Straw Man

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WARNING: This is usually too weird for people to grasp at first but FREEDOM

•Living Persons (people), exist in a real world.

•LEGAL PERSONS (corporations) exist in a fictional world.
•Governments, Corporations, Agencies, FICTICIOUS CORPORATIONS, etc.
are examples of a LEGAL PERSON.
•LEGAL PERSONS can only deal directly with other LEGAL PERSONS
(agencies, states, etc.)
•LEGAL PERSONS can not deal directly with Living Persons (You).
•In order for LEGAL PERSONS to deal with Living Persons, there must be a
connection, a go-between.
•To establish a connection, a FICTIONAL LEGAL PERSON was deceitfully
created by the government.
•For that purpose, your lawful name of birthright was fraudulently
replaced with a LEGAL NAME.
•Your name in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS is not you, the living flesh and blood
•Your name in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS is the STRAWMAN (a fiction just make

This was accomplished without your knowledge by using your birth

certificates as the MCO (manufacturers certificate of origin) and the state in
which you were born was used as the port of entry. The artificial person
created by law a with Your Name in ALL-CAPITAL LETTERS is the STRAWMAN.
This fraudulent act gives Government a LEGAL PERSON with whom to deal
directly. The LEGAL PERSON has Your Name but in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS. The

*The term “Straw man” is defined by Black’s Law Dictionary Sixth Edition as:
“A ‘front’; a third party who is put up in name only to take part in a
transaction in name only. Nominal party to a transaction . . .”
The term is also defined by Barron’s dictionary, Third Edition, and is also used
in commercial and property contexts when a transfer is made to a third party,
the straw man [person], simply for the purpose of re-transferring to the
transferor in order to accomplish some other purpose not otherwise

Legally, since Your birth, the STRAWMAN has been considered a debt slave.
Under such a fraudulent arrangement, You unwittingly volunteer to take
responsibility for the STRAWMAN. The STRAWMAN is under government
jurisdiction. You are not under government jurisdiction, unless You volunteer
to answer for the STRAWMAN by foolishly representing the STRAWMAN
(YOURSELF) in court. When You distinguish yourself as another party than the
STRAWMAN, the two are separated. You can distinguish yourself from the
STRAWMAN in ONE DAY FLAT by filing a UCC-1 Financing Statement w/ a
Security Agreement.

Filing a UCC-1 Financing Statesment does 3 things for You:

a) First, gain limited control over the funds in the account. This allows You to
also move entries, figures, & digits for Your benefit.
b) You can become the holder in due course of the STRAWMAN.
c) You have a $100 BILLION DOLLAR LIEN on the STRAWMAN (the lien is the

Definitions of lien on the web:


* the right to take another's property if an obligation is not discharged.

* In law, a lien is a form of security interest granted over an item of

property to secure the payment of a debt.

* A legal claim; a charge upon real or personal property for the satisfaction
of some debt or duty.

The filing of the UCC-1 Financing Statement gives You virtual ownership of
the STRAWMAN. You hold the claim, the superior claim, if any Government or
CORPORATION wants to lien your STRAWMAN, they must pay your claim off
first. Some people see this as a form of Sovereignty. Confusing? Dont let it
be! You can do this IN ONE DAY by editing, printing, signing, and filing your
UCC-1 and Security Agreement. DONE.

The birth bond that rightfully belongs to you:

The government creates a 1 million dollar bond in your straw man's NAME (all
caps) upon receiving your "berth manifest" which proves to them that you
were actually born. They will then collect revenue on this bond every year. Of
course, they will never openly tell you any of this. That's what people like me
are here for.

Don't u see how cleverly orchestrated it all is? It's not the money that they
want or need; it's our labor... as slaves. It's the services we, the people
provide to keep this shit hole running for them (pardon my french). Most of us
are just trying to survive from day to day, pay the bills, put food on the table,
depend on a scholarship for a GOVERNMENT FUNDED college education. This
way we can preach & teach the same regurgitated information the same way
that they taught us. Education systems of the world DO NOT truly educate, in
my opinion.

T.V. only further promotes the illusion of freedom & what defines a "smart"
individual. Shows like "Are you smarter than a 5th grader?" are a complete
joke. Maybe that's why they have a "comedian" host it? No offense to you
personally, Mr. Foxworthy.

People everywhere in this country are under the "word spell" that they're
actually free, but it's never TRUE freedom. And it really pisses me off that we
were born into this system just like our parents & our grandparents. This is
why all of the U.S. presidents have a blood relation or blood ties to each
other. Because they don't have to be born into bondage as we so obviously

Money is what makes the world go 'round? I think NOT! WE are the ones that
make the world go 'round.

I'm a self-educated lady who dropped out of MIDDLE SCHOOL & got married
at 14 yrs. old, and pregnant at 15. I've learned everything the HARD WAY...
maybe that's the force that drives me now. I have no shame to publicly share
this information, that most would call private. I'm a flesh & blood living soul
and will be treated as such. Also, I'm not bitter because I want everyone to
KNOW the truth about how the governments of the world conduct themselves
and the what they are deliberately hiding from you, me, and the rest of the
world. There should be NO price on knowledge & it should NEVER be hidden.

However, much of the power government has over you is a result of your
actions, not theirs.

‘Submit’ means ‘to agree to bend to another’s will or to ‘leave to another’s

discretion’. An agreement is a contract and must be entered into voluntarily.
If you are leaving something to someone else’s discretion, it must have been
yours to begin with, right? Again it is voluntary in nature. You can never be
lawfully compelled to submit.

‘Application’ legally means ‘to beg, plead, petition, implore, entreat or

request’. The assumption this creates in court is fivefold; 1) he who begs
knows exactly what he is begging for, 2) he knows exactly what he is giving
up for it, 3) he is acknowledging the authority to grant OR 4) he is creating it
through transference, and 5) he is doing it all voluntarily.

