Best Homeopathic Remedies

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Some of the most commonly used and effective homeopathic remedies for eczema include Graphites, Mezereum, Hepar Sulphur, Dulcamara and Sulphur. Each remedy is suited for different characteristics of the eczema symptoms.

Graphites is used when there is thick, sticky discharge from eruptions. Mezereum is used when there is crust formation, especially on the head. Hepar Sulphur is used when there is pus formation. Dulcamara is used when symptoms worsen in cold, damp weather. Sulphur is used when there is intense burning and itching.

Graphites is indicated by thick, sticky discharge and symptoms like obesity and constipation. Mezereum causes intolerable itching, crust formation and feeling better in open air.

(1) Best Homeopathic remedies for Eczema or Atopic Dermatitis

On the basis of my experience of treating eczema with Homeopathy, I am giving the

5 best Homeopathic remedies for eczema or atopic dermatitis. This is by no means
an exhaustive list, but these 5 Homeopathic medicines have been found to be very
effective. Your eczema might be required to be treated with a different medicine and
the right choice of medicine can only be made after a careful analysis of the
symptoms, history, family history, allergies, eating and drinking habits, bodys
reaction to temperature and other symptoms related to your personality. Having said
that, one needs to make it known that these 5 homeopathic remedies for Eczema
are most commonly indicated and used. These have the potential to cure eczema
completely so that there is no recurrence of the problem. Of course, one needs to be
patient and give some time to the medicines to take effect.
Graphites - One of the best Homeopathic medicines for Eczema or atopic
dermatitis with thick oozing
Where there is oozing of thick and sticky discharge from the eruptions, Graphites is
the best Homeopathic medicine for eczema or atopic dermatitis. Usually the patient
is obese and suffers from constipation. Such patients are more likely to be sensitive
to the cold weather. The skin is rough and hard. In unaffected areas, the skin is dry.
It is often indicated in females with menstrual difficulties. The menses are late and
Mezereum - One of the best Homeopathic remedies for Eczema or atopic
dermatitis with crust formation
When there is formation of a crust, more so on the head, Mezereum is the best
Homeopathic medicine for eczema. The head is usually covered with a thick, leather
like crust. Pus collects just below the crust. The itching is intolerable and is worse in
the bed. The patient feels better in open air and is worse at night.
Hepar Sulphur - One of the best Homeopathic medicines for Eczema or atopic
dermatitis with pus formation
In cases, where suppuration or pus formation is most marked, Hepar Sulphur is the
most useful medicine for atopic dermatitis or eczema. There is intense itching in the
area affected by eczema. There are deep cracks on the skin. The patient is sensitive
to touch and also to cold air but is better in the damp weather. The eruptions
aggravate in winters. The sensitivity to cold is so much that the person cannot

uncover himself even for a moment. Even if a door is opened in the other room, he
will feel the cold and often starts reacting or sneezing because of the change in
temperature. For such a patient, Hepar Sulph is often the best homeopathic
medicine for eczema.
Dulcamara - One of the best Homeopathic medicines for Eczema or atopic
dermatitis worse in the cold damp weather
For eruptions that aggravate in the cold damp weather, Dulcamara is one of the best
homeopathic medicines for eczema or atopic dermatitis. The itching is also worse in
cold damp weather. There is the formation of thick brown yellow crusts which bleed
when scratched.
Sulphur - One of the best Homeopathic medicines for Eczema with burning
If there is intense burning along with itching in the eczematous parts, then Sulphur is
the best Homeopathic medicine for eczema. The problems tend to get worse in heat
and in summers. The skin is usually dry and looks unhealthy. The itching is worse
from warmth and in the evening. There are often other skin problems too that may
affect the person. Usually family history of skin diseases is also seen in such cases.
The patient often feels hungry in the morning around 11 am.
(2) Homeopathic treatment of eczema
Following remedies are important in the path of homeopathic treatment of eczema
Intense itching. Turns to burning when scratches till raw; when burning stops, itching
returns. Skin dry as paper. Flaking. Pussy. Small vesicles.
Eczema worst on uncovered parts or areas. Chilly, weakness. Sips cold water.
Restless. Anxious, worried about health, death, security, picky, miserly.
Worse: after midnight, cold air or bath, wet; better: hot bathing, warm room.
Red itching pimples; oozing of honey like liquid, which crusts over.
Infects and scars easily, heals slowly. Overweight, sweaty, constipated.

Scalp. Hairline, behind ears, genitals, back of hands, palms, skin folds.
Thickened skin. Deep cracks in fingers, heels, etc. nails thick. Grooved.
Worse: night, menses, heat (though chilly). Better: cold application.
Violent itching; smarting, crawling, but parts feels cold, as if cool breeze.
Acrid oozing, forms hard, thick crusts with pus under them or white scabs, matting
the hair. Intense burning after scratching. Eczema after vaccines.
Scalp, margins of hair, face, lids, eyebrows, hands and feet, cracked lips.
Worse: night, heat of bed or bath, drafts, damp, touch. Better: open air.
Nat Mur
Small itchy blisters with corrosive fluid; skin becomes red, raw, inflamed.
Margins of hair; bends of joints, behind ears. Dry flaky crusts form after.
Craves salt, thirsty. Greasy, oily hair. Dry skin in general. Underweight.
Eczema from suppressed emotion, inner grief. Avoids consolation, fuss.
Worse: warmth, salt, seashore, And menses, better: cool weather or bathing.
Red, raw, moist surface: burning and itching: oozing after scratching.
Deep cracks in folds, fingers. Bleed easily, become infected. Ulcerations.
Eruption of the palms, fingerprints, bends of joints, behind ears, genitals.
Itching, scratches until it bleed; the part becomes cold after scratching.
Worse: winter, cold air, moving vehicles, night. Better: warm air, dryness.
Moist, weeping eruptions, foul odor. Intensely itchy; scratches till it bleeds, causing
burning. Skin bleeds easily. Dry, scaly, cracked areas.

