Savitri Bibliography 2007

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Interim Publication no.2

April 2007

This publication includes updates to Interim

Publication no. 1, as well as three new sections,
(Translations and Studies), and Recordings
Section One: Editions
Section Two: Published Books

Reference Texts






Art Works

Section Three: Unpublished works





Section Four: Recordings

We shall be glad to learn of any other materials,
whether in English or other languages, which
should be added to the list. In compiling this list
we have aimed for accuracy. In case there are
slips, we apologise in advance to those concerned
and request their assistance in correcting them.
Savitri Bhavan - Auroville
April 24, 2007

I . E D I T I O N S (in order of publication date)

Savitri: a legend and a symbol, by Sri Aurobindo
1950, 1st, Part One (Books I III), Sri Aurobindo Ashram,
Pondicherry, reprinted 1968
1951, 1st, Parts Two

and Three, Sri Aurobindo Ashram,

1954, 2nd, Complete in one volume, SAICE, Pondicherry

1970, 1st, Pocket, All India Books, Pondicherry, reprinted by
Sri Aurobindo Ashram Publications Dept. 1978, 1982, 1989
1970, 3rd, Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry, reprinted 1973,
1976, 1977, 1979, 1981, 1984, 1987, 1988, 1990
1984, 1st, Pocket with selected Letters on Savitri, All India Books,
1993, 4th (revised), Sri Aurobindo Ashram Publications Dept.,
Pondicherry, reprinted 1995, 1996, 1999, 2001, 2003, 2006
1994, 4th (revised), Deluxe complete, Sri Aurobindo Ashram
Publications Dept., Pondicherry
1994, 4th (revised), Deluxe in 2 vols., Sri Aurobindo Ashram
Publications Dept., Pondicherry
1995, 4th (revised), Pocket, Sri Aurobindo Ashram Publications
Dept., Pondicherry, reprinted 1997, 2000, 2003
1995, (4th revised), 1st US, Lotus Light Publications, Twin Lakes,
1999, 4th (revised), CWSA in 2 vols., Sri Aurobindo Ashram
Publications Dept., Pondicherry
2000, 4th (revised), Crown size with line nos., Sri Aurobindo Ashram
Publications Dept., Pondicherry, reprinted 2001, 2005


1. Reference Texts
Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Savitri, 2 nd ed., 2000, Pondicherry,
Sri Aurobindo Ashram
The Mother, About Savitri with some paintings [The Mothers comments
with paintings by Huta, in four parts, covering Savitri Book One,
Cantos One to Four], Part One, 1972, Huta; Part Two, 2000, SAICE;
Part Three, 2005, Part Four, 2006, Pondicherry, Havyavahana Trust
Sri Aurobindo Archives, Supplement to the Revised Edition of Savitri,
1994, Pondicherry, Sri Aurobindo Ashram
Sri Aurobindo Archives, On The New Edition of Savitri, 1999, Pondicherry,
Sri Aurobindo Ashram
Sri Aurobindo Archives, On The New Edition of Savitri (Part Two), 2000,
Pondicherry, Sri Aurobindo Ashram
Hicks, Rand, A Savitri Dictionary, 1984, reprint 2000, Pensacola (Florida)
USA, Integral Knowledge Study Centre Sri Aurobindo Circle
Sobel, Jyoti and Prem, Savitri Concordance, 1984, Pondicherry, All India
De Paolis, Paola, version franaise par Raymond Thepot, Notes additionnelles
sur les livres I, II et III de Savitri, 1997, Auroville, Editions Latin Pen
Deshpande, R.Y., The Ancient Tale of Savitri, 2nd ed., 1996, Pondicherry,

2. Translations
a. Indian Languages
Be n g a li
Gupta, Nolini Kanta, Savitri: akti kahini o protik, 1996, Pondicherry,
Sri Aurobindo Ashram
G u j ar a ti
Punanalal, Pujalal, Savitri: ek purankatha ane pratika, 1998, Pondicherry,
Sri Aurobindo Ashram
Sundaram, Savitri na kavyakhando: selected passages from Savitri,
1994, Ahmedabad, Mangalya Prakashan

