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The document provides an overview of many important Hindu scriptures and texts, including translations available online.

The document describes the Vedas, Upanishads, Puranas and some other Hindu scriptures.

Translations of texts like the Rig Veda, Upanishads, Mahabharata and Ramayana by authors like Griffith, Oldenberg and Ganguli are mentioned.

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Lengkap: Rig Veda, Upanishad sampai

The Rig-Veda
translated by Ralph Griffith [1896]
A complete English translation of the Rig Veda.
Rig-Veda (Sanskrit)
The complete Rig Veda in Sanskrit, in Unicode Devanagari script and standard romanization.
Vedic Hymns, Part I (SBE 32)
Hymns to the Maruts, Rudra, Vyu and Vta, tr. by F. Max Mller [1891]
A masterpiece of linguistics and comparative mythology: translations and deep analysis of the
Vedic Hymns to the Storm Gods.
Vedic Hymns, Part II (SBE 46)
Hymns to Agni, tr. by Hermann Oldenberg [1897]
The Vedic Hymns to Agni.
A Vedic Reader for Students (excerpts)
by A.A. Macdonell [1917]
An introduction to the Dramatis Person of the Rig Veda.
Sama Veda
The Sama-Veda
translated by Ralph Griffith [1895]
A collection of hymns used by the priests during the Soma sacrifice. Many of these duplicate in
part or in whole hymns from the Rig Veda. This is a complete translation.
Yajur Veda
The Yajur Veda (Taittiriya Sanhita)
translated by Arthur Berriedale Keith [1914]
A complete translation of the Black Yajur Veda. The Yajur Veda is a detailed manual of the Vedic
sacrificial rites.
The Texts of the White Yajurveda
translated by Ralph T.H. Griffith [1899]
A complete translation of the White Yajur Veda.

Atharva Veda
The Atharva Veda also contains material from the Rig Veda, but of interest are the numerous
incantations and metaphysical texts, which this anthology (part of the Sacred Books of the East
series) collects and categorizes. The Atharva Veda was written down much later than the rest of
the Vedas, about 200 B.C.; it may have been composed about 1000 B.C.
The Hymns of the Atharvaveda
translated by Ralph T.H. Griffith [1895-6]
The unabridged Atharva Veda translation by Ralph Griffith.
The Atharva-Veda
translated by Maurice Bloomfield [1897]
(Sacred Books of the East, Vol. 42)
The Sacred Books of the East translation of the Atharva-veda. Selected hymns from the Atharvaveda.
The Upanishads are a continuation of the Vedic philosophy, and were written between 800 and
400 B.C. They elaborate on how the soul (Atman) can be united with the ultimate truth
(Brahman) through contemplation and mediation, as well as the doctrine of Karma-- the
cumulative effects of a persons' actions.
The Upanishads (Sacred Books of the East, vols. 1 and 15):
The Upanishads, Part I (SBE 1)
Max Mller, translator [1879]
The Chandogya, Talavkara, Aitreya-Aranyaka, the Kaushitaki-Brahmana, and the Vajasaneyi
Samhita Upanishads
The Upanishads, Part II (SBE 15)
Max Mller, translator [1884]
Katha, Mundaka, Taittiryaka, Brihadranyaka, Svetsvatara, Prasa, and Maitryana Brhmana
Thirty Minor Upanishads
by K. Narayanasvami Aiyar [1914]
Thirty shorter Upanishads, principally dealing with Yogic thought and practice.
From the Upanishads

Charles Johnston, translator [1889]

Translations from the Katha, Prasna and Chhandogya Upanishads.
The Puranas are post-Vedic texts which typically contain a complete narrative of the history of
the Universe from creation to destruction, genealogies of the kings, heroes and demigods, and
descriptions of Hindu cosmology and geography. There are 17 or 18 canonical Puranas, divided
into three categories, each named after a deity: Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. There are also many
other works termed Purana, known as 'Upapuranas.'
The Vishnu Purana
by H.H. Wilson [1840]
A primary text of the Vaishnava branch of Hinduism, and one of the canonical Puranas of the
Vishnu category. Among the portions of interest are a cycle of legends of the boyhood deeds of
Krishna and Rama. H.H. Wilson was one of the first Europeans to translate a Hindu sacred text
from the original Sanskrit. His style and annotations are exceptional and very readable.
The Garuda Purana
translated by Ernest Wood and S.V. Subrahmanyam [1911]
A Vishnu Purana with Dantesque descriptions of the afterlife, and details of Hindu funeral rites.
The S'rimad Dev Bhgawatam
translated by Swami Vijnanananda (Hari Prasanna Chatterji) [1921]
One of the Upapuranas, devoted to the Devi (Goddess).
The Dev Gita
translated by Swami Vijnanananda (Hari Prasanna Chatterji) [1921]
The Song of the Goddess. An excerpt from the S'rimad Dev Bhgawatam (above)
The Prem Sagur
(Prem Sagar) by Lallu Lal, translated by W. Hollings [1848]
English translation of a popular Hindi retelling of the Krishna cycle, based on the tenth book of
the Bhagavata Purana.
The Transmigration of the Seven Brahmans
translated by Henry David Thoreau [1931]
An excerpt from the Harivamsa, a Puranic text, translated by the American transcendentalist

