task of awakening Kyogre.

After defeating the seventh gym leaders, Liza and Tate, your next destination will be to Team
Aquas hideout. Their hideout is somewhere below the sea so you will need a Pokmon that
knows the moves Surf and Dive. You will also need a Pokmon that knows Rock Smash and
Strength in order to progress in the hideout. Once youve got this Pokmon, head into the ocean
and south to Route 127. You will want to use Dive once you end up in a large mass of darkened
water. You will now be underwater and you can follow along a path southwards which will
eventually lead you to an underwater cave. Head inside and you will see a submarine that was
stolen by Team Aqua. This marks the entrance to the Seafloor Cavern which is above water so
youll need to dive up. If you head north, you will quickly see another cave entrance which
youll need to go through.
Going right then up, you will see two different types of rocks: one that looks cracked and one
that looks like a sphere. The cracked rocks will need to be smashed by Rock Smash. The sphere
ones will need to be pushed with Strength. Once these rocks are out of your way, head to the
stairs up north and then head south to see an opening. You will most likely have to battle the two
grunts before proceeding this far.
In this next room, stay to your right, get the rocks out of your way, and proceed into the next
opening. You need to hop of the ledge and another that will bring you to the east. You can face
the Aqua Grunt if he catches you sneaking by.
The next room has a bit of a puzzle to solve. Its like a maze and paths will be blocked in most
areas. There will be two entries up north. You have to figure out how to move the rocks in order
to get into one of those entries. The one on the left is the right way to go. However, in order to
reach it, you will have to solve the puzzle as if you are headed for the right room.

Once youve entered the left room, you will find a body of water. There are strong currents in the
water which will push May in the directions they flow.
The way to go is to take the current to the right. Take another right which will bring you up to a
clear spot. You will need to go on the right current which eventually takes you to the other side
of the room. You will end up in another clearing with three different directions to take. Taking
the one to the left takes you where you need to be in order to progress. Head north, take land, and
enter the next entry.
You will find yet another puzzle of boulders to push. It will seem like you need to take the entry
on the right, but you will actually have to maneuver the boulders to head north where an Aqua
Grunt is waiting.

This grunt is no ordinary member of Team Aqua, she is Shelly who is one of the admins. Shelly
will be surprised that you made it this far and will challenge you to a Pokmon battle.
Once Shelly is defeated, May heads north to the next room. Awaiting is yet another puzzle of
Once youve moved the boulders, you can proceed to the next room north.
This next area will be very foggy. Follow the path and you will end up in the abode of the
legendary Pokmon, Kyogre.
Approaching Kyogre will cause Team Aquas leader, Archie to interrupt the scene. In order for
him to achieve his goal, he knows he must defeat you first. You will then be in battle with
Even after defeating Archie, he is still determined to make Kyogre obey his command. Archie
takes out the Red Orb and uses it on Kyogre.

