Remote Alarm System

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Tom Petruzzellis

A Remote Alarm
Reporting System
If you want to be updated on events that
your home security
system notices, then
the remote event/
alarm reporting system that Tom designed is just what
youre looking (er, listening) for. The next
time your cell phone
rings, you might want
to take the call because it just might be
your security system.

f youre going
to have a homecontrol system, it
helps to have a convenient medium for checking
the data the system gathers. In Octobers issue of Circuit Cellar, Bruce
Winter designed a response system that
broadcasts information over a home
audio system. In Novembers issue of
Circuit Cellar, Mike Baptistes Embedded Living column will explain how he
designed a TV module that enables him
to view information from his homecontrol system on his television screen.
If youre not sure about a talking
house or dont want to be interrupted
while watching your favorite shows,
you might be interested in a multichannel microprocessor-controlled remote
event/alarm reporting system that can
contact you via cellular phone, numeric
pager, or computer. Designed to monitor up to eight different alarm or event
conditions from various types of sensors
and report the particular channel that
was activated, the Tele-Alert can be
configured to monitor voltage levels,
temperature changes, movement, windows, doors, safes, and perimeters, as
well as computer equipment.

Because the system is used with your

existing telephone line, no additional
charges are added to your monthly
phone bill. The Tele-Alert can be programmed to call you on your cellular
phone (or a friend, relative, etc. on
theirs). Simply reprogramming the
Tele-Alert will convert it to notify you
via a numeric pager instead of your
cellular phone.
A modem daughterboard currently
under development will permit the
Tele-Alert to call your PC and report
different alarm messages based on the
input channel activated. In this mode,
each Tele-Alert system is coded so a
number of different reporting stations
can call into a central PC. The TeleAlert kit contains the PC board, resistors, capacitors, diodes, integrated
circuits, resonator, PIC controller, reset
switch, IC sockets and headers, and
software. The kit does not include an
enclosure, but does include the cellular
phone and pager programs and is expandable for future applications.
The Tele-Alert is compact as well as
expandable. All you have to do is attach
a 9-V power supply, connect your telephone line and the sensor connections,
and youre ready to go. There are three
optional enhancement modules currently being developed. The optional
motion module allows the Tele-Alert to
detect movement. The motion module
also contains two normally open and
two normally closed alarm loop channels so a number of alarm sensors/
switches can also be used.
The optional temperature/voltage
level module allows your Tele-Alert to
monitor up to four temperature or voltage level presets, and report the
changes via your cellular phone or
pager. The optional listen-in module
enables you to listen in to the area being protected for up to two minutes.
These optional enhancement modules
can turn your Tele-Alert into a multiOctober


diodes D2 and D3 are used as

voltage-clamp diodes at the
input of the transformer.
Transformer T1 couples
the audio from the Tele-Alert
to the phone line, once the
unit has been triggered. Resistor R9 is used to couple one
side of the transformer to the
phone line at J6, and also acts
to hold the phone line. The
other secondary transformer
lead is coupled to the phone
line via C11, which is a blocking capacitor that keeps the
phone off the hook until an
alarm condition occurs.
The solid-state relay at U4
acts to short out C11 when an
event or alarm condition occurs, thus coupling the T1 to
Figure 1Optional daughterboards can be plugged into the Tele-Alert via the dual row of female headers on the bottom left edge
the phone line. Resistor R16 is
of the main board.
an MOV and is used to protect
out to the terminal block for easy acfaceted alarm system that protects your
the circuit from high voltage spikes.
cess. These first four inputs (IN1IN4)
home, cottage, or office.
Pins 22 and 23 may be used as auxiliary
are used when the microprocessor is
outputs to drive local alarm sirens or
configured in cellular phone (CellUNDER THE HOOD
outdoor lamps if desired, while pin 24
Alert) or modem (Data-Alert) modes.
The Tele-Alert multichannel alarm
is left for further expansion.
reporting system begins with the circuit When the circuit is used in pager (PagePin 25 of U1 is used as a status indiAlert) mode, a second set of four inputs cator, when the microprocessor is condiagram shown in Figure 1. The heart
of the Tele-Alert is the PIC16C57 chip, can be used for a total of eight input pins. figured as a Page-Alert. The 20-MHz
which emulates the Basic Stamp II
The second four input pins are
ceramic resonator is connected between
computer. The PIC16C57 is preloaded
shown at IN5IN8. Note the resistors
pins 26 and 27 to establish the clock
with a BASIC interpreter much like the placed across each of the input pins.
reference for the BASIC interpreter
Parallax Basic Stamp II (BS2).
Pins 1825 are configured as output
chip at U1. Pin 28 resets the microproThe PIC16C57 is a much less expen- pins. Pin 18 activates or enables the
cessor via S1 if the system locks up.
microphone in the listen-in module. Pin The serial 16-KB EEPROM memory is
sive approach to solving the problem
19 drives the solid-state relay at U4.
but requires a few more external parts
coupled to the microprocessor via pins
than the Basic Stamp II. The PIC16C57 The microprocessor activates the LED
6 and 7.
requires little in the way of support
in U4, which closes the relay contacts at
The microprocessor communicates
pin 4 and 6 of the relay, which essenchips to make it functionbasically
via U3, a MAX232 serial communicaonly two support chips, a 24LC16B
tially shorts out blocking capacitor C11
tion chip. The MAX232 is coupled to
EEPROM for storage and a MAX232
and allows the phone to dial your cell
the microprocessor through pins 8 and
phone or pager.
for communication. Only a few extra
9 (i.e., an input pin and an output pin).
Pins 20 and 21 of U1 are audio outcomponents are needed to form a funcFour capacitors are all that are required
put pins. Pin 20 of U1 outputs the
tional microprocessor with serial input/
to animate the MAX232 serial commutouchtone signals needed to dial the
output. A 20-MHz ceramic resonator, a
nication chip. These capacitors are
phone when an alarm condition is
few resistors, and a diode are all you
required as a charge pump to create a
need to use the processor in its simplest sensed. Pin 21 outputs the tone seminus voltage for the serial chip. The
quences that are used to indicate via
MAX232 is coupled to a 9-pin serial
In order to turn the BS2 look-alike
your cell phone which event/alarm
connector for serial communication
into a Tele-Alert, a few extra compochannel has been activated.
with a laptop or personal computer for
nents must be added to the basic conThe capacitors at C9 and C10 are
programming purposes.
used to couple the touchtones and the
figuration. First, you need to configure
The Tele-Alert circuit is powered
pins 1017 as inputs, for a total of eight alarm sequence tones to the coupling
via the regulator at U5, which provides
transformer network formed by T1 and
inputs that can be used to sense events
5 V to U1, U2, and U3. A 9-V DC wall
the associated components. Capacitor
or alarm conditions (see Table 1).
wart power supply can be used to proThe first four input pins are brought
C10 is placed across T1 while Zener
vide power to the Tele-Alert circuit.




