Deloitte - Dual Roles of The CIO

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for strategists
HE rapid adoption of digital technologies is
putting new pressures on IT organizations.
As spending on cloud, mobile, analytics, and
social technology soars, CIOs have the oppor-
tunity to help drive strategy, innovation, and
revenue growth. At the same time, these tech-
nologies present major new challenges in the
traditional domain of IT: building and integrat-
ing information systems while cost-efectively
operating a reliable and secure infrastructure.
Todays CIO must play a dual role: builder of
technology and builder of the business.
Te cloud services market is expanding 5
times faster than traditional IT spending
Enterprises spent over $30 billion globally on
big data technology and services in 2013
Leading CIOs describe their roles in terms
such as imagination, chief innovation
ofcer, and revenue-generator CIO
Seventy percent of CIOs envision becoming
CEO one day
The dual
roles of the
CIO in the
digital age
The dual roles of the CIO in the digital age Signals for strategists
Half of CIOs feel unable to cope
with the pace of change brought by
digital technologies
Enterprise IT is being
transformed by digital
IT organizations are changing. Previously
focused mostly on building and operating
IT infrastructure and automating business
processes, CIOs are now looking for new ways
to bring value to their businesses. Todays
IT organization is increasingly focused on
revenue growth, customer experience, and
data-based insight.
Tis shif is due to the growing importance
of digitizationthe use of digital technolo-
gies to enhance productivity and responsive-
ness, uncover insights about customers,
innovate, and create new business models. Te
media, marketing, and retail commerce sectors
adopted digitization early, and they continue
to invest and innovate. Te digitization trend
can now be seen in virtually every sector. For
instance, the digital oil feld employs analytics
and mobile devices to make exploration and
production more productive. Digital manu-
facturing uses digital modeling and simulation
to reduce cycle times and costs. In smart
buildings, digital sensors help improve energy
efciency. Financial services frms reduce costs
and improve risk management by digitizing
processes from end to end. In health care,
mobile devices and analytics are improving
diagnoses and health outcomes and helping
to contain costs. And e-government initiatives
are using the Web, big data, mobile devices,
and sensors to improve public safety and serve
citizens better.
Te digitization trend is supported by the
ongoing decline in the prices of connectiv-
ity and computing power and the growing
consumer adoption of digital technologies
such as social and mobile. From 2011 to 2013,
for instance, the number of smartphone wire-
less subscriptions in the United States surged
70 percent to 200 million; average monthly
mobile data usage per person increased 80
percent during the same period.
Flourishing markets for
digital technologies are
impacting enterprises

Te fourishing markets for cloud, mobile,
analytics, and social technologies and ser-
vices are a measure of their growing impact
on enterprises:
Te cloud services market is expanding
almost fve times faster than traditional IT
spending is.
Te number of mobile devices and wireless
connections in 2013 grew to 7 billion glob-
ally, an increase of 500 million in one year.
Enterprises spent over $30 billion globally
on big data hardware, sofware, and services
in 2013, 25 percent more than in 2011.
Advertisers increased spending on social
media advertising by 60 percent between
2011 and 2013 to $6 billion.
It is important to keep the impact of
digitization in perspective. Cloud services, for
instance, still account for less than 10 percent
of the IT services market.
Legacy applications
and infrastructure are not going away. CIOs
will have to manage, maintain, and integrate
them for years to come while guiding decisions
about what to move to the cloud and what to
keep on premises.
CIOs aspire to foster
innovation and drive growth
Te power of digital technologies is leading
CIOs to take a more expansive view of their
roles. No longer is their job merely to build
and operate the technology their business
needs to function. Increasingly, they see their
The dual roles of the CIO in the digital age Signals for strategists
role as helping to increase revenue, improve
customer experience, coax insight out of the
growing amount of data generated by compa-
nies digital operations, and shape strategy. If
it sounds like CIOs are aiming high, they are.
Seventy percent of the CIOs attending a recent
Wall Street Journal CIO Network event see in
themselves a future CEO.
Figure 1 contrasts
the traditional values of IT with the new values
that are emerging in IT organizations today.
A look at what the CIOs of some of the
leading organizations in the United States
are saying and doing illustrates the changing
mindset and priorities of CIOs.
Te CIO of the Coca-Cola Company
aspires to be what he calls a revenue-generator
CIO. Coke is spending hundreds of millions
of dollars a year on digital marketing, almost
all of which is related to IT. Te CIO says the
marketing organization ofen turns to the IT
organization for ideas about better ways to
reach their customers.

