Chelation Therapy, Oral Detoxification For Health

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The article discusses the development of an oral detoxification protocol called the Oral Detoxification Program (ODP) that helped improve the performance of the author's horses. The author was inspired to create a similar program to help humans remove heavy metals and toxins from their bodies.

The ODP is an oral nutritional detoxification protocol developed by the author. When given to his horses for 2-3 months, their performance dramatically improved - they started winning competitions against top horses that had trained for years and two horses that had been lame were competing well.

The author had experience with IV chelation therapy that dramatically improved his health. He also ran a trace element testing lab and reviewed research on chelation. Seeing photos of children with lead toxicity made him realize everyone is toxic today and we need ways to remove these toxins orally.

Chelation, Heavy Metals,

Heart Disease, and Health:

An Oral Detoxification Program
That Is Now Essential for Optimal
Health and Longevity - Part One
by Garry F. Gordon MD, DO, MD (H)
At the recent Orthomolecular
Medicine meeting in San Francisco,
I mentioned to Dr. Jonathan Collin
the tremendous success I was
enjoying with our horses, using
an oral protocol called the Oral
Detoxification Program (ODP).
My ODP protocol was dramatically
improving the horses' performance
beyond any expectations. Not long
before, they had started competing
in Grand Prix Jumping and had gone
from being lame and tired and worth
very little to jumping as high as five
feet, five inches and becoming stars
of the horse show. We collected
35 Blue Ribbons while competing
against some 4500 top showjumping horses at an annual Grand
Prix Horse Show held in Thermal,
The horses
suddenly winning while competing
against top jumpers, some of which
are worth millions; most had trained
rigorously for years. Our horses
had only been on the ODP protocol
for two to three months, and two
had been quite lame three months
before the show began. I had no
idea that our rather nice but ordinary
horses would suddenly come to life
as they clearly did. Today, in fact, we


now individualize their doses based

on their show schedules. Grand
Prix horse shows are generally
won by the horse with the greatest
endurance, so I "get their lead out."
Today, many horses, like Barbaro,
needlessly break legs. Until now,
no one considers the level of lead
and toxins in the bones of horses or
humans. I intend to change that.
I have studied chelation therapy
extensively, and in years past,
1 was director of a large Trace
Element testing lab with offices in
Amsterdam, Tokyo, and the San
Francisco Bay area, testing lead,
mercury, etc. in thousands of people
from around the world. Despite those
experiences, and despite reviewing
thousands of articles I had collected
and lectured about, I did not fully
appreciate that the time had come to
take action. Then, I was shocked into
action by a series of photographs
accompanying an October 2006
"Chemicals Within Us." Seeing the
photographs of children with lead
toxicity suddenly made me realize
that, almost without exception,
everyone is toxic today. If we are all
to enjoy a higher level of health, we
must start to routinely consume safe

synergistic nutrients that can help us

overcome these toxins. I came up
with this idea for an advanced total
nutritional detoxification protocol,
using substances with which most
of us have some familiarity, although
we may not have seen the potential
synergy achievable with the right
combination. I made these nutrients
into a comprehensive protocol that,
with a few alterations, both my
horses and my patients consume
twice daily.
My own experience with IV
chelation over 35 years ago changed
my health dramatically; nonetheless,
I never dreamed that similar
powerful results would be possible
with any oral-based protocol, so I
did not really try. Since then, I have
attempted to develop a program
that simulates, for my patients, the
benefits that I enjoyed after my first
eight intravenous (IV) treatments
were completed. I have continued to
research this idea, spending a small
fortune going to conferences around
the world. Over these years, I have
participated in many other useful
projects which include developing
stabilized forms of vitamin C
and Detoxx programs employing
nutrients like stabilized rice bran. I


also worked with Dr, Lester Morrison

on mucopoiysaccarides. Using oral
EDTA with mucopoiysaccarides,
I have been able to routinely lower
blood viscosity as well as the
incidence of fatal blood dots. These
developments and many others
came together finally in one protocol
- ODP (More details on the ODP
protocol can be found on my website
- - where
various potential applications for this
program, including those for pets,
children, and adults, are discussed
in greater depth.)
Previously, I had employed many
different treatments with which I had
worked before, but I had never put it
all together in one protocol. Once I
could see how dramatically helpful
this approach was with horses, I
wanted to learn what it could do for
many other athletes: either two- or
four-legged. And, of course, all this
has implications for anyone who just
wants to optimize their health.
In the past, I had not considered
using any form of chelation therapy
for apparently well athletes. Now. it
should be apparent that we have a
widespread need for detoxification
for everyone, not just athletes. Thus,
the "walking wounded" who need
to "get the lead out" will see results
with my ODP protocol: longer lives,
more energy, and less developing
health problems. Today's levels of
pollution have now made a life-long
detoxification program beneficial
for everyone, particularly if we want
to achieve our maximum intended
useful lifespan and enjoy optimal
health. It seems obvious now that
if IV chelation continues to help
so many patients, we need a real
Detoxxx program for those who do
not have the time or finances, or
who feel they need to wait until they
are sick enough to qualify for IV
Once I realized that tired lame
horses could become champions,
the thought crossed my mind
that, yes, it might be fun to keep
the details of our Blue-Ribbonwinning protocol a secret and have


fun continuing to beat others in

competition. I quickly decided that
rather than just collecting more blue
ribbons, I preferred to share what I
have learned. As you read the rest
of this article, I think you will agree
that once the word gets out, my ODP
protocol has the potential to change
the face of athletic competition.
I believe that ODP will raise the
bar in all competitions so, to be
competitive, everyone will need to be
on effective long-term detoxification.
Performance is easy to measure,
whereas total body burdens of lead
or mercury are complex and nearly
impossible to accurately assess
without costly test equipment, like
that needed for the X-ray fluorescent
measurement of bone offered at
Harvard School of Public Health. I
hope that this information will help
others develop other even newer and
more effective long-term strategies
for lowering heavy metals in all living
Years ago, we lacked knowledge
about long-term adverse effects of
even very low levels of toxic heavy
metals, such as we see in everyone
today. We were also still learning
about what we now see as the longterm safety of prolonged chelation.
When I wrote the protocol for IV
chelation for American College for
Advancement in Medicine (ACAM),
a process that took almost one year
of my life, I had been warned that no
deaths were ever to be attributed to
my protocol. Thus I spent so much
time satisfying that demand from the
authorities that the wider potential
applications of Chelation therapy
had to wait. Now, we have had over
ten million patients around the world
with no known fatalities when my
basic protocol was followed and
proof that renal toxicity was almost
non-existent. And, in fact, Chelation
therapy generally protects kidney
function. Today, we have multiple
published studies from mainstream
medicine documenting the dangers
of very low levels of lead and
mercury. So, now is the time to
begin to utilize this knowledge




