Road Less Travelled

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The passage provides context about a low-level adventure set in Middle-earth involving attacks on trading caravans. It introduces several characters that may be involved in investigating the attacks.

A hobbit named Jerramiah Fallowhide recounts how the trading caravan he was traveling with was attacked by unknown assailants. Several people went missing or were killed during the attack.

Lord Arkish of Eldanar is a commander from Angmar who seeks to take over the weakened kingdom of Arthedain. He is raising an army and arming hillmen and orcs to achieve his goals of conquest.

The Road Less

A low level MERP
By Andy Warner
The Road Less Travelled is an adventure
for low level characters.
It is set at the end of the spring of TA
1985, near the hedge-town of Bree. It is
a follow-up to the adventure 'Snow and

The year is 1985, in the Third Age of the
Sun. It is late spring in the North of Middle Earth. Although some snows still lie on
the high fells, or in gullies the midday sun
does not yet hold in its full glare the
weather is warming. Lambing season
soon, on the wide, open Downs around
Bree, and the time for trade and travel
too. It is the first wet night of the season.
A cold rain is falling from grey skies as
the bedraggled travelling party (the players) arrive just before the great gates are
closed to shut out the wilds of the Barrow
Downs. Too thick, the cloud, to allow
glimpse of the moon just passing its fullest. A mere month ago She looked down
on a landscape cloaked in white, glittering
with beauty in Her eerie silver light. Now
she would shine on a damp and dismal
landscape if the leaden skies allowed her.
The rivers are high with snowmelt and the
latest rains, but they are no longer in
flood as they were recently.
In the ancient hedge-town of Bree, spirits
are high and tongues wag of good times
to come. Life has been hard since the

Great War, only 10 years ago, where the

Dark Host of Angmar threw itself mercilessly on the quiet towns of Arthedain,
beaten back only by the joined might of
men and elves, and then only just. It will
take these shattered lands many more
years to mend fully, but mend they will,
and the folk of Arthedain know it.
'Care, there boys! have a care lest you
spook the mule. I don't want to be chasin
after her in this mizzle, now do I? Load em
up boys, and keep that tarp tucked in
tight against this weather, be wishin' for
the cold I will, if this drench keeps up.
Care I says! Have a care boys, these
goods ain't no use broke now, are they?'

Outside the Kings Arms, work is carrying

on into the damp early evening. Inside, a
warm fire greets tired workers and the
few travellers reaching Bree so early in
the year. Mead a plenty, good food and a
friendly atmosphere serve to lighten
many a winter-weary heart. And with the
traders active, it looks like work may be
available too! But first things first, a bath,
dry cloths, a bite to eat and a few beers
with the last few coppers in the coin bag.
And so the evening becomes night and
night gives rise to a dismal, wet and grey
dawn which lingers into an equally miserable morning. Nothing to do but sit
around the Kings Arms and rest a bit.
Maybe play a game of dice and try to win
lunch, or catch the eye of the serving girl
with a rye smile and promise of company!
But by lunchtime, tongues are wagging
and spilling forth gossip. Word is that a
caravan has been attacked! And soon, the
Inn is packed tight with townsfolk, and
standing, stage centre, an excitable hobbit is holding open court atop a table,
beer froth round his muddy feet....

'Its a wonder any of us got away with our

lives! Poor Foren, I didn't see him leave,
he's probably going to be held for ransom
or something... The guard boys put up a
good fight, but, but, the bastards were
too good for them! Calwine ran, yes its
true, but his runnin' meant I got away
with Grubby too, and what good would
three more dead be anyway? In Eru's
name, I hope Calwine made it to safety,
but what with him being off colour and
all, I don't hold much hope for him. I've
had enough of this! Last year I was lucky,
and I didn't say or do anything when others got robbed. I just buried my head and
mumbled into my beer. Well, now it's me
on the sharp end and I changed my
views. Now, I can accept if no-one wants
to help, Yvanna knows I wouldn't, but lets
put an end to this, lets string em up, lets
make the North Road safe again! Whaddaya say?'

Adventure overview and


Jerramiah Fallowhide stands wide eyed

and expectant, a half cocked grin making
him seem just ever so slightly mad.

