Joint WHO - CDC Conference On Health Laboratory Quality Systems

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Joint WHO CDC Conference

on Health Laboratory Quality

Lyon, France
9 - 11 April 2008


Joint WHO CDC Conference

on Health Laboratory Quality

Lyon, France
9 - 11 April 2008

World Health Organization 2008

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The mention of specific companies or of certain manufacturers products does not imply that they are
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All reasonable precautions have been taken by the World Health Organization to verify the information
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This publication contains the collective views of an international group of experts and does not
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Joint WHO CDC Conference on Health Laboratory Quality Systems, Lyon, France, 9 11 April 2008

Abbreviations and acronyms






Participants and resource persons


Organization of the Conference


Welcome statements


Introductory remarks


WHO Dr G. Rodier (Director, IHR)

CDC Dr J. Ridderhof (Associate Director)



Setting the stage: why quality systems are essential for good laboratory practices



How to institute integrated quality systems in the national laboratory systems




Expected legal and managerial role of the resource-limited governments and health
care leadership


Challenges inherent in establishing full implementation of quality standards: the use
of staging to meet local requirements


Organizational challenges and national laboratory policies in combining vertical
quality systems for an integrated quality system approach


Successes and challenges in implementing quality standards



Caribbean countries



A Malaysian perspective



The United Republic of Tanzania


How to reduce pre- and post analytical errors?


A reminder and analysis in detail or errors incurred during non-analytic phases



Breakout group discussions



Strategic frameworks for instituting a global partnership among all




CDCs activities and its presence as a resource



Expected advisory function of WHO and other partners



Technical support from WHO


Breakout group presentations and discussions (plenary)



Joint WHO CDC Conference on Health Laboratory Quality Systems, Lyon, France, 9 11 April 2008

Group 3: Advocacy for setting and implementing national quality standards


Group 1: How to develop national laboratory policies and statements to support quality


Group 2: External Quality Assessment (EQA) and development of monitoring tools


Group 4: Integrated approaches for quality programmes



Conclusions and recommendations









Closing remarks










Annex 1


Joint WHO-CDC statement: Laboratory quality systems in the 21st century

Annex 2


Conclusions and recommendations of the working groups

Annex 3




Annex 4.1


List of participants


Annex 4.2


Composition of breakout working groups


Joint WHO CDC Conference on Health Laboratory Quality Systems, Lyon, France, 9 11 April 2008

Abbreviations and acronyms


ASEAN Consultative Committee for Standards and Quality


Asian Development Bank


Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome


African Medical & Research Foundation


Association of Medical Technologists of Thailand


Asia Pacific Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, USA


Clinical Laboratory Improvement Act (USA)


Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute


Cofederacion Latinoamericano Bioquimica Clinica (Latin

American Biochemical Confederation)


Clinical Virology Network


Danish International Development Agency


Department for International Development (UK)


European Cooperation for Accreditation


External Quality Assessment


External Quality Assessment Scheme


European Union


Epidemic and Pandemic Alert and Response


Hospital Management Information System


Human immunodeficiency Virus


Health Protection Agency


Inter-American Accreditation Cooperation


International Accreditation Forum


Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response


International Electrotechnical Commission


International Health Regulations


International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation


International Standards Organization

Joint WHO CDC Conference on Health Laboratory Quality Systems, Lyon, France, 9 11 April 2008


Joint Committee for the coordination of technical assistance to Developing

Countries in Metrology, Accreditation and Standardization


Joint Developing Countries Support Committee


Key Incident Monitoring and Management Systems


Laboratory Information Management System


Laboratory Information System


Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis


Ministry of Health


Ministry of Health and Social Welfare


Ministry of Public Health


Memorandum of Understanding


National Association of Testing Authorities, Australia


National Health Laboratory Service


National Institute for Biological Standards and Control


National Institute for Communicable Diseases


National Public Health Laboratory


Pacific Accreditation Cooperation


Pan American Health Organization


Proficiency Testing


Quality Control


Quality Management


Quality Management System


Royal College of Pathologists, Australia


South African Development Community Accreditation


Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome


South East Asian Regional Office (of WHO)


Standard Operating Procedure




United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland


United States of America


World Health Assembly


World Health Organization


Zimbabwe National Quality Assurance Program

Joint WHO CDC Conference on Health Laboratory Quality Systems, Lyon, France, 9 11 April 2008

The World Health Organization (WHO) Lyon Office for National Epidemic Preparedness and
Response and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Atlanta, USA,
organized a joint Conference on Health Laboratory Quality Systems from 9 to 11 April 2008.
The specific objectives were:
1. To review and discuss the quality systems suitable for health laboratories.
2. To discuss the development of laboratory quality systems within well-organized
integrated national laboratory plans.
3. To share successful experiences and challenges of countries that have already made
steps towards meeting the objectives.
4. To discuss other important issues relevant to the development of quality systems on a
national basis.
The conference brought together over 200 health professionals from more than 70 countries and
included laboratory professionals, senior government officers, academic institutions specialists,
and staff from headquarters, regional and in-country offices of both CDC and WHO.
The conference included presentations on why quality systems were important, how to introduce
such systems into resource-constrained countries, the value of integrating systems with existing
disease programme laboratory networks and the challenges faced by those implementing such
systems. In particular, an advocacy statement had been agreed upon, which was a standalone
WHO CDC joint document to be used by individual delegates when advocating for investment
in laboratory quality with their governments.
Four breakout groups discussed how to develop national laboratory standards, external quality
assessment (EQA), the advocacy statement, and integrated approaches to quality programmes.
The groups made specific and general recommendations, which included the following:

WHO should set up a resource and advisory group to assist Member States in the
development of their national laboratory plans.
It is accepted that donor aid is essential but WHO should consider coordination to enable
more efficient use of these valuable resources.
WHO should develop potential models of legislation and accreditation for adaptation and
use in Member States.
For laboratory professionals
Laboratory professionals should use the advocacy document to convince ministries of
health of the need for strategic development.
When implementing quality management systems, use should be made of the
WHO/CDC/CLSI toolkit.
Laboratory professionals should provide the business rationale and evidence required for
the investment in quality systems.

Joint WHO CDC Conference on Health Laboratory Quality Systems, Lyon, France, 9 11 April 2008

For ministries of health

There is a need to develop a fully integrated structure and referral system within which all
health laboratories, including those involved in WHO technical programmes should
operate. The objective is to develop a national laboratory organization, within the national
health plan, which is responsive to the needs of patients and all users of the service.
The strategy for implementing quality management must include an examination of the
potential constraints as listed in this report. A focal point within the ministry is essential,
with a core advisory committee or group of experts, will legitimise the process. Those
able to drive or act as champions of the programme should be engaged.
Quality management systems and quality standards should be introduced at all levels of
the laboratories organization.
The External Quality Assessment (EQA) is an essential tool and it should be coordinated
at a national level. Other tools should be developed and used to measure success and
National Reference Laboratories should seek to be accredited to internationally accepted
standards, such as ISO 15189. Other laboratories will require a phased or staged approach
to achieve appropriate accreditation.

Joint WHO CDC Conference on Health Laboratory Quality Systems, Lyon, France, 9 11 April 2008

1. Introduction
1.1 Objectives
The World health Organization (WHO) Lyon Office for National Epidemic Preparedness and
Response and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Atlanta, USA,
organized a joint Conference on Health Laboratory Quality Systems from 9 to 11 April 2008.
The specific objectives were:
1. To review and discuss the quality systems suitable for health laboratories
2. To discuss the development of laboratory quality systems within well-organized
integrated national laboratory plans.
3. To share successful experiences and challenges of countries that have already made
steps towards meeting the objectives.
4. To discuss other important issues relevant to the development of quality systems on a
national basis.
The detailed agenda of the meeting is attached as Annex 3.

1.2 Participants and resource persons

There were over 200 participants at the Conference from all regions of the world. The list of
participants is attached as Annex 4.1.
The WHO Lyon Office provided technical and operational support for the Conference.

1.3 Organization of the Conference

The Conference was held in Salle Ampre, Sofitel, Lyon, from 9 to 11 April 2008. The sessions
were comprised of presentations and discussions, breakout group discussions and plenary
discussions, which included the agreement to the text of an advocacy paper.

1.4 Welcome statements

Dr C. Mathiot introduced Madame S. Guillaume, Deputy Mayor of Lyon responsible for health
and social services. After welcoming all participants, Ms Guillaume explained that the City of
Lyon had a proud tradition of involvement in health care and supported quality standards for all.
There is a significant health presence in Lyon, with 100,000 work positions in this field and a
high involvement in a number of activities including vaccine production. Ms Guillaume added
that well-equipped laboratories for the detection and treatment of disease were essential to good
quality health care, and that there was also a tradition of support to and collaboration with WHO
that entered a new stage in 2001 with the creation of the Office for National Epidemic and
Preparedness and Response in Lyon. Ms Guillaume indicated that the agreement to host the
Office was renewed in 2005 for a further five years. Finally, Ms Guillaume said that the Mayor
of Lyon looked forward to welcoming all the participants to a reception in the City Hall of Lyon
the following evening.

Joint WHO CDC Conference on Health Laboratory Quality Systems, Lyon, France, 9 11 April 2008

1.5 Introductory remarks

1.5.1 WHO Dr G. Rodier (Director, IHR)

Dr Rodier said that the Conference had been in part stimulated by the need for all signatory
countries to the International Health Regulations (2005) agreement to ensure that there was
capacity to provide quality laboratory results to identify any agents and substances likely to
cause public health emergencies of concern to the international community at large. Among the
objectives was the reduction in the risk of the spread of diseases. There were three paradigm
changes in the revised regulations:

from control of borders to (also) containment at source,

from diseases list to all public health threats, and

from preset measures to adapted responses.

These measures entered into force on 15 June 2007 and all WHO Member States undertook to
have action plans prepared by June 2009. There is a need to share the experience from the
sophisticated countries with those from resource-limited countries. There needs to be
cross-fertilisation of ideas and breaking of the isolation faced by many laboratories. Much was
expected of this Conference.
1.5.2 CDC Dr J. Ridderhof (Associate Director)

Dr Ridderhof explained that the drive towards generalized quality standards improvement in the
USA occurred as a result of the 1988 Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA)
Program. The key features of the law included:

standards based on complexity of testing, not on laboratory site,

its application to virtually all clinical laboratories in the USA (approximately 180 000 vs
the 13 000 previously regulated),

including remedial actions in sanctions; and

user fee funded

There were, therefore, universal standards expected of laboratories and universal

implementation. Disease surveillance depended on the quality of laboratory results and
laboratories were a part of the system.
During the period 2006 2008, WHO, CDC and CLSI collaborated with a laboratory quality
management system initiative with the following objectives:

to harmonize/develop an instructional training package/toolkit on implementing a

laboratory quality system,

to convene an international conference on laboratory quality (April 2008, Lyon); and

to develop, publish and disseminate recommendations to governments advocating the

need and allocation of resources to implement a quality system.

The package, which would be available towards the end of 2008, would consist of 12
individualized packages or modules that can be customized locally and include the following:

Joint WHO CDC Conference on Health Laboratory Quality Systems, Lyon, France, 9 11 April 2008

organization, personnel, equipment, purchasing and inventory, process control (QC & specimen
management), information management, documents and records, occurrence management,
assessment, process improvement, customer service and, facilities and safety.
In addition, it was hoped that an advocacy document could be agreed by the conference
participants; this advocacy document would emphasize the need to work with the country
laboratory infrastructure at all levels from the ministries of health, through national reference,
provincial and district health centres.

Joint WHO CDC Conference on Health Laboratory Quality Systems, Lyon, France, 9 11 April 2008


Joint WHO CDC Conference on Health Laboratory Quality Systems, Lyon, France, 9 11 April 2008

2. Setting the stage: why quality systems are

essential for good laboratory practices
Mr G. Fine (Executive Vice-President, CLSI)
It is important to clearly understand what laboratory services we are considering, why they are
essential and where they fit in to the bigger health care picture. It is important to ensure that high
quality services are developed and maintained using a quality systems approach. More resources
and funding are becoming available worldwide for the prevention and treatment of infectious
diseases. However there is a general lack of understanding that diagnosis is essential for their
prevention and treatment. A common element in all infectious diseases is that all can and should
be diagnosed and treatment monitored by laboratory tests. The diagnosis of infectious diseases
starts with an accurate laboratory test.
There are many examples to support this. For example in SubSaharan Africa, the majority of
the 12 million annual deaths are currently due to HIV/AIDS, malaria, TB, sexually transmitted
diseases such as syphilis and gonorrhoea and other curable infectious diseases. What role does
the laboratory have in such circumstances? There are good examples where the quality of
supportive laboratory tests, even for these target diseases, has not been of the standard that it
should have been. For example in Ghana, 40% of patients given a WHO-defined clinical
diagnosis of malaria were confirmed to be having bacterial sepsis (not necessarily malaria).
Other studies in, for example, Kenya (bacterial meningitis), Botswana (TB), Nigeria (typhoid),
South Africa (HIV), Burkina Faso (HIV) and Tanzania (malaria) demonstrate the major
limitations of basing diagnoses on clinical symptoms only. Reliable laboratory support services
should have dramatically reduced the possibility of these misdiagnoses. Of the 32.2 million
individuals living with HIV, only 10% are aware of their sero status. In a study in Tanzania,
almost half of the 4 600 patients admitted to hospital with a diagnosis of malaria did not have a
positive blood smear.
Poor quality laboratory services lead to:

huge unnecessary expenditures in regions already plagued by resource-limitations,

untold misery in human lives and suffering,

inability to determine the true prevalence of disease; and

perception that the laboratory services are unhelpful.

The result is that over-treatment is the norm. A prime example is the overuse of antibiotics for
inappropriate clinical circumstances which leads to the emergence and predominance of
resistant microorganisms. Examples include multi-drug resistant TB, overuse of chloroquine for
malaria and overuse of broad spectrum antibiotics for non-specific bacterial or viral infections.
Because reliable laboratory services are not available, misdiagnosis occurs resulting in:

inadequate treatment,

increased mortality; and

inability to determine the true prevalence of diseases.


Joint WHO CDC Conference on Health Laboratory Quality Systems, Lyon, France, 9 11 April 2008

The challenge is to develop affordable and sustainable quality to support the diagnosis of
infectious diseases and other medical conditions. For example, in Sub-Saharan Africa, WHO has
designated essential laboratory services as malaria microscopic evaluation, haemoglobin,
glucose and HIV. Ultimately, the goal has to be better patient care.
Furthermore, the IHR request all WHO Member States to develop the capacity to assess, detect
and report to WHO any potential event of public health emergency of international concern
through, among other criteria, accurate and reliable laboratory results in a timely way.
The critical importance of health laboratory quality in this process is now widely
recognized and greater demands arise for implementing laboratory quality systems,
including the development of national laboratory quality standards. Laboratories play an
essential part in both the detection and prevention of diseases. This starts with doing the right
test, at the right place, at the right time and achieving the right result.
The principles of high quality laboratory testing are the same anywhere in the world. It can,
therefore, be standardized. Most laboratory errors are caused by systems and processes and not
people. They are the areas where standards can help most. It does not matter how complex the
environment is in which the quality management system is applied, the principles are the same.
For example, the standards to be applied for simple point of care tests are the same as for the
more complex CD4 tests to monitor HIV/AIDS therapy. A laboratorys quality management
system (QMS) provides a framework for managing and monitoring quality standards in order to
achieve organizational goals. The question is about which quality system should be
implemented and built upon.
There are two systems in wide use: those of the International Standards Institute (ISO) and those
of the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI). Both are built on the same concepts
but differ in the amount of specificity described. ISO is broader and CLSI has more specifics.
They are complementary and do not conflict. However, for resource-constrained countries the
requirements are for systems that are both comprehensive, simple to understand and scalable to
meet local needs and settings. The 12 essential elements were described by Dr Ridderhof earlier.
The choice of framework should be based on internationally recognized standards, simplicity,
quality performance of the total process and detecting and reducing errors. However, the system
will require political will to implement it, and the importance of laboratories must be recognized
when resources are allocated.
A value of a QMS should be to achieve:

accurate, precise and timely results,

continuous process improvement,

compliance with regulatory requirements,

high productivity,

employee and customer satisfaction,

international accepted, local scalable and adaptable practices; and

effective training and educational tools.