Oral Detoxification
to improve the health of all living
creatures. The potential benefits are
finally becoming understood, and
the risks are minimal compared to
the benefits.
Years ago, I had to guard against
giving the impression that Chelation
therapy in any form was some kind
of a panacea for all health problems.
Those of us treating documented
severe heart disease patients met
with tremendous resistance back
then. I had been program chairman
for ACAM when a leading expert
on lead from Columbia University
Medical School, who was my invited
main speaker for an early ACAM
conference and who was to speak
on the adverse effects of lead on
children, was researching DMSA. He
stalked out of our conference after
he heard the speaker before him, Dr.
John Olwin, a vascular surgeon from
Rush Medical College and a worldclass expert on using IV ethylene
diamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA) for
vascular disease, state that lowering
lead levels with IV EDTA would be
helpful for cardiovascular disease.
The expert refused to speak to our
group, since he was only interested
in studying lead toxicity for children.
He was shocked that ACAM would
permit someone to suggest that there
was any connection between lead
and cardiovascular disease. Now,
we find lead to be a 'Silent Killer,"
so-called in 2006 in Circulation,
the voice of the American Heart
Association. Until recently, Chelating
doctors have focused on Chelation
therapy primarily for severe heavy
metal poisoning or for vascular
Moving Beyond Simple
Cardiovascular Care
I have lectured around the world
about the massive increases of
lead and mercury building up in all
living things for many years. There
is extensively published literature
today that cleariy documents that
getting the lead out is crucial for

optimal health {Nawrot TS, Lowlevel environmental exposure to

lead unmasked as silent killer.
Circulation. 2006; 114: 1347-1349). I
am convinced that my ODP protocol,
along with IV chelation, can safely
cancel nearly 90% of heart bypass
and stenting operations for coronary
arteriosclerosis. We need to begin
to use the ODP protocol for far
broader, non-cardiovascular-related
applications. We should no longer
focus on simply preventing heart
attacks. We all need more energy
and better memories, and we no
longer need to base the decision
on whether or not to treat on how
advanced our occlusive vascular
disease has become. Today, for
instance, one in four children is
prescribed drugs for everything
from ADHD to autism, depression,
diabetes, or cancer. We need to
start treating at the preconception
level and help eliminate illnesses
in children. Detoxifying children
at all ages will lead to improved
performance in sports or scholastics.
As this improvement becomes
widely known, others will become
more interested in lowering the level
of toxins in their bodies. In turn, this
might lead to a greater demand for
cleaner water, food, and air.
Over the past 20 years, I have
received hundreds of testimonials
from clients around the world who
report many benefits from what I
previously categorized as a form
of oral chelation. However, the
term oral chelation has become
so abused that we may need to
drop it. We have autistic children
who need heavy metal detox and
heart disease patients unsure If
they need Chelation therapy or just
some oral program. Those who
need their mercury and lead levels
lowered have no idea what really
works and what is hype. They are
confused about where to turn and
what to do. so many wind up doing
nothing. Patients are told by some
doctors that orally ingested EDTA
is worthless; while other doctors
suggest that taking oral EDTA is such
a great approach that, particularly if

administered with liposome or taken

rectally or topically, no one ever
needs IV chelation.
Today, we can often benefit
cardiovascular patients, sometimes
dramatically, even without any form of
Chelation therapy. No one can fail to
appreciate the importance of recent,
often dramatic new developments
in nutrition: supplementation with
ribose, Lipoic acid, co-enzyme Q,
carnitine, magnesium, garlic, vitamin
K-2, vitamin C, stabilized rice bran,
omega 3, Wobenzym, resveratrol,
etc. The documented benefits from
these and other advanced nutrient
therapies are changing nutritional
medicine and have led to a new field
called Metabolic Cardiology. Some
of these developments can eliminate
the need for pharmaceutical therapy.
For example, we now recognize
that most people do not get enough
minerals such as selenium or
magnesium, nor do they receive
enough fiber or vitamins C, E, D,
or K. Some so-called oral chelation
programs simply employ certain
improve heavy metal excretion, but
do not offer adequate nutritional
support to really help lower overall
morbidity and mortality from heart
attacks and strokes. Other so-called
oral chelation programs just employ
a few herbs and provide little hope
for any real long-term benefit to the
user, often at high price, claiming
miraculous overnight removal of all
toxic metals, which is clearly not
I think that the most potentially
harmful aspect of these poorly
formulated products is that they can
further confuse consumers who
soon find that those products do
little or nothing - and who then turn
to drugs to help deal with their health
issues. In contrast, with an adequate
explanation of what to expect along
with my ODP protocol, patients will
be warned not to expect overnight
miracles. This way many may stay
with the protocol long enough to
really sea their symptoms abate and
their need for drug-based therapies
substantially reduced. Everyone