Unhealthy skin, pimples, easily infected. Burning hot feet at night.

Hair margins, face, areas of perspiration, feet, bends of elbows, knee.
Intellectual dreamer. Lethargic, unmotivated. Tired and always hungry
Worse: night, warmth of bed, heat, bathing, wool. Better: dry, cool bathing.
Rananculus Bulbosus May be used in cases of eczema attended with thickening
of the skin and formation of hard, horny scabs. One of the most effective remedies
for the bad effects of alcoholic beverages; spasmodic hiccough; delirium tremens.
Rhus Tox Is useful in cases of eczema wherein hard, thick chalky crusts form,
which crack and ooze copious pus. Adapted to persons of rheumatic diathesis;
negative effects of getting wet, especially after over-heating.
Staphysagria It may be used in treating eczematous eruption on any part of the
body, but is especially apt to be found on the head and face. The eruption is usually
dry and formed of very thick scabs and itches violently; when scratching stops the
itching in one place, it moves to another. At other times, these scabs are moist and
yellowish in colour.
Sulphur Used for eczema rubrum; gouty eczema with much oozing. Skin is dry,
rough, and scaly, with voluptuous itching that feels good to scratch. Itching in skin,
even of whole body, is worse at night or in morning, in bed, and often with pain as a
result of excoriation, heat, itching (soreness), or bleeding of the part which has been
scratched. Adapted to persons of a scrofulous diathesis, subject to venous
congestion; especially of portal system. Used for persons of nervous temperament,
who are quick-motioned, quick-tempered, and plethoric, with skin thats excessively
sensitive to atmospheric changes. For lean, stoop-shouldered people who walk and
sit stooping like old men. Standing is the worst position for sulphur patients; they
cannot stand, because every standing position is uncomfortable.
Natrum Muriaticum Is called for in cases wherein eczema appears in thick scabs,
oozing pus and matting the hair together; a crusta lactea, in fact. Scaly eruptions on
flexor surfaces and the bends of joints. For the anaemic and cachectic, whether from
lots of vital fluids profuse menses, seminal losses, or mental affections. Great
emaciation; losing flesh while living well; throat and neck of children emaciate rapidly

during summer complaint. Great liability to take cold. Irritability: child cross when
spoken to; crying from slightest cause; becomes passionate about trifles, especially
when consoled. Awkward, hasty, drops things from nervous weakness. Marked
disposition to weep.
Calcarea Carb It is indicated in the eczema of children, when it appears on the
scalp, with a tendency to spread downwards and over the face. It frequently appears
in patches on the face or scalp, forming thick crusts, which are often white, chalk-like
deposits. Found in those who are leucophlegmatic, with blonde hair, light
complexion, blue eyes, fair skin; tendency to obesity in youth. Psoric constitutions;
pale, weak, timid, easily tired when walking. Disposed to grow fat, corpulent,
unwieldy. Children with red faces and flabby muscles, who sweat easily and take
cold readily in consequence. Large heads and abdomens; fontanelles and sutures
open; bones soft, develop very slowly. Curvature of bones, especially spine and long
bones; extremities crooked, deformed; bones irregularly developed. Head sweats
profusely while sleeping.

(4) Materia Medica:

Arsenic Album: All forms accompanied by intense burning of the skin;
foetid or purulent discharge or dry, scaly eruption; falling out of the hair
in patches and there, leaving the skin dry and dirty looking; dry,
parchment like skin; thirsty, drinking little and often; aggravated after
midnight, from cold, in open air and from scratching with bleeding
afterward, ameliorated from heat.
Antim Crud: It acts upon skin producing thick, horny callosities in this
tissue. It is often indicated in eczematous eruptions, eruptions
consisting of crusts which are of horny yellow color. Skin cracks readily.
Indicated medicine for Eczema about the nostrils and corners of the
Borax: Indicated medicine for Eczema in which skin is unhealthy, every
little cut or scratch suppurates easily. There is itching of the skin
particularly on the back of the fingers. It is indicated for Eczema of the

