Application of Earth Resistivity, Hydrogeochemistry and Isotope Hydrology Methods For Assessment of Groundwater Recharge in Two Drainage Basins in Northeastern United Arab Emirates

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IOSR Journal of Applied Geology and Geophysics (IOSR-JAGG)

e-ISSN: 23210990, p-ISSN: 23210982.Volume 3, Issue 6 Ver. III (Nov. - Dec. 2015), PP 01-13

Application of Earth Resistivity, Hydrogeochemistry and Isotope

Hydrology Methods for Assessment of Groundwater Recharge in
Two Drainage Basins in Northeastern United Arab Emirates
Zeinelabidin E. Rizk*1, Hassan K. Garamoon2, Ahmed S. Al Matari3,
M.F. Khalil4, A.M. Ebraheem4

Institute of Environment, Water and Energy, Ajman University of Science and Technology, Ajman,
United Arab Emirates
Geology Department, Faculty of Science, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt
Desertification Combat Department, Ministry of Environment and Water, United Arab Emirates
Geology Department, Faculty of Science, Assiut University, Assiut, Egypt

Abstract: This study analyzed the water chemistry and isotope hydrology of Wadi Al Wurrayah and Wadi Al
Tawiyean basins and assessed the contribution of their dams to groundwater recharge. For this purpose, 49
surface and groundwater samples were analyzed for stable (18O and 2H) and the radioisotope (3H). Results of
chemical analysis indicate that the groundwater in the study area is predominantly fresh (TDS < 1,000 mg/L),
with salinity ranging from 222 mg/L (TW2) to 935 (TW8), and averaging 500 mg/L. The average values of 2H
and 18O are -4.80 and -2.52, in Wadi Al Wurrayah, and -3.16 and -11.45 in Wadi Al Tawiyean
groundwater, respectively, suggesting meteoric water origin. The values of 2H and 18O in Al Wurrayah and Al
Tawiyean reservoirs are -1.83 and 2.04, and -2.25 and -2.85, respectively, indicating evaporative
enrichment. Stable isotopes mass balance showed that the dam reservoirs contribution to aquifer recharge
varies between 22% and 43%. The average tritium (3H) value of 3.6 TU in Al Tawiyean basins means that the
groundwater < 50 years old. Results of 2D earth resistivity imaging survey determined the location of water
filled fractures and thickness of the unconsolidated materials in the wadis.
Keywords: Groundwater recharge, Isotope hydrology, Hydrogeochemistry, Two-dimensional earth resistivity
imaging, United Arab Emirates
* Corresponding author:
Institute of Environment, Water and Energy, Ajman University of Science and Technology
P. O. Box 346 Ajman, United Arab Emirates
Telephone: +971504625707, Fax: +97167482277, E-mail: [email protected]

The coastal plain in the northeastern part of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) extends for 70 km
between Dibba in the north and the UAE-Oman borders in the south, and varies in width between 4 and 10 km
between the Gulf of Oman in the east and the Northern Oman Mountains in the UAE in the west.
There are no permanent streams in the UAE, but many dry wadi channels in the north and east can
carry flood water after heavy rainstorms. Streams discharging drainage basins start at the Northern Oman
Mountains in the UAE drain either eastward in the Gulf of Oman or westward in the direction of the Arabian
Gulf in the northwest and the sand dune fields in the west and southwest. The drainage basins can carry large
amounts of water over a very short period of time, forming flash floods that can cause groundwater recharge
under favorable lithological and confinement conditions. The Northern Oman Mountains in the UAE are
dissected by 70 drainage basins, 58 of which lie within the UAE. The area of these basins vary from 5 km2
(Wadi Dhannah) and 500 km2 (Wadi Al Bih). Among these basins, 54 have areas more than 10 km 2, indicating
their capability of carrying large amounts of flood water, especially the basins of the southern region which
drain low permeability igneous and metamorphic rocks [1, 2, 3].
During the last four decades, the groundwater resources in the UAE have been over exploited to meet
the increasing water demand, especially for agricultural purposes. Over-pumping practices has resulted into
aquifers depletion, salt-water intrusion and degradation of groundwater quality. Evidences indicated that
groundwater levels have declined sharply in many farming areas. To minimize this impact, the UAE
government has built more than 130 detention and retention dams. In addition, several observation wells have
been installed to monitor the groundwater levels fluctuations, as well as to detect changes of the groundwater
quality. Detention dams are designed to control the flow velocities and to allow appropriate time for the
recharge process to take place. While, retention dams are designed to store large quantities of surface water and
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Application of Earth Resistivity, Hydrogeochemistry and Isotope Hydrology Methods