today has numerous neurotoxins

and carcinogens in their blood at
all times, and the longer they follow
my ODP protocol, the lower all toxin
levels will become and the better
they will feel.
No one can really provide
significant long-term detox benefits
over a lifetime by simply using
a single chelator, whether that
is EDTA, DMSA, Malic acid, or
ascorbic acid, delivered by any route
- inhaled, used topically or rectally,
or liposome-treated, for a few weeks
or even a couple of years. We now
live on a toxic planet, and. if you
stop my Detoxxx program, heavy
metals wil! reaccumulate, and you
cannot eliminate much of your body
burden of toxins overnight. Shortterm treatment can be very useful
and may stop angina and/or offer
often-dramatic symptomatic relief,
but 1 like to think in terms of no more
heart attacks for the next 20-plus
years. We are all living longer, now
let's live better.
My early oral chelation protocol,
helped eliminate most symptoms
problems. I believe many of the
benefits seen were largely due to
Dr. Morrison's mucopolysaccaride/
EDTA contribution. His research
developed a safe nutritional program
that routinely lowers blood viscosity
to the level seen in menstruating
females, who, incidentally, seldom
have fatal heart attacks. We now
understand how blood viscosity and
circulatory health are related.
Since my ODP protocol predictably
eliminates most heart attacks and
strokes, you may then focus on other
goals, such as helping your patients
avoid health problems associated
with aging, such as Alzheimer's
disease, cancer, osteoporosis, etc. I
believe my earlier basic protocol of
Beyond Chelation (and later. Beyond
Chelation Improved) has added many
years to patients' lives around the
world. If you are planning to live into
your 80s, the added protection from
my far more comprehensive ODP
protocol will make sense. Clearly,

we are all living longer, and the

Alzheimer's Foundation predicts that
by age 85, 50% of patients will have
Alzheimer's disease. I am unaware
of any of my patients developing
Alzheimer's disease in the past
20-plus years. This is not just due
to lower blood viscosity or lower

Oral Detoxification
heavy metals and their removal.
We need to keep open minds about
which treatments will eventually
which, over time, should fall by the

Dr. Garry Gordon is enjoying great success using the

Oral Detoxification Program with his horses.
lead levels that Beyond Chelation
Improved produces, but Beyond
Chelation has always included
ingredients like Phosphatidyl serine
and Ginkgo, which have been a
routine part of my oral protocol for
over 20 years now. All my patients
are instructed to take their nine-pill
packets twice a day.
Recently, I worked with autistic
children and successfully
codeveloped a protocol getting mercury
out of all children, without exception,
even when IV chelation previously
had produced little or no effect.
Sometimes, we found excretion
levels off the chart at Doctors Data
lab on urine and or feces. This heavy
excretion sometimes continues for
more than six months to two years.
This "autism" program does not
require the use of IV therapies. I
mention these applications to show
that we are all still learning about

Building an Open Diaiogue and

Sharing Information
Although it is still too early to
lay down any hard and fast rules,
hopefully, we can begin an open
dialogue. I now have over 1100
physicians as members of my Forum
on Anti-Aging and Chelation Therapy
(FACT) online discussion group. All
licensed health professionals are
invited to join and search on our site
for comments from the group on any
topic from DMPS to Lipoic acid to
autism. You are encouraged to offer
your observations and comments
if you join the FACT group at www. In addition,
I created a special area on my
website (www. gordonresearch.
com/townsend) to support the
comments in this article and further
this discussion. There you can
find many articles I refer to here.


Oral Detoxification
and also the National Geographic
photographs, which you can review
and download.
I have written more about the
mechanisms of action of EDTA than
any other researcher/author in the
world, yet I know that we still lack
adequate knowledge to maximize ail
the potential benefits. We will need
to learn more as our world becomes
increasingly toxic. Most experts
agree today that there is no safe
level of lead or mercury. I am totally
convinced of the long-term safety
and minimal risk from continual
administration of these metal-binding
substances or chelators, including
Malic acid, garlic, DMSA, EDTA,
ascorbic acid, and even fiber. The
alternative, to just live with these
toxins, is no longer feasible. I have
decided to vigorously promote the
use of chelators all over the world.
Once you review some of the over
500 articles I have selected from
the over 7000 articles written on
just EDTA over the past 35 years,
you can better decide if you want to
personally choose an ODP protocol
for yourself and/or your family.
As one of the major early
proponents introducing IV chelation
therapy to the world, I have had
to defend myself from medical
society challenges and medical
boards' litigation. Therefore, I have
amassed an extensive library on
the subject. I want to share as much
of that information as possible with
you, here and on my website. For
your convenience, I have placed
500 abstracts on oral EDTA on my
website {,
where use of the available Search
feature will help provide easy access
to information that may change your
life, as it has mine. Just use any
word, such as lead, mercury, EDTA,
DMSA, Malic acid, or garlic etc.
Then you will conveniently access
some of the scientific information
that I have collected over the past


30-plus years since I co-founded

what became known as ACAM.
I also have developed over my
nearly 50 years of medical practice
many in-depth protocols for treating
various conditions like cancer,
multiple sclerosis, ALS, Parkinson's,
Alzheimer's, etc. Those may be
accessed only by joining FACT,
which, as noted earlier, is only
for licensed health professionals.
professionals members tell me they
find this discussion group invaluable.
Members can query FACT on any
subject and often quickly get help
from colleagues. FACT works as
an open and searchable "curbside
topic. Access to FACT requires
registration. Members are then
assigned a password that will permit
them to read daily updates, ask
questions or search my protocols on
many topics from autism to prostate
cancer, etc. Practitioners enjoy the
many positive comments there from
the leading chelation doctors who
have started to incorporate new
ideas they picked up on this site.
For example, many are interested
in sharing results they are seeing in
patients after they finally try the short
chelation, particularly after years of
offering only the three-hour version
of IV cheiation. Many comment
that this approach permits them to
offer help to patients who could not
arrange the necessary time from
work or finances for the longer form.
Most seem to feel that the shorter IV
helps more patients faster, no matter
what the diagnosis.
Medical progress often means that
things we previously believed may
no longer be true. I know that many
ideas that I expressed over 30 years
ago in writing and teaching about
chelation therapy were simply wrong,
like my belief in the early years that
we had found a magic "roto-rooter"
that routinely diminished plaque on
arteries. Clearly, I was wrong, and
that concept is no longer valid. Many
chelating doctors, including those at
ACAM, were initially worried about

