Research Study: Satisfaction of Demmers Tee Consumers in Cluj-Napoca

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University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine

Research study
Satisfaction of Demmers Tee consumers in

Bartha Annamaria

Cluj Napoca
- 2014 1

Table of contents
Short presentation of the Demmers Teehaus company....................................................................4
1. Defining the topic of survey...5
2. Defining objectives....5
3. The hypothesis of the survey.....5
4. The aim of the survey.6
5. The information I aim to obtain ....6

The survey plan......................6


Analysis of the data7

7.1. Tea consumption habits.7
7.1.1. With what occasion do you consume tea?..................................................................7
7.1.2. How frequently do you drink tea? ..............................................................................8
7.1.3. What kind of tea do you prefer?.................................................................................8
7.1.4. What kind of tea brands do you know?.......................................................................9
7.1.5. Evaluate from 1 to 5 the importance of the characteristics when choosing a tea

(flavor, ingredients, taste, colour, price, brand) .....................................................................................10

7.2. Why do people buy Demmers?..............................................................................................12
7.2.1. Where did you first hear about Demmers tea?.............................................................12
7.2.2. Where do you usually drink Demmers?.......................................................................12
7.2.3. Since when do you drink Demmers tea?......................................................................13
7.2.4. With what occasion do you buy Demmers tea?..........................................................13
7.3. The customers satisfaction level.............................................................................................14
7.3.1. How satisfied are you with Demmers tea packaging?..................................................14
7.3.2. The price of Demmers tea in Cluj Napoca is approximately 8 lei/ package. For me, this
price is (very cheap-1, very expensive-7):...............................................................................................15
7.3.3. What do you think about the products quality?............................................................15
7.3.4. Would you recommend it to others?..............................................................................16
7.3.5. Show the reasons that please/ unplease you!.................................................................16
7.3.6. Will you buy in the future Demmers tea?......................................................................16

7.3.7. Thinking about similar products, how would you grade Demmers tea? .......................17
7.4. Socio- demographic questions...................................................................................................18
7.4.1.-2. Gender., Age..............................................................................................................18
7.4.3. Profession....................................................................................................... ...............19
8. Conclusions..............................................................................................................................19
9. Possible suggestions.................................................................................................................20
Annex 1 Questionnaire

Short presentation of the Demmers Teehaus company

The Demmer Teehaus Company was founded by Andrew Demmer in 1981 in Viena. In a short
time the company received the name Demmers Teehaus. During the years, Demmers Teehaus created
a stable costumer group and it became well known not only in Austria but also in Europe. Nowadays it
is one of the most spread tea companies in the world . The growth of the interest towards tea
consumption and specialties resulted in the opening of several shops, teahouses with franchising
networks in Austria, Germany and Hungary.
The companys objective is to offer a large variety of tea types collected from different parts of
the world and also nice accessories related to tea consumption. The main objective is to keep tea
production at a high level and enlarge continuously the offered variety. They make teas of green tea,
black tea, oolong and white tea and all the processing is 100% natural. At the moment , the company
offers 300 varieties of teas .
In Romania the only importers residing place is in Cluj Napoca and they distribute the product
in the whole country from here. They are distributed mainly in the HORECA (Hotels , Restaurants and
Coffees) domain, but Cluj Napoca remains the place with most distribution places (53 locations).

1. Defining the topic of survey

The departure of the Demmers Teehaus company hired me to realize a market research regarding
consumers perception about tea and give a general customer profile.
Demmers Teehaus is one of the most appreciated tea brands from the country and this involves
quality, variety and a supposed spread knowledge of consumers about tea.
The intention of this survey is to describe consumers attitude towards Demmers Teehaus in Cluj
Napoca. So I wish to study the customers satisfaction level with the product and their habits related to
tea drinking, a study that will hopefully help to recognize the different problems and provide solutions
to them.

2. Defining objectives
Principal objectives:
Identifying the presence of this brand among consumers and their behavior towards it
Studying their opinion
Studying consumers satisfaction
Analysis of the target markets expectances and preferences
Classification of consumers (socio-demographically and after their consumption habits )
Secondary objectives
Reflecting the possible problems and finding the most efficient methods to solve these in order
to provide the highest satisfaction level of consumers
Identifying the target consumer so as to be possible to establish the main phases of the
promotion campaign.