Calcarea Carb: Calcarea Carb is useful medicine for Eczema of the

scalp with a tendency to spread downwards and over the face. It
appears in patches on the face or scalp forming thick crust which are
often white like chalk deposit. Child scratches his head on awaking from
sleep. The change from sleep to activity seems to excite the itching of
the existing eruption.
Graphites: It produces a scaly, dirty looking eruption with itching < from
warmth of bed. It has a more rough skin and oozing a glutinous fluid.
Graphites particularly indicated for intertrigo behind ear.
Hepar Sulph: It is useful medicine for eczematous eruption which have
a purulent discharge, the eruption is worse in the morning accompanied
by itching. Ulcers bleed easily, are extremely sensitive and emit an
odour like old cheese.Every little injury suppurates. Moist eruption in the
folds of the skin. There is itching in the bends of the joints.
Hydrocotyle: It has eczema with thick and scaly eruption but less
burning than Arsenic.
Kali brom: It is useful for eczema which evidently arises from the action
of Kali bromatum on the sebaceous or sudoriferous glands, causing an
abscess in each of these and developing a scaly eruption.
Kreosote: It is useful for Eczema in which scales pile up into large
masses, eruption on the extensor surfaces of the limbs.
Mezereum: It is useful for Eczema in scrophulous cases when hard,
thick, chalky crusts form which cracks and ooze copious of pus. Itching
in more intense at night when the patches warmly wrapped up.
Natrum carb: It has particularly affinity for Eczema of dorsa of the
hands. The skin there becomes rough, dry and chapped. It is indicated
for eruption with little ulcer around the joints of the hands. Herpetic
eruption with yellow rings.
Natrum Mur: It is indicated for Eczematous eruption which appears in
thick scabs, oozing pus and matting the hair together i.e. crusta lactea.
It produces scaly eruption on flexor surfaces, bends of joints. Dandruff
alternates with it.

Petroleum: It is a medicine suited for a perfect picture of eczema

forming thick scabs and oozing pus. The skin soon grows more harsh
and dry and there form deep cracks and fissures which bleed and
Psorinum: It is useful for Eczema in which scaly, dirty looking eruption
with itching worse from the warmth of the bed.
Ranunculus Bulb: It is useful for eczema attended with thickening of
the skin and the formation of hard, horny scabs.
Rhus Tox: It is indicated in eczema. If face is attacked it causes
oedema of the loose cellular tissue about the eyelids, with pain which
we may denominate burning, itching and tingling. The eruption is moist,
offensive and suppurating, impetigious. A red like marks the spread of
the disease.
Sulphur: It is suited to persons who are subject to skin affections,
particularly to those who have harsh, rough skin, readily break out with
eruptions of various description varying from a simple erythema to a
positive eczema. There is peculiar disagreeable odor from the body. <
night. It has itching in the bends of the joints and between the fingers as
soon as the patient gets warm in bed. As the disease progresses you
may find occasional pustules appearing here and there over the

(5) Leading Remedies in Homeopathy

Rhus toxicodendron is indicated in the treatment of eczema, symptoms include red
swollen blisters, itching made worse from heat; dark red vesicle eruptions;
shingles; herpes.
Carduus marianus is used for liver drainage and detoxification.
Antimonium crudum treats cradle cap, the formation of a thick crust.
Petroleum is indicated in the treatment of eczema, symptoms include
dry, itchy skin made worse from scratching.
Psorinum is indicated in the treatment of atopic dermatitis; the condition gets
better in the summer and worse in the winter;

Calendula oil treats weeping eczema.

Thuja treats eczema in infants and babies; an eczema that develops after
a vaccination.
Silicea is an excellent remedy in the treatment of suppurating skin eruptions; it treats
dry brittle hair, fingernails, and toenails.
Sulphur treats eczema, dermatosis, itchy, dry skin made worse from washing.
Saponaria drains the skin.
Juglans regia is used as a diuretic or liver tonic; it treats infected eczema.
Mezereum for infected eczema covered by a thick crust with pus.
Natrum muriaticum for a thick, scaly formation on the hair margin.

(6) Eczemz and Homeopathy : Dr. B.S. Suvarna

Eczema is clinically divided into five types, which are:

Varicose and

Contact Eczema : As its name suggests, this is often the allergic response of the
skin to an external agent that has come in contact with it. Common causes are
detergents , watch straps , perfume , antiperspirants , deodorant , dyes of all kinds ,
rubber plasters , garden plants , nickel and other metals , bracelets and occasionally
powders and contraceptives (diaphragms and condoms). The eruption is usually only
temporary and will disappear once the irritant but occasionally scratching may
transfer the irritant to other parts of the body.
Atopic Eczema : This is probably the commonest form, fast appearing in young
babies and infants. Usually there is a family history and the cause, although allergic
is not often the result of an external irritant, it can however be made worse through
contact. This form of eczema is commonly associated with milk protein allergy and

reaction to eggs and wheat and an exclusion diet will be a very common approach to
treatment, infants usually get the eruption face and hands but in older children it will
spread to the elbow creases and the knees. This form of eczema presents much
more with dry itchy skin than the weepy variety. It can be triggered off by infection
and chicken pox is well known to cause a serious relapse. Atopic eczema is
associated with later onset of hay fever and asthma and forms one of the major
allergic conditions; it is thought to be caused by a deficiency in linoleic acid that is
necessary for the proper function of the skin capillaries (linoleic acid is found in
evening primrose oil).
Seborrhoic Eczema : Occurs where there is excessive secretion of sebum and is
common on the face, external ears, and eyebrows and in young infants when it is
known as cradle cap. It causes scaly encrustation of the eye lids known as
blepharitis. Occasionally it affects the front of the chest (the breast bone). It is not as
serious or problematic as Atopic eczema causes only minor irritation with little skin
thickening. It also responds well to treatment.
Varicose Eczema : This is associated, as the name implies with varicose veins
although this is not always obvious. It occurs on the inside and out side of the legs
just above the ankle and can be very problematic for elderly patients because of its
constant soreness and weeping. The skin often breaks down into a varicose ulcer,
which can be difficult to treat because of the poor blood supply found the legs of
people of an advanced age.
Discoid Eczema : It commonly affects young adults and appears as discs (i.e. coin
shaped lesions) on the arms and legs, occasionally on the buttocks and lower
abdomen which itch and weep and often become secondarily infected. This form of
eczema is commonly affected by stress and tension and sometimes may be
confused with insect bites or stings.
Causes : These are particular to each variety (see above) but all eczema is in part
related to a hereditary. External (contact) or internal (food) allergy may be the cause
which worsens at times of weather change stress and emotional tension.
Symptoms : They vary with condition but include dry skin which may feel rough to
touch and become thickened, redness and inflammation , swelling , blisters, weeping
(wet eczema) are commonly found. Secondary infection, scab formation,
encrustation may also follow in some cases.
Accurate diagnosis is important and medical care will be necessary even in mild

