Lawful Implications of Your Birth Certificate

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The document discusses how one's understanding of their birth certificate and legal identity can impact whether they are prosecuted or not in court. It also talks about how the court system takes advantage of people's lack of understanding about these issues.

The document states that a birth certificate is a certificate of title that is owned by the individual, not the government. It discusses how presenting oneself in court with an authenticated birth certificate shows one's legal title to the name on the certificate.

The passage describes a reverse trust scheme as when the trustee of an estate, public or private, contrives to usurp the position of the lawful beneficiary for their own or an accomplice’s gain. It says courts do this when individuals do not identify themselves as the beneficiary of their own estate.

Are You Going to Jail Because of Your Birth Certificate?

By MJT on October 22, 2015

A major implication of not knowing who you are and what a birth certificate represents, can mean the
difference of going to jail or not
What you dont know CAN and will hurt you! What you say and do WILL be used against you!
First, a clarification about the Ownership of the Birth Certificate. The BC is NOT the property of the
governmental services corporations operating as your E-State and usurping the public trust you are owed.
It is a Certificate of Title (like a car, boat, or cattle). The was created by your creations behind it. In the end
the Birth Certificate is your property in trust. It is your indemnity receipt given to you in exchange for the
legal title they have received and hold to your estate. When you present yourself in court with a certified
copy of your 3 Step Authenticated Birth Certificate in hand, you hold both the legal and equitable/ beneficial
title, which is the complete title to THAT name, and the certificate is your legal title to property in hand.
There can be no excuse for any judge or lawyer mistaking this fact, however to keep their money machine
going based on your ignorance, they routinely contrive to continue presuming a role as executive
administrator of your estate, when YOU answer as the NAME or respond as THE ALL CAPS NAME on a
warrant, bill, indictment, in any capacity other than as the agent for the NAME estate at that time. You then
default into becoming defendant/trustee/surety because you mis-identified yourself and didnt claim your
beneficiary position thus you lose. They get you at hello with that name.
They then pretend to have the right to overrule you, when you are no longer acting as the lawful and adult
beneficiary of your estate. Why can they do this? You volunteered to act as an incompetent and as
trustee/surety for the entity, and not as a flesh and blood living being and beneficiary to your estate, the one
who is holding title.
You have to know you are and what you are doing. The court then proceed on this basis by deliberately
falsified public records and conduct a probate court as if you are dead, as someone with no rights. Do the
dead have rights? NO!
You do this all to yourself by your status and standing, and conduct. The court presumes a duty to administer
and take from your estate as it now appears unclaimed. Any charge (in the monetary sense) , civil or
criminal, is organized theft, or so it seems. Or did you actually give it to them? A gift is not theft get it?
Therefore what they are doing is legal and proper, because you volunteered a gift, in every case. These
probate courts (they all are actually probate even if they call themselves, civil, criminal, etc) have been
misinformed by YOU to the effect that you are missing and therefore are presumed dead by your own
actions. Unclaimed and dead as if you were Robinson Crusoe lost at sea and unaccounted for.
Acting upon this known and obviously false presumption, the judges act as executors de son tort as they
should, and dispose of you and your property however they see fit. This unclaimed property they hold is why
they can claim a bond value on the case, then go strait to wall street under the courts trading account, and
start trading bonds backed by YOUR estate. They hold something of value, so why not?
You failed to identify yourself as the beneficiary of your own estate, thus they presume you abandoned that
property right. This happens in nearly every court case, which is why 98% of defendants (trustees by
default), lose. It costs the court too much trading profit to let you win (they are Municipal Corporations with an
EIN# like any other corporation).
These lower courts (State courts and US District Courts), have nothing to do with the facts or real victim
based crimes. THAT is the game that is going on. This is a form of fraud known as a Reverse Trust Scheme
in which the trustee of an estate, public or private, contrives to usurp the position of the lawful beneficiary for
their own or an accomplices gain. But it is not a crime for them to do this if you volunteer, as most everyone
does without realizing what is really going on. SO STOP DOING THAT. It is that simple.

