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Mesh Rashi in Various Bhavas

Bhava-2 * Values, Graha in Bhava-2 expression prize * price * appreciation * preciousness or changes to the appreciativeness
Gatherings, of the family (2) toward the native. The type of appreciation is determined by the character of the graha.
Collections, History,
Hoard * Mesha- Verbally forthright, ranging from proactive to aggressive, depending on the condition of Mangala. They
Arya * Aries value quick, decisive action, and favor a sporting lifestyle, for its moral and aesthetic benefits.

Kuja -Mars rules a Family

swabhava of Zukra *
pleasure-seeker  Family members share the sporting values (unless Mars is troubled).
 Family tends, as a group, to be decisive (or impatient) folk, reflecting the qualities of Kuja in the

Surya in bhava-2 , speaks as a virtuous warrior on behalf of the underclass. A fallen family lineage.

For Meena Lagna, presuming that Mangala is fairly well disposed, periods ofdhanapati-2+Dharmesha-9
Mangala generate considerable wealth via family-of-origin hoarded assets and knowledge-values, as well
as via the higher philosophical education and world travel.

Surya in bhava-2 * the family is charismatic, political, and theatrical with characteristically bright faces.
Their their style of showing appreciation to the nativedepends upon the treasury that one brings into the
family coffers.

The father is a self-identified pioneer and champion. He primarily concerned with maintaining the financial
well being of the lineage. Father may be involved in banking, storage, collections, conservation, value,
traditional knowledge, genetic breeding, historical records. Patriarchal figures are prone toward self-
righteousness and usually the noble father is the solar center of this lineage.
Surya occupies Mesha * uttama * ruler of 12 resides in 2

Chandra in bhava-2 * the family is sensitive and routinized in their style of showing appreciation to the
native. Mother may be primarily concerned with maintaining the financial well being of the lineage. She
can be involved with banking, storage, collections, conservation, value, genetic breeding, lineage
knowledge, historical records. Mother is often the center of this lineage which features pale, gently
radiant moonglow faces.

The family lineage is deeply identified with the Old Ways (Soma) but feels a need to bargain and negotiate
the values of the traditional folkways.

Chandra-Meza * comforted by rhythmic forward pursuit * ruler of 5 resides in 2

Mangala in bhava-2 * the family is competitive and outspoken in their style of showing appreciation to
the native. Brothers are dominating and vigorous. Often an athletic or warrior lineage. The native and the
brothers are concerned with financial well-being, which is typically present at birth and energetically
pursued by the native.

The family may be dynamically successful in their pursuit of material treasures, particularly conserving
wealth derived from Mangala acts such as military invasion, forceful explorations, weaponry, engineering,
surgical tools, driving, diving, drilling, plumbing, plowing, hunting, excavating, explosives.

Mangala-Meza * moolatrikona 0-18 * ruler of 2-9 resides in 2 * substantial dhanayoga

 POTUS-35 Profiles in Courage 1917-1963 John F Kennedy + Budha

Budha in bhava-2 * the family is communicative and gesturing in their style of showing appreciation to
the native. Younger siblings of either gender may be managers of the financial well being of the lineage.
Siblings and cohort-members can be involved with banking, storage, collections, conservation, value,
genetic breeding, lineage knowledge, historical records. Siblings are often active in the center of the family

Lineage expression tends to be commercially oriented, athletic, competitive, and innovative.

Budha-Meza * ruler of 4-7 resides in 2

Guru in bhava-2 * the family is expansive and inclusive in their style of showing appreciation to the
native. In the nativity of a wife, her husband, represented by dhava-karaka Guru, is a curator of the
marriage finances. In the nativity of a husband, one's financial holdings are influenced by the paradigm of

One's own knowledge of values and history is expanded by the presence of teacher-preachers in the
family lineage. Sacred doctrine may play a central role in the family tradition.

Guru-Meza * ruler of 1-10 resides in 2

Zukra in bhava-2 * generally, the family = balanced, aesthetic, and aligned to financial well-being in
their style of showing appreciation to the native. For a husbandly nativity, Zukra indicates the wife. For
either husband or wife, Zukra indicates sister, sisters-in-law, aunts, and female associates are lovers of
luxury and beautiful in a mysterious way. The native often has a charismatically attractive voice. The
sisterly-ones are concerned with financial well-being, which is typically present at birth and improved by
the contractual, agreement-making abilities of the women and the native.
In the nativity of a husband, if a second marriage is indicated, may be an actively challenging wife.

