Bernard Williams CV
Bernard Williams CV
Bernard Williams CV
Bernard O. Williams
Born: February 4, 1948
Home address:
1310 George Court #1
Lawrence, Kansas 66044
785/331-4425 home
785/864-5544 lab
History of Science
Sociology of Science
United States Intellectual History
Modern European History
International Society for the Study of Subtle Energy and Energy Medicine
International Union of Medical and Applied Bioelectrography
American Association for the Advancement of Science
History of Science Society
Energy Medicine Program 2000-2003
College of Energy Medicine
Greenwich University, Norfolk Island, Australia
Associate Professor
Energy Medicine Program 2001-Present
Holos University Graduate Seminary, Fair Grove, Missouri
Teaching online distance learning courses in the history of energy medicine in the context of the
history of science, and guiding masters and doctoral student research.
Energy Medicine Program 2000-2004
College of Energy Medicine
Greenwich University, Norfolk Island, Australia
Teaching online distance learning courses in the history of energy medicine in the context of the
history of science, and guiding masters and doctoral student research.
Physical and Cultural Geography 2001-Present
Continuing Education Division
University of Kansas
Teaching undergraduate online distance learning courses in physical and cultural geography.
Liberal Arts Department 1996-2003
Kansas City Art Institute
Teaching courses in the history of science.
Technical Editor for Acupuncture Energetics: A Clinical Approach for Physicians by Joseph Helms
Medical Acupuncture Publishers 1992-1995
Berkeley, California
manufacturers in that era, IBM and DEC, to furniture manufacturers and space planners, to public
laboratories such as the US Army Engineering Center at Nattuck, Massachusetts, and the US Army Foreign
Science and Technology Center in Charleston, Virginia.
"Theory Building in Energy Medicine" Psychic Studies Institute; Unity Temple on the Plaza, Kansas City,
Missouri; February 27, 2004.
"Science at the Outer Limits: Whorfian Relativity as Cultural Heresy," in Invited Panel: Another Dangerous
Idea: Linguistic Relativity and Consciousness in the Human Sciences, presented by the Society for the
Anthropology of Consciousness; American Anthropological Association, Chicago Illinois, November 22,
"Recent Research in Energy Medicine," Psychic Studies Institute; Westwood, Kansas; November 26, 2002.
"Reflections on Recent Research in Energy Medicine," Subtle Energy/Energy Medicine Study Group,
Lawrence, Kansas, local affiliate of the International Society for the Study of Subtle Energy and Energy
Medicine, November 5, 2002.
"Assessing the Co-Creative Nature Between Consciousness and Healing: Innovative Research
Methodologies," with Geneie Everett, R.N., Ph.D.; Michele A. Bertini, Ph.D.; and Suzanne Gibson,
L.C.S.W., Ph.D.; Twelfth Annual ISSSEEM Conference, June 17, 2002, Boulder, Colorado.
"Effective Co-Creative Therapies: Integrating Energy Medicine Tools," with Ginnie Selle, Ph.D.; Elizabeth
Eckert, Ph.D.; and Carol Fagan, Ph.D.; Twelfth Annual ISSSEEM Conference, June 16, 2002, Boulder,
"Historical Roots of the Authoritarian Model of Medical Intervention," Theme Panel, The Co-Creation
Process in Energy Medicine; the Synergy of the Sciences and Healing Arts; Twelfth Annual ISSSEEM
Conference, June 15, 2002, Boulder, Colorado.
"World Cultures and the History of Science; Prelude to Watson's Theory of Enformed Systems (TES)," with
Donald Watson, M.D.; Psychic Studies Institute, Westwood, Kansas, April, 2000.
"Theories of Consciousness: into the 21st Century: Physics, Metaphysics, Psychology and Spirituality,"
Institute of Noetic Sciences Study Group; Lawrence, Kansas, March, 2000.
