Theory and Types of Bad Character

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Dave Kelly

Theory and Types of Bad Character

Vices, or irrational needs, are dispositions to make particular false value-judgments

which, in turn, motivate particular acts of wrong doing. Through repetition these acts
of wrong doing reinforce the vices and become bad habits.

For Stoics, only the Sage is virtuous; everyone else is vicious. The idealized self-image
of the vicious individual is chiefly a glorification of the vices, or irrational needs, that
have formed in his character. (A need is irrational if it is a requirement for something
not in our power and involves a false judgment of good or bad).

The vicious individual takes pride in the imagined attributes of his idealized image.

On the basis of that pride, the individual makes claims, or demands, upon others,
and upon life. (Claims are irrational needs that have become demands on others and
on life.)

The individual also makes demands of himself, what Karen Horney called "shoulds,"
which compel him to try to live up to his idealized image. (Shoulds are irrational
needs that have become demands of oneself).

But if others do not honor his claims, or if he fails to live up to his idealized image, he
hates himself. In reaction to this self-hate he redoubles his efforts and resumes his
search for glory. But in seeking after perfection and the absolute in externals, he only
ends up sending himself to hell, the inner hell of self-contempt.
Conscientious Vices

Irrational Need Irrational Need to Idealized Personality

Avoid Image Disorder
(Oldham, pg.

achievement lack of achievement achieving, excessive devotion

productive, to work and
industrious, productivity
diligent, hard
respect, approval, lack of respect, lack of conscientious, overconscientious,
being beyond approval, reproach, scrupulous, scrupulous,
reproach, a just lack of a just reward for upright, just inflexible
reward for rectitude rectitude
interpersonal lack of interpersonal responsible, can't delegate
control, things being control, things not correct responsibility
done 'right', being done 'right',
correctness incorrectness
perfect performance mistakes, errors, flaws perfect, or trying perfectionism
to be perfect
to be right, to be being wrong, being persevering, rigidity,
certain uncertain singleminded, stubbornness
order and lack of order and orderly, preoccupied with
organization (rules) organization (rules) organized, lists, rules, details,
meticulous order and
to save money spending money, prudent, frugal, parsimony,
poverty cautious miserly spending
to accumulate things discarding things, provident, hoarding worn out
being without things prepared or worthless

The irrational needs of the Conscientious type are based on particular false values.
Sensitive Vices

Irrational Irrational Idealized Image Personality

Need Need to Avoid (Oldham, pp. 180-81) Disorder

acceptance; criticism, unconditionally accepted; fears criticism,

exclusive disapproval, familiar: prefer the known disapproval, or
interpersonal rejection; to the unknown; rejection; avoids
contact with significant comfortable with and occupational activities
familiars interpersonal inspired by habit, that involve significant
contact with repetition, and routine interpersonal contact
to be liked being disliked well-liked; concerned: care unwilling to get
deeply what other people involved unless certain
think of them of being liked
to be attempts to circumspect: behave with fears being shamed or
restrained in shame or deliberate discretion; don't ridiculed; shows
intimate ridicule them make hasty judgments or restraint within
relations jump in before they know intimate relationships
what is appropriate
for the new politely reserved, feelings of inadequacy;
familiar; interpersonal courteous, self-restrained inhibited in new
habit, situations interpersonal
repetition, situations
to be socially being seen as socially adept, personally views self as socially
adept and socially inept or appealing inept, personally
personally personally unappealing, or
appealing unappealing inferior
familiar, new activities plays their role well; does is reluctant to take
routine and personal what is expected of them personal risks or to
activities risk; being engage in any new
embarrassed activities because they
may be embarrassing
approval and being criticized socially approved and preoccupied with being
acceptance or rejected in accepted criticized or rejected in
in social social situations social situations

The irrational needs of the Sensitive type are based on particular false values.
Vigilant Vices

Irrational Irrational Need Idealized Image Personality Disorder

Need to Avoid (Oldham, pp.

