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Applications of an Integrated Tracing Approach in Dam Seepage

TAN Zhongcheng*, LU Baohong , SUN Yingying
State Key Laboratory of Hydrology-Water Resources and Hydraulic Engineering, Hohai University,
P.R.China, 210098
[email protected]

Abstract The paper discusses the principles of an integrated tracing approach to label the seepage
field. Isotope tracers (T, 131I etc) combined with in-situ physico-chemical parameters (EC, T, Ca2+,
Cl-,TDS etc) have been employed to identify source locations of seepage and leakage pathways within a
dam body. The author gives an integrated viewpoint about the seepage field of Fenshan section of
Douhe Reservior and points out that some central seepage passages caused by a lot of the rock
corrosions are the direct reason leading to the influent in great quantities in the reservoir every year.
Key words dam seepage; tracing method; isotope tracers; electronic conduction; temperature field

1 Introduction
Seepage and leakage problems may influence the economic value of dams and create serious problems
related to the stability of dams [1~3]. Many seepage problems and failure of dams have occurred because
of inadequate seepage control measures or incomplete cleanup and preparation of the cores, foundations,
and abutments, which can result in dam failure [4]. Therefore, to ascertain the rate of leakage and its
preferential paths it is very important to identify as precisely as possible the regions where the leakage
occurs. The investigation of this problem requires the combined use of different techniques. Some of
them are routinely used by dam engineers in their normal work. Most conventional seepage studies of
earth dams employ a mathematical model to evaluate dam stability [5~7]. These studies calculate the
effect of driving force, induced from reservoir–sourced seepage, on dam integrity after impoundment. In
addition, some cases of abnormal dam seepage are related to reservoir leakage, or the leakage derives
from the adjacent catchment[8]. This kind of leakage is geological; reservoir or catchment infiltrating
water flows into the dam’s structure via weak strata in the dam region. Therefore, geology as well as
dam integrity needs to be considered when abnormal dam seepage occurs. However, seepage problems
of earth dams are complex, because abnormal seepage/leakage does not have a simple geotechnical,
hydrological or geological cause. When combined with isotope hydrology techniques, the information
obtained may lead to a better identification of the problem and its mechanisms. J.S.Chen used the
methods of density measurement, artificial isotope tracking and environmental isotopic analysis in
boreholes to study on collapse sink of Huangbizhuang secondary dam [9]. Combined use of some in-situ
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physico-chemical parameters (EC, T, pH, DO etc) and isotope tracers ( H, O, T, I etc) has proven to
be best suited for investigating many dam/reservoir leakage/seepage problems.

2 Climate and dam description

Douhe reservoir is located in about 15 km northeast from Tanshan city, Hebei province. The reservoir
stores river water during rainy periods there is abundant water in the stream, and releases water for
agriculture irrigation supply and domestic water consumption during water shortage periods. It is a
homogeneous earth fill dam which was bought in 1955. The dam crest is 44 m and major dam length
1700m, and the total storage capacity of the reservoir is 5.152 × 108m3 . The zoned earth dam consists
of a central earth core, sand and gravel filter, miscellaneous fill and riprap. Permeable filters are placed
at the bottom and intermediate positions in the downstream of the dam.The filter lets out the reservoir

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E-mail address: [email protected]

seepage via toe drainage to maintain the dam stability. In principle, the outflow seepage should be
uniform after fulfillment, if the seepage is a single source from the reservoir water. However, abnormal
water leakage has been observed at the downstream surface of the dam, and can be detected by
piezometers located above the middle filter in the dam. The piezometers would not exhibit a positive
head should the filter drain the reservoir seepage adequately. Rainwater was naturally a suspected source,
but the managers of the dam had found that water leakage was about 1000 104m3 every year. Therefore,
the source of the leakage emerging on the shell of the dam is still uncertain. Comprehensive
investigation is necessary to determine the possible path of the leakage, but the identification of leakage
source is the top priority.

Fig.1. Sampling locations for water samples in the dam region

(solid dots refer holes, arrows refer directions of seepage flowing water, modified from Ge Jian, 2005[11])

3 Principles and methods

3.1 Determination of filtration velocity: dilution logging method

The determination of the filtration velocity follows the dilution technique. For this purpose the
groundwater column in a well screen is labeled by a well mixed radioactive tracer. The decrease in
tracer concentration yields the specific discharge vf:
π r1 c0
vf = 2 at ln c (3.1)
where: vf-filtration velocity of groundwater; r1-internal radius of well screen; α- flow field distortion
index; c0-tracer concentration at time t=0; c- tracer concentration at time t.