‘Registration’ was historically the act of a Ship’s Captain signing over his
ship and all chattel contents over to the harbour master for safekeeping.
Chattel contents included the condemned, those in debt, prisoners, anything
that could be bought or sold and slaves.

‘Must’ is likely their trickiest word by far. You will find it used with
‘application’, ‘submission’ and ‘registration’ extensively. They try to use it to
make you think you have an obligation to act; you do not, for under law, you
are never obliged to beg. If I tell you, “You must come to my party through
the front door.” Does that create an obligation for you to come to my party?
Or does it perhaps merely define conditions, which have to be fulfilled in
order for me to have authority over you? If you look in Black’s Law dictionary,
you find that ‘must’ is sometimes ‘synonymous with may’.

One is never obliged to ‘apply’, ‘register’ or ‘submit’.

STATUTE: An act of the legislature, adopted under its constitutional

authority, by prescribed means and in certain form, so that it becomes the
law governing conduct within its scope. Statutes are enacted to prescribe
conduct, define crimes, create inferior government bodies, appropriate public
monies, and in general to promote the public welfare (Barron’s 3rd).

NOTE: Statutory law is concerned with persons (artificial) and their

privileges, duties, and obligations within and subordinate to collective
public/government welfare. It does not, and cannot, deal with sovereign men
and women (people). Anyone who answers to the name of his/her straw man,
or who conducts his/her personal or commercial or industrial affairs in the
name of his/her straw man (via licenses, permits, etc.) is subjecting
themselves to statutory law by virtue of “benefits” and “privileges”
acquired through the transmitting-utility of the "straw man." This liability is
removed when one accepts for value title to the straw man, i.e. the birth

CONSENT: An agreement to something proposed and differs from assent.

Consent supposes, 1. a physical power to act; 2. a moral power of acting; 3. a
serious and determined and free use of those powers. Consent is either
express or implied. Express when it is given viva voce, or in writing; implied,
when it is manifested by signs, actions or facts, or inaction or silence, which
raise the presumption that the consent has been given.

So, you can obviously DENY consent to be governed. But, let's not forget that
"they" consider your silence and/or unresponsiveness as consenting to their
rules & regulations. You should respond to them in an honorable manner,
simply by denying them the right to govern you. You should do this in writing,
and even better, get your written response copied and notarized by a "Notary

You really have 4 OPTIONS regarding your response to any of their written
requests or notices:

•IGNORE - They keep asking & you keep ignoring them. This
automatically puts you in dishonor with them and you will pay their

•REJECT - You say "NO!" Again you have clearly dishonoured them &
will pay their penalties.

•ACCEPT - Now you are no longer going to dishonour, but now you have
to accept any penalty that comes with it & that might not be in your
best interest.
•ACCEPT conditionally - This step avoids the dishonour and also allows
you to continue as you were. You say something like “I conditionally
accept your offer & agree to your requests upon proof of claim or proof
that your request cannot wait. Remember, there's no law that says you
can't ask questions or make requests of your own. If you respond in
this kind of manner, there will be NO conflict! They discharge the
notice or request because they really don't have time to fight little you
in or out of court due to such petty reasons. You win. Game over.

No one has ever MADE you sign, submit, register, or apply for anything...
RIGHT? If you don't want the privileges, duties, and/or penalties that come
along with it (i.e. driver's license) then don't sign it. Don't submit, register, or
apply for it. Nobody's holding a gun to your head, making you sign it. JUST

Let’s say you're driving & you get stopped by a cop. He asks for your name.
You want to make sure you give him that which identifies the human being
and not the legal fiction. Write it down on a piece of paper like this: John-
Middlename: Doe. Use the proper capitalization and punctuation. Also,
that piece of paper is your property & he or she should return it to you when
you ask him or her to. Furthermore, he or she will have to put the name in
the computer the same way you wrote it & their equipment isn't set up for
human beings, just legal entities. If the cop tries putting in anything but what
you showed them on that paper, he or she is unlawfully trying to create
joinder between you and some PERSON that is not you. The cop has no right
to do this. It also establishes that you are a flesh & blood living, breathing
soul, not a PERSON and he or she has to play by these rules now and act as a
Peace Officer. It's only when you show them a Driver’s License, they have
the right to act in a Law Enforcement capacity.

Police need 2 things: NAME and Date of Birth. These two things define a
PERSON and with these 2 things they can claim the existence of one. You can
distinguish between a legal & lawful name and provide ONLY the lawful one.
LEGAL and LAWFUL are 2 different things. You can also refuse to give a date
of birth, because there's NO way they can say this info is FACT. Any
information you have about your actual birthdate is just hearsay because
how on earth can you really know when you were born? As a human being,
you simply can’t.


In court, you will more than likely be asked, “Do you understand the
charges?” This is one of their best tricks, like a "word spell" they try to cast
over you. The term ‘understand’ legally is synonymous with ‘under-stand’ &
‘stand-under’. If you say no, the judge will ask you “What don’t you
comprehend” or something similar to that. ‘Comprehend’ is a Latin term
which means ‘seize’ or ‘grasp’. Do you now realize what they're asking by
using the phrase, "Do you understand the charges?" They NEED you to grasp,
seize, comprehend or stand under their charges. This also applies to a court
summons you may receive or other notices they claim you "MUST" sign &
return to them. You can respond to these types of questions, but only on
YOUR OWN terms.
Like so many others, I'm currently researching these subjects and more & I
urge YOU to do the same. YOU CAN do this too, as it's very simple once you
know the meaning of the words & terms that the governing bodies of the
world use against you. There's a method to the madness.

I am also currently making videos on this very subject; you can find them on
my YouTube channel:

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