What should one do?

Avoid all material that is known to exacerbate the symptoms. Avoid all
detergents, especially those containing biological enzymes, exclusion diets,
especially in Atopic eczema are well worth a try.

Try to avoid scratching, especially at night. Special gloves can be worn by

small children and if you cannot resist, rubbing is preferable to scratching.

To deal with eczema properly constitutional treatment and dietary advice may
well be needed. Great emphasis will be placed on eating a suitable diet including raw
fruit (properly washed) and raw vegetables. Avoid milk, eggs, cheese and wheat
products, but it is best to do this under qualified supervision, a fluid fast can be tried
for no more than 48 hours.

Learn to cope up with stress and practice a relaxation and breathing


If there is not much relief contact your National Eczema Society as they can
after much guidance and advice.

Eczema is often an indication that other allergies and sensitivities exist in the patient
and great care is needed to unravel the totality of the symptoms and provide
treatment that is not likely to produce an early aggravation. However the following
symptom treatments will help in alleviating the unpleasantness
Homoeopathy treatment :
This is often very helpful but a precise homoeopathic diagnosis is often required.
First aid measures include "Graphites". Graphites is head remedy useful both in dry
and wet cases. Use when skin becomes thick; most chronic cases have been cured
by a few doses of 200 or 1000 potency given at long intervals.
Symptoms / Medicines:

Violently itching eczema, feelings of irritability - Anacardium

Honey yellow -colored crusts , skin cracks easily and thick horny calluses
form -Antimonium crudum

For chronic eczema where skin itches burns and swells but in spite of the
burning sensation skin feels better for warm applications. Feels restless and irritable-Arsenicum album

Eczema on the scalp extending to the face , crusts are white and very itchy Calcarea carb

Most scabby eruptions on the scalp, face, joints between the fingers and
behind the ears. Corners of the mouth and eyes become cracked and ooze a gluey
thick honey like discharge. Itching becomes extreme , rest of skin may be dry and
horny and the hair is dry and falls out --- Graphites

Chronic eczema which is worse during periods and at the menopause Manganum aceticum.

Most eczema especially on the scalp where it is chronic - Kali muriaticum.

There is great itching which is worse when warm or wrapped up- Mezereum.

Small blisters quickly from scabs and crusts from which an acrid thick pus
emerges -Mezreum.

Moist eczema without much itching - Natrum muriaticum.

Thick scabs which oozes pus , skin is harsh and dry , finger tips crack and the
hands chap.- Petroleum.

Eczema is mainly on head and face cheeks and ears skin looks dirty greasy
and unwashed - Psorinum.

Eczema with numerous small blisters that itch and tingle worse at night and in
damp weather - Rhus toxicodendron.

Skin is rough and coarse with soreness in the folds and violent itching
everywhere. Scalp is dry and hot with intense itching, especially at night. Scratching
causes soreness and burning. Water and washing make it worse and cause
considerable burning and itching -Sulphur.

When it is specially on scrotum gets worse with cold , pus- Hepar sulphur.

When it is dry scaly on the scalp and face , crusts over scalp thin foetid
excoriating discharge - Alumina.

When it is on the back of the hands wet in the bends of the knees gets worse
on full moon - Bovista.

For eczema of face , genitals , scrotum, when there is much itching - Croton

When it is wet on scalp pus turns into hard crusts on itching pus or fluid oozes
out -Croton tiglium.

In cases not complying to medicine, or delayed treatment medicines such as

Tuberculinum, Thuja or other anti-miasmatic medicies should also be tried.
(7) Remedies:
Arsenicum Album (Ars)
Eczema that itches and burns. Rough, scaly skin.Skin red, as if burnt.Must scratch
until skin raw. Worse for: cold. Better for: warmth; warm or hot water. Skin hard and
parchment-like. Scratching the skin raw improves the itching. Itch worsens as skin
heals. Worse for: undressing; cool air; right side.
Those who need Ars. can be anxious about many things, including health, and tend
to be restless. Anxiety worsens from midnight to 2 AM. Pains are usually burning in
nature while the person can feel chilly in general.
CalcareaCarbonica (Calc-c)
Rough, dry skin with a tendency to crack.Itching blisters between fingers and in
bends of elbows.Bran-like coating on skin. Worse for: water. Better for: scratching.
Those needing Calc-c are often overweight or flabby. They tend to be obstinate and
worry about safety or security. They may be anxious about health, flying, insanity,
mice, or heights. There can be a love of eggs, ice cream, and milk. Sweat will often
occur on the back of the neck.
Graphites (Graph)
Eczema that oozes a thick yellow or honey-like discharge. Dry, rough skin or hard,
thick skin with cracks. Eczema and cracks behind the ears. Worse for: night; warmth
of bed. Skin covered by crusts and scales. Eczema and cracks on skin heal slowly.
Eczema that leads to asthma especially when suppressed by steroid creams.
Eczema worse on the left side of the body. Those who need Graphites are often
indecisive, prone to depression, and easily affected by small things. They like to
think things through slowly and can suffer from obesity. Complaints may be worse on
the left side of the body. Chicken is oftenafavourite food while salt, sweets, and fish
may be disliked. There may be a tendency for keloid scarring.

