Geometric Modeling: Basic Procedure For Creating A 3d-Model in Creo 2.0

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Basic Procedure for creating a 3D-model in creo 2.0

Modeling Procedure:
Open creo 2.0software
As you open the cero 2.0 a definition box will appear which represents the following

Sheet metal

Now select the part module and deselect the default templates and select the
required measurements in mmns or inlbs mostly mmns is preferred.
Now select the part module and select the measurements in which you want. Thus
part module is opened with planes representing at the centre. Select the required
plane and go to sketcher module so as to draw the sketch
Generally there are two types of profile we create in sketcher
1. Open
2. Closed
1. Open profiles:-these are generally preferred in surfaces
2. Closed profile:-there are preferred in part module
In this model we are going to create camshaft. So let us see how to create a
camshaft model In our cero 2.0.
Now first of all open the cero 2.0 and select the pat module and in part module
select the module .we can only create solids and surfaces in part module so we
select the part module for creating our cam shaft. For every solid body we have you
draw a sketch which acts as a base for the solid so first we will go into sketcher so
as to create our base through our part module. As we enter part module there are
various profiles available for us that are defined in our top tool chest.

So the drawn profile looks like this as shown in fig 1.0 given below .so this profile is
our base and by using this as base we will create the solid and the first operation
will be performed in part

Fig 1.0 representing sketch of cam

Next to exit the sketcher module go to the done option placed in the top tool chest
known as done its purpose is to complete the sketcher so as to return the part
module the part module is very important module for creating solids and surfaces in
three dimensions.
Now let us focus on our part module
The sketch drawn part looks like a frame means it is a 2d representation of the
cam .now to create a solid model of the drawn sketch go to part and in base feature
select the extrude option and after the option is selected just give the depth value
here the value is given as 12.

Now to remove the material here we again use the extrude option in some different
way that is to remove the material .so first select the material from which you want
to remove the material then apply the sketch on the selected face and select the
extrude option as remove material .
So to create hole the drawn sketch is shown below

Fig 1.1 sketch to remove material

Now the next step is to go to part again and convert the drawn sketch into hole so
that a hole will appear on the surface selected above
Now let us see the removed solid part.

Fig 1.2 showing single hole created on cam

Our next step is to create a num of holes on the solid surface that is by selecting the
already created hole. That process is known by the name as creating pattern the
pattern used is the axis pattern which is having its own significance
Now let us see how the axis pattern is applied. The pattern is a editing feature the
editing feature is generally used to create a num of objects or to edit the solid
So the axis pattern definition box looks as shown below

Fig 1.3 showing definition box of pattern axis

Let us see how the axis pattern is applied on a solid. Select the surface on which u
want to make patterning and also the feature which have to be pattered in this it is
a hole

Fig 1.4 showing pattern dots

Now let us see the how the holes looks likes when subjected to axis pattern.

Fig1.5 axis pattern on cam

Now to draw again go to sketch by selecting the sketcher option in part and draw
the required sketch. The required sketch is shown below.

Fig 1.6 cam sketch

In sketcher the cam drawn is with some specific dimensions that are shown above.
The cam created pushes the valve thus the opening and closing depends on the

The next feature is to convert the created sketch into the solid .the solid created will
be of given specific dimension .now let us see how to add material to the given

Fig1.7 showing extrusion of cam

Now draw the circular sketch on the cam .the circular profile drawn is for shaft. Now
to create the circular shaft draw the sketch by selecting sketcher in the part module
thus the required sketch is shown in figure.

Fig1.8 showing the shaft profile

So again we used the extrude option to convert it into solid the profile drawn is of
some diameter the diameter is shown in fig above. Our next step is to convert it into

Now our next step is to covert the sketch in solid, so to create a solid what we have
to apply is the process extrusion the extrusion is a base feature .what we have to do
is just select the sketch created in the sketcher the sketch created will get
converted into the solid part.
The solid created is shown below

Fig 1.9 shaft created using extrude

Now our next step is to mirroring the same what we created from starting that is a
flywheel a cam and shaft. The mirroring feature comes under the editing feature
.first select the flywheel, cam and the shaft then only mirror will highlight.
Now let us see how to mirror the three parts.

Fig 2.0 preview of mirror

applying mirror

fig 2.1 after

So the above figure represents the preview and the model after mirroring
Now draw the circular sketch again on the cam .the circular profile drawn is for
shaft. Now to create the circular shaft draw the sketch by selecting sketcher in the
part module thus the required sketch is shown in figure.

Fig2.2 showing the shaft profile

So again we used the extrude option to convert it into solid the profile drawn is of
some diameter the diameter is shown in fig above.
Now to generate solid select the extrusion from the base features.

Fig 2.3

Our next operation is to again use the extrude operation so in order to perform the
extrusion operation we need a sketch .so we again have to go to sketcher module
,there we have to draw the required sketch
The sketch drawn is shown below

Fig 2.3 showing the sketch

Now to covert the created sketch into solid we have to select the extrusion option
.in extrusion provide the required thickness present in the definition box
Now let us see the solid created from the the sketch

Fig2.4 extrusion applied to sketch

Now again we have to create the sketch that is through part module. The part
module is necessary to create a solid .now go to sketch through part module and
create the required sketch again.

Fig 2.5 sketch for shaft

To again extrude it select the extrude option from base features thus we will obtain
the following solid part

Fig 2.6 extrusion of sketch

Now to create a hole on a solid select the surface of the solid .in creating hole we
dont require any profile it is direct application
After creating the hole just apply the pattern which we done above .so to create
multiple holes we require hole. Thus there are three holes as shown in figure

Now let us see how to apply pattern and hole

Fig2.7 hole applied on solid

To create a pattern of hole let us take the hole drawn then apply the pattern process
.the pattern drawn is dimensional.

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