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Topic: A simple sarvashtakavarga method for prashna (Read 4098

dr. farr

A simple sarvashtakavarga method for prashna

on: May 22, 2013, 01:46:52 AM
Prashna can be a very involved and complex branch of practical astrology (known as
horary astrology in the West, where also the methods involved can be very complex
and quite hard to do)
However, I am aware of a simple method using ashtakavarga principles, which the
adepts (Jaimini adepts, primarily) of Ponmudi forest were quite certain of, regarding its
accuracy. I'll pass the method on to you:
A) Application: for all questions, limited to a specific time period (usually not longer than
about a year at the most), which can be answered by a yes or no (or maybe) response,
or by a "positive" or "negative" answer, or relative to a condition, situation or
circumstance which can be estimated as being being favorable, auspicious, or mixed, or
unfavorable, inauspicious. This method cannot be applied to describe a person, place
or the details of a situation, nor to explain about something, or to locate a lost object or
missing person, etc (other prashna methods must be applied for these types of
B) Method:
1) the person asking the question (the querent) is represented by the lagna (ascendant,
1st house) Lord of the sign of the first house is the querent's lagnesh (significator)
2) the subject matter of the question is the karakesh (quesited significator) It is the lord
of the house (bhava) representing the nature of the question (see standard prashna
texts for the significations of each of the 12 bhavas)
3) after determining the lagnesh and karakesh, find in which signs (or sign) these

significators are posited.

4) determine the sarvashtakavarga bindu count for these signs (or sign)
5) add the sarva-bindu counts together (or if only 1 sign is posited by both of the
significators, only use the sarva-bindu count for that sign)
6) if 2 signs are involved in the sarva-bindu count, divide the added numbers by 2
(rounding to the next higher bindu number if necessary)
7) this gives the answer to the question, as per the following table:
+if the count is under 25 bindus:
Yes/No questions = a no answer
Condition/Situation/Circumstance questions = unfavorable, inauspicious, negative
+if the count is 25, 26 or 27 bindus:
Yes/No questions = a maybe answer, more likely no than yes
Condition/Situation/Circumstance questions = mixed, more unfavorable than favorable
+if the count is 28, 29 or 30 bindus:
Yes/No questions = a maybe answer, more likely yes than no
Condition/Situation/Circumstance questions = mixed, more favorable than unfavorable
+if the count is 31 bindus or higher:
Yes/No questions = a yes answer
Condition/Situation/Circumstance questions = favorable, beneficial, auspicious (the
higher the bindu count the more favorable)
What will happen regarding my money situation over the next 3 months?
-querent = lagna (first house); Libra is the sign of the first house, Venus is lagnesh
-subject matter of the question (money) = karakesh = 2nd house (money house);
Scorpio is the sign of the 2nd house, Mars is karakesh
-Venus is in (say) Gemini, which has 28 sarvashtakavarga bindus in the chart
-Mars is in (say) Taurus which has 26 sarvashtakavarga bindus in the chart
-add 28 + 26 = 54 bindus; since 2 signs are involved in getting this total, divide 54 by 2:
this = 27 sarva-bindus
Answer: consulting the table above, with a net average of 27 sarva-bindus, the
indications for the querent's money situation over the next 3 months are mixed, being
somewhat more difficult (unfavorable) than favorable.
A simple prashna method, which seems to work pretty well in actual practice



Re: A simple sarvashtakavarga method for prashna

Reply #1 on: June 25, 2013, 12:34:44 PM
one question dr farr..the bindus in sarvashtakavarga don't how does it work
only for next three is it not applicable for the rest of the life since bindus for
lagnesh and karakesh for that particular question wont change..also how imp is
samudaya ashtakavarga
Quote from: dr. farr on May 22, 2013, 01:46:52 AM

Prashna can be a very involved and complex branch of practical

astrology (known as horary astrology in the West, where also the
methods involved can be very complex and quite hard to do)
However, I am aware of a simple method using ashtakavarga principles,
which the adepts (Jaimini adepts, primarily) of Ponmudi forest were quite
certain of, regarding its accuracy. I'll pass the method on to you:
A) Application: for all questions, limited to a specific time period (usually
not longer than about a year at the most), which can be answered by a
yes or no (or maybe) response, or by a "positive" or "negative" answer,
or relative to a condition, situation or circumstance which can be
estimated as being being favorable, auspicious, or mixed, or
unfavorable, inauspicious. This method cannot be applied to describe a
person, place or the details of a situation, nor to explain about
something, or to locate a lost object or missing person, etc (other
prashna methods must be applied for these types of questions)
B) Method:
1) the person asking the question (the querent) is represented by the
lagna (ascendant, 1st house) Lord of the sign of the first house is the
querent's lagnesh (significator)
2) the subject matter of the question is the karakesh (quesited
significator) It is the lord of the house (bhava) representing the nature of
the question (see standard prashna texts for the significations of each of
the 12 bhavas)
3) after determining the lagnesh and karakesh, find in which signs (or

sign) these significators are posited.