Medorrhinum (Med)
Eczema from birth. Eczema and asthma combined. Itching to the point of bleeding.
History of bright red nappy rash with a sharply defined rather than speckly border.
Better for: being by the sea. Those who need Medorrhinum are often passionate and
full of extremes. They can be either introverted or extroverted, or swing between the
two. They come to life at night and frequently bite their nails. Medorrhinum types like
to sleep on their stomach and will often get into the knee-chest position to relieve
NatrumMuriaticum (Nat-m)
Eczema with small blisters and intense itching. Blisters weep a watery fluid on
scratching and turn to cracks as they dry. Eczema in hair margins or
eyebrows.Eczema with suppressed emotions or following grief.Eczema where thighs
rub, in groin, or between fingers. The skin may be greasy.
Those needing Nat-m are sensitive and easily hurt but may not show it. They often
have a strong history of grief or disappointment. Those who need Nat-m.can be
serious, self-contained, and prefer to keep to themselves. Headaches and migraines
can develop from the heat of the sun. There may be a dislike of slimy food and a
liking for bread, pasta, and salty things.
Rhustoxicodendron (Rhus-t)
Intensely itchy eczema with frequent oozing. Small blisters that break on scratching
and ooze a watery fluid.Rash often on arms, hands or genital region. Restlessness
with the eczema.Hard, thick skin. Blisters break, crust, and then crack. Rashes that
burn and prickle. Worse for: cold air; cold damp weather; getting wet. Better for:
running scalding hot water over the eruption. Those who need Rhus-t will be restless
and feel better for motion. Complaints are generally worse for cold and damp
weather or environments and better for warmth and dryness. Often there is a love of
cold milk. Rhus-t is one of the main remedies needed in the treatment of chickenpox.
Sulphur (Sulph)
Intense itching that must be scratched. Scratching to the point of
bleeding.Pleasurable scratching.Itch that burns.Redness of rash. Worse for: warmth
of the bed; becoming overheated; bathing.Moist eczema. Skin has a dirty

appearance. Discharge develops an offensive or eggy smell. Worse for: night;

perspiration; wool. Better for: cold; cold applications.One of the most common
remedies for eczema. Can be easily confused with Psorinum. Those needing
Sulphur can be opinionated and philosophical. They also have a reputation for being
messy and lazy.
Psorinum (Psor)
Intense itching that must be scratched, sometimes to the point of bleeding. Worse
for: night; warmth of the bed. Dirty appearance of skin.Eczema behind the ears.
Despair and depression with the eczema. Infected eczema. Offensiveness of the
eczema or discharge. Generally feel chilly. Better for: warmth. One of the most
common remedies for eczema. Can be easily confused with Sulphur. Those needing
Psor.can be anxious and despair of the future. They may be chilly, have a fear of
poverty and be anguished at night
Eczema is a skin disease that causes uncomfortable feeling. It causes severe pain
and itchiness and it affects people of all ages. Eczema generally worsens in harsh
weather and during winter season. Scratching the affected areas causes sore cracks
and often bleeding. The skin on the feet and hands gets deep cracks and it takes
many days to heal. Some of the areas on the skin may turn in red color after being
infected with eczema. Eczema homeopathic cure is the most effective treatment for
people suffering from eczema.
Arsenicum Album (Ars. Alb.) is used for curing swollen and dry itchy skin.
Arsenicum Album also helps to cure skin eruptions caused by eczema. Graphites is
used for curing thick dry skin that has yellow discharge. This medicine is more ideal
for eczema that causes more itchiness during night. Medorrhinum is ideal for adults
suffering from eczema frequently. Calcarea Carbonica is also an effective treatment
for eczema. It can be used for people suffering from clammy hands as well as feet.
Mezereum is used for curing itching eruptions. Petroleum is ideal for patients
suffering from dry skin mainly on the palms and fingertips. Rhus toxicodendron is
recommended for persons who suffer from blisters that are swollen and red in color.
Such eczema blisters cause severe itching. Sulphur is an effective treatment for
eczema affected skin that has severe itching and burning.
Hepar sulphuris calcareum is recommended for people whose skin is very
sensitive and gets infected easily. It is effective for people having low resistance to

