Pag.1 Frontal Page Pag.2 Intro

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1 Frontal Page
Pag.2 Intro
The American Civil War, widely known in the United States as
simply the Civil War as well as other sectional names like Great
Rebellion, War between the states or etc , was a conflict fought
from 1861 to 1865, between The North, often called The Union
and the confederates states of America, The South. Sometimes
people call the Union the blue and the confederates the grey
for the color of their uniforms, but in fact, the uniforms werent
very uniform and there were all different kinds of colors and also
with all the blood and the dirt, they all were just brown. This war
was the conflict with more deaths in the history of the USA,
exceeding the 700.000, thats more than the Great War, the
Second World War and Vietnam together.
Pag.3 Two nations in one
In the second part of the nineteen century, United States was
economic and socially divided in two.
On one side we have the north states that were experiencing an
important industrial evolution; they were supporters of the
protectionism, what is this? Prefer the manufactured objects from
my own country than the objects made in other countries. Slavery
didnt have sense in that part of the country and it was seen with
mistrust by most of the people, there was a lot of associations that
fought for the abolition of the slavery.
On the other side, we have the south states, which had an
agricultural economy. Their most important activity was the cotton
cultivation in large estates controlled by some influential families;
these large estates were exploited by slaves to after export the
cotton to British textile industries. The South fought against the

abolition of slavery, because afro American people, often called

nigros werent paid for their work.
Slavery was the most important cause of the war, but if you figure
it out, there were also economic and social problems.
Pag. 4 More Dynamite.
In 1859, John Brown, an abolitionist tried to start a revolution in
Harpers Ferry, Virginia, taking by force a military warehouse.
Brown failed, and he and his 21 partners were sentenced to death.
His idea was to create a place for runaways slaves to take refuge.
Brown died but was considered as a martyr for the abolitionist of
Pag.5 The beginning of the secession
Secession: Separation of one part of the territory of a country to
form and independent state or join another country.
The break up began when the Republican Party named Abraham
Lincoln as their candidate for the 1860 elections. Lincoln had
made various statements expressing his sympathy with the
abolition of the slavery, this, obviously werent received in the best
way by the people of the South.
Pag.6 The election of 1860 and candidates
There were 4 candidates that wanted to reach the white house
Pag.7 Candidates
Pag.8 voting stats
The South was against Lincoln, because they knew that if he
became the president, he would abolish slavery, unfortunately for
them, Lincoln won the elections and became the 16th president of
the United States of America
Pag.9 Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln was born in a little farm in Hardin County,

Kentucky, on February 12 of 1809. Lincoln grew up in Indiana.
Victim of the lost of his mother when he was 9 years old, he was
determined to be someone important, Lincoln never attended to a
school or a college, Everything he knew, he learned it alone, how?
Reading, he was addicted to reading, according to himself, he
even read the Bible and maybe he didnt even know the literal
mean of it, but he was just reading because he liked it.
Pag.10 the Secession its official
When Lincoln officially became the president, 7 states declared
their secession from the United States, forming the Confederate
States of America with Jefferson Davis as president; President
Lincoln declared in his inaugural speech that that was an illegal
act. This States were: South Carolina, Alabama, Louisiana,
Georgia, Texas, Florida and Mississippi.
Pag.11 The war begins
The first act of the war was the confederate assault in Fort Sumter,
in April 12th of 1861. Fort Sumter was a fort used in the early part
of the 19th century to control all the maritime traffic in the coast of
Charleston, South Carolina and with the confederate states
formed, it was still controlled by the Union. The Confederates
made a bombardment to take control of this Fort, this led 4 more
states to declare their secession and join the Confederation:
North Carolina, Virginia, Tennessee and Arkansas. The war
was going on.
Pag.12 Map of 1861
So, things were a little strange after all those changes and this
map shows it, as you can see, the Confederates States are
represented with Red, and the Union with Blue. The striped States
like Kentucky, West Virginia, Maryland and Delaware were called