The organization of a quality programme requires building partnerships, planning, and

organization. The scope of authority and responsibility of the quality coordinator and of others
involved in the organization should be defined. Sufficient resources must be allocated to
maintain the quality requirements. There are essential requirements for staff such as:

Joint WHO CDC Conference on Health Laboratory Quality Systems, Lyon, France, 9 11 April 2008

an educational system,

hiring, placement and supervisory policies,

post descriptions; and,

orientation, training and continuing education programmes and assessments.

There have to be appropriate policies for equipment, which will include selection, appropriate
installation and calibration, maintenance, the requirement for routine calibration,
troubleshooting and documentation review.
Policies for the supplies procurement must include the role of central stores, purchasing,
customs and best price versus customer requirements, and delivery to the laboratory concerned.
Process control concerns all laboratory operations, including method evaluation and standard
operating procedures (SOPs), specimen management, quality control and EQA. In addition,
methods have to be found for controlling documents and records by adopting a uniform
approach, systems for writing, approval and revision, and for storage retrieval and destruction.
Information management requires control of all incoming and outgoing information. Patient
privacy and confidentiality must be protected and standardization of information captured. The
provision of adequate and safe facilities and environments are essential.
It is important to ensure customer satisfaction by actively seeking information using surveys and
focus groups whilst at the same time rewarding staff that provide a good service. QC and EQA
are essential requirements and must include the pre- and post analytic phases as well as
analytical process control, setting performance goals and instituting corrective measures.
In summary, laboratories are essential to the total health care system and are capable of being
standardized on a global basis because quality systems can be applied in any environment
providing they are scaled to the local environment. The WHO/CDC/CLSI harmonized
laboratory quality systems package will be a great implementation aid.
Quality is a journey that must be taken in order to provide better health care.


Joint WHO CDC Conference on Health Laboratory Quality Systems, Lyon, France, 9 11 April 2008


Joint WHO CDC Conference on Health Laboratory Quality Systems, Lyon, France, 9 11 April 2008

3. How to institute integrated quality systems in

the national laboratory systems
3.1 Expected legal and managerial role of the
resource-limited governments and health care
Dr N. Cabutti (COLABIOCLI)
The reality in Latin America is that there are segmented health systems with little official
interest in laboratory quality because governments have other priorities. In addition, there is a
lack of stimulus to improve quality. There are few controls or records of supplies procurement
and the proportions of large and small laboratories are 10 and 70 per cent, respectively. There
are major economic and structural differences between the laboratories. There is a lack of
development in quality management processes and no national quality standards. There is
automatic translation of international standards without appropriate modification to suit local
Furthermore, there are major differences in the distribution of laboratories between the private,
government and social security sectors. For example, the numbers of private, government and
social security laboratories are: 5000/500/20 in Argentina, 4000/1000/3000 in Mexico,
450/18/18 in Guatemala, and 80/124/59 in Panama (see Table below). In some countries the
actual numbers of laboratories in each group are not known; and in some countries the full
information is not available.
Distribution of laboratories in main sectors in selected countries

Private (%)

Government (%)

Social security (%)


5000 (90.6)

500 (9.1)

20 (0.3)







468 (63.3)

207 (28.0)

64 (8.7)


3000 (90.1)

300 (9.0)

30 (0.9)


450 (92.6)

18 (3.7)

18 (3.7)




4000 (50.0)

1000 (12.5)

3000 (37.5)


80 (30.4)

124 (47.2)

59 (22.4)


339 (95.5)

15 (4.2)

1 (0.3)





1500 (79.1)

328 (17.3)

68 (3.6)

Full information is not available from some countries


Joint WHO CDC Conference on Health Laboratory Quality Systems, Lyon, France, 9 11 April 2008

The strategy employed for quality improvement relied on:

improvement of legal issues including authorization and licensing,

implementation of EQA programmes in all countries; and

the establishment of a quality culture.

Fifteen countries now have a licensing process and, at the time of writing, five do not. Twelve
countries now have functioning EQA schemes. Three countries have accreditation systems
based on national standards and four have systems based on the ISO 15189 standard. There are
difficulties in the application of the ISO 15189 which relate to management and technical
requirements. However, the COLABIOCLI/PAHO strategy is to support countries prepare their
laboratories for the achievement of international standards requirement by:

legislation for licensing,

implementation of quality control,

establishment of national EQAS,

audit mechanisms of implementation,

continuing education process for staff,

fulfilment of biosafety standards; and

infrastructure for equipment maintenance.

Tools currently in use include publications on subjects such as distance learning (2005),
equipment maintenance (2005), bio safety manual (2005) and guidance on achieving
accreditation (2002).
There are, in addition, two further major considerations: ethics and bioethics. Guidance
documents exist for clinical laboratories that include ethical principles, collaboration, patient
rights, internal procedures and confidentiality. For clinical research, there is guidance on ethics,
people vulnerability, conflict of interests, informed consent, research on children and
The strategies adopted have produced successes:

only three countries without licensing laws,

only five countries without EQAS,

all countries have tutors in Quality Management,

there is integration of government, social security and private sub-systems; and

audits for accreditation have commenced.

The conclusion is that quality improvement and quality management can be achieved with
strategic alliances between PAHO/WHO, COLABIOCLI and national ministries of health.


Joint WHO CDC Conference on Health Laboratory Quality Systems, Lyon, France, 9 11 April 2008

3.2 Challenges inherent in establishing full

implementation of quality standards: the use of
staging to meet local requirements
Dr R. Robertson, General Manager, NATA
There are difficulties in applying full accreditation standards and it is possible that much can be
learned from the experiences of Australia and Thailand. Are there basic steps that can be taken?
There are particular difficulties with the type of language used and such documents assume:

you understand standards speak,

your situation is that represented by the standard,

you have available access to relevant resources and supporting infrastructure; and

the fact that accreditation expects full implementation of all parts of the standard.

What is there to learn from the two countries under consideration? There are differences in the
two approaches used.
In Australia, the international and national standards were used, there was active collaboration
between the accreditation and professional bodies, a peer process was adopted for assessment, a
comprehensive EQAS was provided by the professional bodies and there is emphasis on
education and not compliance.
In Thailand, the Ministry of Public Health and associated agencies were drivers, there is regular
and coordinated training in laboratory management systems, comprehensive provision of EQAS,
national standards which can be applied in any order and be staged, and an accreditation body
that provides review and registration at each stage.
There are some basic steps that can be followed. Preparation and knowledge are required and
professional body and government support appear to be key features. It is also important to
investigate and understand the environment in which the national laboratory system operates.
Study the experiences of those countries that have faced similar constraints.
It is important to develop national standards and supporting documents to suit local needs. When
implementing them, identify standards that allow early achievement and encourage the need for
ethics and professionalism. Establishment of a framework to enable review of implementation is
important and give laboratories something to aim for by providing a staged approach. Providing
opportunities for networking and mentoring provides a two-way effect of support.
There are other important additional features that should be addressed which include access to
EQA, relevant training, opportunities to share experiences of success and failure, regular
reviews to assess outcomes and to enable training needs to be identified and new policy
directions to be set. Where necessary, areas of improvement of the national standards can be
identified and acted upon.
Other issues for consideration will include:

the diagnostic needs and best methods for delivery,


Joint WHO CDC Conference on Health Laboratory Quality Systems, Lyon, France, 9 11 April 2008

the local infrastructure and geography,

pre-analytical issues including collection and transportation of samples, expansion of

the WHO laboratory networks,

educational support systems and professional bodies; and

laboratory biosafety and impact on the community.

3.3 Organizational challenges and national laboratory

policies in combining vertical quality systems for
an integrated quality system approach
Dr J. Ridderhof (US CDC)
Major challenges face those intending to improve the quality of their laboratory services.
Among the difficulties is the perceived need to integrate networks that already exist. Mostly,
these consist of the service delivery to the target diseases of Malaria, TB and HIV/AIDS.
WHO already has networks for these target diseases, to which the polio laboratory network has
to be added.
The global disease control programmes with laboratory initiatives include:


Epidemic and Pandemic Alert Response (EPR),

Stop TB Partnership Global Laboratory Initiative,

HIV/AIDS Programme/HIV collaborative,

Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response (IDSR),

Vaccine Preventable Diseases; and

Roll Back Malaria partnership.

HIV/AIDS Programme/HIV collaborative,

Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response (IDSR),

Vaccine Preventable Diseases; and

Roll Back Malaria partnership.

In addition, there are other initiatives that place a strain on the laboratory structures. For
instance, less than 5% of MDRTB is detected using current technologies. As a result, there is an
urgent need to scale-up the TB laboratory network and make use of different testing strategies
including the use of liquid culture media, LED-based fluorescence microscopy and line probe
assay molecular screening for MDRTB. All have to be integrated into existing structures and
there is a need to not only do this within country settings but also between countries to ensure an
effective global network. It is inevitable that such efforts compete for resources with existing
generalized laboratory strengthening. However there is a need to embrace the technical
programmes because they already have introduced the concepts of quality systems. There are

Joint WHO CDC Conference on Health Laboratory Quality Systems, Lyon, France, 9 11 April 2008

cross-cutting streams common to the structures required to produce an integrated service

delivery. These streams include:

staff training/retention,

strengthen laboratory capacity,

linked referral services,

logistics and commodities management,

facility and equipment management; and

quality assurance.

The global programmes for TB, HIV, Malaria, Vaccine preventable diseases and EPR require a
common structure comprised of national institutes, provincial laboratories, district laboratories
and health centres. The lack of an integrated structure has led to specific problems at a district
level, which appear to be: too many forms, too many bosses, different definitions, conflicting
priorities, no feedback, and duplication of work. There is a need to ensure integration of the
service at all levels and across all diseases in order to make the most efficient use of resources.
There is also a need to ensure that national reference laboratories are accredited to international
standards and that provincial, district and health centre laboratories are accredited within the
country. Why are laboratory quality management and accreditation important? Primarily
because they:

assure reliability and accuracy of all tests which enhances the credibility of the

can be applied to individual and networks of laboratories,

provide an organized framework for a strong network,

facilitate and document laboratories ability to meet IHR requirements,

apply to all services,

help staff morale and provide enrichment; and

provide evidence of certification or accreditation valued by organizations and health

programmes purchasing services and funding laboratories.

As already described there are internationally recognized standards to which all can aspire.
The common components of these include: personnel, test method validation, quality assurance,
equipment calibration and maintenance, EQA, document management including SOPs,
information management and safety and facilities.
There are examples of integrated quality systems that have a focus on EQA in Zimbabwe and
South Africa. In the former the ZINQAP not only provides an EQA service but also makes
on-site visits to participating laboratories, runs workshops to rectify non-conformities, and
collaborates with partners to produce national laboratory standards. In South Africa, the features
of these programmes include:

national quality assurance/EQA units,

laboratory auditors trained in ISO-based standards,

PT based EQA for TB and HIV extending to provincial and district laboratories; and

Joint WHO CDC Conference on Health Laboratory Quality Systems, Lyon, France, 9 11 April 2008

interest in rechecking AFB smears.

There is a model to integrate the TB and HIV programmes, which would include promoting
national QA units, combine scarce resources, general strengthening. Implementation at
peripheral laboratories though will require strong intermediate/provincial laboratories, integrated
on-site supervision, the provision of QA samples by national centres and some rechecking of
AFB smears. It seems self evident that there is a need to formulate national policies and strategic
laboratory plans based on a generic framework of linkages between laboratories at all levels of
the service. Eight key interventions have been identified:

strengthening laboratory management at all levels,

strengthening infrastructure and support systems,

human capacity development,

establishing a national laboratory referral network,

establishing a national QA programme,

developing a comprehensive monitoring system including LIMS,

the coordination of government and partner supported activities; and

mobilizing resources to finance the strategic plan.

There are critical steps to be taken, which include: not assuming models from developed
countries, defining priorities, determining who makes policy and plans, determining what
defines development in terms of law, financial leverage, culture, best practices, politics and
following existing standards.
There are critical partners in policy development and all should be involved. In addition, it is
important to harness the expertise of professional associations, medical and laboratory
scientists/leaders, nurses and midwives, hospital authorities and clients. This will require the
setting of objectives with specific timed aims. For example: Reverse the declining case
detection rate and aim to increase to 70% by 2008. This might require the provision of
equipment, maintenance, provision of reagents and staff training. Start and finish dates would be
set, and the responsible partner would be identified.
As mentioned previously by Glen Fine, there is already a set of modules for laboratory quality
management system, which was developed as a result of partnership between WHO, CDC and
CLSI, that will provide many of the necessary training packages. The next critical steps will

developing a framework for integration supported by all global disease programmes,

promoting a vision of integrated national laboratory systems that support the specific
requirements of public health programmes,

accrediting national reference laboratories to international standards,

including all partners in strategic planning and policy development that include
integrated quality systems,

considering practical approaches for key testing; and

accrediting other laboratories within countries to their own integrated national standards.

Joint WHO CDC Conference on Health Laboratory Quality Systems, Lyon, France, 9 11 April 2008

4. Successes and challenges in implementing

quality standards
4.1 Caribbean countries
Ms V. Wilson (CAREC)
Ms Wilson described the objective of the programme, which was to strengthen the medical
laboratory services in 23 countries in the Caribbean. The project was funded by the EU and
implemented by the Caribbean Epidemiology Centre (PAHO/WHO), commencing in 2002 and
ending in 2007. The vision for the outcome was:

laboratory operations in accordance with agreed standards,

laboratory monitoring accomplished through national registration and licensing,

laboratories accredited to international standards,

laboratory personnel trained to output high quality services, sustained training of

laboratory and quality managers,

creative continuing education mechanisms,

strong networks of laboratory staff and key laboratory stakeholders,

laboratory networks and referral systems supported by LIMS; and

strong policylevel support for the laboratory sector.

Evaluations conducted in 2003 showed that there were some particular challenges, which
included the loss of experienced staff, shortages of equipment and supplies, deteriorating
physical facilities, inadequate planning, technological and administrative infrastructures, weak
laboratory management and operational systems, no regulation and limited government
commitment and the absence of national or regional standards. For example, more than 21
countries had no strategic health plan, more than 68% of countries had no laboratory regulation,
more than 71% had no staff training programme, fewer than 75% had no assigned responsibility
for quality management and 92% had no safety programme.
Specific project strategies were adopted that included a focus on governance mechanisms and
the formation of national laboratory advisory committees, creating strategic alliances and
partnerships, inclusive and participative approach to decision making. (For example, 2 000
stakeholders were engaged in the projects decision making process). Empowering staff and
stakeholders and encouraging ownership of the change process was a key feature as was belief
in sustainability. Identifying champions to advocate and promote quality operations in
laboratories, training institutions and support services were key features of the project. Key
strategic alliances were made, which included staff from the private as well as the public sectors,
engagement with MOH staff, hospital administrators and health care providers, curriculum
coordinators, the Caribbean and international standards bureau, EQA providers and biomedical
and procurement professionals.