The 9-V power supply is also

used to provide power to
optional enhancement modules.

that connects the Tele-Alert

header J5 to the serial port of
+9 volt DC input
your programming computer
(see Figure 1). Fire up your PC
IN1 input channel #1
IN2 input channel #2 Cell-Alert use
and load the supplied disk into
IN3 input channel #3
BUILDING THE TELEyour computer. Make a directory
IN4 input channel #4
called TELE and dump the conIT-7
Microphone enable
Construction of the Teletents of the disk into that direcIT-8
Audio input mic
+5 volts DC output
Alert is quite straightforward
tory. Once the communication
J1-10 J2-10
(see Photo 1). First, youll
cable has been attached, you will
need to line up the circuit
need to load the STAMP2X proAuxiliary inputs
board with the parts layout
gram. This is the editor program
J3-1 IN5 Aux input channel #5
diagram. Be sure the circuit
you will use to load the TeleJ3-2 IN6 Aux input channel #6
Page-Alert use
board is facing you with the
Alert programs into the microJ3-3 IN7 Aux input channel #7
component side facing up as
J3-4 IN8 Aux input channel #8
you begin placing parts into
You should see both the
Auxiliary outputs
the circuit board. This is an
Cell.BS2 program, which is used
J4-1 OT1 Aux output channel #1 For external siren
important step, so take your
to operate the system as CellJ4-2 OT2 Aux output channel #2 For external lamp
time and make sure you are
Alert, and the Page.BS2, which
J4-3 OT3 Aux output channel #3 Future use
placing the components on
makes the microprocessor functhe correct side of the circuit
tion as Page-Alert. Start the
Serial communication
board before you begin solSTAMP2X program and press
Pin 2
RS-232 DE-9S
dering parts to the doubleALT-L, then scroll through the
Pin 3
RS-232 DE-9S
sided circuit board.
list and highlight the Cell-Alert
Pin 4
RS-232 DE-9S
Pin 5
RS-232 DE-9S
You can begin by placing
program, titled Cell.BS2. Press
the resistors and capacitors
Enter and the program should
on the board. Be sure to
now be displayed on the screen.
J6-1 L1
Phone line connection
observe the correct polarity
Scroll down the displayed
J6-2 L2
Phone line connection
when installing the capaciprogram
and look for the simuTable 1This table shows how the pins are used for the various modes of the
tors or the circuit will not
number and replace
Tele-Alert system.
work correctly. Integrated
it with your own phone number.
circuit sockets were installed for the
Remember a digit 10 is programmed by
to accommodate the optional circuit
ICs in the event the circuit needs to be
a zero. If you want to dial a long-disboards.
serviced at some point in time. These
tance number just add the full sequence
sockets can now be installed.
of numbers. If you wish to dial out from
Next, you can install the diodes and
Operating the Tele-Alert is simple.
a PBX telephone system, you will need
First you will need to connect a 9-V
the LED. Once again, be sure to obto first put in the access number such as
power supply to the circuit via the two
serve the correct polarity of the diodes
an 8 or 9 followed by a comma then the
power input pins at the top of the board. actual phone number. Next, press ALTwhen installing them. Now install the
Then you will need to make up a serial
R to load the program into the Tele-Alert
ceramic resonator and the MOV, folcommunication or programming cable
circuit. Note that the procedure for changlowed by the transformer and regulator
ing the simulated phone is the same when
U5. Please note the orientation of the
programming the circuit as a Page-Alert
semiconductors before installing them.
Your Tele-Alert is now programmed
The integrated circuits usually have
and ready to operate. At last, you can
either a cut out or notch taken from the
connect your event or alarm inputs to
top of the chip or a small circle cutout
the set of solder pads at the far edge of
at the top of the chip. Generally pin #1
the circuit board, just below the phoneis just to the left of the circle or cutout.
line connection. Remember, you must
Now install the male communication
use normally open circuit switches for
header J5, and the two optional enthe alarm inputs unless you are using
hancement female headers, J1 and J2.
the optional motion module, which
Last, install the reset switch. The
provides both normally open and norTele-Alert circuit board measures 4
mally closed inputs. Connect your
2.5 and can be housed in a suitable
phone line via the phone jack and your
plastic enclosure. Note that the basic
Tele-Alert is now ready for action.
Tele-Alert is only about 0.5 high, but
You can test the circuit in one of two
if you intend to add optional modules,
Photo 1The Tele-Alert board prototype was constructed on a dual-sided glass-epoxied circuit board.
ways. A simulated approach is to conyou should consider a taller enclosure