3.2 Determination of vertical flow movement: tracer logging method

Devices used to measure the vertical components of flow in a single well include impeller flow
meters, thermal flow meters and various systems for injecting and detecting chemical and radioactive
tracers(such as 131I, 82Br). Impeller flow meters will not measure low velocities. Chemical tracers and
thermal flow injections require correction due to the fact that their specific gravity is different from that
of water. Radioactive tracers can be used over the widest range of conditions, from very low to very
high velocities. Radioactive tracers are applicable for transit-time or peak-peak logging through a
vertical section ∆H of the well.
Qv = vv ⋅ q ⋅ k = ∆tH ⋅ q ⋅ k (3.2)
where: QV- vertical flow rate or vertical discharge in a well; vv- vertical flow velocity in a well; t- transit
time over distance ∆H, time elapsed between the tracer passage at two points separated by ∆H; q-
cross-section of a well subject to vertical flow; k- correction factor for probe volume.

3.3 Temperature indication of groundwater

The temperature of groundwater is influenced by air temperature, ground temperature and

temperature of its recharge water source. Temperature of groundwater would be influenced When aquifers
intake environmental water recharge. This “temperature anomaly” phenomenon can be used to investigate
potential leakage sources of a dam.

4 Sampling and sample analyses

4.1 Samples and sampling

Water samples from the reservoir, the monitoring holes, filter drainage and leakage were collected
for isotopic and chemical determination. The sampling locations are illustrated in Fig.1. Details of these
sampling locations are as follows: Reservoir: Reservoir water is mainly recharged from Douhe River.
The reservoir water was mainly sampled in the lower part of the Dam. Monitoring holes: 22 holes in the
Fengshan section of the reservoir were drilled for isotopic tracing and sampling water. The depth of
these holes varies from 40 m to 140m. Filter drainage: The drainage is composed of drained-off water
through the dam filter. Water samples were taken from the measuring weir that is located at the dam toe.
Temperature and electric conduction (EC) of all water samples collected were measured in-situ.

4.2 Chemical and isotopic analyses

Some of the water samples were selected for chemical and isotopic analyses. Chemical analyses
include Ca2+,Cl-,HCO3-and total dissolved solids(TDS). Tritium was measured using a liquid
scintillation counter.

5 Results and discussion

Temperature of water in holes 1 and 2 were found a little higher, and increase with increasing of hole
depth. Tritium is a short-lived H isotope (half-life:12.43a) and is commonly employed in identifying the
presence of modern recharge. Tritium-free or low-level TU (<0.8) ground- waters are considered older
(prior to 1952) compared to modern precipitation 3 H values [10]. 3H value of water sample in hole 1 was
12.23 TU, so the age of groundwater in hole 1 is about 15 years. The recharge time of seepage flow was
a little longer, so there were not low temperature leakage passages between hole 1 and hole 2.
Temperature of water in holes 3 and 4 was relatively high, and higher than that in holes 5~10 at the same
time. For the case of hole 5, the range of temperature of water in that was normal. Groundwater in holes
6 and 7 had a narrow temperature range, vertical flow movement existed in the holes. High
concentrations of Ca2+,Cl- and HCO3- showed that the recharge time of seepage flow was relatively long,
but there were evidently not low temperature leakage passages. 3H value of water sample in hole 8 was
13.36 TU, which indicated that groundwater in the hole had a relatively old age. Although vertical flow
existed in the hole, there were still not concentration leakage passages.

Fig.2a. distribution of temperature and electrical conduction (EC) of water in hole 9.

Fig.2b. distribution of temperature and electrical conduction (EC) of water in hole 9.
(the depth of hole 9 had been deepened form 80 m to 165m, Modified from Ge Jian, 2005[11])
H value of water sample in hole 9 was 18.46 TU which is close to that of reservoir water. The
distribution of temperature and electrical conduction of water in hole 9 was show in Fig.2. Temperature
in hole 9 was relatively low. In addition, the groundwater level in the hole had rapid response to the
reservoir water level. With artificial tracing detection and interconnection test, it was found a big
leakage passage existed between hole 11 and hole 9.

6 Conclusions and suggestions

Both hydrochemical and isotopic evidence indicated that the abnormal leakage on the Fengshan section
of the dam exists and the leakage passage is located between hole 11 and hole 9. The existence of
abnormal leakage passage is a potential threat to the zoned Douhe earth dam. Ignorance of the abnormal
leakage may result in unpreventable disaster. Therefore, it is strongly suggested that the most important
measures for the remedial project are to prevent the excess seepage from flowing into dam body and to
check the filter function regularly.

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