"Theories of Consciousness in the 19th and 20th Centuries: Materialism and Spiritualism, Psychological
Associationism and Behaviorism, Idealism and Empiricism," Institute of Noetic Sciences Study Group;
Lawrence, Kansas, February, 2000.
"Theories of Consciousness Across Recorded History: From the Sanskrit Texts to the 19th Century, "
Institute of Noetic Sciences Study Group; Lawrence, Kansas, January, 2000.
"Automating Artillery and the Dawn of Electronic Computing" presented to the International Conference for
the History of Computing, Heinz Niksdorf Computer Museums-Forum, Padderborn, Germany, 1998
“Writing Computer Users' Manuals,” tutorial presented at Midwest Regional Conference, Data Processing
Management Association, Topeka, Kansas, May, 1988.
“ENIAC and Before” invited lecture to the Computer and Information Sciences Division, New York
Academy of Sciences, February 11, 1986.
“Defining Electronic Digital Computing -- 1942" International Congress of History of Science, University of
California, Berkeley, August, 1985.
“Mechanical, Electrical & Electronic Gun Directors: The Emergence of Modern Computing,” History of
Science Society Midwest Junto, Charles Babbage Institute, University of Minnesota, April, 1985.
“Scientific Information Transfer and Developing Countries,” Third World Conference, Lincoln, Nebraska,
October, 1980.
“The Religious and Scientific Heresy of Robert Chambers' Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation,”
Caucus of Historians and Philosophers of Science, Missouri Valley Historical Conference, Omaha,
Nebraska, March 9, 1977.
“NASA and the Support of Academic Science,” History of Science Society Midwest Junto, Kansas State
University, March, 1975.
"Assessing Bophysical Energy Transfer Mechanisms in Living Systems: The Basis of Life Processes," (with
Konstantin Korotkov & Leonard A. Wisneski) Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, volume
10, number 1, 2004.
“The Social and Intellectual Shaping of a New Mathematical Discipline: Computer Science and
Engineering,” (with Willam Aspray & Andrew Goldstein) in Ronald Calinger, ed. Episodes in the History of
Mathematics, Mathematical Association of America, Notes Series, 1995.
Review of James M. Nyce and Paul Kahn eds., From Memex to Hypertext; Vannevar Bush and the Mind's
Machine, in IEEE Annals of the History of Computing, vol. 17 no. 3, Fall, 1995, pp. 82-85.
“Arming American Scientists: NSF and the Provision of Scientific Computing Facilities for Universities,”
1950-1973, (with Willam Aspray) IEEE Annals of the History of Computing, vol. 16 no. 4, Winter, 1994, pp.
“Computing in Science and Engineering Education: The Programs of the National Science Foundation,”
(with William Aspray) IEEE Electro/93 Proceedings, 1993.
Review of Clark Mollenhoff's Atanasoff: Forgotten Father of the Computer, and Arthur and Alice Burks'
The First Electronic Computer: The Atanasoff Story in The Annals of Iowa, vol. 50 no. 5 Summer, 1990, pp.
“Computer Aided Design Systems with Embedded Human Models,” prepared for the US Army Foreign
Science and Technology Center, Contract No. DAAL02-87-P-3314, December, 1987.
“Soviet State Ergonomic Standards (GOST),” with Victor Merkin, prepared for the US Army Foreign
Science and Technology Center, Contract No. DAAL02-87-P-3314, September, 1987.
“Development of Soviet State Ergonomic Standards,” with Noemi S. Galton, prepared for the US Army
Foreign Science and Technology Center, Contract No. DAAL02-87-P-3303, August, 1987.
Review of The Preparation of Programs for an Electronic Digital Computer, by Maurice V. Wilkes et al.,
Volume 1 of the Charles Babbage Institute Reprint Series for the History of Computing (originally published
in 1951), in ISIS, vol. 77 no. 1, 1986, p. 286.
Human Foundations of Advanced Computing Technology, Lawrence, Kansas: The Report Store, 1985
(compiling editor).