Zukra-Meza * ruler of 3-8 resides in 2

Shani in bhava-2

* the family is delayed or stalled in their style of showing appreciation to the native, but in time the
necessary innovations will arrive. Nichha Shani is heavily compromised in Mesha, indicating a family that
suffers scarcity and infighting. Shanicarya casts drishti into 4-8-11 straitening conditions in the childhood
home, imposing strictures in the foundational education, limiting the inheritance, and slowing the pace of
economic gains.

Material treasuries are slowly obtained however due to the auspice of ruler-of-11 residing in 2.

The family carries a weight of perceptual limitation due to materialism and bloodline handicap, preventing
it from appreciating its own lineage. Agents of the government, officers of the social order, the elderly,
hierarchs, and other Shani-figures may limit and restrain the family's acquisitions. Shani produces heavy
restraint and social obligations upon the lineage, constraining but not denying wealth acquired via physical
imposition. Family is often involved in the social governance traditions.

Shani in bhava-2 * slow, time-structured values-fulfillment * restriction of precious resources * must

preserve historic traditions * must collect * must catalog * must tell tales * must remember * obligation to
speak-and-sing * cautiously constrained banking * tense eyes * punitive rules restrict permissible speech
* speakers' fatigue * chronic financial depression * undernourished eye-teeth * heavy legacy pressure
against speaking truth * insufficient hoard * desiccated preserved food * limited sight * ossified family
lineage * resistance to language innovation * appreciates ignorance * support for treasuries of realistic,
proven knowledge * elders preserve know-nothing rules

Shani-Meza * nichha * ruler of 11-12 resides in 2

Rahu in bhava-2 * The family is ambitious and seeking social mobility. Often the lineage is irregular in
some fashion; most typically an imposter from another line is claiming legitimacy in the family line
(usually a case of disguised parentage. risk-rewarding Rahu's angle from Chandra will reveal this
impostor.). Rahu-2 indicates a craving to expediently obtain the privileges accorded to the class of bankers,
hoarders, treasurers, and preservers.

May be an obsessive collector of innovative things, and use this collection as a platform for social
ascendance. Mesha favors direct action; the family's response to the native is often deceptively direct. If the
family finds it expedient to promote and appreciate the native, this may occur. Yet if the family finds it
expedient to disgrace the native, this may also occur. Find Rahu's ruler Mangala, and evaluate other graha
in 2, to determine which path is most instrumental for shape-shifting Rahu.

Lineage features individual or family over-reaching (Rahu) via aristocratic claims of first-arrivers,
pioneering, invention, engineering, exploration, or invasion.


 Standard Oil 1874-1960 philanthropy John D. Rockefeller

Ketu in bhava-2 * the family is dispersed and disregarding in their style of showing appreciation to the
native. The family's lineage wealth may dissipate over the period of one's lifetime. Second marriage is rare
with Ketu-2, and if it occurs (due to Ketu conjoined with another bhava-2 graha) then the spouse is
eccentrically detached from oneself. Find Ketu's ruler Mangala, and evaluate other graha in bhava-2, to
determine which outcomes are likeliest.

Sahaja Bhava Kuja governs a swabhava * swabhava of Budha Mental health is volatile with warrior Mars at the
3 * Mesha-Arya * helm. Innovation, ingenuity, and impatience. Kumbha natives endure a prolonged adolescence, reaching
Aries well into adulthood. Mangala keeps the native scheming about new ideas and new plans for their worldly