Joint WHO CDC Conference on Health Laboratory Quality Systems, Lyon, France, 9 11 April 2008

There have been major achievements, including:

ISO 15189 was adopted by the region,

the Caribbean laboratory accreditation system was established,

model legislation for licensing of medical laboratories and practitioners,

one harmonized educational curriculum based on a revised regional competency profile,

fifty-four laboratory and quality managers trained to obtain the postgraduate certificates
from the Michener Institute,

laboratory staff trained in quality management and ISO 15189,

distance education situation analysis and materials; and

a cross-institutional model for distanceeducation delivery.

Progress was measured and is quantified in the Table below:

Process/Policy Improvements


QA coordination



QA manual



QC programme



HR development policy






Monitor error









Clinician surveys in six countries demonstrated that there had been improvements in turnaround
time, accessibility, accuracy, and communication. Stakeholder comments indicated that a quality
culture had been imbued, that training had become infectious, that laboratories had broken
ground for others to follow, the road map is set and the project has been a great success was
stated by a Minister of Health. A further comment indicated that the real results would be seen
in a few years because changing peoples behaviour takes time.
There have been major capacity building outcomes, networks have been developed, there are
private/public partnerships and there are common goals for improvement. There are plans for
further development and many stakeholders are committed to the cause and there are changes in
policy within and external to the laboratories. There were lessons to be learned but the countries
that obtained the maximum benefit had established national advisory committees, developed

Joint WHO CDC Conference on Health Laboratory Quality Systems, Lyon, France, 9 11 April 2008

strategic plans, had developed systems for monitoring, had active support from MOHs and had
wide stakeholder involvement. They also made maximum use of resources and had identified
supporters with a personal commitment who were proactive leaders and champions of the
What is required is sustainability. There needs to be an endorsement by ministers of health who
will adopt and enforce legislation for licensing, provide resources and ensure that the national
laboratory advisory committees continue to implement the strategic plans. In addition, there will
be continuing activities on a regional basis to ensure that there are continuing curriculum
updates, distance education and accreditation mechanisms.
In summary, Ms Wilson said that the strategy and the criteria used to define quality were vital to
make the intervention sustainable. The measuring of success should be defined. Perhaps most
important of all is facilitating and sustaining behavioural change.

4.2 A Malaysian perspective

Dr K. B. Chua (NPHL/MOH)
Dr Chua explained that in Malaysia there was a Department of Standards with two main
functions: the development of Malaysian standards, and the accreditation of conformity
assessment bodies. The main functions of the department were to obtain national standardization
and recommend standards for approval, and promote cooperation in standardization within the
country and internationally. The accreditation activity was involved in conformity assessment,
which included testing, calibration inspection and certification of products and systems. It
maintained a register of accredited organizations and represented Malaysia internationally. The
organization was involved internationally with ISO, IEC, ACCSQ, APLAC, ILAC, PAC and
the IAF.
Health laboratories in Malaysia include conventional diagnostic laboratories, molecular
diagnostics, health care related analytical laboratories and auxiliary medical diagnostics such as
neurology, radiology and audiometry, etc. The main attributes required were capability, capacity
and quality, communication and information management and biosafety/biosecurity. The
challenges to the implementation of the ISO15189 standard were the high financial burdens, the
demands on human resources, the practicality for all diagnostic laboratories and the regulatory
process. The key points were documentation, traceability and fitness for purpose. The integrated
approach to quality standardization commenced in 1999 with a food laboratory and biochemical
screening for hypothyroidism. To this have been added laboratories for TB, bacteriology,
diagnostic serology, cytology, a national TB reference laboratory, virology and a diagnostic
molecular biology unit. The current organigram demonstrates that there is now an
interrelationship between the diagnostic hospital laboratories, medical research, vaccine
laboratories, diagnostic public health laboratories and the diagnostic veterinary laboratories.


Joint WHO CDC Conference on Health Laboratory Quality Systems, Lyon, France, 9 11 April 2008

4.3 The United Republic of Tanzania

Dr C. Massambu (Diagnostic services, MOH and Social Welfare)
The Republic of Tanzania has a population of about 40 million and life expectancies of 51 and
54 years for men and women respectively. Under the MOHSW there was an organizational
structure which consisted of a national reference and public health laboratory, referral/zonal
laboratories, regional laboratories, district laboratories and dispensaries and health centre
laboratories. The organization was successful in that it had a unit for dealing with laboratory
services. However, in Dr Massambus view, this meant that there was sometimes less
recognition and a bias towards government and clinical laboratory services.
The laboratory staff are distributed according to need; for example pathologists were found at
central and zonal levels but not at district and health centres which were staffed by laboratory
assistants whose education was to certificate level only. Laboratory scientists with a first degree
would be found at central and zonal levels but not elsewhere. Laboratory technicians and
technologists would staff the zonal and regional laboratories. There was an inadequate human
resource, and training environments did not resemble working environments. There were also
constant changes in technology and emerging diseases.
The equipment distribution showed that the health centre and district laboratories relied on
manual techniques whereas the regional, zonal and central laboratories with medium to high
volume throughputs relied on semi/automated equipment. Equipment distribution was dependent
on set criteria of volume and maintenance was carried out through service contracts to private
vendors. The planned distribution of equipment included the use of ELISA, RNA PCR, DNA
PCR and flow cytometry technologies. This policy had the advantage of a high degree of
harmonization and changes were being made towards the use of automated equipment with
ongoing training of biomedical engineers to provide the maintenance. However, significant
challenges included changing technologies, too few biomedical engineers, a lack of planned
preventive maintenance, a lack of spare parts. A further problem was that some donated
equipment was not in the national standard list and not according to the operational plans, some
was not registered whilst some donated equipments were second hand.
The purchasing and procurement act of 2004 had harmonized the equipment and supplies
purchases into standard lists. There was an operational plan for the national laboratory to
support HIV/AIDS care with an inventory requirement for supplies. However, there was open
competitive bidding and the use of generic names. There were significant challenges including
inadequate knowledge of the materials, no regular updating of the register or list of equipment.
There was also an increasing interest by business men in medical supplies without knowledge of
technology or ethics. There was irregular supply of reagents and supplies. There is also
dependency on donor support.
Some SOPs had been developed for microbiology, haematology, clinical chemistry, parasitology
and histopathology. There was an established sample transportation system for HIV early infant
diagnosis and CD4 counts. There was also an established EQAS for CD4, ELISA and HIV rapid
testing. However, there was a poor infrastructure, inadequate funding and human resource, a
lack of planned preventive maintenance of equipment. A major difficulty was the inadequate
training of laboratory personnel commencing at undergraduate level.
In terms of information management, there were paper-based systems in all regions with the
exception of two zonal and two regional laboratories where pilot electronic systems were in
place. These were part of an HMIS supported by DANIDA to capture health statistics and track

Joint WHO CDC Conference on Health Laboratory Quality Systems, Lyon, France, 9 11 April 2008

resources. Current challenges included inadequate information management, lack of computer

knowledge, poor infrastructure (electricity, roads, telephone etc.). There was also an increased
workload on laboratory staff.
Despite the fact that there is a national health policy and an operational plan for HIV/AIDS,
national standard guidelines for laboratory services, a safety and waste management manual and
a laboratory strategic plan for 2008 - 2012 significant problems remain. Problems with the
control of documents and records remain. Many are not used, old documents are not updated
and there is poor record keeping and writing. Although occurrence management done in some
laboratories documentation is poor, there are delays in responding to nonconformity and a lack
of established functional SOPs and standardized reporting system.
Although assessments are done and there is supportive supervision with development partners
and HIV care treatment partners, it is irregular. There is inadequate knowledge of quality
management and no benchmarking system. There are examples of process improvements, such
as staff being trained to perform CD4 counts, haematology and clinical chemistry. Quality
assurance committees have been formed at national, zonal, regional and district laboratories, an
accreditation process has been launched in five zonal laboratories and there is a laboratory
mentorship programme. Significant challenges remain because of inadequate knowledge and
funds, inadequate human resources and a weak infrastructure. Motivation is low and there are no
incentives; this situation is aggravated by an increased workload and inadequate remuneration
for staff.
Customer awareness seminars have been conducted in some laboratories. Satisfaction is being
monitored by introducing opinion boxes. In other laboratories, a desk has been created to
receive and respond to customer complaints. Nevertheless, there is no established mechanism to
determine customers' needs and satisfaction. There is no biosafety containment level 3 facility in
the country and few at level 2. Most laboratories suffer from inadequate space and ventilation.
Challenges included the need to update knowledge on laboratory design and the need to improve
safety and biosecurity.
Dr Massambu concluded that, although there had been some success in implementing quality
systems, it had been mostly due to the technical and financial support from development
partners. The ten biggest challenges are:

the human resource crisis,

changing technology,

increased workload due to the increasing burden of disease and emerging diseases,

donor dependency,

poor infrastructure,

inadequate funds and financial management skills,

lack of motivation and incentives,

inadequate knowledge of quality system management; and

the need to change the attitude and mindset in all stakeholders?


Joint WHO CDC Conference on Health Laboratory Quality Systems, Lyon, France, 9 11 April 2008


Dr P. Silva (Bureau of Laboratory Quality and Standards, MOPH)

Dr Silvas opening remarks indicated that the challenges originally faced had been that there
were many laboratories with a wide variation in sizes and varying workloads. A large budget
had been spent. However, there was a limited resource with no clear policy. There had been a
need to improve motivation and sustain improvements. Objectives had been set which required
high output, and that there were improvements that were sustainable and measurable. These
changes had to be accepted by all parties and be easy to implement. In addition, they had to be
flexible, suit the local organization and structure, had to be achieved with a small budget and
required high participation rates. Although there were international standards, particularly
ISO 17025 (2005) and ISI 15189 (2003), it had been decided to develop and implement national
There was a national focal point for laboratories, and national standards were drafted and
consensus built by peer review. After ratification by national authorities, an implementing
agency had been identified which had trained the participating institutes, facilitated the adoption
of the standards and monitored and evaluated the process. This was also supported by the local
professional body (AMTT) and WHO and CDC.
The process was linked to the accreditation of hospital quality improvement and made use of the
international standard (the red book) with the national standards version (the blue book). The
sections of the national standards mirrored those of the international standard. There were 10
implementation stages:

appointment of a steering committee which included all stakeholders,

identification of the quality standards,

establishment of the development checklists and scoring system,

establishing the implementation approach for self evaluation and development,

coordination within the regions,

each region to be budgeted separately,

signing of project agreements,

budget transfers and progress reports submitted twice a year,

appraisal of the evaluations; and

results analysis and adjustment of the plan for the following year.

The strategies for implementation involved establishing partnerships, identifying stakeholders,

delegation of responsibilities and the preparation of a work plan with a timeframe. The process
also involved an evaluation tool and the assignment of the expected score depending on the level
of the laboratory. A systematic development/improvement process was instituted. There was an
expectation that each laboratory would perform a self evaluation that could be confirmed by
external evaluation. There were 100 individual standards to be assessed and laboratories were
expected to indicate full or partial compliance, non-compliance or where not applicable. This

Joint WHO CDC Conference on Health Laboratory Quality Systems, Lyon, France, 9 11 April 2008

type of evaluation enables laboratories to assess their own progress and groups of laboratories to
be regularly evaluated.
Some important lessons had been learnt. Simple systems are easy to implement, a step-wise
approach can be used, a comprehensive checklist is vital, voluntary participation makes a good
start and that it was important to recognise that different laboratories are at differing levels of
quality development. Implementation is more rapid in medium sized hospital laboratories and
there are critical factors that influence quality development including training in practical skills.
National standards facilitate progress towards meeting accreditation to ISO standards, the use of
EQAS is an additional benefit, there had to be flexibility and it is important to have a positive
Dr Silva posed some challenges for the audience: why do we have to do this, when will we do
it, where will we start, whose responsibility is it, and how will we implement.


Joint WHO CDC Conference on Health Laboratory Quality Systems, Lyon, France, 9 11 April 2008


Joint WHO CDC Conference on Health Laboratory Quality Systems, Lyon, France, 9 11 April 2008

5. How to reduce pre- and post analytical errors?

5.1 A reminder and analysis in detail or errors incurred
during non-analytic phases
Dr I. Gardner (RCPA)
Dr Gardner opened his presentation by reminding the audience that 60-70% of medical
decisions are made with the help of laboratory results. Results were produced for patient benefit
and there was a request-test-report cycle that began with and ended with the patient, of which
the analytical phase was but one. He posed the question: where is it most likely to go wrong?
The three main parts of the diagnostic process are the pre-analytical phase, which was
influenced by external factors such as the patient, doctor, courier etc., the analytical phase with a
focus on the laboratory, and the post-analytical phase where there is a focus on reports, LIMS,
couriers and records. The main processes consisted of the pre analytical phases and were:

patient information including identity, accuracy of patient records and whether the
patient was a regular attendee or a single attendance,

the request which needed to be clear and unambiguous where a doctors handwriting and
understanding of the relevant test are important,

collection of a sufficient volume of the right specimen in the right way and to ensure
that any special conditions have been met,

specimen labelling with mandatory patient identifiers and use of barcodes,

transportation at the right temperature and at the right time with due regard for
infectious specimens,

selection of the correct specimen type e.g. the need for plasma or serum, and comments
about problems including haemolysis or lipaemia etc.

The analytical phases included all the activities taking place within the laboratory, including the
selection of the best methods and quality control, EQA, etc. It is the area where the laboratory
can achieve the highest level of quality. The post-analytical phase however comprised areas over
which the laboratory had some control and other areas that were more problematic. These were:

the LIMS,

machine interfaces,

manual transcription and validation of results,

correct doctor identification, courier delivery of results and correct filing in patient
notes; and

action on the results to ensure correct interpretation, relevant follow-up tests ordered
and counselling of the patient.


Joint WHO CDC Conference on Health Laboratory Quality Systems, Lyon, France, 9 11 April 2008

So where is laboratory analysis most likely to go wrong? There is a method of measuring

incidents involving the pre- and post analytical phases which is designed to identify and
benchmark incidents. Recording of such data is a quality system requirement and whilst there
are no mandated forms of data recording, there are some broad guidelines. This leads to some
inconsistency in how incidents are recorded, which makes comparisons difficult. Dr Gardner
pointed out that the ability to benchmark against similar organizations is valuable and can
identify areas for improvement. EQA is a valuable tool in measuring some incidents. The
RCPA is developing a programme for measurement which will complement existing analytical
monitoring called Key Incident Monitoring and Management Systems. The Australian
government is funding a pilot scheme for 2007/8 which should be fully available in 2009.
In highly functional laboratories the analytical process is normally good and the pre- and
post analytical errors account for most errors. Sometimes such errors are outside the control of
the laboratory. The advantages of monitoring non-analytical errors were that it enabled
identification of major sources of error and indicated where intervention was necessary. It also
stimulates the introduction of quality improvements and enables the monitoring of the
effectiveness of the intervention.
Dr Gardner pointed out that errors will occur; they cannot be eliminated completely however the
frequency of their occurrence can be reduced. While there is no accepted frequency, monitoring
will enable benchmarking to take place so that comparisons with like laboratories may be made.
Whilst analytical quality is important non-analytical errors can affect the whole process. A
technically correct result on the wrong sample is of no value to the patient. A good quality
system requires the monitoring of all errors. Dr Gardner stressed that there would be significant
analytical errors until laboratories operate fully under ISO guidelines and quality systems. There
would, however, still be pre- and post-analytical errors that need to be addressed. Therefore, it is
equally important for these laboratories to be aware of where these are occurring.
Dr Gardner concluded that pre- and post analytical errors accounted for the majority of errors in
well-functioning laboratories. Every laboratory is different and each laboratory must monitor its
own error rate and compare itself with similar laboratories. Although good quality is expensive,
poor quality costs much more.


