Intercooled Gas Turbine Engine

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Journal of Energy Engineering, Vol.

143, Issue 5, October 2017, Article number 04017016


Exergetic and Sustainability Analysis of an Intercooled Gas Turbine

Cogeneration Plant with Reverse Osmosis Desalination System

Abdulrahman Almutairi*, 1, Pericles Pilidis 2, Nawaf Al-Mutawa 3, Mohammed Al-Weshahi 4

1 Researcher ,Cranfield University, School of Aerospace, Transport and Manufacturing, Power and Propulsion Department, Cranfield,
Bedfordshire MK43 0AL, UK (corresponding author). Email: [email protected] .
Professor,Cranfield University, School of Aerospace, Transport and Manufacturing, Power and Propulsion Department, Cranfield,
Bedfordshire MK43 0AL, UK
Assistant Professor, Kuwait University, College of Engineering and Petroleum, Alkhalidiya ,P.O.Box 5969 Safat 13060, Kuwait
Assistant Professor, Shinas College of Technology, Engineering Department, Shinas,P.O.Box 77, Oman


In this paper, an advanced cogeneration plant based on a 100 MW aero-derivative intercooled

gas turbine (ICGT) engine and large two-pass reverse osmosis (RO) desalination system is

analyzed thermodynamically. The proposed model has been developed using the IPSEpro

software package and validated with manufacturers’ published data. Saline water is simulated

using the latest physical properties available in the literature and treated as a real mixture.

Combined energetic and exergetic performance criteria for the design of a cogeneration plant

is presented as being, today, the most efficient method for accurate assessment of performance

which also permits quantification of system deficiencies. The performance of the proposed

plant was investigated using different loads, ambient temperatures, pressure ratios and feed

water temperatures. The results show an intercooler system improves cogeneration plant

performance despite having a negative impact on the combustion chamber performance

because of its reduction of compressed air temperature.

The ICGT engine is considered to be the best available choice to integrate with an RO unit

because of its high-pressure ratio and low power consumption in the compressors. From an

operational perspective full load, low ambient and high feed water temperatures are highly

recommended. The exergetic efficiency of the ICGT engine, RO system and cogeneration plant

are shown to be 44.3 %, 32.83 % and 47.6% respectively. From a sustainability perspective,

the exergetic–environmental efficiency is slightly affected by ambient temperature while highly

affected by load variation. Based upon the obtained results, numerous possibilities are

presented to improve the performance of cogeneration plant.

Published by American Society of Civil Engineers.

This is the Author Accepted Manuscript made available for personal use only.
Please refer to any applicable publisher terms of use.
1- Introduction

The rate of depletion of non-renewable energy and water has increased enormously over the

last century to meet the demands of increased economic activities, rapid increases in population

and changes in lifestyle which has had serious adverse effects on environmental sustainability.

Cogeneration systems to supply power and clean water from a single fuel source have a

relatively high performance, low production cost and environmental impact compared to

separate power and desalination plants. The most common technology used for electrical

generation today is the GT whereas in water technology reverse osmosis (RO) is predominant.

In the current study, these two systems are integrated as shown in Figures 1 and 2.

Exergy represents the maximum obtainable work from a system under reversible conditions.

Exergy analysis is a decisive tool to assess the efficiency of energy systems especially when

the product has a different energy form and quality. It reveals the sources and magnitudes of

irreversibilities within a system. Exergy analysis is governed by the first and second laws of

thermodynamic, and it is not conserved and adjusted by waste exergy.

In last two decades, numerous exergy studies have been performed on RO plants in standalone

mode, but only a few have focused on RO plants in cogeneration systems. Cerci (2002)

performed an exergy analysis study for a 7250 m3/d RO plant located in California and

alternative designs were explored in order to improve plant performance. The exergetic

efficiency of the plant was low, equal to 4.3%, and the proposed alternative design had an

exergetic efficiency of 4.9%, only slightly higher than the original plant. In that study, the

thermo-physical properties of seawater were treated as an ideal mixture.

Wanga and Tang (2013) produced an exergetic analysis of a two-stage RO desalination plant,

which resulted in two main findings. First, increasing the number of stages raises the input

pressure, resulting in higher exergy and total exergy destruction. Second, exergetic efficiency

can be improved by heating the feed water and increasing product flow usage. Ternero, et al.
(2005) conducted an exergetic study of a 21,000 m3/d RO plant located in Spain. The main

observation was that about 80% of exergy destruction occurred in the core unit, which consisted

of high pressure pumps, membrane modules and valve regulation. Aljundi (2009) introduced

second-law analysis using actual plant data from a 1,600 m3/d RO plant located in Jordan. The

results of this study show the highest exergy destruction occurred in the membrane modules

and throttling valve, confirming the findings of Cerci (2002). Al-Zahrani et al. (2012)

conducted a thermodynamic analysis of a RO desalination unit with energy recovery. Three

configurations were introduced into the desalination unit; (i) a throttling valve in the rejection

section, (ii) an hydraulic turbine and (iii) a pressure exchanger system (PX) used as an energy

recovery device (ERD). The results showed that plant performance was significantly affected

by applied pressure, feed water salinity and temperature. El-Emam and Dincer (2014)

investigated the performance of a 7586 m3/d RO desalination plant with an integrated energy

recovery Pelton turbine, at different seawater salinity values. The exergy analysis showed that

the energy recovery device reduced exergy destruction by 35.5%, compared to expansion

valves. The recovery ratio of ERD was inversely proportional to product unit cost.

Sharqawy et al. (2011b) carried out exergetic analysis on a RO desalination plant using the

latest available thermodynamic properties of seawater instead of treating it as an ideal mixture

consisting purely of H2O and NaCl. The results showed a significant difference between the

results obtained using an ideal mixture and real properties, especially with regard to exergetic

efficiency and energy consumption values.

Mistry et al. (2011) carried out exergetic analysis for different desalination technologies using

a new definition for useful exergy output. In their study, the exergetic efficiencies of RO, ME-

TVC, MED, and MSF were found to be 31.9 %, 8.5 %, 5.9 % and 2.9% respectively. Kempton

et al. (2010) investigated the thermodynamic efficiencies and greenhouse-gas emissions for

three alternative desalination technologies. The result show that the highest exergetic efficiency
occur with RO at 30.1% followed by 14.3% MED and 7.7% MSF. Dashtpour and Al-zubaidy

(2012) applied energy analysis to a RO plant using new a scheme to reduce electrical power

consumption per unit volume of fresh water. Farooque et al. (2008) conducted energetic

analyses of RO plant utilizing energy recovery devices. According to the study, the power

consumption of the high-pressure pump was highly dependent on ERD efficiency and seasonal

operating conditions.

