United Board Biennial Report

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2008–2009 biennial Rep ort


The United Board for Christian Higher Education in Asia works to

support a Christian presence in colleges and universities in Asia.


Founded in 1922, the United Board is a Christian organization that

works through higher education institutions in Asia to express
values such as justice, reconciliation and harmony between ethnic
and religious communities, gender equity, care for the environment,
and civil society.

The United Board operates as both a programmatic and grant-

making organization and works in partnership with institutions of
higher education across Asia.

This report marks a turning point for the United Board. Eight years ago, we opened a Hong Kong
office in order to fully engage in challenges facing higher education in Asia. This base enabled us
to expand our professional contacts and develop strong working relationships with universities
and colleges across the region. It deepened our understanding of key issues confronting Asian
educators and helped us identify countries and regions that particularly need support. As a
result, the United Board’s Asia-wide network is stronger and more vital than ever.

Our programs have been initiated and located in Asia, but going forward, they will be led by
partner institutions in Asia in cooperation with the United Board. Programs will be pan-Asian,
based at institutions in the region and driven by on-site experts. A brief introduction to our
three new program initiatives — Environment, Inter-Religious Understanding and Peace-
Building, and Local Knowledge — can be found on the next page.

We could not have reached this new phase without the relationships developed through our
signature programs, such as the United Board Fellows, Asian University Leaders, Regional Faculty
Scholars and others featured in this report. These programs will continue to be a vital part of
our work. We invite you to read comments from alumni, which vividly illustrate the tangible,
lasting impacts of their experiences with the United Board.

The highlights of two busy program years, described in these pages, show how the United Board
and its partners continue to be important voices in Asia for the value of combining academic,
moral and ethical training. We are grateful for your continuing support of these efforts.

Ching-mai Wu Patricia Stranahan

Chair, Board of Trustees President
www.UnitedBoard.org | 1

United Board initiatives are driven by our which they are based. The Initiative’s coastal history and culture. The goal is to develop
partner institutions across Asia. We currently component addresses issues of sustainability, a sustainable network of institutions and
support three pan-Asian initiatives — while its land component focuses on the scholars that can facilitate cooperation and
Environment, Inter-Religious Understanding interaction between environment and health. continuing dialogue about religious traditions
and Peace-Building, and Local Knowledge and community.
— through our grant-making, fellowship Inter-Religious Understanding
programs and fundraising efforts. These and Peace-Building Local Knowledge
initiatives build on the United Board’s rich The Inter-Religious Understanding and Peace- The rapid pace of globalization makes
tradition of educational capacity building Building Initiative supports projects that preservation of local knowledge —
and collaborative partnerships. build a shared understanding of the region’s everything from local dialects and music
religious traditions and respectfully consider to knowledge of medicinal plants — all
Environment differences within a substantive context of the more urgent. The goal of the Local
The Environment Initiative uses the Knowledge Initiative is to provide Asia’s
transformative power of education to researchers, faculty and librarians with
develop the enhanced knowledge, values, training and models that will enable them
attitudes, commitment and skills required to make greater use of available digital tools
to protect and improve the environment in to document,
Asia. Through support for environmental preserve
advocacy, it and share
also strengthens disappearing
connections cultural
between academic In developing its initiatives, the traditions.
United Board seeks the input
institutions and of specialists at its partner
the communities in institutions across Asia.

2 | www.UnitedBoard.org
The Environment Initiative uses the transformative power of
education to improve and protect the environment in Asia. www.UnitedBoard.org | 3
“Earlier I would wait for
opportunities to come my way;
F A C U LT Y & L E A D E R S H I P D E V E L O P M E N T now I try to create opportunities
for my students.”
United Board Fellows Program
— United Board Fellow Lilian Jasper,
University of Calcutta
Mid-level faculty and administrators at Asian United Board Fellows enrich their host
institutions gain new skills, fresh perspectives institutions, helping to internationalize their
and increased confidence through the United campuses and their academic networks.
Board Fellows Program. The program helps Twenty-eight Fellows are participating in the
prepare Fellows for leadership positions at 2008–2010 program; there were 29 in the
their home institutions, through short-term 2006–2008 cohort. Since the program was
placements that expose them to ways that introduced in 2002, a total of 110 Fellows
other universities and colleges manage similar from ten countries have been involved in
issues. the program.

Over the two-year program cycle, Fellows

participate in two placements of four months
each at universities in the United States,
Asia and Australia. With the support of a
mentor at each host institution, the Fellow
Fellow Zhang Xunjie (top photo, back
participates in campus life and learns how row, center) with students during her
peers put leadership concepts into practice. placement at Lingnan College, Hong
Kong and Fellow Prathana Langkarpint
Particular focus is given to the positions and
at Valparaiso University in wintry
responsibilities that the Fellow is expected Indiana (left photo).
to fill eventually at the home institution.
The individual builds a valuable network of “The United Board Fellows Program
contacts with colleagues at host institutions will definitely play an important
and with other Fellows. role in my professional life.”
— United Board Fellow Qianhua Yang,
4 | www.UnitedBoard.org Guizhou Normal University
F A C U LT Y & L E A D E R S H I P D E V E L O P M E N T
Regional Faculty Scholarship Program

One effective means to strengthen Asia’s Indonesia, Korea, the Philippines and
institutions of higher education is to Thailand. These host universities recruit and
increase the number of faculty with master’s select young faculty from United Board-
or PhD degrees. The Regional Faculty related institutions, then oversee their
Scholarship Program provides support for programs of study.
faculty seeking these advanced degrees,
while building bridges between academic The scholars who participate in the
institutions in Asia. program return to their home institutions
with advanced degrees, international
Today, more and more Asian universities perspectives and networks, and strong
offer high-quality advanced degree English skills. They are able to develop
programs. The United Board builds on this new courses, employ new teaching
trend, implementing the Regional Faculty methodologies, share knowledge with Debbie Bautista on the campus of Macquarie University
Scholarship Program in partnership with their colleagues and students, and gain with Regional Scholar Neil Rupidara (left) and former
12 institutions in Australia, China, India, access to additional sources of research United Board Fellow Nguyen Minh Tho Le (right).
material. They also help enrich their host
institutions, by bringing new voices and
“The United Board program is a “My current study is applicable to
different experiences to their classrooms
valuable opportunity for teachers like my own local situation and will be a
and campuses.
me to learn and share our knowledge good take-off point for future work
with Asian scholars and teachers and in my home university’s professional
other international fellows.” Since its founding in 2001, the program has
and outreach programs.”
helped 173 scholars complete their degrees.
— Regional Scholar Sri Mulyani of An additional 30 scholars will finish their — Regional Scholar Debbie Bautista
Sanata Dharma University is a of Ateneo de Manila University
degrees before the middle of 2010.
PhD candidate in English is a PhD candidate in psychology at
at Ateneo de Manila University www.UnitedBoard.org | 5
Macquarie University (Australia)
The Inter-Religious Understanding and Peace-Building Initiative
supports projects that build a shared understanding of the
region’s religious traditions.
6 | www.UnitedBoard.org
“One can truly, truly be productive
in the environment provided by
— Bonita Aleaz, University of Calcutta
Institute for Advanced Study in Asian Cultures and Theologies (IASACT)
“I instill Christian and ethical values
Inter-religious understanding is central American and Asian scholars in joint
in my teaching in a more intense way
to the United Board’s mission and all exploration of theologies.
after my experience with the United
of its programs. Through the Institute Board.”
for Advanced Study in Asian Cultures Each scholar completes a working paper
and Theologies (IASACT), the United while in residence at IASACT, which often — Pushpa Joseph, University of Madras
Board provides space and time for leads to further sharing of their insights
Asian theologians to deepen their own through published journal articles, a
understanding of theologies and traditions. contributed chapter to a book or a
The program also creates a forum for completed dissertation.
colleagues from across Asia to discuss
sensitive issues and explore common IASACT was introduced in 2004 and the
ground and differences. composition of its participants illustrates the
program’s success in facilitating broad, diverse
Over the course of the six-week residential dialogue. Since its inception, 92 scholars from
program, scholars undertake research and 53 institutions in 14 countries have benefited
writing in the broad area of Asian cultures from the time IASACT affords for
and theologies. As a result, participants are reflection, interaction and
better equipped to strengthen theological network-building.
IASACT enables
education in their universities and colleges, Asian theologians
promote intra-Asian theological dialogue to deepen their
understanding of
and encourage cross-disciplinary discussions. theologies and
Representatives of the Graduate Theological traditions.
Union of Berkeley, California, also participate
in IASACT, as a means to engage North
www.UnitedBoard.org | 7
“The program gave me information for
evaluation and improvement, effective
F A C U LT Y & L E A D E R S H I P D E V E L O P M E N T elements of leadership training and
the ability to carry out my University’s
Asian University Leaders Program strategic plan for capacity building
and improvement of teaching quality.”
New leaders of Asian universities and While the typical AULP draws participants
— Dr. Vo Van Sen, University of Social
colleges benefit from a direct exchange of from across Asia, the United Board also Sciences and Humanities,
information with their peers, as well as from has conducted country-specific leadership Vietnam National University
specialized skills training in fundraising and programs. In April 2009, a program in Hanoi
administration. The Asian University Leaders provided a forum for leaders of Vietnamese
Program (AULP) convenes new university or universities and colleges to focus on
college trustees, presidents, vice presidents, administrative and academic issues particular
deans and key support staff from institutions to their country, its state of development and
across Asia for a four-day program of its educational practices.
practical analysis and best practices.
Nearly 100 administrators from 66
A key aspect of this program has been the institutions have taken part in AULP regional
opportunity for participants to reflect on workshops since the program’s inception in
the meaning of Christian presence in higher 2003. Country-specific workshops, which
education in Asia and, in particular, within typically draw about 20 administrators, have
their own institutions. This helps lay the been held in India, Indonesia, the Philippines
groundwork for discussion with their peers and Vietnam.
on academic excellence, quality assessment,
and ethics and governance. AULP is an “I enjoyed the sessions which were
excellent opportunity to strengthen networks very useful to me and also eye opening
among the university leaders and, for the regarding the challenges ahead and
United Board, to renew relations with long- also the responsibility as a Christian AULP engages new university leaders from
time partner institutions. leader.” across Asia at its Hong Kong gathering or
within a single country, such as Vietnam.
— Gunaseeli Sathiyamoorthy,
8 | www.UnitedBoard.org
Lady Doak College
The Local Knowledge Initiative builds a network of institutions with
the capacity to collect, preserve and share Asia’s rich repository of
www.UnitedBoard.org | 9
indigenous knowledge and cultural traditions.