Joint WHO CDC Conference on Health Laboratory Quality Systems, Lyon, France, 9 11 April 2008

6. Breakout group discussions

Participants were divided into four working groups and given specific tasks:

how to develop national laboratory policies and standards to support quality systems,

EQA and development of monitoring tools,

advocacy for setting and implementing national quality standards; and

integrated approaches for quality programmes.

The results, reports, conclusions and recommendations from the groups were presented in a
plenary session and are summarised in section 9.

7. Strategic frameworks for instituting a global

partnership among all
7.1 CDCs activities and its presence as a resource
Dr R. Martin (CDC)
Dr Martin reviewed CDC involvement in international activities, which comprised the
investigation and surveillance of a wide range of infectious diseases and the growth of their
resistance to anti-microbial agents. Its investigation and surveillance included
non-communicable diseases and injury, tobacco use, toxic substances and occupational health.
In addition it provided reference laboratory services. It had been involved with CLIA 67 and 88
regulations. It had developed proficiency testing programmes, standards, had world class
laboratory facilities and carried out health systems research. CDCs global health strategy

public health surveillance and response,

public health infrastructure and capacity building,

disease and injury prevention and control,

applied research for effective health policies; and

exchange of information and lessons learnt.

CDC had divisions that were responsible for specific diseases including HIV/AIDS and TB. Its
policy was also to integrate with other programmes and to publish technical information,
develop community surveillance frameworks and support and document best practises.
Although under the direction of a single director, CDC had integrated its efforts, had a focus on

Joint WHO CDC Conference on Health Laboratory Quality Systems, Lyon, France, 9 11 April 2008

public health, strengthened its regional networks for rapid detection of emerging infections. It
also engaged with many partners including MOHs, multilateral organizations such as WHO,
global non-government organizations such as the Red Cross and philanthropic agencies
including the UN Foundation and the Gates Foundation. It is important to note that detection of
new viruses will occur where they originate and not in the US, and that it was, therefore, crucial
to have a global pathogen surveillance system. A number of factors were required in order to
respond and this included the assistance of laboratories.
CDC is able to provide assistance including advocacy, direct technical assistance, materials, QA,
a network of laboratories, training and collaboration, facilities design, safety recommendations,
management and LIMS and further advice on testing algorithms. It also had many laboratory
partners world-wide with whom it worked. These partnerships had led to the formulation of
guidelines which included IHR and EQA of TB smear microscopy. Finally Dr Martin identified
the following future considerations:

an integrated approach to CDC programmes in countries,

development of national strategic plans,

provision of long-term support to QMS training and accreditation,

support for national laboratory quality systems,

establishment of national laboratory quality standards; and

the implementation of quality management systems.

7.2 Expected advisory function of WHO and other

Dr R. Robertson (ILAC)
In her opening remarks Dr Robertson gave a short background to the activities of ILAC. In her
view collaboration with WHO could help to raise the standards of diagnostic testing. ILAC is
the international authority on accreditation with affiliated organizations throughout the world. It
actively cooperates with other relevant international bodies and is involved in:

developing laboratory accreditation practises and procedures,

promoting laboratory accreditation as a trade facilitation tool,

assisting developing accreditation systems; and

recognizing competent test and calibration facilities around the globe.

ILAC was established initially to promote communication and provide peer evaluation. There
were 59 signatories representing 46 economies. In all 30 000 laboratories and 5 000 bodies have
been accredited. ILAC is structured in such a way that it was governed by a general assembly
and a series of committees. A fundamental premise was the use of MOUs between the various
bodies that ensured that a laboratory accredited by one partner had equivalent recognition by
other partners.
A new strategic and business plan had set new directions for ILAC that enabled it to collaborate
with WHO, with whom it shared common goals. Factors that affect a laboratorys performance
have already been discussed and ILAC can help with the achievement of these goals by

Joint WHO CDC Conference on Health Laboratory Quality Systems, Lyon, France, 9 11 April 2008

providing a mechanism to sustain an approach to raising standards as an ongoing activity, by

following a holistic approach and by progressively introducing standards and accreditation.
ILAC can also support standardsraising through its JDSC and JCDCMAS committees by
providing assistance with wider infrastructure development and by building opportunities for
personnel. Dr Robertson looked forward to collaborating with WHO in the future.

7.3 Technical support from WHO

Dr R. Bhatia (WHO/SEARO)
Dr Bhatia opened his remarks by reminding participants that WHO is a United Nations
specialized agency for health. It has 193 Member States, six regional offices coordinated by the
HQ offices in Geneva and Lyon and 147 country offices. Its overall goal is the attainment of
health by all peoples to the highest possible level. It works with MOHs to promote consensus,
policies and practices both internationally and at country level. The highest level policy setting
bodies are the World health Assembly (WHA) and in the regions the regional committees.
Policy directions had been set by the WHA in 1974 and 2005; and, for example, by the SEARO
Regional Committee in 1971, 1972, 1973 and 1996.
Quality is attained in the core functions by:
1. articulating consistent ethical and evidence-based policy and advocacy positions,
2. managing information by assessing trends and comparing performance; setting the
agenda for, and stimulating research and development,
3. catalyzing change through technical and policy support in ways that stimulate
cooperation and action and help to build sustainable national and inter-country capacity,
4. negotiating and sustaining national and global partnerships,
5. setting, validating, monitoring and pursuing the proper implementation of norms and
standards; and
6. stimulating the development and testing of new technologies, tools and guidelines.
WHO recognizes the importance of laboratories in the prevention of communicable and
non-communicable diseases, for monitoring treatment, promotion of health and research
directed at improving the quality of life. Laboratories are also critical for achieving the
millennium development goals because they are essential components of the public health
The major issues confronting quality in laboratories include lack of awareness, a low priority at
national level, inadequate expertise and knowledge of technical staff, poor networks, weak
logistics for NEQAS, weak regulatory frameworks and sustainability. The support provided by
WHO is aimed to address all of these issues. WHO does have a large number of publications
aimed at addressing some of them. Tools have been developed to enable laboratory assessments
to be made. Inter-country meetings are held to exchange information and training courses and
workshops are held. For example, three cohorts of trainees have been held on capacity building
using the WHO/CDC/CLSI training package. There are also major global networks of
laboratories in specific fields including rubella, polio eradication, influenza surveillance,
salmonella surveillance network, yellow fever and TB that are associated with reference, EQA
and accreditation. Each regional office is also to a greater or lesser extent involved with the
management of EQA programmes. Some of the regional offices have a specific focus; for

Joint WHO CDC Conference on Health Laboratory Quality Systems, Lyon, France, 9 11 April 2008

example PAHO has a network for dengue with a series of collaborating centres and reference
laboratories. In the African Region there is an EQA scheme now in 45 countries and three
consignments per year have been sent to all participants since 2002. There is good evidence, for
example EQA for CD4 counts that such distributions help in the quality improvement process.
Dr Bhatia also described the important activity of kit evaluations that WHO carries out in order
to achieve pre-qualification. It is able to purchase test kits at advantageous prices on behalf of
more than 50 States; some 15 million test kits have been purchased for priority diseases.
Biosafety is of major importance and WHO has held workshops for information exchange, it
gives advice on regulations for safe transport, runs training courses and provides technical
support. It is also able to mobilize resources from, for example, the World Bank, DFID, ADB,
the global fund and CDC. Strengthening quality as an integral part of a national laboratory
system is a priority and there are global networks that support countries whose efforts are
coordinated by WHO/HQ in Geneva.
In his final remarks Dr Bhatia posed the question: What is Quality? In his view it is about
science and philosophy. Quality is consistency and happiness.


Joint WHO CDC Conference on Health Laboratory Quality Systems, Lyon, France, 9 11 April 2008

8. Breakout group presentations and discussions

Group 3: Advocacy for setting and implementing
national quality standards
Rapporteur: Professor C. Heuck
One objective of the Conference was to give delegates an agreed statement and
recommendation, to be endorsed by all Conference participants, to be used in advocating to
governments. A draft was prepared prior to the meeting, circulated for comment to WHO, CDC
and an expert group. Modifications were made in the light of comments and presented to the
group for discussion. Extensive discussion took place and further modifications made, which
were put to the plenary session for further comment, discussion and modification. The agreed
statement is in Annex 1.
The objective is that this statement can be used as a stand-alone in its own right and used by
delegates when advocating the introduction of quality systems into their laboratories. It
encapsulates all the main recommendations coming out of the Conference. The possibility of
publication was discussed and delegates thought that it might merit publication in a scientific
journal. It was agreed that the joint sponsors of the Conference investigate this possibility. It was
also suggested that a more detailed and technical document could be produced based on the
original statement.

Group 1: How to develop national laboratory policies

and statements to support quality systems
Rapporteur: Mr G. Fine
During discussions it became clear that there are already good examples of projects being
conducted to strengthen laboratory capacity in resource-constrained countries. Therefore, a
careful search will reveal that there is no need to re-invent the wheel. Strong policy level support
is required. Champions are required within the political structure and the MOH (be
mindful that MOH officials have broad mandates of which laboratories are but one). There is
often less understanding of laboratory issues than is wished. International organizations can and
should help. It is important to measure results. (For example the % of the population that
knows its HIV status). Remember that what gets watched gets fixed!
Specific recommendations:
1. Each country should have a national public health laboratory that has identified
competencies based on minimal appropriate internationally recognized standards (for
example ISO 17025 and 15189, CLSI etc.) and includes all phases of the quality cycle
from pre-analytical through to, and including, the post-analytical phase that also


Joint WHO CDC Conference on Health Laboratory Quality Systems, Lyon, France, 9 11 April 2008

complies with IHR 2005 regulations and requirements. (A reasonable timeframe to be

determined by WHO).
2. Develop model legislation (perhaps developed by WHO?) for the national use of
international laboratory standards. There should be national regulations.
3. There should be accountability for the results. There needs to be a mixture of carrot and
stick approaches with the use of rewards and recognition, and punitive actions that
might include loss of work, loss of laboratory accreditation and laboratory closure. Such
actions have to be taken with the use of undisputable evidence.
4. Introduce accreditation and use international standards to give credibility (WHO to take
the lead to raise standards without the necessity of accreditation). Use a phased
approach, an example being that of the approach used in Thailand, so that regional,
district and/or local levels use a scaled down nationally based accreditation or
certificate of compliance (consider the use of national councils representing all key
stakeholders). Select an accreditor who is willing to build in scalability and flexibility
into their scheme.
5. Tackle the difficult problem of human resources and use laboratory expertise as a driver.
Focus on schools of laboratory training and of undergraduate and postgraduate training.
Ensure that quality and quantity of the programmes are up to date. Attitude and culture
changes may be required. Everyone wishes to be listened to, so include stakeholders.
Train staff at all levels and all environments; problems often lead to inspiration.
6. Provide appropriate levels of funding. Use existing financial evidence on the need for
quality (Royal college of Pathologists, EDMA). A business case should be made to
show that there are wasted resources on treating wrong or misdiagnosed diseases.
Strengthen the services so that they have the ability to show the prevalence of disease
and the evidence of decline over time so that donor funding can be attracted. Heavy
reliance on donor support in resource-constrained countries is a reality for the
foreseeable future so develop solid plans to attract major funding and fit it into the
national plan and directed where it is needed. Show demonstrable results that funding is
well spent so that revenue streams are maintained. Make a business case for
development and implementation for laboratory improvements based on a quality

Group 2: External Quality Assessment (EQA) and

development of monitoring tools
Rapporteur: Dr M. Noble
During the general discussion it became clear that providers of EQA are in a unique position.
Although participation in EQA is anonymous, it is inevitable that organizers do know the
identity of their participants. However, unless there are agreed arrangements to the contrary,
performance information is not divulged to third parties. Whilst they might be the first point of
call for a laboratory requiring assistance, they do not see themselves as directly involved in any
regulatory activity. They are primarily involved in education although evidence from the scheme
may be used as evidence of performance.
The most significant outcome of the introduction of quality measures is the engagement of
clinicians and government with laboratory staff.

Joint WHO CDC Conference on Health Laboratory Quality Systems, Lyon, France, 9 11 April 2008

Specific recommendations:
1. EQA must fit the needs of the local situation; blends of national, local and vertical
programmes are appropriate.
2. Transportation costs and complexity are major impediments. WHO and other
organizations must work with ICAO and other agencies to have exemptions for
transporting quality materials.
3. The process of accreditation of EQA providers should be examined to look for barriers
that hinder widespread compliance.
4. The use of internal quality indicators and confidential release of performance
information can be beneficial to advocate for capacity building and should be
considered by all.
Laboratories need to be aware that they have three customers: the patient, the clinician and the
public health sector.
After the general discussion it was further recommended that all national reference laboratories
participate in international EQA schemes.

Group 4: Integrated approaches for quality programmes

Rapporteur: Dr J. Ridderhof
During the discussion it became clear that there is a need to develop the message, but that there
are significant challenges and obstacles, such as planning requirements, a need for advocacy and
the organizational components required. Advocating for integrated approaches for quality
programmes would be aided by the statement agreed during the earlier discussion. In addition,
considerable information had become available during the Conference that was useful to
promote collective actions. However, perhaps the difficulty of convincing donors to specific
diseases could not be over-estimated and much discussion would be required with them.
The major discussion points and specific recommendations made were as follows:
1. To develop and change the message that there is a need to develop a systems approach,
with a focus on quality systems and standards to achieve the common goals of quality
patient care and public health programmes. All programmes gain through a shared
2. There are particular challenges and obstacles to be overcome. Resources are allocated
through disease-specific programmes, and, at national level, people and institutions are
managed by separate programmes. Public laboratory systems do not intersect with the
private sector.
3. Quality system planning should be part of a larger national laboratory system that is
managed by the MOH which will coordinate the contributions of donors and
programmes including all disease specific programmes, clinical services and
stakeholders. Strategic planning provides an opportunity to combine programme
resources for an integrated system.


Joint WHO CDC Conference on Health Laboratory Quality Systems, Lyon, France, 9 11 April 2008

4. Countries should develop an advocacy plan and tools to solicit programme support for
integrated laboratory strengthening. Advocacy must include a business rationale and
evidence for investing in systems. Also the case are strengthening laboratory leadership
and management to integrate public health programmes and patient care.
5. There are organizational components to be addressed that include the fact that the global
framework of disease programmes is required to support quality systems and
organizational changes. The MOH should have a strong national director of national
laboratory systems. The director should ensure that programme resources are combined.

to strengthen core functions and that there is a disease-specific national reference


7. A national quality system organization must develop national policies that support and
mandate the system. There will be requirements for a national steering committee that is
inclusive of all programmes and that can guide implementation. EQA functions should
be combined or integrated. There must be guidance on biosafety and ethics, and there
must be programmes for education and training at all levels.