In recent years, several studies have proposed environmental indicators based on an exergy

analysis. Midilli and Dincer (2009) developed new exergetic–environmental indicators for a

polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell in order to measure environmental impact and

sustainability. Some of these indicators were applied by Aydin (2013) to an aeroderivative GT.

In this context, the present authors (Almutairi et al, 2015a), have developed a new indicator,

termed exergetic–environmental efficiency, which relates exergetic efficiency and power

output with exhaust gas production. The exergetic-environmental efficiency is considered to be

a good indicator for measuring environmental impact resulting from energy system emissions.

The amount of carbon dioxide [CO2] was selected as a parameter to represent exhaust gases, as

it is highly affected by energy system efficiency. The exergetic–environmental efficiency can

be expressed as the ratio between the actual values and the stoichiometric value of CO2.

This article describes a study in which energy and exergy analyses were performed on a

cogeneration plant based on an advanced aero-derivative ICGT integrated with a two-pass large

RO unit. The current study aims to contribute to the literature by:

❖ Developing a comprehensive model for a cogeneration plant based on exergy analysis using

real data sets.

❖ Evaluating a two-pass RO desalination plant of an industrial scale using the most recent

thermo-physical properties of seawater, treated as a real mixture.

❖ Examining the effects of intercooling on exergy destruction of all components.

2- Cogeneration plant: system description
In this study, a cogeneration system based on an ICGT engine and RO desalination plant was

investigated, see Figure 1. The ICGT engine was inspired by the LMS 100 GE, a state-of-the-

art aero-derivative GT. The desalination plant was inspired by the Al Shuwaikh RO desalination

plant, see Figure 2, which is located in the state of Kuwait. The validation of the two models

using manufacturer’s data is shown in Appendix-A.

Figure 1. Schematic diagram for the intercooled gas turbine engine.

2.1 Intercooled Gas Turbine Engine

The ICGT engine is distinguished by intercooling modification of the GT system, and in today’s

market it has the highest claimed power output and efficiency (for simple cycles). Intercooling

is an important technique that increases net GT power output by reducing compressor power

consumption. With the intercooling system, the power consumption of the HPC is reduced,

increasing overall efficiency. The ICGT system consists of three shafts (F’, G’ and H’), as

shown in Figure-1.
Figure 2. Schematic diagram for the Shuwaikh RO Desalination Plant (MEW, 2008).
The first shaft is connected to the low-pressure components; the second, to the high-pressure

components; and the third, to the power turbine. The cold section consists of the low-pressure

compressor (LPC), high-pressure compressor (HPC) and the intercooler situated between them.

The compressed air is delivered from the LPC to the intercooler to reduce the inlet temperature

of the HPC by extracting heat. The work required to drive the HPC is reduced and leads to an

increase in engine output power.

There is one negative impact of the intercooling process, the lower temperature of the air being

delivered to the combustor, which increases the fuel consumption in the engine. The overall

pressure ratio in the LPC and HPC compressors is 42. To reduce pressure losses two scroll

casings have been introduced, one at the exit of the LPC before the intercooler, and the second

at the inlet of the HPC. The high-pressure compressed air moves forward to the annular

combustor and, mixed with fuel, results in hot, gaseous, products of combustion which are

directed into the turbine section and expand through the high-pressure turbine (HPT),

intermediate-pressure turbine (IPT), and low-pressure turbine (LPT) or power turbine (PT). The

HPT and IPT are derived the HPC and LPC whereas the LPT produces the power output. The

thermal efficiency and capacity of the ICGT engine are about 45% and 100 MW under

International Standards Organization [ISO] conditions. The stream of exhaust gases exits from

the stack at atmospheric pressure and temperature of about 685 K. ICGT performance data is

presented in Table 1.

2.2 RO Desalination Plant

The RO desalination plant is driven by the ICGT. A small portion of the power generated by

the ICGT is directly consumed by the RO plant, and the majority is exported to the electrical

network. The intake of the Shuwaikh RO desalination plant is on the coast of the Arabian Gulf,

which has a high salinity, reaching 45,000 ppm. The design capacity of the inlet is about

425,000 m3/d. The seawater supply pumps (SSP) draw seawater from the intake area and
deliver it into the dissolved air flotation (DAF) system. The feed water is treated physically

and chemically in the DAF system to remove or separate the colloidal solids, oils and greases.

The feed water moves forward through strainers and a static mixer via filter feed pumps (FFPs).

Next, the feed water is directed to the ultrafiltration (UF) system where large macromolecules,

colloids, bacteria and proteins are removed. The UF system has a membrane with large pore

sizes compared to the membrane modules in the RO unit.

Table 1. Performance data of proposed cogeneration system.

Description Value Unit

GT Power output 98.70 MW
Thermal efficiency 45 %
Heat rate

7921.00 kJ/kWh
Compressor Pressure ratio 42 ----
Exhaust Mass flow 222 Kg/s
Exhaust Temperature 412 o
Number of SWRO stages 10 ----
Number of BWRO nit stages 4 ----
Seawater feed temperature 15 C
Seawater salinity 45000 ppm
Design mass flow rate 4921.1 Kg/s
Permeate mass flow rate 1611.1 Kg/s
Rejected mass flow rate 3342.8 Kg/s
RO Desalination Plant

SWRO permeate mass flow rate 1750 Kg/s

SWRO bypass permeate mass flow rate 361.1 Kg/s
SWRO permeate mass flow rate 1250 Kg/s
BWRO rejected mass flow rate 138.8 Kg/s
Permeate salinity less than 200 ppm
Brine salinity 66279 ppm
SSP discharge pressure 2.5 bar
FFP discharge pressure 5.5 bar
UF Backwash discharge pressure 4.5 bar
ERD booster pump discharge pressure 66.7 bar
SWRO HPP discharge pressure 66.7 bar
BWRO HPP discharge pressure 13.7 bar
SWRO recovery ratio 42 %
BWRO recovery ratio 90 %
The treated feed water is mixed with brackish water from the second pass RO unit, in the static

mixer, then moves to the high-pressure pump (HPP). After that the high pressure feed water is

mixed with the discharge stream from the ERD booster pumps, after which it enters the first

RO unit (which consists of 10 stages). The exit stream splits into two main streams with

different salinities. The permeate exiting from the first unit is also divided into two streams, the

first is used as a feed to the second RO unit (4 stages) while the second blends with the permeate

stream exiting from the second RO unit and is moved to the product tank by the product water

pump. The product stream has a capacity of 136,000 m3/d with a salinity less than 200 ppm.