being exploited, autonomous, suspects that others are

harmed, or independent; keep their exploiting, harming, or
deceived by own counsel, require no deceiving them
others outside reassurance or
advice; make decisions
easily, and take care of
loyalty of the disloyalty or loyal and trustworthy unjustified doubts about
others untrustworthiness loyalty or trustworthiness
of friends or of friends or associates
having cautious; careful in reluctance to confide in
information their dealings with others because of fear that
confided to others others, preferring to the information will be
used against them size up a person before used maliciously against
entering a relationship them
demeaning or perceptive; good fears hidden demeaning or
threatening listener, with an ear for threatening meanings in
remarks or events subtlety, tone, and benign remarks or events
multiple levels of
insults, injuries, able to defend self; bears grudges; is
slights, and feisty and do not unforgiving of insults,
attacks on their hesitate to stand up for injuries, or slights;
character or themselves, especially perceived attacks on their
reputation when they are under character not apparent to
attack others; is quick to react
angrily or to counterattack
fidelity of the infidelity of faithful and loyal has suspicions, without
their their spouse or justification, regarding
spouse or sexual partner fidelity of spouse, or sexual
sexual partner

The irrational needs of the Vigilant type are based on particular false values.
Dramatic Vices

Irrational Irrational Idealized Image Personality Disorder

Need Need to (Oldham, pp. 131-32)

attention being like to be seen and noticed; uncomfortable in

ignored often the center of attention; situations in which they
rise to the occasion when all are not the center of
eyes are on them attention
to be sexually attractive; seductive, interaction with others
sexually engaging, charming often characterized by
attractive inappropriate sexually
seductive or provocative
to react feeling; live in an emotional rapidly shifting and
emotionally world; sensation oriented, shallow expression of
to events emotionally demonstrative, emotion
physically affectionate; react
emotionally to events
to present pay a lot of attention to consistently uses
an attractive grooming; enjoy clothes, style, physical appearance to
physical and fashion draw attention to self
to have a experiences life vividly and has a style of speech that
dramatic, expansively; have rich is excessively
stimulating imaginations, tell entertaining impressionistic and
style of stories, and are drawn to lacking in detail
speech romance and melodrama
to expressive; display their shows self-
dramatically emotions freely and openly dramatization,
express theatricality, and
emotion exaggerated expression
of emotion
others' eagerly responds to new ideas is suggestible, easily
guidance, and suggestions by others influenced by others or
help, and circumstances
intimate easily put their trust in others; consider relationships to
relationships are able to become quickly be more intimate than
involved in relationships they actually are

The irrational needs of the Dramatic type are based on particular false values.
Aggressive Vices

Irrational Irrational Idealized Image Personality

Need Need to Avoid (Oldham, pp. 345-45) Disorder

to dominate; to to be without commanding; take charge; uses physical

be in charge; to power are comfortable with power, cruelty or
have power, authority, and responsibility violence to
authority, establish
responsibility; dominance in
control relationships
traditional power operate best within humiliates or
structure; traditional power structure demeans people
hierarchical lines where everyone knows his in the presence of
of authority or her place and the lines of others
authority are clear
self-discipline; to having those in highly disciplined; impose treated or
have those in their charge not rules of order that they disciplined
their charge follow the rules expect those in their charge someone under
follow their rules which they have to follow their control
imposed unusually harshly
to be pragmatic take a pragmatic, practical amused or takes
approach to accomplishing pleasure in the
their objectives; do what is psychological or
necessary to get the job physical suffering
done of others
to accomplish things which highly goal oriented lies for the
goals distract them purpose of
from harming or
accomplishing inflicting pain on
their goals others
action, adventure, active and adventurous; is fascinated by
competition, and physically assertive; violence,
being physically competitive in sports, weapons, martial
assertive especially contact sports arts, injury, or
for people to do neither sqeamish or gets people to do
what they want fainthearted; can function what they want
them to do well in difficult situations
without being distracted by by frightening
fear or horror them
control of those protective of and restricts the
with whom they responsible for those with autonomy of
have a close whom they have a close people with
relationship relationship whom they have
a close

The irrational needs of the Aggressive type are based on particular false values.
Idiosyncratic Vices

