First and Second Law Thermodynamic Analysis of Air and Oxy-Steam Biomass Gasification

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i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 9 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 1 9 4 7 4 e1 9 4 8 4

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First and second law thermodynamic analysis of

air and oxy-steam biomass gasification
K. Sandeep, S. Dasappa*
Center for Sustainable Technologies, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 560 012, India

article info


Article history:

Gasification is an energy transformation process in which solid fuel undergoes thermo-

Received 7 July 2014

chemical conversion to produce gaseous fuel, and the two most important criteria involved

Received in revised form

in such process to evaluate the performance, economics and sustainability of the tech-

12 September 2014

nology are: the total available energy (exergy) and the energy conserved (energy efficiency).

Accepted 22 September 2014

Current study focuses on the energy and exergy analysis of the oxy-steam gasification and

Available online 19 October 2014

comparing with air gasification to optimize the H2 yield, efficiency and syngas energy


Casuarina wood is used as a fuel, and mixture of oxygen and steam in different pro-

Exergy analysis

portion and amount is used as a gasifying media. The results are analysed with respect to

Thermodynamic analysis

varying equivalence ratio and steam to biomass ratio (SBR). Elemental mass balance


technique is employed to ensure the validity of results. First and second law thermody-


namic analysis is used towards time evaluation of energy and exergy analysis. Different

Oxy-steam gasification

component of energy input and output has been studied carefully to understand the in-

Carbon boundary point

fluence of varying SBR on the availability of energy and irreversibility in the system to
minimize the losses with change in input parameters for optimum performance. The energy and exergy losses (irreversibility) for oxy-steam gasification system are compared
with the results of air gasification, and losses are found to be lower in oxy-steam thermal
conversion; which has been argued and reasoned due to the presence of N2 in the airgasification. The maximum exergy efficiency of 85% with energy efficiency of 82% is achieved at SBR of 0.75 on the molar basis. It has been observed that increase in SBR results in
lower exergy and energy efficiency, and it is argued to be due to the high energy input in
steam generation and subsequent losses in the form of physical exergy of steam in the
product gas, which alone accounts for over 18% in exergy input and 8.5% in exergy of
product gas at SBR of 2.7. Carbon boundary point (CBP), is identified at the SBR of 1.5, and
water gas shift (WGS) reaction plays a crucial role in H2 enrichment after carbon boundary
point (CBP) is reached. Effects of SBR and CBP on the H2/CO ratio is analysed and discussed
from the perspective of energy as well as the reaction chemistry. Energy density of syngas
and energy efficiency is favoured at lower SBR but higher SBR favours H2 rich gas at the
expense of efficiency.
Copyright 2014, Hydrogen Energy Publications, LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected], [email protected] (S. Dasappa).
0360-3199/Copyright 2014, Hydrogen Energy Publications, LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 9 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 1 9 4 7 4 e1 9 4 8 4

EO2 _SEPARATION energy spent for O2 separation from air,
total exergy input during gasification, kJ/kmole
EAUXILLARY_UNIT energy spent on the auxillary units of
gasifier. eg. water pump, water chiller, kJ/
Exsteam exergy spent on steam generation and
superheating, kJ/kmole
QSTEAM energy spent on steam generation and
superheating, kJ/kg
exergy of char, kJ/kmole
energy efficiency of gasifier, %
chemical exergy of dry biomass, kJ/kg
exergy, kJ/mole
mole fraction of ith specie
physical exergy, kJ/kmole
entropy, kJ/(kmole K)
chemical exergy, kJ/kmole
entropy at SRS, kJ/(kmole K)
enthalpy of ith specie, kJ/mole
entropy of the ith specie at SRS, kJ/(kmole K)
enthalpy of ith specie at SRS, kJ/kmole
universal gas constant, 8.314 kJ/(kmole K)
temperature at SRS, K
carbon boundary point
3 i.o
standard chemical exergy of ith specie at SRS,
lower heating value
exergy of hot syngas, kJ/kmole
equivalence ratio
ExH2 O_gas exergy of H2O in hot syngas, kJ/kmole
steam to biomass ratio (on mole basis)
exergy spent in O2 separation from air, kJ/
standard reference state
Exch_mix component of exergy lost in, kJ/kmole gas due
to mixture
superficial mass flux rate, kg/(m2 s)