The brine water of the first RO units returns to the main stream after passing through the

pressure exchanger and booster pumps. The exiting brine water from the second RO unit is also

returned to the main stream and mixes with the feed water, but after the UF system has reduced

its salinity. The pressure exchanger system reduces the energy consumed in the first RO unit

by about 50%, especially at high feed salinity. The RO desalination plant contains a

sophisticated pretreatment process prior to the thermal processes and which requires more than

twenty different chemicals to protect the RO unit during its operation (Darwish, 2014) . The

RO desalination plant performance data is also shown in Table 1.

3- Methodology
Comprehensive energetic and exergetic studies were performed for a simulated cogeneration

system inspired by real power generation and desalination units. The proposed system

performance was investigated at different loads, ambient temperatures, feed water temperatures

and pressure ratios. The following assumptions were made about the cogeneration system :-

▪ The proposed model operated at steady state conditions.

▪ Intake air and combustion products in the ICGT could be treated as ideal gas mixtures.

▪ The effects of kinetic and potential exergies could be omitted.

▪ Combustion was complete, and N2 was inert.

▪ The supplied fuel was natural gas.

▪ The pump efficiency was 75%, as published in (Kahraman and Cengel , 2005).

▪ The intake conditions were 288 K and 45000 ppm, and these were taken as the reference


3.1 Seawater thermo-physical properties

The modelling developments reported here and previously (Almutairi et al, 2016) , have taken

into account the thermophysical properties seawater, its composition and, particularly, chemical

exergy. This is considered important because seawater contains a strong electrolyte which

makes the ideal mixture concept inapplicable. Treating seawater as an ideal mixture produces

unrealistic negative exergetic values in the different streams which offends against the second

law of thermodynamics where the exergy must be equal to, or greater than zero. Nevertheless.

for the sake of simplicity, some researchers such as (Hou et al. , 2007) have assumed seawater

to be pure water. Ignoring the low salt percentage in seawater will have adverse effects on

desalination plant design (Sharqawy et al. , 2010). However, the present study uses the latest

published data on thermo-physical properties as given by Sharqawy et al. (2011a) . The

calculations and results for density, specific enthalpy, specific entropy and chemical potential

are given Appendix-B.

3.2 Energy analysis

Exchange of energy for any system results in work and heat transfer through a specified domain.

Conservation of energy maintains the sum of all energies in that region is constant because

internal losses are not considered. For a generally steady state condition the energy equation

state can be expressed as:

Q̇ − Ẇ = ΔH + ΔKe + ΔPe (1)

The heat transfer and work done are represented on the L.H.S. of Equation (1) while the change

in enthalpy, kinetic and potential energies are respectively represented on the R.H.S. Energy
analysis is considered a useful tool to calculate thermal efficiency, power output, heat release

and enthalpies. Detailed calculations of air to fuel ratio in the combustion chamber is shown in


3.3 Exergy analysis

Exergy analysis has become an important method for evaluating energy systems and is widely

applied to determine type, location and magnitude of thermodynamics inefficiencies. Thus, it

can play a decisive role in improving the performance of existing plants or design of new

projects. Exergy analysis combines the principles of mass and energy conservation with the

second law of thermodynamics. Unlike energy, exergy is not conserved and is highly effected

by the quality of the energy. In the absence of nuclear reaction, surface tension, magnetism and

electricity the total exergy will consist of four components; physical, chemical, kinetic and

potential (Hepbasli , 2008). The exergy balance of a system is given by:

𝐸̇𝑥 = 𝐸̇𝑝ℎ + 𝐸̇𝑘𝑒 + 𝐸̇𝑝𝑒 + 𝐸̇𝑐ℎ (2)

Kinetic, 𝐸̇𝑘𝑒 , and potential, 𝐸̇𝑝𝑒 , exergies are commonly associated with the movement and

elevation of particles, respectivly, but are omitted from the present study due to their negligibly

small contibutions. Physical exergy consists of thermal and mechanical exergy and is defined

as the maximum obtainable useful work from a unit mass of substance proceeding from a

specified state (𝑇𝑠, 𝑝𝑠) to the environmental state (𝑇𝑜, 𝑝𝑜) (Querol et al., 2012). The physical

exergy is given by the expression:

𝐸̇𝑝ℎ = 𝑚̇[(ℎ𝑠 − ℎ𝑜 ) − 𝑇𝑜 (𝑠𝑠 − 𝑠𝑜 )] (3)

Where the subscripts (s) refers to specified state and (o) for the corresponding environmental

state. Once the specified temperature and reference temperature are equal, then for gases

streams equation (3) becomes:

𝐸̇𝑝ℎ = 𝑚̇𝑅𝑇𝑜 𝑙𝑛 𝑃𝑠 (4)
When the system reaches full equilibrium (both physical and chemical) with the local

environment, it is said to be in “dead state”, and it has zero exergy. Chemical exergy is defined

as the maximum energy that can be extracted from the stream as the flow reaches its dead state

due to, for example, differences in molecular structure and concentration. The chemical exergy

of the fuel, gas mixtures and saline water can be calculated using the following equations


𝐸̇𝑐ℎ = 𝑛̇ 𝐿𝐻𝑉
̅̅̅̅̅̅ (5)

𝐸̇𝑐ℎ = 𝑛̇ [𝑦𝑘 𝑒𝑘−𝑐ℎ + 𝑅̅ 𝑇𝑜 ∑ 𝑦𝑘 ln(𝑦𝑘 )] (6)

𝐸̇𝑐ℎ = 𝑚̇ ∑ 𝑤𝑘 (𝜇𝑘𝑠 − 𝜇𝑘∗ ) (7)

Where the superscripts (*) refer to the dead state. The ṅ , e−ch
k and μk represents number of

mole rate, specific molar chemical exergy and chemical potential for component k in the

mixture. The specific molar chemical exergies are presented in the table for different substance

as puplished in Bejan et al. (1996), Ahrendts (1980) , Almutairi et al. (2015b) and Khaliq


The exergetic efficiency assesses the actual performance of an energy system from a

thermodynamic view. The exergetic efficiency is defined as the ratio of product to fuel exergy

for a system or component, i.e.:

𝐸̇𝑝 𝐸̇𝑑 +𝐸̇𝑙

𝜂𝑒𝑥 = 𝐸̇𝑓
= 1− (8)

Where 𝐸̇𝑝 , 𝐸̇𝑓 , 𝐸̇𝑑 and 𝐸̇𝑙 represent rates of production of exergy, fuel exergy, exergy destruction

and exergy loss respectively. Exergy destruction is associated with irreversibilities within a

component whereas exergy loss relates to energy emitted to the environment during the process

or at the end. Inlet exergy to the component is always higher than outlet exergy by the value of

the waste exergy as shown in the following equation.