using my short chelation employing

IV calcium EDTA. In particular, they
argued that if the patient's vessels
are already calcified, IV calcium
was contraindicated, but, in fact, the
truth seems to be that high transient
levels of IV-administered calcium
can actually provide many beneficial
actions in the body. If lowering
lead levels is as important as many
experts now believe, then clearly
calcium EDTA, which is routinely
extracting more lead than the slow
infusions of sodium EDTA may wind
up becoming the treatment of choice
for many patients.
Doctors using the FACT website
generally report better results than
they were seeing with the threehour treatment, which many have
used for 20 years. Of course, many
doctors using FACT have learned
more about my other detoxification
programs and now employ the
broader protocol: my ODP protocol.
There are many added components
here; in its simplest form, the
protocol adds the proprietary form of
well-tolerated and better-absorbed
vitamin C complex called Bio En'RG'y and the Advanced Beyond
Fiber with inulin and stabilized rice
bran. When these are employed,
along with metal-binding nutrients,
then you have the basis of my ODP
I believe that the doctors using
this broader protocol may skew the
results reported by the 1100 doctors
using the FACT discussion group.
Since we all have better nutritional
support programs for our patients,
the IV EDTA is no longer the main
active component in our therapy.
With the new short form of Calcium
EDTA, our IV chelation efforts are
more focused on what I believe
should be its primary function, which
is mainly enhancing lead and heavy
metal excretion. This may lead you,
as a practicing health professional,
to see that, from the first visit on,
this advanced ODP protocol is
protecting your patients more than
ten chelation treatments would,
because of the vastly improved
total protocol, particularly with the

oral heparin-like activity we provide,

virtually eliminating the formation of
pathologic blood clots.
In addition, most chelating doctors
today know much more about heart
disease and nutritional approaches
to heart disease treatment than
we knew 35 years ago back in the
infancy of the chelation movement.
I believe that most of us now
routinely use a more sophisticated
and broader spectrum in their
management of their cardiovascular
patients - indeed, all their patients.
Many of their patients today with
cardiovascular disease are receiving
far superior nutritional support to
anything we dreamed about 35
years ago when I wrote, for ACAM,
that first protocol for safe use of IV
EDTA in vascular disease. When I
wrote that protocol, I was strongly
motivated by the demand of the
State of California authorities who
said in essence, "develop a protocol
or we will stop all further chelation
by members of your group." Today,
many of us are incorporating the new
form of K-2 along with programs
using at least some of the elements
of my ODP protocol in treating
calcified coronaries.

performance at all levels Including

spelling or math competitions for
children. It is documented, by the
Centers for Disease Control and the
Environmental Protection Agency,
that the higher the lead, the lower
the IQ, the energy level, and even
lifetime earnings potential will be.
Programs like ODP can help keep
our country more competitive in
world markets, since when our
work force is healthier, we are more

The ODP Protocol Response:

Getting the Lead Out
My basic ODP protocol involves
special combinations of stabilized
fiber, combined with an advanced
form of stabilized vitamin C and
calcium EDTA. The horses clearly
have responded beyond my wildest
dreams to this simple ODP protocol.
I think that since athletes no longer
can legally continue to abuse their
bodies with drugs, many of them
may want to learn about the dramatic
benefits they can enjoy from this legal
detox protocol that I am convinced
will help any athlete, at any age,
perform better. Of course, those who
are on my ODP protocol will start to
raise the bar for all other athletes.
Those not on an effective protocol
that really is getting the lead out will
truly be competing with a handicap.
This applies equally to scholastic

responses from detoxing our horses
reminded me that over 15 years
ago, a top racehorse vet in Canada
attended an ACAM conference
where I was in charge, and he
gave me his book. He explained to
attendees from the podium that he
regularly chelated his clients' horses
intravenously. Like most doctors
today, back then I was only focused
on the cardiovascular and circulatory
benefits from IV chelation, never
thinking that, in time, pollution would
become so serious that we would all
need a lifetime gentle detoxification
protocol. Now, low-level lead levels
are adversely affecting everything,
including the cardiovascular system,
thus removing lead alone could
explain some of the often rather
dramatic improvements seen in
chelated patients who may clinically


We know there are probably

thousands of toxins adversely
affecting us, and my protocol helps
deal with many of them, but focusing
on lead and mercury helps to
simplify our understanding regarding
why this Is a marathon, not a sprint.
This is a lifetime project. Lead is
primarily concentrated in bones,
where it is not readily assessable to
chelation. There are no chelators or
detox programs that, contrary to wild
claims being made, can significantly
access our average thousandfold
increase in bone lead stores in the
one to three months most programs
are claiming. Any real treatment
must be continued long enough for
bones to completely remodel. For
children, this is five-plus years, for
adults, 15-plus years.

Oral Detoxification
improve (again, often dramatically),
but who, all too often, may not have
enjoyed any reversal in obstructing
areas of plaque. I initially focused on
trying to reduce obstructing plaques,
believing that the limiting blood flow
to crucial area is the main reason for
symptoms. Yet, we have learned that
we can restore most heart patients
to apparent high-level cardiovascular
status with IV EDTA Chelation
therapy, and yet often we find there
is no accompanying reduction in
plaque; in some cases, plaque even
becomes worse, even when the
patient takes 30 or more IV chelation
treatments. I have explained several
reasons for this paradox in prior
articles, where I list over 30 possible
mechanisms of action for IV EDTA
chelation. One small example from
that list is that improved nitric oxide
metabolism associated with "getting
the lead out" can dramatically
improve endurance and blood flow.
Over the years, I have been
consulted routinely about patients
whose coronary calcium levels soar
while on IV or oral chelation. As
mentioned, we have seen plaque
become even more obstructive, yet
often the patient may have become
symptom-free in spite of this clear-cut
worsening of their case technically.
This indicates to me that IV chelation
does not predictably routinely reverse
coronary arteriosclerosis, but getting
the "lead out" with IV chelation or with
my ODP protocol may be just as or
even more important than reversing
plaque. The optimal solution is not
either IV or oral; the answer is both.
Today, with
coronary CT scans, we have an easy
measurement for coronary vessel
calcium levels, so more patients can
now be treated more adequately on
a preventive basis and will come to
realize that detoxification is a lifelong process, My ODP now also
electively incorporates therapeutic
levels of vitamin K-2 and more
recently, the Herbal Reniedy from