infection and illness. Calendula is recommended for people having irritated skin,
which is likely to get infected. It helps to sooth the irritated skin and prevents
infection. Urtica Urens is available in ointment or gel form and is recommended for
scaly and dry eczema. Vinca Minor is helpful to treat red and itchy skin.
The drugs found effective in the study are grouped as under:
Dermatitis allergic: Alum, Achyr -asp, ANTIM.-CR, Azad Ind, Bac, CALC-CARB, Calc
- sulph, GRAPH, Gun Powder, HEP-SULPH, Hydrc, Ign, Lach, LYCO, MERC-SOL,
Nummular dermatitis (N.D.) : Achy -asp, Azad Ind, Ars-alb, Bac, CALC-CARB,
Pompholyx (Pomp) : Alum, ARS-ALB, CALC-CARB, GRAPH, HEP-SULPH, Ign,
Ran-b, Rhus-t, SARS, SEP, SULPH
Infectious Eczematoid Dermatitis (I.E.D.): Alum, Achyr -asp, ANTIM. -CR, ARS-ALB,
Azad Ind, CALC-CARB, Calc - sulph, GRAPH, Gun Powder, HEP-SULPH, Ign,
Atopic Dermatitis: (At. D ): MERC-SOL, MEZ, NAT-MUR, SEP, SULPH,
Contact Dermatitis (C.D.): ANTIM. -CR, ARS-ALB, Azad Ind, Bac, Calc - sulph, MEZ,
Drug Allergy (D.A.) : SULPH , NUX-VOM, GRAPH
Photo dermatitis (P.D.): SULPH, NAT-MUR
In Homoeopathic repertory the general terms like eruptions vesicular, pustular,
eczema, crusty etc are being used for allergic dermatitis. The above stated clinically
efficacious drugs can be incorporated in the repertory for the benefit of profession in
respect of each clinical types.

The drugs in respect of Nummular Dermatitis, Pompholyx, Infectious eczematoid,

Contact Dermatitis have been found effective repeatedly but the number of cases in
respect of Photo dermatitis, Drug Allergy is to not enough to establish the efficacy
hence more study is required.
The pattern of aggravation during treatment was according to the clinical types,
treatment taken and natural history of the different types of allergic dermatitis.
No aggravation was observed in the new and acute cases of dermatitis
Chronic cases that were improving partially with the local steroids reported
reappearance of the old symptoms.>
As all the cases had been only clinically evaluated, there is a need to undertake
further studies supported by other assessment parameters of immunological tests or
double blind placebo controlled studies to arrive at a conclusion.
* Deputy Director (Homeopathy) , Govt. of Delhi, Nehru Homoeopathic Medical
College and hospital, B_Block, Defence colony, New Delhi
Indications of the drugs used in the trial in respect of each drug are as under:
1. Sulphur (sulph)
It was given to dirty, filthy, lean, stoop-shouldered and scrofulous persons. Nervous
temperament, very selfish nature, relapsing complaints, cannot stand for longtime,
excessive burning everywhere, hungry at 11 A.M., constipated large painful stools,
desires sweets, marked aversion to bathing were the leading indications. The mental
symptoms used were embarrassed ailments after, delusion getting thin, longing
refuse for tranquility. It was used in all types of allergic dermatitis with marked
itching, want to scratch, burning after scratching worse by heat of bed, recurrent
papulo vesicles, erythematous eruptions dry, cracks.
2. Natrum muriaticum (Nat-mur)
It was given in anaemic, cachectic, emaciated subjects, resulting from loss of fluids,
or mental stress, emaciation marked around neck. Awkwardness, abruptness,
irritable, weeping disposition that is aggravated by consolation, complaints
precipitated after grief's, absorbed as to what would become of him and anxiety

alternating with indifference were the characteristic mental symptoms. Desire for
excessive salt, dry, geographical tongue, sweats while eating and aggravation at the
seashore and sunlight, better in open air were leading symptoms. Skin symptoms
include graying nails, vesicular eruptions around lips, dermatitis which is raw, red,
inflamed, crusty, over scalp around hair follicles, over margins of hair, bends of limbs
and behind ears.
3. Mercurius solubilis ( Merc-sol.)
It was used for suppurations with lesions varying from erythematous papules,
vesicles, pustules, thickening, glandular swellings and ulceration. Itching or burning
pains were worse at night. Profuse sweating without any relief, thick, very offensive
acrid discharges, large, flabby, thickly coated tongue, internal chilliness, tendency for
diarrhoea with slimy stools and offensive breath were the general indications.
4. Mezereum (Mez)
It was suitable to irresolute persons of phlegmatic temperament having eczematous
dermatitis. Sensitive to cold air, chilliness and skin lesions with intolerable itching,
thick leather like crusts under which thick yellow pus collects, hair glued and matted,
offensive pus with maggots, vesicular lesions with burning, surrounded by shining
fiery redness are characteristics.
5. Nux-Vomica ( Nux-Vom)
It was given to thin, sensitive, irritable, careful, zealous, ardent person with dark hair
and bilious and sanguine temperaments having disposition to quarrel, spiteful,
malicious, nervous and melancholic. Frequent dyspepsia, constipation with
ineffectual desire and hypersensitive to cold were the leading indications. It was
used for acute dermatitis after drugs, red papular lesions over face with itching.
6. Sepia (sep)
It was suitable to persons of dark hair with mild and easy disposition. The leading
indications includes great sadness and weeping, indifferent to even loved one,
yellow saddle across upper part of the cheeks and nose, sensation of emptiness, all
types of uterine affections, intolerable offensive and profuse sweat, worse after,
associated exposure to cold air and better after warmth of bed, hot applications and
violent exercise. It is used in ring shaped lesions especially over upper parts of body