𝐸̇𝑒 = 𝐸̇𝑖 − 𝐸̇𝑑 − 𝐸̇𝑙 (9)

The exergy loss 𝐸̇𝑙 for a certain component is equal to zero at the adiabatic condition. In the

desalination process, the minimum work of separation represents exergy product whereas the

fuel exergy is equal to electrical energy supplied to the system. Hence, the exergetic efficiency

of RO system can be written as:

𝜂𝑒𝑥 = (10)

3.4 Sustainability Indicator

Exergy plays an important role in sustainable development, because it offers a common basis

of assessment for diverse energy resources, and addresses concerns about the quality and

quantity of energy. Environmental impact decreases and sustainability increases as the energy

system’s exergetic efficiency increases. Awareness of this important relationship between

exergy and the environment may help reveal patterns in adverse changes to the environment,

and assist researchers to better assess likely environmental damage. Rosen and Dincer (2012)

reported three relationships between exergy and the environment, as illustrated in Figure 3.

Figure 3: Exergy analysis with three forms of environmental damage.

Exergetic-environmental efficiency is considered to be a good indicator to assess likely

environmental impact resulting from emissions from energy systems. The amount of CO2 in
the exit gases was selected as the variable to represent emissions because it is highly affected

by engine efficiency. Thus, exergetic–environmental efficiency is expressed as the ratio

between actual values per MWh to the stoichiometric values of CO2, and can be written as:

𝜉𝐶𝑜2 = (11)

The stoichiometric value, φst, of CO2 can be calculated using molar analysis, whereas the actual

value is obtained from the HEPHAESTUS generic combustor model. A cogeneration plant

producing power and water as reported in the literature (Al-Weshahi et al. ,2013 ; Al-Sulaiman

et al. , 2011 ; and Almutairi et al., 2016) generally considers the useful energy supplied to the

desalination plant as addition energy equivalent to the amount of water produced. Thus the CO2

produced by the cogeneration of electricity and water has been expressed as:

𝜑cogen = 𝑾̇+𝑸̇

This approach does not reflect the real status of CO2 emission because it is based on the

assumption of utilising an amount of energy with 100% efficiency, which is far from reality.

The conflict comes from the nature of the product which is not energy and the low exergetic

efficiency of desalination plants. However, using an energy input in the CO2 generation

equation for a cogeneration plant can be justified as equivalent to having a stand-alone

desalination plant using an industrial boiler, in spite of the different configurations between

them. That shows substantial reduction in CO2 intensity per MWh and augments the

cogeneration principle, but does not permit an accurate evaluation of CO2 emissions.

In this study, a new approach is proposed that is compatible with the desalination process as a

low-grade heat recovery technology. The CO2 intensity equation uses minimum work of

separation (𝑊̇𝑚𝑖𝑛 ) instead of energy input and can be written as:

𝜑cogen = 𝑾̇+𝑾̇
4- Results and discussion
This section presents the results of energetic and exergetic analyses of a cogeneration system

(ICGT-RO) under different conditions. The effect of load variations, climatic conditions,

pressure ratios, the number of stages and feed water temperatures have been investigated. The

reference and dead state for water streams subject to the intake conditions T= 288 K, P = 1.01

bar, and ws = 45,000 ppm. The streams of the topping cycle have the same reference conditions.

The topping cycle and RO unit streams are denoted by letters and number respectively as

illustrated in Figures 1 and 2. The exergetic data of the proposed cogeneration system at various

locations are shown in Tables 2 and 3. The proposed model of the power and desalination plant

were validated with manufacturer’s published data and showed high compatibility. The

validation was considered a necessary step prior to examining the model or commencing the

analysis to maximise the reliability of the results.

Table 2. The exergetic data at various locations in RO plant.

Mass Exergy
Pressure Salinity Enthalpy Entropy
Point Location Fluid Flow Rate
(bar) (ppm) (kJ/kg) (kJ/kg. K)
(kg/s) (MW)
0 Intake – SSP Inlet pump Saline water 4934 1.01 45000 59 0.21 0.00
1 SSP Outlet Saline water 4934 2.51 45000 59 0.21 0.72
2 DAF Outlet/ FFP Inlet Saline water 4603 2.26 45000 59 0.21 0.56
2A FFP Outlet/ Strainers Inlet Saline water 4603 5.63 45000 60 0.21 2.05
3 UF Inlet Saline water 4573 5.51 45000 60 0.21 1.99
4 UF Outlet Saline water 3998 4.51 45000 59 0.21 1.35
5 Backwash Tank Inlet Saline water 575 4.01 45000 59 0.21 0.17
6 SWRO HPP Inlet Saline water 1773 4.51 43700 60 0.21 0.60
6A ERD PX Inlet Saline water 2300 4.50 43700 60 0.21 0.78
7 SWRO HPP Outlet Saline water 1773 66.72 43700 68 0.22 11.27
7A ERD BP Outlet Saline water 2314 68.00 48300 65 0.21 14.98
8 First RO Unit Inlet Saline water 4086 66.72 46300 67 0.21 25.94
9 First RO Unit Outlet Fresh water 1719 1.50 700 65 0.23 5.91
10 First RO Unit Outlet Brine water 2367 65.22 79400 63 0.19 16.14
10A ERD Outlet/ BP Inlet Saline water 2314 63.10 48300 65 0.21 13.88
11 ERD Outlet/To Outfall Brine water 2354 1.30 75100 57 0.19 1.49
12 Bypass Line Fresh water 348 1.50 700 65 0.23 1.19
13 BWRO HPP Inlet Fresh water 1371 1.49 700 65 0.23 4.71
13A BWRO HPP Outlet Fresh water 1371 13.71 700 67 0.23 6.39
14 Second RO Unit Outlet Fresh water 1232 1.50 100 65 0.23 4.38
Mass Exergy
Pressure Salinity Enthalpy Entropy
Point Location Fluid Flow Rate
(bar) (ppm) (kJ/kg) (kJ/kg. K)
(kg/s) (MW)
15 Second RO Unit Outlet Brackish 139 11.11 6100 66 0.23 0.48
16 Permeate Tank Outlet water
Fresh water 1580 1.50 200 65 0.23 5.59
16A PWP Outlet Fresh water 1580 4.50 200 66 0.23 6.06
17 Internal Consumption Fresh water 32 4.50 200 66 0.23 0.12
18 To Product Tank Fresh water 1547 1.01 200 64 0.23 5.39
19 UFP Outlet/UF Inlet Saline water 575 4.51 45000 59 0.21 0.19
20 DAF Outlet/WWP Inlet Saline water 91 1.00 45000 59 0.21 0.00
21 TO Neutralization pit Saline water 91 1.00 45000 59 0.21 0.00
22 TO Waste Water Saline water 91 1.50 45000 59 0.21 0.00
23 TO CWE Tank Fresh water 0 4.50 200 66 0.23 0.00
24 Strainer Inlet Saline water 3023 1.10 68400 58 0.19 1.21
25 TO Outfall Channel Brine water 3023 1.10 68400 58 0.19 1.21
26 UF Outlet/To Outfall Saline water 488 2.51 45000 59 0.21 0.07