But something unexpected happens. Using the Red Orb caused Kyogre to leave the cavern.
Archie gets a call and is told that it is raining violently outside. At first this excites Archie as he
wanted this, but it is much worse than predicted.
The scene is cut short yet again when Team Magma suddenly appears. Maxie, the leader of
Team Magma, is furious at Archie for causing an endless rainstorm on Earth. Eventually the
world will drown under Kyogres wrath. Archie is still confused but Team Magma take the two
of you outside to talk more.
Once outside the cavern, you see how badly its raining. Theres a thunderstorm and the rain falls
fast. Now Archie sees his mistake. Maxie tells you how Team Magma was trying to prevent
Team Aquas plans come into play and he advises that since you are only a child, you should
stay out of the way. The two men then leave.
However, you are immediately accompanied by Steven as he flies down from his Pokmon. As
Steven takes in the disaster at hand, he notices that the rain is caused by a huge rain cloud that is
spreading from above Sootopolis City. He flies over to figure out what is happening. This is the
players hint to follow after Steven.
Once in Sootopolis City, you can see that all the buildings are locked shut as people are indoors
to be safe from this rainstorm. You will need to head up north to meet up with Steven and
Wallace. After introducing himself, Wallace reveals that he is the protector of the Cave of
Origin. The rainfall is coming from a strange power inside this cave. Wallace will also notice the
Blue Orb in your possession. He will guide you to the Cave of Origin which is just south from
your current spot. Wallace tells you that you must take the Blue Orb with you inside the cave to
stop this rainfall.
Inside the cave will be dark which will require you to use Flash. It is possible to traverse this
cave without Flash, but it will be much difficult. The first dark room requires that you move
north and take the ladder to go below. The next room will take you south then to the left to
another ladder. Every now and then, there is a rumbling which creates suspense. In the next
room, you will need to stick to the right and the path should take you south then west to another
ladder. Once in the next room, you will need to be sure to pick up the item which will be the
Waterfall HM. Sticking to the left will take you north and right to another ladder.
You will now be at the source of this chaos. Kyogre will be seen in a pool of water in the center
of this next room. Its very quiet and foggy. Approaching Kyogre will cause the Blue Orb in
your possession to glow. Once its blue glow has spread across the room, Kyogre swims towards
you and engages in battle.
Note: You can take a chance to capture Kyogre. But this is the only chance the player has.
Once Kyogre is defeated (or captured), you can exit the Seafloor Cavern and see that the storm
has stopped and all is well. Your next destination is to the Sootopolis gym to take on the eight

gym leader, Wallace. His gym is at the very center of the city and surrounded by water, so you
have to use Surf to get there.

Observation Three
Background Information: At this point of the game, the player would have beaten all eight gym
leaders and can now take on the Elite Four to become the Hoenn regions Pokmon champion.
By completing this task, the player essentially beats the game. However, there may be leftover
tasks that have yet to be completed such as collecting the remaining legendary Pokmon or
collecting all Pokmon of Hoenn. This observation takes place once the player has reached Ever
Grande City and must go through Victory Road in order to face the Elite Four.
May/Brendan: This is the protagonist and your character within the game. Their goal is collect as
many Pokmon as possible, assemble a team of strong Pokmon, stop an earth-threatening
organization, and become a Pokmon champion.
Wally: Another friend/rival. He is quite frail and sickly but is still determined to venture in the
Pokmon world. At this point, Wally and his team have become stronger.
Sydney: The first Elite to fight.
Phoebe: The second Elite to fight.
Glacia: The third Elite to fight
Drake: The fourth Elite to fight.
Steven Stone: The Pokmon champion of Hoenn and the son of the president of Devon
Corporation. He collects rare stones and uses Steel-type Pokmon in battle. He serves as a
supporter on your journey as you get involved in a great commotion that determines the fate of
the world. As champion, he tests your strength and skill in Pokmon battling.
Professor Birch: This is the Pokmon professor of the Hoenn region. He wishes to uncover the
many secrets of Pokmon in the world. He also wants your help as he asks you to collect as
many Pokmon as you can so that more information can be discovered.
The Friend/Rival (May or Brendan, it will be opposite of your gender): The friend in this game is
after the same goal as you. But instead of being a rival, they encourage you on your journey. You
will occasionally have to fight them but it is only to prove how strong you have gotten.
HMs: Hidden Machines or HMs are moves that can be taught to Pokmon. HMs differ from
TMs because HMs are unlimited and can be used outside of battle. HMs will also require a
certain gym badge to be obtained in order to be used.