4) determine the sarvashtakavarga bindu count for these signs (or sign)
5) add the sarva-bindu counts together (or if only 1 sign is posited by
both of the significators, only use the sarva-bindu count for that sign)
6) if 2 signs are involved in the sarva-bindu count, divide the added
numbers by 2 (rounding to the next higher bindu number if necessary)
7) this gives the answer to the question, as per the following table:
+if the count is under 25 bindus:
Yes/No questions = a no answer
Condition/Situation/Circumstance questions = unfavorable, inauspicious,
+if the count is 25, 26 or 27 bindus:
Yes/No questions = a maybe answer, more likely no than yes
Condition/Situation/Circumstance questions = mixed, more unfavorable
than favorable
+if the count is 28, 29 or 30 bindus:
Yes/No questions = a maybe answer, more likely yes than no
Condition/Situation/Circumstance questions = mixed, more favorable
than unfavorable
+if the count is 31 bindus or higher:
Yes/No questions = a yes answer
Condition/Situation/Circumstance questions = favorable, beneficial,
auspicious (the higher the bindu count the more favorable)
What will happen regarding my money situation over the next 3 months?
-querent = lagna (first house); Libra is the sign of the first house, Venus
is lagnesh
-subject matter of the question (money) = karakesh = 2nd house (money
house); Scorpio is the sign of the 2nd house, Mars is karakesh
-Venus is in (say) Gemini, which has 28 sarvashtakavarga bindus in the
-Mars is in (say) Taurus which has 26 sarvashtakavarga bindus in the
-add 28 + 26 = 54 bindus; since 2 signs are involved in getting this total,
divide 54 by 2: this = 27 sarva-bindus
Answer: consulting the table above, with a net average of 27 sarvabindus, the indications for the querent's money situation over the next 3

months are mixed, being somewhat more difficult (unfavorable) than

A simple prashna method, which seems to work pretty well in actual


dr. farr

Re: A simple sarvashtakavarga method for prashna

Reply #2 on: June 26, 2013, 12:06:39 AM
Because the sarvashtaka bindu totals for any given sign/house, do change, because
the signs on significator houses change and the signs/houses the planets are posited
in, also change: this gives different sarva-bindu counts at different times, just as we get
different sarvashtakavarga charts for different times and dates of birth.
This is also why we can have differing sarvashtakavarga charts for Annual Horoscopes,
differing from the basic natal sarvashtakavarga chart; samudaya ashtakavarga is
IDENTICAL (synonymous) with sarvashtakavarga (see explanation in Aditya's "Practical
Last Edit: June 26, 2013, 12:08:27 AM by dr. farr


Re: A simple sarvashtakavarga method for prashna

Reply #3 on: June 26, 2013, 04:06:46 AM
by this does it mean that one has to look into the annual horoscope for questions

instead of natal my software theres a table which says progression 39 under
the varshaphal..its about the 39th year which is nov I follow the planets
placed in that table to derive answeres for my immediate questions
have ordered adityas book
Quote from: dr. farr on June 26, 2013, 12:06:39 AM

Because the sarvashtaka bindu totals for any given sign/house, do

change, because the signs on significator houses change and the
signs/houses the planets are posited in, also change: this gives different
sarva-bindu counts at different times, just as we get different
sarvashtakavarga charts for different times and dates of birth.
This is also why we can have differing sarvashtakavarga charts for
Annual Horoscopes, differing from the basic natal sarvashtakavarga
chart; samudaya ashtakavarga is IDENTICAL (synonymous) with
sarvashtakavarga (see explanation in Aditya's "Practical Ashtakavarga")


dr. farr

Re: A simple sarvashtakavarga method for prashna

Reply #4 on: June 27, 2013, 01:42:51 AM
No, neither Western horary nor Vedic prashna (at least most forms of it) require either
the natal or the annual horoscope, in order to ask and receive answers to specific
horary questions. The horary chart is erected for the date, time and place of the asking
of the question, and then this chart is, in a way, treated like a "birth chart", because it is,
actually, the "birth of the question" which was asked; then this chart-completely and
totally seperate from the querent's birth or annual horoscope charts, is interpreted
according to the rules of horary ( of the particular horary method being used) and the
answer is determined exclusively upon the merits of that specific horary chart.
Other predictive methods, indicating conditions and circumstances of life during a given
period of time, are SEPERATE from horary (horary is ONLY about asking specific,

usually time-limited questions) In addition to Varshaphal (the Annual Horoscope, known