Joint WHO CDC Conference on Health Laboratory Quality Systems, Lyon, France, 9 11 April 2008

9. Conclusions and recommendations

9.1 Conclusions
There was general agreement that the meeting had provided the opportunity to discuss the
changes required to improve the quality of laboratory services in developing countries and
discuss ways in which quality systems might be introduced. It is accepted that laboratories form
an important part of the health systems of all countries, which exist to provide good quality
services to their respective populations. Good quality laboratory results were required to ensure
that patients were investigated appropriately and received the correct treatment. It is accepted
that the introduction of such programmes require significant investment but this is small when
compared to the economic consequences of poor quality. There is also significant misery for
patients and their families if they suffer the consequences of poor laboratory performance which
may include an incorrect diagnosis or inappropriate treatment. Delegates now had an
opportunity with the knowledge provided and the agreement of an advocacy document (see
section 9 and Annex 1) to help in convincing governments of the need to invest appropriately.
Major success stories from developing countries had been described during the Conference and
several examples presented ways for producing and implementing the standards that needed to
be introduced. A major message from the meeting was that there was no need to re-invent the
wheel. Learn and adapt from countries with a successful plan that have a similar culture,
political system and economic status etc. The tools already exist to enable progress to be made.
The first stumbling block of convincing ministries of health to commit to the programmes of
improvement had to be overcome. Political will and leadership at the highest level is required
and the advocacy paper is intended to help with this process. Any programme of change had
to be fully inclusive and involve all partners, donors and professional laboratory workers at all
levels of the service. The potential role of support from clinical colleagues must not be ignored;
it is they who have to make use of the services and from whom much useful advice may be
obtained. Above all, the process must include methods of measuring success and other changes.
EQA is but one major measurement tool that must be developed, employed and interpreted
progressively at all levels. Whilst many of the standards for implementation were related to the
analytical process it was very important that due attention was paid to the pre- and post
analytical processes which were also of vital importance. Such non-analytical errors will ruin
any good work that has gone in to solving the analytical problems.


Joint WHO CDC Conference on Health Laboratory Quality Systems, Lyon, France, 9 11 April 2008

9.2 Recommendations
These main recommendations are a combination of those made by consensus in the main body
of the meeting and those made by the breakout groups and include those for WHO, laboratory
professionals and ministries of health. These are in addition to those made by the specific
breakout groups.

WHO should set up a resource and advisory group to assist Member countries in the
development of their national laboratory plans.
It is accepted that donor aid is essential but WHO should consider coordination to enable
more efficient use of these valuable resources.
WHO should develop potential models of legislation and accreditation for adaptation and
use in Member States.
For laboratory professionals
Laboratory professionals should use the advocacy document to convince ministries of
health of the need for strategic development.
When implementing quality management systems, use should be made of the
WHO/CDC/CLSI toolkit.
Laboratory professionals should provide the business rationale and evidence required for
the investment in quality systems.
For ministries of health
There is a need to develop a fully integrated structure and referral system within which all
health laboratories, including those involved in WHO technical programmes should
operate. The objective is to develop a national laboratory organization, within the national
health plan, that is responsive to the needs of patients and all users of the service.
The strategy for implementing quality management must include an examination of the
potential constraints as listed in this report. A focal point within the ministry is essential,
with a core advisory committee or group of experts, which will legitimise the process.
Those able to drive or act as champions of the programme should be engaged.
Quality Management Systems and quality standards should be introduced at all levels of
the laboratories organization.
External Quality Assessment (EQA) is an essential tool and it should be coordinated at a
national level. Other tools should be developed and used to measure success and
National Reference Laboratories should seek to be accredited by international bodies to
internationally accepted standards. Other laboratories will require a phased or staged
approach to achieve appropriate accreditation.


Joint WHO CDC Conference on Health Laboratory Quality Systems, Lyon, France, 9 11 April 2008

10. Closing remarks

10.1 Rapporteurs
Dr D. Browning & Dr J. Zwetyenga
Dr Browning summarized some of the main conclusions and recommendations. Laboratories
are a major part of the health systems, which were themselves attracting investment and
attention from WHO. Up to 70% of clinical decisions are made with the support of laboratories,
and therefore, it is imperative to have good quality. At the present time our customers lacked
confidence in our results and remedial action is required. Quality management is required by all
laboratories irrespective of levels and range of activity. National reference laboratories should
aspire to be accredited to international standards whilst others within countries should be
accredited to national standards. Structures should be integrated but the investment need not
always be large. Remember no result is better than a poor quality one.
The quality management training toolkit developed as a result of collaboration between WHO<
CDC and CLSI was extremely valuable, could be modified for use in all countries and had 12
specific elements.
There are serious manpower difficulties which have to be rectified; undergraduate training
curricula require modification and there are serious problems of staff migration, retention,
motivation and satisfaction. Above all behavioural change is required.
Specific recommendations have been recorded from the breakout groups and will be included as
will the main recommendations from the Conference.

10.2 Delegates
Dr R. Amini (Iran (Islamic Republic of))
On behalf of all delegates Dr Rana Amini thanked WHO and CDC for organizing the
Conference which had come at an appropriate time. Delegates had had the opportunity to
discuss the changes that needed to be made in order to meet the expectations of users of
laboratory services. The question had been posed: what is the answer? Many questions had been
answered and she thanked those who had made presentations and for the discussions that had
taken place. Delegates now faced the challenge of what they should take from the Conference
and how they should commence the implementation of what had been learned.


Joint WHO CDC Conference on Health Laboratory Quality Systems, Lyon, France, 9 11 April 2008


Joint WHO CDC Conference on Health Laboratory Quality Systems, Lyon, France, 9 11 April 2008


1. Browning DM. Standards for the medical laboratory, World Health Organization
Regional Office for the Western Pacific, 2003 (unpublished data).
2. Browning DM, Hill PG, Vasquez R. Olazabal. Preparation of stabilized liquid quality
control serum to be used in clinical chemistry, World Health Organization, 1986
3. El-Nageh MM et al. Basics of Quality Assurance for Intermediate and Peripheral
laboratories, World Health Organization Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean
Eastern Mediterranean Series, 1992, N2.
4. Forsman FW. Why is the laboratory an afterthought for managed care organizations?
American Association for Clinical Chemistry, 1996, 42: 813-816.
5. Kusum M, Silva P. Quality standards in health laboratories, implementation in
Thailand: a novel approach, World Health Organization Regional Office for South-East
Asia, 2005, SEA-HLM-386.
6. Lewis SM. Quality Assurance in Haematology, World Health Organization, 1998
7. Martin R et al. Implementation of a quality laboratory system approach for laboratory
practice in resource-constrained countries, AIDS 2005, 19(Suppl. 2):S59-S65, 2005.
8. Quality management systems requirements, International Standards Organization,
2008, ISO 9001:2000 E TC 176/SC.
9. Medical laboratories particular requirements for quality and competence, International
Standards Organization, 2008, ISO 15189:2007 E TC 212.
10. Ridderhof JC et al. Roles of laboratories and laboratory systems in effective tuberculosis
programmes. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 2007, 85:354-9.
11. Whitehead TP. Principles of Quality Control, World Health Organization, 1976,


Joint WHO CDC Conference on Health Laboratory Quality Systems, Lyon, France, 9 11 April 2008


Joint WHO CDC Conference on Health Laboratory Quality Systems, Lyon, France, 9 11 April 2008

Annex 1
Joint WHO-CDC statement: Laboratory quality systems
in the 21st century
As we move into the 21st century, diseases of public health importance continue to be a
significant global threat. Widespread epidemics could cost millions of lives, and many countries
are still struggling with a longstanding battle against rampant infectious diseases. In addition,
chronic diseases, which in the past have been primarily of concern in wealthier countries, are
now affecting other populations.
In order to deal effectively with the detection, treatment and prevention of these global threats to
the health of the public, it is essential that accurate and reliable health laboratory testing be
available in every country. Early detection and management of disease outbreaks can only be
accomplished if responsive laboratory systems are in place. Many therapeutic decisions rely
heavily on data from health laboratories. Prevention of infectious and noncommunicable
diseases requires accurate diagnostic information. The critical importance of high-quality health
laboratory services is now widely recognized.
Given the vital role that laboratories play in every aspect of health services, it is imperative that
countries undertake the necessary measures for support and improvement. A laboratory quality
system that engenders trust and confidence in laboratory services is essential. The ultimate goal
is to ensure the provision of accurate, reliable and timely laboratory test results that are
indispensable to all health activities and to support international health security. Cost and social
benefits also result from high-quality laboratory services.
To ensure that health laboratories, irrespective of their location, can meet international
requirements, laboratory systems in all countries will require strong political support and the
means to institute measures for improvement and compliance.
Organize national structures to support a country-wide laboratory quality system
National structures capable of supporting a quality system for laboratories at country level will
require the following measures.

The placement of skilled laboratory scientists/managers with sufficient authority in

leadership positions in the ministries of health;

Creation of a national laboratory quality office and appointment of a quality officer with
authority and responsibility for oversight of national laboratory quality programmes;

The allocation of adequate financial resources to ensure compliance with national

quality programmes.


Joint WHO CDC Conference on Health Laboratory Quality Systems, Lyon, France, 9 11 April 2008

Establish national laboratory quality standards

International efforts are under way to develop health laboratory standards that help to ensure
quality. These efforts should be supported as follows:

Each country should establish its own set of standards according to country-specific
needs based on internationally agreed standards.

National laboratory standards need to take into account local factors, including any
pertinent regulations, organization of the countrys laboratory system(s), and resource

It is recommended that countries with limited resources consider taking a staged

approach, where principal requirements for all are stated in the national laboratory
standards as a minimum requirement while more advanced and national reference
laboratories are encouraged to aim at meeting internationally accepted standards such as
ISO 15189.

Implement major laboratory quality system programmes

Many activities associated with quality assurance must be carried out by local laboratories, but
assistance and oversight will be required at the national level. The following activities should be
planned at a national level, with help and input from laboratories throughout the country, to:

establish and revise national quality standards;

establish strategy, aims and measures of progress;

ensure that laboratory facilities and infrastructure are adequate and properly maintained
for all testing being performed;

ensure safety in all health laboratory facilities to protect workers within the laboratory,
visitors to the facility and the general public at large;

establish long-range plans for ensuring adequate and sustainable numbers of properly
trained personnel for conducting laboratory operations;

apply appropriate quality systems to all parts of laboratory management and operations,
including the procurement process for supplies and equipment;

develop national resources for ensuring internal quality control and for external quality

develop a process for monitoring laboratory performance improvement;

encourage the development of a structured advisory network for laboratories.

The governments of Member States led by ministries of health are urged to involve all
stakeholders and interested parties in order to achieve these objectives.


Joint WHO CDC Conference on Health Laboratory Quality Systems, Lyon, France, 9 11 April 2008

Annex 2
Conclusions and recommendations of the
working groups
Group 1: How to develop national laboratory policies and standards to
support quality systems

Prior to the general discussion two presentations were made by Dr V. Bevan, and Dr C. Mwangi
1. Ms Bevans presentation was on the contributions of the UK Health Protection Agency
towards quality systems in UK laboratories. She began her presentation by emphasizing
that the HPA was dedicated to protecting peoples health. It was involved in assuring
quality and described the standards necessary which included QA, a service culture that
focused on the user of the service, met accreditation standards and had a quality manual
and other specified standards. SOPs were key as were the use of standard methods. At
present, there are 75 bacteriology methods, 36 virology and 37 for food, water, dairy and
environmental assays. There specifications given for culture media and 41 guidance
notes. All were developed in conjunction with national health service bacteriologists.
Testing strategies were set, as were the minimum acceptable standards for front line and
confirmatory testing. The standard methods gave comprehensive information on all
theoretical and technical matters and contained literature reviews and references. The
objectives were to help accreditation and to have information on existing best practices.
There is guidance on pre-analytical sampling and to help users make informed decisions.
Some quality control reagents were supplied to assist laboratories with their IQC; future
reagents included molecular quality control materials for, among others, chlamydia.
International collaborative work was undertaken with NIBSC and CVN for more
molecular standards. All these efforts towards standardization helped to ensure consistent
high quality services by individual and groups of laboratories.
2. In her presentation, Dr Mwangi described the contribution that the Central Public
Health Laboratory, Republic of Tanzania, has made introduced her remarks by pointing
out that the laboratory services in Zambia had commenced in 1897 when Dr Robert Koch
had established a government laboratory in Dar es Salaam. Many changes had taken place
since. In 1961 the original laboratory had grown to become the Central Pathology
Laboratory (CPL) which functioned as a reference and public health laboratory. Its
original functions included the distribution of equipment and supplies, the provision of
support to the school of medical technology, training technicians and writing SOPs. As
health care developed, the CPL gradually became a laboratory for the national hospital
and lost its role in giving oversight or supervision to other laboratories. This eliminated
support to the periphery and reduced policy formulation and its regulatory role. In 1972,
the laboratory services were aligned with new government administration structures.
Laboratories became managed by health centre and regional development directorates.
Referral laboratories were managed separately by central government. In 1991, the
laboratory services were further organized to establish better managerial systems,
coordination and improvement of the structure. The changes were expected to promote
training of staff, standardize equipment, promote local production of all supplies and
establish and enforce an ethical code for all laboratory health professionals. The result

Joint WHO CDC Conference on Health Laboratory Quality Systems, Lyon, France, 9 11 April 2008

was an organization split into specialist and consultant laboratories headed by a

pathologist at regional, district, health centre and dispensary levels. The types of
equipment, staffing and range of tests for each level were specified. More recently private
laboratories have been regulated and health technologists registered. These changes did
not result in the desired outcomes.
In 2002, a further assessment of the laboratory services, capacity and organization was
conducted. The analysis found that there were many problems, including poor training,
lack of QA and loss of public health laboratory functions. The investigation
recommended a centralized model for service delivery and the creation of a national
health laboratory system. This recommendation was not followed up. In 2003, the
laboratory standard guidelines were reviewed to keep pace with changing demands. They
were to:
set an management organizational structure, have in place central administration
and management, set the roles for and functions for diagnostics and define
committees as the needs arise;
set minimum standards (according to WHO/CDC/ CLSI guideline modules);
provide guidance on equipment , maintenance, supplies and a specimen referral
set minimum personnel requirements, skills, training , and job descriptions were
written; and
standardize methods and develop performance assessment systems developed.
The public health laboratory network in Tanzania now consists of a tiered system of six
referral hospital laboratories, 23 regional and 133 district laboratories. Although an
attempt had been made in 1986 to establish an NEQAS at national and regional levels the
schemes were fragmented and, in1998, they were revised.
With the help of CDC Tanzania, the MOH created a plan of action in support of the
HIV/AIDS care and treatment programme. Recently, the MOH has released a QA
framework to provide guidance on sustainable implementation of quality laboratory
services by instituting a programme of quality improvement. It promotes monitoring and
evaluation, provides tools and sample documents. There are national and zonal advisory
committees. The quality assurance framework was fully endorsed and is being
implemented through a phased work plan. A road map to quality has been produced with
the assistance of CLSI. Phase 1 of the plan required a GAP analysis and the development
of a quality plan. Implementation has taken place with the use of technical groups and
selecting key areas for immediate attention.
Significant challenges remain, which include the fact that laboratory services span two
ministries, there are inadequate capacities in the laboratory team and more than
20 partners are offering support. Guidelines require review: there is an inadequate number
of trained staff, there are infrastructure needs, there is no national QA programme, there
is no public health laboratory, there is a need to scale up the operation but there are
financial constraints. The LIS requires standardization and information mechanisms are
required. There are no systems for equipment maintenance.
Nevertheless there are success factors, which include coordination and consultation,
donor coordination and laboratory partners coordination. There is political will; there are
guidance documents and partner support. Finally, Dr Mwangi pointed out that success
depended on: collaboration, coordination, communication, commitment and continuity.

