Courier Apr 2010

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Magruder High School Courier

April, 2010
Inside this issue:
Principal’s Perspective By Mr. Lee Evans
Calendar of Events 4-5 As we bring the third marking period to an end and prepare for the close of
school, we focus our attention to the completion of graduation require-
FEA/NHS News 6 ments. This is especially important for seniors. We are in the process of
preparing students for second semester tests. The assessment process will
Mulch Sales 7
include the High School Assessments (HSAs), Advanced Placement (AP)
Directory OPT-OUT form 8 Exams, the May Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT), and the April ACT. In
Cheerleading Tryouts 9
addition, we will be administering semester exams in designated courses.
HSAs will be administered the week of May 17th. Students are required to
CURTAINS—MHS Play 11 take the Biology, English 10, National State and Local Government (NSL),
Athletic Calendar 14-15 and Algebra I/Data Analysis HSAs in order to fulfill a graduation require-
ment set by the Maryland State Department of Education. Students must
Col. Zadok Magruder High
School pass all HSAs or achieve a combined score of 1602 on all tests. More de-
5939 Muncaster Mill Road tails will be sent home regarding the testing schedule. The AP tests will be
Rockville, MD 20855
Phone: (301) 840-4600 administered by our staff at the Redland Baptist Church on Muncaster Mill
Fax: (301) 840-4617 Road using guidelines provided by the College Board. The AP exams are a
culmination of rigorous instruction in a number of courses across core aca-
Mr. Leroy Evans demic areas, foreign language, arts, and music. We continue to have a sig-
nificant number of students who register to take AP exams. We are very
Ms. Lakeisha Adamson proud of Magruder High School students’ AP test results from last year as a
Ms. Ellen Hudson significant number of students scored a 3 or above (Continued on Page 2)
Ms. Sheree Coleman

Linda Kuserk
(301) 330--3926 PTSA NEWS By Ms. Linda Kuserk
GUIDANCE OFFICE The beginning of this fourth marking period signifies our final Courier
(301) 840-4614
edition for this school year. This is always the time of year that the PTSA
(301) 840-4609 looks back to see if objectives were met during this school year and looks
ahead to the next school year. I am hopeful that we are viewed as suc-
cessful advocates for the parents and students at Magruder and were able
To get your news in the courier, send to provide timely and relevant information on topics throughout the
an email to: [email protected]
school year. We continue to have staff appreciation events in upcoming
months, with the famous “Salad Bar Extravaganza” in May. Look for e-
mails requesting food donations at the end of this month. In June the
PTSA helps to support the staff End of Year Luncheon. Look inside the
Courier for a chance to personally thank the (Continued on Page 3)
Deby Dicello Visit the Magruder High School website at
(240) 599-6503
Magruder High School Courier April, 2010 Page 2

Principal’s Perspective (continued from page 1 )

