IVR Portal Deployment and Installation Guide Ver 1.0.0

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IVR Portal Deployment and

Installation Guide
Ver 1.0.0

Deployment and Installation Guide

DaVinci Voice Portal


IVR Portal
Deployment and Installation Guide
Ver 1.0.0

Author(s): Pradeep.D

Date: 24/05/2007

Reviewer(s): Sunil.TM

Date: 21/05/2007

Approved by: Sunil.TM


Document Title:

Document No:

Revision No.

Revision Date

Doc. No./IMI/DaVinci VP/DIG/T14

Ver. 1.0.0

Change Details

Approved by

IMImobile Confidential & Proprietary


Deployment and Installation Guide

DaVinci Voice Portal

IMImobile IVR Portal Deployment and Installation Guide

Copyright 2007 IMImobile. All Rights Reserved.
IMImobile, a Division of IMI Software Ltd.
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Doc. No./IMI/DaVinci VP/DIG/T14

Ver. 1.0.0

IMImobile Confidential & Proprietary


Deployment and Installation Guide

DaVinci Voice Portal

Table of Contents
1. Introduction.................................................................................5
1.1 Using this Guide...........................................................................................5
1.2 Related Documents.......................................................................................5

2. Installation Prerequisites.................................................................6
2.1 Media Connectivity Requirements for IVR Portal...................................................6
2.2 Switch requirements.....................................................................................6
2.3 LAN requirements......................................................................................... 6
2.4 Power requirements......................................................................................7

3. Software and Hardware Requirements................................................7

3.1 Software Requirements..................................................................................7
3.1.1 Hardware Requirements.............................................................................7

4. Procedure for Installation................................................................7

5. Hardware Installations....................................................................8
Dialogic System Release 6.0.................................................................................8
Dialogic System Release 6.0.................................................................................8
5.1.1 Installation Steps......................................................................................8
5.1.2 Configuring Dialogic- DCM Configuration.........................................................14
SS7 Signaling Septel Card Installation...................................................................19
SS7 Signaling Septel Card Installation...................................................................19
5.1.3 Hardware Installation of Septel Card.............................................................19
5.2 SS7 Signalling link-Septel Configuration.............................................................20
5.2.1 Configuration of Septel Card.......................................................................20
5.2.2 Gcss7.cfg Configurations...........................................................................22

6. To start Septel and dialogic Services..................................................28

7. Sample Testing-Check the Inbound Application....................................30
8. Tools.........................................................................................30

Doc. No./IMI/DaVinci VP/DIG/T14

Ver. 1.0.0

IMImobile Confidential & Proprietary


Deployment and Installation Guide

DaVinci Voice Portal

1. Introduction
DaVinci Voice Portal system allows callers to interact with pre-recorded messages over the mobile
phones. IVRS allows one to efficiently and easily access Value added services, by navigation through
the user-friendly voice prompts. System prompts the caller to respond either verbally (ASR) or by
pressing a touchtone key (DTMF), and provides the caller with information based on responses

1.1 Using this Guide

Scope of the document
The scope of the document is to provide clear and easy instructions to install and configure IVR
Portal. Any prior knowledge on IVR Portal would be advantageous.
It is assumed that all the prerequisites required for SMSGW have been installed.
Notes are provided in special cases to ensure that user is following steps without any error.

1.2 Related Documents

If the user requires any technical background on the subject then please refer to the following
document IVR Portal Technical Feature Document.

Doc. No./IMI/DaVinci VP/DIG/T14

Ver. 1.0.0

IMImobile Confidential & Proprietary


Deployment and Installation Guide

DaVinci Voice Portal

2. Installation Prerequisites
2.1 Media Connectivity Requirements for IVR Portal
1. Cabling of five E1s, fourE1s for voice (30 voice channels each) and one E1 ss7signaling link
2. OPC (Originating point code)
3. DPC (Originating point code)
4. SLC (signaling link code)
5. CIC (circuit identification code)
6. SSF (service switching function)
7. Signaling time slot

2.2 Switch requirements

1. Short code creation and Routing (2345xx)
2. Switch side configuration.
3. Multimodal Clearances
4. Anywhere access Number (10 digit access number)
5. 12U rack space for installing the server (Tower/4U+8U monitor).
Weight & Dimensions of X3400 IBM Server


Depth (imperial/metric)

20.6 in

Height (imperial/metric)

15.3 in

Width (imperial/metric)

