Individual Project Educ 106

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Cyrel Jake Abapo


A. Obtain a copy of the VMG of three different schools. Compare and contrast their
curriculum aims, goals, and objectives in tabular form. Identify the source of your

The Mapua University

Mapua shall be among the best universities in the world.

The University shall provide a learning environment in order for its students to acquire the attributes that will
make them globally competitive.
The University shall engage in publishable and/or economically viable research, development, and
The University shall provide state-of-the-art solutions to problems of industries and communities.


Holy Cross of Davao College

The school of choice of future health care professionals.

To provide our clients with health care education of the highest order, our employees with a rewarding
and fruitful working environment; our partners with mutually beneficial relationships; and our
stockholders with a viable and sustainable enterprise.

Ateneo de Davao University

The Ateneo de Davao University is a Catholic, Jesuit, and Filipino University.
As a university it is a community engaged in excellent instruction and formation, robust research,
and vibrant community service.
As Catholic, it proceeds ex corde ecclesiae, from the heart of the Church.
As Jesuit, it appropriates the mission of the Society of Jesus and the spirituality of St. Ignatius of
As Filipino, it contributes to and serves Mindanao.

It participates in the reconciliation by the Father 
of humanity with Himself
of human beings with one another,
of humanity with the environment.
It strengthens faith. It promotes humane humanity.
It engages in intercultural, interreligious, 
and inter-ideological dialogue especially in Mindanao.
It responds to the needs of the Bangsamoro, the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim
as well as the needs of Lumad communities.
It promotes the creation of wealth and its equitable distribution.
It strengthens its science and technology instruction, research, and technopreneurship in Mindanao.
It promotes cultural understanding and friendship with its Asian neighbors.
It promotes lifelong learning and the dialogue between academe and the world of work.
It protects and promotes the environment as “our common home.”
It develops ADDU sui generis leaders who appropriate this mission for life.
It treasures and works with its alumni.


Name of School Curriculum Goals Goals Objectives

The Mapua The school would want to The school is aiming to They want to become one
University make a learning bring state-of-the-art of the best Universities
environment that will help solution to problems of they want to their learners
students acquire the the industries and to be taught or provided
knowledge to be globally communities they are education that is grounded
competitive they want to aiming to produce to academic excellence
engage in publishable or professional individuals and their core values
economically viable that can solve issues namely DISCIPLINE,
research, development and trough research. EXCELLENCE,
innovation. COMMITMENT,
Holy Cross of The philosophy of Davao The school aims to The school wants not just
Davao Doctors College is become the school of to provide good education
capsulized by the phrase choice of future health for their student but they
“Aestimamus vitam,” Latin care professionals. They would also want to
for “We value life”. It is an want to provide their provide their worker a
affirmation of the school’s clients with health care fruitful and rewarding
belief that life is valuable, education of the highest environment. And they
which is why it has devoted order. put emphasize also on
itself to health and providing their
wellness education. Their stakeholders with viable
curriculum goals aims to and sustainable
make students that are enterprise.
professional in the field of

Ateneo de The school is aiming to be The school would want to The school put emphasize
Davao engaging in community promote humane on honing children
University service the curriculum humanity. It engages in through science and
focuses on helping the intercultural, technology instruction and
community and making interreligious,  research without leaving
individual that is well and inter-ideological their values behind. It
educated through excellent dialogue especially in promotes lifelong learning
formation and research. Mindanao. It strengthens and the dialogue between
its science and technology academe and the world of
instruction, research, and work.
technopreneurship in

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