to raise the hydraulic heads in shallow systems, the stored water can be also used directly for irrigation
Wadi Al Wurrayah and Wadi Al Tawiyean are two major drainage basins in northeastern UAE with
catchment areas of 113 and 119 km2, respectively. Two earth rock-fill dams were built in Wadi Al Wurrayah in
1997 and in Wadi Al Tawiyean in 1991, with reservoir areas of 490,000 and 3,240,000 m 2 and reservoir storage
capacities of 5,200,000 and 18,000,000 m3, respectively [3].
The objective of the present study is to develop a better understanding of groundwater flow patterns,
recharge mechanism, effectiveness of dams in recharging the shallow aquifer system and the amount of
groundwater recharge due to construction of two selected dams, namely Al Wurrayah and Al Tawiyean (Fig.
1a). Hydrochemical and isotopic data (18O, 2H and 3H) were used to calculate the contribution of both dams to
aquifer recharge. A tentative isotopic mass balance based on stable isotopes of rain water stored by these dams
enables quantifying the artificial recharge rate induced by Wadi Al Tawiyean and Wadi Al Wurrayah dams.
1.1 General Setting
The dam of Al Wurrayah, which was established in 1997, is located approximately 5 km northwest of
Khor Fakkan town, in the eastern region [4]. This dam was constructed on fractured Semail Ophiolite bedrock,
which comprises mineralized assemblages of serpentinite and gabbroic rocks. The catchment area of Al
Wurrayah Basin is 113 km2 (Fig. 1a).
The dam of Al Tawiyean in northern agricultural region was constructed in 1991 on bedrock composed
of Jurassic and Cretaceous limestone. The capacity of this dam is about 18 million cubic meters (MCM), and its
catchment area covers 119 km2 [3].


Materials and Methods

Two dimensional (2D) Direct Current (DC)-resistivity profiling is conducted by making many
measurements at different locations along the profile and at different offsets [5, 6, 7]. The 2D DC-resistivity
profiling data are inverted to create a tomogram-like model of resistivity along a section of the subsurface that
can be used to determine groundwater potentiality and/or detect and define individual fracture zones.
2.1 Field Work
In the present survey, eight channels Memory Earth Resistivity and induced polarization (IP)
instrument and Switch Box manufactured by Advanced Geosciences, Inc. were used. The linear array of each
profile consisted of 112 electrodes where the distances were controlled automatically by using an eight channel
switch box. Out of forty (40) 2D resistivity profiles with a profile length ranging from 550 to 2,220 m and total
length of 93 km, conducted during the period October 2005-December 2007, only eight (8) profiles in Wadi Al
Wurrayah and Wadi Al Tawiyean are presented in this study (locations of these profiles are shown in Fig. 1b
and c). Several sampling periods were undertaken in the study areas during the period December 2002-January
2008. Eighty three (83) water samples were analysed for major ions and forty two (42) samples were analysed
for stable and radioisotopes. Figures 1a show the locations of a few samples presented in this study. The
groundwater temperature in degree Celsius (C), electrical conductivity (EC) in micro Siemens per centimeters
(S/cm), hydrogen-ion concentration (pH) and total dissolved solids (TDS) in milligrams per liter (mg/L) were
directly measured in the field because they change after sample collection [8].