Irrational Irrational Idealized Image Personality

Need Need to (Oldham, pp. 252-53) Disorder
Avoid (not

self-direction close are self-directed and independent lack of close

and relationships friends or
independence confidants
an convention; oblivious to convention; create odd beliefs or
interesting, conformity interesting, unusual, often eccentric magical
unusual, and lifestyles thinking
things of the the mundane open to anything; are interested in the odd thinking
occult, occult, the extrasensory, and the and speech
extrasensory, supernatural
to have their conventional are tuned into and sustained by their suspiciousness
own emotional own feelings and belief systems or paranoid
idiosyncratic experience; ideation
feelings and adopting
belief system others' beliefs
abstract and concrete and are drawn to abstract and speculative inappropriate
speculative conventional thinking or constricted
thinking thinking affect
positive being the though they are inner-directed and excessive
reactions object of follow their own hearts and minds, are social anxiety;
from others others' keen observers of others, particularly ideas of
attention sensitive to how other people react to reference
behavior or
that is odd,
eccentric, or

The irrational needs of the Idiosyncratic type are based on particular false values.
Inventive Vices

Irrational Need Irrational Need to Idealized Personality

Avoid Image Disorder

to have an image of superiority

and high worth
social recognition, status, and obscurity, low status,
prestige and lack of prestige
outstanding acievement being out-achieved by
glory, honors, and fame
praise and approval others' critical
judgments and
to be highly esteemed
greatness, perfection, genius, or
a highly valued spouse or partner;
to be affirmed and confirmed in
to be their idealized self being their actual self
success and others' admiration
being slighted and not
receiving constant
love and approval from others
the attention and admiration of
fulfillment of their grandiose lack of fulfillment of
expectations their grandiose
to receive praise being criticized

The irrational needs of the Inventive type are based on particular false values.
Solitary Vices

Irrational Irrational Idealized Image Personality

Need Need to (Oldham, pp. 275-76) Disorder

to be alone close have small need of neither desires nor

relationships companionship and are most enjoys close
and being comfortable alone relationships,
part of a including being part
family of a family
solitude and lack of are self-contained and do not almost always choose
solitary solitude; require interaction with others solitary activities
activities having to do in order to enjoy their
things with experiences or to get on in life
autoeroticism sexual are not driven by sexual needs; has little if any
experiences enjoy sex but will not suffer in interest in having
with others its absence sexual experiences
with another person
self-control pleasure and display an apparent indifference takes pleasure in few
pain to pleasure and pain activities
secrecy intimacy, are their own truest, most lacks close friends or
friendship, trusted companions, providing confidants other than
and the most important resources first degree relatives
confiding in they need
to be praise and are unswayed by either praise or appears indifferent to
unaffected criticism criticism and can confidently the praise or criticism
and come to terms with their own of others
uninfluenced behavior
to suppress expression of are even-tempered, calm, shows emotional
emotion emotion and dispassionate, unsentimental, coldness,
feeling and unflappable detachment, or
flattened affectivity

The irrational needs of the Solitary type are based on particular false values.
Leisurely Vices

Irrational Irrational Idealized Image Personality

Need Need to (Oldham, pp. 203-204) Disorder

to be free to having to fulfill believe in their right to enjoy passively resist

do as one routine social themselves on their own terms in fulfilling
pleases and their own time; value and protect routine social
occupational their comfort, their free time, and and
tasks their individual pursuit of happiness occupational
to be being agree to play by the rules; deliver complains of
understood misunderstood what is expected of them and no being
and and more; expect others to recognize and misunderstood
appreciated unappreciated respect that limit and
by others by others unappreciated
by others
to resist the compliance cannot be exploited; can comfortably is sullen and
demands of with others' resist acceding to demands that they argumentative
others demands and deem unreasonable or above and
expectations; beyond the call of duty
to withhold submission to are not overawed by authority; unreasonably
respect for authority accept themselves and their criticizes and
figures of figures and approach to life scorns
authority their authority
and demands
to possess ill fortune and believe that blind luck accounts for expresses envy
the same not getting the who fares well and who fares poorly and
advantages best in life resentment
as possessed toward those
by others apparently
more fortunate
for a life of personal believe that they are just as good as voices
pleasure misfortunes anyone else and as entitled to the exaggerated
and comfort best things in life and persistent
complaints of
to be free to being feel free to proceed in their own alternate
do as ones restricted; direction, yet do not like to risk between hostile
pleases, but alienating important relationships defiance and
also to be those they contrition
taken care depend on