Bree is at a great crossroads of the artery

routes of Arthedain. The Greenway runs
from Gondor in the far south to Fornost
Erain, the new capital in the North, and
the Great East Road is the route from the
Grey Havens and the western Shire lands
to the vast unmapped wilds across the
Misty Mountains, to the East. It is a place
of tales and rumors from across the land,
some of which may even be true! As
such, it is a great place for spies to linger
a while, and that is exactly why Hoegwar
Hoegs Son, the foremost spy of the North
is here (see Snow and Subterfuge for
some background to Hoegwar)!

'Well......?', he says, hands held out to his

silent audience. 'Damn you all then, damn
you to the wargs and the barrows, I'll
smoke them buggers out myself.'

Just then a gruff voice from the back corner of the inn silences him.
'Well, well, little Hobbit. You have a heroes
heart, there. How about I offer you a heroes hammer as well?' A burly dwarf rises
and makes his way forward. 'Dagaard
Drachoschlar is my name, and I accept
your call. So long as you are buying the
beer, I will act as your strong arm!' With

that, he places his dwarven hammer on

the table, turnes and scannes the room.
'Anyone else care to join us, then? Beers
on the hobbit'.....
Well, thats the cue for the party members
to jump into the plot! Rescue a trader, rid
the town of brigands, become heroes and
get free beer!

The players should set out to investigate

the trader ambush, deal with the brigands, clean out the tower and restore the
property of the traders. They should aim
to make the North Road safe again. Simple! However, they should gradually become aware that this is not a simple bandit group, and there are sinister goings on
behind the scenes. As they gain more
knowledge, they will be drawn into an expanding campaign that will lead them into
peril, adventure and the ultimate struggle
for Arthedain itself.

The Plot

Hoegwar has another reason for his stay

in Bree, too. He has visited some old
'friends' in the town of Sarik, a few days
north of Bree. There he passed on information, and new orders from his overseer, the foul Grouth of Pen Morva.
Hoegwars friends are small time villains
and robbers who prey on lightly guarded
caravans plying their trade up and down
the Greenway and North Road. With the
decimation of the Arthedain army in the
war, traders find it hard to find good
trained men to act as guards, and these
days, each trip is a gamble.

However, this spring the robberies are not

going to be random. Several traders have
been persuaded to ship highly sensitive
cargos up to Fornost Erain, persuaded
mainly by the 'promise' of large amounts
of coin. These are the traders that will be
specially targeted by the bandit group.
Late last year, a guard officer from Fornost contacted a few traders discretely,
and asked if they could provide a shipment or two of arms and armour. Mainly
spear heads, pike heads and breastplates,
but with a few swords too, and some
short bows with many cases of arrows,
fletched red and white. All for the armoury at Fornost, it seemed, but still the
contact told the traders to be covert and
careful, afterall, who knows what spies
stalk the towns of Arthedain, and none
want the Dark Powers to know Arthedain
is on the rise, eh? The traders were told
that they would be well rewarded for such
goods, but alas no money was available
up front to purchase the cargo. The request was legitimate, to a degree. The
powers in Fornost have requested arms,
but the money they paid for them has
been siphoned off by the Quartermaster
of the Lower Bailey at Fornost, a man
named Tasterlan. A black hearted villain
bent to the will of the Witch King of Angmar, many years ago. Surviving the War,
he worked his way up (though he has not
managed to get that far, it seems!) to a
position of power, at least in some quarters. Working with Hoegwar and the brigands of the North Road, he is stockpiling
a cache of arms to be used against Arthedain 'when the time comes.'
A few weeks ago the first traders left for
the north carrying winter trade goods.
They got through to their destinations
without incident, and all looked good. Last
week, a couple of traders set out, including Jerramiah Fallowhide with his stash of
weaponry, but they were attacked. Luckily, they escaped on foot and have just
made it back to Bree, all their goods gone
and thier livelihoods ruined - or so it