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Fig. 1a Location map of Wadi Al Wurrayah and Wadi Al Tawiyean and groundwater monitoring wells sampled
for the present study; b and c are location maps of 2D earth resistivity profiles in both wadis.
2.2 Laboratory analyses
The chemical analysis of the collected water samples was conducted in the Ministry of Electricity and
Water (MEW) laboratories in the UAE. Standard analytical techniques described in [9, 10, 11, 12, 13], were
applied. Chemical analysis of major cations and anions was performed using titration methods, ion
chromatography [14], atomic absorption spectrophotometry (AAS) [15] and inductively coupled plasma-atomic
emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) [16]. For measurement of TDS, a 100 mL of well-mixed water sample was
filtered through a standard glass fiber. The filtrate was evaporated to dryness in a weighed dish and dried to a
constant weight at 180oC. The increase in dish weight represented the TDS [12]. For determination of alkalinity,
soluble carbonate (CO32-) and bicarbonate (HCO3-) anions were measured by titration of 50 mL water sample
against 0.02 N HCl solution using phenolphthalein and methyl orange indicators [13]. Ion chromatograph,
model Dionex-2020i, was used for the analysis of the anions; chloride (Cl-), nitrate (NO3-) and sulphate (SO42-).
The Dionex-2020i ion chromatograph is a dual-channel, high-performance chromatographic system featuring
two precision analytical pumps, a dual-channel advanced chromatography module with optional column heater
and two conductivity detectors. The operating conditions were 10-40C temperature range and 1,900 psi (129
atm.) maximum pressure. A calibration curve was prepared for each anion using aliquots anion concentrations
higher than detection limits. The detection limits in mg/L of Cl-, NO3- and SO42- were 0.03, 0.13 and 0.03,
respectively. Prior to the determination of total metal concentrations by AAS or ICP-AES, each water sample
was acidified with nitric acid (8 ml/L Analar grade), boiled for 4-5 minutes to ensure complete solubility of
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Application of Earth Resistivity, Hydrogeochemistry and Isotope Hydrology Methods

metal ions [13], and then filtered. Filtrate was used for both AAS and ICP-AES measurements. Atomic
absorption spectrophotometry (AAS) was used for the determination of calcium (Ca2+), magnesium (Mg2+),
sodium (Na+) and potassium (K+) ions by measuring their absorbance at the maximum wavelengths, against
reagent blank [15]. Determination of stable isotopes (18O and 2H) was performed in Syria by means of a
Finnigan Mat DELTAPlus mass spectrometer. The tritium (3H) determinations were also performed (after
electrolysis) in Syria, by using a liquid scintillation counter (Quantulus 1220). Measurement accuracy for 18O
and 2H are 0.1, 1.0, respectively, and 3H is 1 tritium unit (TU).