When favorably placed+ bhratrupathi-3 Mars gives success in new ideas business such as sales, marketing,
Mental Process, product development, advertising etc. When Mars is not dignified, a million new ideas burst into flame and
narrative, die because Kumbha lagna lacks the ego-membrane drive to push concepts to completion. Thinking
communications, process is positive but impatient for results.
writing, publications,
business Works best in a team that can assume detailed follow-through after Kumbhadhara has birthed the cosmic
administration, concept. Likes to talk, but may not be able to explain where their ideas come from. Extremely independent-
commerce, siblings, minded.
conversational Likes to socialize around the theme of physical prowess, such as body-shaping exercise, athletic dance,
interaction hairstyling and beauty culture, individual sports that focus on personal speed or musculature. Self-
made treasuries (when available) via making development plans for individuals to change their minds
and/or bodies, or to achieve more independent lifestyles.
Bhava 4 -= 4th navamsha = 4th Bandhu Bhava-4 = Mesha-Arya = Movement
from Makara Chandra
 Whether male or female, this native takes a competitive and dominating role at home.
 Home, schooling,  Very active, perhaps aggressive, behavior in the childhood home environment.
parents, social-material  If Mangala is strong, success as a school athlete
security, licensing,
vehicles Character of Kuja in the radix will determine the activity levels. Verbal and physical conflict, if the
teachings of Professor Kuja are subject to prolonged and repeating lessons (which are in reality
multiple opportunities for accepting of gifts of understanding) usually via constrictive drishti in
 Warrior of security
 needs an innovative Home is associated with metals, engines, heat production, combustion, weaponry, hunting,
home property competitive sport, military force, explosive adolescent male energy.
 home favors dark-red and
black colors, Tendency for the home interior to acquire tones of black and red, and for an unusual amount of
 may be decorated with metal in the Bhava decoration, contents or construction.
Tendency to take"short-cuts” in formal education. Small family unless Kuja + Guru.
 Surya-Mesha * uttama
 Chandra -Mesha  Dislikes public transport, requires own (fast) vehicle.
 Mangala-Mesha  May keeps guns or other metal weapons in the Bhava
 Budha-Mesha
 Guru-Meza Unless Kuja is highly dignified, there is a natural tendency toward adversarial relationship or even
 Zukra-Meza overt conflict between the parents in the childhood home. Kuja in 4 or drishti to 4 = assuredly so.
 Shani-Mesha * nichha
 Rahu-Mesha
 Ketu-Mesha
Sample placements:

 Surya or Mangala (fortunate) Ever-ready to take up politically motivated defense of the

home and homeland. An inspiring comrade-in-arms.
 Shani (unfortunate) = ethnic hatred and blaming. Parents suffer ignorance and anger.
Childhood impacted by war or threats of war. Deeply insecure and emotionally reactive.

Bhava 5 * Mesha-Arya = Aries Dynamic self-expression through competition. Depending entirely on the condition of Mars, the
Self may express in an adolescent way (Mesha rules adolescence). The native likes kids and
Kuja rules swabhava offriend action; is a wonderful, natural sports coach, and expresses him/herself with vibrant, immediate,
Surya. warrior-like enthusiasm. These folks like almost kind of sport, and can be successful sports
gamblers if Mars is dignified and they trust their body instincts.

 Some aggressive behavior from children, especially in adolescence - but this is well
Romance, Creativity, Children, understood as natural development phase by the Dhanuzya native.
Performance Art, Authorship,  Dhanuzya intelligently channels adolescent instability into sports/military competition
Genius with excellent results.

Dhanuzya lagna make great school teachers, especially in the high schools and especially when
sports coaching is part of their duty, but really at any educational level where achieving short-
 Theatre term goals with high energy is the pattern for success. They imbue confidence in children
of competition And through competitive individual achievement.
heroic conquest
 performance art of
athletic success, physical
domination, blood,
race, birth
Bhava 6 * 6th Mangala's governance is greatly impeded in the swabhava of enemy Budha.
from Vrizchika nav
amsha * 6th from Health can be compromised by over-working, under-sleeping, and burning the midnight oil in search of the
Vrizchika Chandra competitive mental edge. Verbal aggression. Too much competitive thrust exacerbates conflict, and tends to
wear down Kaurpi's health. Predicts that health issues will manifest Mars qualities such as fevers from
infection, blood disease, blood pressure, shellshock, battle exhaustion, torn muscles, cuts, bruises, and
pelvic/abdominal ailments.
Mesha-Arya * Aries
Depending on condition of Kuja , will tend to have some serious enemies. May be unpopular, or perceived as
Kuja governs a ruthlessly competitive. Esp. during Mars periods, profound animosity with roots in past-life aggression will
bhava of flare up into the current life with no warning. Sometimes the body creates an illness to burn off the karma. But
enemy Budha - very more often there is a fight, accusations, and scramble for perceived scarce resources.
and splitting