To meet the challenges of preparing students improving library technology at Satya

for the twenty-first century, Asian institutions Wacana University in Indonesia.
of higher education often need to modernize
their physical facilities. The United Board has The Henry Luce Foundation generously
served as an intermediary between several of committed more than $1 million for the
its Asian partner institutions and U.S.-based renovation of campus facilities at three
funders for campus construction projects. Asian universities, which the United Board
administered. At Central Philippines
One source of support has been a public- University, physical improvements will
private partnership supported by the USAID’s make it possible for the library to offer more
Office of American Schools and Hospitals student services. The renovated auditorium
Abroad (ASHA). ASHA provides grant at Silliman University will enable the
assistance to U.S. organizations on behalf university to host lectures by leading
of selected schools, libraries and hospitals public figures and cultural programs. At
overseas that are founded or sponsored Satya Wacana Christian University, capital
by U.S. citizens and incorporate America’s upgrades to the university center will help it
high standards for education. Since 1976, play a more important role in campus life.
the United Board has received ASHA grants
on behalf of six Asian universities, totaling The United Board administered these
more than $11 million. Most recently, the grants at no additional costs to the partner
United Board has received funding for the institution or the funders. Former trustee
construction of a women’s dormitory and Ed Sue contributed his time and expertise ASHA-supported construction of a dormitory at
Payap University (top); planning for renovations
a laboratory for the pharmacy program as a consulting architect for the Luce
supported by the Henry Luce Foundation.
at Payap University in Thailand and for reconstruction projects.

10 | www.UnitedBoard.org
pro g ram calendar

The United Board convened or cosponsored Institute of Advanced Study in Asian Environment Workshop
the following seminars, workshops and Cultures and Theologies May 2–6, 2009
consultations during the period of July 1, June 8–17, 2008 Dumaguete City, Philippines
2007 – June 30, 2009. Hong Kong
Workshop on Digital Humanities in Asia
Institute of Advanced Study in Asian United Board Fellows Leadership Seminar May 20–22, 2009
Cultures and Theologies (IASACT) July 28– Aug 2, 2008 Hong Kong
July 1–21, 2007 Hong Kong
Asian Pacific Regional Conference on
Hong Kong
Asian Christian Faculty Fellowship Service Learning
IASACT Faculty Committee Management October 21–23, 2008 June 1–5, 2009
November 17, 2007 Manila, Philippines Hong Kong
Hong Kong
IASACT Faculty Committee Meeting Liberal Arts Workshop
Workshop on Women and Social Work in November 8, 2008 June 1–5, 2009
Asia Hong Kong Hong Kong
December 16–18, 2007
Asian Christian Faculty Fellowship Institute of Advanced Study in Asian
Fuzhou, China
November 12–16, 2008 Cultures and Theologies
Asia University Leadership Program Bali, Indonesia June 14–30, 2009
January 22–Feburary 2, 2008 Hong Kong
Asian University Leadership Program
Hong Kong
February 2–7, 2009 Environment Consultation
Service Learning Workshop Hong Kong June 25–27, 2009
May 21–31, 2008 Hong Kong
Asian University Leadership Program
Hong Kong
April 13–20, 2009
Hanoi, Vietnam
www.UnitedBoard.org | 11
The leaders of 12 of the United Board’s partner institutions
shared their insights on challenges in higher education at a
12 | www.UnitedBoard.org
November 2009 consultation with United Board staff.

The United Board’s partner Xiamen University St. Christopher’s College of Education Myanmar
institutions are instrumental in Yanbian University Stella Maris College Myanmar Institute of Theology
the successful development and Yanbian University of Science and Union Christian College
Technology University of Madras Philippines
implementation of its programs. Yanjing Theological Seminary Women’s Christian College Ateneo de Manila University
Through this network of colleges Yunnan University Central Philippine University
and universities, the United Board Zhejiang University Indonesia De La Salle University
is able to support leadership and Artha Wacana Christian University Miriam College
faculty development and address East Timor Duta Wacana Christian University Silliman University
pressing issues in higher education. Universidade da Paz Gadjah Mada University Southern Christian College
Universidade Nationale Timor Larosae Indonesian Consortium for Religious St. Scholastica’s College
Cambodia Hong Kong Maranatha Christian University Taiwan
Royal University of Phnom Penh Chinese University of Hong Kong Petra Christian University Chang Jung Christian University
(Chung Chi College) Parahyangan Catholic University Fu Jen Catholic University
China Hong Kong Baptist University Paulus Christian University Soochow University
Amity Foundation Hong Kong Polytechnic University Sam Ratulangi University Tunghai University
Central China Normal University Institute of Sino-Christian Studies Satya Wacana Christian University
Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Lingnan University Universitas Kristen Indonesia Maluku Thailand
Fudan University Universitas Kristen Indonesia Toraja Assumption University
Fujian Hwa Nan Women’s College India Universitas Pelita Harapan Payap University
Ginling Women’s College The American College
Guizhou Normal University Bishop Heber College Japan Vietnam
Nanjing University Christ University International Christian University Hue University
Peking University Eastern Theological College Sophia University Institute for International Relations
Qinghai Normal University Gurukul Lutheran Theological College Tokyo Union Theological Seminary University of Social Sciences and
Renmin University of China and Research Institute Humanities
Shaanxi Normal University Isabella Thoburn College Korea Vietnam National University
Shanghai University Lady Doak College Ewha Womans University
Sichuan Normal University Madras Christian College Seoul Women’s University
Sichuan University Scottish Church College Soongsil University
Suzhou University St. Ann’s College of Education Yonsei University www.UnitedBoard.org | 13