With the growing demand for renewable fuel to substitute the
fossil fuel, biomass gasification is emerging as an important
technology to fill the gap [1]. Conversion of solid fuel to
gaseous fuel helps in providing alternate fuel for many like IC
engines, gas turbines, fuel cells etc. Apart from energy plantation; agro residue, municipal waste and organic industrial
waste provides sustainable ways to extract energy from
waste. Sadhan and Dasappa [2] have researched on one of the
challenging issues of electrification in rural areas away from
the power grid network. Based on the life cycle cost analysis,
their study examined the economic feasibility of


decentralized off-grid renewable energy systems. Using 10 to

120 KW open top downdraft gasification system for study,
they have found biomass gasification as a promising solution
for rural electrification which is more cost effective than solar
photovoltaic system and even grid extension [2]. Apart from
the demand and usefulness, energy efficiency is one of the
most important criteria to assess the performance and
techno-economic viability of any technology.
In the gasification process, the first law of thermodynamics
preserves the total energy of the system in converting solid to
gaseous fuel in gasification is governed by the first law of
thermodynamics, while the second law restricts the availability of energy (exergy) transformation of energy into useful
form. In the case of gasification process, evolution of gaseous
species increases the entropy and introduces irreversibility in
the overall thermo-chemical conversion process. During the
course of conversion, apart from the process irreversibility,
the transformation of chemical energy in the solid fuel partly
to thermal energy as sensible heat cannot be converted to
desired output i.e., chemical enthalpy in the gaseous species.
Evaluating the energy efficiency based on the energy output to
the energy input and identifying the energy loss from the
system to the environment is appropriate while considering
the device. This approach may not be sufficient while evaluating the process and the device together as a system. Identifying the internal losses arising due to the irreversibility is
important towards understanding any energy conversion
process and probably helps in redesigning the system elements. Exergy analysis thus helps in evaluating the conversion process and provides an insight towards optimizing, by
minimizing the losses, if any.
Peters et al. [3] have analysed the exergy efficiency of a fast
pyrolysis bio-oil production plant using Aspen Plus software.
Based on the analysis they have found the exergy efficiency is
71.2% and have also identified the components for the exergy
losses. The areas that had been identified for improvement
were biomass drier, milling process for size reduction and
heat exchanger used for pre-heating the combustion air.
In the area of biomass gasification, researchers have performed exergy analysis based on equilibrium analysis [4e9].
Abuadala et al. [4] reports thermodynamic studies employing
Engineering Equation Solver (EES) software. With the focus on
H2 production, from a gasifier reactor of 0.08 m diameter and
0.5 m height using sawdust as the fuel, exergy and energy
efficiencies were estimated. The heat loss from the reactor
was modelled assuming isothermal condition. Tar, generally
an issue for gasification process and its utilization [10e14],
was considered as a useful product (fuel) and modelled as
benzene molecule in the system. Effects of varying the SBR
(Steam to Biomass ratio) from 0.2 to 0.6 were studied, by
varying steam flow rate from 4.5 kg/s to 6.3 kg/s and biomass
feed rate from 10 kg/s to 32 kg/s. In the analysis, temperature
was varied between 1000 and 1500 K and its influence on the
H2 yield, exergy and energy efficiency was also studied. The
maximum exergy efficiency reported is about 65% with minimum near SBR of 0.4, and the authors have shown maximum
specific entropy generation is between 0.37 and 0.42. The
lower value of the exergy efficiency has been argued due to the
increase in internal irreversibility with the varying SBR.
Abuadala et al. [4] have also argued the saturation of H2 yield


i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 9 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 1 9 4 7 4 e1 9 4 8 4

