Public Speaking Analysis

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Public Speaking Analysis

CIS 110: Composition & Communication I

Purpose: To utilize listening and critical thinking skills in order to effectively analyze a public
Overview: For this assignment, you will find and watch a public presentation and analyze the
effectiveness of the content and delivery while considering the historical situation and intended
Learning Objectives:
As you complete this assignment, you will be addressing the following CIS 110 objectives:
Compose written texts and deliver oral presentations that represent relevant and informed
points of view appropriate for the audience, purpose, and occasion.
Analyze, create, and use visual media as both independent and interconnected forms of
Demonstrate an awareness of appropriate strategies used to communicate effectively in
different situations (e.g., public speaking, interpersonal) and contexts (e.g., face-to-face,
Employ and evaluate interpersonal communication skills.
Assignment Directions:
1. Find and watch a speech online. This speech must have been delivered within the last five
years, and cannot be a scene from a movie or television show; it must have been delivered to a
live audience. Below are some suggestions for locating speeches:
a. Search for political speeches (Presidential addresses, State of the Union,
Republican/Democratic National Convention speeches, local election
etc.). If you have a particular politicians name in mind, that will
make it easier to
b. Search for commencement speeches. Lots of celebrities, scholars, writers, and
politicians deliver some really interesting and entertaining commencement
c. You can look for speeches by topic or speaker on the website:
2. After watching the speech in its entirety, provide a basic overview of the speech, including a
brief description of the speaker, the context of the speech (when, where, for what purpose it was
delivered) and answer the following questions. Make sure that you are using 12-point, Times
New Roman font and 1 margins, and that you are writing a cohesive analysis paper (with
introduction, cohesive paragraphs, and a conclusion) you are NOT simply listing and
answering these questions as they are listed below.
a. Who is the audience for this speech? In other words, what groups of people might the
speaker have to consider? How might this particular audience affect the
and delivery of the speech?
b. What do you think the speaker did effectively in this speech? Think about both
delivery (nonverbal communication) and content (verbal communication,
language). How was the delivery and content appropriate and

effective for the

specific audience and situation in which the speech took place? Be
specific and
thorough and provide examples and/or quotes.
c. What do you think the speaker could have improved about this speech, both in terms
of delivery and content? Why are these elements perhaps less than
effective or
appropriate? Be specific and thorough, with examples.
d. Based on this speech and your general knowledge and experience with public
speaking, what three pieces of advice would you give to individuals
preparing to
speak publicly?
Technical Requirements
At least 2 full-3 pages (NOT including your cover page and abstract)
Must include a cover page and abstract
Double-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font, 1 margins.
Assignment Deadline: This assignment must be submitted in class in hard copy and as a
Microsoft Word document to Canvas by 9/11

Name: _____________________________________

CIS 110 Section: ___________

Public Speaking Analysis Rubric
CIS 110: Composition &Communication I

Excellent (1)

Average/Acceptable (.5)

Speech Choice &


Speech was delivered within the last 5 years.

Complete and specific description/background of
chosen speech is provided.

Audience Analysis

Several relevant and specific audiences are


Delivery Analysis

Specific effective delivery behaviors are identified

and relevant examples from the speech are provided.
Brief explanation of how or why these are
considered effective are included.
Specific and effective aspects of speech content are
identified and examples from the speech are
provided. Brief explanations of how or why content
is considered effective are included.

Excellent (3)

Content Analysis

Average/Acceptable (2)

Excellent (2)
Suggestions for
General PS Advice
Reflection on Public

At least one relevant and specific audience

is identified OR multiple general audiences
are identified.
Specific effective delivery behaviors are
identified and brief explanation of how or
why these are considered effective are
Specific and effective aspects of speech
content are identified and brief explanations
of how or why content is considered
effective are included.

Average/Acceptable (1)

Specific and thorough suggestions for how the

speaker could improve content and/or delivery are
provided, with a brief explanation of how this could
improve the speech.
Three specific pieces of advice for public speakers
are provided.
Student explains how s/he feels about public
speaking (e.g., nervous, scared, excited) and
identifies specific things about public speaking that
make him/her feel this way.

Excellent (4)
Writing &

Speech was delivered within the last 5

years. General description/background of
chosen speech is provided.

Insufficient/Missing (0-1)
No audiences or irrelevant audiences are
Delivery is not addressed or is insufficiently
Content is not addressed or is insufficiently

Insufficient/Missing (0)

Specific and thorough suggestions for how

the speaker could improve content and/or
delivery are provided.

Suggestions are not included or are very

general/no explanation is included.

Three general pieces of advice are provided.

No advice for public speakers is provided.

Student explains how s/he feels about

public speaking, but does not identify
specific things about public speaking that
make him/her feel this way.

Student does not explain how s/he feels

about public speaking.

Average/Acceptable (2-3)

Analysis was well written with minimal

grammatical, spelling, and punctuation errors. Paper
is formatted correctly and is well organized. All
responses are sufficiently thorough and descriptive.

Insufficient/Missing (0)
Speech was not delivered within the last 5
years, and/or no description or background
of chosen speech is provided.

Analysis was generally well written, but

with several grammatical, spelling, and
punctuation errors. Paper has multiple
formatting errors and/or could be better
organized. Most responses are sufficiently
thorough and descriptive.

TOTAL: _____/20

Insufficient/Missing (0-1)
Analysis had many grammatical, spelling,
and punctuation errors. Paper has multiple
formatting errors and/or is unclear or
unorganized. Most responses are
insufficiently thorough and/or descriptive.

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