on several AP tests. This is a clear indication that an increasing number of Magruder students are em-
bracing the challenges of academic rigor in an effort to be more competitive in a growing global soci-
ety. The AccuPlacer—a placement test designed to determine what courses students entering commu-
nity college are prepared to take—will be offered to students who have applied to Montgomery Col-
lege here at Magruder on April 19. In addition to preparing students to excel on the HSAs and AP ex-
ams, we will be offering combination mock SAT/ACT exams this April toany interested sophomores
and juniors. These efforts are part of our focus to make every Magruder High School student ready for
college. We believe that every student is capable of reaching this goal.
These tests are also components of the “MCPS 7 Keys to College Readiness.” This is a system-wide
initiative that begins in kindergarten and continues through grade 12. It supports rigorous instruction
at every grade-level for all students. It is vital that students and parents embrace this initiative if our
students are to acquire the skills, knowledge, and credentials to be successful at the next level. It is
also an important concept to embrace in order for students to have meaningful and significant choices
as they start to plan their lives after high school. These are not only keys to college readiness, but keys
to unlock many doors that could be otherwise closed in the future.
Seniors will be taking their exams from May 24 to May 28. The official last day for seniors is Friday,
May 28. The regular final exams will be from June 10 through June 16. An exam schedule highlight-
ing special dates and times will be distributed to parents and students. The year will end for seniors on
Monday, June 7 with our graduation ceremony at DAR Constitution Hall at 2:30 p.m. Please note:
Magruder High School will be closed on graduation day so families and friends can attend the
ceremony. It is vital that all seniors make sure they have taken care of obligations and completed their
Student Service Learning (SSL) hours, HSA requirements, and course credits. We look forward to
celebrating their success with this wonderful culminating ceremony.
As the school year comes to an end and we continue to deal with adversity and the challenges of a
changing society, we cannot afford the luxury of relaxing. Students must continue to be available for
learning. The change in weather and focus on assessments brings about a change in attitude for many
students. Students are reminded of the high expectations for their achievement, as well as their adher-
ence to the Code of Conduct. I want to thank our parents and PTSA Executive Board for supporting
all Magruder students, staff, and members of the administrative team. We need the help of the entire
Magruder High School community in order to remind students to keep their focus on school-wide and
personal goals. This is vital if we are to end the school year on a positive note that reflects the hard
work of our staff, parents, and students.
Finally, I would like to salute the efforts of our entire staff, students, and parents working together to
provide students with the best possible learning opportunities. As we build a positive learning commu-
nity, we continue to benefit for the collaboration of all stakeholders in the Magruder High School com-
munity. I want to take this opportunity to invite parents to participate in our Leadership Week. On
Wednesday, June 23rd, parents and students are invited to attend a one day session to develop school
goals and a plan to implement these goals for the 2010-2011 school year. We will meet from 8:00
a.m. – 3:00 p.m. If you are interested in participating, please contact Ms. Gibson at (301) 840-4607
by Friday, June 11th. It is this partnership and our collective efforts that will enable all of our stu-
dents to successfully meet the challenges of a new experience.
Magruder High School Courier April, 2010 Page 3

PTSA NEWS (continued from page 1)

Magruder staff. PTSA sponsored scholarships will be awarded at the Awards Assembly in May, and
for the first time, the “First in Family” award will be given to a Magruder student who is the first in
their family to go to college. After- Prom is scheduled for Sunday, May 16th, and volunteers are still
needed. You can find additional information about After- Prom inside this issue.

The wheels are in motion for the 2010-2011 school year, with nominations for officers to be made dur-
ing the April PTSA meeting, and voting to follow in May. We currently have two events planned for
the next school year. The first is a golf fundraiser scheduled for the fall and the second is the return of
the Every Fifteen Minutes program next spring.

I would be remiss if I did not thank the many parents who supported the PTSA and Magruder High
School throughout this year. Your work is greatly appreciated, whether working in the limelight or
behind the scenes.
We will truly miss our graduating parents and thank them for the years of volunteerism.


Magruder HVAC system and kitchen to be modernized

You might remember the condition of Magruder from a few years ago, but if you don't -- that's proba-
bly best. But you should know that modernization of the auditorium, the restrooms and the con-
sumer science lab, along with numerous enhancements throughout the building and grounds would
not have happened without the leadership of Mr. Evans and Ms. Offutt. I often visit other schools,
and I can safely say that our Magruder High School building is in the best condition of any MCPS
school built in the 1970's, and probably the 1980's.

More improvements are ahead. This summer, the cafeteria kitchen will be modernized, leading to
more efficient operation and better service. Flooring will be replaced in several classrooms. A three-
year HVAC system replacement project will begin, leading to better temperature control, improved
air quality and energy savings.

My position as facilities chairman will end in June when my youngest child graduates from Ma-
gruder. We need a new facilities chairman who will help to spur modernization of the science labs
and other improvements. It is primarily an advocacy position, and while construction knowledge is
helpful, it is not essential. Please contact PTSA president Linda Kuserk if you are interested in be-
coming the new facilities chairman.