H i nd i
Vidyavati Kokil, Savitri: eka akyan aur eka pratika, 1993, Pondicherry,
Sri Aurobindo Ashram
Gupta, Sushma, Savitri: pouranika gatha ka pratiksatya, 1999, Pondicherry,
Sri Aurobindo Ashram
K an n a d a
Chennabasappa, Sri Ko., Savitri, 1994, Bangalore, Sri Aurobindo Prakashana
Domanlal (C.B. Patil), Sri Aurobindara Mahakaya Savitri, 1998, Bijapur
Patil, C.B (Domanal), Savitri, 1989, Gadag (Karnataka), The Translator
Ma r at h i
Pratinidhi, K.S Seljadevi Vahinisaheb, Savitri: eka akhyaika ani ek pratik,
n.d., Pondicherry, Sri Aurobindo Ashram
Nrusinhagraj, Sri Aurobindo Savitri, 1995, Solapur, Karmayogi Prakashan
O r iy a
Das, Binod Bihari, Savitri: aka aakhyan abam prateeka, n.d., Pondicherry,
The Translator
Mohanti, Rajkrushna, Savitri: aka kahani o prateeka (Oriya adaptation of
the Bengali translation by Nolini K.Gupta) (in 2 vols), 1999, 2000,
Kuttack, Matrubhaban
S an sk r it
Nirakari, Ramadaso, Aurobindasya Maharsheh Savitri (in 2 vols.), 1993,
Patiala (Punjab), Vedanta Prakashanam
Kapali Sastry, T.V, Sanskrit translation of Canto I, Book I of Sri Aurobindos
Savitri, with the original text, 1954, Pondicherry, Sri Aurobindo
T a mi l
Arumugam, Dr. A. I. Ravi, Savitri: edayatai alum erava kaviyam, 2004,
Chennai, Narmadha Pathipagam
Sankaranarayanan, Vijaya, Sri Aravindar Aruliya Savitri: Book I, Cantos 1-5,
2001, Pondicherry, Sri Aurobindo Ashram
Sundaram, Radha, Savitri: puthakam ayndhu, kadhal putthakam, 2002,
Chembur (Mumbai), Sri Aurobindo Society

T e lu g u
Rao, K.V, Sri Aurobindo Savitri, Devarshi Naradudu, (Book Six Cantos 1
and 2), 2006, Hyderabad, The Mothers Integral School
Rao, Tenneti Poornachandra, Sri Aravindula Savitri Prarambhalu (Vol. 1,
Cantos 1, 2; Vol. 2, Cantos 3, 4, 5), 1998, 1999, Hyderabad,
privately published

b. European Languages
Fr e nc h
The Mother, Savitri: passages traduits par la Mre, 1977, Auroville,
Satprem, Savitri, (in 8 vols, Livres I XI), 1996 to 2004, Paris, Institut de
Recherches Evolutives
Thpot, Raymond, Savitri: lgende et symbole, (in 2 vols.), 2002,
Auroville, Editions Latin Pen
Lafond, Guy, Savitri: une lgende et un symbole, 2005, Montreal
Canada, Christian Feuillette
G er m a n
Kappes, Heinz, Sawitri: legende und sinnbild, 1985, Gladenbach
(Germany), Hinder & Deelman
Steiger, Peter et al, Sawitri: eine sage und ein gleichnis, 1975,
Pondicherry, Sri Aurobindo Ashram
Ibid, 3rd revised bilingual ed., 2006, Pondicherry, Sri Aurobindo
Ashram Trust
It a l i an
De Paolis, Paola, Savitri: leggenda e simbolo, (in 2 vols.), 1995,
Auroville, Editions Latin Pen
Ru s s i an
Melgunov, Dimitri, Savitri: legenda y symvol, (Russian translation with
English text), Part One: Book I, Canto 1; Part Two: Book IV, Canto 1,
2006, Moscow, Savitri Foundation for Integral Human Development
Sp a n is h
Kevala, Savitri: une legenda y un symbolo: Primere Parte (Libro I: El
libro de los comienzos, Cantos I al V, Libro II: El Libro del Viagero
de los Mundos, Cantos I al VI), 2005, Barcelona, Spain, Fundacion
Centro Sri Aurobindo