A little more background information

The Bandits of the North Road are a loose
band of about 25 members, though they
are lead by a hard core of just four people:
Maugreth, a surly gruff outspoken
northman from Sarik - the self appointed
Ferien of Howester, the spurned illegitimate daughter of a petty noble (who
died in the Battle of Fornost) who hates
everything Arthedain represents and uses
her magical herb lore to powerful effect if
Vallen Gumb, an intelligent but downtrodden Fornost northman with a head for
figures who carries out most of the organisation and quartermastering
Gustaven Arenrim, their true leader, is
a Dunedain of questionable lineage. He is
happy to let Maugreth strut as leader
while it suits him. He is a skilled orator
with a subtle way about him, controlling
weaker men without them suspecting a
thing. He is also 'unkillable' (but more on
that later).
They hole up in an old watch tower in the
hills north east of Bree (similar to the
watch towers of the Weather Hills) using
its isolation to full advantage. Of the remaining 20 or so other members, the
majority are just scoundrels that live in
Bree, Sarik or Fornost. Only a handful
know the location of the old tower. Importantly for this scenario, two of the
bandits who do know its location have infiltrated the trade circle, and are manipulating it from within (simply timing of
trips, number of guards, type of cargo
etc). They are 'Grubby' Durnan, originally
from the slums of Tharbad, and Calwine,
a thug out of Sarik. 'Grubby' is posing as
a coal merchant, and has taken a wagon
of coal north in the last trade trip, along

with several other traders. Calwine has

taken a job as a guard on the trade route.
Remember the Dwarf, Dagaard Drachoschlar? Well, Dagaard is not usually one to
pledge himself to the nearest un-hinged
hobbit, even for free beer. But Dagaard is
intrigued. As a refugee from the mines of
Khazad Dum, he spent several years in
the dereliction that calls itself the City of
Tharbad. It was in that decrepit place he
came across a few unsavory individuals,
and one of them is sat right across the
room, wet to the skin, shivering over a
cup of hot wine and looking very shaky.
'Grubby' Durnan, ex coal miner, ex
smithy, ex con! Last time Dagaard saw
'Grubby', he was on the run from a clan of
rather irate dwarves after trying to dupe
them into buying a load of poor quality
coal for an inflated price. And further
more, rumor had it that Grubby Durnan
knew a certain bad apple named Hogwash
(Hoegwar) who had been responsible for
the death of Dagaards close friend. And
you know what they say about dwarves:
Nobody ever did a dwarf a favor, or a
wrong, without being repaid in full. And
Dagaard is eager to repay the debt he
owes Hogwash..... (see Snow and Subterfuge)

Key Points
Three weeks ago: The first traders left
Bree. Three carts laden with wooden
goods such as hurdles, baskets, small
furnishings etc, made from fine hazel over
the winter months and a cart full of best
quality shire charcoal were guarded by
five local militia men. They had no problems at all and are now in Fornost, after
selling goods en-route at Sarik and Howester.
Last week: Three merchants (Grubby
with coal, Foren with cured hides and
Jerramiah Fallowhide with 'illicit weapons') went northwards with 4 guards (including Calwine). A further 4 guards were
taken ill the night before departure, and

more guards could not be found in time.

The three decided to risk a trip lightly
guarded. In fact, Calwine had poisoned
the guards (and a few other people) with
a concoction made by Ferien for that purpose. He also gave himself a dose as a
cover, though a mild one. Everyone believes the broth was off in the Inn, though
the innkeeper vigorously denies the
charge which has lowered patronage
2 days ago: The caravan was ambushed
at dusk as camp was being made. The
attack was swift and well executed. The
two real guards and one of the traders
were killed, and the carts taken away
along a track to the west. The actual
events at dusk were as follows:

Grubby suggested a good camping

spot, seemingly easy to keep
watch from. It was where the ambush would take place.

Camp was being set up by the

three traders while the guards
kept watch.

Grubby was anticipating the attack, and took the opportunity to

kill Foren with a swift knife to the
neck when he was sure no-one
would notice.

Grubby then signaled to the bandits with a special bird call. Jerry
Fallowhide had heard the strange
call, and was a little wary.

One of the mules started to get a

bit jumpy and a guard went to
check it was OK.

The bandits attacked with arrows,

wounding two of the guards, then
rushed in from their hidden places.
Jerry took cover under the wagon
tarp among the hides and kept
very still.