Border States. These states were supporters of the slavery but,

they never declared their secession and finally but not less
important, with grey are represented the territories, areas that
were part of the country but werent considered as states.
Pag.13 The development of the war
There were more than 400 military combats in 4 years of war of
which the 40 percent were in Virginia and Tennessee, Confederate
territory. Talk about 400 different confrontations is just too much,
so Ill show you the 3 most important.
1. First Battle of Bull Run (1861)
2. Gettysburg
3. Appomattox
Pag.14 First Battle of Bull Run (1861)
This combat was fought in July 21st in the city of Manassas,
Virginia. This was the first ground combat fought in the war. The
total casualties of the Union were 481 soldiers, while the
confederates lost 387 people. The first victory was for the South
and something funny happened that time, rich people from
Washington went to Virginia and made a picnic to see the battle,
they were excepting a complete union domination but when they
figured out that the Union troops were losing, they just ran away
back to Washington.
Pag.15 Battle of Gettysburg (1863)
This was the most important battle in the entire war, it also was
the battle with more casualties and marks a before and after in the
American civil war. Gettysburg was fought in early July of 1863.
The General Robert E. Lee was commanding the Confederate
states. Robert E. Lee was the most important general in the history
of the Confederates leading most of the battles fought in the state

of Virginia; Lee was advancing to the North with the plan to reach
the city of Washington, headquarters of the Union. When Lincoln
knew this he requested the service of the General George G.
Meade, Who immediately sent troops to Gettysburg. The Union
Army was way superior this time, and after 3 days of bloodshed,
Lee, in a crazy move sent all his remaining troops against the
Union cannons, The Union soldiers were surprised by the courage
of their opponents, but they didnt miss the chance. 14.000
Confederate soldiers were killed in a couple seconds. This battle
not only decreased the Confederate militaries, also their mental
state was worst than ever. Also its important to say that the first 2
days of battle were dominated by the confederates, but just a bad
move by General Lee changed everything.

Pag.16 Picture of the filming of the movie Gettysburg

that chronicles all the 3 days of battle, in this picture we
can see the Confederates preparing for the battle.
Pag.17 Battle of Appomattox
But all this conflict must come to an end and this would happen in
April of 1865 in Appomattox, a little town in Virginia, which
currently hasnt more than 2000 people. I know that generally all
the wars end with a monumental battle with a lot of people death
and etc, but this is not the case. The battle of Appomattox was
short, just a couple hours, and a couple of hundred people died
but that is not too much if we compare it with the total casualties
of the war. General Lees objective this time was withdraw to the
West side and reorganize his army in North Carolina, unfortunately
for him and the remaining of his people, the union army led by the
general Ulysses Grant, General of the Union army, caught them
up. Lee figured it out that keep trying didnt have sense. On April
9th, 1865, the most tragic conflict of the history of the United

States came to an end. Lee and his troops were obligated to just
raise the white flag and sign the surrender of the Confederates.
Pag.18 Shaking Hands
Ulysses Grant and Robert E. Lee shaking hands after the
Confederates surrender.
Pag.19 Lincoln Dies
President Lincoln and Ulysses Grant were good friends; after the
war ended they usually attended to different operas, concerts or
other shows. On 14th of April, 5 days after the end of the war,
Lincoln invited Grant to the Ford Theatre, to see a play, but Grant
decided to travel to Philadelphia, so the president went with his
wife, Mary Todd. When Lincoln sat in the box, John Wilkes Booth,
an actor that was a supporter of the South during the war,
appeared from behind and shot against the president, impacting
him in the head. 10 hours after Abraham Lincoln died in a house
that was across the street of the Ford Theatre.

Pag.20 Washington Newspaper

Immediately after the president death, the war secretary put adds
in every newspaper in the country, offering rewards for Booth and
his accomplices, a couple days after, Booth and a couple of his
partners were found and sentenced to death.
Pag.21 Consequences
The Civil war, as any other conflict left consequences; some of
these began important processes in United States.
-The Cotton industry decreased because Egypt and India began to
produce better quality cotton
-All slaves were released, and finally, the slavery was abolished.

-United States became a world power and had an increase in the

-In 1865, the government began the process of reconstruction of
the country, in 1877 the Confederates states were officially part of
United States again.
-In 1868, Afro-American people got civil rights and in 1870 the
right to vote, this was the start of another war, the war against the
racism, that continues to actual day.

Pag.22 Conclusion
To finish my presentation I want to say that without the American
civil war, perhaps, we could still live in a society with slavery and
inequality for Afro Americans. Also this conflict was important to
start making changes, Im pretty sure that Lincoln and Grant never
imagined that someday a dark skinned person would be the
president of the United States, and that is the fact why I put a
picture of Barack Obama right there with his iconic quote Yes, we
can. Of course we can but is a slow process; the racism is still
here but is duty of us and the next generations to stop this
injustice. Thanks you very much.

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