The irrational needs of the Leisurely type are based on particular false values.
Serious Vices

Irrational Irrational Idealized Image Personality

Need Need to (Oldham, pp. 366-67) Disorder

to see current maintain a sober demeanor; usual mood is

circumstances, are solemn and not given to dominated by
themselves, and emotional expression dejection,
the future as gloominess,
worse than they cheerlessness,
are joylessness, and
to have a are realistically aware of their self-concept centers
negative view of own capabilities, but are also around beliefs of
themselves aware of their limitations; inadequacy,
they are not tempted by vanity worthlessness, and
or self-importance low self-esteem
to see themselves hold themselves responsible is critical, blaming,
as bad for their actions; will not soft- and derogatory
pedal their own faults and do toward self
not let themselves off the
bad things are thinkers, analyzers, is brooding and give
happening evaluators, ruminators; will to worry
in the always play things over in
future their own minds before they
to see others and are sharp appraisers of others; is negativistic,
their behavior as have ability to critique and critical, and
bad evaluate other people judgmental toward
bad things anticipate problems and when is pessimistic
happening the worst happens, they're
in the prepared to deal with it
to see things that suffer greatly when they is prone to feeling
they have done realize they've been guilty or remorseful
in the past as bad thoughtless or impolite to

The irrational needs of the Serious type are based on particular false values.
Self-Sacrificing Vices

Irrational Irrational Idealized Image Personality

Need Need to (Oldham, pp. 319-20) Disorder
Avoid Not well correlated

situations that accepting; are chooses people

lead to nonjudgmental, tolerant of and situations that
disappointment, others foibles, and never lead to
failure, or harshly reproving; stick with disappointment,
mistreatment you through thick and thin failure, or
attempts by serving; prime directive is to rejects or renders
others to help be helpful to others ineffective the
them attempts of others
to help them
positive long suffering; prefer to following positive
personal shoulder their own burden in events, responds
events life with depression,
guilt, or a behavior
that produces pain
to be hurt, humble; are neither boastful incites angry or
defeated, or nor proud and are rejecting responses
humiliated uncomfortable being fussed from others and
over; do not like being the then feels hurt,
center of attention; are defeated, or
uneasy in the limelight humiliated
opportunities enduring; have much rejects
for pleasure, patience and a high tolerance opportunities for
or for discomfort pleasure, or is
acknowledging reluctant to
enjoying acknowledge
themselves enjoying
to sacrifice out of deference to others, are fails to accomplish
accomplishing noncompetitive and tasks crucial to
their personal unambitious, comfortable their personal
objectives coming in second, even last objectives despite
ability to do so
people who people who are always considerate in is uninterested in
consistently consistently their dealings with others; are or rejects people
treat them badly
treat them ethical, honest, and who consistently
well trustworthy treat them well
self-sacrifice taking care of generous; will give you the engages excessive
their own shirt off their back if you need self-sacrifice that is
appropriate it; do not wait to be asked unsolicited by the
needs recipient of the

The irrational needs of the Self-Sacrificing type are based on particular false values.
Devoted Vices