8.5 in

2.3 LAN requirements

1. Local IP for Server.
2. Pcanywhere for remote maintenance
3. FTP access on port 21,ssh on port 22 for content upload into the server
4. HTTP access on Port 80 for Web interface of the Voice Portal.
5. Alternative access through RDP (port: 3389), VNC (5900) for remote maintenance.
6. Clearance of IMImobile IP (, in Operator Firewall for above
7. Type of Protocol used for SMS GW SMPP/HTP/CIMD (If HTTP, Please provide the URL) for ring tone
push and text message confirmation
8. Port 8080 access from the Voice portal server to the content management server on public IP
( (two way handshake) for ringtone download.
9. Port 80,21 access from the Voice portal server to the content management server on public IP
( (two way handshake) for content download.

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Ver. 1.0.0

IMImobile Confidential & Proprietary


Deployment and Installation Guide

DaVinci Voice Portal

2.4 Power requirements

Capacity (6 Kva/ 3KvA)



230v AC

No. Of power Sockets (plugs)


50 Hz

Equipment Fuse Rating


Note: UPS backup required

3. Software and Hardware Requirements

3.1 Software Requirements

Dialogic System Release 6.0


Nuance 8.5 (check whether ASR required or not)

Nuance Service Pack (check whether ASR required or not)





Hardware Requirements

Dialogic Card: DMV1200 B, 120 channel, 4 port card with conference

SS7 Card: SPCI4: 4 Link, 4 Port

MTP 3 button, ISUP License

CT Bus Cable

4. Procedure for Installation

Following is the procedure for installation of IVR Portal,the installation and configuration of the
hardware components are explained in the following sections.
1. Insert Hardware (Dialogic Card and SS7 Card) in the server
2. Connect the Dialogic card and SS7 card with CT Bus Cable (one of the CT Bus Cable edge
should be connected to the either of cards e.g. 1 and 2 drop of cable connect to the cards).
3. Install Dialogic System Release 6.0 in Custom mode. Select the following:

Development Package

Core Run Time Package

ISDN protocol


Doc. No./IMI/DaVinci VP/DIG/T14

Ver. 1.0.0

IMImobile Confidential & Proprietary


Deployment and Installation Guide

DaVinci Voice Portal

4. Install the following Softwares.

1. Install DPKWIN.exe with default settings then you will get SEPTEL folder in c:\ drive
2. Install Nuance 8.5. (If required)
3. Install Nuance Service Pack. (If required)
Note 1: Nuance is used for ASR, Just Replace the Nuance Service Pack folder contents in
Note 2: Copy Inbound folder in C:\ to check the inbound call after Configuring the Dialogic and SS7
Note 3: Tomcat and SMS Gateway are required for SMS Gateway Configurations; just install the
Tomcat and copy the SMSGW folder in c:\
Note 4: Dialogic System Release 6.0 does not require any service Pack; Global Call is required only
for in_r2 protocol

5. Hardware Installations
Dialogic System Release 6.0

Installation Steps

Follow the steps below to install Dialogic System Release 6.0

1. Run Setup.exe from the Dialogic Software sr60pci_DE (service Release 6.0 Developer Edition).
The following screen will appear,

2. Click on Next to continue Setup

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Ver. 1.0.0

IMImobile Confidential & Proprietary


Deployment and Installation Guide

DaVinci Voice Portal

3. Click on Next to continue Setup

4. Select the installation path and click Next

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Ver. 1.0.0

IMImobile Confidential & Proprietary


Deployment and Installation Guide

DaVinci Voice Portal

5. Select all the check boxes and click Next

6. Click on Yes to continue the installation

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IMImobile Confidential & Proprietary


Deployment and Installation Guide

DaVinci Voice Portal

7. Click Next to continue the installation

8. Click Next to continue the installation

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Ver. 1.0.0

IMImobile Confidential & Proprietary


Deployment and Installation Guide

DaVinci Voice Portal

Please wait while it installs the dialogic software

Please wait while it installs the driver for your dialogic card

9. You may get screen like above, click on No

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Ver. 1.0.0

IMImobile Confidential & Proprietary


Deployment and Installation Guide

DaVinci Voice Portal

Now the Dialogic Software Installation is complete. Click on Finish to restart the Server.