appear every spring, itching not improving from scratching, worse on bends of elbow
and knee, worse in open air and better in warm room.
7. Rhus Toxicodendron (Rhus-Tox.)
It was given for rheumatic diathesis, ill effects of getting wet after being heated.
Restlessness, triangular red tip of tongue, better by warm, dry weather and pains
that are better by continued motion are the leading indications. It is used for
dermatitis with erythema, oedema, cellulitis, vesicular, bullous lesions, pustules with
yellow pus, burning, itching or stinging pain better by warmth. It is also indicated for
hardness and induration of skin.
8. Calcerea carbonica (Calc-carb)
It was suitable to leucophlegmatic constitutions, blond hair, fair complexion, and
tendency to obesity. The persons with great apprehension and fear that people will
observe their confusion and sensitive to hearing about accident, cruelties, riots, etc.
Profuse sweating from head while sleeping, desire for eggs, feeling better when
constipated were the leading indications. Skin is unhealthy, has tendency to ulcerate,
small wounds do not heal quickly, glands swollen, petechial eruptions, abscesses in
deep muscles.
9. Ignatia
It was used for person with profound sadness, silent, and grief, irritable due to pain
and discontinued disposition. The eruptions was having itching and burning
10. Arsenicum album (Ars-alb)
It was indicated for dispositions that include depression, melancholia, despair,
indifference, anxiety, fear, restlessnes, anguish or irritability, sensitiveness and
peevishness. Marked prostration with fainting, mental restlessness, burning pains
better by heat, nightly aggravations and offensive discharge were the leading
indications. It was used for various types of lesions including papules, vesicles,
pustules, ulcers, and dryness. The lesions also had itching or burning, oedema ,
redness, excoriations or crusting.
11 Graphites
It was suitable for stout, fair complexioned, constipated, and fatty and chilly
individual. Children impudent, teasing, laugh at reprimands. Sad, despondent, music

makes them weep. It was used in various types of skin lesions. Unhealthy skin,
every injury suppurates, old cicatrices break open again, eruptions upon ears,
between fingers, toes and on other skin folds of the body. The discharge had
characteristics of being watery, transparent, sticky and thick. Swelling, induration of
glands. Cracks, fissures at tips of fingers, nipples, labial commissures, anus and
between toes.
12. Hepar Sulphuricum ( Hep-Sulph)
It was used in irritable, quick and hasty persons. Patient was peevish, angry at even
least trifle, hypochondrical and unreasonably anxious, extremely sensitive to cold air
and touch. It was used for various types of skin lesions, slightest injury causes
suppuration abscess, suppurating glands, papulo-pustular lesions and deep cracks
on hands and feet, Ulcers with pus discharge mixed with blood, smelling like old
cheese, surrounded by little pimples, very painful, splinter like pain and better by
13. Psorinum (Psor)
It was given to psoric constitutions when well-selected remedies or Sulphur fail to
relieve or permanently improve. Filthy smell of body, great sensitiveness to cold air
or changes of weather, carion like odor, despair from itching were the leading
14. Sarsaparilla (Sars.)
It was given to dark-haired persons having lithic or sycotic diathesis. Emaciation,
white coated tongue, aphthae, increase salivation, foetid breath and pain at the end
of urination were the leading indications. It was used for dry, itchy, crusty eruptions,
cracked skin of hands and feet's particularly on the side of fingers and toes with
hardness and induration, eczema of breast with cracked and inverted nipples and
eruptions every spring and worse in summer.
15. Achyranthese aspera (Achy)
It was given to dull, indolent, irritable and sulky person. The lesions were
erythematous, vesicular, popular, pustular and ulcers with pain or burning, especially
over hands, feet. The discharge from the lesion was yellowish, bloody, sticky and
foul smelling.

16. Hydrocotyle asiatica (Hydrc.)

Inflammation, cellular proliferation, induration and lichenification of the skin were
important symptoms. It was used for circumscribed red scaly lesions with severe
itching or pricking which is worse at night and after scratching.
17. Lycopodium clavatum ( Lyco.)
It was suitable to person intellectually keen but physically weak, upper parts of the
body emaciated lower parts semi dropsical, having deep-seated progressive chronic
diseases. It affects right side of the body or the complaint goes from right to left side.
The person is predisposed to gastric and hepatic affections, all the symptoms were
worse in the evening between 4 to 8 PM. The complexion was pale, dirty, unhealthy,
and sallow with deep furrows and senile look. The temperament is irritable, peevish
loves power, cannot endure opposition, avaricious, greedy, miserly and malicious.
Skin symptoms include ulcers, fissures, abscesses, and wheals, violent itching
worse on warm applications, eczematisation, chronic dermatitis, thickening,
indurations, brown spots on face, premature graying of hair.
18 Antimonium crudum (Antin. -cr.)
This drug was used in dull, lethargic, phlegmatic persons having extraordinary
craving for apples. Drowsiness, debility, thick white coated tongue with red edges,
profuse sweating. The symptoms got worse in damp and cold climate and in spring
weather. The drug is useful for vesicular, pustular and crusty eruptions with itching
over various parts of body especially face and head.
19. Petroleum
It was given to person with irritable, quarrelsome disposition, easily offended at
trifles, vexed at everything. Skin symptoms were worse in winter. Itching is worse at
night, painful sensitiveness of whole body, slightest injury suppurates, rough,
cracked, fissured, painful lesions especially on hands, finger tips, soles. Heat and
burning of palms and soles with foul sweat.
20. Ranunculus bulbosus
It was given for muscular pains, intercostal rheumatism, chest sore, bruised
sensation, worse from touch, stormy weather, motion or turning the body.