Irrational Irrational Idealized Image Personality

Need Need to (Oldham, pg. 109) Disorder

for others to having to when making decisions, are happy has difficulty
make make to seek out others' opinions and to making everyday
everyday everyday follow their advice decisions without
decisions for decisions; an excessive
them; advice having to amount of advice
and rely solely and reassurance
reassurance on their from others
from others own
for others to having to be assumes the less dominant, more needs others to
assume responsible passive caretaking role; prefer to assume
responsibiluty for rely on the judgment of the central responsibility for
for major themselves person in their lives most major areas
areas of their of their lives
support and losing the are careful to promote good has difficulty
approval from support or feelings between themselves and expressing
others approval of the important people in their lives; disagreement with
others to promote harmony, tend to be others because of
polite, agreeable, and tactful fear of loss of
support or
to follow the initiating would rather follow than lead; are has difficulty
lead of others projects or cooperative and respectful of initiating projects
doing authority and institutions; easily or doing things on
things on rely on others, and take direction their own
their own well
nurturance being are thoughtful of others and good goes to excessive
and support without at pleasing them; will endure lengths to obtain
nurturance personal discomfort to do a good nurturance and
and support turn for the key people in their support from
lives others, to the point
of volunteering to
do things that are
for a being alone; prefer the company of one or more feels
significant not being people to being alone uncomfortable or
other taken care helpless when
of alone because of
exaggerated fear of
being unable to
care for themselves
relationships: not having a relationships provide life's urgently seeks
care and relationship meaning for them; even after a another
support with a painful loss of someone around relationship as a
significant whom their life was centered, they source of care and
other are able to form new meaningful support when a
bonds close relationship
to be taken being left to thoroughly dedicated to is unrealistically
care of: care for relationships in their lives; place preoccupied with
advice, themselves the highest value on sustained fears of being left
reassurance, relationships; respect the to take care of
and support institution of marriage, as well as themselves
unofficial avowals of commitment;
and work hard to keep their
relationships going
praise and criticism feel personally responsible for is easily hurt by
approval and things that go wrong in a criticism or
disapproval, relationship; take it upon disapproval
especially themselves to make things better

The irrational needs of the Devoted type are based on particular false values.
Self-Confident Vices

Irrational Irrational Idealized Image Personality Disorder

Need Need to (Oldham, pg. 86)

achievement; identify with people of has a grandiose sense of

recognition of high rank and status self-importance
success, power, are able to visualize is preoccupied with
brilliance, themselves as the hero, fantasies of unlimited
beauty, and star, the best in their success, power,
ideal love role, or the most brilliance, beauty, or
accomplished in their ideal love
to be "special" believe in themselves believe that they are
and unique; and in their abilities; "special" and unique and
association with have no doubt that they can only be understood
other "special" are unique and special by, or should associate
or high-status and that there is a reason with other special or high
people (or for their being on the status people or
institutions) planet institutions
to be the object accept compliments, requires excessive
of admiration praise, and admiration admiration
gracefully and with self-
favorable expect others to treat has a sense of
treatment and them well at all times entitlement, i.e.,
automatic unreasonable
compliance with expectations of especially
their favorable treatment or
expectations automatic compliance
with their expectations
to use others to are able to take is interpersonally
achieve their advantage of the exploitive, i.e., takes
own ends strengths and abilities of advantage of others to
other people in order to achieve their own ends
achieve their goals, and
are shrewd in their
dealings with others
empathizing have a keen awareness of lacks empathy; is
with others; their thoughts and unwilling to recognize or
consideration feelings and their overall identify with the feelings
of the inner state of being and needs of others
feelings and
needs of
to be envied by are able competitors; is often envious of others
others; to have they love getting to the or believes that others
what others top, and they enjoy are envious of them
have staying there
for importance, are unabashedly open shows arrogant, haughty
high status, and about their aspirations behaviors or attitudes
prestige and possibilities

The irrational needs of the Self-Confident type are based on particular false values.
Adventurous Vices

Irrational Irrational Idealized Image Personality Disorder

Need Need to (Oldham, pp. 227-28)

to live by being live by their own internal failure to conform to

their own influenced by code of values; are not social norms with
internal code others or by strongly influenced by other respect to lawful
of values the norms of people or by the norms of behaviors as indicated
society society by repeatedly
performing acts that are
grounds for arrest
to engage in boredom daring; love the thrill of risk reckless disregard for
high risk and routinely engage in high- safety of self and others
activities risk activities
to take consideration do not worry much about lack of remorse, as
advantage of of others others because they expect indicated by being
the each human being to be indifferent or
weaknesses responsible for themselves rationalizing having
of others hurt, mistreated, or
stolen from another
to persuade being are silver-tongued, gifted in deceitfulness, as
people to do deceived, the gentle art of winning indicated by repeated
what they manipulated, friends and influencing lying, use of aliases, or
want them to or exploited people conning others for
do by others personal profit or
for sexual being tied relish sex; have a strong sex have never sustained a
variety down in a drive and enjoy numerous totally monogamous
monogamous sexual experiences with relationship for more
relationship different partners than one year
to keep settling down love to keep moving, settling wanderlust
moving and down only to have the urge
exploring to pick up and go explore,
move out, move on
to earn an the nine-to- avoid the nine-to-five world; is unable to sustain
independent five world prefer to earn an consistent work
free-lance independent free-lance behavior as indicated
living by living; do not worry about by...
talent, skills, finding work; live well by
ingenuity their talents, skills,
and wit ingenuity, and wits
to spend are easy and generous with repeatedly fails to honor
money money, believing that money financial obligations, as
should be spent and that indicated by defaulting
more will turn up somewhere on debts or failure to
provide child support or
support for...
to raise hell were usually high-spirited (conduct disorder as
and make hell-raisers and mischief child or adolescent)
mischief makers
to be being are courageous, physically irritability and
physically exploited or bold, and tough; will stand aggressiveness, as
bold and taken up to anyone who dares to indicated by repeated
tough advantage of try to take advantage of them physical fights or
to live concern for live in the present; do not impulsivity or failure to
without consequences feel guilty about the past or plan ahead
concern for anxious about the future; life
consequences is meant to be experienced