Please Note:

Magruder High School will be closed on Monday, June 7, 2010 for graduation.
Magruder High School Courier April, 2010 Page 4

MHS Calendar of Events

APRIL, 2010
1-5 NO SCHOOL: Spring Break

6 NO SCHOOL for Students: Professional Day for Teachers

8 Principal’s Coffee: 7:00 pm, Media Center

12-15 High School Assessments: SENIORS ONLY

14 Report Cards Distributed to Students

15 Parent Town Meeting: 7:00 pm, Cafeteria

16 High School Assessment Make up Day: SENIORS ONLY

17-18 AP Practice Exam: English; 9:00 am; Rooms D255, D256, D261

20 PTSA Meeting: 7:30 pm, Media Center

21 PALA Meeting: 7:00 pm, Media Center

23 Senior Breakfast: 7:00 am

23-24 Musical: 7:30 pm; “Curtains”

28 NHS Induction Ceremony: 7:00 pm

30 Musical: 7:30 pm; “Curtains”

MAY, 2010

1 Musical: 7:30 pm; “Curtains”

3-14 AP Exams: at Redland Baptist Church

11 Instrumental Music Awards Dinner: 6:30 pm

12 Interims Mailed

13 Spring Concert: 7:30 pm; Orchestra and Choral groups

14 Spring Concert: 7:30 pm; Jazz Ensemble and Bands

15 Prom: 8:00 pm; Hyatt Regency Bethesda

16 After Prom Party: 1:00-5:00 am; Bauer Drive Community Center

Magruder High School Courier April, 2010 Page 5

MHS Calendar of Events

MAY, 2010 (Continued)
17-21 High School Assessments
17 Biology HSA

18 Algebra HSA


21 English 10 HSA

18 Awards Night: 6:45 pm-9:00 pm

18-19 Art Show: 11:30 am-7:30 pm

19 PALA Meeting: 7:00 pm, Media Center

21 Senior Exam Review Day

24-27 Senior Exams

28 Senior Exam Make up Day; Last day for Seniors

31 NO SCHOOL: Memorial Day

JUNE, 2010
7 School Closed: Magruder HS, Only;

Graduation: 2:30 pm; DAR Constitution Hall

9 Exam Review Day

10 Exams: Periods 1, 5

11 Exams: Periods 2, 6

14 Exams: Periods 3, 7

15 Exams: Periods 4, 8

16 Exam Make up Day; Last Day of School for Students

23 Report Cards Mailed


Magruder High School Courier Page 6

Future Educators Association and Education Academy By: Suzi Boyle

The members of the (FEA) Future Educators Association had a very successful "Bells for the
Holidays" fundraiser. Students purchased bells to add to teachers necklaces and the teacher who re-
ceived the most bells won a donut breakfast for her class. On Friday, March 12, the Future Educators
and the Education Academy students attended a breakfast meeting celebration for the seniors. Mrs.
Boyle discussed plans for the next school year including possible field trip opportunities for the up-
coming year.

National Honors Society By: Suzi Boyle

Family and Consumer Sciences Department Chair; Child Development; Education Academy Coordi-
nator; National Honor Society Advisor

The March and April meetings for the National Honor Society in-
cluded a St. Patrick's day activity and preparing for the NHS Spring
Induction. Also discussed at the March meeting were opportunities to
volunteer with Japanese High School students visiting in the U.S.
They have a program that provides for a cultural exchange with
American high school students from various National Honor Societies
in our county. Any NHS member interested in volunteering for this
event which is May 9th and July 11th is encouraged to contact Ms.
Stephanie Libonati at 301-984-1274.

The NHS Spring Induction ceremony for the new 2010-2011 mem-
bers will be on Wednesday, April 28 at 7:00 PM in the Magruder


The annual Magruder Art Show will be held for two days on
Tuesday, May 18 and Wednesday, May 19 in the main guy. On
both days, the show will be open from 11:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m..
Staff, students, and parents are welcome to attend and view the
artwork done by our talented Magruder students. The show will
feature photography, ceramics, sculpture, painting, drawing, pen
and ink, pastels and much more. Come see the talent.
Magruder High School Courier April, 2010 Page 7


Sponsored by: MCDLC Lions Club and Leos, PTSA After Prom, Wres-
tling Squads & Cheerleading Squads.

