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Dear Reader,

Coming into college I knew I was a sub-par writer. Having a negative mentality towards
writing really didnt help. Looking back at the student I was, I find my growth to be remarkable.
This portfolio serves as proof enough of my immense progress. Ironically the first essay was
about just that, literacy. I enjoyed pouring out my woes for this craft. This essay coupled with
seemly pointless daily writing exercises really got my gears turning. I have enjoyed reading and
seeing how fluent my freewriting has become. My writings helped me discover the root cause for
my internal struggle with the art. It seems public educations, plug-it-in research methods
extinguished my interest. Ive always been a storyteller and a creative one at that. These two
exercises played as brilliant icebreakers to my collegiate writing career. The writer I am today
makes me appreciate the learning opportunity, and has left me craving more.
Previously I mentioned the literacy narrative essay. This paper captured my earliest
memories of becoming literate and highlighted major milestones. I even accredited my favorite
teacher: Mrs. Trotter, as my literacy sponsor. She was one of the few instructors who pushed my
creativity in language arts. Fortunately I had such an influence to sew an early literacy seed in
me. Embarking on my first essay I was quite close-minded; however, this narrative figuratively
turned the door handle for my internal author to escape the confines of my mind. I think it is
evident after reading my later works that this was one of my earliest papers. I really enjoyed
getting my feet wet during the peer review process as well. I felt my colleagues and I could all
relate on this reflective topic and provide adequate feedback. These two introductory elements
set the stage for my most enjoyable papers.
The Self Authorship essays were by far the most beneficial to my growth. I found myself
investing the most in, and getting the most out of these exploratory expeditions. Being able to

write papers as moving as these were my goal for this course. I enjoyed the concept of
researching myself, better learning and understanding me. This resulted in enjoyable papers to
both read and create. These two coinciding assignments served as a catalyst accelerating my
development. Writing about who I am now was awakening. Ive discuss the doors Ive closed
while also explaining while they were slammed shut. The blend of emotions while constructing
this work was rejuvenating. In the beginning I found myself focusing on the future, standing
back and seeing what got me here was refreshing. Usually I just nerf the pain of the past by
ignoring it. Luckily this paper gave me a reason to explore my closeted feelings. Eventually I
found myself taking pride in the man I am, wanting to show off my newly created writings. I see
this boasting odd in hindsight, it was just paper about me. This essay shocked me, something as
simple as writing my story became my favorite essay of the semester. Coming off the high of my
first, I got set to tackle my next authorship essay. While this essay focused on my old mindset,
the future, it wasnt as easy. Two of my predictions in the essay have changed in just a month. I
changed my major and broke up with my long-term girlfriend. This proves the unknown cant be
predicted and nothing should be expected. The real struggle with the sequel essay was
channeling my passion into words. I stumbled early trying to express my future plans effectively.
Regardless of the changes to my future, hence the paper, my core values stand true. I will still
carry out the principles I laid out through this paper. Being able to announce my plans for
success was exhilarating, who doesnt love a good motivational?
It is at this point during the course I finally see the writer Ive become. Unfortunately an
increased workload in all classes caused my writing to take a backseat to engineering. This is
clear in the amount of thought put into the final assignments. My Inquiry Project ended up
coinciding with my major, innovation. I went from being in love with advancements to seeing

the perpetual damage it could cause. This may seem as a lack of creativity, but the way I
executed the final product was rewarding. Due to tight deadlines during this section of the class,
it became my most difficult. I went through a hefty amount of reflection deciding on my
inquirys final destination. Considering I questioned my major intensively, even with a relatively
small research sample, I believe this essay was effective. I went through an accelerated process
but still reached my audience. This paper perfectly flowed into my Genre Project. Considering
my excitement for presentations this was one of my more enjoyable activities. The information in
my genre presentation peaks my personal interest so being adamant and vocal about the topic is
easy for me. Overall Id say Im an effective writer when the topic interests me. I lose motivation
quickly otherwise. I identify my lack of motivation on certain assignments as my biggest
weakness. Mainly because it makes easy endeavors difficult due to time constraints.
I believe my semester is beautifully illustrated by my ePortfolio. This site exemplifies my
personal progression. This may have been one of the most frustrating works due to technological
errors but the most rewarding in overall satisfaction. This portfolio to me is a shining gem in my
cave of literacy. While this portfolio may seem to just compile my work, it also broadcasts my
personality and beliefs. Being able to have a site that shows my development is humbling. The
student and writer I am today hardly resembles the spacey writer I entered as.

Nick Tuttle

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