Results and Discussion

3.1 Two-dimensional (2D) earth resistivity methods

The geophysical data presented in this study were collected from the main channels and outlets of
wadis. The locations of the 2D resistivity profiles are shown in Figures 1b and 1c. By using an iterative
smoothness-constrained least-squares inversion method [17, 18], apparent resistivity data collected by the 2D
DC-resistivity system were inverted to model the subsurface resistivity, which approximates the true subsurface
resistivity distribution [5]. The interpretation results are discussed for Wadi Al Wurrayah and Wadi Al
The water-bearing units in eastern coast area of the UAE can be classified into the Quaternary aquifer
(upper aquifer), which consists of alluvial gravels, and the bedrock aquifer (lower aquifer), which is composed
of fractured ophiolites. The upper aquifer is directly recharged from rainfall and the lower aquifer is indirectly
recharged through the upper aquifer. Thus, it is important to determine the physical setting of the aquifer
systems and their lithological variation. The location and orientation of fracture zones are also important for
modeling the groundwater flow. Surface geophysical methods are regarded as rapid and inexpensive tools that
could be used, in addition to drilling, for determining the locations and orientations of fractured zones in
bedrock. Surface geophysics can be used in conjunction with geologic, hydrologic and borehole-geophysical
investigations to optimize well drillings [19, 20, 21, 18], or as a stand-alone method for fracture detection [22].
In this study, the 2D earth resistivity imaging techniques were used to evaluate groundwater potentiality and
quality in the gravel and ophiolite aquifers.
3.1.1 Wadi Al Wurrayah
Four 2D earth resistivity profiles were conducted in Wadi Al Wurrayah (Fig. 1b). Profiles Al
Wurrayah-1 and Al Wurrayah-2 are located along the main wadi near its outlet area. Their interpretation results
are very similar and indicate the presence of two layers; the upper one is the unconsolidated sediments vary in
thickness from less than 50 m in the west to more than 100 m in the east. The upper 30 m of this layer is dry and
the lower portion is saturated with slightly fresh water (Figures 2a and 2b). This layer overlies the ophiolite
layer which is strongly fractured up to the depth of penetration (256 m) in some places and probably saturated
with fresh to slightly brackish water in these areas. Profile Al Wurrayah-3 is located in the northern side of Al
Wurrayah alluvial fan (Fig. 1b).
The interpretation results indicate the presence of one layer, with an average thickness of 100 m. The
layer is mostly dry with some lenses of clay materials and/or saline water (Fig. 2c). The ophiolite layer is not
detected in this cross-section but is expected to be at a depth greater than the depth of penetration. Due to
accessibility problem the profile was only extended to 560 m. Profile Al Wurrayah-4 is located in the northern
side of the main wadi near its outlet area (Fig. 1b). The interpretation results indicate the presence of two layers;
the upper one is unconsolidated sediments vary in thickness from 20 to 50 m. This layer is mostly dry in the
middle part of the profile and partially saturated with fresh water at both ends of the profile (Fig. 2d). This layer
overlies the ophiolite layer which is strongly fractured up to the depth of penetration (500 m) in western part of
the profile.

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Fig. 2 Two-dimensional (2D) DC-resistivity models for profiles Wurrayah-1 to Wurrayah-4 in Wadi Al
Wurrayah (see Fig. 1b for profile locations).
3.1.2 Wadi Al Tawiyean
Vertical electrical soundings (VES) were collected near the existing borehole for which drilling
information is available to constrain the interpretation of the VES data and obtain a true resistivity range for
each lithologic layer. The 2D resistivity profiles were constructed along the strike direction to intersect the
maximum possible number of geologic features and lineaments. Three 2D profiles and eleven VES were
collected from different sites in the main channel of Wadi Al Tawiyean (Fig. 1c). The northeast-southwest (NESW) trending fault line separates the Gweiza shale Formation, which has a resistivity of less than 50 ohm-meter
(m), from the Hawasina limestone Formation, which was detected in profiles 1a as shown in Fig. 3a. The dry
limestone has a resistivity range of 500-1,000 m while saturated fractured limestone has a resistivity range of
50-150 m (Fig. 3b). The production wells of the Federal Electricity and Water Authority (FEWA) are located
in a zone where the limestone is highly fractured (Figures 3c and 3d).
The correlation of the VES data interpretation results with the boreholes information obviously indicate
that the surficial layer which is mainly composed of dry boulder attains high resistivity and extends from the
surface to a minimum depth of 2.5 m. In addition to the drilling information, the water table information during
the time of taking these measurements was used to divide the Quaternary alluvium into two zones: the first one
represents the high resistive unsaturated zone and the second represents the low to moderate resistive saturated
zone. The dry massive limestone has the highest resistivity values and the fractured limestone has a moderate
resistivity values. Hawasina shale has the lowest resistivity values.