The guards put up a good fight

(Calwine faking it as he was fighting his bandit buddies), but one

was killed and Gillian was knocked

senseless, leaving Calwine to fight
on. Grubby was about to kill the
reeling Gillian when Jerry grabbed
at him and pulled him to 'safety'.
Just then Calwine left the fray and
ran off, chased by a bandit. Scared
out of his wits, Jerry took the opportunity to run, and Grubby realised he had to do the same. He
intended to catch and kill Jerry but
never had the chance as Gillian recovered enough of his senses to
run off too.

obvious option is to investigate the ambush site and see what has gone on, and
try to track the bandits. If players investigate the guards, the traders or people in
Bree, they run the risk of becoming alienated - Bree is a close knit place and noone wants to believe the raids were organised from within. They might find out
that at least one of last years raids was
on a trader carrying weapons bound for
the Fornost garrison. He died in the attack. Calwine was one of the guards back
then, too.

Jerry, Grubby and Gillian travelled

back to Bree as fast as they could.

Later that day, Calwine joined his

fellows at the Tower.

The Journey to the ambush


This morning: Grubby, Jerry and Gillian

the guard arrive back at Bree in the mid
morning, cold, wet and tired. They tell of
their terrible ordeal and lucky escape
from the brigands. The gossip centres
around the goods they were carrying.
Coal and hides were not normally the
subject of robbery. Just what was it that
young Fallowhide was carrying again?
What? No-one knows? And Jerry is not
sayin' nothin'.
Lunch time: Jerramiah Fallowhide has
roused the traders, and is holding open
court atop a table at the Kings Arms (see
the hobbit speach in the introduction for
Cue the Party: We are up to date, and
hopefully the party will take the 'job', after all, the beers free!

The Options
There are several options available. The
hobbit will happily accept players ideas
and thoughts, after all he has just escaped an attempt on his life. Grubby is
less willing to join in, he says he wants to
drink the memories away, and pretends
to drink himself into oblivion. The most

It doesn't take too long to reach the ambush site, but the journey gives the players an opportunity to talk with any NPC's
that are along for the ride. They might
get Jerry to reveal his cargo, and Dagaard
to tell of his previous dealings with
Grubby. Grubby will not accompany them,
he acts scared (quite well too!). A heavy
smell of forge-smoke hangs in the air as
the party near the site, and the odd wisp
of smoke may be visible from the burned
wagons - remember one was carrying

The ambush site

Good scouting of the site provides leads
to the tower hideout, and possible evidence against Grubby. The body of Foren
lies here, pecked by crows and stiff with
the death-rigor. His slashed throat is the
obvious cause of death. Both guards have
been left where they fell. Little can be
gleaned from their bodies. No sign of
Calwine can be found, though he can be
tracked a little way. Tracks become confused and it would take an extremely difficult perception/tracking roll to work out
exactly what happened. He actually fled
into the hills and made his way to the
tower by a long and difficult to track
route. He feared someone might come

looking. Told you he is not stupid. Two of

the carts have been burned along with
their goods, but Jerrys cart and goods,
plus all three of the mules have been
taken away. The party should be asking
themselves why valuable cargo has been
burned along with valuable carts too. The
tracks are easy to follow initially, but soon
become hard to make out. Good tracking
will lead to the old tower. The bandits will
be making patrols now and then, but they
will not attack a heavily armed party head
on. Stalk, hide, cut and run, that's their

The Watch Tower

The main action takes place in and
around the old tower. It is located on a
small wooded hill near a stream. It is
lightly guarded, but difficult to attack
head on, so subtlety is the name of the
game. It should lead to the discovery of
papers showing some plot more important
than simple brigandry. Hopefully it will
draw the characters into the dark weavings of a sinister plot against Arthedain...... Firien, Gustavan and Maugreth are here, along with 5 of the bandits (treat them as low level rogues and
warriors) and four orc scouts. Vallen
Gumb might arrive later (see below). The
orc scouts occasionally work with the
bandits and are resting at the tower on
their way back to the ruins of Annuminas,
their main base. They have been scouting
around the North Road, but are not directly involved in this adventure. They
serve to add firepower to the 'bad guys' if
needed, and orcs make good cannon fodder, eh?! Remember, the orcs will be
sleeping during the day, and be most active at night, making it difficult for the
players to infiltrate the hold under cover
of darkness. Oh, thats mean! The keep
has two intact levels and some out-house
ruins. There are two main doors and several arrow slits. Any competant climber
should be able to scale the walls and gain
easy access through the roof or top level