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Ver. 1.0.0

IMImobile Confidential & Proprietary


Deployment and Installation Guide


DaVinci Voice Portal

Configuring Dialogic- DCM Configuration

1. After the server is restarted, open the Dialogic Configuration Manager from Start Menu.

2. Go to StartProgramsIntel Dialogic System Release 6.0 PCIConfiguration Manager DCM

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Ver. 1.0.0

IMImobile Confidential & Proprietary


Deployment and Installation Guide

DaVinci Voice Portal

3. Click on Connect to connect to the Local

4. You will get the screen as above.

5. Double Click on DMV1200B you will get Dialog Box, in that select Trunk Configuration.
Please select appropriate protocol for the E1,

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Ver. 1.0.0

IMImobile Confidential & Proprietary


Deployment and Installation Guide

DaVinci Voice Portal

6. Select MediaLoad and Click OK.

7. GOTO Misc Tab, the following screen will appear

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Ver. 1.0.0

IMImobile Confidential & Proprietary


Deployment and Installation Guide

DaVinci Voice Portal

If CRC value is OFF then select the media load (.config) file from the {Dialogic}\data\ folder
Voice & Signaling on same E1
E1 Termination

Media Load



gul10_qsb_4_ts16.fcd(ML 10b)

Voice and signaling on different E1
E1 termination

gul10b_qsb_4_net5.fcd (ML 10b



Media Load

8. Go the same folder(please specify the folder name) from command prompt and execute the
following command Fcdgen and the {mediaload} .config file name

9. You will get the above screen

10. Click on Start Button on the DCM configuration screen

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IMImobile Confidential & Proprietary


Deployment and Installation Guide

Doc. No./IMI/DaVinci VP/DIG/T14

Ver. 1.0.0

DaVinci Voice Portal

IMImobile Confidential & Proprietary


Deployment and Installation Guide

DaVinci Voice Portal

SS7 Signaling Septel Card Installation


Hardware Installation of Septel Card

1. Click on the dpkwin.exe to install Septel Card, the following screen will appear

2. Click on Next, a Finish Screen would appear. Click on Finish screen that would complete
the installation procedure for Septel Card

Doc. No./IMI/DaVinci VP/DIG/T14

Ver. 1.0.0

IMImobile Confidential & Proprietary


Deployment and Installation Guide

DaVinci Voice Portal

5.2 SS7 Signalling link-Septel Configuration


Configuration of Septel Card

Before configuring the septel card, a file has to be copied from an URL; this file is used to configure
the SS7.DC3 settings.
1. SS7.DC3 Settings









http://resource.intel.com/telecom/support/ss7/downloads/ and copy to the Septel folder.

After copying the folder, Client configurations are performed through the given steps
2. Third Party Client Configurations (Voice & Signaling on same E1)
1. Open Third Party client from Start Program Files Intel Dialogic System Software
2. Right click Third party Tech
3. Select Add
4. Give the device name as dk0
5. Check H.100 Master and H.100 Slave
6. Choose Give the time slots from 1- 1024
7. Click on Save

8. Click on Next
9. Put the name dk0

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Deployment and Installation Guide

DaVinci Voice Portal

10. Click Next

11. Click Next

12. Put the time slot form 0 to 1024
13. Click on allocate-finish

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Ver. 1.0.0

IMImobile Confidential & Proprietary


Deployment and Installation Guide

DaVinci Voice Portal

After configuring the above details, Gcss7.cfg file has to be configured.The following section shows
the exact details of the file and the parameters which have to be changed in the file are marked in
a different colour.

Gcss7.cfg Configurations

# Intel (Dialogic) Global Call SS7 Configuration File (gcss7.cfg)

for Windows

# !!! NOTE: all the entries and parameters are CASE SENSITIVE!!!
# Type of System Configuration #
# Leave commented out or set to "None" when not using Dialogic SS7.
# Depending on the value of this parameter, the sections below, that
# are specific to some configurations (SeptelCard, SIU, SIU.Dual) will be
# used or not.
# Format: String - ["None", "Card", "SIU", "DualSIU"]
System.Configuration = "None"
Change this line to
System.Configuration = "Card"
# Parameters for the Global Call SS7 Call Control Library #
# If defined, this parameter will cause the library logging to be
# activated at the first gc_Open () of an SS7 circuit and the trace
# File will have the specified name.
# Format: String
Library.LogFile = "ss7.log"
# Logging Level for the library
# Format: String - ["None", "Errors", "All"]
# Default: "Errors" (and Warnings)
Library.LogLevels = "All"
# Maximum size of the library log in kilobytes
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Deployment and Installation Guide