Individuals from many walks of life share the She returned to the United States in 1937 and College in Nanjing was a formative experience
United Board’s commitment to supporting married G.H. Wang, then China’s Vice Consul in her life. Thanks to her generosity, an
higher education in Asia. This past year, two in Chicago, in 1938. They raised four children. endowment has been established to provide
individuals demonstrated this commitment She continued working as a nurse, then scholarships to Ginling students.
with generous contributions. began a career as a financial advisor.
She taught school in China and studied
Gladys Wang More than 70 years after completing her English before coming to the United States
Gladys Chin Wang, who made a generous own studies in China, Mrs. Wang’s desire to in 1947 as a scholarship student at Florida
bequest to the United Board in her will, was support young students in China remained Southern College. After graduating in 1951,
motivated by a sense of strong. Her daughter Nancy said her mother she moved to Washington and received
gratitude for the help felt this bequest to the United Board would a master’s degree in library science from
she received for her own create opportunities for other women in Catholic University in 1956. She joined the
education in China in the China to pursue their educational goals. Library of Congress staff in 1958. After her
1930s. This remarkable retirement in 2001, she started a fellowship
woman, who died at Florence Moeson program for students pursuing research on
age 96 in September Florence Tan Moeson, Asian studies at the Library of Congress.
2008, left Chicago for who died in November
China at the age of 12, 2008, was another Her attorney said that Ms. Moeson believed
attending True Light (Zhenguang) Middle quiet philanthropist. Ginling College formed the foundation of
School in Guangzhou, Yenching University She worked for more her higher education and, thus launched
(now Peking University) and Peking Union than 40 years as a her professional life. Her gift will help a new
Medical College in Beijing. After receiving her cataloger of Chinese generation of young women pursue their
nursing degree, she worked in Shanghai as materials at the Library of Congress. A own academic and professional aspirations.
the director of nursing arts for the Red Cross native of Guangzhou, a bequest in her will
Photo of Gladys Wang, courtesy of Nancy Wang.
during the Japanese invasion. made it clear that her education at Ginling Photo of Florence Moeson, courtesy of Tien Doan and Judy Lu of the Asian
Division, Library of Congress.
14 | www.UnitedBoard.org

We invite you to support the United Board’s To contribute via the United Board’s website:
work in the academic communities of Asia. www.unitedboard.org/giving
Just as past contributions have established
endowments that support much of our To make a gift by mail:
work, your contribution ensures the ongoing United Board for Christian Higher Education
strength and vitality of the United Board. in Asia
It strengthens the United Board’s network 475 Riverside Drive, Suite 1221
of colleges and universities so that it can New York, NY 10115
respond to the emerging needs of Asia.
We welcome both unrestricted gifts to 1/F, Chung Chi College Administration Building
support the work of the United Board and Chinese University of Hong Kong
gifts designated for United Board approved Shatin, Hong Kong
projects at specific schools in Asia or for
United Board projects, such as the United To make a gift of stocks or securities,
Board Fellows Program, Regional Scholars please contact the United Board at
Program or Asian University Leaders 1.212.870.2600.
Please consider remembering the work of the
The United Board is a tax-exempt, charitable United Board in your estate plans.
501(c)(3) organization in the United States,
and all contributions are tax-deductible to
the full extent allowed by U.S. law. Please
note that gifts made to our Hong Kong office
are tax-deductible in Hong Kong but not in
the United States.
www.UnitedBoard.org | 15
w here w e w ork