Kundalini: The Mother of the Universe

by Rishi Singh Gherwal [1930]
Includes an English translation of the Lalita Sahasranama, the 'Thousand Names of the Goddess,'
from the Brahmanda Purana.
The Laws of Manu
George Bhler, translator [1886]
(Sacred Books of the East, vol. 25)
Manu was the legendary first man, the Adam of the Hindus. This is a collection of laws attributed
to Manu.
The Sacred Laws of the ryas, Part I (SBE 2)
George Bhler translator [1879]
(Sacred Books of the East, Vol. 2)
Hindu law books written by the sages pastamba and Gautama, in the first millenium B.C.
The Sacred Laws of the ryas, Part II (SBE 14)
George Bhler translator [1879]
(Sacred Books of the East, Vol. 14)
Hindu law books written by the sages Vasishtha and Baudhyana, in the first millenium B.C.
The Institutes of Vishnu (SBE 7)
Julius Jolly, translator [1880]
(Sacred Books of the East, Vol. 7)
This Hindu law book contains descriptions of yogic practises, and a moving hymn to the
Goddess Prajapati.
The Minor Law Books (SBE 33)
Julius Jolly, translator [1880]
(Sacred Books of the East, Vol. 33)
Later Hindu law books written by Narada and Brihaspati about 600 CE.
The Satapatha Brahmana
A primary source for Vedic-era mythology, philosophy and magical practices. The complete five
part Sacred Books of the East Satapatha Brahmana translation is now online:
Satapatha Brahmana, Part I (SBE12)
Satapatha Brahmana, Part II (SBE26)
Satapatha Brahmana, Part III (SBE41)
Satapatha Brahmana, Part IV (SBE43)
Satapatha Brahmana, Part V (SBE44)
The Grihya Sutras, Part 1 (SBE 29)
Hermann Oldenberg, tr. [1886]
The Grihya Sutras, Part 2 (SBE 30)
Hermann Oldenberg, tr. [1892]
Ancient Hindu household rites, including fertility, marriage, purity, initiations, and funerals.

The Epics
The Mahabharata and Ramayana are the national epics of India. They are probably the longest
poems in any language. The Mahabharata, attributed to the sage Vyasa, was written down from
540 to 300 B.C. The Mahabharata tells the legends of the Bharatas, a Vedic Aryan group. The
Ramayana, attributed to the poet Valmiki, was written down during the first century A.D.,
although it is based on oral traditions that go back six or seven centuries earlier. The Ramayana
is a moving love story with moral and spiritual themes that has deep appeal in India to this day.
In addition, a key Hindu sacred text, the Bhagavad Gita, is embedded in Book Six of the
The Mahabharata
translated by Kisari Mohan Ganguli [1883-1896]
Digitizing this unabridged translation of the Mahabharata was a joint venture between sacredtexts and Project Gutenberg.
The Mahabharata in Sanskrit
The text of the Mahabharata with parallel Devanagari and Romanization Unicode.
The Ramayana
Rmyan Of Vlmki
translated by Ralph T. H. Griffith [1870-1874]
The first complete public domain translation of the Ramayana to be placed online.
The Ramayana in Sanskrit
The text of the Ramayana with parallel Unicode Devanagari and Romanization.
Abridged Versions
The Ramayana and Mahabharata
R. Dutt translator [1899]
A very readable abridged version of these epics.
Indian Idylls
Sir Edwin Arnold, translator [1883]
More stories from the Mahabharata, rendered in poetry.

Love and Death

by Sri Arobindo [1921]
The popular story of Ruru and Priyumvada from the Mahabharata.
Bhagavad Gita
The Bhagavad Gita, usually considered part of the sixth book of the Mahabharata (dating from
about 400 or 300 B.C.), is a central text of Hinduism, a philosphical dialog between the god
Krishna and the warrior Arjuna. This is one of the most popular and accessible of all Hindu
scriptures, required reading for anyone interested in Hinduism. The Gita discusses selflessness,
duty, devotion, and meditation, integrating many different threads of Hindu philosophy.
The Bhagavadgt (SBE 8)
with the Sanatsugtya and the Anugt translated by Kshinth Trimbak Telang, (Sacred Books
of the East, Vol. 8) [1882]
A scholarly prose translation of the Bhagavad Gita with two other similar, less well known,
works from the Mahabharata.
The Bhagavad Gita in Sanskrit
A Unicode presentation of the Gita in Romanized Sanskrit.
by Swami Swarupananda [1909]
A modern English prose translation of the Gita with commentary.
The Bhagavad Gita
A modern prose translation of the Gita, sanctioned by the International Gita Society.
The Bhagavad Gita
Sir Edwin Arnold, translator [1885]
A classic poetic version of the Gita.

The Vednt-Stras (SBE 48)
with commentary by Rmnuja, translated by George Thibaut; (Sacred Books of the East, Vol.
48) [1904]

The Vednt-Stras Part I (SBE 34)

with commentary by Sankarkrya, translated by George Thibaut; (Sacred Books of the East,
Vol. 34) [1890]
The Vednt-Stras Part II (SBE 38)
with commentary by Sankarkrya, translated by George Thibaut; (Sacred Books of the East,
Vol. 38) [1896]
The Crest-Jewel of Wisdom
and other writings of ankarchrya; translation and commentaries by Charles Johnston [1946]
by L.D. Barnett [1911]
A short exposition of the Hindu Vedanta philosophy.

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