3 Cu Ft. Shredded Hardwood Mulch only $4.50 per bag delivered*

(* 20 bags or more to same area)

Sat. April 10 MHS PTSA After Prom

Sat. April 17 MHS Cheerleading Squads

Sat. April 25 MHS Wrestling Squads

Sat. May 3 MCDLC Lions Club and Leos

To Order Call 301-330-9582 or email [email protected]

Dave “Scooter” Scaggs’s 5K Walk/Run– May 16th – Sherwood Hi – Benefit AFTD

On Sunday, May 16th a charity Walk/Run will be held at Sherwood High School in Sandy Spring,
MD in honor of Dave ” Scooter” Scaggs. The event begins at 10am - rain or shine. Proceeds will
benefit the Association for Frontotemporal Dementia – the rare form of dementia, from which Dave
now suffers. An “early bird registration discount” and special children and student pricing is avail-
able. Learn more by visiting

Dave Scaggs was a Montgomery County teacher for over 30 years, coached soccer and basketball
at Woodward and Blair High Schools leading them to many county championships and State Fi-
nals. He received many coaching honors over the years and was a two-time Maryland Coach of the
Year. He also served as Athletic Director at Sherwood High School for several years prior to retir-
ing. Outside of school, Dave coached Division I level club soccer for over 25 years, winning the
Maryland State Cup six times. His love of soccer was his motivation to create the Maryland Soccer
School, a summer camp for youth soccer players to help them reach their full potential both on and
off the soccer fields.

There is no cure for Frontotemporal Dementia , but in their father’s honor, the Scaggs family is com-
mitted to raising research dollars to help change this fatal prognosis for others stricken with this rare
form of dementia in the future. Dave has given so much to children in the Montgomery County area
over the years, this event is a great opportunity to let him know that our community stands with him
as he fights the toughest opponent of his life.

Join us on May 16th for this very special event. Food, music, bake sale, raffle, moon bounce and
other children’s games that will be available in addition to the 5K Run –so bring the whole family !


Magruder High School Courier Page 8

Magruder High School PTSA

Directory Opt-Out Form
Dear Parents:
The PTSA is working with Magruder High School to publish a Directory with students' names, phone
numbers and addresses for September of 2010. It also includes helpful phone numbers for school of-
fices, MHS policies and more.
WANT YOUR STUDENT'S PHONE and ADDRESS to be listed in the 2010-2011 directory, you
must contact Julie Whalen @ [email protected] by June 30, 2010 , or mail this informa-
tion to MHS at 5939 Muncaster Mill Road, Derwood, MD 20855.
You can choose to OMIT: ___ Address only
___ Phone only
___ All Information.
So we can cross-reference appropriately, please give us
Your student’s name____________________________________________________
Your name____________________________________________________________

Thank you,
Linda Kuserk, Magruder High School PTSA
Apreciables Padres
La asociación del PTSA en conjunto con la escuela Magruder HS quieren publicar el directorio de
la escuela con los nombres de los estudiantes ,teléfonos y direcciones para Septiembre del 2010. Esto
directorio también incluye,las reglas y teléfonos importantes de los diferentes departamentos y ofici-
nas de la escuela.
Padres de los estudiantes del noveno(9) decimo ( 10)y onceavo (11)grado si Usted NO quiere que se
publique su dirección ni su teléfono en el directorio del 2010-2011 tiene que comunicarse con: Julie
Whalen@ juliewhalen@ antes del 30 de Junio del 2010.

ó mandarlo a MHS 5939 Muncaster Mill roas. Derwood , MD. 20855

Usted puede escoger:

OMITIR: ____________Dirección solamente
____________Teléfono solamente
____________ Toda la dircción
Por favor diganos:
El nombre del estudiante: _________________________________
Su nombre: _____________________________________________
Si usted quiere que el nombre de su hijo /a salga publicado no tiene que hacer nada .
Este directorio será vendido en la "Noche de Regreso a la Escuela " en Septiembre

Linda Kuserk,Magruder High School PTSA

Magruder High School Courier April, 2010 Page 9

Cheerleading tryouts for 2010-2011

Tryout clinics for jv and varsity cheerleading will begin on Monday, May 17th. This will be the only
tryout opportunity for cheerleading, but students can specify fall and/or winter season. Academi-
cally eligible students in grades 8-11 can tryout. Information packets with necessary forms will be
distributed at middle schools and at cheerleading club the last week of April. A current physical
form must be submitted on the first day of clinics. Students will not be allowed to participate with-
out a current physical. Please schedule the appointment now so you don't miss the opportunity to try-
out for any sports teams next year. Tryout information can be found on the cheer page of<>

CRD: College and Career Research & Development Career Pathways


What is CCRD 1?
College/Career Research and Development 1 encourages students to research current career in-
formation for successful career planning and management. Students develop self awareness, ca-
reer awareness, financial literacy, communication and indispensable work related knowledge and
skill sets. A variety of career and interest assessments, as well a folio development, demonstrat-
ing workplace and academic readiness, prepare students for college and careers.