16 | www.UnitedBoard.org
D onors Silliman University Alumni Association, Cassel Health Services, Inc. Soon Yung Lee Mr. Leo B. Ruiz
Pacific Northwest Chapter Golden Bear Insurance William Lee, M.D. Dr. Sang W. Song and
The United Board is grateful to the SLANF USA Midwest Chapter Lexmor Consulting Inc. Woong Bum Lee, M.D. Mrs. Chung H. C. Song
many donors who support its work. St. Luke’s Alumni Nursing Foundation Pfizer United Way Campaign Yong Hae Lee Lee Hyun Sung
USA Polytex Fibers Corporation Ms. Laura Liao Don L. and Karen Thornton
This list recognizes contributions received St. Luke’s Alumni USA Foundation, Shilla Bakery Dr. Young-Hee Lowe Dr. and Mrs. Joaquin Uy
during the period July 1, 2007 – June Class of 1963 TJ fuller Corp Chae Hyun Moon Jui Kung Wang
30, 2009 St. Luke’s Alumni USA Foundation, Vagthols Residential Care Center, Inc. Dr. Noel Nequin Therese and George Wang
Class of 1965 Wachovia Bank, N.A. Young Sun Oh, M.D. Dr. Frances Wu
ALUMNI ASSOCIATION, St. Luke’s Alumni USA Foundation,   Ms. Pacita Bongato Pinero Dr. Molly C. Yieh
UNIVERSITY AND CHURCH Class of 1968 ESTATE GIFTS Luz Sobong Porter, Ph.D.
DONORS St. Luke’s Alumni USA Foundation, Estate of Mei Yu Dju Dr. Hi Jung Pyun SPONSORS — ($2,500.00 + )
American Baptist Churches of the Class of 1969 Estate of Martha McCracken Howard Perlita and Juan Rebanal Minnie Alexander
Pacific Coast St. Luke’s Alumni USA Foundation, Estate of Florence Tan Moeson Julian and Ruth Schroeder Anonymous
Carleton College Class of 1971 Estate of Gladys Wang Nak Kwang Shim Ms. Jane E. Arp
Chung Chi Alumni Association of St. Luke’s Alumni USA Foundation, Estate of Judy Chang Wenderoth Dr. and Mrs. Enrico Sobong Mr. and Mrs. Jack Barone
Southern California Class of 1977 Estate of Melvin R. Watson Dr. Patricia Stranahan Kiril and Wendy Brana
Filipino-American United Church of Tunghai University Alumni Association   Edwin L. Tan, M.D. Shirong Chia
Christ — New York of Northern Texas BENEFACTORS — ($10,000 + ) George Ken-Hsi and May Yung-Fun Rosemarie Gerenia Friedman and
First Presbyterian Church The United Church of Christ Mr. C. J. Alexander W. Wang William Friedman
Ginling Association in America United Methodist Church — Women’s Anonymous Mr. Tyler T. Yang and Ms. Sandy Wang Dr. Doopyo A. Hong
National Chapter Division Mr. and Mrs. Lejo Brana David D.K. and Hwa Sun Yoo Dr. and Mrs. San-Pao Li
Ontario Silliman University Alumni Mr. Richard G. Carter Helena Hsien-Tsai Yu Dr. Evangeline Manjares
Association FOUNDATION AND TRUST Prof. Su-Shing Chen Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Miaw
People’s Ind. Church of Christ DONORS Dr. Sun-Oak Choi PATRONS — ($5,000 + ) Mrs. Nellie B. Obligacion
Phillipine American Community of American Schools and Hospitals Mr. Richard Chung Suck-Jun Bang Dr. Patricia N. Page
Bergen County Abroad — USAID Won Pal Chung Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bickford Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Pierce
Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Ravenel Curry Wan-Yu Chen Ms. Nelma O. Pineda
Foundation Bishop Yousoon Kim Memorial Mrs. Independencia Brana de la Cruz Francis and Gloria B. Uy Duane Andrew and Marianna Price
Presbyterian Church (USA) Worldwide Foundation Dr. and Mrs. Rolando Del Carmen Drs. Janelle B. and Generoso D. Dr. Loreto Calibo Sobong
Ministries Division Chia Family Foundation, Inc. Dr. Liberation Bongato Deleon Duremdes Fred and Virginia Ruiz Vergara
Prospect Street United Methodist Chingwan Tcheng Trust Mrs. Elizabeth L. Engle William W. Geis Jr. Mrs. Louise S. Woodruff
Church The Freeman Foundation Mrs. Clara S. John Dr. Ruth Hayhoe Mr. Kano Yamamoto
Silliman Alumni Association in Chicago GE Foundation Dr. and Mrs. Eusebio C. Kho Mr. Rick Huang
(SAI) Harvard-Yenching Institute Choong H. Kim, M.D. Dorothy T. H. and Emilian Hwang SUSTAINERS — ($1,000.00 + )
Silliman Alumni Association, Inc. Allen and Jean Lovejoy Family Trust Drs. Moon Hyun and Yong Cha Kim Dr. Si Eon Kim Mr. Daniel D. Aguila
Silliman Alumni Association Southern The Henry Luce Foundation, Inc. Sung Uk Kim Mrs. Tai Soon Nam Kim Grace Aguinaldo Agustin
California Eleanor N. Marcy Trust Dr. and Mrs. Yong H. Kim Hoe Yong Lee Mrs. Evangelyn Alocilja
Silliman Association Montreal Open Society Institute Dr. Yoon Ok Kim Chih-Fei Lin Anonymous
Silliman University Alumni Association Tsai Fan Yu Foundation Chol J. Lee, M.D. Dr. Youngsik Moon Ms. Nophie Silay Arellano
Houston Dr. Christopher S. Lee Ms. Editha Z. Navarro Mr. and Mrs. Fernando P. Arendain
Silliman University Alum Association CORPORATE AND MATCHING GIFTS Dong Kyu Lee Dr. Che Song Park Ms. Laura L. A. Bacerra
National Capital Region ACP Health Care Resources, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Hasung Lee J. Edward and Helen Ruiz Perez
www.UnitedBoard.org || 17
www.UnitedBoard.org 17
Rev. and Mrs. Fred Baliad Mr. Hua-Jiun Jiang Dr. Oscar D. Monera Joo Won Bin, M.D. Mr. and Mrs. David K. Kuo
Mrs. Myrna P. Barinaga Dr. Joseph John Mr. Demeterio Navarro Mrs. Kathleen Anne Black Dr. Edwin S. Kwoh
Mr. Francisco J. Beltran Mrs. Renu R. Joseph Mrs. Kathleen Nelson Ms. Emilie S. Blanco and James Coyette Dr. and Mrs. Jason Lai
Dr. and Mrs. Constantino Bernardez Sagu Joseph Ms. Margie Barraquias Ocariza Blanco Dr. George H. Langeler
Dr. Dae S. Bhyun Wook Ja Lee Ju, M.D. Wilma Mae Parpana Pagulayan Mr. Steven Boswell Dr. Terrill Lautz
Peter and Patricia Black Yonok Jung Geun Sil Paik, M.D. Dr. and Mrs. Michael Eric Y. Cabral Mr. and Mrs. An-Chi Lee
Charles Booth, Ph. D. Dr. Young Chai Kauh Lee Do Paik Ms. Constance Chandler Dr. Joseph Yuen Chor Lee
Ruth and Karl Bottigheimer Mrs. Agnes K. Kim Joel and Jennifer Pal Yuan-Jou Chang Kate H.J.C. Lee, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Rollen C. Brana Dr. Chang Kwon Kim Ms. Rebecca Cusi Palma Mr. Steven Cheng Won Jay Lee, M.D.
Ms. Emalyn Bravo Choon Kyu Kim Dr. Joon Surh Park Miss Ying-wan Cheng Chung-Pao and Nancy Li
Filinita Buaquina Professor Dong S. Kim and Seung Hah Park, M.D. Mr. Chan Ming Chien Ms. Chin-Feng Lin
Bo K. Byun Dr. Hannah Paik Mrs. Sujata Paulose Dr. Linda A. Chisholm Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred C. Ling
Rosemary Ebarle Cadiz Honggill Kim, M.D. Teresita B. Paynor Mrs. Julia Wei-Hsien Chou Miss Eden M. Luntao
Carmen M. Catzoela Jibaik Kim, M.D. Mrs. Lily H. Peng Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Chuang Mr. Chyuan Ma
James and Sue Chan Mr. Joseph Y. Kim Mr. Paul Pfeiffer Ms. Bella Amor Cintron Rev. and Mrs. Fabiana Malayang
Dr. and Mrs. Po-Chuen Chan Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Klemz Kyum Shik Pyun, M.D. K. Mammen Daniel Rev. Rizalio and Mrs. Jane Manigsaca
Hsueh-Rong Chang, Ph.D. William Ku Mr. Ernesto Quijada Roque and Emma De la Cruz Mrs. Kiyomi Ikeda Matsuda
I-Jen Chen and Chimin T. Chen Joy M. Labor Jung Hwa Ree Ms. Regina De Leon Chang Hyun H. Min, M.D.
Yung-Chi and Elaine H. C. Cheng Mr. and Mrs. Ching S. Lai Mr. Arthur D. Rivera Bellaflor De Los Reyes Mrs. Ruth D. Ogilby
Mr. and Mrs. Pei-Yuan Chia Dr. and Mrs. Allan H. Lee Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Francisco D. Somera Jr. Cecilia Carbonell Del Rosario Mr. and Mrs. Badoy and
David and Joan Chiao Dr. Bai O. Lee Jin Hong Suk, M.D. Mileva M. Dime Deborah Omoso