Table 3. The exergetic data at various locations in ICGT engine at ISO condition

Mass Exergy
Temp. Pressure Enthalpy Entropy
Point Location Fluid Flow Rate
(K) (bar) (kJ/kg) (kJ/kg. K)
(kg/s) (MW)
A LPC Inlet Air 217.1 288 1.01 15.01 6.85 0.29
B LPC Outlet/ Cooler Inlet Air 217.1 420.84 3.44 149.85 6.88 27.53
C Cooler Outlet/ HPC Inlet Air 217.1 325.36 3.28 52.80 6.63 21.95
D HPC Outlet/CC Inlet Air 217.1 701.55 42 444.73 6.69 103.09
E CC Inlet Fuel 4.93 288 45 22.27 --- 222.89
F CC Outlet/HPT Inlet Exhaust Gases 222.03 1490 39.82 1428.67 7.81 265.63
G HPT Outlet/ IPT Inlet Exhaust Gases 222.03 1182.4 12.656 1037.66 7.85 173.17

H IPT Outlet/ LPT Inlet Exhaust Gases 222.03 1073.5 8.02 903.14 7.87 145.39
I LPT Outlet/ Stack Exhaust Gases 222.03 685 1.013 444.85 7.95 38.72

Figure 4. Exergy flow as a percentage of input fuel exergy.

Figure 4 uses a Grossman diagram to illustrate exergy flow across a cogeneration system at

ISO conditions. Even though the ICGT contributes more useful exergy compared to the RO

desalination unit, it has more exergy destruction. The fuel exergy of the RO unit is about 9.9
%, which is low, and shows how power production dominates plant performance. The system

has a high exergy loss value that can be reduced by integrating the current system with a low-

grade heat recovery system to utilize heat contained in the gaseous products of combustion

before they are emitted to the environment. The high value of exergy destruction in the

combustion chamber of the proposed system open further possibilities to enhancing

performance. The technique of improvement depends, of course, on type of component which

is the source of the irreversibilities.

Figure 5. Exergy destruction as a percentage of total exergy destruction for

all components in proposed cogeneration system at ISO condition.

Figure 5 shows the exergy destruction rate for each component as a percentage of total exergy

destruction for all components in the system. The highest source of irreversibilities occurs in

the combustion chamber due to turbulent mixing, chemical reactions, friction and heat loss. The

exergy destruction in the combustor is about 60%, higher than all the other components

combined. This value can be reduced by preheating the fuel or compressed air and reducing

excess air to near the stoichiometric value. Improving the mixing may also help to increase

combustion efficiency.
The RO unit constitutes the second source of irreversibilities of 14.8%, which is relatively high

compared to the exergy fuel input. This high level of waste exergy is attributed to friction,

leakage losses and the large number of components in the RO unit. The LPT was third in the

level of exergy destruction. It has a higher number of stages than either HPT or IPT; even the

blade size creates more exergy destruction due to friction. The intercooler is next at 5.5%, due

to heat losses, temperature differences and friction. The effect of friction and aerodynamic loss

predominate in the HPC component. The high fuel exergy and expansion rate are the main

causes of irreversibilities within HPT. The LPC and IPT have lowest exergy destruction

because both of them are mechanically coupled with a low rate of compression and expansion

with respect to other rotating parts.

Figure 6. Relative exergy destruction as a percentage for the main RO unit components.

Figure 6 illustrates the relative percentages of total exergy destruction for the main components

in the RO unit. The highest exergy destruction occur in the pumps (41%) followed by the first

membrane modules (30%), then the second membrane modules and Pressure Exchanger-PX

(both at 12%). The high pressure pumps in SWRO (HHP) and BWRO (HBP), represent over

76 % of pump exergy destruction. That can be reduced by using more efficient pumps. The
high exergy destruction in the membrane modules may be attributed to fouling, hydraulic

resistance and concentration polarization, thus improved membrane design could significantly

enhance RO performance. The main sources of irreversibilities in the PX are friction and

mixing. The membrane modules and PX have the same percentage of exergy destruction, but

the latter has more potential for reducing both energy consumption and cost. In the current

model the Shuwaikh RO plant used a PX, so there is a high potential for improvement using

the more advanced isobaric, or pressure-equalising ERD.

Figure 7. Relative exergy destructions for different loads for proposed

cogeneration system under ISO conditions.
The effect of load variation on exergy destruction for all plant component is shown in Figure

7. The load variations are controlled mainly by electrical grid demand, which will vary during

the day and with the season. The range shown is between minimum safe load (50%) and full

load, at design conditions. These two limit may change slightly with off-design conditions. In

general, the highest exergetic efficiency is achieved at full load, but exergy destruction with

load varies according to the component being considered. The exergy destruction in the

combustion chamber decreases as the load decreases due to a reduction in the rate of fuel
consumption. The proportional reduction in heat input is lower than power output, which

explains the reduction in exergetic efficiency as the load decreases.