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Fig. 3 Two-dimensional (2D) DC-resistivity models for profiles 1a, 1b, 2 and 3 in Wadi Al Tawiyean, see Fig.
1c for profile locations.
The inverted resistivity data together with the available drilling information and water table data of the
old and newly-drilled wells indicate the presence of two aquifers in the area of Wadi Tawiyean; the Quaternary
(or shallow) aquifer and the fractured limestone (or deep) aquifer. The Quaternary aquifer is regarded as the
main aquifer and is composed of unconsolidated coarse sand and gravel.
The Quaternary aquifer is directly recharged from the percolating rainfall. Historical groundwater
measurements indicate a significant variation in the response to recharge events and groundwater abstractions
from one area to the other mainly depending on its distance from the dam. This indicates that the constructed
dam has been playing a major role in enhancing the recharge of the shallow aquifer.
The Quaternary aquifer is well studied and currently is exploited for domestic and agricultural
purposes. On the other hand the bedrock aquifer was not tested and needs further detailed study. However, the
results of the 2D earth resistivity imaging survey indicate that this bedrock aquifer is probably extending for
several hundreds of meters and thus constitutes a deep aquifer with high groundwater potentiality in the areas
where it is strongly fractured and karistified.
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3.2 Hydrogeochemistry
3.2.1 Wadi Al Wurrayah Basin
The major ion concentrations and TDS of water samples collected from Al Wurrayah Basin wells are
listed in Table 1. The mean TDS value of surface water in the dam reservoir was 119 mg/L. The chemistry of
water samples collected from wells tapping the shallow aquifer at longer distances from the dam site (Wur 5)
are characterized by high TDS values, whereas those located near the dam (Wur 3) are characterized by low
TDS values, indicating a possible recharge from the dam reservoir. This hypothesis is confirmed by the
Schoeller-Berkallof diagram (Fig. 4), which shows similar water chemistry of reservoir water and groundwater
collected from observation wells. However, the slight difference in Ca 2+ and Mg2+ concentrations between the
reservoir (surface water) and the observation wells (groundwater) can be explained by a cation-exchange with
the clay minerals present in the shallow aquifer.
Table 1 Results of chemical analysis of water samples collected from Al Wurrayah dam reservoir and the
surrounding observation wells. Concentrations are in mg/L.
Site code
Wur Dam











Fig. 4 Schoeller-Berkallof diagram of the mean chemical composition of surface water and groundwater
samples collected from Wadi Al Wurrayah Basin.
The Pipers [23] diagram (Fig. 5) also supports this hypothesis, and shows the similarity of water types
in the reservoir and observation wells, especially those of Wur 3 and Wur 5. The relationship between Cl - and
Na+ shows that the water samples of observation wells fit the same line of surface water samples from Al
Wurrayah dam reservoir (Fig. 6). The position of each groundwater sample along this mixing line is
proportional to the distance from the dam site, indicating a possible mixing with water having a similar origin to
that in the dam reservoir.

Fig. 5 Piper diagram of the mean chemical composition of surface water and groundwater samples collected
from Wadi Al Wurrayah Basin.
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Fig. 6 Relationship between mean Cl- and Na+ concentrations of surface water and groundwater samples
colleted from Wadi Al Wurrayah Basin
3.2.2 Wadi Al Tawiyean Basin
The mean TDS values, together with major ion concentrations of groundwater samples colleted from
Wadi Al Tawiyean Basin are reported in Table 2. The average TDS of surface water in Al Tawiyean dam
reservoir was 253 mg/L. Whereas, the salinity value of groundwater samples collected from the shallow aquifer
ranges from 222 mg/L (TW 2) to 1,044 mg/L (TW 9) (Fig. 7). The data shows that the TDS of groundwater in
the Wells TW 2, TW 6, TW 8 and TW 9, located downstream the dam site, are generally higher than that of the
dam reservoir (Fig. 8). The water of these wells is most probably recharged by water coming from the dam
reservoir, and suggests the increase of TDS in the direction of groundwater flow. Figure 9 represents the mean
hydrochemical properties of collected water from Wadi Al Tawiyean Basin.
Table 2 Results of chemical analysis of water samples collected from Al Tawiyean dam reservoir and the
surrounding observation wells. Concentrations are in mg/L.
Site code
TW Dam











Fig. 7 Pipers (1944) diagram of the mean chemical composition of surface water and groundwater samples
collected from Wadi Al Tawiyean Basin.
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Fig. 8 Relationships between mean major ion concentrations of surface water and groundwater samples
collected from Wadi Al Tawiyean Basin.

Fig. 9 Schoeller-Berkallof diagram of the mean chemical composition of surface water and groundwater
samples collected from Wadi Al Tawiyean Basin.