Liang-Yu Chien Mrs. Sung Jai Lee, M.D., P.C. Paul Sung, M.D. Elizabeth Ann Donnelly Ai-lien Yuan and Fen-Ching Ong
Prof. Kiyoko Takeda Cho Mrs. Grace M. Legaspi Mr. John C. Sutherland Ms. Faith Manigsaca Duran Mrs. Martha B. Pickering
Doo Sup Choi Ms. Christine D. Li Mrs. Elsie Sy-Niebar Dale K. and Alice Edmondson Drs. Mariano and Helen Pocsidio
Mr. Nelson L. Chow Dr. and Mrs. Tingye Li Ms. Melanie Sze Candy and Vincent Eng Dr. and Mrs. Renato D. Querubin
Rosally Dee De la Cruz Cely Lim Ms. Celia Tadiar Mrs. John English Mr. and Mrs. Federico Ranches
Ms. Jocelyn F. del Carmen Mr. David Jong Jae Lim Luth Tenorio Edwin Yi-wen Feng Mr. Anthony Ruger
Ms. Elma Ada Divinagracia Drs. Nan and Alice Lin Mr. and Mrs. Chun-Tai Tseng Ms. Emily Fries Dr. Marilee K. Scaff
Mrs. Gloria L. Doig Mr. Richard Lin Rose-Marie Tso-Ling Twu Mrs. Mary Frothingham Mrs. Jennifer Li Shen
Mrs. Pacita Edrial Flores Amy and Tony Liu Mrs. Gloria A. Vergara Lirio Castillo Gallegos Tao Lin Teh Shwan
Phoebe Fu Mr. and Mrs. Yung-nan and Mrs. Vilma Villanueva-Molina 1969 Ms. Ruth Miller Gates Ms. Shih-Yuan Sneberger
Mrs. Maria Antonia Guatelara Geary Hung-wen Liu Mrs. Gladys C. Wang Dr. and Mrs. Agustin Gomez Ms. Ester Taclob Suelto
Dr. Michael Gilligan Alan and Helen Lo Mr. Joseph Wang Mrs. Loretta C. Gorospe Mr. and Mrs. Ronald G. Taylor
Mr. Seth Glickenhaus Mrs. Doreen Loftin Aster Tung Ching Wang Wu Irvin L. and Marcia Heimburger Donna Tenorio
Dr. Lily W. Gonzalez Mrs. Marie Losh Drs. Harry and Molly Yieh Sywn-Tien Shirley Hsiao Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Tenorio
Mr. and Mrs. E. John Hamlin Alan and Elissa Fe Lyman Yee Nar Yuen Mr. Ken K. Hsieh Ms. Angela Tieh
Dr. and Mrs. Ching-fen Hsiao Chae Yong Ma Mr. and Mrs. Che Cheng Huang Rosemarie Tornandizo-Pinto
Mr. Gary S. K. Hu Ms. Eulene Q. Mamaril SUPPORTERS — ($500 + ) Miss Nancy Huang Mr. and Mrs. Archibald and Geneva
Mr. Andrew Huang Mrs. Achamma Mathai Ms. Lolita D. Abelon Yung Tsun Huang Tubo
Janet E. Hunt, Esq. Gijo Mathai Dr. and Mrs. Sylvester Almiron Jr. Mr. Paul Imperial Mrs. Mary C. Van Evera
Miss Tita J. Jacildo J. Mathews Charles and Ann Anderson Edmund H. and Diane R. Irvin Dr. Romulo G. Villanueva
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Jainga Mrs. Felella Kiamco Millman Anonymous Ms. Josephine Jalandoni Peter Wang
Ms. Iona Miranda Joel and Annalisa Atienza Dr. and Mrs. James T. F. Kao Lan and John Woo
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18 www.UnitedBoard.org
Mr. Allen Wu Mr. and Mrs. Charles Chiang Teresita J. Hudson Mr. Lu Wei and Ms. Anne Ofstedal Hseu-Chuan Tsai
Chi B. Yang Mr. and Mrs. Pei-yuh Chiang Betty Lou Hummel Mr. and Mrs. James P. Orwig Jin Tsao Chien
Dr. and Mrs. William C. T. Yang Mr. and Mrs. Teddy Chien Mrs. Edith W. Illick Mr. Terrell R. Otis Mr. and Mrs. Samuel A. Tucker
Mr. William Yen Ms. Rosalina L. Chin Dr. Mary Jacob Ms. Zita A. Padilla Miss Ruth D. Tupas
Mr. Paul K. Yuan Kung-Ying and Vivian Chiu Dr. and Mrs. Serafin Jimenez Mr. Allen D. Palma Mr. and Mrs. David Vaflor
Pei Hua Chou Mrs. Evelyn Quijano Jirasakhiran Elisa C. Pamintuan Dr. Aurora U. Valish
CONTRIBUTORS — ($200 + ) Byron Wallace Clark Mrs. Charlotte S. Johnson Leonie S. Pan Dr. Lorna Gaudiel Venkataraman
Pete and Grace Agregado Mrs. Ruth A. Daugherty Mr. Harvey Ke Mr. Ephrem Paredes Mrs. Jesselen Castro Verzosa
Mrs. Catherine E. Ambler Mrs. Virginia B. De Guzman Mrs. Sunny S. Kiang Ms. Carla Petievich Dr. Oscar E. Verzosa
Mr. Paul H. Anderson Ms. Sally C. Delacruz Ms. Marlene dela Cuesta Kostik Mrs. Ruth Imperial Pfeiffer Portia Villanueva
Anonymous Qingping Deng Mr. Hsuan-tsun Kuo Dr. Martha W. Pride Richard and Fen Ching Chou Wainstein
Ms. Eve Quimpo Arcala Mrs. Mary E. Emler Dr. and Mrs. Wai-Hong Kwong Ms. Wilhelmina G. Quindo Mrs. Dorothy K. Walzer
Margaret L. Avison Tomas and Milagros Domingo Dr. Culver S. Ladd Violeta Consolacion Quismorio Dr. and Mrs. C. Herbert Wang
Jose and Arlette Baptista Emperado John and Bo Yeon Lee Dr. and Mrs. Cesar V. Reyes Mr. James K. Wang
Mr. Louis Beduz Miss Elisabeth H. Engelbach Dr. William Lesher Mrs. Elizabeth O. Rice Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Weis
Mr. Merle L. Bender Mrs. Euphemia A. Felicitas Hsin-Ying and Mei-Chuan Li Roberta G. Rice, M.D. Ms. Carmen Weist
Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Bercovitz Ms. Helen Shang-Ming Yin Feng Mr. Kai Li Thomas and Rosalinda Rienstra Mr. Xiaoming Weng
Rev. and Mrs. Alden Besse Dr. Yen-Tsai Feng Spencer S. Li Ms. Adela Palanca Rivero Drs. Ruth Carson and Charles C. West
Dr. John O. Blackburn Erlinda Basat Fernandez Mrs. Yao-Wen Kwang Li Mrs. Amelia G. Saxton Ya-Ping Wo
Dr. and Mrs. Kim Bloom Harry and May Ann Vaflor Finkbone Tzu-Yin Chang Lin Donald R. and Bonnie Byler Scheid Dr. Angela Wai Ching Wong
Richard and Melinda Boice Mrs. Betsy Fletcher Mrs. Leomarie Badrina Lind Ms. Estrella Serrano Ms. Yvonne Y. Wong
Ms. Unidad R. Bonoan Dr. Frank G. Flores Kuen Shan Ling Alicia Adorador Sese Mr. Chi Cheng Wu
Dr. James L. Brewbaker Mr. Wilmer Fong Mrs. Ruth K. Ling Mr. Walter P. Sharp Mr. Nalson C. Yang
Dr. Mary B. Bullock Victoria Fe Dequito and Lemuel Franco Dr. and Mrs. Chien Liu Jason and Becky She Mr. Lawrence S. Yee
Mr. Robert R. Burn Ms. Edelisa B. Gaviola Mei-Sheng Liu Mr. and Mrs. John C. Shen Mr. and Mrs. Frank Yen
Rev. and Mrs. Richard Bush Elizabeth Gervacio Ms. Eden D. Llamas, M.D. Mr. and Mrs. Long Shung Shih Ms. Margaret Yen
Simon Byun Vicente and Ethel Golveo Mr. Edward Lo Hsieh Ming Shin Dr. and Mrs. Malcolm B. Young
Dr. John Cabral Mr. and Mrs. Wei Keong Gong Mr. and Mrs. Cheng-Yi Lu Dr. Joseph M. Smith Mr. and Mrs. M.T. Yu
Mr. and Mrs. Mariano Cabral Rajeev Gopalan Wei Ma Soon-Bock Kim Song, M.D. Drs. Grace and Robert Yuan
Mr. Gordon G. Campbell Drs. William and Mary Guerrant Ms. Alicia N. Maceda Mrs. Claire S. Stelter Norma Laigo Zanders
Richard and Susanne Campbell Mr. Peter Yain Tain Gur Hong Man Herme O. Sylora, M.D.
Aura Alqueza Casabar Dr. and Mrs. Barrett Hazeltine Dr. and Mrs. Mani S. Mani Mr. and Mrs. Wilfredo Tabares ASSOCIATES — ($100 + )
Ms. Naty M. Cazaniga Ms. Judy Heagstedt Dr. Dorothy J. Marple Luz Fernandez Taboada Nick and Marcelina Abejero Abang
Mr. Thomas Chacko Rev. Dr. I. John Hesselink Dr. Eulalio G. Maturan Mrs. Mary K. Tai Vincy Abraham
Christian and Lualhati Chamberland Mr. and Mrs. Alfred K. L. Ho Nancy Spicer McHugh Mr. Nelson Tai Praxedes Canares Agaloos
Ms. Betty Chang Mrs. Glenda J. Hobart Miss Marie Melrose Ms. Eva Celia M. Talastas Ms. Maria Lourdes Rivera Agustin
Ching-Ping Chang Joon Shik Hong, M.D. Mr. and Mrs. Artemio Merecido Mr. and Mrs. Chuang Teng Mr. and Mrs. Moses Alcala
Ms. Ting Lan Chang Ms. Carol V. Hoover Mrs. Jessie Miranda Sigrid R. Terman Robert and Marisela Alsua
Ms. Emily Felarca Chellappa Florence Tepke Houston Dr. and Mrs. Samuel H. Moffett Lih-Hwa Yao Ting Anonymous
Mr. Peter F. Chen Dr. Shan-yuan Hsieh Priscilla Arcangel Monido Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Tingley Ascend Geo, LLC
Vincent (Wen-Sheng) Chen Dr. Hua-Ling W. Hu Dawna T. Mughal, Ph.D., R.D., FADA Mr. Robert A. Trimble Cecelia D. Atienza
Wei-chi Chen Dr. Xiaokun Hu Mrs. Prasopsuk Nabangxang Mr. and Mrs. Pete Trocino Ms. Melinda Z. Bamba
Nai-weng Cheng Michael and Margaret Huang Wanida Nipataruedi Mrs. Rea Trzcinski