windows. The Main Hall is where meals

are cooked and most people will be found
during the day. Visiting gang members
usually sleep here too. The orcs are holed
up in one of the ground floor 'bedrooms'.
The other bedroom is where Maugreth
lives. It has a sturdy locked door, with a
simple spring trap that will do a fair bit of
damage but is easy to disarm. The horses
and the cart (still loaded with weapons
though the orcs have rumaged through
and taken a few of them) are in the leanto. The strong room has a locked sturdy

door, but no traps. It contains some of

the important finds: A letter with a crimson crescent moon seal on it, in code. If
the code is broken, the letter can be
translated. It tells the brigands to raid
Jeremiah's. A bag of coins bearing the
symbol of the iron crown of Angmar
(worth 10 or so gold) can be found with
some maps of the main trade routes. A
book containing names of lords, leaders
and people in powerful positions throughout Arthedain along with scribbled notes
about each person highlighting their
faults, weaknesses, how they might be
bribed etc. One of these is the Lord of
Sarik (Sarik is the location of the next adventure - the Forest of Fear), who it
seems is a good and trustworthy man free
of blight or blemish. He appears to be

singled out for an assassination attempt,

though that's not exactly clear from the
notes. Might be a good idea to warn him
though.... The storeroom contains enough
provisions for a couple of weeks, and
there is a large water butt in the Main
Hall, so 'siege' won't work! Only the tower
has an upper level. There are three
rooms, taken by the main characters as

The Main Characters

Hoegwar Hoegs Son aka Hogwash,
currently travelling under the name Habbrin. 10+ level spy/rogue/assassin type
character - the best spy that Angmar has.
He is cunning, ruthless, a master of
diguise. He is the worst nightmare a party

could have if they come to his attention.

He is of Northman/Dunlending stock. He
has some magical ability (make him powerful in your campaign setting, select spell
lists based around subterfuge, confusion,
treachery etc) and uses magical items
such as a cloak that helps him to hide and
boots that allow him to travel far at a
good pace without tiring. he has a magical aura about him that makes him inconsequential to people - no one remembers
him, even if he has spoken to them. He is
a long term NPC antagonist - dont introduce him to the party yet, have fun with
this one, but remember he has no reason
to treat the party as arch enemies....
yet..... Hoegwar doesn't remember Dagaard as the dwarf he nearly killed in
Tharbad, but if pressed, he will put twoand-two together. He might decide that
one less dwarf is a good thing....
Gustavan Arenrim, aka the Sly Fox. 5th
level bard. As the Sly Fox, he is a master
of manipulation and deception. His commanding demeanor can hold a group together in the face of adversity, but he
prefers to work from the sidelines, allowing others to bask in the glory of presumed leadership. A handsome Dunedain
with a boyish grin and a shock of blond
hair, the transfixing eyes of Gustavan
hold a dark secret. He is virtually immortal. He wears his soul close to his heart,
quite literally, hung around his neck on a
chain of mithril. A small gemstone packed
into a wool lined suede pouch glows and
pulsates with his every heartbeat, and
with every pulse of its ancient fire, it
keeps him alive. Through fire and flood,
sword wound, shattering fall, poisoning or
throttling, his soul is held apart from this
middle world, safe and sound. His wrent
body recovers at fantastic rates, even
from hot fires and terrible wounds. Gustavan does not flaunt this ability. In fact,
he is careful not to get himself injured,
and none are aware of his secret soul
gem. He does not really know how powerful it is himself, but realises it is not a
thing to be taken lightly. There are ru-