3. Studies
Deshpande, R. Y. ed., Perspectives of Savitri (2 vols.), 2000, 2002,
Pondicherry, Aurobharti Trust
Deshpande, R. Y., Satyavan Must Die, 1996, Bokaro (Bihar), Sri Aurobindo
Study Circle
Deshpande, R. Y., The Ancient Tale of Savitri, 1995, Pondicherry, SAICE
Deshpande, R.Y, Narad's Arrival at Madra, 2006, Puducherry, SAICE
Ganguli, Asoka K., Sri Aurobindos Savitri: An Adventure of Conciousness,
2002, Pondicherry, Sri Aurobindo Society
Gupta, Nolini Kanta, On Savitri, 2001, Pondicherry, Sri Aurobindo Ashram
Gupta, Rameshwar, Eternity in Words: Sri Aurobindos Savitri, 1969,
Bombay, Chetna Prakashan
Hemsell, Rod, Sri Aurobindo and the Logic of the Infinite, 2006, Auroville,
The Author
Iyengar, K.R.S., Dawn to Greater Dawn: Six lectures on Sri Aurobindos
Savitri, (Photocopy of the original), 1975, Madras, MatriBhavan
Jacobs, Garry, comp. Guide to Sri Aurobindos Epic Savitri: Vol.1, 1973,
Pondicherry, Dipti Publications
Mehdi Imam, Syed, Savitri unveiled: a selection, 1980, Delhi, Motilal
Mehta, Rohit, The Dialogue With Death, 1972, Delhi, Motilal Banarsidass
Mukherjee, Jugal Kishore, The Ascent of Sight in Sri Aurobindos Savitri,
2001, Pondicherry, SAICE
Nadkarni, Mangesh, Savitri: a brief introduction (Four Talks), 1984,
Pondicherry, Sri Aurobindo Society
Nandakumar, Prema, A Study of Savitri, 1962, Pondicherry, Sri Aurobindo
Nandakumar, Prema, Dante and Sri Aurobindo: a comparative study of The
Divine Comedy and Savitri, 1981, Madras, Affiliated East-West Press
Netter, William, Log of a journey through Sri Aurobindos Savitri, 1999,
Auroville, The Author
Netter, William, Savitri: Seminar Outline and Workbook, 1992, Auroville,
The Author
Netter, William, Savitri: An Aurovilian Commentary, 1993, Auroville,
The Author

Pandit, M. P., Yoga in Savitri, 1976, Pondicherry, Dipti Publications

Pandit, M. P., A Summary of Savitri, 1995, Pondicherry, Dipti Publications
Pandit, M. P., Introducing Savitri, 1982, Pondicherry, Dipti Publications
Pandit, M. P., Readings in Savitri (Volumes I to X), 1969 to 1977, Pondicherry,
Dipti Publications
Pandit, M. P., Savitri talks in Germany, 1987, Pondicherry, Dipti Publications
Pandit, M. P., The Book of Beginnings, 1983, Pondicherry, Dipti Publications
Pandit, M. P., The Book of the Divine Mother, 1986, Pondicherry, Dipti
Purani, A. B., Lectures on Savitri, 2nd ed., 1989, Pondicherry, Sri Aurobindo
Purani, A. B., Sri Aurobindos Savitri: an approach and a study, 3rd ed.
1970, Pondicherry, Sri Aurobindo Ashram
Singh, R.K., Sri Aurobindos Savitri: Essays on Love, Life and Death,
2006, Bareilly, Prakash Book Depot
Sitaramayya & Swarna Gouri, A Dual Power of God: Sri Aurobindos Satyavan
and Savitri - a brief study), 1999, Bangalore, M.C.C. Publications
Be n g a li
Bhattacharjee, Kavitha, Sri Aurobinder Mahakavya Savitri Anusaran, 2006,
Kolkata, Sri Aurobindo Pathmandir
G u j ar a ti
Chawda, Mansingh, Savitri Hriday, 2005, Rajkot, The Author
Chawda, Mansingh, Savitri Sampark, 1994, Rajkot, Ma Sri Aurobindo
Sadhana Kendra
Vyas, Jagdish, Savitri: ek adhyayan (3 vols.), Ahmedabad, Part 1 The Author
2001, Part 2 Navbharat Sahitya Mandir, 2003, Part 3 Dhiraj Prakashan,
H i nd i
Varma, K. N., Savitri ke vibhinn vigrah, 1999, Mahasuva (M.P.), Man Mandir
Jan Kalyan Trust
T e lu g u
Iyengar, K.R.S., Ushadayam Nundi Mahoudayam Varaku, 2006 (Translation
of Dawn to Greater Dawn: Six lectures on Sri Aurobindos Savitri)
by D. Shathiyavani Ganesh Kumar, Rajamundry, The Translator