Why is CCRD 1 a great program for me?

Students will:
Create a vision of their future, Experience rigorous academic course work, Identify interests,
aptitudes, and abilities, Gain a competitive edge by mastering the skills of success: learning,
thinking, and communicating both interpersonal and technological

What do I do next?
If you are entering grades 10 or 11: During high school registration, enroll in CCRD 1 A/B
Enroll in courses that are associated with your Career Academy

For information on enrolling in the CCRD Program contact:

Max Sartoph (301) 840-4633
[email protected]

CCRD is an Equal Opportunity program

Magruder High School Courier Page 10

When Good Teens Make Bad Choices By: Patty Winters

Save the date!! The Every 15 Minutes Committee is sponsoring a Town Meeting for parents on
Thursday, April 15, in the cafeteria. The topic is students overwhelmed by stress resorting to bad
choices, and how we can help them.

Information tables with representatives and handouts from groups that help parents with teenagers
will be set up from 7:00 to 7:30 PM.

From 7:30 to 9:00 PM there will be a panel discussion followed by a question/answer period.

The panel includes Assistant State’s Attorney Maura Lynch, who will address legal implications
for the teen and her parents if her bad choices are illegal; Mr. Wayne Whigham, Director of Ap-
peals/Transfers, who will explain what supports and consequences are in place in MCPS if the teen
engages in unsafe, disruptive or illegal behavior, and Ms. Simone Bramble, Director of the Residen-
tial Treatment Center, Adventist Health Care, who will cover how to keep communication open with
your teen, how to help him manage stress, and how to recognize unhealthy coping strategies vs. nor-
mal adolescent behavior.

Bring a friend, and bring your questions!

This announcement is provided as a service from the Every 15 Minutes Committee. Every 15 Min-
utes will return to Magruder HS in 2011. Our focus this year is how to empower teenagers to get an
adult involved if they know a peer is in harm’s way, without letting fear of retaliation or “being a
snitch” interfere with getting help. If you are interested in joining us or have questions, please con-
tact Patty Winters at [email protected], or 301-519-7537.

Calling Candlewood ES Alumni by: Cindy Graham

Magruder varsity cheer coach and Candlewood ES kindergarten teacher

Ms. Varela is looking for volunteers to help with Field Day events on Tuesday, May 18th. Students
who are not taking an HSA that day can volunteer. Permission forms will be distributed to CES alums
and excused absences will be given to the first 40 students who return their form by Mon, May 17th.

For more information contact Ms. Graham at [email protected] .

Magruder High School Courier April, 2010 Page 11

Magruder Drama and Music Departments

Are Proud to Present


April 23, 24, 30 and May 1

7:30 pm
Magruder High School Auditorium

Mark your calendars for that dazzling backstage murder mystery musical comedy
Witness for yourself what it takes to put together a Broadway musical. Would you kill for a
role? Do you have a nose for crime? An ear for music? This whodunit musical parody is to die
for and is sure to knock you dead with laughter!
Email [email protected] to reserve your tickets.
Tickets will also be available at the door.
Cost: $8 for students, $10 for adults.
Magruder High School Courier Page 12

The next meeting of planning the After Prom Party is April 12, 2010 at 7:00 in Room B111. Please
come help. The After Prom Party will be held May 16, 2010 from 1:00 am until 5:00 am. Please join
us! Many volunteers are needed to make this a safe, fun and memorable evening (early morning!) for
our kids. Below is a list of the different planning areas where we need help NOW!

We would love to have you volunteer your help.

The After Prom decorations committee needs help now with some projects. If you can cut, paint or
glue – you can help! We’ll give you the paper, paint & directions. Please contact Susan Borst at
[email protected] or 301-580-6516 or Angela Tilley at [email protected] or 240-
We also need donations of wrapping paper tubes, bathing suits, trunks, Hawaiian shirts, shorts, towels
and any “beachy” clothing. Items will not be returned, but will be donated to a worthy cause. And we
would like to borrow surfboards and beach umbrellas. These will be returned, just make sure your
name is on them. All items can be dropped off at the Magruder Main Office or
Susan Borst’s-17629 MacDuff Ave, Olney (near Cashell ES) or Angela Tilley’s-
16823 Bethayres Road, Derwood.
Any monetary donations are tax deductable to you! This event cost about
$10,000 to produce and financial help from our Magruder families and commu-
nity is needed. Please sign up below to help or to make a donation. Thank you!