mors of his invulnerability and his uncanny ability to survive where others
could not, but he plays these myths down
with ease. An orator and diplomat, he can
manipulate situations to his advantage.
He may have magical abilities too, and his
spell lists should be those concerned with
diplomacy, oratory, subterfuge, misdirection leadership etc. He does not have
any specific magical items save the gem,
but may have a well made sword and
some odd interesting items suitable for
your campaign. Don't aim to use Gustavan up too soon, he is supposed to feature heavily in the forthcoming Forest of
Fear scenario.
'Grubby' Durnan, 2nd or 3rd level
fighter. A northman from Tharbad. Once a
miner, then a smith, he was never any
good at either. Grubby was always dirty,
and the name, like the grime from the
coal pits, stuck to him. Not intelligent
enough to realise that a name like Grubby
makes him stand out, he doesn't hide his
identity. Quite imposing, and not a bad
hand with the dagger and hammer, he
will happily stand up to any antagonists.
He is trying to ingratiate himself with the
bandit leaders, and so far has been quite
good at his job of infiltrating the traders
circle. He even realised he was more
useful as an escaped victim of robbery,
and he does look for all the world like he
has lost everything to this raid. Well done
Grubby, you surprise us all. If questioned
briefly, his story stands up, but if cross
examined or interviewed extensively, he
will get confused, let things slip, and get
angry. Grubby has a very well made dagger, based on a wide bladed Dunlending
pattern (+5 or +10 to suit your campaign). It tends to leave a wide gash of a
wound which, although not unique to the
weapon, could be a telling sign to any
competent healer examining the wound it
inflicts. Forens fatal wound could be
traced to this weapon upon an extremely
difficult roll (or a difficult roll if the knife
has been seen to wound someone else).
Grubby does not recognise Dagaard, but

if reminded, he pleads that he was poor,

hungry and down on his luck, that he is
really sorry, and is trying to live a good
hard working life now. If the party inquire
about his coal wagon, they will find out he
came from the Shire. Further inquiries
may reveal there is a hobbit mining family
just inside the Shire, and a visit would
confirm that a wagon was stolen in the
winter. However, if the party go off to the
shire, then the trail will be cold when they
get back. Use that kind of side event if a
player cannot get to the game for a few
sessions. You could have the character go
and do some digging while the others get
on with the task in hand. Grubby does
know Hogwash, but would not be able to
identify him, they were never friends.
Maugreth Warrener, 4th level rogue
and ex game keeper. A surly gruff outspoken northman from Sarik - and the
self appointed leader of the brigands. He
postures a lot, tells people what to do and
doesn't do a lot himself. He is handy with
a bow and short sword, and is skilled in
woodland craft, skulking around, tracking
and the like. Known as Rabbit behind his
back. The name might be used by one of
the brigands in Bree or Sarik and overheard by a player.... He would like to take
Ferien as his wife, but he is not having
much luck. He would defend her to prove
himself, but to be honest, she does not
care for him in the slightest. He has had
word from Tastelan in Fornost that he is
to target specific traders. He doesn't
know Tasterlan himself, and gets his 'orders' by coded letter. He has to get Vallen
to help him with the reading, its not really
his strong point. He looks really hard, and
can put the fear of Morgoth into people
with his stare!
Ferien of Howester is the spurned illegitimate daughter of a petty noble (who
died in the Battle of Fornost) who hates
everything Arthedain represents. She has
been swayed by the powers of Angmar
and uses her magical herb lore to powerful effect if needed in 'The Fight'. She

knows of Tasterlan, and of Hoegwar, but

has not met either of them. If caught and
pressed, she will plead innocence and say
she was forced to act by magics and
threat. She is twisted and evil, and can
manipulate people, words, whatever. She
will not give anything away unless its in
her best interest.
Vallen Gumb, scholar, 1st level thief
type. An intelligent but downtrodden Fornost northman with a head for figures
who carries out most of the organisation
and quartermastering for the Bandits. He
will arrive at the tower a few days after
the ambush to sort out the 'paperwork'.
Depending on how the players get on, he
may already be there, or he may arrive
later. If he stumbles upon them, he will
attempt to escape without being seen,
and failing that he will come up with some
plausible excuse for being there. Be creative, but be sensible! Vallen knows a lot
about the Angmar Plan..... He also knows
to spill the beans would be death, and it
wouldn't be quick. He has been careful
not to incriminate himself.
Calwine of Sarik, 2nd or 3rd level thief.
One of the bandits, he is a northman from
Sarik. Calwine has also been a trader on
and off for a few years, and was a good
choice to place in Bree. He is not well
known here, but some people will vouch
for him. He took the job as guard because
'I need the coin, what with me gamblin'
debts'. Anyone inquiring of his gambling
habit in Sarik might find out that he plays
the dice in the pubs and inns of the rough
area, and that he wins more than he
loses. He is a competent thief, and has
enough sense to make sure he is not incriminated in anything that takes place
here. He even made himself ill when the
guards became sick. The lure of good coin
is all that Calwine needs to become a
friend. In fact, his one failing is his disloyalty. It would not take much to make him
turns kings evidence against his former
allies, and since he has no ties, no family
and no close friends, threats except