The expansion rate in the power turbine (LPT) reduced with load reduction and that caused a

drop in exergy destruction level. The HPT and IPT have the same trend as HPC and IPC due

to the mechanical coupling between them. Reducing the load increases exergy destruction

because the fuel exergy relative to the expansion rate is increased. The intercooler in the ICGT

has a higher irreversibilities level because the fall in exergy destruction rate is less than the total

value of exergy destruction.

The relation between power to water ratio and exergetic efficiency is directly proportional. The

exergy destruction in the RO unit with respect to total exergy destruction increases at part load

whereas it registered the minimum value at full load.

In accord with the above results it is highly recommended to always operate the GT at full load,

and the cogeneration system at high power to water ratio.

Figure 8. Exergetic efficiency versus and ambient temperatures for ICGT-RO

cogeneration plant.
The exergetic efficiency of a cogeneration plant varies with ambient temperature, see Figure 8.

The variation in ambient temperatures is considered a good indicator of climate change. The

effect of ambient temperature on plant performance was reduced due to the presence of

intercooling. Ambient temperature effects are confined to LPC components, due particularly to

increasing power consumption to compensate for the decrease in air density with increase in

ambient temperature. Rising ambient temperature lead to a reduction in exergetic efficiency

and the relation between them is inversely proportional. The exergy destruction in the LPC

increases because of increasing fuel exergy in order to compensate for change in air density.

Figure 9. Exergetic efficiency versus and pressure ratio for ICGT-RO

cogeneration plant.

Figure 9 shows the effect of variation of pressure ratio on plant performance. The exergetic

efficiency of the cogeneration plant rose as the pressure ratio increased due to the increase in

temperature of the compressed air temperature entering the combustion chamber. Hence, the

amount of fuel required to meet the high-pressure turbine requirements decreased. The energy

consumed by the compressors was less than the energy saved by the reduction in fuel
consumption and that raised the exergetic efficiency as the pressure ratio increased. The ICGT

has the highest pressure ratio as well as efficiency among all aeroderivative GT engines used

for power generation today. Designing and/or operating the compressor at a high-pressure ratio

will be beneficial from a performance perspective.

Figure 10. Exergetic efficiency and minimum work of separation versus

feed temperature.

The sea water feed temperature significantly effect on RO unit performance as shown in Figure

10. It is well know that the sea water temperature in the Arabian Gulf varies from 10oC to 32oC

with seasonal changes. This fact confirms the importance of investigating feed temperature

either in the design or operational stages. The exergetic efficiency of the RO unit increased as

feed temperature increased due to reduction in fuel exergy input and increasing minimum work

of separation. Increase in feed temperature from 15oC to 28oC increased RO unit exergetic

efficiency uniformly by 2.26%, this was due largely to the increased value of minimum work

of separation. Such a result strongly supports the hybridization of RO plant with thermal

desalination or steam power plants in order to provide high temperature feed water. The
exergetic efficiency of the cogeneration plant remained almost constant because the amount of

energy saved in the RO unit was so small compared to the total energy consumed by the plant

as a whole.

Figure 11 shows the environmental impact of the proposed system at the different operating

conditions. The ICGT can be subject to part load due to variations in electrical network demand,

which are based on the end users’ requirement. The relation between load variation as a

percentage and exergetic environmental efficiency is shown in Figure 11A. Generally, as the

load reduces, the exergetic environmental efficiency reduces and the relation between them is

directly proportional. Therefore, it highly recommended to operate the system at full load to

achieve best performance as well as low emission per MWh.

Figure 11B shows that CO2 intensity increases with increase in ambient temperature. That may

be attributed to the level of reduction in net power output being greater than the fuel reduction.

The reduction in net power output results from the increase in the compressor’s power

consumption due to the decrease in air density. Thus, the net power output will reduce as

ambient temperature rises. The reduction in fuel consumption is mainly due to raising the

compressed air temperature at the exit of high-pressure compressor.

The system’s environmental impact is more sensitive to load variation than ambient

temperature change due to the intercooling effect and the cogeneration system is more

environmentally favourable in comparison with ICGT standalone.

Figure 11 :Enviromental impact for ICGT and cogeneration plant A) Exergetic-environmental
efficiency and B) CO2 intensity.

5- Conclusion
This work presents an energetic and exergetic analysis of cogeneration plant based on an ICGT

and a large RO desalination unit. The IPSEpro software was used for modelling and analyzing

the proposed system. The most recently published data were used to evaluate the

thermophysical properties of seawater treating it as a real mixture. The extracted exergetic data

shows good agreement with the manufacturer’s data and recent studies presented in Mistry et

al. (2011) and Kempton et al. (2010).

The analysis confirmed that the combustion chamber has the highest level of irreversibilities

followed by the RO unit and LPT, representing over 82.7 % of total exergy destruction. The

high-pressure pump, membrane modules and ERD are the main causes of exergy loss in the

RO unit. The exergetic efficiency of a cogeneration plant is about 47.6 % with advantages of

high performance for separated systems and a shorter installation period than other systems for

power and water generation.

It has been demonstrated that exergetic efficiency increased as the load and pressure ratio

increased; the relation between them is directly proportional. Rising feed water temperature,

significantly improved RO unit efficiency but, as a whole, the cogeneration plant was almost
unaffected. Enhancement of the ICGT engine performance contributes much more than

improving the desalination unit to cogeneration plant performance, a high electrical power to

water ratio always recommended. Maintaining a full load on the ICGT is important for good plant

performance. The intercooled system reduces or limits the ambient temperature effect on the

system and low values are more favourable. The cogeneration proposed system is considered

more sustainable with respect to separated systems.


The authors wish to thank the Ministry of Electricity and Water in Kuwait for its assistance and

support in the current work.


