SEC VIII D1 B PT UF - Part UF Requirements For Pressure Vessels Fabricated by Forging

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(d) For vessels constructed of SA-372 Grade J, Class
110 or Grade L material, transverse impact tests shall be
made at the minimum allowable temperature in accordance with Part UHT of this Division, except in no case
shall the test temperature be higher than 20F (29C).
Certification is required. An ultrasonic examination shall
be made in accordance with UF-55.



The rules in Part UF are applicable to forged pressure

vessels without longitudinal joints, including their component parts that are fabricated of carbon and low alloy
steels or of high alloy steels within the limitations of Part
UHA. These rules shall be used in conjunction with the
applicable requirements in Subsection A, and with the
specific requirements in Subsection C that pertain to the
respective classes of all materials used.


All materials subject to stress due to pressure shall

conform to one of the specifications given in Section II
and limited to those listed in Table UCS-23 and UHA-23
for forgings or to plates, and seamless pipe and tube when
such material is further processed by a forging operation.



(a) Materials used in the construction of forged pressure vessels shall comply with the requirements for materials given in UG-4 through UG-14, except as specifically
limited or extended in (b) and (c) below, and in UF-6.
(b) The heat analysis of forgings to be fabricated by
welding shall not exceed carbon 0.35%. However, when
the welding involves only minor nonpressure attachments
as limited in UF-32, seal welding of threaded connections
as permitted in UF-43, or repairs as limited by UF-37,
the carbon content shall not exceed 0.50% by heat analysis. When by heat analysis the carbon analysis exceeds
0.50% no welding is permitted.
(c) This part contains special requirements applicable
to SA-372 materials subjected to liquid quench and temper heat treatment. Such special requirements do not
apply to austenitic materials or to materials not exceeding
95 ksi (655 MPa) specified minimum tensile strength.
SA-372 materials may be subjected to accelerated cooling
or may be quenched and tempered to attain their specified
minimum properties provided:
(1) after heat treatment, inspection for injurious
defects shall be performed according to UF-31(b)(1)(a);
(2) tensile strength shall not be greater than 20,000
psi (140 MPa) above their specified minimum tensile




Materials and rules of construction to be applied in the

manufacture of forged steel corrugating and pressure rolls
used in machinery for producing corrugated paper are
covered in SA-649 in Section II, Part A.



The rules in the following paragraphs apply specifically

to vessels or main sections of vessels that are forged from
ingots, slabs, billets, plate, pipe, or tubes, and shall be
used to supplement the requirements for design which
are applicable, as given in UG-16 through UG-55, and
those given in UCS-16 through UCS-67, and UHA-20
through UHA-34. Sections of vessels may be joined by
any method permitted in the several parts of this Division
except as limited in UF-5(b) and UF-5(c).
Vessels constructed of SA-372 Grade A, B, C, or D;
Grade E Class 65 or 70; Grade F Class 70; Grade G Class


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70; Grade H Class 70; Grade J Class 65, 70, or 110;

Grade L; or Grade M Class A or B must be of streamlined
design, and stress raisers, such as abrupt changes in section, shall be minimized. Openings in vessels constructed
of liquid quenched and tempered materials, other than
austenitic steel, shall be reinforced in accordance with
UG-37; UG-36(c)(3) shall not apply.
The nominal wall thickness of the cylindrical shell of
vessels constructed of SA-372 Grade J, Class 110 shall
not exceed 2 in. (50 mm).


mean diameter at that section. Chip marks and minor

depressions in the inner surface may be filled by welding
to meet these tolerances when the welding is done as
permitted in UF-32.
(b) If out-of-roundness exceeds the limit in (a) and
the condition cannot be corrected, the forging shall be
rejected except that if the out-of-roundness does not
exceed 3%, the forging may be certified for a lower
pressure in the formula:
Reduced pressure P p P


and in which

(a) The minimum required thickness of forged heads

shall be computed using the formulas of UG-32. When
heads are made separate from the body forging they may
be attached by any method permitted in the several parts
of this Division except as limited in UF-5(b) and UF-5(c).
(b) The juncture of a forged conical head with the
body shall be a knuckle, the inside radius of which shall
be not less than 6% of the internal diameter of the vessel.
The thickness at the knuckle shall be not less than that
of the cylinder and shall be faired into that of the head
at the base of the cone.
(c) Except for the 3t requirements in UG-32(j) the
design of the head shall comply with the applicable provisions of UG-32, UG-33, UG-34, and 1-6.