“The Human Side of Information's Converging Technology,” Bulletin of the American Society for
Information Science, vol. 9 no. 2, December, 1982, pp. 24-27.
“Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America;” “The Declaration of Independence; and The Constitution
of the United States,” in Student's Manual, Western Civilization Program, University of Kansas, 1979 and
subsequent editions.
“Sigmund Freud, Civilization and its Discontents,” in Student's Manual, Western Civilization Program,
University of Kansas, 1979 and subsequent editions.
“Hydrogen in Our Energy Future,” “Catalysis Making -- Chemical Reactions Work,” “Materials --
Expanding Their Upper and Lower Limits,” “Water Quality -- A Greater Awareness,” “TRISTAN The
Nuances of Nuclear Fission,” in AMES LAB Changing Scene: Highlights III, Iowa State University, Energy
and Mineral Resources Research Institute, US Energy Research and Development Administration, 1977.
“Science in the American Democracy, 1776-1976,” Humboldt Journal of Social Relations, vol. 4 no. 1,
Fall/Winter 1976, pp. 48-52 (with Paul Ceruzzi & Norriss Hetherington).
Understanding Self-Similar Fractals, by Roger Stevens, 1995
Programming Discrete Simulations, by Moshe Pollatschek, 1995
Embedded Systems Building Blocks, Jean J. Labrosse, 1995
Tools for Code Management, by Larry Reznick, 1996
Using PCX Files, by Roger Stevens, 1996
Mastering Internet Tools, by Gil Held, 1996
FreeDOS Kernel, by Pat Villani, 1996
Writing VxDs and Device Drivers 2nd ed., by Karen Hazzah, 1997
Flow Design for Embedded Systems, by Barry Kauler, 1997
Windows NT Security, by Nikolai Okountsev, 1997
Windows NT Programming in Practice, anthology, 1997
Undocumented Windows File Formats, by Pete Davis and Michael Wallace, 1997
Windows Assembly Language and Systems Programming 2nd ed, byBarry Kauler, 1997
UNIX Sys Admin for the Enterprise, by John Wetsch, 1998
Standard C Date/Time Library, by Lance Latham, 1998
Front Pane, by Nial Murphy, 1998
Programming the Parallel Port, by Dhananjay Gadre, 1998
The Domain Name Handbook, Ellen Rony & Peter Rony, 1998
MicroC/OS-II, the Real-Time Kernel, 2nd ed. by Jean J. Labrosse, 1998
Debugging Visual C++ Windows, by Keith Bugg, 1998
ActiveX/OLE Programming, by Donis Marshall, 1998
Programming MS Exchange Server, by Nik Okuntseff, 1999
Supercharge MFC, by Jeffrey Galbraith, 1999
Embedded Systems Building Blocks, 2nd ed. by Jean J. Labrosse, 1999
Visual C++ MFC Programming by Example, by John Swanke, 1999
VC++ MFC Extensions by Example, by John Swanke, 1999
SQL-99 Complete, by Peter Gulutzan & Trudy Pelzer, 1999
Java Principles of Object-Oriented Programming, by Jeffry Borror, 1999
Writing Windows WDM Device Drivers, by Chris Cant, 1999
Microcontroller Projects with Basic Stamps, by Al Williams, 1999
Automating Windows with Perl, by Scott McMahan, 1999
Detecting the World, Capturing Physical Measurements with C++, by David McCombs, 1999
Digital Sound Processing, by Doug Coulter, 1999
Print Programming in Windows, by Jeff Potts, 1999
Making Unix & Windows NT Talk, by Mark Nadelson & Tom Hagan, 2000
Advanced Win32 Programming, by Pat Villani, 2000
Industrial Strength Windows, by Petter Hesselberg, 2000
Math Toolkit for Real-Time Systems, by Jack Crenshaw, 2000
MFC COM Programming by Example, by John Swanke, 2000
C Programming for Embedded Systems, by Kirk Zurell, 2000