at around SBR of 0.7 without attributing any specific reason. It

is evident that in the temperature range of 1000e1500 K, charsteam reaction plays a significant role and H2 yield increases
significantly till carbon boundary point (at SBR of 1.5). Prins
et al. [5] also reported carbon boundary at SBR of 1.3. It is not
evident why the equilibrium values at higher SBR's were not
used in the analysis by Abuadala et al. [4].
Prins et al. [5] have carried out extensive analysis on
availability and irreversibility for the biomass gasification
process. They have compared the exergy efficiencies of air and
steam gasification with pyrolysis. Equilibrium studies were
employed using non-stoichiometric method based on minimizing the Gibbs free energy. Steam gasification proved to be
more efficient process compared to air gasification and pyrolysis. Steam gasification efficiency was reported to be 87.2%,
compared to 80.5% for air gasification. In the case of pyrolysis,
the efficiency was 76.8%. They have also analysed the physical, chemical exergy and sensible enthalpy of gas separately
and variation with steam to biomass ratio (SBR) and equivalence ratio (ER). In the case of air gasification, Prins et al. have
also identified the carbon boundary (at ER of 0.25), beyond
which no carbon is available for gasification. Beyond the carbon boundary point, the efficiency decreases and losses are
credited to oxidation of fuel gas to CO2 and H2O leading to
higher sensible heat and lower chemical energy in product
gas. Similarly, in the case of steam gasification, carbon
boundary has been identified at SBR of 1.3 beyond which
introducing extra steam leads to loss in input energy used in
steam generation. The coupling of exothermic oxidation of
carbon with endothermic water-gas and Boudouard reaction
is argued for the better efficiency of gasification over pyrolysis.
The authors have not clearly identified reasons towards
higher efficiency achieved in the case of steam gasification
over air gasification.
Silva and Rouboa [6] conducted thermodynamic analysis
for oxygen enriched air gasification of pine wood. The oxygen
fraction in gasifying media was increased from ambient condition (21% O2) to 40% O2 on the mole basis; the balance being
N2. They found increase in exergy and energy efficiencies with
O2 fraction. Exergy efficiency of 76% with 21% O2 increased to
over 83% with 40% O2 while H2 and CO mole fraction in the
product gas decreased from 22% to 11% and 19% to 14%
respectively. Increase in reaction zone temperature with increase in O2 fraction has been cited as the reason for higher
efficiencies. Specific reasons towards the reduction of H2 and
CO with the increase in O2 percent are not discussed. Also, the
given argument for the higher efficiencies at higher O2 fractions seems inconsistent based on the work of Karamarkovic
and Karamarkovic [8] who presented the analysis of exergy
and energy efficiencies with the variation in temperature.
It is evident from the literature on exergy and energy
analysis of gasification system that the analyses are largely
based on equilibrium calculation, while experimental reports
are limited [4e9]. However, it is important to note that thermodynamic equilibrium model cannot approximate the process due to complex nature of the heterogeneous reaction
system [15]. The heterogeneous reactions that occur inside the
reactor are both diffusion and kinetic limited depending upon
the reactants [15]. The gas composition, quality and efficiency
of a gasification system depends significantly on the residence

time of the reacting species at the given temperature which

inherently depends on the reactor geometry, design and process parameters [16]. Hence, experimental investigation is
The present work is focused on evaluating the first and
second law efficiency based on the experiments using a
downdraft gasification system. The results from an autothermal oxy-steam/air gasification system are used to evaluate the exergy and energy efficiencies using wood chips as
the fuel. Effect of variation in SBR and ER on the gasification
efficiency and losses in the system are discussed. Comparison
of the oxy-steam gasification and air gasification process is
also discussed. Carbon boundary point (CBP) is identified and
the reason for significant enhancement in the H2/CO ratio
beyond CBP is discussed. The choice of SBR for higher H2 yield
and syngas with higher energy density and efficiency is

Materials and methods

Experiments were conducted using a scaled down version of an
open-top downdraft gasifier (Fig. 1) developed at the Indian
Institute of Science (IISc) [17e20]. The reactor was modified
with the lock-hopper assembly for feeding the biomass; thus
isolating the system from the ambient, as oxygen and steam
were introduced at slightly above ambient pressure. Steam was
generated at around 0.4 MPa using an electric boiler and further
superheated to about 650 K using electric heater. Oxygen cylinder (99% O2 and balance N2) was used for O2 supply and
premixed with superheated steam and supplied to the reactor.
The reactor had a provision to introduce the oxy-steam mixture
at different heights. Water scrubber was used for cooling and
cleaning of syngas. The cooled and cleaned gas was flared in a
specially designed burner. Syngas and oxygen flow rates were
measured using pre-calibrated flow metres. Steam and oxygen
flow rates were regulated to achieve different SBR and ER
values for the gasification process. The syngas composition
(CO, CO2, CH4 and H2 fractions) was measured using the Sick
Maihak S 517 gas analyser. The gas analyser was calibrated with
a calibration gas whose composition was similar to the typical

Fig. 1 e Experimental setup.

i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 9 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 1 9 4 7 4 e1 9 4 8 4