4. Art Works
Agni (Tonioni, Giovanni), Namaste Savitri: paintings by Agni (in several
volumes and formats, covering Savitri Book One, Cantos 1, 2 and 3),
1995, Modena (Italy), Germoglio Edizioni
Agni, Namaste Savitri (a series of video films of the paintings with a
soundtrack of music and the Savitri text read by Rashmi Bhatt),
n.d., Modena (Italy), Centro Sri Aurobino e Mere
De Jong, Jacques, Series of drawings inspired by Sri Aurobindos Epic
Savitri, 2005, Herten (Germany), privately published
Huta, Meditations on Savitri (in 4 vols., Book One, Cantos 1, 2&3, 4, 5),
1962, 1962, 1965, 1966, Pondicherry, SAICE
Huta, Meditations on Savitri [series of 12 video films prepared by Michel
Montecrossa], 1998, Gauting (Germany), Filmaur Multimedia
Huta, Meditations on Savitri [a new series of video films of Hutas
paintings prepared by Manohar from new digital photographs of
Giorgio Molinari], in preparation, not yet available for distribution
Huta, About Savitri with some paintings [The Mothers comments with
paintings by Huta, in four parts, covering Savitri Book One, Cantos
One to Four], Pondicherry, Part One, 1972, Huta; Part Two, 2000,
SAICE; Part Three, 2005, Part Four, 2006, Havyavahana Trust
Netter, William, Log of a journey through Sri Aurobindos Savitri, 1999,
Auroville, The Author


1. Unpublished Translations (works in progress)
Du tc h
Schreurs, Martin, Savitri: Een Legende en een Symbool, [bound computer
print-out], 2001, Haarlem, The Netherlands
Vas, Hans, Savitri: een legende en een symbol [photocopy of typescript,
bound in 3 vols.], 2005
Fr e nc h
Blond, Georges, Sri Aurobindo Savitri, [unbound typescript]
Deschamps, Dr. G., Savitri, selected passages from Book One [bound typescript]
Panier, Janine, Sri Aurobindo Savitri, livre 1,2,3,4,5 [bound computer
print-out], Paris, CESA

It a l i an
Yudi, Savtri: una leggenda e un simbolo, part 1 (Book 1 & Book Two Cantos 1-9)
[photocopy of a handwritten ms]
Ru s s i an
Melgunov, Dimitri, Aspiring to call on earth the highest world, Fragments
of Savitri in English and Russian, [bound computer print out], 1998,
St. Petersburg, Russia
Sp a n is h
Vidhi Sharma, selected passages used in his thesis at the Centre of Asian
and African Studies of the University of Mexico, [digital document]

2. Unpublished Studies
The following Studies of Savitri are not yet available in book form:
Hartz, Richard, The Composition of Savitri, [serialized in Mother India,
October 1999 - November 2003]
Pandit, Madhav P., Savitri: a survey, [serialized in Service Letter 1991 2004]

T H E S E S (in date order)

In compiling this list we have been very much assisted by Dr. S.C.
Tyagi, who pointed out the list of theses on topics related to Sri
Aurobindo submitted in Indian universities, which he has compiled and
published in issues nos. 20 and 21 of the Hindi journal Aditi of which he
is the editor. Thanks are also due to Shri A.V. Saxena, who supplied a
list of Savitri studies he had found in the Library of Sri Aurobindo Nivas
in Vadodara. The list is likely to be incomplete. We shall be grateful to
receive any further information.