PokeDex: This is a tool that will log data on Pokmon that you encounter and catch. Catching
Pokmon will add information to the PokeDex.
Literacy Practices:
Challenges: Pokmon trainers and the Elite Four will always challenge you verbally. This is
meant to intimidate and motivate the player. Both the opponent and the player want to show ow
strong they are, it is never about the money earned afterwards.
Communities of Practice:
Elite Four: Sydney, Phoebe, Glacia, Drake, Steven. These five powerful trainers will put your
skills to the ultimate test. Defeating the Elite Four will crown you champion. It also gives a great
sense of accomplishment.
Friends: Brendan, Birch, Steven, Wally, Etc. While there to battle you for the most part, these
people are to encourage the player that they are capable of their goals. They appear multiple
times during your journey and are always encouraging you to do your best.
Pokmon: With Pokmon, every practice of every community is achievable. By collecting
Pokmon, more can be learned about the world. By training Pokmon, the possibility of being a
Pokmon master is greater than when you first began our journey. Through Pokmon, people
learn what you are capable of. Your Pokmon reflect your journey and knowledge. This is
because your Pokmon will become stronger as your progress in the game. You will also learn
about your Pokmon and use your knowledge to face those who oppose you.
Practices of the Communities:
Pokmon Battles: Through Pokmon battles, these actors are able show the strength of their
Pokmon team and their own willpower. Battling at this point of the game is meant to show your
growth. But of course it will determine whether you are worthy of being a Pokmon champion or
Victory Road requires the HMs Strength, Surf, and Rock Smash. Flash and Waterfall HMs are
optional but not necessary, however they may make the journey easier. Victory Road is full of
strong trainers and wild Pokmon.
Once in Victory Road, the player is to follow the path which takes them to the right side of the
area. They will eventually run into an elevated part on the southern area. May takes the stairs up
this elevation and crosses the bridge. Once on the other side, another elevation will be up north
which May will have to head towards. Again, there is a bridge to cross. On the other side of this
bridge and up north will be a latter to take down.
The next room is dark so Flash can be used to make it bright. May has to go south and move a
couple boulders out of the way with Strength. The path ahead will take her to a pair of boulders

and rocks move and smash respectively. Once these rocks are out of the way, the path continues
and brings May to yet another elevation and a bridge to cross. On the other side there is a ladder
to climb upwards which is optional as there are a couple items you can grab. Otherwise, May has
to hop of the ledge to the left of the ladder and keep left until she reaches the ladder to go down.
Once in the next room, May has to go north and surf across the body of water that appears. On
the other side are stairs to go up. Following the path and staying down will bring you to a bridge
to cross to the left side. The path will take you north and to a body of water to surf. May has to
go down the waterfall and head right to reach a ladder.
The next room takes you south and to the right to reach another pair of rocks and boulders. Once
they are taken care of, pass through and take the ladder north. The next room brings May to a
bridge. Once the bridge has been crossed, May needs to head north which will finally bring her
to the exit.
However, before May reaches the exit, she is stopped by her old friend, Wally. Wally may have
lost to you before, but now he is determined to show that he has grown since that day, so he
challenges you to a battle.
Once you have defeated Wally, your travel through Victory Road has ended and you can finally
make your way to the Elite Four on the other side of Ever Grande City. You can take an easy trip
all the way to the Pokmon League by following the red brick road.
Inside will be a Pokmon Center and a PokeMart. In between these two areas, two boys will be
blocking an entrance. In order to continue on to the Elite Four, you must have collected the eight
gym badges, so the two boys will check to be sure that you have them all. Once you have been
qualified, you can go through the entrance.
Trainer! Believe in yourself and your Pokmon, and go Forth!
Note: Once you enter, there is no turning back.
Through the entrance will be some blue stairs that take you to the first Elite, Sydney. Sydney is
known for his Dark-type Pokmon and his arena is a bright red.
After Sydney is defeated, the doors behind him open which brings you to the stairs that lead to
the next Elite, Phoebe.
Phoebe has a party of Ghost-type Pokmon. Her arena is purple and has what looks like
demolished structures.
After Phoebe is defeated, the doors behind her open which will eventually take you to the next
Elite, Glacia.