syngas composition. The gas composition data was acquired

every 30 s. K-type thermocouples were used to measure the
temperature and the data was acquired using the IO tech PDQ2
data acquisition system.
For the initial startup, approximately 350 g of wood charcoal
was loaded to a height of 300 mm from the gasifier ignition
nozzle and dry casuarina wood (with moisture content <1%)
above the char bed. Using an ignition torch, char bed was ignited
through ignition ports. A suction blower was used to draw air
flow inside the reactor through the air nozzles to ensure easy
ignition of the reactor. In the case of air gasification, having
established combustible gas in the flare, the system was operated in suction mode. Temperature, gas composition of syngas
and flow rate of the reactant and the product gas were recorded.
For oxy-steam gasification, top of the reactor was closed (air
supply was stopped), and gasifying media as per the design
(O2 H2O) was supplied in controlled amounts.
The current work adopts the operational parameters for the
air gasification from Dasappa et al. and Mahapatra and
Dasappa's work [16,21,22] for optimum performance of the air
gasification process. Dasappa et al. [16] studied the influence of
the superficial mass flux rate (SMFR) on the flame propagation
rate, gas quality and the performance of open-top downdraft
gasifier with air as a gasifying medium. Mahapatra and
Dasappa [21e23] have also done similar work to analyse the
performance of the gasifier and tar level with the variation in
particle size and air mass flux rate. Using casuarina wood
chips, SMFR of 0.1 kg/m2s was used in the present study.
Wood chips of approximately 20 mm overall dimensions
were dried to moisture content to less than 1% in an electric
oven at 373 K. Ultimate analysis of dried casuarina wood
samples is presented in Table 1.

Gasification of biomass, in a downdraft gasifier configuration,

involves pyrolysis, combustion of volatiles and the reduction
of char with the reaction with product of volatiles. The final
gas composition and yield depends largely on the reactions in
reduction zone. Typical reactions in the reduction zone are:
Water gas reaction

C H2 OH2 CO  131:4 kJ=mole


Boudouard reaction

Table 1 e Ultimate analysis result of dry casuarina wood.

Chemical Composition
Molecular weight

Mass fraction (%)

52.02 1.0
0.12 0.012
0.42 0.002
6.55 0.03
41.43 0.5
27.89 kg kmol1


Water gas shift reaction

CO H2 OCO2 H2 41:2 kJ=mole


Methane reaction
C 2H2 CH4 75 kJ=mole


Depending on the type of gasifying agent (air/oxygen/

steam), fraction of H2, CO, CH4, CO2, H2O and N2 in the gaseous
fuel product varies.
Water gas (1) and Boudouard (2) reactions are highly
endothermic and coupling it with the exothermic combustion
of volatiles with oxygen makes the system more thermodynamically sustainable. In other words, supplying heat externally to the reactor involves loss in exergy. Prins et al. [5] have
also argued on the similar lines while finding pyrolysis process less efficient than gasification.
Water gas (WG) (1) and water gas shift (WGS) reaction (3)
are the major reactions involved in the gasification process
leading to H2 and CO yield. Water gas reaction (1) is highly
endothermic that requires superheated steam to facilitate
better char conversion and higher hydrogen yield. Dasappa
[15] had studied the wood char reaction with the steam, CO2
and mixture of O2eN2 extensively, and after careful study of
char-steam reaction at atmospheric pressure, they derived
simplified reaction rate expression (5), suggesting the increase
in the overall reaction rate with increasing SBR. The first
(k1pH2O) and third terms (K5p2H2O) in the numerator are directly
proportional to the partial pressure of H2O (pH2O) and to the
square of pH2O respectively.
k1 pH2 O K5 p2H2 O
u'''CH2 O 
1 K2 pH2

Methodology and approach


C CO2 2CO  172:6 kJ=mole



where, u'''CH2 O is the reaction rate of carbon per unit volume, k1

is the rate constant, and K2 and K3 are obtained from the
detailed kinetic steps, with pi being the partial pressure of the
species with the following rate parameters. k1 3.6  1013 eE/1
mol/(m3 s); K2 35 Pa1 and K3 9.18  107 eE/RT
mol/(m3 s),
E1/R 30000.3 K, E3/R 15,083 K.
It is evident from the equation (5) that with the increase in
SBR, the partial pressure of H2O and hence the char-steam
reaction rate increases, with the higher H2 yield in the product, while there is a tradeoff between the energy input to raise
steam to the overall gain in the energy and H2 yield.
Elemental mass balance technique has been employed to
use experimental data for the analysis. Biomass and air or
oxygen-steam is considered as input; all of which were
measured during the experiment [17]. Gas composition was
measured on dry basis. To account for condensed H2O during
gas cooling process, species balance of C, H and O was used,
based on exit gas composition.

Energy efficiency analysis for gasification

Energy efficiency is evaluated as the ratio of output energy to
the input energy. Output energy is identified as the lower


i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 9 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 1 9 4 7 4 e1 9 4 8 4

heating value (LHV) of syngas and the energy content in the

residual char. The input energy is calculated as the sum of
energy content of biomass, energy requirement of auxiliary
units of gasifier (water pumps, scrubbers, blower, etc),
enthalpy to raise steam and energy involved in separation of
oxygen from the air. In the current work, oxygen cylinder is
used for the experiments but the total energy used in the
oxygen separation from air is calculated based on the data
from literature. Energy efficiency is obtained using.