Isotope Hydrology

During this study, the available isotopic data of rainfall samples was used to define the local meteoric
water line (LMWL). This line was estimated on a basis of mean isotopic data obtained within another work,
realized by [24] between 1984 and 1990 in the UAE. Accordingly, the isotopic rainfall data reveals the existence
of the following features (Fig. 10):

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Evaporation line of the two

dams water, the WUR wells
water and the evaporated

2 H


Non evaporated
rain waters

Evaporation line of the TW wells



Isotopic composition of the two

dams waters before its evaporation


Isotopic composition of the rain

water rechargeing the TW wells
before its evaporation









18O ( vs SMOW)

Fig. 10 the 2H-18O relationships of rainfall and shallow groundwater samples collected from wadi Al-Wurrayah
and Al Tawiyean Basins.
The deuterium (2H) - oxygen 18 (18O) diagram shows that about 80% of samples fall between the
global meteoric water line (GMWL), defined by a deuterium excess (d) around 10 [25], and the eastern
Mediterranean meteoric water line (EMWL), defined by a deuterium excess (d) value of the order of 22 [26,
27, 28]. The rest of samples reflect the evaporation effect, especially the rain samples collected during winter
By considering only the non-evaporated water, mostly responsible for the recharge of the shallow
aquifer, the sample representative points fit clearly a line close to that of the eastern Mediterranean meteoric
water. This line (2H=818O+17) reveals that a significant air masses are coming from the northwest, and most
probably crossing over the Mediterranean region.
This local meteoric water line is in a good agreement with the Oman meteoric water line (OMWL)
defined by the relation (2H=818O+16), on a basis of rainfall data of significant precipitation amounts (>20 mm),
allowing the saturation of air column and minimizing the evaporation from of rainfall droplets [29].
4.1 Wadi Al Wurrayah Basin
During this study, the available isotopic data of rainfall samples was used to define the mean stable
isotopes (18O and 2H) concentrations of water samples collected from the observation wells and Al Wurrayah
dam reservoir during the period December 2002-June 2003 (Table 3). The Wells Wur 3 and Wur 6 were
sampled 14 times, while the Well Wur 5 and Al Wurrayah Reservoir were sampled 6 times.
Table 3 Minimum, maximum and average values of stable isotopes (18O and 2H) of water samples collected
from Wadi Al Wurrayah Basin.



Site code

H ()

O ()

H ()

O ()

H ()

18O ()

Wur 3
Wur 5
Wur 6
Wur Dam

- 5.90
- 2.82
- 3.83

- 2.86
- 2.82
- 2.38
- 3.30

- 3.60
- 2.54
- 3.32
- 3.30

- 2.58
- 2.54
- 2.22
- 0.78

- 4.81
- 5.05
- 4.54
- 1.83

- 2.71
- 2.53
- 2.32
- 2.04



The maximum and average values of stable isotope concentrations of the groundwater in the
observation wells are represented in the 2H/18O diagram (Fig. 10). The concentrations of 18O and 2H in the dam
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reservoir (surface water) and rainwater samples, collected between 1984-1990 from the northern and eastern
UAE are shown in Fig. 10. Stable isotopes data of Wadi Al Wurrayah Basin (Fig. 10; Table 3), shows that there
is a clear similarity between the trend of evaporated samples of precipitation and the surface water sample
collected from the dam reservoir. This trend completely coincides with the groundwater evaporation line of the
observation wells, indicating that this water has the same origin, and thus, the groundwater in the observation
wells may mostly be recharged from the dam reservoir water. In order to calculate the contribution of recharge
coming from the dam reservoir water towards the shallow aquifer in Wadi Al Wurrayah Basin, an isotopic mass
balance, using the stable isotopes data and their relationships was applied. Table 4 shows that the contribution of
dam reservoir water to aquifer recharge varies between 22% and 43%.
Table 4 the contribution of Al Wurrayah dam reservoir to aquifer recharge, using isotopic mass balance.
Site code
Average 18O (, V-SMOW*)
* SMOW = Standard mean ocean water