Glacia has a team of Ice-type Pokmon, Her arena matches her Pokmon-type as it has ice
blocks and is a light blue color.
Once you have defeated Glalie, the doors behind her open and you can proceed to take on the
last Elite, Drake.
Drake has a team of Dragon-type Pokmon. His arena is very intimidating in its strong red tone
and spiked decorations,
After Drake is defeated, all that is left is to take on the Pokmon champion, Steven Stone. The
doors behind Drake will take you to a long set of stairs that build up the intimidation of the next
Stevens arena is in an octagonal shape and is purple-toned. Your character will automatically be
brought to him once the doors behind you shut. Steven wants you to take him on with everything
youve learned through your journey.
After defeating Steven, he congratulates you proudly. He recognizes your true power that you
share with your Pokmon. Just as he is about to announce you champion, your friend, Brendan
will appear. Hes just about to give you advice on beating Steven when he realizes that the job
has already been done. Suddenly, Professor Birch appears as well to congratulate you and take a
look at your PokeDex. Theres one more room to enter in this building which Steven guides you
This last room is where the records are taken from the Elite Four battles and champions are
honored. Your name, along with your Pokemons, are about to be recorded as champions.
This is when the game lets you see your winning team and be congratulated. Your Pokmon are
now part of the Hall of Fame. Thus, the credits roll.
The credits consist of your character riding on their bicycle through the hours of the day. The
landscapes and the colors of sky behind you will change as the hours go by. Every now and then
will be a slight slideshow of the Pokmon you have encountered and/or caught. At about a
minute and half within the credits, your rival will show up on their bike and pass by. Your
character stares and speeds up their peddling. Soon, your character has caught up with your rival
and is now in the lead. The last Pokmon on the slideshow will always be your starter Pokmon
in their first evolution. It is now nighttime and your character and rival bike off-screen. The
End is in white against a black background. A very light tone of music plays.
Elisa, 23

Tell me what stands out to you about Pokmon Sapphire from the previous Pokmon video
Well, the first detail that comes to my mind are probably the secret bases. I loved decorating
them with dolls and posters however I pleased. Then there are the Pokmon from that generation.
A lot of my favorites, such as Absol, Gardevoir or Tropius are from that one. Next would be the
weather system, I think. Who wouldn't want to walk around in puddles in the rain all day?
Describe what makes the Pokmon franchise so successful?
Probably the pet-aspect. Since it's pretty much a feeling of 'raising your own family' and going
on adventures with your friends. Other than that, probably the competitive scene. People like
being the best. For me it was always the collecting-aspect. I like having one of each and being
able to breed for people.
But if we go to the economic side, it was probably the anime produced to promote the games that
actually brought it to the masses.
Describe what challenged you in Pokmon Sapphire?
Getting around the many, many Tentacools, would be my first thought. Or actually finding the
Pokmon I want and catching them. Getting a Ralts early game or an Absol later that had that
specific gender you want for that one nickname was just tedious.
Give an example of how Pokmon impacted your life
Well, it was probably the first thing in a long line that I 'obsessed' about. I found that usually I
'cling' to one thing in particular, then get bored of it and move on. But Pokmon has been
sticking around for, well, most of my life, really.
[Pokmon] Helped me make friends (and hopefully will do so again with Pokmon Go), gave me
something to do when I was at home and done with school work, since my parents weren't very
interested in spending time with me. It helped me to slightly get along with my older brother,
too. It was really one of the few things I could always go back and rely on, really.
Nowadays Im thinking about starting a livestream channel on, focused on randomized
Pokmon games.
Tell me what you like about playing Pokmon Sapphire
Well, I know it very well, so I like, well, randomizing it and seeing what I'm going to get. I'm not
very fond of some of the Pokmon in gen 4 and 5 (I skipped over b/w because of that), so the
Pokmon available in-game are my favorite selection, minus gen 6 Pokmon, which Ive grown
to like a lot. But I can't exactly get those in Sapphire
It was also the first Pokmon game I was actually old enough to really 'enjoy'. I played Red and
Gold, sure, but I don't remember it much. Sapphire sticks out to me more.
Tell me what concerns you about the Pokmon franchise in the future, do you think they will
eventually run out of ideas? Or have they already have?