polarizing catalysis These are workplace warriors who want everything done right - so of course they need to do it themselves.
Their competence, drive, and intolerance for error make enemies amongst coworkers, particularly the poorly
The maha- qualified. Scorpions natives put their whole personality into their work (Mars rules both lagna and Ripu bhava
dusthamsha -"ripu" = enemy).
*"double trouble"
for Vrizchika lagna Only Vrishabha rising, where Zukra rules 1 and 6, invest the same amount of Self into workplace problem-
solving. Unfortunately, being self-identified problem-fixers, Scorpions nativity takes their work much too
seriously and others associate them with the problems they talk about - all the time.

Vrizchika folk may get into trouble during periods of the 6th lord, mainly due to their military-style inability to
lighten up.

Usually it’s a case of 'don't fire me, I quit'. After quitting (and good riddance) they often get that phone call for
help, by the desperate person currently trying to do their job half as well as they did... But by then, the bridge
is burnt.

The work-energized Vrizchika native must certainly work for a living. If their paid work ceases to become
urgent due to unemployment or retirement they will feel unbearably restless until a charitable or voluntary
work commitment occurs.

If Surya in 6 If Surya in 6: at the entrance to Mesha rashi = Mesha Samkramati (sankranti) = warrior's ego-membrane in 6 =
conflicts, illness. Ravi is poised at the entrance to the competitive battleground.

Surya-Azwini shows the ambivalence toward consequences (a good trait in a warrior) = generally strong
performance in male-dominated environments.

Naturally father is harmed with Surya - 6;

If Shani in 6 for "Saturn leads to the agitation of an intense karma which almost annihilates your personal life.
Vrizchika lagna:
 Saturn can make you indigent, under which condition you incur heavy debt, humiliation, and keep bad
Das/Behari: nichha- company.
Shani-6:  Your lascivious nature is so much excited that you may incur venereal disease or become a social

With such bitter experiences concerning life, you may become so disenchanted with human relationships that
a desire for renunciation dawns.”
Bhava 7 * Mesha Mesha governs the character of shared-equity alliances + one's capacity to keep promises and maintain trust.

= 7th from Thula lagna  Kuja = lord of 2nd-from-lagna and 7th-from-lagna,

= 7th from
Thula Chandra
Mating Behaviors
= 7th from Thula-
Vanika navamsha Characteristics of bhava-7 define the spousal behaviors, which behaviors are the result of Thula-1's own
subconscious expectations.
Kuja 's governance is
not impeded in the Generally Thula-1 expects (whether consciously or not) to mate with a person (male or female) of hot, vital,
swabhava irascible, innovative, sporting,"alpha", and muscularly active personality.
of neutral Zukra.
The partner requires vigorous movement and has primitive, aggressive, animal tendencies which can
aid success in competitive business but also harm the prospects for long-term harmony in relationships.

A conundrum for Thula marriage =

 Self-propelled, crusading Mangala goes out to Act, Move, Challenge and Conquer.
 At times of Mangala-driven peak energetic movement,
 Fundamentally, Thula's Martian partners may be constitutionally unable to consider anyone else's
concerns, as Kuja's focus is entirely contained within the individual birth-body
 A fact of working marriage practice for Thula is that Thula's own stake-holder equity interest in the
partnership is relatively less important to Thula's partners than it is to Thula.
 Luckily, Thula is possessed of Zukra-based negotiating and re-adjustment skills that can - depending
on the strength of Zukra - accommodate the primitive selfishness of the partner and maintain the
public alliance

Mangala is impatient therefore longer term marriages for Thula may require considerable accommodation of
the restless, impulsive, and sometimes angry expressions of the more simplistic nature of the spouse.

Thula-1 has a more complex and balanced character in contrast to the spouses that the Thula expects to
acquire who are in comparison more simple and direct. Thula-1 applies their harmonious, willing-to-
negotiate, and balanced perspective to matters of marriage.