Sb p

P p maximum allowable working pressure for

forging meeting the requirements of (a)
t p the average (mean) thickness
D1, D2 p the inside diameters maximum and minimum,
respectively, as measured for the critical section, and for one additional section in each
direction therefrom at a distance not
exceeding 0.2D2. The average of the three
readings for D1 and D2 , respectively, shall
be inserted in the formula.
Sb p bending stress at metal service temperature
E p modulus of elasticity of material at design
temperature. The modulus of elasticity shall
be taken from the applicable Table TM in
Section II, Part D. When a material is not
listed in the TM tables, the requirements of
U-2(g) shall be applied.
S p design stress value, psi (kPa), at metal service
R1 p average inside radius at critical section
p 14 (D1 + D2)
Ra p average radius to middle of shell wall at critical section
p 14 (D1 + D2) + t /2



The rules in the following paragraphs apply specifically

to forged vessels, main sections of vessels and other
vessel parts, and shall be used to supplement the applicable requirements for fabrication given in UG-75 through
UG-84 and UCS-79. For high alloy steel forged vessels,
the applicable paragraphs of Part UHA shall also apply.


1.5 PR1 t (D1 D2 )

t3 + 3
R R2
E 1 a


(a) Provision shall be made for corrosion in accordance with the requirements in UG-25.



(1) Use P pP when Sb is less than 0.25S.
(2) In all measurements, correct for corrosion allowance if specified.


(a) The inner surface of the body shall be true-toround to the degree that the maximum difference between
any two diameters at 90 deg. to each other, determined
for any critical cross section, does not exceed 1% of the

Forged heads shall be made either by closing in extensions of the body of such shape and dimensions as may be

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required to produce the final form desired, or by separate

forgings [see UF-13(a)].


surface of the shell portion and on the inside surface

where practicable. This examination shall be made by
liquid penetrant when the material is nonmagnetic and
by liquid penetrant or magnetic particle examination
when the material is ferromagnetic.
(b) After final heat treatment, liquid quenched
and tempered vessels, except those made of austenitic
steels and except as provided in (c) below, shall be subjected to Brinell hardness tests at 5 ft (1.5 m) intervals
with a minimum of four readings at each of not less than
three different sections representing approximately the
center and each end of the heat treated shell. The average
of the individual Brinell hardness numbers at each section
shall be not less than 10% below, nor more than 25%
above the number obtained by dividing 500 into the specified minimum tensile strength of the material, and the
highest average hardness number shall not exceed the
lowest average value on an individual vessel by more
than 40. Reheat treatment is permitted.


Forged heads shall be as true as it is practicable to

make them to the shape shown on the design drawings.
Any deviations therefrom shall merge smoothly into the
general shape of the head and shall not evidence a
decrease of strength for the sections as required by the
formulas for design.



Forgings are permitted to have small areas thinner

than required if the adjacent areas surrounding each have
sufficient thickness to provide the necessary reinforcement according to the rules for reinforcement in UG-40.


NOTE: Other hardness testing methods may be used and converted

to Brinell numbers by means of the Table in ASTM E 140.


(c) For vessels which are integrally forged, having an overall length less than 5 ft (1.5 m) and a nominal
thickness not exceeding 12 in. (13 mm), the requirements
of (b) above may be modified by taking a minimum of
two hardness readings at each end of the vessel. These
four hardness readings shall satisfy the requirements of
(b) above as if the four hardnesses were applicable to
one section.
(d) In the case of austenitic steels, the heat treatment procedures followed shall be in accordance with
(2) Non-Heat-Treated Material. Postweld heat
treatment of vessels fabricated by welding of forged parts
not requiring heat treatment shall meet with the requirements of UCS-56.