Joint WHO CDC Conference on Health Laboratory Quality Systems, Lyon, France, 9 11 April 2008

A lively and participative discussion followed which resulted in a number of good options for
individual country representatives to take part and for internationally focused organizations to
consider. In addition to recommendations on the need for strategic planning, there were six
main recommendations. It was agreed that the strategic planning for laboratories had to be
integrated into the overall health plan and that all major stakeholders should be involved.
Developing consensus was important as was making the goals and timelines realistic.
Identifying champions to drive the programme was vital. There are two main approaches;
bottom up and top down, neither are perfect. There is already considerable information on
planning and implementation available, including that from similar environments so we do not
re-invent the wheel. Rather, we should:
define the difference between strategic planning (three years plus timescale) and

operational planning (1-2 years);

design quality systems so that there is a high probability of early success to

build confidence and develop a core group of experts in key areas;

be realistic based on the political realities of capability, capacity and quality;
clarify the roles of public health laboratories, hospital and private laboratories

and ensure that all are integrated into the whole system;
educate stakeholders to understand that quality is key.

WHO should set up a resource and advisory group to assist countries in advocating on behalf of
quality systems to be implemented by WHO regional offices. There are many donors with
differing goals but donor funds should be used in accordance with the country national plan and
be coupled with government support and accountability.
Strong policy level support is required. Champions are required within the political structure
and the MOH. We must also be mindful that MOH officials have broad mandates of which
laboratories are but one. There is often less understanding of laboratory issues than is wished.
International organizations can and should help. It is important to measure results. (For example
the % of the population that knows its HIV status). We need to remember that what gets
watched gets fixed!
Specific recommendations:

1. Each country should have a national public health laboratory that has identified
competencies based on minimal appropriate internationally recognized standards (for
example ISO 17025 and 15189, CLSI etc.) and includes all phases of the quality cycle
from pre-analytical through to, and including, the post-analytical phase that comply with
IHR 2005 regulations and core capacity requirements (a reasonable timeframe to be
determined by WHO).
2. Develop model legislation (perhaps developed by WHO?) for the national use of
international laboratory standards. There should be national regulations.
3. Be accountable for the results. There needs to be a combination of carrot and stick
approaches with the use of rewards and recognition, and punitive actions that might
include loss of job, loss of laboratory accreditation and laboratory closure. Such actions
have to be taken with the use of undisputable driven evidence.
4. Introduce accreditation and use of international standards to give credibility (WHO to
take the lead to raise standards without the necessity of accreditation?). Use a phased
approach, an example being that of the approach used in Thailand, so that regional,
district and/or local levels use a scaled down nationally based accreditation or

Joint WHO CDC Conference on Health Laboratory Quality Systems, Lyon, France, 9 11 April 2008

certificate of compliance (use of national councils representing all key stakeholders to

be considered). Selection of an accreditor that is willing to build in scalability and
flexibility into their scheme.
5. Tackle the difficult problem of human resources and use laboratory expertise as a driver.
Focus on laboratory training schools of and on undergraduate and postgraduate training.
Ensure that the quality of the programmes is up to date. Attitude and changes in culture
may be required. Everyone wishes to be listened to so include stakeholders. Train staff
at all levels and in all environments. Problems often lead to inspiration.
6. Ensure provision of appropriate levels of funding. Use existing financial evidence on the
need for quality (Royal College of Pathologists, EDMA). A business case should be
made to show that resources are being wasted on treating wrong or misdiagnosed
diseases. Strengthen the services so that they have the ability to show the prevalence of
disease and the evidence of decline over time so that donor funding can be attracted.
Heavy reliance on donor support in resource-constrained countries is a reality for the
foreseeable future therefore solid plans must be developed to attract major funding and
fit into the national plan and directed where it is needed. Show demonstrable results that
funding is well spent so that revenue streams are maintained. Make a business case for
development and implementation for laboratory improvements based on a quality

Group 2: EQA and development of monitoring tools

Prior to the general discussion three presentations were made by Dr R. Amini, Dr J. Carter, and
Mr J. Elliot
1. Dr Amini described the reasons for performing EQA. The main reason in her view was
the need to establish the point of failure in the analytical and correct it. This is important
for the laboratory as well as policy makers. There are key points when designing an
EQAS, which include identification of priority areas, the spectrum of tests, laboratory
capability, reproducibility, programme continuity, costs and cost effectiveness. There are
international providers who provide high quality services which save time and trouble
and who have a wide spectrum of tests at a fixed timescale and with data analysis.
However, they are costly, there are shipment problems, they are not designed to address
the specific needs of each laboratory and may not be able to detect the problem areas.
The answer has to be to carry out a situation analysis and asses cost effectiveness. It is
important to know the number of laboratories in a country, the spectrum of tests and the
number of laboratories that perform them, to prioritize the aims and goals for
improvement, to know the budget and the shipment costs.
The goals are to verify the quality of results obtained at all levels of the service, to detect
problems and evaluate kits and reagents, give assistance to solve problems, to stimulate
and maintain good performance and to ensure the performance of national health
programmes and to help verify the epidemic preparedness. The spectrum of disciplines
and numbers of analyses are very wide. Dr Aminis experience led her to the conclusion
that mixed materials should be used and the choice based on needs. The materials should
always be analysed centrally so that the quality control materials themselves are
controlled. It is wise to run a pilot trial before the introduction of a national scheme.
Customer satisfaction was important.


Joint WHO CDC Conference on Health Laboratory Quality Systems, Lyon, France, 9 11 April 2008

2. Dr Carter described the East African Regional External quality Assessment Scheme
(EA-REQAS). This is a pilot programme underway involving laboratories in Kenya,
Tanzania, Uganda, and Zanzibar. It involved scheme development, organization at a
regional level and national coordination, the use of reference laboratories, participating
laboratories and a method of providing support by supervisors to enable remedial action.
It is currently in a pilot phase and involves 200 laboratories in nine districts/countries and
laboratories at all levels of the services.
There was a set of criteria for the selection of tests, including clinical importance, public
health importance, those performed at a primary level using techniques of accepted
accuracy, where materials could be preserved and using materials that were stable at
warm temperatures. The range of tests and techniques reflect the priority of the countries,
e.g. haemoglobin for anaemia, thick blood film for malaria and trypanosomes, and
sputum for TB, to name a few.
The survey material is prepared by selected reference laboratories and SOPs for their
preparation have been prepared; MOUs have been signed with each. There are reference
laboratories in each of the countries. In the first year, eight tests were surveyed and in the
second year a second set of tests were surveyed, including plus the two worst from the
previous distributions. Tasks have been assigned to the national and regional coordinating
centres which include preparation of materials, purchasing of supplementary supplies,
organizing the delivery of the material, further QA checks, repackaging and preparation
of instruction sheets. In addition, payments have to be made to the reference laboratories.
The advantages of local material preparation include:

regional participation and scheme ownership;

local pathology (parasitology);

increased variety of material;

use of existing transport systems;

reduced costs ;

capacity of reference laboratories; and

regional cooperation.

This approach also generated great enthusiasm, however some disadvantages and
problems do occur with locally produced materials, such as delays in preparation and
submission, communication and payments to centres in different locations, the variability
in the quality of the preparations and the fact that it is very manpower intensive.
3. Mr Elliot indicated that of the 12 essentials in the quality system suggested by the
WHO/CDC/CLSI collaboration each was amenable to being monitored and quality
indicators were used for all. The methods employed to monitor quality included IQC,
participation in EQA, internal audits and external audits (peer review audits). The
difficulty was about where to begin. Many of the drivers were the need to achieve
accreditation. Besides, implementing quality is a journey. There were advantages such as
introducing a quality system that lead to quality improvements, improved staff training,
better relationships between laboratory and clinical staff, gaining international
recognition, the subsequent improvements in patient care and subsequent cost savings.
There were also some perceived disadvantages such as the apparent costs of getting there
and the additional challenges for laboratories in resource-constrained countries. It is
possible to set quality indicators. They are:

Joint WHO CDC Conference on Health Laboratory Quality Systems, Lyon, France, 9 11 April 2008

turnaround times;

continuing staff education (professional development programmes);

regular meetings between laboratory and clinical staff;

adherence to equipment maintenance schedules;

stock inventory and procurement systems in place;

continual monitoring of IQC and EQA results and taking corrective action; and

monitoring of compliments and complaints.

Documents and records are central to an effective quality system and the production of
SOPs is a good place to start.
During the discussion that followed, it was concluded that there are advantages and
disadvantages to international and local EQA programmes and both have their challenges.
Transport is a serious difficulty locally and particularly internationally where customs officers
had difficulty in recognizing the importance of quality materials. In some countries, the ambient
temperatures presented particular problems. EQA samples can be a safety problem for some end
users. Some reference and research laboratories may not benefit from EQA because of their
particular needs.
EQA providers see their role as primarily an educational one and methods of grading and
assessment are part of the education process. Quality improvement activities that are based on
external agencies are difficult to sustain when those agencies leave. Political and financial
support is essential. Motivation, training and empowerment are powerful drivers of laboratory
quality. EQA enables the evaluation of kits, reagents and equipment and provide assistance in
decision making for policy makers. The most important useful approach to the introduction of
quality measures is the bringing together of the laboratory with the clinician and government.
Specific recommendations:

1. EQA must fit the needs of the local situation; blends of national, local and vertical
programmes are appropriate.
2. The costs and complexity of transportation are major impediments. WHO and other
organizations must work with ICAO and other agencies to have exemptions for
transporting quality materials.
3. The process of accreditation of EQA providers should be examined to look for barriers
that hinder widespread compliance.
4. The use of internal quality indicators and confidential release of performance
information can be beneficial to advocate for capacity building and should be
considered by all.
The discussion closed with the reflection that laboratories need to be aware that they have 3
customers: the patient, the clinician and the public health.


Joint WHO CDC Conference on Health Laboratory Quality Systems, Lyon, France, 9 11 April 2008

Group 3: Advocacy for setting and implementing national quality standards

One objective of the Conference was to give delegates an agreed statement and recommendation
from the Conference for them to use, as a stand alone document, to be used in advocacy to
governments. A draft was prepared prior to the meeting, circulated for comment to WHO, CDC
and an expert group, modified in the light of comment and presented to the group for
discussion. Extensive discussion took place and further modifications made which were put to
the plenary session for further comment, discussion and modification. The agreed statement is
in annex 1
Group 4: Integrated approaches for quality programmes

Prior to commencing the discussion the group heard three presentations from Dr Y. Issabre,
Dr J-M Gabastou and Dr S. Van Beers
1. Dr Issabre described the quality implementation project in Mali, which was a
collaboration and partnership agreement with the Mrieux Foundation, the EU, the MoH
Mali and with technical support from WHO Lyon. The overall objectives were to
strengthen the capacities of the medical laboratories network and standardize laboratory
practices. There were specific objectives, including the regular maintenance of laboratory
equipment, training for staff, monitoring activities, setting up QA and to set up a
centralized system for stock management and purchase.
In Mali, the laboratory network is organized into three levels: at the central or national
level there are reference laboratories, focal points for integrated disease surveillance and
specialized private and public laboratories for reference activities for all specialities. At
the intermediate or regional level are the regional hospital laboratories and at peripheral
and operational level will be found the health reference centres and community health
In 2005, an assessment showed that quality systems were not in place. There was weak
involvement by laboratory technicians, infrequent use of IQC, equipment checks rarely
performed, poor equipment maintenance and with the exception of the national TB
programme, almost no external evaluation.
During a workshop held in 2006 a national plan for QA was formed. The objectives were
to ensure the adoption of a national quality policy, training staff in QA, implementation
of QA, the setting up of a programme for EQA and monitoring the results of these
activities. There were specific planned activities which included the implementation of
EQA in 38 laboratories, supervision of laboratories and the setting up of a QA steering
committee to coordinate the programme.
Training of trainers was carried out and network stakeholders trained at regional level;
further training of directors and health managers and laboratory staff was conducted.
Standardized diagnostic methods for priority diseases were introduced in order to
improve performance. An EQA unit was formed in the national institute of research and
public health. A capacity assessment of laboratories ability to participate in the EQAS
was undertaken. Training in supervision of quality was performed.
The project has been coordinated by a steering committee which includes staff from the
MOH and reference laboratories and a representative from Mrieux Mali Foundation. Its

Joint WHO CDC Conference on Health Laboratory Quality Systems, Lyon, France, 9 11 April 2008

mandate is to adopt and circulate guides for good execution of analyses, training
coordination, support to the EQA scheme, supervision of the EQA unit, to coordinate the
supervision of network laboratories and to provide access to accreditation bodies.
Initial achievements include the use of SOPs, capacity strengthening of the national EQA
unit, strengthening the capacity of the equipment and reagents procurement unit,
validation of the QA plan by stakeholders. A capacity assessment of the network of
laboratories participating in the EQA schemes for malaria, TB, HIV and meningitis. In
addition, two biologists have been trained in Johannesburg to further strengthen the EQA
In conclusion, Dr Issabre believed that further achievements in network building and
monitoring included:

provision of 73 laboratories with equipment for environmental and analytical

activities, consumables, reagents and stains;

monthly supervision of in-country laboratories;

organization of continuous education sessions; and

the analysis of quarterly reports from the regional network in order to provide
an evaluation of biological analyses framework and take corrective action
where necessary.

To date the activities have cost a total of 745,425.

2. Dr J-M Gabastou stated that safety awareness was particularly important and was part
of the quality assurance activity. Examples of the need for awareness included the
dangers posed by, for example, anthrax, West Nile virus, SARS, avian influenza and the
potential for an influenza pandemic. There were many other potential threats scattered
throughout the world.
The IHR agreement in 2005 pointed to the laboratory response required during an
outbreak. A key message was that laboratory services are essential to identify and
confirm outbreaks and optimum working conditions required, including communication,
specimen collection and transport, resources, biorisk management, trained staff,
infrastructure, functioning equipment, appropriate reagents and reliable results.
Unfortunately, this capacity cannot be switched on just for outbreak investigation. In
2005, the WHA asked Member States to follow WHO guidance and review laboratory
safety, implement safety programmes, enhance compliance, mobilize resources and
encourage the development of training programmes and competency standards.
The role of WHO is to actively support other programmes and partners, and to update
guidelines. There is already much information available, including the WHO Laboratory
Biosafety Manual, 3rd edition, 2004. From a global perspective, the question that needed
to be asked was: do the laboratories meet appropriate internationally recognized
standards? Further considerations included efficient use of resources, minimum risk to
patient, the level of patient satisfaction and what the impact on health was. There are key
elements in the quality system covering policy, process, monitoring tools and
sustainability. In quality systems the issues of quality, biosafety and ethics overlapped. In
addition, there was need to consider how biological materials were to be transported
safely and there are international agreements for this. In conclusion, Dr Gabastou said
that there was no escaping the fact that biosafety is an essential component of a quality
system and that an integrated approach was required.


