Theory and Types of Bad Character
Theory and Types of Bad Character
Theory and Types of Bad Character
For Stoics, only the Sage is virtuous; everyone else is vicious. The idealized self-image
of the vicious individual is chiefly a glorification of the vices, or irrational needs, that
have formed in his character. (A need is irrational if it is a requirement for something
not in our power and involves a false judgment of good or bad).
The vicious individual takes pride in the imagined attributes of his idealized image.
On the basis of that pride, the individual makes claims, or demands, upon others,
and upon life. (Claims are irrational needs that have become demands on others and
on life.)
The individual also makes demands of himself, what Karen Horney called "shoulds,"
which compel him to try to live up to his idealized image. (Shoulds are irrational
needs that have become demands of oneself).
But if others do not honor his claims, or if he fails to live up to his idealized image, he
hates himself. In reaction to this self-hate he redoubles his efforts and resumes his
search for glory. But in seeking after perfection and the absolute in externals, he only
ends up sending himself to hell, the inner hell of self-contempt.
Conscientious Vices
The irrational needs of the Conscientious type are based on particular false values.
Sensitive Vices
The irrational needs of the Sensitive type are based on particular false values.
Vigilant Vices
The irrational needs of the Vigilant type are based on particular false values.
Dramatic Vices
The irrational needs of the Dramatic type are based on particular false values.
Aggressive Vices
The irrational needs of the Aggressive type are based on particular false values.
Idiosyncratic Vices
The irrational needs of the Idiosyncratic type are based on particular false values.
Inventive Vices
The irrational needs of the Inventive type are based on particular false values.
Solitary Vices
The irrational needs of the Solitary type are based on particular false values.
Leisurely Vices
The irrational needs of the Leisurely type are based on particular false values.
Serious Vices
The irrational needs of the Serious type are based on particular false values.
Self-Sacrificing Vices
The irrational needs of the Self-Sacrificing type are based on particular false values.
Devoted Vices
for others to having to when making decisions, are happy has difficulty
make make to seek out others' opinions and to making everyday
everyday everyday follow their advice decisions without
decisions for decisions; an excessive
them; advice having to amount of advice
and rely solely and reassurance
reassurance on their from others
from others own
for others to having to be assumes the less dominant, more needs others to
assume responsible passive caretaking role; prefer to assume
responsibiluty for rely on the judgment of the central responsibility for
for major themselves person in their lives most major areas
areas of their of their lives
support and losing the are careful to promote good has difficulty
approval from support or feelings between themselves and expressing
others approval of the important people in their lives; disagreement with
others to promote harmony, tend to be others because of
polite, agreeable, and tactful fear of loss of
support or
to follow the initiating would rather follow than lead; are has difficulty
lead of others projects or cooperative and respectful of initiating projects
doing authority and institutions; easily or doing things on
things on rely on others, and take direction their own
their own well
nurturance being are thoughtful of others and good goes to excessive
and support without at pleasing them; will endure lengths to obtain
nurturance personal discomfort to do a good nurturance and
and support turn for the key people in their support from
lives others, to the point
of volunteering to
do things that are
for a being alone; prefer the company of one or more feels
significant not being people to being alone uncomfortable or
other taken care helpless when
of alone because of
exaggerated fear of
being unable to
care for themselves
relationships: not having a relationships provide life's urgently seeks
care and relationship meaning for them; even after a another
support with a painful loss of someone around relationship as a
significant whom their life was centered, they source of care and
other are able to form new meaningful support when a
bonds close relationship
to be taken being left to thoroughly dedicated to is unrealistically
care of: care for relationships in their lives; place preoccupied with
advice, themselves the highest value on sustained fears of being left
reassurance, relationships; respect the to take care of
and support institution of marriage, as well as themselves
unofficial avowals of commitment;
and work hard to keep their
relationships going
praise and criticism feel personally responsible for is easily hurt by
approval and things that go wrong in a criticism or
disapproval, relationship; take it upon disapproval
especially themselves to make things better
The irrational needs of the Devoted type are based on particular false values.
Self-Confident Vices
The irrational needs of the Self-Confident type are based on particular false values.
Adventurous Vices
The irrational needs of the Adventurous type are based on particular false values.
Mercurial Vices
The irrational needs of the Mercurial type are based on particular false values.
Exuberant Vices
pleasure pain
intense emotional experiences
constant activity
pleasurable experiences
a positive view of past achievement
social situations to be good, and to work
out well
to be able to go without sleep
to see oneself as good
to have a high level of creativity
a high level of productivity, and to
produce high quality work
for people and sex
for one's activity, whatever one is doing, to
be good
romance and sex
for the stimulation or relaxation of alcohol
and/or drugs
for current experiences to be good
for new residences and new geographic
locations to be good
for knowledge, skill, expertise, and
mastery in certain selected areas of
self-confidence, sensuality, creativity, and
creative work
The irrational needs of the Exuberant type are based on particular false values.
John M. Oldham and Lois B. Morris (1995). The New Personality Self-Portrait: Why
You Think, Work, Love and Act the Way You Do. New York: Bantam. Oldham and
Morris list the key characteristics not of an idealized image, but of a style of normal
Copyright © 2010 Dave Kelly
[email protected]
This article by Dave Kelly is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0
United States License. (See Copyrights for details.)