Yet if Mangala is ill-disposed no matter the intent of Thula's diplomacy, the primitive animal urgency of
Mangala may force the spouse to seek outlets for the sexual, muscular, impulsive life-force energies of the

Such a mate generally behaves in a competitive and dominating style toward members of their own gender
whilst they focus a sexually ambitious and conquesting energy upon members of the gender with whom they
prefer to partner.

Thula natives have an ambitious and competitive approach to matters of partnership and wealth-storage.
One requires forward movement in relationships, and is always bent on acquiring more knowledge, food,
or cintamani * mani * money.

Marriage relations can be predominantly physical, with early attraction inspired by competitive
success. Depends as always on the condition of Kuja.

Contracts, agreements, legal discussions, all types of advising are actively pursued and negotiated. Due to
Shani's strength in Thula nativities, divorce is less common, but marital unhappiness may increase with
time. Despite a tolerance or even enjoyment of protracted negotiations in small-group and public settings,
Thula-1 may need to feel a quick 'win' in intimate relationships. Combative, aggressive streak in marriage is

Career-wise, this argumentative or actively negotiating character can be beneficial in law, politics, and
higher levels corporate management.

Spouse is generally athletic or professionally competitive. If Shani is benevolent, the spouse's career is
complementary to Thula-1 . If Kuja is benevolent, the spouse is vital and embraces challenge. If Kuja is less
benevolent, marriage is conflicted and the career will not develop to full potential, so important is yuvati
bhava to the total career success.

~~ Bhrigu Sutram Ch. "If Aries, Scorpionis be descending, or Mars' Navamsha be descending,
2 4 Shloka 11
the woman will get a husband, angry but devoted to her."

~~ BPHS Ch. "If at woman's birth, the 7th bhava or the setting Navamsha be that of Mars,
80, shloka 22-25
the husband will be fond of other women and will be of an irascible temper."

Das / Behari comment  " relationships you are an explorer, aggressive, and unafraid.
on Mesha = bhava-7  This sign will increase the sex drive, not decrease it.
 You may see marriage more as a release than as a duty,
 But on the other hand, you may be very competitive with the spouse as well."
Bhava 8 = Mesha * Kuja rules a Bhava of Kuja. Hidden pursuits in marriage. If divorce is otherwise indicated, Kuja becomes
Aries the divorce lord. Surgeries, trauma, and transformative psychological healing.

See also the revolutionary, emotionally turbulent, perpetually transformative, trauma-inducing 8th-from-
sudden, forced
changes; secrets and
hidden knowledge;
confidential matters; bhratrupathi-3 + randhresha-8 Kuja = a significant papagraha for Kanya lagna.
tantra, emergencies,
and the cycle of birth Joint assets of marriage are favorable if Kuja is in good condition. If Kuja occupies a dusthamsha sudden
and death and shocking changes in the marital assets, or sudden news of hidden relationships, may occur.

It is not unusual for spouses to maintain separate financial accounts, from which each contributes toward
joint projects.

Spouse contributes according to one's personal desires, less guided by what is good for the partnership and
more guided by their individual instincts. However, if Kuja is healthy the prosperity may be strong indeed.

Normally Kanya is too restlessly active to access transformative, identity-changing deep healing modalities
such as psychotherapy, therapeutic massage, and other regenerative therapies.

 Like field warriors, they carry a defensive shield which prevents outsiders from penetrating into
their private space.
Kuja being a natural maraka, periods of Kuja may indicate the death of first spouse.

If Kuja is less benevolent, Kuja periods can indicate divorce, but this is less likely if Guru is well-disposed
due yuvatipathi-7 Guru bringing generous, inclusive compassion into the first marriage.

Mesha = Aries = Bhava 9 Kuja's governance is not impeded in the swabhava of friend Guru.

Should Kuja be strong, the interest in religion is lifelong and passionate. Yet according
to the overall theme of Simha lagna, religious fellowship and priestly practices must
Principles of Philosophical understanding; serve one's individual Soul interests.

the High Temple; University; Highly independent and athletic approach to philosophy and higher knowledge.