3. The hypothesis of the survey

When the company thought about this survey, the base thought was that this is a well-known tea

The majority of consumers know this brand

They are generally satisfied
They are generally loyal to the brand
Mens and womens preferences may differ
Price sensibility may not be so high

4. The aim of the survey

Avoiding a failure if extending the product among the wrong target market

Informing stores and the company about the consumption habits

Elaborating a promotion campaign in order to strengthen the companys position on the


5. The information I aim to obtain

How well-known the brand is?
Consumption habits (when, how often etc)
Preferences and expectations
Actual level of satisfaction of target market
The position of Demmers Teehaus among other brands
Socio-demographic indicators of the consumers

6. The survey plan

The observed population consists of the consumers from Cluj Napoca, because this tea is the most
spread in this city, that has many teahouses and coffee houses . I chose a random population as I did not
have an initial database. The questioned people consisted of the ones who were in the Qui One Quint
tea & tobacco salon, so they were surely consumers.
The questionnaire is divided into 5 main parts:

Introductory questions related to the tea consumers habits

Questions about the conditions of an ideal Demmers tea for the costumer
Specific questions related to the satisfaction of consumers about the tea
Socio- demographic questions

7. Analysis of the data

7.1. Tea consumption habits
7.1.1. With what occasion do you consume tea?

The chart shows the reasons people consum Demmers tea . The majority drinks tea for pleasure, for 2
people it means a daily habit, 3 persons in case of illnes while 2 when visiting friends. The chart proves
that drinking Demmers tea is not a habit, but it is a spread way of relaxing . This introductory question
has a simbolic importance so as to reveal the people who really drink tea so they are my target people.

7.1.2. How frequently do you drink tea?

4 out of 25 people drink tea once a day, also 4 people consume it several times a day, 2 persons
drink tea once a week, 5 people several times a week, while the occasional consume is situated on the
top of the position, represented by 10 people out of 25. This chart shows that drinking tea is not a daily
habit, as approximately 38% of the people asked drink tea only occasionally.
7.1.3. What kind of tea do you prefer?

There exists a general opinion that men like more strong teas, like black and green and women
prefer fruit teas and specialities without tein.
My survey is in contradiction with this affirmation. The chart shows that there is not such a
great difference between womens and mens preferences.
The majority prefers fruit teas (53,8% among men and 61,4% among women) and black teas
( 42,3% among men and 40,9% among women). These data show that people consum mostly black teas
and fruit teas.
The green tea is situates on the third position among Demmers consumers preferences (30,8%
men and 31,8% women), and the teas that do not contain tein are on the last position (11,5% out of the
men who answered and 15,9% of the women).
This question was also useful for marketing purposes and they had the possibility to choose
more answers. The company can also come up with a combination of the most liked tea types, so it is
useful to know the consumers preferences for teas.
7.1.4. What kind of tea brands do you know?

With this question I wanted to see how many from the asked people mention Demmers as a
known brand and they had the possibility to choose more answers as it was an open question. The chart
also proves that the well spread tea brand is Lipton which is followed by Demmers. We may suppose
that this is due to the fact that Lipton has a more agressive marketing strategy. The relevance of this
question may be smaller as it is normal that the people that I asked know Demmers as I applied it in the
Demmers Teahous. Other mentioned brands are Pickwick with 9%, Earl Grey - 6%, Plafar - 4%, Fares
3%, Belin- 3%, Rooibos 3%, Ronenfeld 2%, Nestea 4% and other tea brands with 9%. I did not
mention the names of these as separately taken their percentage was not significant.
7.1.5. Evaluate from 1 to 5 the importance of the characteristics when choosing a tea
(flavor, ingredients, taste, colour, price, brand) .
In this case I evaluated the answer first separately so as to have a better image. I show here
some of the important aspects.
Importance of flavour


41,4 %
25,7 %



17,1 %
4,3 %
11,4 %

Flavour has an importance part in choosing teas, all in all 41,4 %.

Importance of ingredients


22,9 %
17,1 %
30 %
20 %
10 %

The ingredients have a quite neutral place, so they influence neither positively nor negatively
when picking a tea type. As we can see this has a medium importance- 3points with 8 frequency.

Importance of taste


47,1 %
25,7 %
7,1 %
7,1 %
12, 9 %
100 %

As I expected, taste is a very importance factor, 12. out of 25 people graded with 1, as being the
most important. Only 3 people think that taste does not have an influencing role in choosing a certain
type of tea.
In the followings I made a syntesis chart, so I shall show the general importance of all factors.


The chart shows in what measure are the characteristics evaluated. 47,14% are influenced by
the taste and 41,43% consider the flavour to be the most important characteristic. The ingredients have
an intermediate position, while surprisingly the price and the brand shows no importance.