(a) Normalized or Annealed Material

(1) After all forging is completed, each vessel or
forged part fabricated without welding shall be heat
treated in accordance with the applicable material specification. When defects are repaired by welding, subsequent heat treatment may be necessary in accordance
with UF-37(b).
(2) Vessels fabricated by welding of forged parts
requiring heat treatment shall be heat treated in accordance with the applicable material specification as
(a) after all welding is completed; or
(b) prior to welding, followed by postweld heat
treatment of the finished weld in accordance with UW-40;
(c) when the welding involves only minor nonpressure attachments to vessels having carbon content
exceeding 0.35% but not exceeding 0.50% by ladle analysis, requirements of UF-32(b) shall govern.
(b) Liquid Quenched Material
(1) Vessels fabricated from SA-372 forging material to be liquid quenched and tempered shall be subjected
to this heat treatment in accordance with the applicable
material specifications after the completion of all forging,
welding of nonpressure attachments as permitted by
UF-32, and repair welding as limited by UF-37. Seal
welding of threaded connections, as permitted in UF-43,
may be performed either before or after this heat
(a) After final heat treatment, such vessels shall
be examined for the presence of cracks on the outside



(a) All welding used in connection with the fabrication

of forged vessels or components shall comply with
the applicable requirements of Parts UW, UCS, and UHA
and UF-5(b) except as modified in (b) and (c) below.
Procedure qualification in accordance with Section IX
shall be performed with the heat treatment condition of
the base metal and weld metal as in UF-31 as contemplated for the actual work.
(b) When the carbon content of the material exceeds
0.35% by ladle analysis, the vessel or part shall be fabricated without welding of any kind, except for repairs [see
UF-37(b)], for seal welding of threaded connections as

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permitted in UF-43, and for minor nonpressure attachments. Minor nonpressure attachments shall be joined by
fillet welds of not over 14 in. (6 mm) throat dimensions.
Such welding shall be allowed under the following conditions.
(1) The suitability of the electrode and procedure
shall be established by making a groove weld specimen
as shown in QW-461.2 of Section IX in material of the
same analysis and of thickness in conformance with
QW-451. The specimen before welding shall be in the
same condition of heat treatment as the work it represents,
and after welding the specimen shall be subjected to heat
treatment equivalent to that contemplated for the work.
Tensile and bend tests, as shown in QW-462.1,
QW-462.2(a) and QW-462.3(a), shall be made. These
tests shall meet the requirements of QW-150 and QW-160
of Section IX. The radius of the mandrel used in the
guided bend test shall be as follows:

8 in. (10 mm)


Radius of
Mandrel B1

(c) The following requirements shall be used to qualify

welding procedure and welder performance for seal welding of threaded connections in seamless forged pressure
vessels of SA-372 Grades A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, and J
(1) The suitability of the welding procedure, including electrode, and the welder performance shall be established by making a seal weld in the welding position to
be used for the actual work and in a full-size prototype
of the vessel neck, including at least some portion of the
integrally forged head, conforming to the requirements of
UF-43 and the same geometry, thickness, vessel material
type, threaded-plug material type, and heat treatment as
that for the production vessel it represents.
(2) The seal weld in the prototype at the threaded
connection of the neck and plug shall be cross sectioned
to provide four macro-test specimens taken 90 deg. apart.
(3) One face of each cross section shall be smoothed
and etched with suitable etchant (see QW-470) to give a
clear definition of the weld metal and heat affected zone.
Visual examination of the cross sections of the weld metal
and heat affected zone shall show complete fusion and
freedom from cracks.
(4) All production welding shall be done in accordance with the procedure qualification of (c)(1) above,
including the preheat and the electrode of the same classification as that specified in the procedure, and with welders qualified using that procedure.
(5) Seal welding of threaded connections may be
performed either before or after final heat treatment.
(6) The finished weld shall be examined by liquid
penetrant or magnetic particle examination using the prod

Radius of
Die D1

112 in. (38 mm) 11116 in. (42 mm)

413t + 116 in. (1.5 mm)

(1) Corresponds to dimensions B and D in QW-466.1 in Section
IX, and other dimensions to be in proportion.

