Cookbook VBUK VBUP Adaption
Cookbook VBUK VBUP Adaption
Table of Contents
Cookbook for Adaption to Discontinuation of Status Tables VBUK and VBUP ....................................... 1
Introduction............................................................................................................................................. 2
Simplification of Status Data Model .................................................................................................... 2
Adaption .............................................................................................................................................. 2
Identifying Affected Objects and Source Code ....................................................................................... 3
1) Execute the scan report .............................................................................................................. 3
2) Remove Irrelevant Lines from the Results List ............................................................................ 3
Coding Adaption ...................................................................................................................................... 5
Case 1: SELECT for dedicated status values that can be replaced through use of data that was
already read in an existing call to the respective document table ..................................................... 5
Case 2: SELECT for VBUK/VBUP structure that can be replaced through use of data that was
already read in an existing call to the respective document table ..................................................... 5
Case 3: SELECT that can be switched from VBUK or VBUP to one statically-known document table 6
Case 4: SELECT that cannot be switched to one of the document tables ........................................... 6
Case 5: VBUK or VBUP are read to check for the existence of a document ....................................... 7
Case 6: VBUK is read to determine VBTYP or VBOBJ for a given VBELN ............................................. 7
Case 10: Insert to VBUK or VBUP ........................................................................................................ 7
Case 11: Update to VBUK or VBUP ...................................................................................................... 7
Case 12: Delete from VBUK or VBUP ................................................................................................... 7
Case 13: DDIC Projection views (and single-table DDIC DB database views) that refer to a status
table..................................................................................................................................................... 8
Variant A: The object type is statically known................................................................................. 8
Variant B: The object type is not statically known .......................................................................... 8
Case 14: DDIC Database views that refer to a status table ................................................................. 8
Variant A: Status table and one dedicated document table are part of the view ........................... 8
Variant B: View without document table ........................................................................................ 8
Deleted DDIC views joining VBUK ........................................................................................................... 9
Changed DDIC views joining VBUK or VBUP............................................................................................ 9
Appendix 1:............................................................................................................................................ 10
Fields from table VBUK .................................................................................................................. 10
Version 2.2
Simplification of Status Data Model
In SAPERP, the status values of SD transactional documents are not held in the document tables
themselves, but in tables VBUK (for header) and VBUP (for item).
This change was made as part of the S/4HANA data model simplification. The status values of SD
transactional documents are now stored in the document tables themselves. The status information
has been moved from VBUK to VBAK, and from VBUP to VBAP for the sales order and, accordingly, to
LIKP and LIPS for delivery, as well as to VBRK for billing documents. Note that billing documents have
no item status values. Appendix 1 shows the status fields and their relevance for the five tables.
The obsolete tables have not been deleted, they stay active but empty, and can still be used for
Read and write accesses to VBUK and VBUP have to be adapted to these changes.
You might also want to adapt views, LDBs (logical databases), search helps, domains, and TABUs.
If the screen field is used semantically for only one of the document types, it may be appropriate to
replace check table VBUK with a more specific check table according to the semantic of the fields, for
Version 2.2
example, VBAK. Alternatively, the veto check could be coded and called in the screen flow logic, or
abandoned if this is acceptable for the scenario.
Version 2.2
(to remove includes that have no hits (only comments or lines already deleted in a previous step)
execute several times!
^[|-]*\r\n[|][ ]*[A-Z0-9_/=]*[ ]*[|]\r\n[|-]*\r\n
(to remove separator lines)
We recommend that you back up the results of the scan report, and that you monitor the filtering
Version 2.2
Coding Adaption
Typically, customer coding that is adapted to work on S/4HANA does not need to be compatible with
SAPERP anymore. It can be adapted without the constraint of keeping the consumer compatible with
the SAPERP data model.
Case 1: SELECT for dedicated status values that can be replaced through use
of data that was already read in an existing call to the respective document
Simply use the data that was already read.
Case 2: SELECT for VBUK/VBUP structure that can be replaced through use
of data that was already read in an existing call to the respective document
Simply use the data already read. Also fill field VBOBJ if needed.
If the VBUK field VBOBJ is evaluated, or the usage extent of the filled vbuk-like structure or
internal table is not known, field VBOBJ must be filled manually because it was previously
part of vbuk, but has not been transferred to the document header tables.