High-Priesthood; pontiff, proselyte,

Depending as always on the disposition of Kuja, relationship with Father and Guru is
Guru; Professor; strained by the warrior nature of this Simha child.

Sacred Wisdom If Kuja is super-strong, the father's ego-membrane may be too volatile to sustain his
parenting role. The spiritual guru too must accommodate the powerful individuality of
Father-figure; Pitri, patrons, patronage; this native.

doctrinal instruction and paradigm of belief

human perception of Divine Law Surya, Guru, and Kuja control the fortune houses 1-5-9. These hot, energized, forward-
moving graha when well coordinated can bring great fortune into the Simha lagna birth.
 Temples of Sacred wisdom,
 preachers, pontiffs, and professors,
 father-figures, dogma and doctrine,
 children and grandchildren
 mountaintop celebration of Divine

Kuja * Mars: Kinetic, dynamic,

innovative, competitive, pursuing,
championship Energy

Bhava With Kuja as the 10th lord, Karkata-1 natives have plenty of energy to invest in career development. Not only is the
10 * Mesha- ego-membrane (dhanapati-2 Surya) generally wanting to exemplify their family's values in society, but also their
Arya = Aries deep need to provide for their families, compensate for a lesser-earning spouse, and be a credit to the mother who
raised them are all factors that support high levels of career development for Karkata-1.

Depending on Kuraja's strength , Karkata-1 native generally has access to hearty reserves of physical energy
Kuja rules necessary to build a professional reputation. Long hours, vigorous public activities, ability to get along on less sleep,
a swabhava of competitive ambition, and a warrior's stamina in battle all facilitate a strong leadership position.

Bhava 11* Labha bhava 11 * Mesha * competitive marketplace action

 11th from Mithunaya- Mesha-11: befriends the bold and innovative; the vital and the body-based; those less
Dvamdva navamsha concerned with established wealth and beauty; those involved with birth and uniqueness;
 11th from Mithuna Chandra the assertive and masculine; the conquistadores; the hot-blooded and athletic; the
masculine, the competitive; independent winners

Kuja -Mars governance is not impeded

in swabhava of neutral Shani. Kuja rules 11 * gains, goals, and mutually profitable marketplace associations. Friends and
associates are generally chosen on the basis of their competitive abilities, because this
 who arrives First native likes to socialize with winners.
 birth, blood,
 fleshly appearance, Mesha needs movement. For Mithuna to be happy in friendly company, Voluntary
 competition, the hunt, hero, associations in the social network (11) do not have to be combative, but they should be
 athlete, noble pursued in active outdoor sporting life or in some vigorously social style within the
 innovation, competitive professional marketplace of goods and ideas .
 internal combustion engines, fire,
 the hot and the new

Presuming that Kuja is in good condition , Mithuna lagna will earn fairly well due to
Kuja's wellspring of physical energy directed toward obtainment of social-material goals.

Kuja also rules bhava-6 * debt * 9th-from-10th. Kuja periods can bring servitude as well as
success. Often the best combination is professional public service which brings benefit of
higher marketplace earnings in exchange for labor but does not reduce the need for
constant labor in the workplace (6).

The work-energized Mithuna native must certainly work for a living. If their paid work
ceases to become urgent due to unemployment or retirement they will feel unbearably
restless until a charitable or voluntary work commitment occurs.

Naturally, these general effects of an active, moving, muscular Kuja-ruled labha bhava can
be significantly improved when pro-luxury or pro-gain graha occupy 11 - e.g., if dhanapati-
2 Chandra is in 11, a dhana yoga is found even with Mesha-11
Mesha Surya in bhava-11 for Vikramapathi-3 in bhava-11 = Surya uttama (uchcha * uttamsha) = superb placement for economic
Mithunaya lagna nativity and social gains from practice of communications professions such as writing, publishing, sales,
marketing, advertising, public relations, media production, writing, conferences, travel itinerary,
 Turtle Island 1930- poet Gary planning, scheduling, meetings, teamwork, and every form of administrative business
Snyder * Surya-yuti-Rahu * management
distinguished ecologist and prize-
winning litterateur
Typically a highly capable businessperson who enjoys traveling and exudes self-confidence
in community settings. May be a distinguished ecologist or economist or systems czar (11).

