Shadow Fell Jaunt

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Level 4


While in the village, the sun is eclipsed by the moon. A series of dark, pulsating blackish
purple lights can be seen on a nearby hill, shooting high into the sky. Villagers begin to
panic. They insist their druid investigate. The sun remains eclipsed for some time.

The hill is a large burial cairn surrounded by stones. This cairn has been used for many
centuries to store the bones of the villagers. It’s their graveyard. A narrow stone
entranceway leads inside, requiring PCs to squeeze to get in. Pulsating purple light
forms a “portal” in the entranceway.

The gateway is a crossing to the Shadowfell. Once going through the portal, the PC’s
find themselves stepping outside the cairn in darkness, a bright moon overhead. In the
Shadowfell, it’s unusually bright, as the moon is full and closer to the planet than it has
been in 500 years. Shadowfell Gloom is temporarily eased. The wind howls off the
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Dead Gnolls and Demons. 3 dead gnolls and 2 red skinned (evistro) demons creatures
lie dead outside the circle. Black helical fletched (raven) poisoned arrows with stone
heads stick from their bodies. Later the villagers can explain that the Zamar-sha raiders
were likely defending their territory, and that they would as likely killed them too! The
gnolls were guarding the portal, while the shaman attempts to find the key.

EVISTRO DESCRIPTION: Though it walks on two legs, this creature is more

beast than biped. Its arms are too large for its body, and they end in enormous
claws. Sharp tusks jut from its lower jaw, and unholy fire burns in its eyes. Its skin
is an angry shade of crimson.

EVISTRO LORE (DC 15 Arcana): Rituals known to demon-worshipping cultists

and certain depraved wizards can summon evistros. They are notoriously
difficult to control – usually, and the best their summoner can accomplish is to
send them out to wreak havoc.

The party finds themselves in almost unbearable heat, about 125 degrees, and on a
scrubby hill. They can see a village off from where they came, along the shore of a black,
bubbling lake (necromantic seepage). Beyond the hill in the other direction are endless
sand dunes. Off on another hillside, where the ruined tower would normally be located,
is the tip of a pyramid.

The Village
The Shadar-kai village is has roughly
the same composition as the prime
material village. Everyone seems cowed
and meek, with the men heading off to
dig out the pyramid with shovels and
digging tools.

The villagers are dejected, as they have

been subjugated by a gang of gnolls.
The gnolls killed their village leader, a
haughty shadar kai witch (Majinn).
Her head is stuck on a pole in the
middle of the village (head shaved
along the sides with a red ponytail). Now the villagers dig out the pyramid, as the gnolls
believe they have found a land to conquer. The gnolls know the standing stones is a
portal and to where, but they lack the portal key, which they believe is in the pyramid.
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The gnolls are scouts for a very large tribe of desert gnolls.

Human sacrifices! The gnolls have not only demanded labor, but have required the
village to give up their unmarried women (virgins) for some sort of religious rite in the
pyramid. The gnolls promise the women will not be
harmed, but even the witch was known to perform a
sacrifice on occasion to keep the dead from rising from
the lake. The arrival of the PCs and the bright moon is a
sign that the gods are angry and the gnolls must be
stopped. The PC’s are given advice and information to
assist the villagers. The PC’s must kill the gnolls and
seal up the temple.

The reality: The grell is allowing the gnolls to use the

throne room provided it is kept fed. The gnolls have
used the chair in the Throne Chamber to see the PC’s
world and plan an invasion. The vision from the throne
shows the person in the chair holding a magical staff
with an ankh on it. The gnolls believe the staff is buried
with the ancient king, in a chamber below. They need the villagers to clear the sand
away to gain access. The work has been going on for two weeks and is almost complete;
probably in another day or two.

Conclusion: Once the gnolls are killed, the conditions that kept the portal open
immediately begin to change. The moon begins to dim. The black light of the portal
begins to fade. The PC’s must rush to avoid getting trapped in the Shadowfell (they
make it, of course). The hostages are in a chamber under the sarcophagus.

Shadar-kai Physical Qualities

Shadar-kai are humanlike, but the weight of existence in the Shadowfell has shaped
them to be slightly shorter and much thinner than their human counterparts. A
shadar-kai has a colorless complexion that varies from alabaster to dark gray. Shadar-kai
hair is similarly drab or raven black. Pale hair might have a hint of color within the range
of human norms. The eyes are lustrous and black, lacking any white or clear pupil.
Shadows near a shadar-kai sometimes seem to reach out or deepen, especially when the
shadar-kai is angry.

Although drab in natural appearance, shadar-kai are quite elaborate and idiosyncratic in
personal adornment. They like dark and exotic clothing, jewelry, and weapons, often
decorated with swatches of bright color. Hair is similarly ornate and often dyed. All
shadar-kai embellish their skin with tattoos, scars, and piercings

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Rendra, Gnoll Shaman Level 8 Controller (Leader)

Medium Natural Humanoid XP 350

Initiative +6 Senses Perception +7; low-light vision

Leader of the Pack aura 5: allies in the area get a +1 bonus to attack rolls. While the creature is
bloodied, the bonus increases to +2.
HP 86; Bloodied 43
AC 22; Fortitude 24, Reflex 21, Will 23 Resistances: 5 fire
Speed 6

Caustic Touch (standard; at-will) * fire

+12 vs Reflex; 1d8 + 5 damage or1d8+7 while bloodied.

Blastback (standard; encounter) * fire

+13 vs Reflex; 3d8 + 5 damage and the target is pushed 6 squares. 3d8+7 when bloodied.

Pack Attack

A gnoll with demonic scourge does 5 extra damage on melee attacks against an enemy that has two
or more of the demonic scourge's allies adjacent to it.

Chaos Bolt (standard; at-will) * fire

Ranged 5; +12 vs Reflex; 1d8 + 5 damage and the target is slowed until the end of her next turn.

Shun the Nonbeliever (Immediate Reaction, When an enemy moves adjacent; at-will.)

The target slides 3 squares.

Vortex of Chaos (standard; encounter) * fire, psychic

Area burst 1 within 10; +10 vs Reflex; 3d8 + 5 damage and target takes ongoing 5 psychic damage
and is dazed (save ends both).

Alignment: Chaotic Evil Languages: Abyssal, Common

Skills: Insight, Intimidate, Religion
Str 20 (+9) Dex 14 (+6) Wis 18 (+8)
Con 14 (+6) Int 14 (+6) Cha 17 (+7)
Equipment: hide armor, heavy flail, ritual of shadow passage, Jar of Steam

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This clay jar is warm to the touch. When opened, it creates a cloud of steam that fills the
area around it.

Level: 7
Price: 2600 gp
Wondrous Item

Power (Daily • Zone): Standard Action. When you pull the lid off the jar, hot steam fills
a close burst 1 until the end of your next turn. This zone of steam provides concealment
to all creatures within it. Any creature other than you that starts its turn within the zone
takes 1d6 fire damage. Sustain minor; you must be within 10 squares of the zone.

Adventurer's Vault, 174

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4-1 Chamber of Sand

(1175 XP, Standard)

• 4 Gnoll Claw Fighters

• 1 Sand Cascade Trap

4-2 Throne Chamber

(1325 XP, Standard)

• 1 Gnoll Huntmaster
• 3 Gnoll Marauders
• 3 Hyenas

4-3 Well of the Hungry One

(XP, 1950, Hard)

• 1 Gnoll Shaman
• 5 Gnoll Huntmasters
• 1 Grell

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