Oral Detoxification
Thailand (HRT; actual technical
name is Pueraria Minfica), which is
a bio-mimic estrogenic adaptogen,
to enhance the desired effects
of calcium relocation whenever
significant vascular calcification is
documented. My complete protocol
routinely lowers pathologic calcium
in coronary arteries, while reversing
I believe that ODP will, over time,
provide highly effective symptomatic
improvement in well over 80% of
patients, particularly novi/ that we
have ancillary approaches with diet,
exercise, the new fibrin-digesting
and anti-inflammatory enzymes, and
useful supplements like ribose, Lipoic
acid, resveratrol, co-enzyme Q, etc.
Any or all of those can be added to
the basic protocol, so that, with all
these additional well-documented
nutrients available to us today for
cardiovascular disease, I seldom
fail to achieve the response my
patient seeks. I have often cancelled
recommended heart transplants
in children and adults because the
response has been so good.
The benefits seen with my ODP
protocol alone are not achieved as
rapidly as IV chelation results may be.
I would not expect the ODP protocol
to provide the dramatic increase in
endurance that IV chelation gave me.
By my eighth IV {over a three-week
interval), my disabling angina was
completely gone. At that point, and
for the first time in years, I also had
no dyspnea on exertion. I could run
up a mountain and wear out my twoyear-old Irish Setter. My response
was so dramatic that I have devoted
the past 35 years to trying to learn
how and why IV chelation provides
these effects in some patients. I
believe that with my protocoi, we can
now start to deliver some of those
benefits to millions around the world
who simply want to "get the lead out"
and start to enjoy a far higher level
of health.


Chelation Choices
Now, since I believe we have
these choices, when do we
absolutely need IV chelation? That
decision must remain in the hands
of the physician. It never hurts to
do both, but I argue here that I do
not believe IV chelation alone is
ever enough. If we are to really stop
most fatal heart attacks, we need
long-term daily protection. I believe
nothing currently available today
exceeds the efficacy I achieve with
my patients on my ODP protocol.
Clearly, when a patient calls about
an acute condition, such as the
recent onset of stroke or pulmonary
embolism or heart attack, I have
always explained that, ideally, IV
chelation should be started as soon
as possible. Meantime, however,
we can use oral enzymes including
Wobenzym, Nattokinase, and/or
Boluoke. These enzymes can, in my
estimation, save lives. The use of
tissue Plasminogen Activator (tPA)
first illustrated that clots could be
dissolved after they form. Tissue
Plasminogen Activator is rather
expensive, must be given IV in a
hospital environment, and has a very
narrow window of opportunity with
which to work. It has been proven
useful for dissolving fresh blood
clots. Nattokinase and Lumbrokinase
(Boluoke) offer similar effects, but
I prefer to take them preventively,
although there have been reports
of favorable effects even days
after a stroke or heart attack, often
using double doses of these oral
preparations, which may be more
effective in some cases than the IV
injection of tPA.
These enzymes and other
therapies like Hyperbaric Oxygen
(HBO) therapy and IV chelation
offer surprising benefits, even a few
days after a major circulatory event.
Oral enzyme products may provide
some fibrin-digesting activity and
anti-inflammatory activity. They can
be used along with Essential Daily
Defense, the key product resulting
from Dr. Morrison's research.
Essential Daily Defense is a crucial

part of the ODP protocol. It offers a

gentle but vital heparin-like effect that
I believe significantly contributes to
my remarkable success preventing
any reported fatal Mis in users of my
ODP protocol. I always recommend
that patients with any acute condition
also get IV treatments, even IV
magnesium and/or ascorbic acid
can offer huge benefits if EDTA
is not available. This IV can be
administered as either the new short
form of IV chelation or the standard
version or given one after the other,
as an IV Myers Cocktail after an IV
chelation treatment.
Generally, IV Chelation therapy
always will work quicker, and perhaps
cleanse deeper, as Simonizing does
more than just wash a car. IV EDTA
generally, in one day, removes as
much lead as two to three weeks of
oral chelating. This enhanced lead
excretion seems to be particularly
true with the new short form of
chelating that I have recently helped
introduce to the world. This IV uses
calcium EDTA. This form of EDTA
treatment is entirely painless and
thus can be conveniently given in
five to 15 minutes, saving patients
valuable time and money. The more
rapid infusion time means that blood
levels of EDTA will be higher. I have
also found that the short form of IV
chelation routinely removes more
lead per treatment than we see with
the three-hour standard chelation.
There will probably be some
continuing need for the original
three-hour treatment for many years.
That protocol has proven itself, and
there is no need for it to be replaced.
However, I always look for ways to
make other people feel as good as I
do, having had only four IV chelations
in the past 15 years, after needing
nearly 200 IV chelations prior to
that, but not going a day without
some oral chelation every 12 hours
for the past 20-plus years. Now with
the increasing mercury levels in our
environment, I have increased my
personal program and have added
daily Heavy Detox (with DMSA).