7.2. Why do people buy Demmers?

The following questions aim to classify the Demmers tea consumers . To obtain these
information I used mainly closed questions with multiple answers which make it easier for the person
to answer.
7.2.1. Where did you first hear about Demmers tea?

We can find Demmers tea in more than 50 places in Cluj Napoca, which can be teahouses,
coffeehouses, restaurants etc. I could find out that they mostly know the tea from teahouses (51%), but
also from coffeehouses or shops. The 13% representing the answer Other contained answers like at
my friends place or at my office.

7.2.2. Where do you usually drink Demmers?

This chart proves again what the previous one , that most people find out about teas and drink it
in teahouses. Again, at the Other answer type I could find at my friends .
7.2.3. Since when do you drink Demmers Tea?

This question was very good in order to get to know the general customer. As more than half
(53%) have been drinking Demmers for more than a year, we know that this percent is surely satisfied
with the product. 27% has been drinking this product for less than a year, 9% for a month, 7% for
several weeks , 3% since a week and only 1 % since several days. This question was really useful as we
can see that half of the ones who answered are stable clients, but the other half can still be considered
potential client that has to be convinced in order to become stable ones.
7.2.4. With what occasion do you buy Demmers Tea?


The graph shows that most people buy tea for their own consumption ( 6 men and 5 women) ,
other 5 people (2men and 3 women) for their family, and more persons buy it as a goft as for the
family: 3 men and 4 women buy Demmers as a gift for someone. In this case Other meant my
friends asked me to buy for them.

7.3. The customers satisfaction level

The third group of question gives data about the way people see the product: satisfaction related
to the price, brand power and loyalty. These factors may decide if the company has chances to be
succesful in the future.
7.3.1. How satisfied are you with Demmers tea packaging?

The data shows that the majority is satisfied with the products packaging, but the company can
still improve its strategy, because suming up the percentages at the So-so, not satisfied at all and

Without opinion, we get a total of 16%, a target market that can still be considered a potential
one, because they are not fully convinced with the product.

7.3.2. The price of Demmers tea in Cluj Napoca is approximately 8 lei/ package. For me,
this price is (very cheap-1, very expensive-7):


At this question I used a scale from 1to7 in order to evaluate the satisfaction with the price of
the product. The chart shows that the price is quite a neutral factor, so it does not influence basically the
decision of the consumers.
7.3.3. What do you think about the products quality?

In the case of this question I really had asurprising answer as none of the persons chose Weak
or Very weak. So people are generally satisfied with the products quality.

7.3.4. Would you recommend it to others?

At this question I got quite a positive answer as well, as the great majority would recommend
the product also to others.
7.3.5. Show the reasons that please/ unplease you!


This was an open question where people could describe their opinion. This proved to be a very
useful way to approach them as they can see that the company appreciates their opinion. The majority
was pleased and they mentioned the special flavour, the natural ingredients, the nice taste and the large
diversity of variety. The ones who answered negatively (3 persons) mentioned that the price of
accesories is a bit high and they cannot find the tea easily in each shop.
7.3.6. Will you buy in the future Demmers tea?

Observing this question we can suppose the loyalty of the customers. None of them chose the
possibility Surely not and only one person chose the I dont know possibility. The majority shows
a really positive image.
7.3.7. Thinking about similar products, how would you grade Demmers tea?

This question was also coded wit grades from 1 to 5 having tha names mentioned in the chart.
The average of the answers is 2,19, so the majority answered that the product is better or quite the
To observe the synthesis of some data, I observed together the answers given for the price of
the product and their income. As I could see earlier, the price does not influence very much the

perception of the product. We can see in this case also that the product is not considered expensive by
the people with lower income or viceversa. This means that the perception of the price is influenced by
other factors, like quality, similar products price, packaging etc.

7.4. Socio- demographic questions

7.4.1. Gender

7.4.2. Age


Out of the people asked, 60% were women, 37% men, and the great majority (20 people) were
between 18 and 30 years old.

7.4.3. Profession

14 out of the 25 people were students, 4 enterprisers, and in case of Other I had 2 persons
who declared being unemployed at the moment.

7.4.4. Income

We can see that the majority, 12 persons had an income between 501-1000 Ron, other7 people
earn less than 500 RON and 2 people earn more than 1500 RON.