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Ms. Carol Echalico Bautista Mr. Daniel Corpuz Mr. and Mrs. Ling Kai P. Hsu Ms. Lillian Ma Ms. Jean H. Stem
Romeo and Paraluman Bella Ms. Sylvia Cruz Mr. Shang-Tsang Hsueh Mrs. Beverly A. Martyn John Sullivan
Mr. Donald G. Benjamin Carmen and Rafael Dagnino Mr. and Mrs. Chuen-Hsiung Hua Meredith and Richard McCaughey Cristine Baltazar Sy
Bruce and Dolores Beran Mrs. Margaret D. Darrow Mr. and Mrs. Shing-Yi Huang Dr. Margaret V. McIntosh Lowell T. Taclob M.D.
Dr. Judith A. Berling Precy Zamora Davodi Ling-ling Hung, Ph. D. Ms. Epifania O. Mercado Dr. Phillips Talbot
Mr. and Mrs. Rufino A. Besana Priscilla Z. Davoodi Mrs. Janet M. Hunter Ms. Madelyn Sablan Mercado Serdna Gayares Tan
Ms. Lilia V. Brewbaker Richard and E. Janet Dayringer Carlito and Belen Ana Imperial Ms. Elizabeth Braga Millares Ms. Anna W. Tang
Ms. A. Maureen Brians Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Cirilo DelCarmen John Harry E. and Gladys Pearl Jabalde Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Molina Ms. Yung C. Tang
Dr. Marissa Rachel Y. Cabral Miss Eva Divinagracia Ms. Rebecca Jabel Mrs. Margaret S. Morash Dy S. Teng
Ms. Vivian Flora Y. Cabral Dr. and Mrs. Jared H. Dorn Mrs. Alicia Jalipa Mr. Lyle E. Nelson Dr. Willi Toisuta
Mrs. Dedita Parreno Cacdac David and Chibi Martinez Eaton Dr. H.R. Jayaraman Mr. Samuel Ng Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Tong
Wei Cai Ms. Nenita Misagal Ebalo Mr. Randolph Jennings and Ms. Mary Stuart Ng Ms. Lydia Catacutan Tragico
Ms. Edith C. Camanzo Joseph and Joann Elder M. Griep Mrs. Annie De Asis Niemiec Le Marie Tuble-Abellon
Ms. Anita C. Carino Mr. and Mrs. Ed Escares Ms. Dorothy E. Jones Loreta R. Nisperos Mrs. Patricia Chien-ping Hsu Tung
Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Carle Ms. Ruth Z. Eschbach Ms. Sheila Kan Rev. Hugh Outterson Rev. and Mrs. Robert L. Turnipseed
Clarita Carreon Ms. Teresita T. Estanislao Mr. and Mrs. Hsiao-Hung Kao Dr. Yasuyuki Owada Ms. Loreta M. Uy
Mr. Chito Castro Ms. Eva Y. Estimo Ms. Suey-Ju Kao Ms. Ruth Pana Padilla Rolando R. and Rosemarie B. Uy
Mr. Allen H. Chan Benjamin and Rosie Fan Mr. and Mrs. Ronald M. Katzman Rev. and Mrs. James E. Palm Ms. Sally Hung Uy
Mrs. On-Kay Anita Ng Chan Frederick and Joyce Flores Mr. Richard Alicando Kempis Mr. George F. Pan Eugene Vendiola
Stephen Chan and Alice Y. Man Col. and Mrs. Hayward L. Fong Mrs. Soon Hee Kye Kim Ms. Alicia Paner Trinidad Concepcion Vetterli
Mr. and Mrs. William K. W. Chan Ms. Miriam Nable Fontanilla Ms. Marilynd Barangan Kobran Anna Pang Ms. Liwliwa Reyes Villagomeza
Ms. Yuen Chau Chan Dr. and Mrs. Jose C. Gan Sue Kok Mrs. Yolanda P. Panganiban Johannes Villanueva
Mr. and Mrs. Ching J. Chang Mr. and Mrs. Jason Garcia Philip L.Y. and Virginia Kong Isagani and Zenaida Payumo Mr. and Mrs. Yieh-Ping Wan
Ms. Randie Chang Ms. Vivien T. Gardner Mr. and Mrs. Johann Koo Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Peterson Elaine Wang
Mr. Ying-I Chang Mr. Peter F. Geithner Bruce and Laura Lambert Ms. Lina Philipp Mrs. Phyllis Hunter Wiggin
Raymond Wai-Man Che Mrs. Lily D. Gelladuga Philip Yuen-Sang Leung Faiga Jamaldin Qudah Patsy A. Williams Payette
Mrs. Merian Chen Mrs. Margaret F. MacDonald Getaz Mr. Chu-Tsing Li Corazon Requilman Querubin Mr. George Wong
Ms. Yuan Chen Leah Pagsuberon Goltiao Mr. Chien-Peng Li and Mrs. Marian Mrs. Maritess Rafael Ivy Yung-Hsu Wong
Ms. Clara Cheng Felecitas Goodliff Tsai Li Rev. Homer T. Rickabaugh Joseph and Cecilia Ng Wong
Mr. Kun-Yao Cheng Nelia C. Grande Tze-Chung Li Dale and Arlene Robb Lisa Wong
Mr. Raymond Cheng Richard and Anne Griffis Mrs. Ming-Djang Liao Mrs. Lady Hope P. Robillos Mrs. Vivian M. Wong
Stephen Cheng Ms. Maria Dolores E. Guadiz Ms. Amy Lie Bernadette Roddy Mrs. Ardyce Worth
Mr. Nelson Chien Mr. and Mrs. Sin-Fong Han Dr. and Mrs. Hung C. Lin Ms. Nora Calaunan Rodriguez Victor and Mildred Wu
Mr. Arthur Chou Ms. Teresita Fabillar Hernando Dr. and Mrs. George Lindbeck Chang S. and Myung Ja Roh Chongjie Xue
Ms. Flora Chow Ms. Grace De la Pena Hill Cynthia M. Llauder Dr. and Mrs. Ronald S. Seaton Yi-Min Yao
Paul and Ying Mei Chow Ms. Christina Batore Hing Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Lo Maria A. Sebastian Tai Yong Yum
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Christie Jr. Mr. Richard Hollingsworth Mr. Kai-Ming Lo Mrs. Mary Ellen Kwoh Shu Mrs. Mary Grace Zerna-Corpuz
Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Chu Mr. and Mrs. James Hong Dr. and Mrs. Robert C. Lodwick Priscilla and Ted Si
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth T. Chu Mrs. Jane Hoover Ms. Alice De Leon Lopez Curtis Smith FRIENDS
Elvira T. Clark Dr. James C. Hostetler Ms. Angelita Maglaya Lopez Mrs. Joan Greene Smith Dr. Federico I. Agnir
Gary and Marjorie Collins Mrs. Shu-Fang Hsia Lin Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Lopez Mr. and Mrs. Rowell and Maria Victoria Christel Albert
Mrs. Carolyn J. Conard Mr. Ke Chiang Hsieh Mr. and Mrs. Howell Lowe Solon Ms. Jenny Alsua
Dr. and Mrs. Kang Hsu Mr. Henry Luague Dr. and Mrs. William M. Speidel Mr. Alexdel Amor
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Cherrie Martinez Amurao Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Helsabeck Manny and Fely Tan Narvaez Ms. Jean P. Tinio In Honor of Maria Clara
Mrs. Ruby G. S. Anderson Mr. Patrick Henry Julia Noya Mr. and Mrs. John W. Tsai Donna Tenorio
Anna T. Crowell Fund Nancy P. Heruela Mr. Samuel Osamu Nukazawa Ms. Geneva B. Tubo
Luisa Lucero Aragones Rev. and Mrs. Mark Holmer Mrs. Jeane N. Olson Charles P. C. Tung In Honor of College of Nursing
Ms. Carolyn S. Bealle Mr. Stanley Hoskins Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Olson Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Underhill Mrs. Felella Kiamco Millman
Hugh and Zenaida Duran Bennett Mr. Michael Hui Guy Edsel and Isabelle Bully Omictin Mr. and Mrs. Sal Valoria
George and Jennifer Beran Jung-Chen Chou Johnson Sadiri R. Ordinario Elizabeth A. Vetell In Honor of Rev. Dr. Salvador and
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Bosch Dr. Merle R. Jordan Rolden P. Ozoa Mrs. Georgia C. Weatherhead Evangeline M. Dime
Judith and Douglas Bowers Mr. Jerome J. Juarez Sr. Ms. Priscilla Padua-Andrada Mr. and Mrs. Robert Weber Mileva M. Dime
Miss Nelly V. Brillantes Winnifred B. Judge Mrs. Jocelyn E. Gerenia E. Pajares Mr. and Mrs. David Weimer
Mr. Reuel B. Cainglet Ms. Dixie Juntilla Mrs. Evangeline Tsukamoto Paman Mr. and Mrs. John F. Widergren In Honor of Mrs. Rachel Jacob
Miss Wanda J. Calhoun Nancy Kahl Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Pao Peter Young Dr. and Mrs. Mani S. Mani
Ms. Julie Beltran Cavestany Ms. Wendy Kao Ms. Grace Maloco Paquiz Rev. and Mrs. Paul W. Yount
Mrs. Eleanor Ho Chang Susan and C.C. King Mr. and Mrs. James Parcon Mrs. Esther H. Zendt In Honor of Jerry Thornton’s Birthday
Mrs. Margaret K. Chang Nenita Kuhn Dr. John Peale Ms. Wanda F. Thornton
Mr. Richard C. Chang Mr. Douglas Kwan Mr. Emmanuel Pena HONOR CONTRIBUTIONS
Mr. Hsin-Sheng Chen L.L.M Ms. Josefina C. R. Pia In Honor of Paul L. Love
Dr. and Mrs. Hsi-Sheng Yue Chen Ms. Leticia Vallar Lalas Mr. Donald Pierce In Honor of Prem Bernardez Ms. Carla Petievich