Energy efficiency hen


Exergy efficiency analysis for gasification

Exergy balance of the biomass gasification can be represented as:


Eout I

where, Ein and Eout represent the input exergy and output
exergy, and I represent the irreversibility induced during the
conversion process.
Exergy or the available energy in any gaseous species is the
sum of chemical and physical exergy (equation (7)). Physical
exergy depicts the change in enthalpy of particular gaseous
specie from standard state to the given pressure and temperature and also accounts for the loss in entropy in the
process (equation (8)). Chemical exergy of the mixture is the
standard chemical exergy mixing of all the constituents (1st
term in equation (9)) and the loss in entropy due to mixing of
different species of gases (2nd term in equation (9)).

Exergy efficiency

Thermodynamic data for the exergy of gaseous species are

derived from the standard data book [24], except for the solid
fuel, i.e., biomass and char. Estimation of the chemical exergy
of biomass involves a combination of various organic compounds, in varying amount, having numerous different elements and closely bounded by complex bonds. Researchers
[25,26] have adopted different techniques to evaluate the
chemical exergy of biomass. Rant [27] proposed the exergy for
solid biomass fuels to be evaluated as a constant factor of the


calorific value of the fuel. Szargut and Styrylska, and Song

et al. [25,26] have considered statistical correlations based on
the lower heating value of the biomass and fraction of C, H and
O. Song et al. have used the similar technique to evaluate
standard exergy values of different biomass species [26].
Based on Szargut's Reference Environmental (R.E.) model [28],
Song et al. arrived at simplified method to evaluate exergy
value of dry biomass formulated in equation (10).
DB 1812:5 295:606C 587:354H 17:5O 17:735N
95:615S  31:8A



is the chemical exergy of dry biomass, and C, H, O,
N and S are respective elemental constituents in biomass and
A is the ash content, all in wt%.
Using the equation (10), standard exergy of wood is calculated
as 20.8 MJ/kg for the dry casuarina wood used in the present work.
Exergy efficiency is evaluated using equations 7e11.






xi h  h0  xi T0 s  s0 Exchar
xi $Ex0 RT0 xi $ln xi


xi $Ex0 RT0 xi $ln xi xi h  h0  xi T0 s  s0


O2 ;H2 O

Ex Exch Exph



hi  hi;0  T0 si  si;0

xi i;0 RT0

xi ln xi


The terms in the numerator and denominator in the

equation (11) are analysed separately using the experimental
data. Parametric studies are carried out to assess impact of
change in SBR on efficiency and to compare efficiencies of air
and oxy-steam gasification process.


Observations and results

Chemical exergy of the mixture is always lower than of the
sum of standard chemical exergy of the individual species due to
the irreversibility caused during mixing of gases (2nd term in the
equation (9), also called as exergy of mixing, is always negative).

Product gas composition, mass flow rates of the fuel and reactants along with the gas temperature was used to arrive at
energy input and efficiency for varying SBR and ER. With the


i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 9 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 1 9 4 7 4 e1 9 4 8 4

increase in SBR, reduction in bed temperature was noticed;

not a desirable condition for ensuring good gas quality; both
composition as well as tar in the gas. With the increase in
steam flow rate, oxygen supply i.e., ER was increased to
maintain the higher average bed temperature. Experiments
were conducted by varying SBR from 0.75 to 2.7 and ER ranging
from 0.16 to 0.3. Longer duration gasifier operations were
conducted to ensure stability in operation towards achieving
consistency in result.
Table 2 summarizes the experimental results. Based on the
elemental composition (C,H and O as in Table 1), casuarina
wood contains about 65 g of H2/kg of biomass and through air
gasification 45.7 g H2/kg of biomass has been realized in the
gaseous fuel (Table 2). It is evident from the results in Table 2
that the oxy-steam gasification process has enhanced H2
fraction in the gas. Compared with air gasification, the H2
fraction in the syngas is more than double. The H2 yield is
found to be increased with SBR, whereas CO fraction shows
the reverse trend. The maximum yield of H2 at 104 g per kg of
biomass with 50.6% mole fraction on dry basis has been
Tables 3 and 4 presents the exergy and energy efficiency.
The exergy and energy efficiencies of air gasification process
are found to be comparable to the oxy-steam gasification
process at lower SBR of 0.75. Exergy efficiency is found to be
reduced with the increase in the SBR. Maximum exergy efficiency of 85% is obtained at the lower SBR of 0.75; which reduces to 69.2% at the higher SBR of 2.7. Similar trends are
observed for energy efficiency too. At any given SBR the energy
efficiency is found to be lower than the exergy efficiency. Close
examination of the data presented in Table 3 suggests that the
exergy input in the steam generation increases significantly
from the 6.1% of the total exergy input at SBR of 0.75 to 18.4%
at higher SBR of 2.7. For the same operating conditions the
exergy input fraction in O2 generation shows a modest
increment from 5.1% to 6.3% in the same SBR range to maintain average bed temperature high. The physical exergy fraction in the output gas for air gasification is 3.2% compared to
oxy-steam gasification which increases from 5.9 to 11.3%
with the increase in SBR from 0.75 to 2.7. On the contrary, the
chemical mixture exergy fraction in the gas during air gasification is found to be 3.2% compared to oxy-steam gasification,
which shows a modest increment with SBR from 1.7% to 2.8%
in the given range of SBR.
From the analysis as presented in Table 4, it is evident
that during the air gasification, the energy yield in output
gas per kg of biomass and the calorific value is significantly
lower than the results obtained during oxy-steam gasification. The calorific value of gas during the oxy-steam
gasification process is found to be decreasing from
8.91 MJ/Nm3 to 7.43 MJ/Nm3 with the increase in SBR from
0.75 to 2.7.