Any cutting and gouging processes used in the repair

work shall be included as part of the procedure qualification.
(2) Welders shall be qualified for fillet welding
specified by making and testing a specimen in accordance
with QW-462.4(b) and QW-180 of Section IX. Welders
shall be qualified for repair welding by making a test
plate in accordance with QW-461.3 from which the bend
tests outlined in QW-452 shall be made. The electrode
used in making these tests shall be of the same classification number as that specified in the procedure. The material for these tests can be carbon steel plate or pipe
provided the test specimens are preheated, welded and
postheated in accordance with the procedure specification
for the type of electrode involved.
(3) The finished weld shall be postweld heat treated
or given a further heat treatment as required by the applicable material specification. The types of welding permitted in UF-32(b) shall be performed prior to final heat
treatment except for seal welding of threaded openings
which may be performed either before or after final heat
(4) The finished welds shall be examined after postweld heat treatment by liquid penetrant when the material
is nonmagnetic and by liquid penetrant or magnetic particle examination using the prod method when the material
is ferromagnetic.



(a) Surface defects, such as chip marks, blemishes,

or other irregularities, shall be removed by grinding or
machining and the surface exposed shall be blended
smoothly into the adjacent area where sufficient wall
thickness permits thin areas in compliance with the
requirements of UF-30.
(b) Thinning to remove imperfections beyond those
permitted in UF-30 may be repaired by welding only after
acceptance by the Inspector. Defects shall be removed to
sound metal as shown by acid etch or any other suitable
method of examination. The welding shall be as outlined
(1) Material Having Carbon Content of 0.35% or
Less (by Ladle Analysis)
(a) The welding procedure and welders shall be
qualified in accordance with Section IX.

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(b) Postweld heat treatment after welding shall

be governed as follows.
(1) All welding shall be postweld heat treated
if UCS-56 requires postweld heat treatment, for all thicknesses of material of the analysis being used.
(2) Fillet welds need not be postweld heat
treated unless required by (1) above or unless the fillet
welds exceed the limits given in UCS-56.
(3) Repair welding shall be postweld heat
treated when required by (b)(1)(b)(1) above or if it
exceeds 6 sq in. (4 000 mm2) at any spot or if the maximum depth exceeds 14 in. (6 mm).
(c) Repair welding shall be radiographed if the
maximum depth exceeds 38 in. (10 mm) Repair welds 38
in. (10 mm) and under in depth which exceed 6 sq in.
(4 000 mm2) at any spot and those made in materials
requiring postweld heat treatment shall be examined by
radiographing, magnetic particle or liquid penetrant
examination, or any alternative method suitable for
revealing cracks.
(d) For liquid quenched and tempered steels,
other than austenitic steels, welding repairs shall be in
accordance with UF-37(b)(3).
(2) Material Having Carbon Content Over 0.35%
(by Ladle Analysis)
(a) Welding repairs shall conform with UF-32(b)
except that if the maximum weld depth exceeds 14 in.
(6 mm), radiography, in addition to magnetic particle or
liquid penetrant examination, shall be used.
(b) For liquid quenched and tempered steels,
other than austenitic steel, welding repair shall be in
accordance with (b)(3) below.
(3) Welding repairs of materials which are to be or
have been liquid quenched and tempered, regardless of
depth or area of repairs shall have the repaired area radiographed and examined by magnetic particle or liquid
penetrant examination.


integrally forged heads and necks that are so shaped and

thickened as to provide a center opening, which shall
meet the rules governing openings and reinforcements
contained elsewhere in the Code. Length of thread shall
be calculated for the opening design, but shall not be
less than shown in Table UG-43. Threaded connections
employing straight threads shall provide for mechanical
seating of the assembly by a shoulder or similar means.
When seal welding is employed in the installation of a
threaded nozzle, the work shall be performed and
inspected in the shop of the vessel manufacturer. Seal
welding shall comply with UF-32.