against himself are inconsequential. He is

however a little superstitious and he
knows the tales told about Gustavan, and
he does fear him. He also has a healthy
respect for Firien and her magics. If
things get too hot, Calwine will fade into
the background, leave Bree and return to
Sarik where he will go into hiding if required (see the forthcoming Forset of Fear
adventure for details....). Calwine has a
short sword with an odd design scratched
into the blade near the hilt. It is a poor
representation of a spider, scratched onto
the blade by Calwine himself in an idle
moment. Its meaning will become clear in
the Forest of Fear adventure (bet you
can't wait, eh?).
Dagaard Drachoschlar, 2nd or 3rd level
warrior. A stout dwarf with a good heart.
Calling himself Dragonslayer, he does fall
victim to bouts of stupidity in combat that
some people call heroism. One day it will
get him killed. He also partakes a little
too freely of ale, mead, wine... well alcohol in any guise really. Ever since the loss
of a close friend and treasure-seeking ally
at the hand of Hogwash the Dunlending,
he has fallen on hard times. Unable to
find the man responsible, angry at loosing
a treasure map (see map in Snow and
Subterfuge) and feeling totally inadequate
as a dwarf, he has started to travel the
inns of the North. Seeing Grubby has
brought him back to his senses and he
will now start his search for Hogwash in
ernest. He would not recognise Hogwash
due to the strange dweomer, though he is
adamant he would know him in an instant. Dagaard will try to catch Grubby
Durnan out, he knows he is 'up to no
good' but has nothing more than a gut
feeling to go by. He will not openly accuse
Grubby of anything, and will not ask him
directly about Hogwash. Remember, seeing Grubby has pricked Dagaards memory, its not like he has a quest to avenge
his friends death..... yet. Don't play Dagaard as stupid, depressed or suicidal. he
is a stout warrior with good battle sense.
He will stop to don his helm, or pick up a

shield before battle, but he may get a bit

carried away. He will ignore some critical
wound results in this state (at your discretion, such as stun results). He favours
hammer (+5) and shield and wears chain
mail (+5). His favourite saying, when
things go wrong is: 'Tss, give me 5 good
Jerramiah Fallowhide, 2nd or 3rd level
rogue. A hobbit entrepreneur from the
Shire, Jerry is always on the lookout for a
good deal. He isn't very good at finding
them though, and has squandered his
meager inheritance over the past couple
of years. He has little to loose now, so a
foray against the bandits is a good idea.
Yes, he is a little unhinged. Last year, he
and a few other traders were approached
by a man from Fornost, in garrison colours, and persuaded to ship weapons
north. The man cannot be traced. It was,
of course, Hoegwar.

The Bigger Picture:

The power of the Witch King may have
waned, but the threat from Angmar is not
dead. The Lord Arkish of Eldanar, a commander in the Dark Army, has seen a
power vacuum in the North, and intends
to exploit it. He is plotting to take the
weakened Arthedain and is raising an
army of Hillmen and Orcs (no mean feat
since the decimation of the orcs in the
War). He has several petty lords in his
pay (including Lord Grouth of Pen Morva),
employs spies and scouts throughout the
area (including Hoegwar Hoegson), and is
currently arming the tribal rabble in
Rhuador and the Troll Shaws. He is getting the weaponry from our friendly traders, as the armouries of Angmar are
much depleted and its output is of poor
quality now. The plan is complex and will
take a few years to come to fruition.
Arkish is of the line of Dunedain from
Numenor, a descendant of the original
Fallen Edain, a Black Numenorean. He
rules under the banner of the Crimson

Moon. Legend tells of the Crimson Moon

at the Battle of Fornost. Of all the forces
of darkness on the field that day, those
under that banner did the most hurt to
the Men and Elves. A man rode at its
head weilding a black sword in one hand
and a pale mace in the other. He was armoured in plate that shone red with the
blood of his enemies and his eyes blazed
with a fire of hatred and evil. Dark will be
the day the Crimson Moon banner flies

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