DaVinci Voice Portal

# Format: Integer, Default: 200

#Library.LogMaxSize = 2000
# Parameters for the Dialogic SS7 service/deamon #
# Logging Level for the service (DlgcS7.log)
# Format: String - ["None", "Errors", "All"]
# Default: "Errors" (and Warnings)
Service.LogLevels = "All"
# Maximum size of the service log in kilobytes
# Format: Integer, Default: 200
#Service.LogMaxSize = 2000
# Does the service need to start GCTLOAD automatically?
# Format: String - ["Yes", "No"]
Service.GCTLOAD_Control = "No"
# Path to GCTLOAD (Used only if GCTLOAD_Control is set to "Yes")
# For Setpel Cards, the parameter defaults to the same path as ConfigDir
# Format: String
#Service.GCTLOAD_Path = "c:\septel"
# GCT-environment module id used by the service
# Format: Integer, Default: 0x4d
Service.ModuleID = 0x4d
# Maximum timeout (in seconds) for server-application keep-alive mechanisme
# Format: Integer; Default: 7; 0 means the mechanisme is off (0 is recommended for Windows)
Service.WatchDogMaxTime = 0
# Configuration for Septel Card Systems #
# Path to the config.txt file
# Format: String
SeptelCard.ConfigDir = "c:\septel"
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Deployment and Installation Guide

DaVinci Voice Portal

# Should MTP links be activated automatically?

# Format: String - ["None", "All"]
SeptelCard.Auto_Links_Activation = "All"
# Configuration for SIU Systems #
# ID of this host - Use 0 if only one host accessing the SIU(s)
# Format: Integer
SIU.HostID = 0
# SIU A - IP Address
# Format: String
#SIU.A.IP_Address = ""
# SIU A - Account to use to connect to SIU when using FTP
# Format: String
#SIU.A.FTP_Account = "ftp"
# SIU A - Password for the FTP account
# Format: String
#SIU.A.FTP_Password = "ftp"
# SIU A - Directory to which to change (in FTP session) in order to get config.txt
# Format: String
#SIU.A.RemoteConfigDir = "."
# Parameters specific to Dual-Resilient SIU Configurations #
# SIU B Parameters - See the same parameters for SIU.A
#SIU.B.IP_Address = ""
#SIU.B.FTP_Account = "ftp"
#SIU.B.FTP_Password = "ftp"

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IMImobile Confidential & Proprietary


Deployment and Installation Guide

DaVinci Voice Portal

#SIU.B.RemoteConfigDir = "."
# Maximum timeout (in seconds) for how long the service will keep calls in speech after
# control of a circuit group was transfered to other unit due to SIU/RSI/etc. failure
# Format: Integer; Default: 600 seconds; 0 means the feature is disabled
#SIU.Dual.TolerateCallTime = 20
# Parameters that are related to config.txt #
# MTP Link source - it can be specified in System.Configuration = "Card" mode only
# "link_id" must match the value in config.txt
# "link_source" parameter must be one of the valid dti interfaces carrying SS7 signalling, for ex.:
If the s7 Link is on the Dialogic then configure this
# MtpLink <link_id> <"link_source">
MtpLink 0 dtiB1
# Circuit Group configuration, Group ID must match the value in config.txt
# "trunk_name" could be any of "dkBx", "dtiBy" or "dumBz"
# "base_TS" parameter defaults to 1 if not set, it must be set if "Pref_SIU" is to be specified
# "Pref_SIU" parameter can have "SIUA" or "SIUB" values only
# CGrp <gid> <"trunk_name"> [<base_TS> [<"Pref_SIU">]]
CGrp 0 dtiB1
(In Case of SS7 Link on the dialogic and SS7 Link on the Septel with only carry signaling) either
this one or
CGrp 0 dkB1 (in case the E1 with ss7 link & Voice on the Septel )
# End of gcss7.cfg
SS7 Configurations
Configure Config.txt and System.txt in C:\Septel folder as below.
SEPTELPCI_BOARD 0 0x00c2 ss7.dc3 MTP
* Configure individual E1/T1 interfaces:
* LIU_CONFIG <board_id> <liu_id> <liu_type> <line_code> <frame_format> <crc_mode>
Doc. No./IMI/DaVinci VP/DIG/T14
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Deployment and Installation Guide