Analysis and discussion

The results from the analysis are further analysed at the subprocess levels occurring during the gasification process.

Exergy analysis
All the components in the equation (11) are evaluated separately to provide an insight on the system losses. Fig. 2 gives
the schematic representation of the exergy flow.
From Table 3, the highest exergy efficiency recorded was
at 86% with the SBR of 0.96 and then the value reduced to
69% at the SBR of 2.7. The component of sensible heat in the
gas is identified as physical exergy, which is lost during the
gas cooling process and is one of the major factors in the
deviation of energy efficiency from exergy efficiency. Physical exergy in the syngas was found to be increased from
about 6% to 12% with increase in SBR from 0.75 to 2.7, while
the physical exergy is found to be quite low with a value of
3.2% in the case of air gasification (Table 3). The data clearly
suggests the reduction in energy efficiency at higher SBR
due to the extra loss in sensible heat or physical exergy in
syngas. Presence of unreacted steam in the hot syngas is
found to be contributing significantly to the physical exergy,
which increases from 13% to 76% of physical exergy in
product gas. The exergy of mixture also contribute to the
losses and were found to be roughly 2% of total exergy of
syngas and no significant variations were observed with the
change in SBR. Mixture exergy in the case of air gasification
was found to be higher at 3.2%, and is argued due to the
presence of large fraction of N2 in product gas, where N2
accounts for 35% of the total mixture exergy in the product
Fig. 3 presents the exergy input fraction in O2 and steam
generation with change in SBR. Exergy input for O2 separation
and steam generation were roughly same for low SBR, but
with the increase in SBR, the steam exergy increased significantly from 6% to over 18%. Marginal increase in oxygen level
to maintain the bed temperature had shown no significant
impact on the exergy input.

Energy analysis
Similar to exergy efficiency, energy efficiency was also found
to be decreased with the increase in SBR. Efficiency reduced
from 80% to about 66% with the increase in SBR from 0.75 to
2.7. Efficiency in the case of air gasification is 80%, slightly
lower compared to oxy-steam gasification. The fraction of
energy input in oxygen separation accounts for over 5%e8%
for the range of SBR used in the experiment, even though in
absolute terms the input energy spent almost double to little

Table 2 e Results: H2 and CO yield.


0 (Air)











H2 yield (%, dry gas)

18.2 0.2 41.8 0.1 44.8 0.4 45.8 0.1 43.1 0.2 45.2 0.3 51.1 0.2 48.9 0.1 51.6 0.2 51.8 0.1 50.6 0.3
CO yield (%, dry gas)
17.1 0.2 28.8 0.3 26.1 0.1 24.1 0.2 26.6 0.1 25 0.1 15 0.1 17.2 0.2 12.4 0.1 13.3 0.1 12.9 0.1
H2 yield (g/kg of biomass) 45.7 0.4 65.6 0.2 65.3 0.7 68.6 0.2 70.8 0.4 72.7 0.6 88.4 0.5 94 0.2 98.5 0.3 99 0.2 104 0.6


Table 3 e Exergy analysis of gasification process.