Treating Vascular Calcifications

Most doctors are more familiar
and therefore more comfortable with
the original IV Chelation therapy.
There is no right or wrong answer
regarding who needs the shorter
treatment and who needs the longer,
older treatment. However, recently
the three-hour form of chelation has
become slightly less necessary,
since it appears that vascular
calcifications are routinely reversible
targeted nutritional
support therapy that
K-2 (menaquinone7), which by itself
pathologic calcium
in vascular tissue.
Nonetheless, I also
prefer to increase
the same time as
I lower vascular
calcium levels.

thereby increasing the workload

for the heart. This may contribute
to rising blood pressure along with
other factors. I now routinely expect
to reverse both osteoporosis and
vascular calcifications with newer
approaches I have developed.
Herbal Remedy from Thailand and
vitamin K-2 (which I formulated into
a synergistic formula. Beyond Bone
Defense) with strontium, Boron,
curcumin, and other factors, has

Oral Detoxification
ago with Dr. Lester Morrison. Three
capsules in each packet of nine pills
form the key part of the formula
called Essential Daily Defense.
This contains a unique heparin-like
mucopolysaccaride from red algae,
identified by Dr. Morrison (after ten
million dollars in research), as an
agent for reversing and preventing
was in radiology
in 1964 in San
Francisco at Mount

onset at age 29
close my general
practice and go into
then, I have actively
studied the benefitrisk ratio for most
There was a
time when patients
patients. Remember
are due to acute
to hope that the
blood clots. Clots
three-hour iV EDTA
do not easily form
in the presence
treat their problem.
of heparin. There
"The horses were suddenly winning while competing
This was because
is a gentle, safe
the IV EDTA threeagainst top jumpers, some of which are worth millions; anticoagulant effect
with our combination
most had trained rigorously for years."
calcium levels, often by 50%, and
worked very well on everyone so far.
in the presence of the particular
therefore induces a tripling of ParaI treat the bones and the vascular
mucopolysaccaride that I have found
thormone (PTH) production. This
tissues concurrently, since 1 believe can replace injections of heparin for
spurt of PTH theoretically should
that as we prevent and reverse
life-long protection.
help lower pathologic calcium levels
osteoporosis, there will be less
Dr. Morrison's goal was to
in many tissues. I have studied the
vascular calcification. Since lead
lower clotting tendencies. I find
subject of pathological calcium
contributes to bone-related issues,
this formula reduces the need for
increases associated with aging
1 also incorporate my ODP-based
aspirin-related therapies, since it
of our vascular tissues extensively
approach with the above.
works as he intended and described
for many years. We all get calcified
in detail in the three books that
vascular tissues the older we
Beyond Chelation improved
summarize his years of research
are. The average aorta at age 80
A key part of my ODP protocol is
in solving this problem. I often find
contains 140 times more calcium
called Beyond Chelation Improved.
that with this product as a vital part
than age ten.
This product contains nine pills in
of my anti-clotting protocol, along
one convenient cellophane packet,
Calcified vascular tissue is a
with many other things including
which is usually taken twice a day. I
proven risk factor for heart disease.
Omega 3 supplementation, etc., I
co-developed the Beyond Chelation
One problem is that it contributes
am able to routinely offer effective
Improved formula more than 20 years
to stiffness and loss of elasticity.


Oral Detoxification
all-natural, anti-clotting, anti-platelet
approaches for my patients v^^ho
often do not tolerate drugs like Plavix
or Coumadin. However, my patients
are warned that they must assume
full responsibility if they decide
to discontinue their Coumadin. I

with - I believe that, to minimize the

danger, we should always provide
support. That is because a better
nourished body can tolerate these
often still poorly identified toxic
reactions, like chronic neurotoxicity
and carcinogenic potential from
the usual array of over 100 organic
toxins present in virtually al! humans

My ODP concept goes beyond providing another oral

chelation product. It is meant to help us all focus more on
our vital need for long-term detoxification...
will, whenever possible, urge that
they also take the Nattokinase or
Boluoke; however, due to cost, some
have to rely on just the protection
provided by the old standby. Beyond
Chelation Improved. If possible, I
prefer patients stay on my more
comprehensive ODP protocol where
the unique stabilized vitamin C and
Beyond Fiber add so much, And, of
course, enzymes - like Wobenzym,
or those with Nattokinase, such
as Endokinase, or Lumbrokinase,
(Boluoke) - whether used alone
or together in low doses, provide
optimal protection, which, in my
opinion, vastly exceeds the benefits
from Plavix or Coumadin and related
Beyond Chelation Improved also
includes three tablets of Beyond
Any Multiple, so that all mineral and
vitamin needs are included in the
packet. I find few formulas exceed
the total nutrients in this therapeutic
strength multiple, which is another
key part of my ODP protocol.
Because our increasing levels of
chronic toxicity also increase the
need for many nutrients, this formula
contains things like resveratroi, beta
Glucan, and Lipoic acid, as well as
high levels of vitamin D, selenium,
and ultra trace minerals like cesium.
Since there are many toxins, such
as the residual toxins from everpresent flame retardants that are
present in all of us today - toxins
that nothing can effectively deal

Understanding Chelation and

Lifetime Detoxification
Like many of you, I still offer
IV chelation to my patients. I love
to observe the often dramatic
seen in our IV-treated patients.
Obviously with patients with recent
stroke or gangrene, I will also use
everything from HBO to iV chelation
and Nattokinase or Boluoke and
Wobenzym. But, I fear that due to
confusion and tack of knowledge
about what was loosely called oral
chelation, the end result of this
confusion is that most of us today fail
to recommend enough oral chelators
for our patients. It seems that some
practitioners are afraid to add to the
confusion. In the consumer's mind,
it's either one form of chelation or
the other. This confusion means that
many doctors fail to effectively lower
blood viscosity or provide safe anticoagulants over a lifetime. Far too
few patients understand - unless
someone educates them on the longterm implications of today's pollution
and the need for continued lifetime
detoxification - that although all their
symptoms may have disappeared,
they can still have a massive Ml at
anytime, unless they make use of
the substantial protection offered by
the ODP protocol. My ODP concept
goes beyond providing another oral
chelation product. It is meant to
help us all focus more on our vital
need for long-term detoxification.