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B Brine water flow rate

D Distillate water flow rate
Ė Rate of exergy flow in stream
Specific molar chemical exergy
F Feed water flow rate
g Acceleration of gravity
h Specific enthalpy
ℎ𝑓𝑔 Latent heat of vaporization
LHV Low heating value in molar basis
M Cooling seawater flow rate
𝑚̇ Mass flow rate
𝑛̇ Number of mole rate
𝑃 Pressure of the stream
Q̇ Heat transfer rate
𝑅 Gas constant
𝑅̅ Universal gas constant
s Specific entropy
Ṡ Entropy generation
T Temperature of the stream
y Mole fraction
V Specific volume
ẇ Power
ẇ𝑚𝑖𝑛 Minimum work of separation

Greek letters

λ̅ Fuel to air ratio in molar bases

𝜂𝑒𝑥 Exergetic Efficiency
μk chemical potential
𝜉𝐶𝑜2 Exergetic–environmental efficiency
φac Actual mass of CO2 per MWh
φst Stoichiometric mass of CO2 per MWh
𝜑cogen CO2 intensity for cogeneration plant

ac Actual
c Cold Stream
ch Chemical
cv Control volume
d Destruction
e Outlet
f Fuel
h Hot Stream
i Inlet
k Component
ke Kinetic energy
l Loss
m motive steam
o Reference state
p Product
ph Physical
pe Potentials
r Entrained vapor
S Steam
x Total
AFR Air to fuel ratio
AC Air compressor
CC Combustion chamber
CO2 Carbon Dioxide
DAF Dissolved air flotation
EBP ERD booster pump
ERD Energy recovery device
FFP filter feed pump
GE General Electric
GT Gas Turbine
HBP high-pressure brackish pump
HPC High-Pressure compressor
HPP high-pressure pump
HPT High-Pressure turbine
ICGT Intercooled gas turbine
IP Intermediate-Pressure turbine
ISO International Standards Organization
LP Low-Pressure turbine
MED Multi-effect desalination
MEW Ministry of Electricity and Water
MSF Multi Stage Flash
PEM Polymer electrolyte membrane
PWP Product water pump
PX Pressure exchange
RO Reverse osmosis
SSP seawater supply pump
UF Ultrafiltration
UFP Ultrafiltration pump
WWP Waste Water pump
Appendix A - Validation of Proposed Models
In Appendix-A, the validation of the intercooled gas turbine engine LMS 100 and Al Shuwaikh
RO desalination plant models with manufacturer data as illustrated in tables A-1 and A-2.

Table A-1: LMS100 published performance data with result of equivalent proposed model.
Description GE IPSEpro Model Unit
Power output (MW) 98.70 98.80 MW
Thermal efficiency (%) 45.00 43.30 %
Heat rate (KJ/KWh) 7921.00 8307.53 KJ/KWh
Pressure ratio 42.00 42.00 ----
Exhaust Mass flow (Kg/s) 222.00 222.00 Kg/s
Exhaust Temperature (K) 685.00 689.00 K

Table A-2: The validation of AL-Shuwaikh RO Desalination Plant.

Description Doosan IPSEpro Model Unit
Number of SWRO stages 10 10 ----
Number of BWRO nit stages 4 4 ----
Seawater feed temperature 15 15 o
Seawater temperature salinity 45000 45000 ppm
Design mass flow rate 4921.1 4921.1 Kg/s
Permeate mass flow rate 1611.1 1611.1 Kg/s
Rejected mass flow rate 3342.8 3342.8 Kg/s
SWRO permeate mass flow rate 1750 1750 Kg/s
SWRO bypass permeate mass flow rate 361.1 361.1 Kg/s
SWRO permeate mass flow rate 1250 1250 Kg/s
BWRO rejected mass flow rate 138.8 138.8 Kg/s
Permeate salinity less than 200 less than 200 ppm
Brine salinity 66279 66279 ppm
SSP discharge pressure 2.5 2.5 bar
FFP discharge pressure 5.5 5.5 bar
UF Backwash discharge pressure 4.5 4.5 bar
ERD booster pump discharge pressure 66.7 66.7 bar
SWRO HPP discharge pressure 66.7 66.7 bar
BWRO HPP discharge pressure 13.7 13.7 bar
SWRO recovery ratio 42 42 %
BWRO recovery ratio 90 90 %
Appendix B - Seawater Thermo-Physical Properties

The thermophysical properties of seawater were determined by using a model of International

Association for the Physical Sciences of the Oceans (IAPSO) (Culkin and Ridout,1998). The

Gibbs energy in proposed model is a function of pressure, temperature and salinity and used to

calculate thermodynamic properties. The fundamental equations details shown in 2008 issued

by International Association of Properties of Water and Steam (IAPWS) (Cooper and Dooley ,

2007). Sharqawy et al. (2010) proposed some correlations to calculate specific volume, specific

enthalpy, specific entropy and chemical potential. These correlations validated with IAPSO

and IAPWS models and showed good agreement. Table B-1 shows some constants that used

to calculate thermodynamic properties.

Table B-1: Thermodynamical empirical correlation constants.

a1 b1 b6 c1 c6
8.02x10 2
-2.348x10 4
-4.417x10 1
-4.231x10 2
a2 b2 b7 c2 c7
-2.001x10 1
3.152x10 5
2.139x10 -1
1.463x10 4
a3 b3 b8 c3 c8
1.677x10-2 2.803x106 -1.991x104 -9.88x104 -6.111x101
a4 b4 b9 c4 c9
-3.06x10-5 -1.446x107 b2.778x104 3.095x105 8.041x101
a5 b5 b10 c5 c10
-1.613x10- 7.826x103 9.728x101 2.562x101 3.035x10-1

The following equations give the specific volume (v), specific enthalpy (h) and specific entropy
(s) colorations:-
𝑣𝑠𝑤 = (B-1)

𝜌𝑠𝑤 = 𝜌𝑤 +𝑤𝑠 (𝑎1 + 𝑎2 𝑇 + 𝑎3 𝑇 2 + 𝑎4 𝑇 3 + 𝑎5 𝑤𝑠 𝑇 2 ) (B-2)