At Dell, the IT and marketing organizations
share a team that reports to both the CMO
and the CIO. Technology plans may be revised
quarterly or even monthly in order to respond
to the needs of the business.

Te CIO of Walgreens holds two additional
CIO titles: chief innovation ofcer and chief
improvement ofcer. To foster innovation,
he oversees a small group that is primarily
responsible for discovering ways to use disrup-
tive technologies that can yield major fnancial
benefts, with an initial target of $50 to $100
million and an eventual goal of $1 billion He
also has the more traditional responsibility of
continually improving internal processes and
fnding cost efciencies.

Purdue Universitys CIO feels that that
todays CIO needs more than technical skill;
he or she needs imagination. He says,
Imaginative people can envision where threats
are coming from and where opportunities lie,
as well as having the know-how to take advan-
tage of these opportunities. Tat hasnt been
required of CIOs up until now.

Increasingly then, CIOs should play dual
roles: builder of technology and builder of the
business. Not all CIOs are able to or inter-
ested in playing the latter role, however. Some
organizations are exploring creating a separate
position, chief digital ofcer (CDO), for an
individual who would defne and execute a
growth-oriented digital strategy. CDOs may
become more common in the coming years.
But as all business becomes digital business,
frms may ultimately merge their separate CIO
and CDO positions.
Figure 1. The emerging values of enterprise IT
Issue Traditional IT Emerging IT
Key skills Operations management
Custom software development
Packaged software deployment
Advising and guiding business leaders; strategy
Technology orchestration and vendor
Key metrics Cost
Business growth
Customer experience/engagement
Purview Company facilities Every employee, customer, and partner
Risk posture Minimizing risk Managing risk to an appropriate level
Protection and defense Discovery and response
Core value Stability Agility
Goal of
Cost reduction Increasing speed, lling skill gaps, managing
costs (e.g., opex vs. capex)
The dual roles of the CIO in the digital age Signals for strategists
Digital technologies are creating
new challenges for IT leaders
While digital technologies are creating new
expectations of CIOs, these technologies also
create new problems. Te traditional IT con-
cerns of application integration, performance,
cost management, and security now require
new approaches. Many CIOs feel unready.
According to a recent survey of 2,300 CIOs
globally, half feel unable to cope with the pace
of change wrought by digital technologies; over
40 percent feel that they dont have the talent
they need.

Digitization creates political and organiza-
tional challenges as wella few of which are
presented below.
Expanded role and relationships:
Increasingly, digital technologies are shaping
and enabling corporate strategy. Tis thrusts
CIOs into a strategic role, even as chief market-
ing ofcers, and in some cases chief digital
ofcers, are playing in the same arena.
is also leading some frms to redesign core
processes and operations, creating change-
management challenges. CIOs should forge
ever-closer and more productive relationships
with C-level stakeholders while navigating
potential conficts and competition.
Legacy IT infrastructures: Enterprises
implementing digital technologies ofen face
requirements for scalability, high performance,
and fexibility for which they are unprepared.
Ofen this is because legacy IT infrastructures
and applications are saddled with technical
debtan accumulation of code that never
fully met requirements, was degraded by pro-
grammer shortcuts, or is excessively complex
that undermines agility and scalability.

