United States v. Texas - Motion For Extension of Time To File BIO

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(s12) 936-1700


[email protected]


Novembe 23,2015
Scott Harris, Clerk
Supreme Court of the United States
One First Street, N.E.
Washington, D.C. 20543
Re: No. 15-674, Unted States et al. u. State of Texas et al.

Dear Mr. Harris:

On behalf of the State respondents,


30-day extension, to
January 20, 2016, of the time to file a brief in opposition to the above-cited petition
for a writ of certiora. See Sup. Ct. R. 30.4. There is good cause for this extension in
Iight of pressing deadlines in other cases handled by counsel for the State
respondents. Petitioners oppose this request.
Counsel of record for the State respondents has numerous pressing deadlines
in other cases that were pending in this Court before the above-cited petition for a
writ of certiorari was filed:

Oral argument for appellees in Euenwel et al.


Abbott et al., No. 14-940,

on December 8, 2016;

Response to the petition for a writ of certiorari n Apple, Inc. u. United

States and State of Texas et al., No. 15-565, due January 4, 2016 (after
counsel obtained a 30-day extension);

Response to the petition for a writ of certiorari in Frew et al. u. Traylor et

1., No. 15-483, due January 4, 2016 (after counsel obtained a 30-day

Reply brief supporting the petition for a writ of certiorar n State of Texas
u. Daus et al., No. 15-522, which is expected to be due January 6, 2016

(after certain respondents obtained

30-day extension

to file



writ of certiora in luy et al. u. Wlliams,

No. 15-486, currently due December 9, 2}I1-although counsel has
Response to the petition for a

requested a 30-day extension to January 8,2016;

Posr oFFrcE Box 12s48' AusrrN


Letter to Scott Harris, Clerk

Supreme Court of the United States
Page 2

Amicus brief supporting the petition for a writ of certiorari in Sissel u.

Department of Health & Human Seruices et al., No. 15-543, due November
27,20I; and
Amicus brief supporting petitioners in ZubiL et al. u. Burwell et al., No
74-I4I8, due January II,2016.

Additionally, other counsel for the State respondents have multiple upcoming
oral arguments, which rere set before the filing of the petition for a writ of
certiorari here:

Oral argument in Hartfeld u. Osborne, 5th Cir. No. 16-20215,


December I,2015;

OraI argument in Nazari et al. u. State of Texas, Tex. App. No. 03-1500262-CV, on December 16, 2015; and

OraI argument in Frew et al. u. Traylor et al., 5th Cir. No. 15-40229, on
January 6,2OL6.

Although petitioners have expressed opposition to the requested extension,

the request rests on good cause arising from the deadlines recited above. If
petitioners' opposition stems from concern about short-term consequences of the
district court's preliminary injunction, petitioners could have sought a stay pending
appeal. But after the district court and court of appeals months ago denied
petitioners' motions to stay the preliminary injunction pending appeal, petitioners
declined to seek a stay from this Court. And as the State respondents noted in
opposing those stay motions, the preliminary injunction does not require the
Executive to remove any alien, and it does not impair the Executive's ability to set
priorities for determining which unauthorized aliens to remove.
Thank you for your consideration.


br 6

Scott A. Keller
Solicitor General of Texas
Counsel of Record for State Respondents

Donald B. Verrilli, Jr
Nina Perales

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