𝜌𝑤 = 9.999𝑥102 + 2.034𝑥10−2 𝑇 − 6.162𝑥10−3 𝑇 2 + 2.261𝑥10−5 𝑇 3
−4.657𝑥10−8 𝑇 4 (B-3)
ℎ𝑠𝑤 = ℎ𝑤 − 𝑤𝑠 (𝑏1 + 𝑏2 𝑤𝑠 + 𝑏3 𝑤𝑠2 + 𝑏4 𝑤𝑠3 + 𝑏5 𝑇 + 𝑏6 𝑇 2 + 𝑏7 𝑇 3 + 𝑏8 𝑤𝑠 𝑇
+𝑏9 𝑤𝑠2 𝑇 + 𝑏10 𝑤𝑠 𝑇 2 ) (B-4)
ℎ𝑤 = 141.355 + 4202.070 𝑇 − 0.535 𝑇 2 + 0.004𝑇 3 (B-5)
𝑠𝑠𝑤 = 𝑠𝑤 − 𝑤𝑠 (𝑐1 + 𝑐2 𝑤𝑠 + 𝑐3 𝑤𝑠2 + 𝑐4 𝑤𝑠3 + 𝑐5 𝑇 + 𝑐6 𝑇 2 + 𝑐7 𝑇 3 +𝑐8 𝑤𝑠 𝑇
+𝑐9 𝑤𝑠2 𝑇 + 𝑐10 𝑤𝑠 𝑇 2 ) (B-6)
𝑠𝑤 = 0.1543 + 15.383 𝑇 − 2.996𝑥10−2 𝑇 2 + 8.193𝑥10−5 𝑇 3 − 1.37𝑥10−7 𝑇 4 (B-7)

Where the subscripts (w) and (sw) represent pure water and saline water. The salt concentration

symbolized by 𝑤𝑠 in kgs/kgsw. The temperture unit in all above equation should be in Celsius

and the outcome unit for the specific volume, specific enthalpy and specific entropy will

be m3/ kg, J/kg and J/(kg.k).

The chemical potentials of seawater can be calculated from the derivative of Gibbs energy

function as shown in the following equations:-

𝜕𝐺𝑠𝑤 𝜕𝑔𝑠𝑤
μ𝑤 = 𝜕𝑚𝑤
= 𝑔𝑠𝑤 − 𝑤𝑠 𝜕𝑤𝑠

𝜕𝐺𝑠𝑤 𝜕𝑔𝑠𝑤
μ𝑠 = = 𝑔𝑠𝑤 + (1 − 𝑤𝑠 ) (B-9)
𝜕𝑚𝑠 𝜕𝑤𝑠

𝑔𝑠𝑤 = ℎ𝑠𝑤 − (𝑇 + 273.15)𝑠𝑠𝑤 (B-10)

𝜕𝑔𝑠𝑤 𝜕ℎ𝑠𝑤 𝜕𝑠𝑠𝑤

= − (𝑇 + 273.15) (B-11)
𝜕𝑤𝑠 𝜕𝑤𝑠 𝜕𝑤𝑠

− = 𝑏1 + 2𝑏2 𝑤𝑠 + 3𝑏3 𝑤𝑠2 + 4𝑏4 𝑤𝑠3 + 𝑏5 𝑇 + 𝑏6 𝑇 2 + 𝑏7 𝑇 3
+2𝑏8 𝑤𝑠 𝑇 + 3𝑏9 𝑤𝑠2 𝑇 + 2𝑏10 𝑤𝑠 𝑇 2 (B-12)

− = 𝑐1 + 2𝑐2 𝑤𝑠 + 3𝑐3 𝑤𝑠2 + 4𝑐4 𝑤𝑠3 + 𝑐5 𝑇 + 𝑐6 𝑇 2 + 𝑐7 𝑇 3
+2𝑐8 𝑤𝑠 𝑇 + 3𝑐9 𝑤𝑠2 𝑇 + 4𝑐10 𝑤𝑠 𝑇 2 ) (B-13)

Where 𝑔𝑠𝑤 is the specific Gibbs energy of seawater.

Appendix C - Molar and Energy Analysis

The fuel mass flow rate in ICGT engine vary with a change in operating conditions. The

compressed air temperature inlet to annular combustor significantly effect on the air to fuel

ratio (AFR). The ICGT can be operated by using natural gas or liquid fuel. In the current study,

the former were used the following composition.

Table C-1. Natural gas components molar fraction.

Component Molar fraction (%)

Methane (CH4) 93.34
Ethane (C2H6) 0.211
Propane (C3H8) 0.029
Nitrogen (N2) 6.42

The air stream composition in the in the cold section is given in Table C-2.

Table C-2. Air components molar fraction.

Component Molar fraction (%)

Nitrogen (N2) 77.48
Oxygen (O2) 20.59
Water (H2O) 1.9
Carbon dioxide (CO2) 0.03

The stoichiometric AFR value were determined by applying Molar analyses as explained
(Bejan et al. , 1996). The molar air to fuel is given by:
1 𝑛̇
̅ = 𝑛̇ 𝑎 (C-1)
𝜆 𝑓

Where ṅ and λ̅ refer to rate of number of mole and fuel-to-air ratio. Where ṅ and λ̅ refer to the
rate of a number of moles and fuel-to-air ratio. The subscripts (a) and (f) represent air and fuel
respectively. The rate of number of moles defined as a ratio of mass flow rate to molecular
weight and can be expressed by:
𝑛̇ = M (C-2)
The combustion reaction for case study can be written in term of mole fractions (y) and takes
the following form:

0.9334 CH4 0.7748 N2 yN2 N2

0.00211C2 H6 0.2059 O2 yO2 O2
𝜆̅ [ ]+[ ] → (1 + λ̅) (C-3)
0.00029C3 H8 0.019 H2 O yH2 O H2 O
0.0642 N2 0.0003CO2 [ yCO2 CO2 ]

The air to fuel ratio can be calculated by using energy balance equation between fuel and
difference in enthalpies due to heat addition. The reactant and product enthalpies were
determined by applying ideal gas mixture principles on combustor chamber upstream and
downstream conditions. The energy rate equation for ICGT rotating components under
adiabatic condition is given by:

Compressor: 𝑊̇𝐴𝑐 = 𝑚̇𝑎 (ℎ𝑒− ℎ𝑖 ) (C-4)

Gas Turbine: 𝑊̇𝐺𝑇 = 𝑚̇𝑝 (ℎ𝑖− ℎ𝑒 ) (C-5)

The rate of heat transfer in the combustor can be calculated from molar low heating value of
natural gas with assuming 2% as a heat loss using the following expression:

̅̅̅̅̅̅ = 𝑛̇ 𝑎 (−0.02𝜆̅)𝐿𝐻𝑉
𝑄̇𝑐𝑣 = −0.02 𝑛̇ 𝑓 𝐿𝐻𝑉 ̅̅̅̅̅̅ (C-6)

The energy balance equations for the adiabatic pumps are given by:

Pump :𝑊̇𝑝 = 𝑚̇𝑤 (ℎ𝑒− ℎ𝑖 ) (C-7)

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