We are collecting printer cartridges, toner cartridges, and cell phones. There is a
collection recycling box in the main office and in the media center. Thank you!

Contacts: Patti Fornatora 301-963-6212 or [email protected]

and Deby Dicello 301-740-9828 or [email protected]


I want to Make the 2010 Magruder After Prom a Success.

Name: _____________________________ Phone: ________________________________


Call me about helping with:

Fundraisers_________ Decorations_________ Publicity_________ Mailings_________

Amusements_______________ Ticket Sales_____________ Food___________

________My family would like to make a donation!

(Checks should be made payable to MHS PTSA-After Prom and mailed to:

Lisa Sally, AP Treasurer, 4412 Custis Drive, Rockville, MD 20853)

Magruder High School Courier April, 2010 Page 13

Say Thank You to the Staff

Thanks to all the parents that have supported the PTSA Staff Appreciation
events throughout the year. This June, the PTSA will be supporting the End
of Year Luncheon for the staff. If you would like to write a personal thank
you note to be shared with the staff and make a monetary contribution to-
ward the luncheon, please fill out the form below and return to the PTSA
mailbox in the main office. Please make checks payable to Magruder PTSA
with staff appreciation in the memo.Write your message below and mail it to:
Magruder High School PTSA;5939 Muncaster Mill Rd;Rockville,MD20855
Magruder High School Courier April, 2010 Page 14

Athletics Calendar April/May, 2010

4 5 6 7 JV Baseball MHS at Chur- 8 9 Boys Lacrosse 10 JV Baseball MHS at
chill 3:30 pm MHS at Sherwood Watkins Mill 10 am
V 7pm/ JV 5:15 pm
V Baseball Churchill at MHS V Baseball MHS at Wat-
3:30 pm Boys Tennis MHS kins Mill 2:30 pm
at Clarksburg 3:30
JV Softball MHS at Churchill Girls Lacrosse Sherwood
3:30 pm at MHS V 4pm/JV 2:30
Volleyball MHS at pm
V Softball Churchill at MHS
Seneca Valley Boys
3:30 pm JV Softball MHS at Wat-
3:30 pm/ Coed
kins Mill 10 am
Boys Tennis Rockville at MHS 5:15 pm
3:30 pm V Softball MHS at Watkins
Mill 2:30 pm
Outdoor Track Rockville and
NW at MHS 3:30 pm

Volleyball Quince Orchard at

MHS Boys 3:30 pm Coed 7pm

11 12 Volleyball 13 JV Baseball 14 Boys Lacrosse BCC at MHS 15 JV Baseball MHS 16 Boys and Coed 17 JV Baseball Spring-
MHS at Da- Paint Branch at V 7 pm/ JV 5:15 pm atSherwood3:30 pm Volleyball Watkins brook at MHS 10:00 am
mascus Boys MHS 3:30 pm Mill at MHS Boys
Boys and Coed Volleyball V Baseball Sher- V Baseball MHS at Spring-
5:15 pm/ 5:15 pm/ Coed
V Baseball MHS at Clarksburg at MHS Boys 5:15 wood at MHS 3:30 brook 1:30 pm
Coed 7pm 7:00 pm
Paint Branch (at pm/ Coed 7 pm pm Coed 7:00 pm
JV Softball Springbrook
MLK) 3:30 pm
Girls Lacrosse MHS at MHS 10:00 am
JV Softball Paint at BCC V 7:00 pm;
V Softball MHS at Spring-
Branch at MHS JV 5:30 pm
brook 10:00 am
3:30 pm
JV Softball MHS at
Boys Tennis Churchill at
V Softball MHS at Sherwood 3:30 pm
MHS 10:00 am
Paint Branch
V Softball Sherwood
3:30 pm
at MHS 3:30 pm
Boys Tennis RM
Boys Tennis MHS at
aat MHS 3:30 pm
Paint Branch 3:30

refer to the website for athletic schedules and information.
Magruder High School Courier Page 15