Alright. The biggest problem from my point of view is probably that they just keep creating new
Pokmon out of bad ideas, instead of stopping at a good number. If they run out of ideas, they'll
either not create any more or throw in every stupid idea they can think of, which would
drastically lower the quality of the games. So the missing realization of 'okay, enough is enough'
would be problematic in that regard.
If we look at the close future, Pokmon Go is a very neat idea, but it also throws up a lot of
problems. Mostly the fact that there will be people who will use it for other things that their
intended purposes. If children playing it aren't properly supervised, they could very easily be
stolen away, the 'wild Pokmon' spots could be easily used to find easy victims.
And let's be honest, Nintendo is only just dipping a toe into the pond of mobile games. They've
done micro transactions well so far, in my opinion, but that could easily change with this one.
Accidentally save your payment-details in the google store and give your phone to your kid and
you could be in a lot of trouble.
Also, Nintendos current copyright-actions worry me. If they eventually take down anything
related to their franchises, it could very well stamp the popularity of Pokmon into the ground.
Especially with those Yokai games coming out, they could very easily overtake them. I think
some of the earlier Yokai games have already overtaken some Pokmon games in japan. So
Pokmon will maybe someday end up as 'the old thing' while that Yokai series becomes the new
'Pokmon' thing.
I like the idea that they recently used in the anime, where Ash's Greninja started looking like its
trainer. That could offer up a new branch of customization in Pokmon, so they wouldn't need to
bring out new Pokmon from bad ideas. I'd like to be able to customize something else than
Pikachu all the time.
Tell me what stands out to you about Pokmon from any other video game?
Well-executed turn-based rpg combat, for starters. With even Final Fantasy abandoning that
classic format, Pokmon really becomes one of the better alternatives.
Next up, variety. With over 700 Pokmon, and a lot of games, there's something in it for
It's also easily accessible, legal or not, since it's very easy to get an emulator and the games or a
romhack from somewhere. Those things can even emulate the games on phones, so you can take
it with you, too!
You can also play it for a very long time if you're into shiny hunting or competitive, while some
mmo's can very easily run out of content. As long as the story isn't the end, it is very difficult to
'finish' a Pokmon game, as long as you have personal goals. Sure, Monster Hunter does that,
too, but that game series is a bit more difficult.
The Pokmon community is also one of the more creative ones out there. If you're looking for a
particular fan art or game, you're probably going to find it somewhere.

Seth Boyer, 19
Tell me what stands out to you about Pokmon Sapphire from the previous Pokmon video
Well, they started doing dual typing a lot more in this game as well as double battles! The only
bad thing about it is that they added another water HM, haha. There are way too many water
Describe what makes the Pokmon franchise so successful?
Its a long game, there are tons of ways to go about it. Its an adventure entirely free to you. They
keep core elements and carefully implement new intimidating ones that have always impressed
Describe what challenged you in Pokmon Sapphire?
Pokmon Sapphire had a lot more adventuring than any other Pokmon game. Even the new
ones. Giving the Dive option made finding legendaries so much more difficult than before.
Give an example of how Pokmon impacted your life
Pokmon has helped me so much! It all started at my cousins house when he was playing
Pokmon Crystal. He gave me a copy of Gold and Blue, and I was hooked. It stirred my
imagination like no other game could and I went to the show from there. Pokmon is beautiful
game series and it will always be a part of my life. It has been an amazing coping mechanism
and great imagination fuel for me.
Tell me what you like about playing Pokmon Sapphire
Generation three has some of my favorite Pokmon! And it has so many fun cute things like the
secret base to stash all your goodies!
Tell me what concerns you about the Pokmon franchise in the future, do you think they will
eventually run out of ideas? Or have they already have?
I feel like theyre already starting to. I could rant about this for hours but heres all I need to say.
A garbage Pokmon. What a phenomenal idea.
Im not sure they will run out of ideas for other things besides Pokmon designs, however.
Nintendo has been good about taking full advantage of their technology and constantly with each
new generation game giving us more surprises while keeping us happy with remakes in between.
Thats genius.
Tell me what stands out to you about Pokmon from any other video game?
Probably the turn-based strategy mixed with the fact that you can choose your little warrior
friends and customize them down to the smallest detail. The fact that theyre made with many
goals to accomplish. I have 400+ hours and I still never did everything I wanted in Black.

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