Bloomberg (Name) (University)

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Running Head: Bloomberg



Globalization refers to the international movement toward economic,
financial, trade, and communications integration. Business globalization
is about how business change itself from single origination to multiple
countries associated in. The purpose of this paper is to write about the
industry which is most global in nature based in Bloomberg Industry
Market Leader. It includes a brief description about the industry of IT
Services including the competitive environment of this industry. Paper
also describes the characteristics that make it most global from others
ending with conclusion.


Globalization has emerged as a hot issue because it has a great
influence to overstate in IT sector today. Financial and trade integration
is rising due to globalization (Arora & Gambardella, 2004). Policies,
recruitment process and infrastructures have been rehabilitated. Firsthand
management flairs are required from the top level of IT organizations.
Jobs related to IT and software development has been moved to lesser
budget scenarios. Some research surveys show that salaries are rising at
faster rate in IT sector than others.
Global administration of talents, merchants and standards help in
reducing cost in IT. Extreme involvement of IT is striving international
business to support in globalization. As globalization accelerates more
competition is entering to the world. Consideration about processes is
only the way to be competitive.
Competitive Environment
Opportunities are creating such as IT consulting, Custom apps, data
analysis and s ystem integration. Hewlett-Packard Company is servicing
the world by providing IT services for corporate and individuals and
other hardware. International Business Machines Corporation is providing
computer solutions through Advanced IT. IBM is expending global sales
and distribution channels and a range of third party distributors to
globalize its products.


Demand for IT services is increasing rapidly due to technological

advancements. Technical expertise, innovative services are the cause of
profitability. Giant companies have advantage in extensive service
contribution and global access. It gives them the ability to outsource
services to great corporates. Small companies are competing by targeting
the niches or by emerging with larger companies.
The IT industry is always unrest. Nemours innovations in products are
defining and redefining the industry constantly. Greater volatility has
been seen that cause to affect the IT companies. Structure of businesses
are reexamining by the companies for better performance. Companies are
doing this because there profitability and market share are disorderly.
Sequentially, the competition has made the customers more demanding.
They demand Greater performance, better features and more flexibility at
pricing points (Agarwal & Karahanna, 2000).
Mergers, acquisitions and divestitures are resulting due to this
volatility. For example, many of the business publications reported that
Hewlett-Packard was in talks to purchase storage equipment maker EMC,
mainly to advance scale and cut costs. The deal was refused by the both
sides. Then, in November, HP proclaimed about splitting in two,
separating its computer and printer hardware business (HP Inc.) from its
enterprise hardware, software, and services units (Hewlett-Packard


Enterprise). HPs goal for the split was to increase revenue stream and be
Fortune 50 companies, to become more agile and focused on their
respective markets and competitors. With this partition, the two
companies find ways to improve the enactment of slow-growth businesses
struggling to maintain decent profit margins.
IT can benefit the business under following categories;

Cost reduction

Growth improvement

Qualifying swiftness

Risk management

To standardize the business processes above aspects can help a lot as

Davenport, 2013) says process innovation initiatives have (or should
have) well-defined and ambitious change objectives.
These days learning is demanding information and communication. IT
professionals need to learn about skills and abilities offered by IT sector.
Even it has potential to innovate and improve communication
affordability but without involvement of Institutional alliances it cannot
be happened. In todays chaotic environment IT industry entails many
common characteristics of leadership and abilities to impact the
technolog y.


In the new era leadership will be the essential part of competitive

industry. For massive technical improvement IT industry should possess
the characteristics like, vision, integrity, trust, selflessness, creativity,
commitment, innovative, calculated risk taking and intuition.
IT industry is reshaping in various ways. Companies are no longer
relying on one-note strategies. Analyses are improving limitations and
revenue streams for success (Davis, 1993). In other words, Great
companies tend to act more like their competitors and they must mature to
learn organizational skills. An IT leader should be motivated and
proactive. Changes often create a chaotic condition. IT leader should be
aware of these changes.
In modern era complex and chaotic improvements and diversity in
trends are challenging to the IT. New realities of chaos require long
lasting changes. Passionate competition, remarkable diversity, persistent
eruption of IT, economic and social disturbance is the signal of
embarrassment from the globalization. More attentiveness is required. If
you want to survive change is essential. The IT industry will be on its
new levels considering about leadership. Leaders must be able to handle
complexity. Specific technical knowledge is required to cope with the
changes to compete globally.


Arora, A., & Gambardella, A. (2004). The globalization of the software
industry: perspectives and opportunities for developed and developing
countries (No. w10538). National Bureau of Economic Research.
Alexander, N., & Doherty, A. M. (2009). International retailing. Oxford
University Press.
Davenport, T. H. (2013). Process innovation: reengineering work through
information technology. Harvard Business Press.
Davis, F. D. (1993). User acceptance of information technology: s ystem
characteristics, user perceptions and behavioral impacts. International
journal of man-machine studies, 38(3), 475-487.
Agarwal, R., & Karahanna, E. (2000). Time flies when you're having fun:
Cognitive absorption and beliefs about information technology usage.
MIS quarterly, 665-694.
Pahal, D. L. (1999). Effective Leadership--An IT Perspective. Online
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