This is all being done via the use of deceitfully similar names, e.g., John Quincy Adams versus JOHN
QUINCY ADAMS. They are getting away with it because the basis of the fraud has been set up many years
before you whenever you enter a courtroom with an attorney or without knowledge of the real game. AND
YOU VOLUNTEER for it. Yes, by entering with an attorney you are already abandoning your estate and
admitting to being incompetent and assume the role as trustee vs and therefore abandoned your claim to
being the sole beneficiary (you cant be both positions in a trust).
This has all been constructed without your knowledge or consent, while you were still a baby in your cradle,
and equally without the knowledge or consent of your parents. Then they spend a lifetime keeping this from
you, especially now using propaganda in TV and movies and public schools to teach you how to answer to
these people as SIR, and as if they are Authorities, when in reality they are your servants. Dont they
always tell you to get a good attorney? Its all taught backwards folks.
Didnt they say in the movie The Matrix it is all about control (mind control). That movie is one of the few
telling you what is really going on.
We do perish for our lack of knowledge. The Bible told us this a long time ago. It is the perfect law and trust
manual if you look at it from that point of view. Dont give up your estate for a meal.

sad that even fewer have any knowledge to the true elements to the STATE created legal FIRST MIDDLE
LAST facts
even government UNITED STATES clearly delineates and separates the LAST from what is expressed as
given names plural, two separate names, though improperly co-joined together as a two worded single
name in all upper case with a space between them
the legal last originated with the Domesday Book and Anglo-Saxon Chronicles, is one technically a family
which originated as slave, house which originated as land holder with slaves, or believe yourself to be sur
which was created by earlier king of England as to mean chattel property owned by the monarchy, much less
the country origin definition typically a trade, profession, name of a place, or topographical description or
physical trait or personality.
one can renounce the legal last en toto
and learn the original meaning to your lawful two given names by researching definitions, even if not me
can lawfully change without legal any time you wish (smile)
get yourself out of legal land by choice, self express unto STATE and UNITED STATES Secretary, man to
man in the private which is much higher than any public or legal communication

Your freedom depends on you, and no one else!
We suffer only for our lack of knowledge, and our society and children suffer as wellMy people are
destroyed from lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I also reject you as my priests;
because you have ignored the law of your God, I also will ignore your children. Hosea 4:6 (NIV)
Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone
to devour. Resist him, firm in your faith, knowing that the same kinds of suffering are being experienced by
your brotherhood throughout the world. 1 Peter 5:8-9
An enlightened citizenry is indispensable for the proper functioning of a republic. Self-government is not
possible unless the citizens are educated sufficiently to enable them to exercise oversight. It is
therefore imperative that the nation see to it that a suitable education be provided for all its citizens.
Thomas Jefferson
We were given public notice of your remedy long ago. When Benjamin Franklin was asked as he left
the first congressWhat have you given us?, he replied with, a Republic, if YOU can keep it.
(paraphrasing). It is up to YOU to be your own best advocate for freedom.

Do you know who you are?

Many members and others report success using these principles in dealing with these situations

Stop debt collectors fast and win damages instead, all without playing defense only.
Reduce or eliminate credit cards, student loans, tax matters, traffic tickets, auto loans, most any civil
or criminal matter, and more.
Reduce and stop collection on an unverified Mortgage (advanced technique).
Discussion of many issues relating to civil and criminal matters.
NOTE These methods CANNOT be used when there is a verifiable harmed party who is a man or
woman. You should work out a settlement in those matters in private. If there is no
man/woman who will take the stand and verify a claim by testifying under oath, you have a great
chance of winning. When dealing with a fiction corporation or other non-living entity, you are the
creator of government which serves you the people, and therefore the statutes and fictions it creates,
cannot be superior to your standing unless to agree.

When one puts their God given human energy and power into their own self study, they often realize
that most statutes and codes created by government and the legal industry exist and apply
to certain persons, individuals, citizens, corporations, trusts, etc, and may not actually apply
to a living man or woman in most cases. You must master the language they use, to find your
remedy. Never assume you her a word and know what is actually means. We have yet to find statutes
and codes that even mention a man or woman.
So why are so many losing their cases? Simple; because ONLY you can fully exercise YOUR rights
through your powerful energy. No one can do it for you with the same authority. Yet we are
conditioned to let others represent us. If fear is stopping you, realize that is the only power the
evil one hasfear though deception and confusion (6 million statutes that mean little to you, a living
being), which is no real power at all. So stop doing that.

We did not invent Equity Law we are simply spreading the word, thanks to many who have shared with
us, from many perspectives. To master this, you will need to study many sources on your own and get in the
habit of looking up definitions (such as taxpayer, citizen, US citizen, transportation, driving, commercial
activity, etc etc).

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