and I hope this concept will help

many more patients receive optimal
Remember the tortoise and the
hare. You won't necessarily win the
race by the speed with which you
improve your patients' conditions;
the real race will be won when your
patients understand the long-term
view, when you inform them what
your protocol can and cannot do,
and when they understand how
vital it is that they never stop their
oral protocol. I am now convinced
that the Beyond Chelation Improved
formula was a very important
breakthrough in medicine. In 1941,
Dr. Morrison published his research
on cholesterol in the Journal of
(JAMA), but he almost immediately
concluded that cholesterol was not
the main culprit. He then went to
work on researching clotting and
blood viscosity. I am convinced this
is where the future lies and that, in
a few years, we will see that statins
have been an expensive experiment
for our country. Statins cause
provable harm and provide little
benefit compared to the protocol
1 have developed. Certainly, they
will not cause horses to win blue
ribbons. We have many reasons to
explain why we generally find today,
after adequate testing, that our
patients tend to be hypercoagulable,
particularly at the time they suffer
their acute Ml or stroke. The reasons
are complex and include genetics
(five percent of Americans have
LEIDEN 5 as a risk factor), stress,
chronic infections, and heightened
levels of toxins. I believe that, today,
combating this clot-forming tendency
has become essential for long-term
survival for the majority of patients.
I consider aspirin to be totally
inadequate and the benefit-to-risk
ratio causes me to not bother using it.
Also, taking aspirin provides a false
sense of security; and since patients
do not realize how little protection it
provides them, consequently, they
do not bother to look further and
find out about programs like my
continued on page 123 >

ODP protocol, which really provides

clear-cut, long-term benefits with no
I am convinced that the total ODP
protocol, particularly if I add either
Boluoke or Nattokinase, will result
in far fewer deaths and/or need
for any subsequent hospitalization
or surgical intervention than any
protocol currently offered anywhere
else in the world. I routinely advise
my patients against most invasive
procedures for coronary artery
disease, since I am convinced they
all carry significantly greater risk
than my approach. There are many
complex reasons for the success of
my protocol. I am sure I have not yet
fully identified all of them. With over
100 active ingredients in the total
protocol, the complex synergies at
work will not be easy to separate
and study. Those too busy to learn
about the ten million dollars that went
into the formula might misconstrue
Beyond Chelation Improved as just
another oral cheiation product. The
Beyond Chelation Improved product
is clearly far more complex that the
oral or rectal administration of EDTA
or the application of DMSA or DMPS
on the skin. Those approaches are
clearly inadequate when you realize
the minimum 15-year requirement
for ongoing therapy. I hope my ODP
concept helps us move beyond
the confusion that an imprecision
of terms has contributed to this
ongoing IV vs. oral Chelation therapy
There are antioxidant benefits
from the several of the oral chelators
in my ODP formula. I would expect
my protocol will lead to improved
energy and vitality, which, over
time, may also help lower the total
body burden of pathogens. With
detoxification, enhanced immunity
will follow. That alone helps control
the level of pathogens. However, to
lower the total pathogen burden of ill
patients dramatically, some oxidative
therapies should be considered.
I am confident that taking my new
complete ODP complete protocol
daily for life provides greater
protection against sudden death

than 50 IV chelation treatments

taken over one to three years, which
is too short a time for long-term
benefit to develop. Experts agree
that the oral EDTA, which is a small
part of the ODP protocol, has only
about five percent to 18% absorption
rates. This is a vital component in
providing the heparin-life effect we
need. Remember that there are
only a few drops in the bottom of a
lavender tube for a CBC, but that is
all it takes to prevent those blood
specimens from clotting.
The protocol also lowers lead
levels slowly, continuously, over
patients' entire lifetimes if they
choose to follow my ODP protocol.
However, 1 do not believe that
being lead-free or mercury-free is
enough to prevent fatal blood clots.
My ODP protocol involves much
more. However, we have many other
reasons to focus on safe long-term
lead and mercury detoxification.
Those references relate to IQ and
worker productivity over time, as
well as lower lead levels' link to
lowering all causes of morbidity and
mortality. The New England Journal
of Medicine (NEJM) published
research stating that calcium EDTA
reduces the likelihood of renal failure
as weil as the subsequent need for
dialysis. A Harvard School of Public
Heaith study, published in JAMA a
year ago, links cataract development
to the level of lead in bones. This
shows bone lead is in equilibrium
with all tissues, including the lens of
the eye.
The multiple health benefits from
toxic metal removal achievable
with my new ODP protocol seem
to increase the longer the protocol
is continued. However, even after
seven years on this protocol, adults
stiil will have lowered their bone
iead ieveis by only 50%. Dr. Clair
Patterson from Cal Tech has spoken
at ACAM twice at my invitation. His
impressive world-wide
has proven that average bone iead
levels today are well over 1000
times higher than bone lead levels
were just 400 years ago, anywhere
you live on earth today. There is no

Oral Detoxification
escape, but after seven years with
my nonstop protocol, you should
have only 500 times too much lead
stili remaining, which stiil can help
kill you if you become injured and
inactive. Remember, if you are
not able to weight bear, inactivity
accelerates the loss of bone lead and
its subsequent increase in your other
tissues, impairing immunity, leaving
you vulnerable to hospitai-acquired
infections. That is a hidden benefit of
becoming as lead-free as possible.
After 15 years, you will be much
less likely to die of complications
should you Inadvertently wind up in
a hospital.
Pro-Oxidative Therapies
I have given many lectures on
pro-oxidative therapies, a vital
adjunct to detoxification. Nothing
else deals as effectively with the
pathogen burden. You may view
more on these topics online at
can also view the entire proceedings
from my highly successful, exciting
March 10, 2007 conference. If you
have a patient suffering from cancer
and all else is failing, please watch
the presentation by Dr. Contreras.
Dr. Contreras documents how to
administer oxygen therapies with
high-dose IV vitamin C. Vitamin C
alone will not work, as cancer cells
are hypoxic and the vitamin C must
be metabolized intracellularly into
H202. He documents substantial
benefits using this protocol, after all
chemo and radiation and all other
alternative cancer therapies have
failed. I have been teaching the
methods and reasons for alternating
between high-dose, pro-oxidant
therapy and my new ultimate form
of vitamin C (Bio En'R-G'y C) for
truly effective, life-long antioxidant
therapy. Since the recent JAMA
article alleging that antioxidants are
harmful, the study of pro-oxidant and