Surfaces which are not to be machined shall be carefully inspected for visible defects such as seams, laps, or
folds. On surfaces to be machined the inspection shall
be made after machining. Regions from which defective
material has been removed shall be inspected after
removal and again after any necessary repair.




(a) When welding is used in the fabrication of parts

forgings completed elsewhere, the parts forging manufacturer shall furnish a Form U-2 Partial Data Report.
(b) All parts forgings completed elsewhere shall be
marked with the manufacturers name and the forging
identification, including material designation. Should
identifying marks be obliterated in the fabrication process, and for small parts, other means of identification
shall be used. The forging manufacturer shall furnish
reports of chemical and mechanical properties of the


Threaded openings, over NPS 3 (DN 80), but not

exceeding the smaller of one-half of the vessel diameter
or NPS 8, may be used in the heads of vessels having

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The rules in the following paragraphs apply specifically

to the inspection and testing of forged vessels and their
component parts. These rules shall be used to supplement
the applicable requirements for inspection and tests given
in UG-90 through UG-102. All forged vessels shall be
examined as manufacture proceeds, to assure freedom
from loose scale, gouges or grooves, and cracks or seams
that are visible. After fabrication has passed the machining stage, the vessel body shall be measured at suitable
intervals along its length to get a record of variations in
wall thickness, and the nozzles for connecting piping and
other important details shall be checked for conformity
to the design dimensions.

The repair of welds of forgings having carbon content

not exceeding 0.35% by ladle analysis shall follow the
requirements of UW-38.



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shall be examined ultrasonically in accordance with

SA-388. The reference specimen shall have the same
nominal thickness, composition, and heat treatment as
the vessel it represents. Angle beam examination shall
be calibrated with a notch of a depth equal to 5% of the
nominal section thickness, a length of approximately 1
in. (25 mm), and a width not greater than twice its depth.
(b) A vessel is unacceptable if examination results
show one or more imperfections which produce indications exceeding in amplitude the indication from the calibrated notch. Round bottom surface imperfections, such
as pits, scores, and conditioned areas, producing indications exceeding the amplitude of the calibrated notch
shall be acceptable if the thickness below the indication
is not less than the design wall thickness of the vessel,
and its sides are faired to a ratio of not less than three
to one.

material and certification that each forging conforms to

all requirements of Part UF.
(c) Parts forgings furnished as material for which parts
Data Reports are not required need not be inspected at
the plant of the forging manufacturer, but the manufacturer shall furnish a report of the extent and location of
any repairs together with certification that they were made
in accordance with all other requirements of UF-37 and
UF-38. If desired, welding repairs of such forgings may
be made, inspected, and tested at the shop of the pressure
vessel manufacturer.




The Inspector shall check the provisions made for heat

treatment to assure himself that the heat treatment is
carried out in accordance with provisions of UF-31 and
UF-32. He shall also assure himself that postweld heat
treatment is done after repair welding when required
under the rules of UF-37.






Tests and retests shall be made in accordance with the

requirements of the material specification.


The rules of UG-115 through UG-120 shall apply to

forged vessels as far as practicable. Vessels constructed
of liquid quenched and tempered material, other than
austenitic steels, shall be marked on the thickened head,
unless a nameplate is used.

When test specimens are to be taken under the applicable specification, the Inspector shall be allowed to witness
the selection, place the identifying stamping on them,
and witness the testing of these specimens.





The provisions for pressure relief devices of UG-125

through UG-136 shall apply without supplement.

(a) For vessels constructed of SA-372 Grade J, Class

110 material, the completed vessel after heat treatment


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