Athletics Calendar April/May, 2010

18 19 V Baseball MHS at BCC 3:30 20 JV 21 V Baseball Blair at MHS 22 Boys La- 23 Girls Lacrosse 24 Boys Lacrosse Walter
pm Baseball 3:30 pm crosse Paint MHS at Walter John- Johnson at MHS V 12pm JV
BCC at Branch at MHS son V 7pm/ JV 5:30 10am
Boys Lacrosse MHS at Spring- Boys Lacrosse Paint
MHS JV 3:30 pm pm
brook V 5:15pm/ JV Springbrook Branch at MHS V 7 pm
3:30 pm
at MHS 3:30 pm Girls Lacrosse Boys Tennis MHS at
Girls Lacrosse Paint
Paint Branch at Sherwood 3:30 pm
Girls Lacrosse MHS at Spring- Branch at MHS V 5:15 pm
Magruder JV
brook V 7:15pm/ JV Springbrrok Volleyball MHS at
Boys Tennis Damaascus 5:00 pm
at MHS 5:15 pm Blair Coed 5:15pm/
at MHHS 3:30 pm
V Softball Blair Boys 7pm
JV Softball BCC at MHS 3:30 pm
Bolleyball Sherwood at at MHS 3:30 pm
V Softball MHS at BCC 3:30 pm MHS Coed 5:15 pm/ Boys
Volleyball MHS at Wootton Coed
5:15pm/ Boys 7pm

25 26 JV Softball MHS at 27 JV Baseball MHS 28 V Softball MHS 29 JV Baseball NW 30 V Baseball MHS 5 /1 JV Baseball Gburg at
QO 3:30 pm at QO 3:30 pm at NW 3:30 pm at MHS 3:30 pm at NW 3:30 pm MHS 10 am

V Softball QO at MHS V Baseball QO at Boys Tennis JV Softball NW at Girls Lacrosse Blair V Baseball Gburg at MHS
3:30 pm MHS3:30 pm Poolesville at MHS MHS 3:30 pm at MHS V 7pm/ JV 2:30 pm
3:30 pm 5:30 pm
Boys Tennis MHS at Outdoor Track MHS Boys Lacrosse MHS at
Blake 3:30 pm & Einstein at Da- Volleyball MHS at Boys Tennis MHS at Blair V 4:15pm/ JV 2:30 pm
mascus 3:30 pm Blake Coed Einstein 3:30 pm
Volleyball BCC at MHS Softball Gburg at MHS JV
5:15pm/ Boys 7pm
Coed 5:15pm/ Boys 7pm 10am /V 2:30 pm
2 3 4 JV Baseball MHS at RM 3:30 pm 5 6 JV Baseball MHS at Blair 6 pm 7 8 Baseball Wootton at MHS
JV 10 am/ V 1:30 pm
V Baseball RM at MHS 5:15 pm V Baseball MHS at Walter Johnson 5:15 pm
Boys Lacrosse MHS at RM
Boys Lacrosse MHS at Northwood Boys Lacrosse Gburg at MHS V 7pm/ JV
V12pm JV10am
V 7pm/ JV 5:30 pm 5:15pm
Girls Lacrosse RM at MHS
Girls Lacrosse Northwood at MHS Girls Lacrosse MHS at Gburg V 7pm/ JV
V 11:30am JV 10 am
V 7pm/ JV 5:30 pm 5:30 pm
Softball Wootton at MHS JV
JV Softball MHS at RM 3:30 pm JV Softball MHS at Blair 6pm
10 am V 12:30 pm
V Softball RM at MHS 5:15pm V Softball MHS at Walter Johnson 7 pm
MON 10 Boys Lacrosse MHS at Rockville V 5:15 pm Tues 11 V Baseball MHS at Rockville 5:15 pm 12 13

Girls Lacrosse Rockville at MHS V 5:15 pm V Softball MHS at Rockville 5:15 pm

Colonel Zadok Magruder High School

5939 Muncaster Mill Road

Rockville, MD 20855

The Colonel Zadok Magruder High School

Parent—Teacher-Student Association Newsletter

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