0 (Air)













80.3 0.2
85 0.2
5.9 0.04
0.8 0.02
13.7 0.01
1.7 0.01

75.2 0.1
83.1 0.1
6.5 0.03
1.6 0.01
25.4 0.02
1.9 0.01

73.5 0.1
85.7 0.1
6.6 0.05
1.7 0.02
25.9 0.03
1.9 0.01

76.3 0.3
80.3 0.3
6.9 0.03
2.3 0.01
33.2 0.02
2 0.01

73.5 0.2
76.6 0.2
7.3 0.02
3 0.01
41.1 0.01
2.1 0.01

68.1 0.1
84.3 0.1
8.1 0.05
3.2 0.02
39.4 0.02
2.2 0.01

77 0.1
83.9 0.1
8.6 0.06
4.1 0.02
47.4 0.03
2.4 0.01

64.7 0.2
79.6 0.2
10.6 0.07
6.7 0.05
68.2 0.03
2.5 0.01

65.8 0.2
77.8 0.2
11.1 0.05
8.5 0.04
76.2 0.02
2.7 0.01

65.6 0.3
69.2 0.3
11.3 0.06
8.6 0.06
76 0.03
2.8 0.01

Table 4 e Energy analysis of gasification process.

Energy spent in O2 separation (MJ/kg of biomass)
Energy spent in steam generation (MJ/kg of biomass)
Fraction of input energy in O2 separation (%)
Fraction of input energy in steam generation (%)
Energy in syngas (MJ/kg of biomass)
LHV of syngas (MJ/Nm3)
Fraction of output energy in form of H2 (%)
Energy Efficiency (%)
NA e not applicable.

0 (Air)
13.72 0.3
4.96 0.2
42.5 0.2
80 0.1












16.2 0.2
7.8 0.1
65.3 0.2
68.1 0.1









i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 9 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 1 9 4 7 4 e1 9 4 8 4

Energy efficiency (%)

Exergy efficiency (%)
ExO2/Exin (%)
ExH2O_gas/Exph (%)
ExCh_mix/Exgas (%)

i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 9 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 1 9 4 7 4 e1 9 4 8 4


Fig. 2 e Schematic depicting typical exergy analysis for oxy-steam gasification.

over 2 MJ per kg of biomass at higher SBR from around 1 MJ at

lower SBR of 0.85. As expected, energy input for steam generation and superheating varies substantially with the SBR.
Energy input fraction for steam generation increased almost
three times with 10.3% at SBR of 0.75 to about 28.5% at SBR of

Comparison of efficiencies for air and oxy-steam gasification

The thermo-chemical process involving air and oxy-steam
gasification generates gaseous fuel. It is interesting and also
important to analyse the overall process efficiency in these cases

Fig. 4 presents the exergy and energy efficiency for air gasification and oxy-steam gasification with the varying SBR. Data
for air gasification is plotted at SBR 0. Decrease in energy and
exergy efficiency with SBR is evident from Fig. 4. As expected,
the 2nd law exergy efficiency is evaluated to be higher than
First law energy efficiency. The differences are attributed to
the loss in sensible heat of the hot gas.

a. The exergy loss due to the mixing of gases in the case of air
gasification is about 3.2% of total hot gas exergy value
compared to 1.7% in case of oxy-steam gasification at lower
SBR of 0.75.
b. Total exergy (chemical and physical) in the hot gas due to
N2 itself accounts for 3.3% which directly translates to loss
in energy efficiency.
c. Loss in efficiency due to H2O accounts for 0.8%, which is
comparable to that in the case of oxy-steam gasification at
lower SBR of 0.75.

Fig. 3 e Fraction of exergy input in O2 and steam

generation Vs SBR.

Fig. 4 e Variation in energy and exergy efficiency with SBR

(Air gasification data point is at SBR 0).

Differences in exergy and energy efficiency


i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 9 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 1 9 4 7 4 e1 9 4 8 4

The analysis suggests that the presence of N2 in the product gas contributes significantly towards the losses, while in
the case of oxy-steam gasification, the H2O fraction in the hot
gas leads to the similar losses at lower SBR, which makes air
gasification a less efficient process. It also justifies and reasons
the results presented by Silva and Rouboa [6] on the numerical
studies for the oxygen enriched air gasification with pine
wood suggesting the higher exergy efficiency at lower N2.

Carbon boundary point (CBP) and effects on LHV, gas

composition and efficiencies at SBR >1.5
It is evident from the equation (5) that with the increase in
SBR, the rate of char-steam reaction and hence the carbon
conversion increases. Researchers have found that in the
gasification system, the carbon boundary point (when residual carbon approaches 0%) is achieved at a certain ER and
temperature for optimal efficiency and the system performance [5,7,8]. In the equilibrium studies, Prins et al. identified
the carbon boundary for the biomass-steam gasification at
SBR of 1.3 [5]. Fig. 5 presents the percent of carbon conversion
with SBR. It can be clearly observed that the carbon conversion inside the reactor increased with SBR and reached CBP at
SBR of 1.5 i.e., residual carbon approaching zero.

