Lab 8 Caed Bsee21022

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Electricalr Engineering Department

EE102L: Computer Aided Engineering Drawing - Lab Manual

Course Instructor: Dr. Haris Mehmood Dated: 27th May, 2021

Lab Engineer: Juniad Ashraf Semester: 2nd

Session: Spring 21 Batch: BSEE2020

Lab 8. Using Boundary Boss/Base, Rib and Draft Features

Lab Report
Name Roll No Obtained Marks


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Signature: _________________________________
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8.1 Objectives
In this lab, the students will learn about:
i) Use of Boundary Boss/Base tool
ii) Creating ribs using Rib tool
iii) Tapering the faces of objects with Draft tool

8.2 Boundary Boss/Base

The boundary Boss/Base is another useful feature in SolidWorks that interpolates shape
between profiles sketched at certain points. It’s very similar to the Lofted Boss/Base feature
and it is possible to create same geometry with both. However, there are some differences
between the two:
 Boundary feature has more options in terms of geometrical layout of the profiles and
guide curves.
 Boudary feature has curvature control over each profile unlike the Loft that allows the
curvature control only at the beginning and end profiles, but not at the intermediate
profiles. This difference is shown in the figures below.

Figure 8.1 Interpolation of profiles with Lofted Bose/Base

Figure 8.2 Interpolation of profiles with Boundary Bose/Base

8.3 Rib Feature

Rib feature in SolidWorks is used to create ribs that are
stiffeners between angled walls or faces of an object to increase
the structural strength. Ribs increase the entire strength of a
component so that it does not break under an increased stress.
In SolidWorks, the ribs can be created using open as well as
closed structure. Following parameters can be defined while
creating ribs in SolidWorks:
Thickness Area: It is used to specify the side of the sketch
where the the material is to be added. First side, Second Side
and Both Sides buttons are available. The thickness of the rib
can also be defined.
Extrusion Direction: It specifies the direction of extrusion for
closed or open sketch that can be defined either the Parallel or Figure 8.3 Rib PropertyManager
Normal to the sketch and sketch plane.

8.4 Draft Feature

The Draft is a tool that is used to create slanted faces. The drafting of faces at an angle is used
for injection molding to allow pulling the molded part out of the mold cavity. To draft a face:
 Go to Draft in the Features Tab or Insert->Features->Draft
 Select the Draft angle
 Choos the Neural Plane that would define the Direction of Pull i.e. where the Draft
would start from
 Select the faces on which draft feature is required.
8.4.1 Draft Example
 Sketch a sqaure of dimension 3in x 3in on Top plane
 Use Extruded Boss/Base and give thickness of 0.5in.

Figure 8.4 (a) Object wtih dimension 3in x 3in x 0.5in

 Go to Draft in Features Tab, set the Draft Angle = 10°

 Select Top face as Neutral Plane and select the four side faces to apply Draft

Figure 8.5 (b) Object after applying Draft feature

8.5 Lab Tasks
8.5.1 Lab Task 1
Make 3D object as shown in Figure. All dimension are in mm. [5 marks]

Figure 8.6 Lab Task 1 Drawing

First of all, I select a top plane and sketch it. After this, I draw a rectangle of the dimensions of
the horizontal distance is 50mm and vertical distance is 60mm:
Extruded boss/base:
After this, I used the command of extruded boss/ base and convert it into the 3D plane:

The final view by using this command is shown below:

Hole Wizard:

After this, by using the command of hole wizard and place these hles at different place with the
horizontal distance of 30mm between them:

The final view by using this command is shown below:


After this, we used the command of fillet to curve the corner of rectangle y the dimension of 10mm:

Extruded boss/base:

After this, we draw a circle of the dimension of the diameter of 20mm and extruded boss/ base it by
the 25mm:

After this, we draw an ellipse between the both of thses views of the dimension of 45mm horizontal
and 15mm vertical:


After this, we tangent the elipse and the rectangle view:


After this, we draw an arcs of the dimension of 70mm and 32.5mm radius:

Boundary boss/base:

After this, we used the command of boundary boss/ base and convert into the 3D view. The final
view by using this command is shown below:
Extruded cut:

After this, we used the command of extruded cut to place a hole in the sketch:


After this, we used the command of chamfer. The final view by using this command is shown below:
Final view:

The final view of our task is shown below:

After this, I draw the datasheet of my task on A4 page and shown the hidden lines and
dimensions of the views:

In the sketch, I shown the top, isometric, front and right view and shown their all dimensions:
8.5.2 Lab Task 2
Create 3D model shown in Figure. All dimensions are in mm. [5 marks]
Figure 8.7 Lab Task 2 Drawing

First of all, I select a right plane and sketch it. After this, I draw a rectangle of the dimensions of
the horizontal distance is 108mm and vertical distance is 198mm:


After this, we draw lines at the upper surface of figure:

We used the command of power of trim to cut the line:

After this, we draw a sketch on another side by the lines and then set the dimensions according to

Extruded boss/base:
After this, we used the command of extruded boss/base to convert it into the 3D view by
the dimension of 13mm:
The final view by using this command is shown below:


After this, we draw the sketch by the lines and an arc and then set the dimensions:
Extruded boss/base:

After this, we used the command of extruded boss/base to convert the sketch into 3D view by the
dimension of the 60mm:

The final view by using this command is shown below:


After this, we draw a line and hen we set the dimensions:


After this, we used the command of Rib.Then, the final view by using this command is shown below:
Final view:

The final view of my task is shown below:

After this, I draw the datasheet of my task on A4 page and shown the hidden lines and
dimensions of the views:
In the sketch, I shown the top, isometric, front and right view and shown their all dimensions:

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