VT Tutorial

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Module 2 : Current and Voltage Transformers

Lecture 9 : VT Tutorial
In this lecture we will solve tutorial problems to:

Design a CCVT.

Find out the value of tuning inductance.

Find out ratio error and phase angle error.

Performance analysis of VT.

Example 1 :
Design a CCVT for a 132kV transmission line using the following data. Resistive Burden
frequency deviation to be subjected to

, phase angle error

= 150VA,

= 40 minutes. Consider four

choices of V 2 as 33 kV, 11 kV, 6.6 kV and 3.3 kV. Transmission line voltage V = 132 kV. The standardized
VT secondary voltage is 110 volts (L - L).

Let V 2 (L - N) be the voltage to be produced by the capacitive potential divider with capacitance values C 1
and C 2 . Let L be the value of tuning inductor. Our first task is to come up with a value of L. Here the
specification for phase angle error

is 40 minutes. Variation in frequency can be upto

approximately. Phase angle error for change in

calculated as follows:

At tuning frequency,



in the above equivalent circuit can be


Example 1: (contd..)
From figure 9.3,

its % phase angle error

. For small enough

x 100 --- (1)

Using this equation the value L for different values of V 2 is found out.
(1) Let V 2 be 33kV (L - N) Then;

From eqn (1)

Example 1 : (contd..)


, tan

and hence from


Example 1 : (contd..)
The values of L,

for different values of V 2 are tabulated below.


L in H

33 kV



11 kV



6.6 kV



3.3 kV



From the above table it is clear that smaller the value of V 2 , the smaller is the value of L and higher the
value of C 1 and C 2 for tuning condition. If we select too low value of V 2 and L then capacitance values
will be beyond available limits, and if we select higher value of V 2 and L, then CCVT's inductor will
become bulky. So a compromise solution is necessary and let us select V 2 = 6.6 kV
For V 2 = 6.6 kV
L = 269 H


In this design, we have explained the basic concept for CCVT design and we assumed the transformer to
be ideal. However in real life design, the value of magnetizing impedance of transformer, resistance of
reactor etc have to be taken into account, as the ratio error
and the phase angle error
will also
get affected by these values. The next example brings out these issues.

Example 2:
The equivalent circuit of a CCVT
is shown in fig 9.4. The values of
C 1 and C 2 are 0.0018

respectively. Tuning

inductor has an inductance of

497H and resistance of 4620 .
X m of the VT referred to 6.6 kV
side is 1M , core loss = 20
watts per phase, VA burden =
150VA per phase. Value of C m for
compensating the current drawn
by X m is equal to


Verify the appropriateness of choice of L and C m.

Find out the nominal value of V/V2


If the frequency drops from 50Hz to 47Hz, what would be the values of ratio error and phase angle error?


Answer (a):




then the value L of tuning inductor is given by

= nominal frequency. Thus,

= 496.7 H which is equal to the given value of L.

C m has to be in parallel resonance with X m. Therefore,

The value is also same as the selected value of C m. Hence, the selection of both L and C m is appropriate.

Answer (b):

= 11.33

V = 11.33 x 6.6
Thus, this VT is connected to a 132 kV bus.
Example 2: (contd..)

Answer (c):

Core loss = 20 W

VA burden = 150VA (resistive)

The equivalent circuit can be represented as shown below.


= 50 Hz

Example 2 : (contd..)
The frequency of interest is 47Hz. Hence values of X m and other impedance can be calculated at 47Hz.
Figure 9.5 can be simplified as figure 9.6.

Amplitude or ratio error of a CCVT is equal to

where V th is the Thevenin equivalent voltage

source is nothing but open circuit emf. V T is the terminal voltage on load. Hence % ratio error

Phase angle error
Clearly, the phase angle error is on the higher side.
Review Questions


Assume that the primary voltage of a CCVT is 400 kV and the voltage to be produced by the capacitive
potential divider is
3.3 kV. If C 2 is taken as 0.02


, determine the value of tuning inductance at frequency of 50Hz.

In figure 9.4 if V = 230 kV, V 2 = 6.6 kV (L-N) C 1 = 0.001

and X m = 1.2 M

, then find out the

values of tuning
inductance and capacitance to be connected across CCVT's secondary for compensating X m. Standardized
secondary voltage of a VT is 110V (L-L).


Design a CCVT for a 400 kV transmission line using the following data. Secondary resistive burden (3

= 300VA.
Core loss (3
angle error

) = 50W.

. Consider 3 choices of V 2 = 3.3 kV, 6.6 kV, 11 kV. Take phase

= 40 min. and standard VT secondary voltage =110 V (L-L).


In this lecture by solving the tutorial problems we have learnt the following:
How to decide V 2 .

How to choose

How to decide C 1 and C 2 .

How to evaluateperformance of VT.

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