Oral Detoxification
antioxidant therapies is vital; we owe
it to ourselves and our patients to
understand the genesis ofthe JAMA
article's confusion.
I am excited to have codeveloped a professional version of
vitamin C that is proven to provide
benefits no form of vitamin C has
ever provided before. Bio En'R-G'y
C with GMS-Ribose Is also uniquely
tolerated in very high doses without
gastrointestinal (GI) upset. This
formula has been documented to
lower Reactive Oxygen Species at
ppb levels, a benefit never achieved
before with any vitamin C product in
the world. Clearly, Bio En'R-G'Y C
is a nutrient system and not just a
vitamin C.
Dr. Contreras's research with
significant life prolongation and tumor
reduction in over 90% of terminal
cancer patients with his IV vitamin
C and oxygen in a new protocol with
Perftec. Yet, we do not want highlevel pro-oxidant activity every day
of our lives, so now we can safely
cycle back to effective antioxidants,
based on this new stabilized form of
oral Bio En'R-G'y C formula.
In general, vitamin C, like all weak
organic acids, is also a chelator,
thus workers in lead factories taking
vitamin C orally have lower levels of
lead than those not taking it. This
means that high-dose IV ascorbic
acid is working both as a pro-oxidant
therapy and a cheiator. I believe that
learning more about the benefits
and risks of aggressive high-dose
IV vitamin C treatment may save
lots of lives, since such treatment
combines at least those two vital
functions at once. It can lower heavy
metal levels while aiso lowering the
total body burden of pathogens and
tumor cells. I almost always prefer
to augment that chelation effect with
EDTA and my oral ODP protocol.
I hope you will come to future
ACAM conferences and learn more
about oxidative therapies, since we


all face cancer or antibiotic-resistant

infections such as Lyme disease,
etc., everyday. I find that oxidative
therapies can offer a realistic solution
and, with the coming epidemics of
infections experts predict, you will
need this new information.
We need to learn how to
maximize, for the majority of our
lives, effective antioxidant therapies,
which we can enhance with
concurrent administration of some
nutritional metal-binding agents or
oral chelators. Some oral chelators
may increase the antioxidant effect
of other nutrients, while concurrently
helping to lower levels of heavy
metals at the same time. They may
even help stabilize other useful
nutrients, such as vitamin C, which,
in the presence of the metal-binding
agents I have selected, may finally
turn out to be even more useful than
Linus Pauling predicted. Vitamin
C could, with the help of some oral
chelators, turn out to be the ideal
oral chelator, universal antioxidant,
and all-purpose nutrient support
molecule that we all have hoped it
would be.
To help further my work in this
area, I am currently co-authoring
a book about Chelation therapy
and the detoxification of heavy
metals with science writer David
Jay Brown. We summarize the
most important Chelation therapy
research and present the most
effective detoxification protocols, so
that physicians and their patients
can have easy access to this
valuable information. The book
includes sections on the dangers
of environmental toxins and heavy
metals, as well as information on
how to improve cardiovascular
health, circulation, brain function,
and cognitive performance using
Chelation therapy and nutritional
supplementation. The working title
for the book, which will be available
in the fall of 2007, is Ultimate
Therapy and Beyond.

! hope this information proves

valuable to you in your own health
and in helping to improve the health
of your patients,
G.F. Gordon, MD, DO, MD (H)
President, Gordon Research
600 N. Beeline Hwy
Payson, Arizona 85541

[email protected]
Part Two ofthe article will appear in
the July issue of Townsend Letter.
Garry F. Gordon, MD, DO. MD (H) received
his Doctor of Osteopathy in 1958 from the Chicago
College of Osteopathy in Illinois. He received his
honorary MD degree from the University of California
Irvine in 1962 and completed a Radiology Residency
from Mt. Zion in San Francisco, California in 1964, For
many years, he was the Medical Director of Mineral
Lab in Hayward, California, a leading latjoratory for
trace mineral analysis worldwide.
Dr. Gordon is on the Board of Homeopathic
Medical Examiners for Arizona, Co-Founder of the
American College for Advancement in Medicine
(ACAM), Founder/President of the International
College of Advanced Longevity (ICALM), Board
Member of International Oxidative Medicine
Association (lOMA). and an advisor to the American
Board of Clinical Metal Toxicology (ABCMT). He is
also a member of the Scientific Advisory Committee
for The National Foundation for Alternative Medicine.
With Morton Walker, DPM, Dr. Gordon coauthored The Chelation Answer. In addition, he
was (he instructor and examiner for alt chelation
physicians. Currently, he is responsible for peer
review for Chelation therapy in the State of Arizona.
As an internationally recognized expert on
chelation therapy. Dr. Gordon is now attempting to
establish standards for the proper use of oral and
intravenous chelation therapy as an adjunct therapy
for all diseases. He lectures extensively on The End
Of Bypass Surgery Is In Sight and The Future of
Dr Gordon is President of Gordon Research
Institute and a fud-time consultant for Longevity Plus,
a nutritional supplement company located in Payson,
Arizona. He is responsible for the design of the
majority of their supplements, which are widely used
by alternative health practitioners around the world.
Dr. Gordon is coauthoring a book about Chelation
therapy and heavy metals detoxification with science
writer David Jay Brown, tentatively tilled. Ultimate
Detoxification: EDTA Chelation Therapy and Beyond.
Author's Note: I have extensive references
to support the concepts I have expressed here.
My last article published in ACAt^ Journal 2001
has 183 pertinent references. That article, and
others mentioned here, can be viewed at www, When there, use
the Search feature if you want to learn more about
specific topics such as autism, cancer, mercury,
multiple sclerosis, etc.
Financial Disclosure
G. Gordon, MD, DO, MD (H), is a consultant to
many companies around the world involved in nutritional
product formulation, development, and marketing.
These include several companies providing metalbinding products for use in his Advanced Nutrition
Detoxification protocols, which he is introducing around
the world. Dr. Gordon has not been paid to write this


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