Architecture and integration: Companies
adopting cloud computing face new questions
about IT architecture: Which systems should
be based in the cloud, and which should
be operated on premises? When is a public
cloudin which physical computing resources
are shared with other enterprisesappropriate,
and when is a private cloudwhich provides
cloud-style management efciencies but is
dedicated to a single enterprisepreferable?
How can cloud-based and traditional in-house
systems be integrated to create seamless,
manageable solutions that provide predict-
able performance? Te integration challenge
is spawning dozens of start-up vendors in a
rapidly growing and confusing market of inte-
gration platform services.
Performance management: Cloud providers
ofer service-level agreements with perfor-
mance guarantees. But many IT organizations
are unaccustomed to monitoring and verify-
ing the performance of resources outside
their frewalls. It can be difcult to assure the
experience of a user who is interacting with
hybrid workfows that link processes operated
by multiple cloud providers to internal applica-
tions. IT organizations may need to augment
the services ofered by a cloud provider to meet
the service levels required by the business.
Cost management: Cloud pricing is ofen
based on usage and varies with demand. One
analyst frm has counted at least half a dozen
ways of charging for cloud infrastructure.

Variables such as resource contention and
shifing requirements for storage, bandwidth,
and redundancy can make it difcult to
understand, predict, and manage the costs of
cloud resources. Companies are fnding that
they need to continuously study and adjust
the resources such as virtual machines, stor-
age pools, and memory to optimize costs and
avoid surprises.
Security: Companies face major challenges
balancing security requirements with users
demand for an easy, attractive mobile expe-
rience, especially when mobile devices are
becoming diverse and may run sofware of
unknown origin alongside authorized enter-
prise applications. Cloud computing presents
its own security challenges. Organizations
The dual roles of the CIO in the digital age Signals for strategists
should allow their networks to connect with
multiple cloud service providers networks,
opening new vectors and increasing the risk
of cyber-attacks. Companies should ensure
that public cloud providers will protect their
data from other customers. And they should
verify that providers regulatory compli-
ance and security governance satisfes their
own standards.
A shortage of new skills: As with any new
technology, the use of digital technologies
requires a host of skills and knowledge that
are in short supply. Tese include managing
cloud vendors; architecting mobile and cloud
security; and developing cloud applications,
which require new tools and increasingly
use DevOps, an emerging sofware develop-
ment methodology that stresses collabora-
tion between sofware development and
IT operations.
In the digital era, CIOs have a great oppor-
tunity to infuence the strategy and success
of their organizations. Tey also face a host
of new technological, political, and organiza-
tional challenges. Efective CIOs couple vision,
creativity and political sensitivity with an
ability to adroitly navigate a rapidly changing
technology landscape.
The dual roles of the CIO in the digital age Signals for strategists
1. US Telecom, Handsets and Towers,
Macquarie (USA) (16th May 2013)
4. IT Hardware Report, UBS (17th Sept 2013)
5. BIA/Kelsey U.S. Local Media Forecast,
social-ad-spending-forecast/; http://
6. Forecast: IT Services, 2011-2017,
4Q13 Update, Gartner Group
7. According to Forecast: Public Cloud Ser-
vices, Worldwide, 2011-2017, 4Q13 Update
(Gartner) IaaS is the fastest growing segment
of the cloud services market, with a CAGR
of more than 40%. But it is also one of the
smallest, accounting for less than 10%. Te
biggest components are cloud-based advertis-
ing, applications (SaaS) and business process
as a service, which includes processes such as
HR, e-commerce, payments, and fnance.
12. http://www.information-age.
13. Gartner Group. Beyond the Government
CIO: Chief Data or Digital Ofcers? (7
October 2013), Early Trends in Recruiting
Chief Digital Ofcers (14 November 2013)
16. Tech Trends 2014: Inspiring Disrup-
tion (Deloitte University Press 2014)
18. http://www.networkworld.
The dual roles of the CIO in the digital age Signals for strategists
Vikram Mahidhar
+1 617 437 2928
[email protected]
Vikram Mahidhar is a director in Deloitte LLPs
innovation group. He focuses on identifying emerging
business ideas and driving development and
commercialization of emerging products and services.
David Schatsky
+1 646 582 5209
[email protected]
David Schatsky is a senior manager with Deloitte
LLP. His focus is analyzing emerging business and
technology trends.
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