Surya occupies 9th from swakshetra

splendidly gainful placement for any sort of administrative or publishing profession,

ranging from advertising and sales to highest level corporate management. You are very
efficient and can manage a tremendous amount of detail while still courageously decisive.

General Effect on Friendship Networks Mithunaya lagna tends to develop competitive relationships with both friends (Kuja *
vriddhipati-11 ) and enemies alike (Kuja * rogesha-6 ).

There are generally few or no lifelong friends, due to the eventuality of the native initiating
arguments within the network of association. Even the sibling relationships become
problematic eventually.

However, the native may enjoy instrumental goal-achieving friendships with those who
assist one's marketplace gainfulness and help one to achieve one's competitive target (11).
One prefers to be friends with the 'winners', in whatever fashion that 'winning' may be
defined by the position of Mangala in the nativity.

if rogesha-6 in 11:
Presence of rogesha-6 Mangala in 11 can indicate one who becomes seriously annoyed
by the peccadillos of friends.

Das/Behari comments on the conflict " you have a hard time earning money.
present for Mithuna * Mangala-
movement Mesha * Shani's static,  You have to struggle, exert yourself and serve as an employee
regulatory bhava-11  in order to procure wealth and income.

Generally, you may take employment with the government or some other very routine job.

 In so doing, however, you are very unhappy.

Unless you can play an active role in your career, psychological problems arise in your

You are primarily interested in social life, sensual pleasures, and displaying your
personality and charm.

 Unless these cravings are satisfied, you will feel as if you have reached a dead-end
in life."

Das/Behari comments on "With the Moon in this sign, you become very wealthy;

 "Aries is in 11, and Moon is in  your income, however, tends to fluctuate.

11."  Your status increases after marriage.
 You possess "many ornaments "
[BPL notes: dhana-pati dhanapati-2
Chandra in goal-oriented, lawfully and have a special opportunity to earn money through mining operations."
gainful bhava-11 * a major dhana yoga.
the native will have good wealth
although, as Das mentions, anything
regulated by Chandra will fluctuate.
Mining * Mangala]

Das/Behari comments on "Ketu makes you honorable, absorbed in your philosophical thoughts, contemplating a new
way of life and social order.
 "Aries is in 11, and Ketu is in
11."  Immensely practical in your sense of logic
 but extremely impractical in your profession, you are a kind of saint,
[BPL notes: realization of the saintly  leading a beautiful but impoverished life."
qualities depends upon the character of
Ketu's Professor Mangala , AND any
other co-occupants of the labhastana.]

Bhava- 12 * Mesha = yuvatipathi-7 +ruler-of-12 Kuja

The meditation and inner sanctuary Bhava- is disrupted by Kuja's vigorous physical energy.
Kuja governs swabhava of
friendly Guru. Unless Kuja is dignified, performance of sitting meditation in this athletically active rashi may be out of
the question. Energized discussions on cosmic matters and many forms of hunting, including hunting of
spirits and insights, are favored under Vrishabha lagna.

 who arrives First Enemies of the marriage, always indicated by the ruler-of-12 and graha within vyaya bhava, tend to be
 birth, blood, masculine or competitive, sporting personalities with a strong entitlement toward sexual pursuit.
 fleshly appearance,
 competition, the Beneficial for active work in sanctuary spaces such as think-tanks, hospitals, ashrams, private elite
hunt, hero, conferences, other activities shrouded from public view.
 athlete, noble
 innovation, Propensity toward extramarital engagement, but as always this depends on Kuja's role and any graha
 internal combustion inhabiting or sending drishti to Bhava--12, as well as Kuja's disposition in D-9.
engines, fire,
 the hot and the new

Surya-Mesha occupies 12 for Bandhesha-4 in 12 = Surya in exaltation = a radiant placement for all dealings with invisible, cloistered, enclosed,
Vrishabha lagna or isolated environments such as monasteries, dormitories, hotels, artist's creative studio, private rooms, and all
types of imaginative, Other Worldly place.

Surya-Mesha-12 adds a political, dramatic dimension to the 12th-bhava rhythms. As the natural center of
attention, one radiates the bright light of charismatic intelligence within the enclosed realms.

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