Mr. Peter Chen Zinnia L. Lapastora Professor David Pong Dr. Federico I. Agnir
Mrs. Diana Cheng Mr. John F. Larberg Rev. and Mrs. John E. Post Dr. and Mrs. Sylvester Almiron Jr. In Honor of Dr. and Mrs. Mani S. Mani
Mr. K.C. Cheng Ms. Gina Lee Mr. Peter H. Prugh Mr. Alexdel Amor Mr. and Mrs. T. Reid Ecton
Dick and Hsien Shu Hsu Chiu David and Enith Levin Dr. and Mrs. William Riley Hugh and Zenaida Duran Bennett
Dr. Kenneth Christopherson Kun Boo Lim, M.D. Mr. Markley Roberts Ms. Faith Manigsaca Duran In Honor of Gudelio D. and
Mr. Johnston Chu Miss Pat M. Limpiado Ms. Shirley Mae Villa Santiago Mrs. Elizabeth L. Engle Nilda B. Manigsaca
Tsuchin Chu Huei C. Lo Ms. Mercedes M. Saplan Mrs. Maria Antonia Guatelara Geary Joy M. Labor
Evelyn Chua Chun Hester Jason Long Ms. Eliabeth Caolboy Sardon Ms. Teresita Fabillar Hernando
Ken and Thuy Chung Esther K.H. Luk Tsoi Ms. Carolyn B. Sherman Nancy P. Heruela In Honor of Dr. Titus Mathews
Mr. and Mrs. Denton H. Craley Dr. Jessie G. Lutz Dr. and Mrs. Roger L. Shinn Mr. Paul Imperial J. Mathews
Mr. Michael A. Dadap Mr. Marvin Marsh Dr. Hallam C. Shorrock Jr. Dr. Evangeline Manjares
Mary L. Dalton Linda D. Matthew-Kuehn Dr. Hsien-Gieh Sie Mrs. Jocelyn E. Gerenia E. Pajares In Honor of Glenda Rivera, Class of 77
Mr. and Mrs. T. Reid Ecton Trudy Maupin Ms. Deborah A. Smith Mrs. Lady Hope P. Robillos William W. Geis Jr.
Miss Martha L. Edge Ms. Alora Cadelina Mazella Hermia G. Soo Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Francisco D.
Mrs. Dorothy Z. Eister Dr. and Mrs. Delber L. McKee Mrs. WaiSun Soo-Hoo Somera Jr. In Honor of Enrique Tenorio
Ms. Emma Marcelo Espinosa Mrs. Susan McKeever Anne and Terry Stark Dr. Romulo G. Villanueva Donna Tenorio
Sonia Sawit Esquejo Jeanne McParland Mr. Stanley W. Stillman
Maria Fan William and Susan Martin Meggs Dr. Charles H. Stuart In Honor of Dr. and Mrs. John Butt In Honor of the Work of Angel Alcala
Mr. and Mrs. Noli Fortugaleza, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Mierz Mr. and Mrs. Palmer C. Sze Mr. and Mrs. E. John Hamlin Dr. and Mrs. Eusebio C. Kho
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Fu Ms. Celestina P. Migallos Dr. and Mrs. William H. Talbot Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Pierce
Joel and Maria Gamo Mr. Max Ming Ms. Eva Tapales In Honor of William J. Yoder
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Garrido Mr. and Mrs. Alex S. Moffett Erling M. and Judith Temp In Honor of Celebration of Livia and First Presbyterian Church
The Reverend James L. Gill Helen Knox Murphy Ms. Janet Teng Bobby Francis Marriage in Nov. 2007 Mr. and Mrs. E. John Hamlin
Mrs. Vickie Gonzaga Mrs. Mildred C. Myers Ms. Wanda F. Thornton Therese and George Wang Rev. Hugh Outterson
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Green Mr. Burjor Nargolwala Ms. Annie Gaton Tigtig
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In Honor of Xiao-Lin Zhang In Memory of Vicente Ebarle Bev In Memory of J. Rowland, J. Theron, In Memory of Ricardo Lopez Navarro In Memory of Dr. and Mrs. Romulo O.
Rev. and Mrs. Robert L. Turnipseed Caballo and Bernice R. Illick Ms. Editha Z. Navarro Villanueva, Sr.
Rosemary Ebarle Cadiz Mrs. Edith W. Illick Dr. Romulo G. Villanueva
In Memory of Mr. Manuel O.
In Memory of Alfredo P. Catedral In Memory of Beatriz G. Juarez Obligacion In Memory of Ms. Loretta Wang
Anonymous Mr. Jerome J. Juarez Sr. Mrs. Nellie B. Obligacion Ms. Randie Chang
In Memory of Anecito and Avelina
Maria Fan
Absin Acuna In Memory of Drs. Claro Ceniza In Memory of Bishop Y. Kim In Memory of Herma Macagba
Ginling Association in America
Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Francisco D. Somera Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Rolando Del Carmen Bishop Yousoon Kim Memorial Ochoco
National Chapter
Foundation Mrs. Grace M. Legaspi
In Memory of Mr. and Mrs. Pablo and In Memory of Dr. S.S. Chang Mr. and Mrs. Shing-Yi Huang
Juanita Agustin Ginling Association in America In Memory of Beulah Kwoh In Memory of Ms. Grace Ong 1943 Susan and C.C. King
Mrs. Gloria A. Vergara National Chapter Dr. Edwin S. Kwoh Ginling Association in America Philip L.Y. and Virginia Kong
Mrs. Mary Ellen Kwoh Shu National Chapter Mrs. Ming-Djang Liao
In Memory of Mrs. Virginia Arsenault In Memory of Arthur Wei-Chung
Dr. and Mrs. Hung C. Lin
Linda D. Matthew-Kuehn Chou In Memory of Catalino Merto and In Memory of Sarah Kellogg Otis
Ai-lien Yuan and Fen-Ching Ong
Trudy Maupin Wei-chi Chen Julita Lajato Mr. Terrell R. Otis
Priscilla and Ted Si
John Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Chuang Teng Mrs. Elizabeth L. Engle
In Memory of Fred M. Peng Ms. Yung C. Tang
In Memory of Anastacio & Beatriz Aya-ay In Memory of Clarita Limbaga Cusio In Memory of Dr. Paul T. Lauby Mrs. Lily H. Peng Helena Hsien-Tsai Yu
Ontario Silliman University Alumni and Artemio Cusio, Sr. Carmen and Rafael Dagnino
In Memory of Dr. Mary Frances Reed In Memory of Mrs. Lucy C. Wang
Association Mrs. Loretta C. Gorospe
In Memory of Professor Eduardo and Meredith and Richard McCaughey Dorothy T. H. and Emilian Hwang
In Memory of Rev. Manuel Bacerra In Memory of Dr. William P. Fenn Ms. Maria Lecciones
In Memory of Bishop Mercurio Serina In Memory of Sie Weipeng (Mrs.
Ms. Laura L. A. Bacerra Dr. and Mrs. Barrett Hazeltine Mrs. Gloria L. Doig
Mrs. Glenda J. Hobart Lily Li)
In Memory of Genoveva E. Bernardez In Memory of Atty. Eduardo Flores In Memory of Miss An-Veng Loh Dr. and Mrs. Tingye Li
In Memory of Dr. Philip Shen
Dr. and Mrs. Constantino Bernardez Ms. Jocelyn F. del Carmen William Ku
Yee Nar Yuen In Memory of Yu Xian Wen
In Memory of Lorenzo B. Bernardez In Memory of Mr. and Mrs. Florencio In Memory of Rev. Hilarion H. Ms. Helena Yu
In Memory of Dr. John H. Skillman
Dr. and Mrs. Constantino Bernardez Flores Macagba
Ms. Carolyn S. Bealle In Memory of Ms. Judy C. Wenderoth
Ms. Jocelyn F. del Carmen Mrs. Grace M. Legaspi
In Memory of Joyce Black Rose-Marie Tso-Ling Twu
In Memory of Edith B. Sze
Margaret L. Avison In Memory of Dr. and Mrs. L.F. In Memory of Hope Dagdayan Patsy A. Williams Payette
Ms. Melanie Sze
Mr. Louis Beduz Heimburger Manigsaca
In Memory of Mary F. Whittlesey
Mrs. Kathleen Anne Black Irvin L. and Marcia Heimburger Rev. Rizalio and Mrs. Jane Manigsaca In Memory of Ms. and Mr. Margaret
Peter and Patricia Black Tao 1947
In Memory of Mr. Lyman Hoover In Memory of Demeterio Rosales and
Winnifred B. Judge Ginling Association in America In Memory of Mrs. Hsien Wu
Ms. Carol V. Hoover Felisa Marino
Nancy Kahl National Chapter Victor and Mildred Wu
Mr. Demeterio Navarro
Celia Lerner In Memory of Mr. Joseph T. Howard
In Memory of Newton L. Thurber In Memory of T.Y. Wu
Jeanne McParland Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Underhill In Memory of Mrs. Elisabeth Luce
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald G. Taylor Anonymous
William and Susan Martin Meggs Moore
In Memory of Mr. David H. Huang
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Mierz Carmen and Rafael Dagnino In Memory of Mariano and Gloria
Dr. and Mrs. C. Herbert Wang
Garcia Vergara
In Memory of Deograscias Zerna
In Memory of Dr. Josefa M. Ilano Mrs. Gloria A. Vergara
Mrs. Maria Antonia Guatelara Geary
Ms. Editha Z. Navarro