8. Conclusions
One of my hypothesis was that Demmers tea is a well known brand in Cluj Napocas teahouses
and coffees, that the majority buys for their own consumption and sometimes they do not think of
the brand of the tea they are drinking. All these suppositions have been proved during the data
Beyond this, I had also the supposition that Demmers is not the best known brand, and this was
true also, as the majority knows the Lipton brand. This was a little strange as I not only mentioned
that I work for Demmers but also that they were drinking Demmers tea at the moment in the Qui
One Quint tea & tabacco salon.
. The prejudicies that men like more black tea and women like light teas, was not true. All the
results prove that the consumers are generally satisfied with the product and the weak points, like
price-quality sensibility, packaging and accessability should be taken into consideration in the
companys next campaign in order to strengthen its position on the market.

9. Possible suggestions
The study shows that although the consumers are satisfied with the products of this brand, they
are sometimes not aware of the fact that the tea tehy are drinking is Demmers. This is due to the
fact that the teahouses do not always post adds about the tea brands they are offering. In order to
make Demmers more known, the company should have a stronger presence in the teahouses, shops,
expositions etc.
Generally speaking the company satisfies the consumers needs, it is a succesful company and
the promotion of the actual and new products would also gain market. Anyway, for this type of
market extension, tehy need a thorougher market and customer analysis.

Universitatea de Stiinte Agricole si Medicina Veterinara

Facultatea de tiinte Horticultura, Master Agribusiness
Cluj-Napoca , 2009

Nr. Chestionar :

Bun ziua! V rugm s ne acordai cteva minute pentru completarea acestui chestionar
privind gradul Dumneavoastr de satisfacie n legtur cu ceaiul Demmers.
Rspunsurile i sugestiile Dumneavoastr ne vor ajuta s aflm eventualele observaii pe care
le-ai putea avea legate de produsul nostru, de asemenea, ne vor ajuta s ne imbuntim serviciile
pentru a va putea oferi produse mai bune. Informaiile furnizate vor fi folosite cu confidenialitate.
1. Cu ce ocazie consumai ceai?
De plcere

Cnd sunt rcit

Cnd merg in vizit la prieteni

Zilnic, e un obicei

O dat pe sptmn
De mai multe ori pe sptmn

22 . Ct de frecvent consumai ceai?

O dat pe zi

Mai multe ori pe zi

3. Ce fel de ceai preferai?



Specialitai fr tein

De fructe

4. Ce mrci de ceaiuri cunoatei?

5. Evaluai pe o scal de la 1 la 5 influena urmtoarelor caracteristici n alegerea unui ceai ? (1=cea

mai important caracteristic, 5=caracteristica cea mai neglijabil) :
a. Aroma
b. Ingrediente
c. Gust
d. Culoare
e. Pre
f. Marca

6. Unde ai fcut cunotin cu ceaiul Demmers?

Ceainrie Expoziie Magazine

7. Unde obisnuii s consumai ceaiul Demmers?

Ceainrie La servici Evenimente

Cafenea Eveniment Pres

Restaurant Internet

Cafenea Acas

Restaurant Expoziii

8. De cnd consumai ceaiul Demmers?

de cteva zile
o saptamna
de mai multe sptmni
aproximativ de o lun
de mai putin de un an
de mai mult de un an

9. Cu ce ocazie cumparai ceaiul Demmers?


Consum pe loc
Consum pentru acas
Pentru cadou
Pentru vnzare


10. Ct de satisfcut/ suntei cu modul de prezentare a ceaiurilor Demmers?

satisfacut /

Satisfacut /

Fr opinie



11. n Cluj-Napoca ceaiul Demmers se vinde la 8 Ron/50 g. Pentru mine acest pre este: (ncercuiti
varianta dvs, 1=extrem de ieftin, 7= extrem de scump)


12. Ce prere avei despre calitatea ceaiurilor Demmers?





Foarte slab

13. Ai recomanda ceaiul Demmers pentru alii?



14. Indicai motivele mulumirii/nemulumirii:

15. Vei cumpra pe viitor produsele noastre?

Cu siguran
Probabil Nu tiu

Sigur nu

16. Gndindu-v la produse similare oferite de alte companii, cum ai caracteriza produsul nostru n
raport cu ele?
Mult mai

17. Sex:
18. Vrsta:
sub 18 ani
ntre 18-30 ani
31-45 ani

Ceva mai

la fel

Ceva mai

Mult mai

19. Profesai ca:


Liber profesionist
Sunt pensioner

Peste 46 ani
20. Venitul pe membru de familie este situat ntre intervalul de:
sub 500 RON
ntre 5011000 RON
10011500 RON
peste 1500 RON

V mulumesc pentru timpul acordat i pentru colaborare!!

Contact Demmers Teehaus Romnia :

RO400032 Cluj-Napoca
+4 0264-431707
[email protected]


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