as Solar Returns in the West), and to rashi or nakshatra-based dasha systems
(Jaimini rashi dasha system, Parasara's nakshatra based Vimshottari and Yogini dasha
system, and the highly complex Kalachakra dasha system), there are various other
predictive methodologies known as "progressions" (primary, secondary, and also
special Vedic progressions), profections (from ancient Western astrology) and symbolic
directions (a special favorite of mine-originating in Modern Western astrology), and of
course, transits (gochura) But none of these predictive methods, are connected with
horary astrology (prahsna), which as I stated earlier, is its own seperate field.
Now, considerations from ashtakavarga can be APPLIED to EACH of these various
methods, as I have applied the sarvashtakavarga approach to horary, in my posting in
this thread. However, in making such applications of the ashtakavarga concepts and
methods to these special fields of predictive astrology, I believe it is best to rely on
hand-calculations of the various bindu counts, rather than what might be available in
computer software programs (I do not believe that there are available software
programs applying sarvashtakavarga and bhinnashtakavarga calculations to dashas or
progressions or horary or profections or symbolic directions; pretty much the available
software programs only apply ashtakavarga to natal charts, and to transits)

dr. farr

Re: A simple sarvashtakavarga method for prashna

Reply #6 on: April 28, 2014, 10:48:48 PM
I have not experimented with rekhas, and I have not done (and am not interested in
doing) the reductions; simply I have used sarvashtakavarga bindu and
bhinnashtakavarga bindu evalutations; I do calculate these afresh for any varga chart I
am investigating (rather than transfer the bindus from the D1 calculations into the
vargas, which is a common but misleading practice, as mentioned by Aditya and,
earlier, Patel-SAV and BAV must be calculated uniquely for the D1 and then seperately
for each varga)
I have found that simple SAV and BAV considerations provide a very reliable evaluative
methodology with numerous areas of practical application.
Last Edit: April 28, 2014, 10:50:55 PM by dr. farr



Re: A simple sarvashtakavarga method for prashna

Reply #7 on: April 30, 2014, 07:28:28 AM
hey dr farr greetings,
when someone asks a question do you erect a chart of current date and time or do you
go to the time in question like 3 mths or 6mths in future..
also are the 12 bhava significations diff for ashtakavarga based prshna or its
different..for eg for a question on speculation should we see the 5th house or 8th house
as gambing is also a kind of speculation..
Quote from: dr. farr on April 28, 2014, 10:48:48 PM

I have not experimented with rekhas, and I have not done (and am not
interested in doing) the reductions; simply I have used sarvashtakavarga
bindu and bhinnashtakavarga bindu evalutations; I do calculate these
afresh for any varga chart I am investigating (rather than transfer the
bindus from the D1 calculations into the vargas, which is a common but
misleading practice, as mentioned by Aditya and, earlier, Patel-SAV and
BAV must be calculated uniquely for the D1 and then seperately for
each varga)
I have found that simple SAV and BAV considerations provide a very
reliable evaluative methodology with numerous areas of practical


dr. farr

Re: A simple sarvashtakavarga method for prashna

Reply #8 on: April 30, 2014, 11:25:42 PM
Erect the prashna chart for the place, date and time when the question is asked.
In the sarvashtakavarga prashna method I have outlined in this thread, only the sarva
bindu count of the lord of the specific single house (bhava) most closely significating the
nature of the question, combined with the sarva bindu count of the lord of the
ascendant, are used in determining the answer: so for speculation, or for outright
gambling, only the sarva bindu count of the place of the lord of the 5th house (bhava),
together with the sarva bindu count for the place of the lord of the ascendant (lagna)
would be combined (and then, if 2 houses are involved, divided and rounded off) to
determine the answer.
(Note that this prashna method differs from the divisional prashna method I have
outlined in another thread)
Last Edit: April 30, 2014, 11:28:02 PM by dr. farr


Re: A simple sarvashtakavarga method for prashna

Reply #9 on: May 01, 2014, 08:41:00 AM
thank you dr farr
the sarvashtaka points of the house in question and the house where the asc lord is
currently situated are to be taken from d1 chart values...or is it to be taken from the new
d1 chart that has been erected for the prashna(in which case the asc lord will change
from the original d1 asc I correct
Quote from: dr. farr on April 30, 2014, 11:25:42 PM

Erect the prashna chart for the place, date and time when the question is

In the sarvashtakavarga prashna method I have outlined in this thread,

only the sarva bindu count of the lord of the specific single house (bhava)
most closely significating the nature of the question, combined with the
sarva bindu count of the lord of the ascendant, are used in determining
the answer: so for speculation, or for outright gambling, only the sarva
bindu count of the place of the lord of the 5th house (bhava), together
with the sarva bindu count for the place of the lord of the ascendant
(lagna) would be combined (and then, if 2 houses are involved, divided
and rounded off) to determine the answer.
(Note that this prashna method differs from the divisional prashna
method I have outlined in another thread)


dr. farr

Re: A simple sarvashtakavarga method for prashna

Reply #10 on: May 01, 2014, 11:24:22 PM
It is to be taken from the NEW D1 chart that has been erected for the prashna.

dr. farr

Re: A simple sarvashtakavarga method for prashna

Reply #13 on: May 07, 2014, 11:18:50 PM
If the question were about the forthcoming birth of the child, I would use the 5th;
however if the question were about something related to the 2nd child (after its birth)
then the 3rd from the 5th would be used.


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