In the example above, add line
If you fill a table, you need a loop to fill the fields in all records.
You should use the constants SALES_DOCUMENT, DELIVERY, and INVOICE from interface
IF_SD_DOC_OBJECT to do this.
Move-corresponding for internal tables:
Cookbook for VBUK/VBUP adaption
Version 2.2
If you want to use this pattern to replace one SELECT from VBUK for different objects, as was
done in Report SAPDBKMV for sales orders and deliveries, you can add KEEPING TARGET
LINES to allow subsequent moves into the same internal table:
MOVE-CORRESPONDING xvbak[] TO xvbuk[].
Case 3: SELECT that can be switched from VBUK or VBUP to one staticallyknown document table
(If Case 1 and Case 2 cannot be applied.)
If the VBELN in the where clause has been filled from a specific document table, or if only status
fields that exist in only one of the document tables are read or used, replace VBUK/P with the
respective table name.
(For the assignment of status values to tables, see the diagrams in Appendix 1.)
If no column list is specified, but a * is used to select all columns, then:
A change from select into table to Select into corresponding fields of table is
necessary (similarly: from appending table to appending corresponding fields of table
The remark regarding field VBOBJ from Case 2 should be considered here.
SD_VBUK_READ_FROM_DOC_MULTI (mass-enabled for multiple documents)
SD_VBUP_READ_FROM_DOC (can return one dedicated item of a dedicated document or all
items of a document)
SD_VBUP_READ_FROM_DOC_MULTI (mass-enabled for multiple documents)
o returns all items for a list of VBELNs if only IT_VBUK_KEY is filled
o returns all items requested in a list of VBELN-POSNR pairs if only IT_VBUP_KEY is
The mass-enabled FMs also support VBELNs from different object types (tables, that is) in one call.
If the VBTYP or the VBOBJ of the document is available, it can be passed to the FMs by using the
optional import parameter I_VBTYP or I_VBOBJ. This will direct the access to the one specific table.
Please note that append fields to VBUK and VBUP are not considered by these FMs.
Version 2.2
Case 5: VBUK or VBUP are read to check for the existence of a document
[structure vbuk not evaluated later]
Decide whether this can be replaced by a call to one document table, or by subsequent calls to
several tables. You can also use FM SD_VBUK_READ_FROM_DOC or SD_VBUP_READ_FROM_DOC..
Version 2.2
between document tables and status tables are no longer possible, and adaption doesnt make sense
However, some industries may still use VBUK or VBUP for their own document types, especially if
they are components of a single code line, and might (for whatever reason) want to delete VBUK or
VBUP entries that belong to their own document types..
Case 13: DDIC Projection views (and single-table DDIC DB database views)
that refer to a status table
Variant A: The object type is statically known
The simplest adaption is to change all consumers that read this view. You can change them to read
the document table of this object type directly, instead of reading the view. Alternatively, You can
adapt the view to refer to the document table instead. Note that field VBOBJ cannot be filled within a
DDIC view. Wherever this field is evaluated, consumer adaption is required.
If a view has a very large amount of consumers, and VBOBJ is not being evaluated, you might want to
adapt only the view itself, to save yourself the effort of consumer adaption.
Variant B: The object type is not statically known
Because the data could be stored in one of several tables, this scenario cannot be solved with a view
based on a single table. Furthermore, a DDIC database view across all possible tables will not work
because it only supports inner joins. (Note: You could create a CDS view by using union or outer join.)
The consumers reading this view have to be adapted. One option is to use the FMs listed in case 4
instead of the view. Alternatively, each consumer SELECT to the obsolete view can be replaced with
multiple subsequent SELECTs on the possible tables (or on views referring to these tables).
Version 2.2
Joined Tables
Read accesses to these views should be replaced with SELECT statements on a single table, or if
needed, with appropriate joins.
In these views, view field VBOBJ (referring to VBUK-VBOBJ) was removed in most cases. If there is a
consumer that reads and evaluates view field VBOBJ, see the remark regarding field VBOBJ in section
Case 2: SELECT for VBUK/VBUP structure that can be replaced through use of data that was already
read in an existing call to the respective document table.
For some views, status fields that were not relevant for the respective object were also removed.
Version 2.2
Appendix 1:
These diagrams show which status fields from tables VBUK and VBUP have been transferred to which
document tables:
Fields from table VBUK
Version 2.2
Version 2.2