The irrational needs of the Adventurous type are based on particular false values.
Mercurial Vices

Irrational Need Irrational Idealized Image Personality

Need to (Oldham, pp. Disorder
Avoid 293-94)

for an intimate abandonment must always be deeply frantic efforts to

relationship involved in a romantic avoid real or
relationship with one imagined
person abandonment
to alternately experience a passionate, a pattern of unstable
idealize and devalue focused attachment in and intense
the other in all their relationships; interpersonal
relationship nothing that goes on relationships
between them and other characterized by
people is trivial, nothing alternating between
taken lightly extreme idealization
and devaluation
to alternately are imaginative and identity
idealize or devalue curious, willing to disturbances;
the self experience and markedly and
experiment with other persistently unstable
cultures, roles, and self-image or sense of
value systems, and to self
follow new paths
to shop and spend are uninhibited, impulsivity in at least
money; for sex; for spontaneous, fun- two areas that are
mind and mood loving, and undaunted potentially self-
altering substances; by risk damaging (e.g.,
for fast driving and spending, sex,
other exciting substance abuse,
activities; for food reckless driving,
binge eating)
to cause themselves will go to great lengths recurrent suicidal
pain or to harm to attain calmness and behavior, gestures, or
themselves, or to inner peace threats, or self-
make gestures or to mutilating behavior
threaten to harm
to react to events in show what they feel; are affective instability
an unregulated emotionally active and due to a marked
expression of reactive; put their hearts reactivity of mood
passion into everything (e.g., episodic
irritability, or anxiety
the love, protection, feelings of unlimited appreciation chronic feelings of
and companionship emptiness of the other in emptiness
of a nurturing, relationships
thoroughly good
person (pg. 313)
to frequently energetic; are lively, inappropriate,
express anger creative, busy, and intense anger or
engaging; show difficulty controlling
initiative and can stir anger (e.g., frequent
others to activity displays of temper,
constant anger,
recurrent physical
to distance or are skilled at distancing transient, stress-
distract themselves or distracting related paranoid
from reality themselves from reality ideation or severe
when it is painful or dissociative
harsh symptoms

The irrational needs of the Mercurial type are based on particular false values.
Exuberant Vices

Irrational Need Irrational Idealized Personality

Need to Image Disorder

pleasure pain
intense emotional experiences
constant activity
pleasurable experiences
a positive view of past achievement
social situations to be good, and to work
out well
to be able to go without sleep
to see oneself as good
to have a high level of creativity
a high level of productivity, and to
produce high quality work
for people and sex
for one's activity, whatever one is doing, to
be good
romance and sex
for the stimulation or relaxation of alcohol
and/or drugs
for current experiences to be good
for new residences and new geographic
locations to be good
for knowledge, skill, expertise, and
mastery in certain selected areas of
self-confidence, sensuality, creativity, and
creative work

The irrational needs of the Exuberant type are based on particular false values.
John M. Oldham and Lois B. Morris (1995). The New Personality Self-Portrait: Why
You Think, Work, Love and Act the Way You Do. New York: Bantam. Oldham and
Morris list the key characteristics not of an idealized image, but of a style of normal
Copyright © 2010 Dave Kelly
[email protected]

This article by Dave Kelly is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0
United States License. (See Copyrights for details.)

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