Gupta, Rameshwar P., Mysticism in Indo-English Poetry with special

reference to Sri Aurobindos Savitri, 1957, Jaipur, University of
Rajasthan, [published in book form as Eternity in Words, 1969]
Nandakumar, Prema, Sri Aurobindos Savitri: a study, 1961, Vishakhapatnam,
Andhra University [published in book form 1962]
Tyagi, Prem, Sri Aurobindo: his poetry and poetic theory, 1979, Meerut,
Chaudhry Charan Singh University
Mishra, D.S., Sri Aurobindos Savitri: a study in background, 1979,
Ahmedabad, Gujarat University

Malhotra, O.P., Sri Aurobindos Savitri as a modern revelatory epic,

1983, Chandigarh, Punjab University
Shastri, R. Gopalan, Sri Aurobindos Savitri in the light of his The
Future Poetry, 1984, Nagpur, Nagpur University
Gopinath, Legend, Imagery and Symbolism in Sri Aurobindos Savitri, 1984,
Prasanthinilayam, Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning
Mishra, Nanda Kishore, Symbolism in Sri Aurobindos Savitri, 1985,
Bhubaneswar, Utkal University
Deshpande, P.S., Jnanesvari and Savitri: a comparative study, 1986,
Marathwada, Swami Ramanand Teerth University
Lille, Madanjit, Sri Aurobindos Savitri: a study in theme and technique,
1986, Chandigarh, Punjab University
Bindra, Davinder, The Feminine Principle: a study of divine mother and
her various aspects in Sri Aurobindos Savitri, 1987, Shimla, Himachal
Pradesh University
Gehani, Yashu Ram, Archetypal Patterns in Sri Aurobindos Savitri, 1990,
Mumbai, University of Bombay
Lakshmi Bai, R., Critical appreciation of Sri Aurobindos epic poem Savitri
from a psychological point of view, 1991, Chennai, University of
Agarwala, Rajendra, A critical study of Sri Aurobindos Savitri in the
Vedic perspective, 1992, Hardwar, Gurukul Kangri Vishwavidyalaya
Narayana, Savitri and Sri Aurobindos theory of poetry: a study in
application, 1992, Meerut, Ch. Charan Singh University
Sharma, Inder Dev, Sri Aurobindos Savitri: A study in perspective: a
Jungian interpretation, 1993, Shimla, Himachal Pradesh University
Santosh Kumar, P.V., A study of Sri Aurobindos Savitri in the light of
Bhagwat Gita, 1996, Kozhikode, University of Calicut
Kulkarni, Madhumati M., Sri Aurobindos Savitri: A study of the epic as a
twentieth century Indian specimen of apocalyptic literature, 1997,
Goa, Goa University
Travens, Leilani, An Introduction to Sri Aurobindo and his epic poem
Savitri, 2002, University of Pau (France), Dept. of English and North
American Studies [CD and ms. held at Savitri Bhavan]
Sharma, Vidhi, Un estudio de Savitri: una renovacin de la filosofa vedica,
2006, University of Guadalajara (Mexico), Department of 20th
Century Literature

Savitri: a legend and a symbol, by Sri Aurobindo
Read by the Mother: Meditations on Savitri (1954 ed. extracts, with the
Mothers organ music) not available for distribution
Read by the Mother: Meditations on Savitri (1954 ed. extracts, with
musical compositions by Sunil Bhattacharya), Audio-set of 36 CDs,
available on request from Sunil-das studio in Sri Aurobindo Ashram
Art House
Read by Amal Kiran (1972 ed. complete) available on request from
Sri Aurobindo Ashram Recording Room
Read by Nirodbaran (1972 ed. complete), MP3-set of 2 CDs, available
from Vak Bookshop Pondicherry Rs. 200.Read by Udar Pinto (1972 ed. complete), MP3-set of 2 CDs
Read by Shraddhavan (1993 ed. complete), MP3-set of 2 CDs, available
on request from Savitri Bhavan, Auroville
Read by Nolini Kanta Gupta (1972 incomplete) not available for distribution

Talks on Savitri
Reddy, Ananda, Savitri: its profound and magnificent significance, 2000,
MP3-set of 2 CDs, Pondicherry, SACAR (Sri Aurobindo Centre for
Advanced Research)
Nadkarni, Dr. M.V., Talks on Savitri (23.02-05.03.1995), MP3-set of 2 CDs,
Pondicherry, Sri Aurobindo Society

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