Fig. 6 e Variation in H2/CO ratio with SBR.

c. The total energy yield in syngas per unit biomass increases

with SBR due to more carbon getting converted to fuel gas,
but the calorific value of syngas (per unit volume or mass)
reduces at higher SBR. Fig. 7(a) clearly shows the
improvement in energy yield saturates at around 18 MJ/kg

a. Mass and elemental balance technique has been used to

evaluate carbon boundary. Only 87% of carbon conversion
was observed at SBR of 0.75 and conversion rate increasing
with SBR. Complete carbon conversion was observed at
SBR of 1.5 (Fig. 5). Beyond SBR of 1.5, no carbon being left
for reaction with steam, extra steam reacts with CO (reaction 3) to yield H2 and CO2. As a result, significant
enhancement in H2 yield is observed with the proportional
loss in CO output. Fig. 6 plots the H2/CO ratio with SBR
which clearly shows the significant increase in H2/CO ratio
after SBR >1.5.
b. The WGS reaction is mildly exothermic and calorific value
of H2 is less than CO (on molar basis) which simply implies
that once the carbon boundary is reached, no extra fuel gas
is generated but chemical energy is transferred from CO to
H2. It results in higher yield of H2 at the expense of chemical energy or efficiency.

Fig. 5 e Char (carbon) conversion Vs SBR and CBP (the

intersection of 2 lines at the SBR of 1.5).

Fig. 7 e (a) e Variation in energy yield of syngas per kg of

biomass and syngas calorific value with SBR. (b) e
Variation in H2 yield and fraction of energy in H2.

i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 9 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 1 9 4 7 4 e1 9 4 8 4

Fig. 8 e Variation in various product gas exergy

components with SBR.

of biomass once the carbon boundary is reached. On the

other hand, LHV of syngas decreases gradually with increase in SBR after CBP is reached (at SBR of 1.5). Fig. 7(b)
clearly shows the sudden jump in H2 yield and energy
fraction in form of H2 with SBR.

Effect of SBR on efficiency

As explained in Fig. 4, the variation in SBR has significant effect
on the overall efficiency. Once the CBP is reached (at SBR 1.5),
the efficiency gradually decreases with SBR. Apart from the
extra energy input in the steam generation, the conversion of
CO to H2 is responsible for the reduction in efficiency, as discussed in the section 5.5(b), at higher SBR. Variation of different
components of exergy losses in the process with SBR is presented in Fig. 8. H2O in the hot gas is found to be rising substantially with SBR. Exergy in H2O alone accounts for 13.7e76%
of the total physical exergy or 0.8e8.6% of the total exergy of
syngas. Also, physical exergy in the formulation (equation (8))
accounts for the enthalpy rise and increase in the entropy at
elevated temperatures which is a loss during energy efficiency
evaluation. With the increase in SBR, physical exergy fraction
in syngas exergy increases from 5.9 to 11.3%.

The paper presents an in-depth study of the energy transformation during the gasification of biomass using exergy
analysis based on the experimental results of air and oxysteam gasification in a 50 kWTh downdraft reactor configuration. Sub-components contributing to the exergy flow are
studied and causes of irreversibility and inefficiencies have
been identified. Presence of N2 in the reaction system is
attributed towards slightly lower efficiency level in air gasification compared to oxy-steam gasification at lower SBR. The
current study provides scientific basis towards the increase in
efficiency in the oxygen enriched air gasification as reported
by Silva and Rouboa [7].


Variation in energy efficiency, LHV and H2 yield with SBR

have been studied and analysed. Elemental mass technique
has been employed to identify the CBP at SBR of 1.5 and ER of
0.23. Syngas energy yield per kg biomass was found to be
increased, though marginally, with SBR till CBP after which it
saturates, due to enhanced solid-to-gas conversion till CBP is
reached. The sudden rise in H2/CO ratio at SBR value more
than 1.5 (after reaching CBP) is argued due to WGS reaction
playing the major role. On the other side the calorific value of
syngas was found to be gradually decreased with SBR after
CBP due to the WGS reaction converting high energy CO
molecule to comparatively lower energy H2 molecule. Apart
from CO conversion; the high exergy and energy input in
steam generation with the increase in SBR and substantial
exergy output in the form of unconverted H2O adds to the
system inefficiencies. Exergy and energy analysis suggests
operating at lower SBRs for high energy syngas at better efficiency, but to operate at higher SBRs for high H2 yield and
syngas with high H2/CO ratio.


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