Dam reservoir contribution to aquifer recharge (%)


The result of this isotopic mass balance showed that groundwater in the observation wells represents a
mixture of the dam reservoir water and the present-day rains. The computed values indicate the importance of
the dam reservoir water in recharging the observation wells tapping the shallow aquifer, especially Wells Wur 3
and Wur 5, which are very close to the dam site (Fig. 1).
4.2 Wadi Al Tawiyean Basin
Water samples collected from the observation wells and from Al Tawiyean dam reservoir during the
study period (2002-2003) were analyzed for stable isotopes (2H and 18O). Table 5 illustrates the maximum,
minimum, and average values of collected water samples.
Table 5 Mean, maximum and minimum values of stable isotopes ( 18O and 2H) of water samples collected from
Wadi Al Tawiyean Basin.



Site code

2H ()

18O ()

2H ()

18O ()

2H ()

18O ()

TW Dam







4.3 Temporal Variations of Stable Isotopes

The temporal variations of stable isotope measurements made on groundwater samples collected during
the period June 2002-July 2003 do not show any remarkable variations in oxygen-18 or deuterium compositions
(Fig. 11).

Fig. 11 Temporal variations of 18O concentration in the surface water and groundwater in of Al Tawiyean Basin,
between June 2002 and July 2003
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However, some changes in the isotopic composition of water in Al Tawiyean dam reservoir were
observed between the two sampling periods. The water samples collected from the dam reservoir during June
2003 were relatively more evaporated than those collected from the same reservoir one year earlier. This
difference in the stable isotopes composition of reservoir water samples agrees with the hypothesis that there are
multiple origins of water, as the hydrochemical data suggests.
4.4 Tritium in Groundwater
The tritium analyses of Wadi Al Tawiyean Basin were performed for the water samples collected
during the period 2002-2003. The data of tritium concentrations shows that their influence on the determination
of recharge origin was rather limited, especially in this case study, because of the limited range of variations.
This means that the water in the dam reservoir deviates slightly from the recent recharge water, which
has similar behavior to that of present-day precipitation (Fig. 12; Table 6). However, the presence of tritium in
all groundwater samples proves that the water in the shallow aquifer of Wadi Al Tawiyean Basin is of a recent
age, less than 50 years.

















Fig. 12 Variations of tritium (3H) content in the observation wells and dam reservoir water of Wadi Al Tawiyean
Table 6 Mean tritium (3H) values in surface water and groundwater samples collected from Wadi Al Tawiyean
Site code

H content (TU)

Site code


Tw Dam


H content (TU)


This study aimed at quantitatively assessing the artificial recharge induced by Al Wurrayah and
Tawiyean dams in the UAE. The obtained results allow highlighting the contribution of the above mentioned
dams as a source of artificial recharge for the alluvial and ophiolite aquifer systems in northeastern UAE. The
hydrochemistry and isotopic data, especially those related to Al Wurrayah Basin, show that there is a significant
contribution to aquifer recharge from the dam reservoir site. A tentative mass balance based on stable isotopes
of rainfall, surface water stored in the dam reservoirs and groundwater from selected observation wells indicated
that the of artificial recharge rate from Al Wurrayah dam reservoir ranges from 20% to 40%. This high recharge
rate is related to hydrogeology of the studied areas, which are dominated by intensively fractured igneous and
metamorphic rocks. In spite of the high evaporation rate in this part of the country, the estimated amounts of
artificial recharge seem to be very important, and prove the retention and detention dams have an important role
to play in development and management of water resources in the UAE. The chemical and isotopic data
obtained so far from Al Tawiyean Basin did not help to clearly detect any significant recharge from the dam
reservoir site. Recent infiltration seems to take place at the observation wells, as learned from the measured
tritium content. By considering the scarcity of available data for Wadi Al Tawiyean Basin, it may be concluded
that it is still difficult to determine precisely how and when the important infiltrations have took place, as
compared with Al Wurrayah dam site.

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DOI: 10.9790/0990-03630113

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