Joint WHO CDC Conference on Health Laboratory Quality Systems, Lyon, France, 9 11 April 2008

3. Dr Van Beers began her remarks with a quote Quality costs money; No quality costs a
fortune. Quality can only be assured by a well-defined quality system aimed at ensuring
consistency, reproducibility, traceability and efficacy of the products and services. There
were several levels of quality implementation and a systematic approach is required. This
starts with user requirements through the examination process and user satisfaction or
dissatisfaction. There were resource needs and these were required by all laboratories
including those for TB, HIV and malaria. Support systems were also required and these
overlapped between the diseases. The quality improvement systems also overlapped. It is
therefore logical to integrate the systems and embrace all diseases simultaneously. There
are essential factors in quality management according to ISO 15189 that apply to all
laboratories. Identified problems in quality systems show that 23% are process related
and 77% are structure related. The various elements of ISO 15189 define essential
elements in the quality management system for medical laboratories to meet service
delivery and patient care goals. However, these standards are highly resource demanding
and are not suited to every level of laboratory; resource-constrained countries need to
develop their own minimum standards depending on the size and degree of
However, is one standard applicable for all irrespective of the level and environment?
Perhaps different levels of quality implementation are required. The model in Thailand
offers one approach that can be adopted. In some industrialized countries, including the
USA, there is recognition that laboratory requirements can be defined for differing
categories of test. These situations offer the opportunity for a staged approach. Public
health programmes, disease control programme and clinical service laboratories share the
same quality goals and should therefore join forces in improving overall quality. It is
important for all to share the vision.
In the discussion that followed , specific recommendations were made concerning the need to
develop the message, challenges and obstacles, planning requirements, the need for advocacy
and the organizational components required.
Specific recommendations:

1. Devise the message that there is a need to develop a systems approach, with a focus on
quality systems and standards to achieve the common goals of quality patient care and
public health programmes. Programmes gain through a shared approach.
2. There are particular challenges and obstacles to be overcome. Resources are allocated
through disease-specific programmes and at national level people and institutions are
managed by separate programmes. Public laboratory systems do not intersect with the
private sector.
3. Quality system planning should be part of a larger national laboratory system that is
managed by the MOH which will coordinate the contributions of donors and
programmes including all disease specific programmes, clinical services and
stakeholders. Strategic planning provides an opportunity to combine programme
resources for an integrated system.
4. Countries should develop an advocacy plan and tools to solicit programme support for
integrated laboratory strengthening. Advocacy must include business rationale and
evidence for investing in systems and strengthening laboratory leadership and
management to integrate public health programmes and patient care.
5. There are organizational components to be addressed that include the fact that the global
framework of disease programmes is required to support quality systems and
organizational changes. The MOH should have a strong national director of national

Joint WHO CDC Conference on Health Laboratory Quality Systems, Lyon, France, 9 11 April 2008

laboratory systems. The director should ensure that programme resources are combined
to strengthen core functions and that there is a disease-specific national reference
6. A national quality system organization must develop national policies that supports and
mandates the system. There will be requirements for a national steering committee that
is inclusive of all programmes and that can guide implementation. EQA functions
should be combined or integrated. There must be guidance on biosafety and ethics, and
there must be programmes for education and training at all levels.


Joint WHO CDC Conference on Health Laboratory Quality Systems, Lyon, France, 9 11 April 2008

Annex 3
Wednesday 9 April 2008
08:00 09:00

Registration at Sofitel

09:00 09:40

Welcome and opening remarks

Overview and goals of meeting

C. Mathiot (WHO Lyon)

Opening by local representative

S. Guillaume
(Deputy Mayor, health &
social services)
G. Rodier (Director, IHR)
J. Ridderhof
(Associate Director)

Introductory remarks WHO

Introductory remarks CDC
09:40 10:40

Setting the stage: why quality systems are

essential for good laboratory practices
Background and overview of the quality systems Laboratory as an integral part of the entire continuum
of healthcare
Whose quality system to use?
Common elements of all health laboratory quality

11:10 12:30

How to institutionalize integrated quality systems
in the national laboratory system
Expected legal and managerial role of the resourcelimited governments and health care leadership
Challenges inherent in establishing full
implementation of quality standards scalability to
meet local requirements
Organizational challenges and national laboratory
policies in combining vertical quality systems for an
integrated quality system approach

12:30 14:00
14:00 16:40

Successes and challenges in implementing quality
Caribbean countries
United Republic of Tanzania (the)

15:45 16:00


Chair: K. B. Chua
(NPHL, Malaysia)
G. Fine (CLSI)

N. Cabutti

R. Robertson (NATA)

J. Ridderhof (CDC)

Chair: J. Carter
(AMREF, Kenya)
V. Wilson (CAREC)
P. Mingting (NCCL)
C. Massambu (MoH)
P. Silva (MoH)


Joint WHO CDC Conference on Health Laboratory Quality Systems, Lyon, France, 9 11 April 2008

16:40 17:15
17:15 18:00


Wrap-up session Discussion and

How to reduce pre- and post-analytical errors?
A reminder and analysis in detail of errors incurred
during non-analytic phases
End of day one

I. Gardner (RCPA)

Thursday 10 April 2008

09:00 10:30

Breakout discussions
Group 1: How to develop national laboratory
policies and standards to support quality systems?
Quality system essentials utilizing the international
standards; practical hands-on session
Group 2: External Quality Assessment (EQA) and
development of monitoring tools
Discussions on the necessity of
international/regional/national EQAs
How to monitor the progress of quality systems
To seek and propose monitoring tools, or quality
indicator, useful for assessing the achievement

K. Klugman (Chair)
G. Fine (moderator)
F. Fuchs (moderator)
C. Mwangi (moderator)
P. Silva moderator)
M. Noble (Chair)
R. Amini (moderator)
J. Carter (moderator)
J. Elliot (moderator)
V. Fensham (moderator)
M. Niedrig (moderator)

Group 3: Advocacy for setting and implementing

national quality standards
To discuss and amend the draft advocacy paper
aiming at the unanimous adoption by all the

Y. Ipuge (Chair)
C. Collins (moderator)
J. Elliot (moderator)
C. Heuck (moderator)
J. James (moderator)

Group 4: Integrated approaches for quality

How can we address the challenge of integrating
vertical quality programmes for TB, HIV, IDSR, and
Brief introduction of biosafety in total quality
management as a cross-cutting, common standard

J. Hughes (Chair)
S. Beers (moderator)
J.M. Gabastou (moderator)
J. Ridderhof (moderator)

10:30 11:00


11: 00 12:30

Breakout discussions - Groups 1, 2, 3 and 4


12:30 14:00


14:00 17:00

Plenary session: presentations by breakout

groups and discussions
Group 3

Chair: S. Al Busaidy
(C PHL, Oman)

Joint WHO CDC Conference on Health Laboratory Quality Systems, Lyon, France, 9 11 April 2008

Group 1
Group 2
Group 4
17: 00 18:30

End of day two and Reception, City Hall, Lyon

Friday 11 April 2008

09:00 11:00

Strategic framework for instituting a global

partnership among all

Chair: K. Stinshoff

Developing a global partnership of international

organisations/partners to assist the national
authorities, industry and other stakeholders

CDC activities and its presence as a resource

Expected advisory function of WHO and other


Technical support from WHO

11:00 11:20


11:20 11:50

Discussion: How to facilitate active involvement of

normative and accreditation bodies as well as
industry, academic/research institutions, NGOs
and WHO collaborating centres?

11:50 12:20

Conclusions and recommendations

R. Martin (CDC)

R. Robertson (ILAC)

R. Bhatia (WHO/SEARO)

Wrap-up Discussion
Endorsement of the Advocacy paper
Conclusions and recommendations
12:20 12:30

Closing remarks


Close of Conference

Dr R. Amini (Participants


Joint WHO CDC Conference on Health Laboratory Quality Systems, Lyon, France, 9 11 April 2008


Joint WHO CDC Conference on Health Laboratory Quality Systems, Lyon, France, 9 11 April 2008

Annex 4.1
List of participants
Dr Almaz Abebe, Ethiopian National Health and Nutrition Research Institute, Addis Ababa,
Dr Criselda Abesamis, National Center for Health Facilities Development, Department of
Health, Building, Santa Cruz, Manila, Philippines (the)
Ms Blasina Aguilar, Ministry of Health, Panama, Republica de Panama
Dr Siriwat Akapirat, Armed Forces Research Institute of Medical Sciences, United States
Army Medical Component, Bangkok, Thailand
Dr Suleiman Al-Busaidy, Central Public Health Laboratory, Ministry of Health, Muscat, Oman
Dr Mrio Csar Althoff, Public health laboratory coordinator, Ministry of Health, Brasilia,
Dr Rana Amini, Reference Laboratories of Iran Research Centre, WHO Collaborating Centre,
Bo-Ali Hospital, Teheran, Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Dr Adoh Barthlmy Anon, National public health laboratory, Abidjan, Cte d'Ivoire
Dr Anne Badrichani, William J. Clinton Foundation, Quincy, Massachussets, USA
Dr John Ball, American Society for Clinical Pathology, Chicago, Illinois, USA
Ms Anne Berndt, International Federation of Biomedical, Laboratory Science, Hamilton,
Ontario, Canada
Dr Valerie Bevan, Health Protection Agency, Centre for Infections Evaluation and Standards
Laboratory, London, England
Mr Iga Boaz, SAIC-Frederick, Inc., Clinical Monitoring Research Program, Rakai Health
Sciences Program, Kampala, Uganda
Dr Jacques Boncy, National public health laboratory, Ministry of public health, Port-au-Prince,
Dr Michel Bonnier, BioMrieux, Marcy lEtoile, France
Dr Eka M. Buadromo, Consultant Pathologist, Colonial War Memorial Hospital, Suva, Fiji
Dr Norberto Cabutti, Latin American Biochemical Confederation, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Dr Jane Carter, Head Clinical Services, African Medical & Research Foundation, Nairobi,
Dr Wilai Chalermchan, Department of Medical Sciences, National Institute of Health,
Muang Nonthaburi, Thailand
Dr Sujatha Chandrasekaran, Suryodaya Centre for Health Information, Abhiramapuram,
Chennai, India
Mr Jean-Franois Charpentier, BIOLABO, Maizy, France
Dr Kaw Bing Chua, Makmal Kesihatan Awam Kebangsaan, National Public Health
Laboratory, Ministry of Health, Sungai Buloh Selangor, Malaysia
Professor Christian Collombel, Biologie sans Frontires, Lyon, France
Dr Andr Deom, Swiss Centre for Quality Control, Chne Bourg, Switzerland
Dr Seydou Diarra, National Public Health Research Institute, Bamako, Mali

Joint WHO CDC Conference on Health Laboratory Quality Systems, Lyon, France, 9 11 April 2008

Mr Franois Diaz, Scientific and Technical Department, World Organization for Animal
Health, Paris, France
Ms Antoaneta Dragoescu, Ministry of Public Health, Bucharest, Romania
Dr Varalakshmi Elango, TDR Clinical Laboratory Network, Thammasat University, Bangkok,
Mr John Elliot, Pacific Paramedical Training Centre, Wellington, New Zealand
Dr Sittana Elshafie, Hamad Medical Corporation, Department of Laboratory Medicine and
Pathology, Doha, Qatar
Ms Vivian Fensham, National Institute for Communicable Diseases, Microbiology EQA Unit,
Johannesburg, South Africa
Dr Paula Fernandes, Association of Public Health Laboratories, Silver Spring, Maryland, USA
Mr Glen Fine, Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute, Wayne, Pennsylvania , USA
Dr Moiss Francisco, Instituto Nacional de Saude Publica, Luanda, Angola
Dr Florence Fuchs, French Health Products Safety Agency, Lyon, France
Dr Florentina Furtunescu, Ministry of Public Health, Bucarest, Romania
Dr Tura Galgalo, National Public Health Laboratory Services, Ministry of Health, Nairobi,
Dr Ian Gardner, The Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia Quality Assurance
Programs, Surry Hills, New South Wales, Australia
Dr Marc Anthony Germain, Haitian Group for the Study of Kaposi's Sarcoma and
Opportunistic Infections, Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Dr Christopher Gilpin, International Organization for Migration, Geneva, Switzerland
Ms Martina Gliber, Fondation Mrieux, Lyon, France
Dr Gudeta Tibesso Gudeto, The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopian Health and
Nutrition Research Institute, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Mr Gaspard Guma, Central Public Health Laboratories, Ministry of Health, Kampala, Uganda
Dr Monique Gueguen, Medical Department, Mdecins Sans Frontires, Paris, France
Dr Aktham Haddadin, Central Laboratories, Ministry of Health, Amman, Jordan
Dr Lu Han, National Institute for Viral Disease Control and Prevention, Centers for Disease
Control, Beijing, China
Dr Bader Hasan Baig, Ministry of Health, Public Health Laboratory Services, Manama,
Mr Armen Hayrapetyan, Implementation Unit State Agency, Ministry of Health, Yerevan,
Ms Silke Heller, Instand e.V. Sankt Gertrauden-Krankenhaus, Berlin, Germany
Ms Lucia Hernndez Rivas, Control de Muestras y Servicios, National Institute for
Epidemiology Diagnostics and References, Col. Santo Tomas, Mxico
Professor Claus Heuck, Institute for Laboratory Medicine, University Hospital, Dsseldorf,
Ms Thi Minh Ly Ho, Department of training and Research Management, National Institute of
Hygiene and Epidemiology, Hanoi, Viet Nam
Dr Mark Hotz, Bundeswehr Institute of Radiobiology, Munich, Germany
Dr James Hughes, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Professor Paata Imnadze, National Center of Disease Control and Public Health, Medical
Statistics, Tbilisi, Georgia


Joint WHO CDC Conference on Health Laboratory Quality Systems, Lyon, France, 9 11 April 2008

Dr Yahya A. Ipuge, Clinton Foundation, HIV/AIDS Initiative, Dar es Salaam, United Republic
of Tanzania (the)
Mr Issa Ishtaieh, Central Public Health Laboratories, Ministry of Health Ramallah, Al-Bireh
Palestinian National Authority
* Dr Youssouf Issabre, Fondation Mrieux, Bamako, Mali
Mr John Lawrence James, Holly Tree House, Wimborne, Dorset, England
Dr Vivienne James, United Kingdom National External Quality Assessment Service for
Microbiology, Quality Assurance Laboratory, Centre for Infections, Health Protection Agency,
London, England
Dr Marc Jouan, Institut Pasteur, Paris, France
Dr Yamina Kabrane, French Health Products Safety Agency, Saint Denis, France
Ms Susanne Karlsmose, National Food Institute, Copenhagen, Denmark
Dr Kaliya Kasymbekova, Department of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance,
Ministry of Health, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
Dr Nyamdavaa Khurelbaatar, National Center for Communicable Diseases, Ministry of
Health, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Dr Juvent Kinigi, Laboratoire de Biologie clinique, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire,
Bujumbura, Burundi
Ms Juliana Kinkese, Ministry of Health, Lusaka, Zambia
Professor Keith Klugman, Department of International Health, The Rollins School of Public
Health, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Dr Vasily Kuklev, Russian Antiplague Research Institute Microbeof Rospotrebnadzor,
Saratov, Russian Federation (the)
Ms Linda Kuo, California Department of Public Health, Microbial Diseases Laboratory,
Richmond, California, USA
Dr Ichiro Kurane, National Institute of Infectious Diseases, Department of Virology, Tokyo,
Dr Berthe-Marie Lafourcade, Agency of Preventive Medicine, Paris, France
Dr Christophe Leculier, Laboratoire P4 Jean Mrieux, Institut National de la Sant et de la
Recherche Mdicale, Lyon, France
Dr Evan Lee, Foundation for Innovative New Diagnostics, Cointrin, Switzerland
Mr Jacques Lemius, BioMrieux, Marcy lEtoile, France
* Dr Christophe Longuet, Fondation Mrieux, Lyon, France
Dr Khue Luong Ngoc, Medical Administration, Ministry of Health Viet Nam, Hanoi, Viet Nam
Ms Sibongile Nyaradzo Makhanda, Zimbabwe National Quality Assurance Programme, Trust
Parirenyatwa Hospital, Harare, Zimbabwe
Dr Manuel Ismael Mancilla Morales, National Health Laboratory, Villa Nueva, Guatemala
Dr Douglas Mangwanya, Ministry of Health and Child Welfare, Causeway, Harare, Zimbabwe
Dr Charles Massambu, Diagnostic Services, Ministry of Health and Social Welfare,
Dar es Salaam, United Republic of Tanzania (the)
Dr Barbara Mc Kinney, American Society for Clinical Pathology, Chicago, Illinois, USA
Dr Upul Ajith Mendis, Health Services, Ministry of Healthcare and Nutrition, Colombo,
Sri Lanka

