ASSURE Model Instructional Plan: Lesson Title: Teacher's Name: Loden Malone Grade: Content Area: Lesson Length

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ASSURE Model Instructional Plan

Lesson Title: matching animals with their habitats

Teachers Name: Loden Malone
Grade: Preschool
Content Area: Writing
Lesson Length: 1 hour
Analyze Learners

16 Students
7 males and 9 females
3-5 years old
Mental, Social, Physical, Social Notes such as:
o Disabilities: 3 children are developmentally delayed, 3 are autistic, 7 children
are second language learners.
o Learning Differences: these children may not participate in this activity because
of their disabilities
o Cultural/Ethnic Notes: 5 students are Hispanic (31.25%), 4 African-American
(25%), 5 Caucasian (31.25%), 2 others (12.5%).
o Etc: N/A
5. Current Knowledge, Prerequisites, and Notes about Learner Attitudes: Children will
need to know what each animal is and have an idea about the habitats they live
within. These young children also have very short attention spans, so the two broken
down 30 minute segments are the very largest amount of time I can have them
listening in circle and setting in seats working on the same thing. The children with
developmental delays or autism may not participate in this activity.
6. Learning Styles
(Estimate % of Students)
o Visual: 26%
o Auditory (Aural): 4%
o Kinesthetic (Hands On): 70%
State Objectives
ABCDs of strong objectives are included:
Given an array of different animals and habitats, the preschool students will be able to
accurately match at least 5 animals to the habitat they belong in.
A AudienceGiven an array of different animals and habitats, the kindergarten students will be able to
accurately match at least 5 animals to the habitat they belong in.
B BehaviorGiven an array of different animals and habitats, the kindergarten students will be able to
accurately match at least 5 animals to the habitat they belong in.
C Condition-

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Given an array of different animals and habitats, the kindergarten students will be able to
accurately match at least 5 animals to the habitat they belong in.
D DegreeGiven an array of different animals and habitats, the kindergarten students will be able to
accurately match at least 5 animals to the habitat they belong in.
Select Methods, Media, , and Materials
All methods, media, and materials needed for the lesson are listed. Give rationales why
these selected methods, media and materials are appropriate for your lesson.
1. What are the methods: Presentation of the array of animals that will be used, and than a
demonstration of putting the animal in the correct habitat. They will than practice putting the
animals in the correct habitat on their own. The presentation is for the visual and audio
learners. With a presentation, the visual learners will be able to look at the slides of animals
along with their habitats and this will make it easier for them to make connections and
answer the questions later. Also while my presentation is going, I will be talking about the
animals and their habitats, so the audio learners will be able to learn the best this way. I will
also complete a demonstration, which will help the visual learners, see what they are actually
supposed to do. I will also say what the objective is, so the audio learners will be able to
understand what it is they are being asked to complete.
2. What are the media: Using a PowerPoint, and YouTube videos to show the array of
animals and habitats. The PowerPoint will be a presentation of animals and their habitats
with me talking about each slide. The YouTube videos will be songs about different animals
and their habitats. The PowerPoint and YouTube videos will benefit both the auditory, and
visual learners because moth media tools will be seen and heard.
3. What are the materials: Big posters of different habitats, and than different smaller pictures
of an array of animals. These materials are for the kinesthetic learners, because they will be
able to actually do (hands-on) matching they animals with their correct habitat. I will also be
using the media above, which is more for the auditory and visual learners. Half of the time is
spent focusing on the visual and auditory learners, and then other half is focused on the
kinesthetic learners. Every child will be asked to participate in both sections.
Utilize Media, Materials, and Methods
1. Preview the materials: I will preview the PowerPoint and YouTube videos of the different
animals and habitats to make sure its understandable for young aged children
2. Prepare the materials: I will make sure there are a correct number of animals and habitats
for each child to participate.
3. Prepare the environment: The children will sit at circle for the presentations about the
animals and habitats. After the presentations the children will move to the table, where
the materials are already laid out for each child.
4. Prepare the learners: During the PowerPoint I will engage children in the presentation by
asking them questions about each animal, like what sound does this cow make? Do
you think this penguin likes to play in the snow or desert?.
5. Provide the learning experiences: See Outline

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Require Learner Participation

This lesson plan will take one day to complete. There will be two 30-minute segments.
Lesson plan1. I will begin this lesson by asking the students to come sit in circle.
2. Before the PowerPoint, I will ask if anyone knows what a habitat is. Listen to a few
different answers and than together come up with what a habitat is.
3. We will begin with the PowerPoint that I have created.
powerpoint for assure plan.pptx
- We will be learning/reviewing the array of animals and four different habitats.
-During the presentation, I will engage students by asking them constant questions about
each animal and habitat on each slide.
4. We will listen to this YouTube video about animals in their habitats.
5. After the PowerPoint and the first video, I will play this video until 5:28. I will let the
students dance to this song, so they can have some movement before we do the second
segment of my lesson plan.
3. After the presentation and two videos I will explain what they are supposed to do for the
activity, and than demonstrate 2 or 3 correct animals and habitats.
The second part of the lesson plan will include: the hands on activity.
Children will work at their seats; moving the small cut outs of animals around and placing
them on the bigger poster habitats were they belong.
-I will walk around and help children and engage in asking them questions, Why do you
think this animal belongs in this habitat.
See if they understand, or if they are just moving the materials around.
Guided practice: As I am walking around, I will show where the correct animal goes within
their habitat, if the student is struggling. I will ask each student to say the type of animal and
also the habitat that think the animal belongs in.
Check for understanding: At some point, I will get the students attention, and hold up an
animal and ask the class were they think that animal belongs.

Evaluate & Revise

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Evaluation methods for each of the following are included:

1. Student Performance: I will call the children one by one, up to my desk to grade them
using my excel document and tally up how many correct animals were placed within
their correct habitat.
2. There will be four habitats and I will ask where each animal belongs. Using the
document below I can see if the student is able to correctly identify at least 80% of the
animals in the correct habitats. Correctly identifying 5 of the 15 animals is the
objective that I hope each child is able to complete.
3. The habitats are four big posters and than the animals are smaller cut outs, they will
move the smaller cutouts and place them onto the poster habitat.

4. Media Effectiveness
If the students are able to correctly identify at least 5 animals into their correct
habitats, than the media effectiveness was high.
After the students are graded, I will see if there was any habitat that the children didnt
understand. If there was, than the effectiveness of the media during that part was not
If the students arent getting it correct, than maybe the PowerPoint and YouTube
videos didnt make sense to the students.
5. Instructor Performance
I will have my assistant teacher provide me with feedback on my PowerPoint, choice of
YouTube videos and my instruction. Also if the children are reaching the objective, it will
mean that I have done a good job.
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