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Y E AR EN D ED JU N E 30 , 2 009 WIT H SUM M AR I ZED I N F O RM AT I O N F O R 2 0 0 8

Unrestricted Temporarily Permanently 2009 Total 2008 Total
Restricted Restricted

Support and Revenue
Church board grants and gifts $190
Foundation gifts $891,520 $100,000 $991,520 $745,563
General public gifts 434,420 511,590 109,225 1,055,235 1,466,804
U.S. Government 1,006,327 1,006,327 102,705
Change in value of beneficial interest in remainder trust (80,065) (80,065) (51,519)
Endowment income 4,906,329 911,585 5,817,914 5,503,349
Other investment income 6,744 2,046 8,790 47,365
Other income 30,110 30,110 6,723

Net assets released from temporary restriction 3,120,798 (3,120,798)
Total support and revenue 9,389,921 (671,361) 111,271 8,829,831 7,821,180

Program services 6,700,785 6,700,785 5,886,662
Management and general 1,101,719 1,101,719 1,020,617

Fundraising 466,797 466,797 570,701

Total expenses 8,269,301 8,269,301 7,477,980
Excess (deficit) of support and revenue over expenses 1,120,620 (671,361) 111,271 560,530 343,200

Other changes in net assets
Investment return in excess (deficit) of amount (25,484,893) (3,200,288) (28,685,181) (17,758,082)
designated for current operations
Postretirement health benefit obligation (752,100)

Increase (decrease) in net assets (24,364,273) (3,871,649) 111,271 (28,124,651) (18,166,982)

Net assets

Beginning of year 92,747,936 11,645,915 10,712,090 115,105,941 133,272,923
End of year $68,383,663 $7,774,266 $10,823,361 $86,981,290 $115,105,941
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www.UnitedBoard.org 23
A copy of the United Board’s full audited financial statements prepared by Tait, Weller & Baker, Certified Public Accountant is available upon request.
Dr. Nancy E. Chapman Sr. Mary John Mananzan Dr. Willi Toisuta
Associate Master, Morningside College, OSB Prioress, Manila Priory of the President Emeritus, Satya Wacana
The Chinese University of Hong Kong Congregation of the Missionary University; Secretary, National Board of
Benedictine Sisters of Tutzing; President Accreditation for Indonesian Universities
Dr. Shin Chiba
UNITED BOARD TRUSTEES Emerita, St. Scholastica’s College and Colleges; Founder and Chair, Institute
Professor of Political Thought and
for Good Governance and Regional
Dr. Ching-mai Wu (Chair) Former Dean of the Graduate School, Dr. D. Preman Niles
Development, Indonesia
Vice Chairman, Pojaa.com International Christian University, Japan Former General Secretary of the Council
for World Mission and Emeritus Professor Dr. Angela Wai Ching Wong
Dr. Michael Gilligan (Vice Chair) Dr. I. John Hesselink*
of Ecumenical Theology. Served on the Associate Professor, Department of
President, The Henry Luce Foundation Former Professor of Theology, Tokyo
staff of the World Council of Churches and Cultural and Religious Studies, and Head,
Union Theological Seminary; President
Dr. Ruth Hayhoe (Secretary) the Christian Conference of Asia Graduate Division of Cultural Studies, The
Emeritus and Professor Emeritus,
Professor, Department of Theory and Chinese University of Hong Kong
Western Theological Seminary Dr. Joon Surh Park
Policy Studies, Ontario Institute for Studies
University Distinguished Professor and Dr. Xinping Zhou*
in Education, University of Toronto; Janet E. Hunt, Esq.
Dean of Myungji Christian Academy, Professor and Director, Institute of World
President Emerita, Hong Kong Institute of Former Senior Vice President and
Myungji University; Professor Emeritus, Religions and Director, Center for the
Education Division Manager, Personal Asset
former Dean of the Theological College, Study of Religion, Chinese Academy of
Management Division, Irving Trust
Mr. Anthony Ruger (Treasurer) the Graduate School, and Vice President Social Sciences
Senior Research Fellow, Center for the of Academic Affairs, Yonsei University
Study of Theological Education, Auburn Dr. William K. Lee *Retired from the board in July 2009.
Dr. Elizabeth J. Perry
Theological Seminary, New York President, Cardiac Associates of Henry Rosovsky Professor of Government,
Dr. Paul P. Appasamy New Jersey; former Director of Harvard University; Director, Harvard-
Vice Chancellor, Karunya University, Cardiology,Valley Hospital Ridgewood, Yenching Institute
Coimbatore, India New Jersey; Clinical Associate Professor
of Medicine, University of Medicine and Mr. Barnabas Suebu*
Dr. Judith A. Berling Dentistry of New Jersey Governor of Papua; Former Indonesian
Professor, Chinese Intellectual History Ambassador to Mexico, Honduras and
and Religions and former Dean and Vice Dr. William Lesher* Panama; Nenberm Advisory Boards of
President for Academic Affairs, Graduate Chair, Council for a Parliament of the Association of Christian Intellectuals
Theological Union World’s Religions; President Emeritus, in Asia; Association of Pancasila
Lutheran School of Theology Intellectuals, and Council of Christian
Dr. Charles Booth*
Schools in Indonesia.
Retired Executive Vice President and Chief
Investment Officer, The Bank of New York

24 | www.UnitedBoard.org
July 1, 2007 — June 30, 2009

Dr. Patricia Stranahan Ms. Shanna M. Hamilton

President Assistant to the President, Board Liaison
Dr. Betty Cernol-McCann Dr. Nirmala Jeyaraj*
Vice President of Programs Program Director
Ms. Mary Bruun Scarpinato Ms. Nancy Kavanagh*
Chief Financial Officer Accounting Assistant
Mr. Raymond Bailey* Ms. Iris Ng*
Assistant to the President, Board Liaison Director, Finance and Administration
Dr. Avron Boretz Ms. Anne Ofstedal
Program Director Director, Fellowship and Scholarship
Ms. Melanie Chung
Program Associate Ms. Louisa So
Program Associate
Ms. Anne Dyer*
Staff Accountant Mr. Jason Wan*
Program Associate
Ms. Candy Eng*
Vice President for Finance and Mr. Jonathan Wolff
Development Director, Grants Management
Photo credits:
Ms. Emily Fries* Ms. Catharina Worthington*
p. 2, 3, 6: istockphoto
Director, Development and Staff Accountant p. 9: Sara Gavryck-Ji
*On staff for part of this period. Design:
Ms. Gloria Godfrey Digital Design Group, Newton, MA
Program Associate
475 Riverside Drive, Suite 1221 | New York, New York 10115 | United States
212.870.2600 | www.unitedboard.org

Program Office
1/F, Chung Chi College Administration Building
The Chinese University of Hong Kong | Shatin, Hong Kong | 852.3163.4215

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