DaVinci Voice Portal

LIU_CONFIG 0 0 5 1 1 1
* MTP Parameters:
* MTP_CONFIG <reserved> <reserved> <options>
MTP_CONFIG 0 0 0x0000
* Define link sets:
* MTP_LINKSET <linkset_id> <adjacent_spc> <num_links> <flags> <local_spc> <ssf>
MTP_LINKSET 0 665 1 0x0000 964 0x0c
(Change adjacent_spc , local_spc & SSF as per the switch configurations)
* Define signaling links:
* MTP_LINK <link_id> <linkset_id> <link_ref> <slc> <board_id> <blink> <stream> <timeslot> <flags>
(In Case of SS7 Link on the dialogic which carry voice and signaling both)
MTP_LINK 0 0 0 0 0 0 0x83 0 0x0006
(change the slc and timeslot as per the switch. Always put time slot 0)
(In Case of SS7 Link on the septel)
MTP_LINK 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 0x0006
(change the slc and timeslot as per the switch)
* Define a route for each remote signaling point:
* MTP_ROUTE <dpc> <linkset_id> <user_part_mask>
MTP_ROUTE 665 0 0x0020
(Change the dpc as per the switch configurations)
* Configure ISUP module:
* ISUP_CONFIG <reserved> <reserved> <reserved> <options> <num_grps> <num_ccts>
ISUP_CONFIG 0 0 0x4d 0x0474 4 128
* Configure ISUP circuit groups:
* ISUP_CFG_CCTGRP <gid> <dpc> <base_cic> <base_cid> <cic_mask> <options>

<user_inst> <user_id> <opc> <ssf> <variant> <options2>

ISUP_CFG_CCTGRP 0 665 0x01 0x01 0x7fff7fff 0x001c 0 0x4d 964 0x0c 0 0x00 (Change the dpc and
opc as per the switch configurations)
ISUP_CFG_CCTGRP 1 665 0x21 0x21 0x7fff7fff 0x001c 0 0x4d 964 0x0c 0 0x00
(Change the dpc and opc as per the switch configurations)

Doc. No./IMI/DaVinci VP/DIG/T14

Ver. 1.0.0

IMImobile Confidential & Proprietary


Deployment and Installation Guide

DaVinci Voice Portal

* Example system.txt for the DataKinetics Windows NT Development
* Package.
* Essential modules running on host:


* ssd/ssds - Board interface task



* tim_nt - Timer task

* Optional modules running on the host:


* s7_mgt - Management/config task





* upe - Example user part task



* upe - Example user part task



* upe - Example user part task



* upe - Example user part task



* upe - Example user part task



* upe - Example user part task



* upe - Example user part task



* Modules running on the board (all redirected via ssd):



* MTP3 module




* MTP2 module




* CT bus/Clocking control module




* On-board management module

* Redirection of status indications:






* other indications -> upe

FORK_PROCESS tim_nt.exe
FORK_PROCESS tick_nt.exe
FORK_PROCESS s7_mgt.exe -i0x4d -d
FORK_PROCESS s7_log.exe
FORK_PROCESS isp_nt.exe
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Ver. 1.0.0

IMImobile Confidential & Proprietary


Deployment and Installation Guide

DaVinci Voice Portal

6. To start Septel and dialogic Services


Go to Command Prompt


Go to septel folder


Type Gctload -d

The following screen will be displayed


Start Dialogic services

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Ver. 1.0.0

IMImobile Confidential & Proprietary


Deployment and Installation Guide


DaVinci Voice Portal

After starting the DCM, We will get DESTINATION AVIALABLE on the gctload window.

Doc. No./IMI/DaVinci VP/DIG/T14

Ver. 1.0.0

IMImobile Confidential & Proprietary


Deployment and Installation Guide

DaVinci Voice Portal

7. Sample Testing-Check the Inbound Application

Follow the steps to check the inbound application,
1. Start the SS7 and Dialogic Card first and then check the inbound call.
2. Open Command Prompt Goto c:\septel\ and give gctload d command to start the septel
services you will get boot complete.
3. Open DCM from Start Program Files Intel Dialogic System Software and start the DCM
services by clicking green button and wait until the services changed to green color.
4. Open Command Prompt Go to c:\inbound and run inbound.exe to check the inbound call,
when you run inbound.exe you will get waiting for call.
5. To stop the gctload open another command prompt goto c:\septel and give gctload x

8. Tools
Tools section Checks whether physical Link is up or not
1. Go to command prompt and run this command lineadmin board 0

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Deployment and Installation Guide

DaVinci Voice Portal

2. If the physical link is up then in alarm Status section signal status will be green.
Here in above figure following are the details

Doc. No./IMI/DaVinci VP/DIG/T14

Ver. 1.0.0

Frame Loss
Physical Connectivity problem
Physical Connectivity problem
Physical Connectivity problem
Physical Up

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