* unable to attend

Joint WHO CDC Conference on Health Laboratory Quality Systems, Lyon, France, 9 11 April 2008

Dr Ling Meng, Office of Disease Control and Emergency Response, Center for Disease
Control, China, Beijing, China
Mr Benoit Miribel, Fondation Mrieux, Lyon, France
Dr Thoraya Mohsin Saleh, Hamad Medical Corporation, Department of Pathology and
Laboratory Medicine, Doha, Qatar
Dr Modisa S. Motswaledi, Ministry of Health, Gaborone, Botswana
Dr Agrippa Mtambara, NatPharm, Harare, Zimbabwe
Ms Therese Mukankwiro, Department of Microbiology, National Reference Laboratory,
Ministry of Health, Kigali, Rwanda
Ms Fales Zulu Mwamba, Ministry of Health, Laboratory Services Unit, Lusaka, Zambia
Dr Katalin N. Szomor, Department for Viral Diagnostic, National Centre for Epidemiology,
Ministry of Health, Budapest, Hungary
Dr Gourou Iremine Nahoua, National Program to Fight Against Tuberculosis, Abidjan,
Cte dIvoire
Dr Pierre Nicolas, Meningococcus Unit, WHO Collaborating Centre for Reference and
Research on Meningococci, Institut de Mdecine Tropicale du Service de Sant des Armes,
Marseille, France
Dr Matthias Niedrig, Laboratory Group, Robert Koch Institute, Berlin, Germany
Professor Michael Noble, Clinical Microbiology Testing Programme, Department of Pathology
and Laboratory Medicine, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
Mr Amato Ojwiya, Central Public Health Laboratory, Ministry of Health, Kampala, Uganda
Dr Mc Paul Okoye, U.S. Agency for International Development, Abuja, Nigeria
Ms Scholastica Okui, Central Public Health Laboratory, Ministry of Health, Kampala, Uganda
Dr Ali Onoja, Central Public Health Laboratory Service, Yaba, Lagos, Nigeria
Dr Chinnambedu N. Paramasivan, Foundation for Innovative New Diagnostics, Cointrin,
Ms Maria Adelina Pea Gomes, Dr Ricardo Jorge National Institute of Health, Lisboa,
Dr Marcelo Omar Pellegrino, Servicio Nacional de Sanidad y Calidad Agroalimentaria,
Direccin de Laboratorios y Control Tcnico, Buenos Aires, Argentina
* Dr Mingting Peng, Hematology Laboratory of National Center for Clinical Laboratories,
Beijing, China
Professor Claude Petit, Centre Europen de Sant Humanitaire, Universit Claude Bernard,
Lyon, France
Dr Antoine Pierson, Eptisa Internacional, Strengthening the Services of Public Health
Laboratories in Serbia, Belgrade, Serbia
Dr Guillermo Pimentel, Naval Medical Research Unit 3, Disease Surveillance Program, Cairo,
Dr Herv Raoul, Laboratoire P4 Jean Mrieux, Institut National de la Sant et de la Recherche
Mdicale, Lyon, France, Lyon, France
Dr Nivo Hanitra Rasoanaivo, Head of Pharmacy, of Laboratory and of Traditional Medecine,
Ministry of Health, Familz Planning and Social Welfare, Antananarivo, Madagascar
Ms Tiana Rasolonavalona, Pasteur Institute, Antananarivo, Madagascar
Professor Lala Rasoamialy Razanakolona, National Reference Laboratory, CHUA-JRA
Ampefiloha, Antananarivo, Madagascar
* unable to attend

Joint WHO CDC Conference on Health Laboratory Quality Systems, Lyon, France, 9 11 April 2008

Dr Hans Reinauer, INSTAND Society for Promotion of Quality Assurance in Medical

Laboratories, Dsseldorf 1, Germany
Dr Regina Robertson, National Association of Testing Authorities,
Silverwater, New South Wales, Australia
Ms Elettra Ronchi, Health and Biotechnology, Organization for Economic Cooperation and
Development, Paris, France
Dr Nooshafarin Safadel, Quality Assurance Management Office, Reference Health Laboratory,
Tehran, Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Dr Jean Sakande, Direction des Laboratoires, Ministry of Health, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
Dr Flemming Scheutz, Statens Serum Institute, The International Escherichia and Klebsiella
Centre, Copenhagen, Denmark
Mr Joseph Shott, Rakai Health Science Program, Kampala, Uganda
Dr Panadda Silva, Bureau of Laboratory Quality Standards, Department of Medical Sciences,
Ministry of Public Health, Nonthaburi, Thailand
Dr Nadine Smith, Ministry of Health, Georgetown, Guyana
Dr Chuop Sokheng, National Institute of Public Health Laboratory, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Dr Klaus Stinshoff, Chserex, Switzerland
Dr Hosea Sukati, Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, Mbabane, Swaziland
Dr Gordon Sutehall, Institute of Biomedical Science, London, England
Dr Ralph Timperi, Association of Public Health Laboratories Global Health Program,
Silver Spring, Maryland, USA
Dr Nol Tordo, Biology of emerging viral infections Unit, Pasteur Institute, Lyon, France
Dr Xuan Lien Truong, Pasteur Institute, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam
Dr Stella Udo, Medical Laboratory Science Council of Nigeria, Yaba, Lagos, Nigeria
Dr Danik de Los Angeles Valera Anteguera, National Institute of Health, Bogota, Colombia
Dr Stella Van Beers, Royal Tropical Institute, Amsterdam, Netherlands (the)
Dr Guy Vernet, Fondation Mrieux, Lyon, France
Dr Diane Waku, Measles National Reference Centre, Institut National de la Sant et de la
Recherche Mdicale, Lyon, France
Dr Kanglin Wan, National Institute for Communicable Disease Control and Prevention,
Beijing, China
Dr John Wain, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, Hinxton, Cambridge, England
Dr Jenny White, United Kingdom National External Quality Assessment Service, Watford,
Mr Maxfield Williams, OneWorld-Lab, Baltimore, Maryland, USA
Ms Valerie Wilson, Laboratory Management Consultant, Carenage, Trinidad and Tobago
Dr Win Win Thein, Clinical Pathology, National Health Laboratory, Yangon, Myanmar
Dr Amorn Wongrakpanich, Bureau of Laboratory Quality Standards, Department of Medical
Sciences, Ministry of Public Health, Nonthaburi, Thailand
Dr Chen-Fu Yang, Center for Disease Control, Department of Health, Taipei, Taiwan, China
Dr Aizhan Yesmagambetova, Ministry of Health, Committee for Epidemiological
Surveillance, Astan, Kazakhstan
Professor Heinz Zeichhardt, Charit Universittmedizin Institut fr Virologie, Charit
Universittsmedizin, Berlin, Germany
Dr Herv Zeller, Pasteur Institute, Lyon, France


Joint WHO CDC Conference on Health Laboratory Quality Systems, Lyon, France, 9 11 April 2008

Dr David Browning, Heritage, Crewkerne, Somerset, England
Dr Joanna Zwetyenga, Cavignac, France
U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Ms Ramatou Toure Hamidou Adechoubou, Abidjan, Cte dIvoire
Dr Adilya Albetkova, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Mr Edi Bile, Gaborone, Botswana
Dr Kyle Bond, Global AIDS Program (GAP), Dulles, Nigeria
Dr Thu Hien Bui, Hanoi, Viet Nam
Ms Eileen Burke, Kisumu, Kenya
Dr Carlyn Collins, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Dr Tracy Dalton, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Dr Yohannes Mengistu Eshete, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Dr Sergey Karapetyan, Yerevan, Armenia
Dr Olen Kew, National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Dr Debra Kuehl, International Laboratory Branch, Global Aids Program, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Dr Bereneice Madison, Global AIDS Program, Lusaka, Zambia
Dr Ernest Makokha, Global Aids Program, Kisumu, Kenya
Dr Robert Martin, Coordinating Center for Health Information and Service, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Dr Jessina Masamha, Maputo, Mozambique
Dr David Mc Alister, Kigali, Rwanda
Dr Christina Mwangi, Laboratory Support, United Republic of Tanzania (the)
Dr Richard Clive Nkunda Mwesigwa, Head of Molecular Biology Laboratory, Global Aids
Program, Kisumu, Kenya
Dr Mark Rayfield, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Dr John Ridderhof, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Dr Colin Roach, Global Aids Program, Georgetown, Guyana
Dr Ritu Shrivastava, Hanoi, Viet Nam
Dr Angela Starks, Mycobacteriology Laboratory Branch, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Dr Ruth B. Walkup, Harare, Zimbabwe

World Health Organization

Regional Offices

Dr Rajesh Bhatia, Regional Office for South-East Asia, New Dehli, India
Dr Caroline Sarah Brown, Regional Office for Europe, Copenhagen, Denmark
Dr Jean-Marc Gabastou, Regional Office for the Americas, Washington, D.C., USA
Dr Gayatri Ghadiok, Regional Office for the Western Pacific, Manila, Philippines (the)
* Dr Nabila Metwalli, Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean, Cairo, Egypt
Dr Jean-Bosco Ndihokubwayo, Regional Office for Africa, Brazzaville, Republic of Congo
Dr Christopher John Oxenford, Regional Office for the Western Pacific, Manila, Philippines (the)
* unable to attend


Joint WHO CDC Conference on Health Laboratory Quality Systems, Lyon, France, 9 11 April 2008


Dr Awa Aidara-Kane, Food Safety, Zoonoses and Foodborne Diseases, Health Security and
Dr May Chu, International Health Regulations Coordination, Health Security and Environment
Dr Renu Dayal-Drager, Biorisk Reduction for Dangerous Pathogens, Health Security and
Mr David Featherstone, Expanded Programme on Immunization, Immunization, Vaccines and
Biologicals, Family and Community Health
Dr Pascal Haefliger, Evidence and Policy on Emerging Environmental Health Issues, Public
Health and the Environment, Health Security and Environment
Dr Jean Joly, Research for Neglected Priorities, Quality Assured Diagnostics, Special
Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases, Information Evidence and Research
Dr Danilo Lo-Fo-Wong, Food Safety, Zoonoses and Foodborne Diseases, Health Security and
Mr Dominique Metais, International Health Regulations Coordination, Health Security and
Dr Mercedes Perez Gonzalez, Diagnostics and Laboratory Technology, Essential Health
Technologies, Health Systems and Services
Dr Nicoletta Previsani, Reduction for Dangerous Pathogens, International Health Regulations
Coordination, Health Security and Environment
Dr Katarina Prosenc, Global Influenza Programme, Health Security and Environment
Dr Gunael R.M. Rodier, Director, International Health Regulations Coordination Programme,
Health Security and Environment
Dr Anita Sands, Diagnostics and Laboratory Technology, Essential Health Technologies,
Health Systems and Services
Professor Willy Urassa, Diagnostics and Laboratory Technology, Essential Health
Technologies, Health Systems and Services
Dr Gaby Vercauteren, Diagnostics and Laboratory Technology, Essential Health
Technologies, Health Systems and Services
Dr Veronique Vincent, TB/HIV and Drug Resistance, Stop TB, HIV/AIDS, TB and Neglected
Tropical Diseases
Dr Wenqing Zhang, Global Influenza Programme, Health Security and Environment
Headquarters, International Health Regulations Lyon Office

Ms Anouk Berger, Training Support Programme

Dr Sbastien Cognat, National System Strengthening
Ms Sophia Desillas, Communication
Dr Philippe Dubois, National System Strengthening
Dr Christelle Estran, National System Strengthening
Dr Kazunobu Kojima, National System Strengthening
Dr Christian Mathiot, Executive Manager
Mr Sylvio Menna, Training Support Programme
Dr Daniel Lins Menucci, Travel and Transport/Points of Entry
Dr Pierre Nabeth, Training Support Programme
Dr Mohammad Youssef, National System Strengthening


Joint WHO CDC Conference on Health Laboratory Quality Systems, Lyon, France, 9 11 April 2008


Joint WHO CDC Conference on Health Laboratory Quality Systems, Lyon, France, 9 11 April 2008

Annex 4.2
Composition of breakout working groups
Working Group 1
How to develop national
laboratory policies and
standards to support
quality systems?
BEVAN Valerie (moderator)
BONCY Jacques
DIAZ Franois
ELANGO Varalakshmi
ESHETE Yohanens
FINE Glen (moderator)
FUCHS Florence
HO Thi Minh Ly
KLUGMAN Keith (Chair)
LEE Evan
MOHSIN Thoraya
MWANGI Christina
SILVA Panadda (moderator)
YOUSSEF Mohammad

Working Group 2
External Quality Assessment
(EQA) and development of
monitoring tools
AMINI Rana (moderator)
CABUTTI Norberto
CARTER Jane (moderator)
COGNAT Sebastien
ELLIOT John (moderator)
FENSHAM Vivian (moderator)
GILPIN Christopher
GUDETO Gudeta Tibesso
JAMES Vivienne
KUO Linda
LECULIER Christophe
LEMIUS Jacques
NIEDRIG Matthias (moderator)
NOBLE Michael (Chair)
OKUI Scholastica
PECA GOMES Maria Adelina
PIMENTEL Guillermo
PROSENC Katarina
ROACH Coline
SCHEUTZ Flemming
UDO Stella
VINCENT Vronique


Working Group 3
Advocacy for setting
and implementing
national quality
BUI Thu Hien
BURKE Eileen
CABUTTI Norberto
GERMAIN Marc Anthony
GUMA Gaspard
IPUGE Yahya (Chair)
KOJIMA Kazunobu
LECULIER Christophe
MADISON Bereneice
MAKHANDA Sibongile
OKOYE Mac Paul
PROSENC Katarina
SAFADEL Nooshafarin
SHOTT Joseph
WILSON Valerie

Working Group 4
Integrated approaches
for quality
ALTHOFF Mario Csar
BEERS Stella
BOEHM Emmanuelle
CHUA Kaw Bing
DUBOIS Philippe
OXENFORD Christopher
SMITH Nadine
WAKU Diane
YANG Chen-Fu

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