Alarm input terminals and header block J1




Figure 2The Tele-Alert can be configured to

handle many different alarm output needs
based on your specific application.

nect a crystal headphone across the

secondary of T1 at J6, with the TeleAlert disconnected from the phone line.
Apply power to the circuit and connect
a normally open switch across input
IN1. Activate the switch at IN1 and you
should begin hearing activity at the
crystal headphone. First you should
hear the touchtone sequences followed
by the alarm tone sequence. If this test
checks-out, you can move on to a real
test by connecting the Tele-Alert to the
phone line and repeating the same test
over again. This time your cell-phone
should ring.
The main Tele-Alert circuit board
has two 10-position female header jacks
(i.e., J1 and J2) near the input terminal
solder pads. These 10-pin headers enable you to add the optional enhancement modules. The listen-in module
and the Data-Alert modem plug in to
the first header socket near the input
terminals at J1 and the temperature/
voltage module (TVL) or the motion
module plug into the second header row
pins J2. These optional modules will
soon be available as low-cost kits.

The Tele-Alert system can be used in
a number of different alarm configurations such as monitoring safes, doors,
windows, floor mats, computers, movement, temperature and voltage changes,
as well as smoke and fire sensors. The
system can even monitor existing local
alarms by using the Tele-Alert as a
multichannel dialer. With the motion
module you can protect a vacation
house or cabin using the existing phone
line. You can even monitor an overheating computer or UPS failure. With
a little imagination, you can implement
the system in almost any alarm configuration from multi-zoned alarm systems
to simple multi-event annunciator. The



Tele-Alert can even drive a siren or

flashing outdoor lights to create a local
alarm if desired.
Figure 2 illustrates optional local
alarm connections. Relay 1 can be used
to drive small loads such as an electronic Sonalert or, with the addition of
Relay 2, you can drive larger loads such
as motor sirens or flashing outdoor
lamps. You can drive two external
loads from OT-1 and OT-2. Output OT3 is left for future expansion, which
could include X-10 appliance activation.
With the Tele-Alert system, you can
be notified of an alarm condition anytime and anyplace. The Tele-Alert can
dial multiple phone numbers or repeatedly dial the same number as desired. If
a second party is notified, the condition
can be verified and the police could be
called depending upon the severity of
the alarm condition. Rover may bark at
things that go bump in the dark, but
even with the best obedience school
training, he wont be able to call your
cell phone or pager to tell you whats
going on. Build a Tele-Alert system and
youll get a full-time personal sentinel,
not to mention some peace of mind.

Tele-Alert kit
Teledata Products
c/o T. Petruzzellis
340 Torrance Ave
Vestal, NY 13850
Microchip Technology, Inc.
(888) 628-6247
(480) 786-7200
Fax: (480) 899-9210
Basic Stamp II
Parallax, Inc.
(916) 624-8003/8333
Fax: (916) 624-8003

Tom Petruzzellis is an engineer at

Binghamton University, where he is
involved with seismic and geophysical
sensing, instrumentation, and computing. He enjoys amateur radio, travel,
music, and reading. You may reach
Tom at [email protected].

The Cell.BS2 and Page.BS2 programs, as well as a parts list for the
Tele-Alert kit, are available for
download on the Circuit Cellar web


Circuit Cellar, the Magazine for Computer Applications. Reprinted by permission. For subscription
information, call (860) 875-2199 or
[email protected].

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