21.Thuja occidentale (Thuja.)

It is given to hydrgenoid obese constitutions, dark complexioned, black hair and
unhealthy skin. Fixed ideas of various types, rapid exhaustion, emaciation and
strong smelling perspiration more to covered parts are the leading indications. It is
used for every type of warty growths, polyps, tubercles, ulcers around ano-genital
area, dry skin with brown spots on hands and arms, painful glandular swellings, nails
crippled brittle and soft, burning after scratching and eruptions are more marked on
covered parts.
22. Bacillinum (Bac.)
It was used for fair complexion, blue eyed, blond, tall, flat and narrow chested person
who is active, precious, and weak and is having tubercular diathesis. It was given as
intercurrent medicine when best indicated remedy fails to act with the tubercular
background. Excessively chilly, rapid and pronounced emaciation, changing
symptoms from one part to another were the leading indications. Skin symptoms
include recurrent small boils which were intensely painful and were appearing
especially in nose with green foetid pus, chronic eczematous lesions over skin folds,
behind ears, hairy areas, fiery red skin with soreness and rawness, psoriasis with
immense quantities of white bran like scales and itching worse by undressing,
23. Alumina (alum)
It was used in thin, dark complexioned having hypochondriac and chilly constitution,
suffering from chronic diseases and constipation with great straining while
defaecation. The lesions were dry, itchy and scaly which were worse in winter and
better in warm and wet weather.
24 Calcarea sulphurica (Calc - sulph)
It was used for dermatitis, glandular swellings, cyctic tumours and suppurative
processes when the pus has yellow, thick and lumpy character. The skin is
unhealthy like in other calcarea salts. Itching and pain in lesions were better by cold.
25. Phosphorus (Phos)
It was suited to tall, slender, stoop shouldered persons of sanguine temperament.
The skin was fair, and delicate. Their nature was very sensitive, sympathetic,

nervous and weepy with depressed spirits and palpitation. Haemorrhagic diatheses,
burning weak, empty all gone sensation in various parts of body, desire for juicy
refreshing, cold food and drinks. The skin symptoms included dandruff, hair fall in
bunches and in patches, loss of sensation, fornication, itching, burning, ecchymosis,
scaly lesions over various parts of body including eyebrows, bleeding ulcers and
brown spots on face.
26. Lachesis
It was used for dark eyed melancholic persons with disposition to low spirit and
indolence. It was better suitable to thin and emaciated having haemorrhagic
diatheses than too obese. Great loquacity, suspicious, left sided complaints
extending to right, great sensitiveness, worse after sleep, passive bleeding, and hot
flushes with hot sweating and ailments during and after menopausal period were the
special indications for its use. Skin lesions are of dark, bluish, purplish appearance
with dark haemorragic

(8) Psoriasis
Homeopathic Medicines of Psoriasis(1)Arsenic Album excellent psoriasis remedy in which psoriasis, worse by cold
application and wetness, better by warmth.
(2)Kali Brom remarkable psoriasis remedy in which there is syphilitic psoriasis.
Skin cold, blue, spotted corrugated, large, indolent, painful pustules.
(3)Thyrodinum one of the best psoriasis remedy for chilly and anemic subjects. Dry
impoverished skin; cold hands and feet.
(4)Radium Brom psoriasis of penis, itching eruptions on face oozing, Patchy
erythema on forehead.
(5)Apis mellifica for skin rashes that feel hot and dry and are sensitive to touch.
Symptoms improve with cool baths and worsen with heat. This remedy is most
appropriate for individuals who often feel sad, disappointed, or even depressed.
They tend to cry easily but may also be irritable and envious by nature.
(6)Calendula used topically, particularly if the affected area becomes inflamed.
This remedy will soothe but not cure the skin condition.
(7)Rhus toxicodendron used for psoriatic arthritis and for skin disorders
accompanied by intense itching that worsens at night and improves with the
application of heat. This remedy is most appropriate for individuals who are generally
restless and unable to get comfortable at night.
(8)Sulphur for skin disorders that are accompanied by intense itching. This
remedy is most appropriate for individuals who are thirsty, irritable when not feeling
well, uninspired and messy under ordinary circumstances, and who describe a
sensation of internal heat and burning. Symptoms tend to improve with open, cold air
and worsen with warmth.
(9)Kali Arsenicosum It has marked action on skin disorders like eczema, psoriasis
and ulcers. There is dry, scaly eruptions with itching worse from warmth, walking and
undressing. It is also useful in chronic eczema. There are fissures in bends of arms
and knees. There are numerous small nodules under the skin. Intolerable itching
worse while undressing in psoriasis.

(10) Kali Sulphuricum- It has marked action on psoriasis. There are burning, itching,
papular eruptions. Skin is dry, hot and burning. Itchy eruptions in nettle rash in
children. Kali Sulph also helps in seborrhoea or dandruff and ringworm of scalp or
beard with abundant scales. Sores on skin with thick, profuse, yellow watery

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